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The best hunting companion is the Russian piebald hound. Russian piebald hound is a reliable friend and skillful assistant to real hunters Russian piebald hound hunting dog

The Russian Piebald Hound is a hunting breed of dog that has existed for more than a hundred years, has excellent working qualities, but has not yet been accepted by the International Canine Association. Another name for the breed is the Anglo-Russian hound.

Before Ivan the Terrible, they didn’t know about dog hunting in Rus', and if they heard about it, they didn’t practice it. After the tsar took Kazan, he divided the original Russian territories and appointed Tatar princes to rule over them, and with them dogs came to these lands. These were fast and energetic dogs for driving and catching animals. At that time, greyhounds and hounds were not separated from each other.

The first mention of hounds dates back to the 18th century. They began to be imported during the reign of Anna Ioannovna from England. At first these were hounds for hunting deer - deerhounds. Then there were foxhounds, dogs that hunted foxes. It is believed that it was their further breeding that marked the beginning of the Russian breed. Later, Ostrov and Yaroslavl hounds were already mentioned in books about hunting.

In 1925, the standard for the Anglo-Russian hound was approved. Since then, mating with other breeds has been prohibited. In subsequent years, adjustments were made, and in 1951 the name was changed to Russian Pinto Hound.

Video review about the Russian Pied Hound dog breed

What should a Russian piebald hound look like according to the standard?

The Russian piebald hound dog is above average in size, with a strong type of constitution. Sexual dimorphism is well expressed. The height of the hatchlings is 58-68 cm, and the height of the hatchlings is 55-65 cm.

The head is dry, voluminous, but not wide. The skull is oblong, the foot has a soft ledge. The profile of the muzzle approaches a rectangle. The nose is large and black. The lips fit tightly. The ears are hanging, thin, not long, triangular in shape with rounded tips, fit tightly to the head, set high, can be folded or folded. The eyes are medium in size, brown or dark brown, the eyelids are round or slightly oblique. Scissor bite, teeth white, large and strong.

The neck is round, set at an angle of 45 degrees to the axis of the body. The chest is deep, broad, with barrel-shaped ribs that reach down to the elbows and below. The stomach is slightly tucked. The back is straight, the loin is wide, short and convex. The croup is slightly sloping. The front legs are straight, lean, and parallel. The hindquarters are muscular, bony, and the angulations are well defined. Paws are round or oval in shape, with tightly knit toes. The claws are pointed towards the ground. The tail is saber-shaped, tapering to the tip, long to the hock joint or shorter by 2-3 cm, held raised to the top.

The skin is dense, elastic, and does not form folds. The muscles are well developed. The bones are strong and wide. The hair on the legs, head and ears is short, and on other parts of the body - 4-5 cm. The hair is longer on the withers and back of the thighs, but not so long as to form a fringe. The tail is covered with hair evenly along its entire length, which visually makes it thicker.

The characteristic color for the Anglo-Russian hound is black and piebald with blush. The size of the spots is not limited, up to a saddle cloth that can cover the entire body. Tan (blush) covers the shoulders, butt and head. Small streaks (dark spots) are acceptable on the temples and limbs. The belly is always white. Gray-piebald color with blush and crimson-piebald with slight speckling are also allowed.


As befits a hunting dog, the Russian Piebald is energetic, persistent and agile. She is easy to train, obedient, smart and very peaceful. The dog can warn of the approach of guests, acquaintances and strangers, but it is absolutely not suitable as a guard dog.

It is worth noting that in general the hound has a very capricious and freedom-loving character; it does not get along well with other pets. Loves to chase birds and cats. She usually treats children well, takes part in active games with pleasure, but rarely becomes a nanny for a child.

The Russian Piebald Hound is best suited as a companion for a person who loves hunting and needs an assistant.

Education and training

The Russian Pinto Hound should be trained moderately strictly. If this dog feels weak, it will use it regularly in the future. The owner of such a dog must have an authoritative character. It is important not to let the hound relax and not allow commands to be ignored.

Only an experienced dog breeder can train a hound well. In skillful hands, the dog will become an excellent hunting assistant and a good obedient friend.

The hound needs early, step-by-step training. The favorable period for training is 8-10 months of age, when the dog has already formed and become stronger. In hunting breeds, it is true that most of the skills are laid down at an instinctive level, but they need to be constantly developed and done correctly.

Hunting with a Russian pinto hound

The Russian piebald hound works to find and hunt game. This process is accompanied by a characteristic dog bark, usually very loud. The voice of hounds is distinguished by sonority and strength. Based on this, a good hound dog should have an impeccable sense of smell, a balanced psyche and a strong physique.

When hunting with a hound, a person’s task is to track the dog’s route and the trajectory of the animal it is pursuing. Hunters often equip their assistants with a GPS navigator, which makes working with them much easier. The main hunting objects for these dogs are the hare and the fox, but, in principle, they can even take a wolf or a lynx. By the voice of his dog, the hunter usually easily recognizes who exactly the dog is chasing. When searching for an animal, the hound should walk at a wide trot, and during pursuit - at a gallop.

It is better to keep the Russian piebald hound in an enclosure with an insulated booth. The dog needs regular walks and good physical activity. Experts believe that the hunting instinct of hounds that live in apartments weakens. This is only good for those dogs that are taken as companions. They are usually tolerant of other pets, but it is advisable to start socialization from an early age. It is better to walk the hound on a leash; if it senses a scent, it may start tracking and get lost or jump out onto the roadway.


Hounds do not require special care. Bath the dog as needed, usually after hunting or molting. The wool is combed 2-3 times a month if the dog lives in an enclosure, and if in an apartment - 1-2 times a week.


Most owners feed their hounds natural foods. The basis of the diet is meat, offal and cereals with the addition of vegetables. It is also advisable to supplement the diet with fermented milk products, eggs and honey. The calorie content of a single serving depends on the size of the dog and its activity. During the hunting period, you need to increase the amount of proteins and carbohydrates in your diet by 10-15%. During the period of active growth, the puppy must be fed vitamin and mineral complexes, and then they are given periodically in the autumn-winter and winter-spring periods. If desired, dogs can be fed prepared food of a higher premium class.

Health and life expectancy

The Russian hound has good health. With good maintenance and care, dogs rarely get sick. But there are a number of diseases to which they have a genetic predisposition:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • degenerative myelopathy;
  • myositis;
  • malignant hyperthermia;
  • conjunctivitis.

In addition, hunting dogs quite often experience various injuries, dislocations, and fractures. All dogs must be vaccinated against rabies, and working hounds that regularly come into contact with wild animals are even more so. Life expectancy is usually 11-12 years.

Choosing a puppy

There are no special differences in character between hounds of different sexes. By the way, hunters do not say males or females, for them dogs are divided into survivors and survivors. Breeding is usually done by hunters; few of them decide to register their activities as a nursery. The breed is not officially recognized, therefore the livestock is not divided into exhibition and working.

The puppy is selected taking into account the working qualities and temperament of the parents. It is better for a person without experience to enlist the help of a hunter or dog handler who understands all the characteristics of the breed. But it is worth considering that no matter how good the dog’s working abilities are, he will not be able to demonstrate them without a good mentor, competent training and practice.


The price of a Russian pinto hound puppy varies in a very wide range. Most sales advertisements are placed by hunters and breed lovers. The price of dogs without a pedigree varies between 5-15 thousand rubles. Puppies with a pedigree cost from 15 thousand rubles. The price of adult dogs, ready to hunt, with good working qualities, can reach 100 thousand rubles.


Photos of puppies and adult dogs of the Russian Pied Hound breed. The gallery contains photographs of hounds in everyday life and on the hunt.

Thanks to its excellent working qualities, combined with a friendly character and ease of training, the Russian Piebald Hound occupies a special place among hunting dogs. The breed is popular among modern experienced hunters, but is quite suitable for keeping outside the city without being used for its intended purpose.

The Russian piebald hound breed originates from English hounds brought to Russia in the 18th century. In those days, hunting was a popular pastime among the nobility, and many estates kept hundreds of hounds, greyhounds and other dogs, the cost of which amounted to tens of thousands of rubles.

Owning hunting dogs of noble blood was considered honorable, so experiments began among the owners to improve the hounds. Dogs brought from Foggy Albion began to be crossed with Russian hounds. As a result, a new breed was obtained - the Anglo-Russian hound.

Later, the breed began to be crossed with French hounds, and the name changed again. The blood of English Foxhounds, which at that time had the best working hunting qualities, was also involved in the creation of the breed.

The Russian piebald hound is a hunting dog, a breed like a mosaic, assembled from representatives of the lines of several breeding plants. At that time, the breeders did not have a specific goal to obtain a new breed. Hunters sought to obtain a hunting dog with good working qualities.

The result of numerous crossings was recorded in 1925, when the standard of the Russian pinto hound was approved. The number of dogs of this breed was practically destroyed during the civil war.

In 1951, a new name and description of the breed was finally approved - Russian piebald hound.

At the first post-war dog show, only 8 representatives of the breed were registered. But breeding work continued, and the breed group was divided into two lines: black-and-piebald and nightingale-piebald.

Work on breeding the breed was carried out in the forties of the last century at five breeding plants. Before the outbreak of World War II, work was in full swing. After the war, breeding work continued at factories in Tula, Moscow and Kyiv.

Selection work led to the complete destruction of the independent Anglo-Russian hound breed in Russia. In 1951, a new name and description of the breed was finally approved - Russian piebald hound. The breed obtained in Russia is still not recognized by the FCI organization.

Description of the breed, appearance, photographs

The Russian piebald hound is a dog above average height, strong constitution, with well-defined sexual characteristics. The breed is characterized by graceful movements, strong bones, and developed muscles.

Photo. Russian piebald hound

Russian piebald hound in the photo

The Russian Piebald Hound has the following breed standards:

The disadvantages of the breed are:

  • Short limbs.
  • Skin folding.
  • Heavy head and upturned muzzle.
  • Ears rolled into a tube.
  • Low-set or too elongated neck.
  • Narrow chest.
  • Sagging or hunched back.
  • Narrow or sloping croup.
  • Loose paws.

Coat and colors of Russian pinto

The Russian piebald hound is a short-haired breed. The distribution of the coat over the body is even, with lengthening on the hips and slightly shortening on the muzzle and paws. Itching on the dog's body and limbs is not allowed. The undercoat is not thick, but quite well developed, dense, felt-like.

The Russian Pinto Hound standard establishes the following color types:

  • Grey-piebald.
  • Crimson-piebald.
  • Black and piebald (tricolor).

According to the main color, irregularly shaped markings of red, gray or crimson are located. The dog's limbs and belly may be white. Dark specks on the body and dark arrows in the temporal region are allowed.

Color faults include bright red markings and large white markings.

Character of the breed

The Russian piebald hound is smart and hardy. The character of the breed as a whole is determined by its hunting purpose. This dog shows activity and mobility, excitement and an unsurpassed sense of smell while working on the hunt. The hound is distinguished by its strong voice and excellent ability to navigate in the forest and follow the scent.

All representatives of the breed are distinguished by their peace-loving nature and complete lack of aggression.

At home, this is a leisurely and calm animal. All representatives of the breed are distinguished by their peace-loving nature and complete lack of aggression. They do not rush at strangers, since they completely lack the guard instinct.

Russian piebald hounds are loyal and obedient to their owner, but they cannot be called good companions. These are, first of all, working dogs, and without hunting they will be sad. With sufficient physical activity, the dog behaves calmly and does not require attention from the owner.

The Russian hound is friendly towards children and actively plays with them. The dog gets along well with the cats living in the house. but hamsters and other rodents cannot be kept in an apartment with this breed, because they will certainly become the object of hunting.

The Russian Hound is loyal to all family members and will definitely come to the defense of everyone at a critical moment. But it is not worth having such a breed as a watchdog, since it has absolutely no aggression towards strangers.

Features of training

The owner of this dog must be a person with a strong character and strong will. The dog must respect the owner, then he will begin to obey him. Once you sense a weakness in the owner’s actions, the dog will take advantage of this and stop obeying.

This breed requires some skill to train, but in general it remembers commands quickly and is rarely stubborn. The main condition is the correct motivation to perform actions. However, the reward does not have to be a treat. For this breed, a good reward would be playing with the owner, jogging together, etc.

Hunting training

The Russian piebald hound is a faithful and reliable hunting assistant, but only with proper training. Many skills are passed on to a dog at the level of instincts, inherited from its parents. The passion for hunting is inherent in them from birth, but the skills need to be developed through proper training.

Fox and hare hunting is considered traditional for the breed.

An untrained dog catches up with the animal and can tear it to pieces or eat it. You cannot forgive a young puppy for such behavior, otherwise he will not become a good hunter. Puppy training begins at three months. The training begins with accustoming to the commands “Come to me”, “Stand” and to the sounds of a horn and shots.

To get used to the horn, it is blown before each feeding. You cannot blow the horn all day, the dog will lose all interest in it and will be uncontrollable in the forest. A properly trained dog should run to the sound of a horn from anywhere.

IMPORTANT. Before going out to hunt, a young dog must be fed, otherwise, having caught up with the hare, it will immediately begin to eat it. If this treatment of prey takes hold, the dog will be lost as a hunter.

Next, the dog is taught to perform the command “Open!” On command, she must throw the food in order to later calmly give the hunted animal to the hunter. To train, the dog is placed on a long leash and a treat is thrown to it. On command, the dog must throw the treat. If the puppy grins, growls and does not give up the food, they pull him away and take the food away.

As a rule, puppies remember the command 3-4 times, but if the pet continues to persist, it needs to be punished. After completing the command, the dog must be given a treat, but not the one he was supposed to throw.

Puppies begin to be introduced to hunting from 4-6 months.

The Russian pinto hound begins to be taken into the forest from the age of 4 months. By 8-9 months, a special training begins. The first classes last 3-4 hours with a break of 20-30 minutes after 1.5-2 hours. A hare is used as the first hunt, then the animal that is supposed to be hunted is used. During the process, the hunter walks through the area, shouting and urging the dog to action.

You need to hunt with a Russian pinto hound in dry and windless weather. A strong wind will prevent the dog from determining the direction of the rut, and dampness will prevent it from picking up the trail. The breed is used in snow and black tops.

The Russian piebald hound is a hunter of narrow specialization. Fox and hare hunting is considered traditional for the breed. The dog skillfully recognizes the animal by its tracks and uses its voice to let its owner know where it is.

Russian piebald hound for keeping in urban conditions, it is better to have it in a country house. For keeping, you need an enclosure with a warm booth and free access to the house in case of severe frosts. To live on the street, a puppy needs to be prepared gradually; it needs hardening.

The Russian piebald can be kept in an enclosure, but in cold weather the dog should be kept warm.

The main thing for this breed is high physical activity. The dog needs increased physical activity and training. If someone decides to have this breed in a city apartment, they will have to devote a lot of time to active walks.

IMPORTANT. You can only walk a hound in the city on a leash, otherwise it will attack small dogs, as the hunter's instinct will work.

An important step in caring for the breed is cleaning the coat. The dog is brushed with a stiff brush once a week. You should bathe your dog only in extreme cases, when it is heavily soiled. The Russian Hound's coat is covered with a layer of sebum, which protects it from severe contamination.

The pet's eyes require daily examination, as the breed is prone to developing conjunctivitis. Teeth and ears do not need special care; it is enough to brush them once a week. After walking through the forest during a hunt, you need to inspect the dog’s body and paws.

Organization of feeding

The nutritional value of the breed’s diet is extremely important due to its increased activity. Protein should be the main source of energy.

Russian piebald can be fed with ready-made dry food.

Therefore, the basis of the diet should be meat and offal.

Additional elements: porridge with water or meat broth (buckwheat, rice, millet), boiled or stewed vegetables.

When organizing meals with dry food, choose professional-grade brands (Almo Nature), made on the basis of natural ingredients containing a large amount of meat ingredients.

You should not give your dog spicy, fried, smoked foods, sweets or flour. It is especially important to ensure that the dog does not get food with spices, as they impair the sense of smell.

Breed health

The lifespan of Russian piebald hounds is about 12 years.

The breed is characterized by diseases:

  • due to the increased load on them.

  • Photo. Two Russian pinto hound puppies

    Russian pinto hound puppies in the photo

    To get a puppy that is truly valuable in terms of working qualities, it is worth studying the certificates of the previous three generations of dogs. Only serious breeding nurseries can provide such information.

    If you are purchasing a dog to keep as a pet, you can choose a pet class puppy. Perfect match of appearance and compliance with breed standards in this case is not so important.

    You should immediately abandon a puppy with the following shortcomings, indicating a breeding marriage:

  1. Bulldog jaw.
  2. Malocclusion.
  3. Green eyes.
  4. Pink nose.

The size of the puppy should not influence the choice; the baby’s activity and proportional build are much more important. You need to meet the future pet immediately after birth; you can pick it up from its mother at 1-1.5 months.

You can buy a Russian pinto hound puppy in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg from private breeders for a price starting from $100.

The Russian piebald hound is one of the most popular and quite common hunting breeds in our country today. An intelligent and beautiful dog is distinguished by the presence of the instinct of a real hunter inherent in nature itself.

History of the origin of the breed

Even during the times of Tsarist Russia, hunting was one of the favorite hobbies accepted in aristocratic society, and the possession of valuables was considered very honorable. It was precisely these reasons that determined the need to obtain new hunting breeds, therefore, in the first part of the nineteenth century, famous Russian breeders conducted active experiments in order to breed a more advanced dog for hunting.

The Russian piebald hound was also among the breeds bred at this time.. In whose veins flows the blood of the then popular English Foxhounds, imported from the United Kingdom. The breed, formed at the turn of the last century and last century, received official recognition, after which the Russian piebald began to be actively used in factory breeding.

Description of the Russian hound

The height of the animal, as well as the dog’s elongation index, are the most basic indicators that allow you to correctly assess the dimensions of the Russian pinto hound. In accordance with accepted standards, males should have a height of 58-68 cm with an index of 104, and females should have a height of 55-65 cm and an elongation index in the range of 103-105.

Breed standards

A purebred dog is distinguished by a strong physique, an exterior typical of hounds, as well as the following breed standards:

  • the head has clear lines, without weight, with “dry” skin emphasizing straight lines;
  • occipital protuberance of average level of development;
  • the forehead is long and flat, not wide;
  • the area of ​​transition to the nasal dorsum is pronounced, without sharpness;
  • muzzle in a wedge-shaped format, with a vertical “edge”;
  • the lower jaw is quite rounded;
  • the orbital area is poorly defined;
  • cheekbones and cheeks are flat;
  • the lips are well-tight and thin, with a slightly fleshy lower part;
  • the teeth are large and well developed, white, with parallel upper and lower incisors;
  • the dental closure is scissor-shaped, regular, without gaps;
  • large nose, black;
  • the eyes are quite large, expressive, widely set, oval in shape, with a brown iris;
  • the ears are medium in size and thickness, lowered to the cheeks, triangular with a rounded tip;
  • body in a rectangular format, with good bone development and a developed muscular system;
  • an oval-shaped neck, set at an angle of 40–45°, almost equal in length to the distance from the tip of the nose to the back of the head;
  • the withers are well developed and massive, which is especially noticeable in males;
  • chest area with depth to the elbow, round in shape, with springy and wide ribs;
  • the dorsal line is quite short, with a pronounced and rounded lumbar region and a sloping powerful croup;
  • shoulder position a couple of centimeters above the croup area;
  • groin line with moderate tuck;
  • strong limbs have pronounced muscles and harmoniously, fairly widely spaced joints;
  • the front legs are ½ the height of the animal’s total height at the withers;
  • forearms are strong, oval in shape;
  • hind legs extending beyond the croup, strong and powerful, with pronounced and well-formed bones;
  • elongated hips;
  • the tail is powerful, tapering towards the tip, saber-shaped.

A short-haired dog has well-toned and practically wrinkle-free skin. Slightly elongated hair is allowed in the area of ​​the withers and on the hips. The undercoat is well developed, but not excessively thick, with moisture-repellent properties and a sufficient level of density. Purebred animals can have three typical colors: grey-piebald, scarlet-piebald and black-piebald or "tri-color".

Characterized by the presence of white limbs and belly, gray, red or purple markings are present in the croup and shoulder girdle and on the head. The number of black spots is not limited by standards. The presence of non-intense dark specks and arrows on the temples is acceptable.

Dog character

The main difference from many other hunting breeds is the reserved and balanced character of the Russian pinto hound. Against the backdrop of the fact that hunting has become classified as a hobby and is not currently a guarantee of survival, such hounds very often become devoted and intelligent pets, whose maintenance will necessarily maintain sufficient loads designed to compensate for the dog’s instinctive needs for hunting.

Methods and methods of education depend not only on the age, but also on the main purpose of the dog. To prepare a hound for work in the field, animals with excellent heredity and high working qualities are selected. The Russian Piebald Hound is very active and playful by nature, but all stress must be strictly controlled, which is especially important during puppyhood.

Important! The breed characteristic of the Russian pinto hound is an excellent memory and a desire to please its owner, therefore, with the right motivation and basic knowledge about raising a dog, the training process does not cause problems.

The breed is distinguished by loyalty and devotion not only to the owner, but also to all family members, regardless of their age. In relationships with other animals, hounds are very individual, but with proper training they are able to get along quite well with cats. According to the owners, domestic rats and hamsters, as well as feathered pets, very often become “objects” for hunting by the hound.


The overall life expectancy of a Russian pinto hound may differ markedly from the average, which is due to the influence of many factors, including heredity and living conditions. However, in most cases, dogs of this breed live no more than twelve years.

Russian piebald hounds do not need any special care. However, when keeping a dog of this breed, it is necessary to pay attention to a balanced diet and food with a high protein content. Among other things, your pet's coat will require regular removal of all dead undercoat with a special brush-mitt.

Street keeping in winter requires mandatory gradual hardening of the hound. On frosty days, the use of insulation in the form of clothing is completely discouraged, but in bad weather, protective overalls will help keep your pet healthy. Dogs with dry coats have good body temperature control and also use less energy to keep themselves warm.

Care and hygiene

You need to systematically comb out your pet's fur, but it is advisable to bathe a hunting breed dog as rarely as possible, as needed. The mouth and teeth are regularly examined, and discharge from the eyes and ears is removed. You can walk a hound in urban conditions only on a leash, which is due to a very developed hunting instinct.

Diet of the Russian pinto hound

The diet and feeding regimen of the hound is selected strictly taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the dog. Feeding mode:

  • up to one and a half months - six times a day;
  • from one and a half to 3 months - four times a day;
  • from 3 to six months – three times a day;
  • after six months - a couple of times a day.

Meat is an essential component of the diet of hunting breeds. At the same time, minced meat should not be excluded from the diet, but it must be remembered that such a source of protein, fats and vitamin-mineral components is absorbed by the dog’s body worse than raw and scraped meat. Offal products such as liver, kidneys, brains, lungs, stomach or rumen also have very high biological value.

Important! It is mandatory to add sources of fat, such as butter and rendered beef fat, to food prepared for a hunting dog.

Sea and river fish, from which bones are extracted, are considered as a source of animal protein. It is recommended to alternate meat days with fish days. Sea fish can be given raw, but river fish must first be boiled. Once a week, your pet should be given one boiled egg. As for dairy products, hounds should be given fresh cottage cheese, pureed with whey, hard varieties of cheese, as well as not too fatty kefir and yogurt, a couple of times a week.

Veterinarians recommend including porridge in your pet’s daily diet, which is cooked in milk diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:3 or meat broth. You can add chopped vegetables and fruits to milk porridge.

Turnips, cabbage, zucchini and rutabaga are usually pre-stewed or boiled, after which they are given to the hound as a vitamin supplement to meat dishes. In winter, chopped garlic will not only be an excellent natural anthelmintic, but will also serve as an additional and valuable source of vitamins.

Particular attention is paid to special mineral supplements, which are sold in specialized pet stores. The composition of high-quality nutrition includes components represented by calcium lactate and gluconate, brewer's yeast, phytin, bone meal, activated carbon, glycerophosphate and Epsom salt. Mineral supplements are first finely ground, after which they are mixed with basic food and given to the pet according to the daily intake.

Diseases and breed defects

Russian piebald hounds are typical representatives of hunting breeds, and that is why such dogs are characterized by a tendency to the following most common diseases:

  • of various etiologies, which most often arise as a result of using an incorrect or unbalanced diet;
  • inflammatory processes of the eyes, including;
  • inflammation in muscle tissue under abnormal loads;
  • malignant hyperthermia;

The most common deficiencies and main disqualifying breed characteristics are presented:

  • the presence of significant specks;
  • very red or too light tan marks;
  • the presence of coffee or mouse stains;
  • complete absence of blush;
  • excessively long or too short hair;
  • underdeveloped or absent undercoat;
  • wavy or shaggy hair;
  • sharply prominent occipital protuberance;
  • overly developed brow ridges;
  • weak transition from the muzzle to the skull;
  • hooked nose;
  • too depressed furrow in the middle of the forehead;
  • high cheekbones and broad forehead;
  • damp and heavy head;
  • upturned muzzle;
  • completely or partially light or brown nose;
  • too large or very small, low-set ears;
  • ears rolled into a tube, raised on cartilage;
  • light, small, round and sunken eyes;
  • different eyes;
  • underdeveloped bones or muscles;
  • skin folds on the neck or head;
  • too low or very high set, flat neck;
  • narrow or flat, barrel-shaped chest;
  • underdeveloped withers;
  • narrow or sloping croup;
  • elongated or excessively shortened tail.

The presence of overbite and underbite is a disqualifying defect that deprives a hound of not only a breeding and exhibition career. But it also very sharply reduces the indicators of basic performance as a hunter.

Education and training

First of all, the puppy must be accustomed to its name and the sound of a horn, which the owner must blow before each feed until the animal reaches the age of four months. This technique is especially important when raising a dog that is supposed to be used in hunting.

Important! It is advisable to train hound dogs only from the age of ten months, since in conditions of too early training there is an abnormal development of the physique and vocal characteristics of the animal.

Despite the high indicators of unpretentiousness, the owner of a hound needs a person who is well aware of training techniques and all the features of handling such a pet. Most often, the Russian piebald hound is purchased by experienced hunters who use the breed skills of such a dog to benefit the animal and themselves.

At a family council, you decided to get yourself a dog. Based on the famous phrase “A dog is a man’s friend,” you have chosen a pet for the whole family, decided to buy a Russian piebald puppy. This is a faithful and devoted friend. Dogs of this breed sincerely become attached to their owner. Children are treated kindly, and the owners have never observed even a hint of sudden attacks of aggression.

At first glance, the Russian piebald hound looks dignified and balanced, but still dogs of this breed are very fond of space and freedom. And the essence of her character is hunting instincts, which are difficult to eradicate by any upbringing.

There are several possible uses for this breed:

  1. An excellent assistant during hunting. In these circumstances, the Russian hound dog becomes simply irreplaceable, and this is the kind of life she likes. It is necessary to keep the dog in a place where it can run, warm up, and throw out its irrepressible energy. An aviary is considered the optimal place to live.
  2. As a watchdog she also shows very good qualities of her breed. You can, of course, put her on a chain, but this will be stressful for the pet’s nervous system. The dog is used to working with people and trusting them, so putting it on a chain is extremely undesirable: both its character will deteriorate and it will be a bad guard.
  3. As a pet, theoretically, you can keep a dog in an ordinary city apartment, but this will be torture for both the owner and the dog itself. This is a very active breed, which has a pronounced hunting instinct of pursuit; running is vital for it.

Gallery: Russian piebald hound (25 photos)

History of the Russian Piebald Hound breed

After the 20th century, the aristocratic nobility in Rus' became interested in hound hunting. It was from this time that hunting dogs really flourished, including Russian hounds. When baiting an animal, Russian hounds created a loud, booming bark, so wealthy kennel owners called these dogs yappers. Since ancient times, it was believed that the ancestors of Russian hounds were Medelyanki (an ancient Russian breed of large dogs, which was intended for baiting and hunting bears, now this breed has already died out) and Tatar hounds.

Russian hounds were very popular at that time, which led to haphazard crossbreeding and greatly influenced the character and appearance of the puppies. Therefore, hunting dogs of a similar character, but completely different in appearance, were called Russian hounds until a certain time. And only by the 20th century the situation with the habits and appearance of this breed began to assume some stability. Russian hounds showed very good qualities during hunting, both in pairs and alone, as well as together with greyhounds. Hound dogs could refuse food and rest for a long time if it was necessary to pursue and track the animal. They were distinguished by extraordinary endurance. The first breed standard was obtained in 1895.

It seemed that a series of wars on Russian territory (World War I, Revolution, Civil War) and the famine and devastation that followed would exterminate this breed forever. A total of eight dogs of a similar breed were presented at the first Moscow post-revolutionary exhibition in 1923. But thanks to the efforts of ordinary people, this breed was preserved. And after a short period of time, at various competitions and exhibitions, in the fields and meadows, there were much more dogs of this wonderful breed.

The first standard of this breed was written in 1925, however, at that time it was called the Anglo-Russian hound. And only in 1951 this breed received its modern name - Russian piebald hound. In European countries, this breed still does not have much popularity, while any avid hunter in our country would consider it an honor to have such a devoted, hardy and fearless hunting companion.

Description of the breed standard

The Russian Pinto Hound is larger than average in size with short hair. A well-proportioned athletic build, with strong bones and well-developed muscles represent her best external qualities. The dog is fearless, fast, active, hardy, strong. The character is balanced, tireless and persistent. Has a beautiful loud voice.

They are most often used as hunting dogs. During the hunt they work on fox, hare and jackal. Hunters consider the ability of the Russian pinto hound to work in a pack to be a particularly valuable quality.

The height at the withers for males is 57–67.5 cm. Females have a height of 54–64.5 cm. Pedigree specimens of males weigh from 25 to 31 kg, and females can weigh from 21 to 35 kg. The body length of males is 101–103 cm, and females, due to the function of childbearing, can have a greater body length of 102–105 cm.

The movements of Russian piebald hounds are sweeping, energetic and free.

Appearance standards:

Features of care and maintenance

Russian piebald hounds do not require complex care. But if you want to see your pet healthy, active and energetic, some care criteria must still be met:

The option of keeping this breed must be taken with full responsibility. Russian hounds are active dogs by nature, so keeping them in apartments is undesirable. The best option for living this breed would be an enclosure with a fairly large area on the territory of your own country house or dacha. And if the owner cannot devote a lot of time to training and providing active walks for the pet, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​having a dog of this breed right away.

If you give your dog food only once a day, then it will be hungry, because digestion of food occurs in 8 hours. Therefore, a certain amount of food must be divided into 2-4 meals. The volume of each serving depends on your pet’s preferences. Fresh meat comes first in a hunting dog’s diet, and a juicy beef bone is given to the dog as a treat. Vegetables and milk porridges are also important in the diet. Sometimes you can give dry food.

But hollow and small bones should be completely excluded from the diet. It is also forbidden to give your dog fatty pork meat, smoked meats and sweets. And, of course, it is necessary to completely exclude various spices and salt from the menu of hunting dogs.


Hunting dogs are naturally in good health. After all, Russian hunting was often carried out in the cold season, so the dog needed good immunity and excellent hardening.

But still, there is a certain tendency to certain diseases in hunting dogs. Among the characteristic diseases are:

  • Conjunctivitis is an eye disease. If the dog is not shown to the veterinarian in time, the disease can develop into a dangerous chronic form.
  • Myositis is a different type of muscle inflammation. Tissue swelling may be accompanied by progressive lameness.
  • Degenerative myelopathy is a spinal cord disease that occurs more often in older dogs. In this case, the dog falls on its hind limbs, loses coordination of movements, and the back of the body may fall to one side.
  • Hip dysplasia is a congenital joint disease.


Vaccination procedures for hunting dogs are the same as for other breeds. Vaccination against distemper is carried out for the first time after a month of the animal’s life, repeated at least two weeks later.

After six months of life, a rabies vaccination is given, which is repeated annually.

Education and training

Raising a Russian piebald hound is not very easy. Here it is important to follow some rules that can help in establishing contact with your pet:

Animals love affection and are sensitive to care. Therefore, subject to these simple rules, the pet will always respond to the owner and his family members with loyalty and devotion.

The Russian Piebald Hound is very trainable and trainable. But to consolidate all skills both in hunting and in everyday life, systematic training and a strict approach are required. Using the reward method, you can teach your puppy commands from the age of three months. From the age of ten months, you can start training the dog after teaching basic commands and obedience. Of course, hunting instincts are embedded in the genes of these breeds, but these skills still need to be constantly developed.

Remember, that you definitely need to weigh the pros and cons before you decide to purchase a Russian Pinto Hound puppy. And if you are an active, purposeful person, then this breed is for you.

Anglo-Russian hound (Russian piebald hound)

Fri, 12/31/1824 - 12:00


The Anglo-Russian or Russian piebald hound is a fairly young breed with remarkable functions as a brave hunter of foxes, hares, wolves and other animals. The peculiarity of the dog is that it independently copes with the task of tracking down the animal, no matter how complex and confusing it may be. This dexterous and gambling animal is suitable for an energetic and active person who is ready to share with his pet a passion for hunting, high-speed games and active recreation.

History of the breed

The history of the breed begins its formation at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia. Breeders crossed English Foxhounds with Russian Hounds to produce animals that would have more refined, developed and high performance qualities and improved hunting efficiency. Anglo-Russian hound - this is the original name, which was more common until 1951 and then changed to - Russian piebald hound. At the moment the breed is more concentrated in Russia and in small numbers in Eastern Europe.


The Anglo-Russian hound is a strong, proportionally built animal of medium height, which on average reaches 55-68 cm. The compact and harmoniously built format of the dog allows it to effectively maneuver in various hunting conditions. The short coat has a hard and straight structure. The shades of the animal are varied and are not regulated by the breed standard. Common colors include tricolor (black, white, red), gray with slight specks and red-piebald. The dog's eyes are dark in color and have a slanted appearance.

Character and temperament

The Anglo-Russian hound is a representative of a hunting breed with pronounced instincts and an extraordinary temperament. The animal is quite obstinate; if it doesn’t like something, it will communicate this with a loud bark or even a dissatisfied roar. The dog is very independent - she is a real “lady of steel”. These qualities are especially well used in hunting, where the Anglo-Russian hound, thanks to its keen sense of smell and tireless persistence, always receives applause! The dog usually behaves calmly with children, but with other pets it can show aggressive behavior.

Health and illness

The good breed instincts and strong protective functions of the Anglo-Russian hound allow it to feel healthy for quite a long time. The ears and eyes of the animal require special attention. Like all hunting breeds, the dog is prone to skin allergies, infections and demodicosis after walking on the street or in the forest. Timely treatment and preventive measures will quickly help avoid the threat. Also, with excess weight and exhausting physical activity, joint dysplasia can occur.

Keeping a hunting hound dog at home is always painstaking work. It mainly consists of long walks and regular physical activity, without which the dog cannot imagine himself. She always needs space to run fast and release excess active energy. Therefore, the Anglo-Russian hound is not suitable for apartment keeping. Caring for the animal is surprisingly simple - brushing the coat with a special brush once a week and bathing as needed.

Training, training

The Anglo-Russian hound goes through the process of education and training without stress and with particular ease. Your balance and patience will pay off handsomely in a fairly short period of time. The dog happily follows new commands, perceiving the training process as a fun game. Sometimes the Anglo-Russian hound can begin to be a little capricious - no one has yet canceled the hunting temperament! Therefore, you just need to let your pet know in a timely manner who is boss in the house. And you will get a surprisingly smart and cheerful creature that treats its surroundings with tenderness.