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Mini prose sketches for a woman's birthday. Jokes and pranks for a friend’s birthday: funny congratulations, gifts, toasts, skits, scripts. Reprise of “Congratulations from the Chicks” in verse

The “Hero of the Evening” scenario is suitable for celebrating the birthday of a married middle-aged man and is designed for a large number of guests.

A cool congratulation from friends, a portrait from his wife, performances by a gypsy and a pop star are just a small part of what awaits the birthday boy on this day.

Guests will be able to see what the birthday boy was like as a child, what happened to him as a teenager, and what kind of man he grew up to be.

The entertainment program is designed in such a way that each of the guests can take part.

Hall decoration

To decorate the hall, you can use any festive attributes: balloons, garlands, confetti, photographs and even unusual dishes. The decoration of the room depends on its size. If the holiday is taking place in an apartment, then it is enough to add a few balloons, posters with wishes and garlands. If a restaurant is ordered, then the chairs and tables are decorated with beautiful capes, and balls and lights are also added.


  1. A sheet with a “baby”.
  2. Crosswords.
  3. Collections of recipes for dishes made from carrots or vegetables.
  4. Easel or sketchbook with markers/felt-tip pens.
  5. Soap set.
  6. Black wig and long dress.
  7. Signs with words.
  8. Gypsy clothes.
  9. Bottle of alcohol.
  10. Three squirrel tails.
  11. Contents for the secret package: hat, pacifier, socks, thong, bra, negligee, hair clip, gloves, glasses, family pants, beads, wig, false bunny ears.
  12. Bunny tails.
  13. Hat.

Musical arrangement

For background music, light compositions are chosen, most often without words, leaving only the melody. Thematic compositions can be staged for the entrance of specially invited guests. So, for the gypsy's entrance - a song about a camp, for Conchita Wurst - the beginning of the song that she performed at Eurovision.

During breaks between competitions and games, you can invite guests to dance. In this case, you should also consider a dance playlist. It will depend on the age of the invited guests and the tastes of the birthday person. Cheerful, fiery and energetic songs have always been popular on holidays such as birthdays.

Cool scenario for a man’s birthday “Hero of the evening”

Leading: Welcome to (birthday person's name)! I greet each of you and congratulate the birthday boy on the holiday! I invite the other guests to keep up and join in my congratulations. And here are the first comers - friends of the birthday boy.

Congratulations from friends:
We came to congratulate you
Happy wonderful holiday to you.
We would like to wish you good health
Be strong, brave, fighting,
So that the liver never fails
And the rest of the organs held on.

May you always have
The table is set,
The currency multiplied in my pocket.
Let your beautiful wife be by your side
Giving you my love
To make the blood boil in your veins
From a stormy night in your bedroom.

And don't forget about your friends,
Call, write, invite to visit more often.
We are always ready for you
Stand upright, lie flat.
My friend, know that you are our pride!
Happy birthday! Hooray!
(the last words are pronounced loudly by everyone together)

Leading: What faithful friends you have, I propose to drink to your friendship. May she always be as strong! Here's to you, friends!

(guests raise glasses for friendship)

Leading: We see you as you are: strong, courageous, impressive. Who remembers the birthday boy when he was just a baby? I invite the birthday boy and someone to join me for a support group.

(the birthday boy approaches the presenter, and his wife, mother or sister is chosen as his assistant)

Entertainment "Little Miracle":
The birthday boy sticks his head into the previously prepared “body”. Two assistants hold a sheet with a hole cut in the middle for the head. Sewn below is a children's blouse with mittens and rompers.

Where the sleeves of the blouse end are also made so that the assistant can insert her hands there. And the birthday boy puts his hands in his pants. Thus, the following picture is obtained: the audience sees the head of the birthday boy, the hands of his assistant and dangling legs, which are controlled by the birthday boy himself.

The funny thing is that the assistant does not see everything that is happening, and the birthday boy himself will not be able to do what is usually convenient to do with his hands. The presenter reads the text, and the participants perform all the movements that they hear. The assistant gives him all the necessary details.

Leading: N years ago little (name of the birthday boy) was born. He stretched sweetly, rubbed his eyes and sneezed loudly. So he tried milk for the first time. (the assistant’s hands give him a baby bottle of milk) Oh, he ate so well that he already wanted to go to bed. Opening his mouth wide, he yawns for a long, long time, covering his mouth with his palm. Suddenly he wanted to poop. He pushes, pushes hard, and it works. He took a piece of paper and began to wipe his butt. Satisfied (name of the birthday boy), dances, moves his legs. So he found a pacifier somewhere, put it in his mouth, and smiled. (then the pacifier is removed)

But our (name of the birthday boy) is growing up. He learned to brush his teeth, so he took a brush and started brushing his teeth vigorously. He took a comb to comb his hair and, handsome, quickly ran to the kitchen, opening the door with his heel. There he finds a sandwich and boldly throws it into his mouth. He washes everything down with compote and hurries into the yard to play. But first he puts on a hat, scarf, and gloves. And with a confident gait he went down the stairs. (energetic music plays while walking)

Leading: Applause to the birthday boy and his assistant! And so that (name of the birthday boy) grows up healthy, let’s raise a glass and say a few nice words to him. I propose to say a toast to the parents of the birthday boy.

(parents congratulate their son)

Leading: In the meantime, we smoothly move on to the already matured (name of the birthday boy). Now he has become a teenager, which means bad habits are starting to appear. That's how he tried vodka for the first time. Yes, he overdid it a little that it was difficult for him to find words. Our only hope is for you, dear guests. I invite two teams of nine people each.

Competition "Guess the word":
Each participant is glued or put on a piece of A4 paper on their chest, on which one letter is written. The presenter reads the riddles, and the participants must quickly line up in a row, thus writing the answer. The team that solves the most riddles wins and receives a prize - a crossword puzzle for each. Each team is given an equal number of letters: d, y, w, a, r, b m, i, h.

Riddles from the presenter:

  • Either lying down or standing. Sometimes cold, sometimes hot. (Shower)
  • It is round and transparent, like glass. It is quite easy to see the future in it. (Ball)
  • Strong, slender and strong, because he is the ruler of the forest. (Oak)
  • Jumps loudly in the hands of a child. (Ball)

Leading: Our (name of the birthday boy) is growing up quickly. He becomes a man and new needs appear. For the next competition I need three male-female pairs. Who's brave? Do not be shy! It won't hurt, I promise.

Competition "Adult Needs":
For this competition you will need a grater and carrots. Men press the carrot between their legs, holding it with their hands if necessary. Girls also hold a grater between their legs, but in such a way that a man, coming up from behind, can reach the grater with a tied carrot.

On command, pairs must quickly grate the carrot. As soon as the allotted time is over, the guests look: whose carrot has worn off more than the rest, wins. The winner receives a prize - a collection of dishes made from carrots or vegetables.

Leading: We have identified a winning couple and they receive their trophy - a book of recipes for carrot dishes so that you can use the vegetables for their intended purpose. And I give the floor for congratulations to the wife of the birthday boy - (name of wife).

(wife makes a toast to the birthday boy)

Leading: What kind words were heard for you (name of the birthday boy) from your beloved and charming wife. It’s immediately obvious how much she loves you, but what about words, I suggest you actually see how a wife sees her husband. (Wife's name), I will ask you to come to me.

Portrait of the birthday boy:
The birthday boy's wife is blindfolded and given a marker or felt-tip pen. In front of her is an easel or a regular sketchbook.

She must draw a portrait of her husband with her eyes closed. For variety, you can put several markers. The host will comment on which body part she needs to move to and which marker she wants to use.

Leading: The guests are not bored, but support the aspiring artist with applause. (Wife's name) is probably very worried.

(to the music, the wife draws a portrait, and the guests support her)

Leading: Look what Picasso has awakened in you (wife’s name). Our dear (name of the birthday boy), accept from the bottom of your heart the best picture in the entire history of mankind - your portrait from your beloved wife. She tried really hard.

(the birthday boy is presented with his portrait)

Leading: And the gifts don’t end there, there’s still more to come. In the meantime, I invite seven people for the next competition.

Competition “At the behest of the pike...”:
Seven chairs are placed in a row. The leader gives everyone a command of what they need to bring. When the participants go in search of a hidden object, the leader removes one chair and the one who came last and did not have enough chair is eliminated.

Each item is then returned to the owner, and only after that the host names the next wish. The winner is the one who reaches the end, fulfilling all the wishes of the presenter. The prize is a small soap set. Participants will need to bring the following:

  • A bottle of vodka.
  • Someone else's, not your own, man's shoe.
  • Women's earring.
  • Ketchup or sauce.
  • Any item from the birthday boy.

Leading: Applause to all participants, and we reward the winner with a soap set and ask you to say a few words to the birthday boy.

(the winner makes a toast)

Leading: We'll play a little, and for this I'll need five people.

Game “Simple questions - funny answers”:
Participants stand with their backs to the guests. They put a certain word on their back, none of the guests tells them what word they got. The participants themselves should also not spy on others. The host asks each player a question, and he must answer it creatively. And the places for participants can be the following: “maternity hospital”, “bushes”, “sex-shop”, “sobering-up station”, “work”.


  1. How did you first come to this place?
  2. What were your impressions of this place?
  3. What do you usually do there?
  4. What attracts you there so much?
  5. How do your loved ones feel about this?
  6. When are you going there next time?

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, please have a moment's attention. Now I will announce the name of the celebrity who came here to personally congratulate the birthday boy on his holiday. Meet the incredible and stunning Conchita Wurst.

Conchita's performance:
Make an agreement in advance with a bearded man from the guests or draw a beard with black eyeliner. The participant must wear a dress and have long hair, so a wig is required. The guest performs a song to the soundtrack “Rise like a Phoenix”, and at the end of his performance congratulates the birthday boy.

You can approach him, hug him, kiss him. In a word, completely improvise and amuse all the guests, especially the birthday boy.

Leading: Thank you, Conchita, you were inimitable! We send off the pop star with thunderous applause. And you, dear guests, do not forget to raise a toast to the birthday boy.

(everyone congratulates the birthday boy)

Leading: And I'm announcing another competition. I will ask as many beautiful ladies to come out here as there are letters in the full name of our birthday boy.

Game "Erotic Spelling":
The required number of girls come out to the presenter. They are given bunny tails, which they must put on in the right place. And at the command of the presenter and to the music, all the girls unanimously write the full name of the birthday boy with their buttocks.

Leading: This is an unusual and slightly erotic performance that the representatives of the fair sex put on for you (name of the birthday boy). Let's clap for them, friends, and in the meantime we continue to surprise the birthday boy with congratulations. To your loud applause, I invite a special guest - the gypsy Zara.
(guests greet the gypsy)

Leading: Zara not only came to congratulate (the name of the birthday boy) on his birthday, but also to predict the fate of everyone.

Predictions of the gypsy Zara:
This time they choose any woman from the guests, with whom they also agree in advance. She approaches any guest and, looking into the palm of her hand, says what awaits this person in the near future. The birthday boy will be the last one she approaches.

Prediction 1:
I see you're not getting enough sleep,
But be sad, you'll get some sleep soon.
You will sleep long and softly,
Until the salad is taken out from under you.

Prediction 2:
Wow, have a fun weekend ahead of you.
A handsome man will pester you.
Don't give in!
Five minutes of work -
Nine months of care.

Prediction 3:
Your path of life is successful,
It leads uphill.
You'll buy a car soon
But I just can’t figure out which one:
Either a white BMW or a green Muscovite.

Prediction 4:
Oh, hand of pearl,
I have never seen such a happy fate.
And the family is strong, and friends are faithful,
I see a long and happy life awaits you.
You will live a long time until you die.
Happiness is ahead of you
And when you bend over, it’s from behind.

Leading: I want to invite seven people for the next competition. Everyone remember the competition with chairs? Music plays, participants dance around chairs, and as soon as the music ends, you need to have time to sit on an empty chair. Whoever doesn't have enough chairs is eliminated. We will slightly change the rules of this competition. Since our people are adults, we will replace the chairs with glasses of vodka.

Competition “Be the first to grab it”:
Six glasses are placed on a table, preferably round. Participants surround the table and begin to move around it to the music. The music ends, you need to be the first to grab the glass. The one who doesn't get it is eliminated. The competition continues until there is only one glass left on the table. The winner receives a prize - a bottle of any alcohol.

Leading: But we have a winner and receives a well-deserved prize - a bottle of good alcohol. But we don’t recommend getting too carried away with strong drinks, otherwise one day these squirrels might visit you.

Squirrel performance:
Three women are selected to perform a dance to the song “Single Ladies” from the movie “Alvin and the Chipmunks.” They have false squirrel tails tied to their belts, and they must give the birthday boy a fiery dance.

Leading: And now I invite everyone to join me. Absolutely everyone who is brave, come to me.

(people start coming out to the presenter)

Leading: We stand in a circle so that everyone can stand comfortably and freely. I have this package with a secret. Your task is to pass it on to each other as long as the song is playing, and I’ll tell you what to do next later. Go!

Game “Pass it to someone else”:
The package contains various things and objects. To the music, all participants pass the package to each other without looking inside. As soon as the music stops, the person who has the bag takes one thing out of it and puts it on himself. The game continues until the last thing is taken out of the bag. The contents of the package may vary, for example: hat, pacifier, socks, thong, bra, negligee, hair clip, gloves, glasses, family panties, beads, wig, false bunny ears. After all the items have found their owners, they will need to be removed. Separate music is played for each player.

Leading: What diversity immediately appeared. But, unfortunately, now all this beauty needs to be filmed and, as usual, to the music. Let's start with the last player.

(music turns on and the first guest begins to take off his recently worn item)

Leading: But the surprises don't end there. Right now I want to see three brave participants near me for our next fun music competition.

“Minute of Fame” competition:
The presenter offers each participant a song to perform. For example, “The wind was blowing from the sea,” “And someone came down from the hill,” “I got drunk and drunk.” Participants can choose their own song, the main thing is that their repertoire is not very similar. When it’s their turn to mix their songs, the participants play the minus of any remix.

Leading: Friends, you now have a unique opportunity to become famous throughout the world. Each of you needs to perform your song as loud as possible from the rest of the participants. Now, without music, each of you, as much as you can, will try to sing your own song. Ready? Let's start!

(everyone sings their song loudly, trying to outsing their rivals)

Leading: Wonderful - wonderful! And now we will slightly remake your songs in a more modern way.

(each participant now not only sings his own song, but mixes to the music, using words such as “eu”, “uiva-uiva” and so on)

Leading: Let's give a round of applause to our up-and-coming but already promising stars.

Leading: And now our holiday is gradually coming to an end and I want to ask you a question, dear guests: did you like today’s holiday, did you regret coming?

(guests answer that they liked it)

Leading: That you liked it is good, but you just say something quietly about it. I have such a magic hat, (takes out the hat) that will reveal the whole truth about your thoughts. So, let's go!

Game "Magic Hat":
The host puts on a hat to any guest and at this moment the chorus of a certain song sounds:

  • “I’m all so sudden” A. Semenovich.
  • "I'm tired, I want love" Quest Pistols.
  • “Look at the woman” by Shan-hai group.
  • “For a week before the second I will go to Komarovo” Vitas.
  • “I want to drink” What a pussy.
  • “Buy me a crucian carp” A. Kozlovsky.
  • “Take me to marry” group Breasts.
  • “What a wonderful day” cheerful Mouse.

Leading: Overall not bad, now I can believe that you really enjoyed the holiday. Let's thank the wonderful organizer of this evening (name of the birthday boy) and once again congratulate him on his birthday! Let your life be full of bright events and pleasant memories! Good luck to you! Happy birthday!
(everyone congratulates the birthday boy, and the disco begins)

A cool script, active guests, fun competitions, and a resourceful host are the main criteria for a fun birthday. Remember: the best gift is emotion! Arrange an unforgettable holiday for the birthday boy, please him with comic congratulations and gifts, and he will never forget your efforts.

If one of your friends or relatives takes on the role of host and organizer. To help enthusiasts who are ready to organize a holiday for their dear birthday boy and loved ones on their own, we offer script for the birthday entertainment program “Fun Family Holiday”, which is written just for those who want to entertain guests at a friendly feast. All competitions and games can be held in any order, during a feast or during dance breaks, and the props for games are the simplest, which can always be found in the house. Instrumental melodies may be played in the background, selected at the discretion of the organizers.

Scenario "Fun Family Holiday"

When meeting guests, the hero of the occasion invites them to choose multi-colored elastic bands for money from a small box and put them on their wrists like a bracelet. It is best to divide the feast participants into four teams, between which competitions will take place. For example, blue, red, yellow and green.


Table game "Close People"

Leading. I welcome all of you to our family holiday, where family members, relatives and closest friends have gathered.

Therefore I ask you:

Shake hands with those sitting opposite you at the table;

Hug those to your right and left.

Pat those within arm's reach of you on the shoulder.

Kiss the one with whom you came to this holiday.

Send air kisses to the hero of the occasion.

Clink glasses with those sitting next to you at the table.

My toast is to the event!

Table game to warm up guests

Before continuing our festive feast, I ask those with names starting with the letters: A, O, S, I, N to rise in their seats, and I ask the rest to applaud them. (The guests applaud.)

Those whose names begin with the letters: P, E, T, V - drink for brotherhood. (The guests comply with the presenter’s request.)

Men kiss the hands of ladies sitting next to them at the table (Men comply with the leader’s request.)

All the women share a toast in honor of the hero of the occasion. (The women make a joint toast.

Banquet break

A little fun "Take the prize"

Leading. I have prepared a souvenir for one of you. For the one who solves the riddle.

Everyone has it: adults and children, schoolchildren and teachers, soldiers and generals, tailors and scientists, artists and spectators. What is this?

(Answer - button. The one who guesses correctly receives a prize. If no one guessed correctly, the presenter continues.)

The prize is given to the one with the most buttons on his outfit. (The winner is awarded a prize.)

The next competition is for men. Prizes will go to those who have a comb and a handkerchief with them. (The winners will receive prizes.)

TO competition - joke "Beauty Queen"

Leading. Dear ladies, mademoiselle, senoritas, Mrs., Miss, Frau, Mädchen, woman, girls, madam, girls, citizens, mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, girlfriends, wives, mothers, daughters-in-law, cousins, grandmothers, sisters, in-laws, seamstresses, cooks , accountants, engineers, doctors, pensioners... In a word, women, the next competition is for you! It's called "Beauty Queen".

Anyone who has lipstick and a mirror can participate in this competition. Congratulations! You are making it to the second round of the competition! Who has perfume and powder. Bravo! You are semi-finalists!

Let's continue. Who has a hair comb and a wallet. Hooray!

You are finalists of the “Beauty Queen” competition.

The one of you who has a 14 by 17 wrench with you wins.

No? Sorry! For “no” there is no winner!

Banquet break

Fun game "Removing Negativity"

Leading. I would like to remind you that upon entering our holiday, you received a colored elastic band, which I asked you to save. It's time to pay attention to the color of your elastic band. I’ll name the color, and you’ll wave your hand to see who has the rubber band that color. Green... blue... red... yellow... (Guests complete the task.)

I ask each team to nominate one participant for our family holiday. I invite them to the center of the room.

(Four guests come to the host. Each is given one cheerleading broom or fluffy washcloths.)

These are washcloths - cleaning agents. I ask you to choose one man from those present and carry out preventive measures: remove the evil eye, negativity, and negative energy from them. Fragments of songs will be played in which certain parts of the body are mentioned, and you will carry out preventive measures with washcloths and cleansers.

(Fragments of songs are heard, where various parts of the body are mentioned)

I think these women deserve a big round of applause and a moment of glory. This song is for them.

(A fragment of a song plays“Beauties can do anything.” Women take the lead.)

Leading. And now men with pure karma and soul invite women to slow dance.

It sounds like a lyrical hit. Pairs of players dance, those who wish to join.

There is a dance block in progress.


The host, using a bell, invites everyone to continue the feast.

The guests say toasts, read out prepared congratulations, and present gifts to the hero of the occasion.

Leading. I would like to remind you that at this table are the most beloved, closest relatives and friends of the birthday boy.

I am convinced that each of you could easily participate in one or another television show. And this is not said for flattery, this can be confirmed right now. I suggest turning to cinema. Let's all remember the continuation of the legendary movie phrases together.

Game - chant "Complete the phrase"

The presenter begins, and the participants finish the phrase.

They drink champagne in the morning ... only aristocrats and degenerates.
Who's going to put him in prison, he's ... monument!
And now the hunchback! I said ... hunchback!
Who doesn't work is ...eating! Remember, student!
Third Street Builders ... d 25, apt 12.
Freedom for Yuri ...Detochkina!
So that you live on one ... salary!
And then Ostap ... got it!
I never ... I'm not drunk!
How much is opium ... for the people?
There will be coffee and tea for you with cocoa.
Abroad for us ... will help!
I didn't come to kill ...Then they will kill you!
You have a world ... Mother!
Flowers for grandma and children ... ice cream!
Right now ...I'll sing!

Leading. Now let's turn to music, to be more precise, to songs. I invite our colorful teams to remember old songs about the main thing. The team that recognizes the melody and sings the song faster than others gets a point. Those with the most points receive a team prize.

(Excerpts of popular retro songs are played. A competition is held. The winners are awarded a box of chocolates.)

Competition "Touching Ladies"

(The presenter brings out a tray with small fabric bags, inside of which are: salt, sugar, buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley, horns, starch.)

Leading. I again invite one woman from each team. (Participants of the game come out.)

On this tray you see bags with something inside. Take turns identifying the contents of the bag by touch.

(The game is going on.)

Leading. Please applaud our “sensual and touching” ladies (The guests applaud.)

I ask the participants in the game to hand one of the men on their team a newspaper sheet and take their place at the table (The presenter hands out sheets of newspapers.)

Competition "Newspaper Heroes"

Leading. Men, I’m waiting for you at the epicenter of our holiday. Meeting place can not be Changed. (The men come out.)

The competition is simple: who can fold a newspaper sheet in half 10 times faster?

(A competition is taking place. Instrumental music plays in the background.)

Leading. The team player won... (names the team color)

I suggest how to pass the baton of your newspaper sheet to another member of your team. (Other players are selected.)

I ask you to unfold the sheets and make “balls” out of them. Take the ball in your right hand and stand with your back to the open door four steps away from it. Turn your head as far as possible to the right and throw the “ball” over your left shoulder so that it flies out the door.

(A competition is taking place. The distance is small, the goal is large, but rarely will anyone be able to throw a paper “ball” out the door at once. If someone succeeds, he is declared the winner.)

Dance game "Chained by One Chain"

Leading. The “yellow” and “green” teams are invited to the dance floor.

(Teams leave the table. The leader hands each headdress. These can be hats, caps, earflaps, bath caps, etc.)

I ask you to try on these hats and each team to stand in a column one after the other.

(In each team, for all participants, using clothespins, the leader attaches their hats to a rope at a distance of one meter. Each team has its own rope.)

Our dance game is called "Chained by One Chain." Various melodies will be played, during which teams are encouraged to dance, but so that their hats do not fly off.

(Popular dance tunes are played. For example, “Chivala”, “Lambada”, “Nafanana”, Letka-enka”, “Lezginka”, “7-40”, etc.)

A very good, funny and detailed script, with games, competitions and congratulations for the birthday boy.
A melody from the TV show “Visiting a Fairy Tale” is heard in the hall.
The toastmaster welcomes the hero of the occasion, guests and announces that this birthday will be held in the style of “remember childhood”: with elements of funny fairy tales, games and fun.
At the beginning of the holiday there is a traditional congratulatory part. Guests give gifts to the birthday boy or girl, say toasts and congratulations. As an additional “trick” you can use “congratulations with sign language translation”: when one guest makes wishes or a toast, and the other depicts everything that was said using gestures and facial expressions. It turns out to be fun.
Congratulations and gifts are replaced by a gaming part with competitions and sweepstakes. The toastmaster asks everyone to forget for a while that they are adults, respectable people, that there is work and responsibilities somewhere, and immerse themselves in the magical world of children's joys.
An excerpt from the song “Childhood” (from the repertoire of Yuri Shatunov) is played.

Time flies by unnoticed
Year after year, day after day.
Here comes the birthday -
We don't recognize ourselves!
How quickly we grew up
Have gained weight, become more important
And already completely forgotten
Who, friends, we used to be.
Remember your golden childhood -
This is happiness, what a blessing!
Birthday boy, don’t yawn, remember with us!

The toastmaster gives the birthday boy toys to remind him of his childhood years.

Toastmaster: We were all once tiny babies. When our dear birthday boy was a baby, there was no better gift for him than this...
Gives the birthday boy a rattle.
When the birthday boy grew up a little, his favorite toys were divided according to gender.
He gives a car if the birthday boy is a man, or a naked doll if he is a woman.
Then he (she) gravitated towards outdoor games (gives a ball (to a man) or a jump rope (to a woman).
And only then I reached out to the light of knowledge - to reading, to learning!
Gives a book of Russian folk tales.
Well, what child doesn’t love fairy tales? It’s fairy tales that we’ll talk about now. Or rather, we will take part in them!

The toastmaster has pictures depicting heroes of Russian folk tales (or simply badges with inscriptions): Ryaba the Hen, Kolobok, Nightingale the Robber, Ilya Muromets, Elena the Beautiful, Wolf, Fox, Emelya, Princess Nesmeyana, etc. It is better to sort the characters in advance into two boxes - for men and for women. Each guest is invited to pull a picture out of the box without looking, this will be his “role” for the evening. The toastmaster calls the birthday boy “prince... (his name)” and the birthday girl “princess...”.

A fairy tale in a new way
Those listed in the fairy tale participate in the game; you can add new characters if there are a lot of guests. The toastmaster reads the text of the fairy tale. Those whom he names come out to him and portray their characters (except for the birthday boy - he can watch from the side):

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful prince (or princess) (name). He lived in the world and lived and one day he realized that he would soon turn... years old. He decided to invite guests to his birthday and throw a huge feast. All those invited were delighted at this event and began to prepare properly:
Ryaba the hen began to clean her feathers and beak...
The bun was smeared with oil for shine...
Sister Alyonushka washed her brother Ivanushka...
Varvara Krasa - Long Braid finally unraveled her braid and began to do a fashionable hairstyle...
Vasilisa the Wise began making herself a new dress...
The Bear began to rehearse an original congratulatory growl, and the Wolf and the Fox began to rehearse a special dance...
Even Princess Nesmeyana smiled her Hollywood smile and giggled!
And Ilya Muromets began to plan a new club out of wood - you know, you never know what can happen at the feast! (Ilya Muromets is given an inflatable baton or a long balloon.) Then they gathered in a tight circle and thought about what to give the birthday boy? And they came up with it! They took a large bag (players are given a bag) and went through the forest to ask who will give what... (Players must approach the guests and collect “gifts”; guests give anything: some small change from their pocket, candy from the table etc. Anything valuable will be returned later.)
...And they collected a bag full of gifts! They come back skipping, rejoicing... When suddenly an enraged Nightingale the Robber jumped out of the thick thicket with a scream! And let's take away the bag of gifts! Everyone got scared and trembled...
Vasilisa the Wise and Varvara the Beauty lost consciousness... Kolobok rolled under a bush out of fear...
Sister Alyonushka covered brother Ivanushka with her body...
The Fox hugged the Ryaba Hen...
Even the Wolf and the Bear got cold feet and ran away!
It was here that the hero Ilya Muromets came out to meet the enemy. He waved his new club once... The Nightingale the Robber began to dance. He waved two... The Nightingale the Robber fell to his knees and sobbed with remorse... He waved three... And the Nightingale the Robber began to beg for mercy... The generous Ilya Muromets spared him. Yes, he not only spared them, but even invited them to their birthday! Everyone stopped trembling, and walked together to visit the prince (...). The birthday boy greeted them cordially, and they began to dance around him and sing the song “Happy Birthday to You!”

Toastmaster: This is such a happy ending in this scary fairy tale! Thank you all very much. Pay attention to the acting skills our participants demonstrated! So much talent, so much inspiration! I propose to raise a glass to such a magnificent, friendly company.
And after that, I invite all talented people to participate in

Game "Whatever for the soul"
Guests are divided into two teams, for example, the right table and the left table. Everyone is given pens and pieces of paper. The task for the guests from the right table is to write an answer to the question of what he wishes for the birthday boy (these should only be nouns, for example, “happiness”, “money”, “car”), and at the left table - answers to the question of what it should be (adjectives only). The manifestation of imagination is welcome. From the received notes, rather funny phrases are then compiled and read out.

Game "Petals of Desires"
Toastmaster: You know, friends, a certain mysterious guest gave me an unusual gift for the birthday boy - a magic flower. This flower will help fulfill his (her) seven wishes!
You need to make a large flower with multi-colored petals out of paper. Desires are written on the reverse side of the petals.
The toastmaster approaches the guests with a flower and looks for someone who wants to fulfill their first wish. The guest tears off a petal, reads what is written on it, and does:
1) perform a dance for the birthday boy (possibly with the birthday boy);
2) sing;
3) recite a poem (preferably appropriate to the occasion);
4) kiss the birthday boy;
5) draw him (her) from life;
6) tell a joke - make you laugh;
7) make a toast.
When all wishes are fulfilled, a dance break is announced.
During the dances, you can play such a game (the toastmaster explains that this game is so that the guests do not forget their real names).
You should prepare a soundtrack in advance. Excerpts of songs will be played in which the names of the guests present, male and female, are mentioned in turn. The one who hears his name comes out into the circle and dances to the applause of the others. Musical passages should not be very long.

Female names:
- Alice - song “Alice” (from the repertoire of the group “Secret”);
- Galina - song “Galina” (from the repertoire of the group “White Day”);
- Victoria - song “Happy Birthday, Vika” (from the repertoire of the group “Roots”)
- Ekaterina - song “Katya” (from the repertoire of Lev Leshchenko);
- Elizaveta - song “Liza” (from the repertoire of Andrei Gubin);
- Ksenia, Oksana - song “Ksyusha” (from the repertoire of the group “Combination”);
- Love - song “Let's drink to love” (from the repertoire of Igor Nikolaev);
- Maria - song “Marusya” (from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”);
- Margarita - song “Margarita” (from the repertoire of Valery Leontyev);
- Natalya - song “Natasha” (from the repertoire of the group “Hands Up”);
- Svetlana - song “Pink Roses” (from the repertoire of Alexander Dobrynin);
- Tamara - song “Toma-Toma” (from the repertoire of the cabaret duet “Academy”);
- Tatyana - song “Tanechka, Tanyusha” (from the repertoire of Alexander Nazarov);
- Faina - song “Faina” (from the repertoire of the group “Na-Na”).
Male names:
- Alexey - song “Lekha” (from the repertoire of Alena Apina);
- Vasily - song “Vasya” (from the repertoire of the group “Bravo”);
- Vladimir - song “Vova the Plague” (from the repertoire of Irakli Pirtskhalava);
- Victor - song “Vitek” (from the repertoire of Igor Demarin);
- Dmitry - song “I love you, Dima” (from the repertoire of Larisa Chernikova);
- Mikhail - song “Bear, where is your smile?” (from the repertoire of Gelena Velikanova);
- Nikolay - song “Valenki”, second verse, from the repertoire of Lydia Ruslanova);
- Sergey - song “Seryozha” (from the repertoire of the group “Hands Up”).
Then just cheerful music sounds, and the toastmaster invites those whose names were not mentioned.

The toastmaster can also dance to the song “Drink to the bottom if the toastmaster asks you” (from the repertoire of V. Kikabidze).
Even during the dance break, you can start the well-known game of “Streams”.

Toastmaster (after a dance break): Friends, our fabulous evening continues. And after we once again raise our glasses, I will announce a list of those willing to participate in the next competition! This competition is for both beautiful ladies and strong men. With prizes!

Competition “Good fellows, beautiful maidens”
Two teams participate in the competition - men and women, several people each (respectively, “good fellows” and “fair maidens”).
The toastmaster explains the first task for men: Good fellows, would you like to show us your strength? Of course you do! But since today we are all visiting our childhood, you will measure your strength accordingly.
This competition is simple. I'm giving you bubbles, and the one with the biggest bubble wins! Second and third places will also be awarded!
The task goes to the song “Mowed Yas Konyushina” (from the repertoire of the ensemble “Pesnyary”).
At the end of the task, three winning participants remain.
Assignment to the women's team: Our beautiful girls, of course, are delighted with the strength of these good fellows! And to please them, they also have to make some effort. Men, and this is no secret, like needlewomen. So show us your ability to create something out of nothing!
The task is that the “girls” are given newspapers, from which they must make hats for the “well done”, as best they can. The one who does it faster and more original wins. Second and third places are also determined. The rest are eliminated, receiving incentive prizes.
The task is performed to the song “The Hat Fell” (from the repertoire of the group “Na-na”).

Toastmaster: And now - don’t be surprised, I’ll ask you to remember your first love and first love notes! And the next task is that each of you will write an anonymous declaration of love - it can be addressed to anyone: your loved one, your beloved, or even the birthday boy! And then we will evaluate who managed to confess their love in the most original way, and reward the winners!
The written confessions are read out by the toastmaster, and the audience chooses the best ones, without knowing who wrote (the toastmaster only says whether this confession is from a “girl” or a “well done”).
In the end, there remains a winner and a winner. They are awarded prizes.
If there is enough space in the hall, you can play the following game:

Game "Crossing"
Toastmaster says that in childhood everyone loved outdoor games. The essence of this is this: two teams are recruited with the same number of men and women. In both teams, men are on one “bank of the river”, women are on the other. The “river” needs to be crossed with the help of two chairs placed one in front of the other: while sitting on one chair, you need to move the other one forward and sit on it, then move it again in the same way and thus cross from one bank to the other. The winner is the team whose male and female halves are the first to switch sides. Game chairs should not be heavy.
The game is played to the song “Ruchechek” (from the repertoire of Viktor Korolev).

Game "Mothers and Daughters"
This game is for all guests. The toastmaster brings a baby doll and hands it to one of the guests.
Toastmaster: Speaking about children's games, one cannot help but recall the game of “mother-daughter”. So, this wonderful baby is our newborn birthday boy!
The game is that each guest must name the newborn with some affectionate word (for example, my good, my sunshine) and pass it on to the next one, etc., at a fairly fast pace. The further you go, the more sophisticated the affectionate nicknames become.

Competition "Ceramic Artist"
Toastmaster: Dear guests, remember what else you loved to do as a child? That's right, children really like to draw! Is there anyone willing to demonstrate their talent as an artist?
Players are given large disposable plates and colored markers. The participants' task is to paint the plates while blindfolded. Based on applause, the most beautiful plate and winner are chosen. The resulting “masterpieces” are given to the birthday boy as a souvenir.

Toastmaster: There comes a time when it’s time to say goodbye to you... I want to ask you one thing: don’t forget that at heart we all remain a little children and still believe in fairy tales and miracles! And I congratulate the wonderful birthday boy once again on his birthday! Let all children's and non-childhood dreams come true!

Birthday script for adults

Dear guests, as well as those who were not expected, but who, nevertheless, come anyway! We are pleased to announce that the evening dedicated to our dear (dear) ... will not take place, and therefore you can breathe freely and drink as usual.

To be honest, there is no particular reason for him to have fun. Another year added intelligence to the birthday boy, which, as we all know, is nothing but grief. Therefore, I propose to raise a toast to our insanely young birthday boy!

Well, since we still have the hero of the occasion, we need to congratulate him with the whole team. I prepared a congratulation, but I have problems with the Russian language, namely with adjectives. I will ask you to name any adjectives, and I will write them down.

A comic game called “Congratulations on Passes” is being played. The text of the congratulations is prepared in advance.
For example:
Our __________ team congratulates __________ (name of the hero of the occasion) on his birthday. Everyone knows that he is a man of __________ mind, __________ soul, and besides, he is in __________ form. In his __________ years, not everyone achieved __________ success and accomplished so many __________ things. Let us wish him __________ health, __________ acquaintances, __________, __________ growth and prosperity.

Let's drink to make all these wishes come true. And now I invite everyone to participate in a super draw. The subject of the drawing is any item that belonged (or belongs) to the birthday person. For example: the first pacifier he sucked in infancy, the car he played with as a child, the boots he wore when he went into the army. Or, in extreme cases, Parker's gold pen, his car keys, his Gucci suit, and the like.

The presenter announces that the winner of the drawing will be the one who is the last to compliment the hero of the day. Usually such a competition is lively and everyone present takes part in it. We need to warn everyone that epithets addressed to the birthday boy should be pleasant to him. The last person to give compliments is awarded a prize.

The host gives several people the opportunity to say toasts in honor of the birthday boy and invites guests to take part in the game “Rope”.

Everyone receives a piece of paper and writes on it the name of an item that can act as a gift to the hero of the occasion. The presenter ties the piece of paper to a string, which is pulled tight at chest level, and invites the birthday boy, blindfolded, to come up and cut off the “gift.” The rest must guide him using the commands “right”, “left” and so on. This is given three attempts. If the birthday person managed to cut the piece of paper, the author undertakes to present this gift on his next birthday.

Here are a few more games that can warm up those present and at the same time congratulate the hero of the occasion.

Ode in honor of the hero of the occasion:
The presenter passes a piece of paper around, offering to compose an ode in honor of the birthday person. The first participant writes the first line and folds the piece of paper so that the text is not visible. Then he writes the second line and passes it to the neighbor on the right. He, in turn, adds a line to the rhyme, folds the piece of paper, and so on, until everyone has contributed to the creation of a poetic masterpiece.
At the end, the presenter unfolds the piece of paper and expressively reads an ode in honor of the hero of the occasion.

For this competition you need to make a full-length silhouette of a human figure from cardboard. A photo of the hero of the occasion is glued in place of the face. This makeshift mannequin is put on as many clothes as possible, from underwear to earrings. Instead of real clothes, you can make paper clothes and pin them to a mannequin. The host begins to ask questions regarding various aspects of the life of the hero of the occasion: wedding day, foot size, favorite movie, think about the questions in advance. If the guest answers the question correctly, then one item at a time is removed from the mannequin.
In order not to make a person blush, you can stop at a dress, but in general everything depends on the person himself; if everything is in order with a sense of humor, then you can undress completely, covering your private parts with paper fig leaves.

In search of adventure:
The presenter writes a congratulation on a piece of paper in advance and, before the start of the competition, cuts this sheet into pieces. If the hero of the occasion is a man, then the “pieces” are hidden in the clothes of the ladies present; if a woman is congratulated, then the gentlemen participate.
The host invites the birthday boy to go in search of adventure and find all the parts of the congratulation. To do this, the participants stand in a row, and the hero of the occasion tries to complete the task. The duration of the game can be limited.
At the end, the presenter reads out the congratulations and raises a corresponding toast.

Portrait of the birthday boy:
For the competition you will need two thick sheets of paper or cardboard (they can be attached to the wall or placed on stands), felt-tip pens, a scarf or a thick bandage.
The host divides the guests into two teams and invites each to line up in front of their sheet. The hero of the occasion should be seated on a chair with a glass of vodka and a pickled cucumber. The participants’ task is to draw a “portrait”, and this must be done in the following way: the first players of both teams are blindfolded, at a signal they must take felt-tip pens, go to their sheet and draw some element of the portrait: for example, a bottle of vodka or a cucumber. Then the relay passes to the next participants.
In the final, the birthday boy evaluates the teams’ skills and accepts congratulations.

Now you need to remember the word “surprise” and please the guests with a mini-performance.

And now meet the sweet-voiced wanderers, singers of will, geniuses of horse stealing - our gypsy camp!
For this performance you need to select 4-5 guests and dress them up in improvised gypsy costumes. It is advisable to get a guitar and a bear mask.

Song of praise in honor of the birthday boy

White tablecloth
Filled with wine.
The guests are drunk
But that's not what the song is about.
We sing about you
Dear, dear!
Where, in what region
There is another one!
Sober eyes
Clear eyes
Honest eyes
And beautiful!
How we love you
How we appreciate you
And we sing about it
At this wonderful hour!

The gypsies and the bear, accompanied by appropriate music, approach the hero of the occasion and bring him a glass and bread and salt.

Ah, blue-winged dove, my clear falcon. Please us and your guests with a gypsy come out. And you, precious guests, clap louder, and don’t forget to fill your glasses!
The birthday boy dances the gypsy dance. Then the host involves the rest of the guests in this dance.

And now, dear guests, look how our little bear dances. And let everyone put some little thing in his hat and give him a treat, which is not a pity.
A bear with a hat goes around the guests and begs for tasty things: vodka, cucumber. And if it works out, then money. Guests put various little things in a hat: watches, pens, rings, and so on.
After this, a game of forfeits is played.

And I also have a hat, but not a simple one, but a magical one: it knows what your guests think about you, it will read all their thoughts - everything is for you, dear!
The guests pull the prepared pieces of paper from the gypsy, and the gypsy “voices his thoughts.”

What do the guests think about the hero of the occasion:
1. You want, you want, I know for sure, you want, you want, but you are silent
2. The spool is small, but expensive.
3. Drink, but in moderation.
4. I like that you are not sick with me.
5. I don’t know if I love you, but it seems that I do.
6. And you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean.
7. What should I give you, my dear man?
8. I got drunk and drunk, I won’t make it home....
9. You are my fallen maple...
10. We have already played the first half.
11. It’s not evening yet, it’s not evening yet, the road is still bright and the eyes are clear.
12. I don’t sleep well at night because I love you.
13. Old age is not joy.
14. My bunny!
15. I will never forget you.
16. Sim-sim, open up, sim-sim, surrender.
17. I’ll take you to the tundra.
18. An old friend is better than two new ones.

Other similar ideas can be found in the advice and predictions section.

The host thanks the gypsies for all the predictions, invites the “camp” to join the company and announces a competition for the best toast in honor of the birthday boy. They can be found in the "birthday toasts" section.

Scenario for a woman's birthday

Presenter: Our dear Woman (instead of the word woman, the name of the birthday girl is written according to the script)! Today is a special day - the day of your honor and praise. Today, rulers from different states, galaxies, and even from various eras of world history have come to us. Accept their congratulations and gifts! And the first to cross the threshold of this hall is Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible!
(The music sounds - languid and majestic, befitting the era of Tsarist Russia. The “Tsar” enters. Mandatory attire is a scepter, an orb, a hat and a caftan. Gifts are an element of the wardrobe that the birthday girl has long dreamed of, for example, a fur coat, a jacket, boots, etc. d. All the words of the “king” are written on the corresponding parchment in the handwriting characteristic of that time).

Tsar: “I am the great Tsar and Prince of All Rus' John Vasilyevich on this day, I congratulate you, Princess Woman, on your holiday - your birthday. I wish you good health, to shine with beauty and outshine all the servants sitting here, to have obedient children, and a hard-working man. Accept, princess, a gift from the royal shoulder!

He gives a gift and leaves.

Presenter: And now the ruler of the East has come to us - the sensitive and incomparable Sultan!

(Oriental music sounds. The “Sultan” enters. It is better for the birthday girl’s husband to congratulate the Sultan. The outfit is a turban, light trousers - bloomers, a colorful shirt. Gifts - flowers, a chest with a huge number of 10-kopeck coins, since they are most similar for gold, a box of chocolates in the shape of a heart. In advance you need to find the music for the song “If I were a Sultan”).

The Sultan sings the song:
If I were a sultan,
I wish I had a palace
And in my palace
There would be a hundred rings.
It would be better then
Chose for you -
Gold b, pearls
I would give it!

Chorus (2 times):
Not too bad
Congratulations to you
Much better -
Give gifts!
If I were a sultan,
I would be rich
I would give it to you
There's a whole garden of flowers!
But since I'm a husband,
That's all,
I will give you happiness and love!
Chorus (2 times).

Gifts are given according to the appropriate words. Having performed the song, the Sultan kisses the hero of the occasion and leaves!

Presenter: Rumors about your birthday have reached even the galactically distant planets of our Universe. The Lord of the planet Alpha - Centauri - Gorfield has come to congratulate you.

(Electronic music sounds better than the band “Space”. An alien enters. It’s worth taking care of an alien costume in advance, if you couldn’t find one, make a green face mask yourself and throw on a shiny cloak. Gifts - a set of CDs with the birthday girl’s favorite music or films ).

Alien (burrs like an alien): Oh, Woman! You, as a representative of the human race, would be uniquely suited for our experiments due to your excellent intelligence, fortitude and energy. But just because today is such a holiday and because your heart is bright, your soul is kind, and your eyes glow with warmth, we will not touch you. Accept gifts from our planet. Here you will find all the information that is selected according to your tastes and style!

Gives a gift. Leaves.

Presenter: But not only from the far corners of the Universe, but also from the far corners of the planet, representatives of different nations rush to congratulate you, our incomparable Woman. The leader of the African tribe Chingachkuk also came to us today! Meet!

(African motifs sound. The “leader” enters. You can also make a mask or put a black stocking on your head. Put leaves on your belt. Gifts - a figurine, money from Feng Shui, a “singing wind” - an accessory that is hung above the door and which rings when someone comes in. It’s worth taking care of the soundtrack for the song “Chunga-Changa” in advance).

The leader sings a song:
Chunga-changa, I give you
Chunga-changa, breeze in hand,
Chunga-changa, and tatem also,
May he give happiness and warmth!
Chorus (2 times):
Congratulations to Chunga-chang,
Chunga-changa and I wish,
I wish you happiness, joy,
Chunga-changa, I give you
Chunga-changa, a couple of coins,
May they bring good luck
And let peace, peace reign around!
Chorus (2 times)

Presents gifts to the corresponding words in the song. Leaves.

Presenter: And our galaxy of congratulations ends with the Supreme God of Olympus himself - Zeus!

(Music from the “sounds of nature” series plays. Zeus enters, wrapped in a sheet instead of a robe, with a laurel wreath on his head. Gifts - an exclusive bottle of wine, cognac or other alcoholic drink.)

Zeus: I, as the God of Olympus, not only address great and loud words of congratulations in your honor, but also consider it an honor to present you with a cup of wine, which is not only tasted on Olympus, but has also been tasted by representatives of the highest castes of the human race. Taste it - purify your thoughts, strive for obedience, be beautiful and healthy! All the most majestic and impetuous!

Gives a gift. Leaves.

Presenter: For the words of the most prominent representatives of peoples, powers, Galaxies, you need to drink and eat. Let's continue the fun and celebration!

Scenario for a holiday in the form of a feast

Presenter: On this significant day, everyone came to congratulate you, dear birthday boy, on your birthday! I am sure that every guest has something to say to the hero of the occasion. It is with this interesting moment that we will begin our evening!

Birthday is a glorious holiday,
A good, long-awaited holiday.
On this day I wish everyone well,
Light, joy, happiness, warmth!

So that the birthday boy knows all the good things that you came to him with, I propose to make a collective toast. I start a toast, but at the most interesting moment I suggest that my neighbor at the table continue it. Thus, you will get a long toast with a great, and most importantly interesting meaning. The main thing is that the last person finishes the toast logically. Well, in what order the toast will be said, we will find out using lots.

1. Collective toast
After such a luxurious toast, it will be useful to have a snack. And, of course, drink to the health of our birthday boy.


And now I invite all guests, including the birthday boy, to take part in a frank blitz survey, which will not do without a bit of humor. So, each person pulls two pieces of paper out of the box - one with an intriguing question written on it, and the other with a suggested answer. Thus, we will learn about the deepest secrets and secrets of everyone present. Everyone draws out their own question and answer so that everything is fair.

2. Blitz survey
Cards with questions:
Do you often wake up in bed with a Georgian stranger?
Do you dream of a love meeting with a black man?
Do you like to sing while you wash your hair?
Do you sleep in a bunny suit?
How often do people around you see you picking your nose?
Do you like to read novels on the toilet?

Answer cards:
Only on payday
I don't know, but my subconscious tells me that of course
I can't believe my ears! How did you find out?
It's true, these are the best moments of my life
This happens when I eat at night.
Only after a wine-beer-vodka cocktail!

Host: It's time to have a snack again, otherwise our guests will leave the holiday hungry!

Have you had a snack? Great! Then I suggest moving a little. Our men, who don’t even know what it’s like to be pregnant, take part in the next game!

3. Competition “Ninth month of pregnancy”
Rules: Each man is given balloons, which must be hidden under his shirt. This way you will get a decent tummy. The task of each man is to collect as many matches scattered on the floor as possible. The main thing is that the balloons do not burst! Thus, we will find out which man will be the most dexterous.

Host: Great! And now I propose to show a film called “Modern Silent Cinema” for our birthday boy. Each guest is given a piece of paper with a word written on it. You need to use gestures and facial expressions to show this word to the birthday person. The birthday boy, naturally, must reveal all the secrets of the silent genre by guessing the treasured word.

Suggested words: holiday, rose, bouquet, birthday, gift, surprise.

4. Game "Silent Movie"

And finally, I would like to say:
Birthday is a bright holiday
A day of fun and goodness!
Invite your friends and girlfriends
Let the kids stand in a circle
Set the table quickly
We all have more fun together!

And may on this birthday,

All paths will open,

After all, more worthy than a person

There's no way we'll find it!

Funny birthday greetings

Today is the best holiday!

The best day in the world!

We hasten to congratulate you,

And, of course, we are not lazy)

And waking up early in the morning,

Let's collect a bouquet of flowers.

We'll write congratulations,

Wishing you happy years,

Health, joy, fun...

Everything you could want.

So that you, reading congratulations,

I started jumping for joy!


During congratulations, the birthday person is asked to take some kind of funny “congratulatory pose”, in which he accepts friendly congratulations


Let's hit the poems with rhyme

In honor of the birthday,

Let them sound both here and there

Congratulations to you!

Don't hold back your smile

And take the right pose,

Today is a congratulatory

The pose is hilarious!

(Pause: the birthday boy takes a congratulatory pose. Next - in a different rhythm.)

Let's tell the essence of the wishes,

Forgetting about the rush of days,

Look to the root, but don't forget,

That the giraffe knows better.

Don't run aground on the way

You're still a year older,

Move forward quickly!

Now you take it

The look is normal. (The birthday boy comes out of the congratulatory pose.)

Have a blast, light it up

Postponing the pose for a year!

Cool poetic congratulation

Do you want congratulations?

Open your ears!

It's your birthday!

Let's pull! Count!

To go out to glory

It's your holiday now

Let the neighbors hear

Shouts from us.

Noise a little

We will exceed the background

Let them not judge harshly

The glasses are clinking.

If it comes

A guard of order is coming to us,

Our circle will become wider,

The guard will be in a frenzy!

So it's no use

Congratulations to a friend from friends

Happy Birthday SMS

Alien: I am G-buk, I fell to you from Mars, and got tired of the road, I specially brought you to congratulate the birthday girl. I brought you Martian chocolate as a gift, it’s with salted mushrooms, take a bite and tell me - it’s garbage?!

Doctor: I’m here without chocolate, I’ll give you an enema as a gift, no thanks required, it’ll come in handy - it’s for you!

Putin: Congratulations, madam, let me shake your hand, and my gift is here! Bring it in, gentlemen! (bring in some large gift, maybe a bunch of balloons)

Cleaning lady: I ​​heard - they pour it and congratulate someone, I quietly looked in on you once. If you don’t refuse, you’ll pour it, I’ll scream songs for you, so who are we going to loudly congratulate today?

All together: Our Katya (insert name) is gold, that’s who we congratulate,

And we’ll leave this song for Katya as a gift:

Everyone sings a remade birthday song together.

  • Birthday script "Congratulations from the President"
  • Summer birthday scenario
  • Birthday script for 5 years
  • Birthday script for 18th birthday (girl)
  • Scenario for a children's party (3-7 years old)

Scenario for a woman's birthday. competitions, games.

Scenario for a man’s birthday Scenario for a man’s birthday for his 60th anniversary Scenario for a woman’s birthday for her 30th anniversary Scenario for a woman’s birthday in nature Scenario for a boss’s birthday Scenario for a children’s birthday

Continuation of the description of the woman’s birthday scenario:

(Takes out a rosy apple and says.) - I couldn’t give it to me.

to the millennium! Well, it’s okay, I’ll join you in the end

I'm chewing! After all, if you put this apple on the table, then all the wines

turn into the elixir of youth! So, let's pour everything

Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather!

Everyone is now seventeen years old!

(Takes off his nose with glasses and a scarf.) - Well, here I am rejuvenated

thanks to your birthday girl! Now it's time for me to go! (Sings

motive of the song “Farewell to Love”.)

Half an hour before the flight, half an hour before the flight!

I'm already at the runway!

I'm hurrying to the Sabbath on this starry evening

And I will arrive exactly like clockwork!

It was so wonderful here at the anniversary -

You call it whatever you want!

Or a birthday, or a jam day,

Or an evening of happiness and love!

Baba Yaga flies away on a broom, followed by a musical


























Telegrams with the names of the guests are also inserted here,

written in a similar poetic form.

The one who first gave the correct answer is awarded a fish

ki. For the largest number of chips, a gift is awarded.

Lottery mystery

The essence of the competition is for guests to guess

a gift that the presenter prepared for them. You can set

leading questions. He answers “yes” or “no”.

Gifts can be in the form of images of certain objects.

goods on paper or toy prototypes of serious gifts

kov (for example, a toy car, a drawing of a dacha, a toy

neck boat).

The gift is received by the one who guessed what gift he wished for.

Test “Draw a man”

The host asks the guests to draw a person from 12 figures:

you can use triangles, squares, circles, diamonds.

There are 12 of them in total.

At the end of the evening, you can invite guests to open

for the birthday girl a bank account, after which take out three lit-

a ditch jar where all guests can throw in any

amount of money.

Scene - congratulations on a woman’s birthday or anniversary. motive of the song reworking "chunga - changa"

Details, attributes: for this congratulation you will need any hat,

bandana, cap (baseball cap), cap.

The crown is included, just print it out, cut it out and glue it together.

Several people come out with hats tied with ribbons like gifts (but so that they can try them on for the hero of the day). As the song progresses, hats are tried on in order. At the end, the hero of the day is crowned and seated on a pre-prepared chair with a high back

(decorated like a throne).

The crown is put on, at the end glasses of alcohol are poured and a drink is drunk to the queen - the hero of the day.

The motive of the song "Chunga-changa"

Your anniversary has finally arrived

And a specific question arose before us

What gift should we buy you?

And they decided to give the hat.


What a hat - tenderness,

A treat for the men

But it's not at all in season,

What a shame!

But let's not be sad now,

And we'll get a gift

Very nice, suitable

We need it so much...

To be useful for sports at once

We found a cap by eye

Didn't solve that difficult question

And an argument arose between us.


Very nice cap

It will sit firmly on the top of your head,

Will only be worn rarely

What a shame!

But let's not be sad now,

And we'll get a gift

Very nice, suitable

We need it so much...

Even a cap will not go as a gift,

And only a fool wears a bandana

The swarm of offers has long dried up

Finding a gift is no small task


We will give you the crown

And we’ll put you on a big throne

Today we praise the Queen

How nice!

The anniversary will be cool,

Let's have a drink and sit down,

A toast is needed now


Enlarge the crown and download it to your computer, print and cut each of the three elements. Cut it out, secure it with tape or a stapler, cut off the excess. The crown is ready.

And as good as spring days!

Participant with a red ball in his hand:

We'll be the first to give you a red ball

It burns brightly in color, like a flashlight.

May he bring victory, success

Participant with blue balloon

Here's a blue ball on a string

He will bring peace of mind

The bottomless sky is clear distance

Even sadness makes it fresh!

Participant with white ball:

A little white ball is a sign of purity

Faith, hope and bright love

I wish that envy was only light

May your deeds be pure!

We didn't bring the black ball

Not because he wasn't found

Just from close and old friends

We all wish only joyful days!

Participant with a yellow ball:

Little yellow ball, it's like a dream

May it never leave you

Today he gathered his friends and girlfriends

A yellow ball is a circle of sunshine!

Participant with green ball:

Green ball - the scent of fields and forests

We also can’t forget today

The green ball will give warmth

And your soul will immediately feel light! Natalya84 mom Congratulations with balloons

We came to congratulate you

And they brought different balls with them

They're not expensive these days

But as good as spring days!

I’ll be the first to give you a red ball,

It burns bright in color, like a fire.

May it bring health and success

Let everyone share joy and laughter!

Here's a blue ball on a string

He will bring peace of mind

The bottomless blue sky is pure,

Don't you need her?

The scent of summer fields and forests

Even in winter we can’t forget

The green ball will give warmth

And your soul will become light.

The orange ball is like a dream

May it never leave you.

He will gather friends and girlfriends into the house.

The orange ball is a solar circle.

A white ball is a sign of purity

Faith, hope and pure love

Even envy would be bright

Let beauty surround you!

A yellow ball will decorate a bouquet,

But they say it is a treacherous color.

From thanks to your good deeds,

I won’t let you burst the little yellow balloon. Natalya84 mom Congratulations from the Stargazer

Host: Dear guests!

Who keeps count of all the stars?

Well, of course, an astrologer!

Only where the star will flash,

He arrives there.

(The stargazer comes out.)

Astrologer: Good evening, dear guests and hostess!

Birthday girl from heaven

I pulled out a miracle of miracles.

Happy anniversary,

I give this cake to her.

There are many lights on it,

It takes a lot of effort to blow them out.

Dear birthday girl!

To the command “three-four!” - you need to smile wider.

And for “one time!” or “two” - get ready first.

How can I say “start!” - You can blow out the candles.-

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