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Miniature miniature pinscher dog. Miniature Pinscher or Miniature Pinscher Miniature Pinscher breed description character care

The Miniature Pinscher dog breed, or, as it is more often called, the Miniature Pinscher, was bred by German breeders. This animal is very small, as it has a small weight, which does not exceed six kilograms, and its height reaches only thirty centimeters. But at the same time, this type of pet lives a long time, usually at least fifteen years.

Experienced dog breeders and simply lovers of these animals note in Pinschers their unique character and “dancing gait.” He looks like a gracefully moving toy dog ​​that walks with pride because he is a representative of the Miniature Pinscher breed.

But, despite their height, these animals are classified as service animals. They are considered the smallest breed of service dogs, similar in many ways to the Miniature Nauzer. The body of these pets is quite strong, which makes it possible to use them in many types of sports training, which include agility with freestyle, as well as other varieties.

Fact! At the very beginning, when the breed was first bred, their tail and ears were docked. But today this procedure is performed much less frequently.

History of the origin of the breed

The exact date of origin of this type of dog is still unknown, but what can be said for sure is that Germany became their homeland. Experts say that the first mentions of these small animals date back to the 15th century. That is why it is considered the centenary of their origin.

Miniature pinschers quickly became people's favorites, and the reason for this lies in their behavior. The area of ​​Württemberg is considered the first where these dogs appeared. There they mainly lived near the stables, fulfilling their duty in the form of guarding property and catching rats. Therefore, it is not surprising that they can still be called “stable griffins.”

A little later, these nice and brave dogs were used as carriage escorts. Running next to them, they barked loudly and provocatively throughout the trip. This was necessary not only to disperse passers-by from the road, but also to scare away ill-wishers. But besides this, pinschers were also taken for hunting. Despite its small size, this pet also coped with the task of a hunter.

Miniature Pinscher Standards

Many people note some similarity between a dog of this breed and a representative of the Doberman breed. But, in truth, there are no related connections between these species at all. The only connection between them is that a certain person with the surname Doberman was very amazed and delighted by the appearance of cute dwarf pinschers, so he began breeding similar dogs, but larger in size. Therefore, those who see the similarity of Dobermans with miniature pinschers are not at all mistaken, because these small representatives really became the prototypes of modern Dobermans. Although a real pinscher does not exceed 30 centimeters in height, and the average weight reaches only 5 kilograms.

  1. The dog of this breed has well-developed muscles. Its paws are quite high, but stable. It is worth noting that the hind limbs are slightly longer.
  2. The dog's head is not very large, but not small either, it looks proportional to the body. This part has a rather expressive transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
  3. The neck is a little long, but not thick.
  4. The Pinscher's eyes are oval-shaped, and their color is generally quite dark.
  5. The fur covering the body is short, but shiny and silky. Ideally, representatives of this species have their tails and ears trimmed. But today, breeders refuse these rules for the reason that this does not interfere with the normal functioning of the dog, and the procedure itself causes him pain.

Generally accepted standards for miniature pinschers were adopted back in 1880, and some time later, namely 15 years later, the first club of fans of this breed was opened in the homeland of these animals. And after this event, many people learned about this breed, and pinschers began to appear at most exhibitions and competitions, even outside of Germany. This breed spread throughout Europe after another exhibition took place in France, where modern miniature pinschers were presented as smooth-haired terriers originally from a stable.

After this event, these dogs gained enormous popularity, but, unfortunately, the wars that took place in the 20th century led to the fact that there were almost no representatives of this breed. It was only thanks to the efforts of dog lovers that the breed regained its popularity.

The color of animals can be quite different. A common option is considered to be monochromatic representatives of brown-red color. In second place are two-colored dogs, which are often black and tan. This tan can cover the area above the eyes, as well as near the tail, on the chest. But these two types of colors are popular today. Previously, only one color was approved in the set of standards - brown and tan. Currently, this species is bred only in the United States.

These tiny dogs can be kept not only outside, in your own home, but also in an apartment. However, to avoid any problems, this species is recommended to be owned only by those who have experience with dogs. Because if you give it some slack, pinschers become quite spoiled and stubborn.

These dogs by nature can be quite gentle as well as affectionate. But their main quality is energy. These representatives are good friends for children. But at the same time, it is worth explaining to children that, despite their small size, animals are not toys, and they should be treated with respect. Dogs need their own space and peace when they want it.

If we talk about other pets in the house, they cooperate quite well with them and do not conflict at all. The same cannot be said about other people's dogs on the street, towards whom pinschers can show aggression. Building relationships with other people's dogs does not always go well for pinschers, and they can become aggressive. They can only have excellent relationships with those they know from a very young age.

Miniature pinschers are quite suspicious representatives, and for this reason they can bark constantly. This can pose a problem for those who frequently host guests. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to raising a dog so that he calmly accepts strangers in the house. And if we talk about public places, then here it is worth keeping the dog on a leash, no matter how calm it appears.

On the one hand, these pets are quite cute, cheerful and loyal animals, but they also have negative sides that must be dealt with through educational work from an early age. Moreover, these dogs love to learn, which makes their work easier. If a miniature pinscher loves and respects his owner, then he will obey him unquestioningly.

This pet is ideal for living in a small apartment, because its small size allows the dog to fit almost anywhere. Its significant advantage is that it sheds quite rarely, and this process will not bring much trouble to the owner. The next advantage of this breed is that it is very easy to train.

But, despite this, you should not overdo it and allow the animal a lot, because it is very easy to spoil it. And his stubbornness can play a cruel joke on the owner. However, if you do not neglect educational work, then this pet will grow into a very faithful, sweet and gentle family friend.

As already noted, these dogs love children and other family members, but children need to learn that this is a dog in front of them, not a toy. Miniature Pinschers have no problem getting along with other pets, so don't worry about it. But, if the dog is already an adult, and the owners decide to get another cat or dog, problems may arise. But all this is also quite individual.

Strangers are potential enemies for the Miniature Pinscher, so they may bark at them or simply be wary. This reaction is a consequence of their innate guardian instinct. When this dog encounters suspicious individuals, his fur stands on end, his eyes sparkle with anger, and he is ready to go on the attack to protect his home or his owners from potential danger.

Despite all its ambiguous character traits, this pet will become an excellent friend not only for the whole family, but also for people who live alone.


If we talk about the health of the Pinscher, it is worth noting that it is prone to some serious diseases such as diabetes with urolithiasis, cataracts with glaucoma, and these small pets are prone to epilepsy and deafness.

Caring for pinschers is quite simple. They do not require daily procedures. In order for your dog to feel good, you need to take care of its coat. To do this, you need to comb it no more than two or three times, and also periodically remove loose hair with a damp towel.

This dog is not at all expensive to feed, because it is small in size, and, accordingly, it needs little food. But it is worth paying special attention to the quality of food, because the animal’s activity level and health depend on it.

Miniature pinschers should not be left in a draft, and in the cold season you need to take care of the availability of clothing for the dog. By cold we mean low air temperature outside, because in mild frost this dog does not freeze due to its over-activity. A pet’s paws can start to freeze only at -7 – 10 degrees Celsius. If the winter is severely frosty, then you should buy a special overall for walks, and don’t forget about boots.

But not only cold, but also heat can be dangerous for a pet. Because in hot weather the dog can get sunstroke. If the walk takes place in the sun, then it is worth remembering that it is important to wet the fur periodically, especially if the animal’s color is black and tan.

Note! Representatives of this breed are prone to obesity, so it is worth monitoring their condition. An excellent option for them would be active games like Frisbee. If the dog lives in an apartment and goes to the litter box at home, then it is even more necessary to walk it, and at least twice a day, at least for 30 minutes.

Dogs of this breed should not be left at home alone for a long time, because due to boredom they can start doing whatever they want, for example, playing with things that are not intended for this, and are even prohibited.

Despite its character, this dog is naturally intelligent, so it is necessary to develop its abilities and teach it something new. You can learn something new not only at a young age, but throughout your life.

It is worth noting that miniature pinschers should not be pulled or lifted by holding the front paws or the scruff of the neck, because there is a risk that the dog will damage the tendon. If you need to move your pet, it is best to hold it by the stomach. It must be remembered that the dog should not be let off the leash in a public place, because even such a small dog can harm other people that it does not like.

You shouldn't bathe pinschers at all because they can easily get sick. You need to wash your pet only when there is an urgent need for it, for example, when it is heavily soiled, but not more often.

Miniature pinschers should periodically trim their claws - these animals are light in weight, and their claws do not wear off quickly when walking. And if you let them go and don’t cut them off at all, the pet may get dislocated due to an awkward gait.

As already noted, it is worth carefully monitoring your pinscher’s diet. Freshness and quality of food are the main criteria by which food should be judged. It is best if your pet eats natural food. His diet should consist of lean meat such as chicken or beef with horse meat.

The dog should eat food exclusively on a schedule, and portions should be appropriate for its age and weight. If the dog does not finish what was given to him, then the portion should be reduced. However, if he stands next to the plate and looks at his owner with sad eyes, then it is necessary to reconsider his diet.

To prevent intestinal ailments in a dog, as well as to get rid of worms, add finely chopped garlic to a plate of food.

Miniature Pinscher puppy price

The cost for a Miniature Pinscher puppy varies depending on the presence or absence of a pedigree, as well as many other factors. The average price you need to pay for a pinscher baby is 10-30 thousand Russian rubles. Pets that do not have a pedigree at all, or do not meet the standards of the presented breed, generally cost no more than 10 thousand. This dog is suitable for those who are not going to take the animal to exhibitions or competitions, because anyway it will not be able to pass the standards. For this price you can buy a wonderful family friend and beloved pet.

Also, the cost depends on where the animal is purchased. If this is a nursery, then its cost can range from 10-35 thousand. But in the kit, the potential owner will receive documents and a puppy with a good pedigree.

If a person plans to take part in competitions and exhibitions, then for such a miniature pinscher puppy you will have to pay at least 20-35 thousand rubles. Such puppies must have titled parents, which makes it possible, in the future, to receive victories for participating in competitions among their own kind.

Where to buy a miniature pinscher puppy

It is worth warning those who want to purchase a pet at the poultry market or via the Internet, because no one here can guarantee that the purchased animal is a real representative of the miniature pinscher breed. The best option is to buy a pet from a nursery. There are quite a few advantages of purchasing a pet here, and, most importantly, the owner can be sure that this is a real representative of the breed, who has been properly looked after and monitored for his health.

Video: dog breed miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher)

The Miniature Pinscher is the most popular breed in Europe. These miniature dogs are distinguished by their endurance, attractive appearance and wonderful character. They can be called differently: miniature pinscher, miniature pinscher, royal pinscher.

Description of the breed

The miniature pinscher first appeared in Germany. At first, dogs of this breed guarded horses and were excellent travel companions for people on long-distance trips. In addition, they were also excellent hunters of rats or mice. Later, miniature pinschers became domestic dogs.

The Miniature Pinscher (Doberman) is a small dog that differs from the German Pinscher in its size. She also looks a lot like a Doberman, which is why she is also called a mini Doberman.

  1. The dog's height does not exceed thirty centimeters, and it weighs no more than five kilograms. In size it is comparable to a Toy Terrier, Yorkie or Japanese Spitz.
  2. The jaws are elongated and quite strong.
  3. The eyes are oval shaped and dark in color.
  4. The ears are usually erect or slightly drooping.
  5. The tail is small.
  6. The coat is short and smooth, shiny in color.
  7. The paws are smooth and muscular.
  8. The neck is quite long and thin.
  9. Miniature Pinschers have a slender and muscular build with a broad chest.

Gallery: Miniature Pinscher (25 photos)

Color and character

Miniature pinschers come in two-color and one-color. Single-colored ones have a brown-red or red color. Bicolors only come in black and tan. The tan is located above the eyes, on the chest and neck.

The Dwarf Doberman is a very active, attentive, affectionate, loyal and intelligent dog. They get along well with people and small children, but they do not like excessive affection, so they can become aggressive.

Regarding other pets, then they can only get along with them if they grew up with them from childhood. They treat strangers and dogs with distrust and may even attack.

Based on reviews from people who keep such dogs, we can say with confidence that the miniature is excellent for home keeping.

Rules of care and maintenance

To keep the dog healthy and happy, you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. Walks should be long and active. If you do not follow this rule, the pinscher will become mischievous in your home.
  2. Miniature pinschers do not tolerate heat and cold well. Therefore, in hot weather, they need to be walked in the shade, and in cold weather, put on a special warm suit.
  3. You can only bathe your dog in a warm room, as it can easily freeze and get sick.
  4. Clean your ears and gas regularly.
  5. A smooth-haired pinscher needs to be brushed once a week. Use a special brush.
  6. Monitor the condition of the claws. Trim them with special nail clippers.
  7. At ten months they reach puberty, so they can be aggressive.
  8. Brush your dog's teeth once a week with a special brush.

When you get a pet, be sure to ask what it was fed so that it sticks to the same diet. The Pinscher's diet must be balanced.

If the puppy has recently been weaned from its mother's milk, then at first he needs to continue to be fed with milk, only goat’s milk, which is quite fatty and more reminiscent of dog’s milk.

An older dog's diet should consist mainly of meat (40%) - beef or horse meat. Poultry can be given occasionally. Pork is strictly prohibited for Miniature Pinschers.

30% of the diet should consist of vegetables. They can be boiled or raw. The remaining 30% includes fermented milk products and cottage cheese, as well as porridge cooked in meat broth. Porridges are prepared from different grains: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet and others. Do not add salt during cooking!

If you decide to switch your pet to dry food, then select it more carefully. For full development it must contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In order not to harm your pet, it is better to consult a veterinarian, he will help you with the right choice.

Giving your dog food from the table is prohibited! Our food contains salt and fats that will be harmful to your pet. Create a feeding schedule for your mini pinscher and stick to it. And don't forget about water. It should always be clean and fresh. If properly cared for, a Miniature Pinscher can live for about twenty years.

Before purchasing a dog, you need to make sure that By the time she appeared, everything was prepared:

  1. The dog should have its own cozy place where it can sleep or just relax. It must be prepared before purchasing a pet.
  2. To prevent your dog from getting an electric shock, you need to remove all wires and close the sockets.
  3. Buy special items to care for your miniature pinscher: shampoo, scratcher, nail clippers, warm clothes, and more.
  4. Don't forget to buy toys, a collar and a leash.
  5. Decide in advance where your pet will eat. Buy two bowls - one for food and one for water.

Training and education

The Miniature Pinscher differs from other dogs in that he is easy to train. Training must begin from a very early age. This process must be approached seriously and responsibly.

For completed commands, be sure to praise your pet, pet him, and then success is guaranteed!

Pet diseases and treatment

Zverg is most often susceptible to such diseases, How:

To keep the pet healthy, the owner must carry out vaccinations on time.

Miniature pinscher, also known as minpin, also known as roe pinscher - these are the names that the breed of miniature pinscher, smart, strong, brave pets, was known at different times.

They have guard and hunting properties, perfectly combining them with immense devotion to their owner. Description of the miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher) breed and reviews from owners in the detailed material below.

The history of the Miniature Pinscher breed began about three hundred years ago in Germany. Originally kept as rodent hunters, these small dogs became fully domesticated. The modern appearance was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, and miniature pinschers came to Russia during the Great Patriotic War.

Miniature pinschers are the prototype of the Doberman: pinscher fan F.L. Doberman developed the breed of the same name, inspired by these miniature but agile dogs. However, There is no relationship between these breeds, despite their similar appearance and character.

Description of the breed, reviews

FCI standard No. 185, dated 04/18/2007 “Zwergpinscher, Miniature Pinscher”.
Group 2 "Pinchers, Schnauzers, Molossians and Swiss Cattle Dogs."
Section 1 “Pinchers and Schnauzers”.
Height – from 25 to 30 cm, weight – 4-6 kg.
Life expectancy is about 20 years.


Let's start describing the miniature pinscher breed with the exterior (external data). This is one of the smallest service breeds, it distinguished by a funny gait, similar to the gait of a horse or deer. The developed muscles of these dogs give the impression of elegant and fit animals. Miniature Pinscher: description of the breed, reviews below.

The minpin's head is medium-sized, not wide, and its forehead is flat. The eyes are dark and small. The nose is black. The neck is long and set high. The front and hind legs are slender and strong. The tail is erect and can be docked. The dog's coat is short, hard and shiny. All these signs are clearly visible in the photo of an adult miniature pinscher.

The ears are cropped; they should be erect, triangular, and larger than the head. When should miniature pinscher ears be cropped? The operation is performed at an early age no earlier than 3 months and before the start of teeth change at 4.5 months.

This is necessary so that the ears are fully grown and the doctor can give them the correct shape. And as the pet’s teeth begin to change, the pet’s immunity will decrease and surgery accompanied by anesthesia will be contraindicated. Therefore, cupping must be done within the specified period - from 3 to 4.5 months of life.

Breed varieties are distinguished by color. It is usually tan and black, red or red-brown, so-called "fox", which is not recognized as a standard.

A black miniature pinscher should have two tan triangles on its chest.

Character, abilities, skills

Brief characteristics of the Miniature Pinscher breed: a small dog with a lively disposition and a difficult character. In order for a dog to grow up well-mannered, it is necessary to undergo training from childhood or under the guidance of a dog handler.

The Miniature Pinscher will get along well with children if they understand that the dog is a living creature that needs to be treated gently and kindly.

He shows impatience with other dogs, so it is better not to introduce such a breed into a family that already has dogs. However, familiarity with the animal from childhood is likely to promote friendship.

The little Doberman Miniature Pinscher is an excellent watchdog. His ringing bark will instantly scare away any ill-wisher, but he will not raise his voice without a reason. Among them, they stand out for their qualities that differ from typical decorative, indoor breeds. This domestic creatures, but, if necessary, cope well with small rodents and other pests.

They are devoted to their owner and feel sad if the owner does not play for a long time or does not engage with his pet.

Left alone, this dog can ruin furniture or chew slippers and shoes. Note that with proper upbringing, such troubles can be easily avoided.

A word from the owners

This unusual, peculiar dog, who has a sensitive, kind and loyal character. Here are the most typical reviews from miniature pinscher owners, which are not uniform, which once again confirms how much the pet’s character depends on proper upbringing on the part of the owner:

  • compact, affectionate, friendly breed. Very playful - interested in every sound and will support any fun;
  • Raising a dog is a pleasure! Very smart and quick-witted;
  • when strangers come home, he carefully guards the territory. With any excitement it can bark loudly;
  • mini doberman miniature pinscher does not shed, does not leave hair everywhere, without causing inconvenience to the owner;
  • very stubborn nature that requires constant training;
  • you can train to the litter box, but this does not cancel out fun walks and spending time in the fresh air;
  • will be an excellent companion for both a single person and a family with children of middle and high school age. Due to its compactness and ease of care, it will also be a friend to a pensioner.

Conditions of detention and care features

Caring for and maintaining a miniature pinscher is not a problem. It does not require much space and therefore fits perfectly both in an apartment and in a private house. The dog’s special passion is playing outdoors, so you need to walk your baby at least 2 times a day. When walking, the born hunter loves to chase birds and cats. It is necessary to give the dog the opportunity to run without a leash.

When walking, make sure your dog doesn’t get into fights with other dogs. This tomboy can fight even with someone much larger and stronger than him.

Grooming is simple: all you need is Once a week, comb your pet's fur, wiping it with a damp cloth. This is one of the few breeds that will not cause allergies. Your dog should be trimmed once a year. You should only bathe after heavy contamination - water procedures can cause a cold. Protect your pet from drafts, and for winter walks you should use overalls and special boots.

Since childhood, the dog has been distinguished by an excellent appetite, however, they need a small amount of food.

Give your puppy warm milk, milk porridge, gradually including a small amount of minced meat, boiled chicken and vegetables, cottage cheese must be included.

Miniature Pinschers are prone to obesity. Provide your dog with adequate physical activity and carefully monitor its diet.

An adult dog's diet should include beef. For example, pieces of meat can be mixed into porridge. A sufficient amount of vegetables will contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Any food should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and calcium, so It is better to exclude dry food from the diet.

What can you wish for the future or current owner of this mini-guard? Monitor the quality and standard of nutrition, do not neglect raising your pet, and then you will forever find a faithful, smart and cheerful friend who will give you many happy moments. The miniature pinscher will become a friend for an active person.

Additionally, check out the video about the Miniature Pinscher dog breed:

The miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher, miniature pinscher) is a small breed of dog originally from Germany. They are called mini Dobermans, but in fact they are significantly older than their larger brothers. This is one of the most charismatic breeds among lap dogs.

  • This is a tough dog, but rough handling can easily injure it. It is recommended to keep the Pinscher in families with older children.
  • They do not tolerate cold and high humidity well.
  • Created to hunt rats, they have not lost their instincts today. They may chase small animals.
  • This breed has a lot of energy, definitely more than you. Keep your eyes on him as you walk.
  • The owner must be the alpha in the dog's eyes. This is a small dominant breed and should not be given freedom.

History of the breed

The Miniature Pinscher is an old breed that originated in Germany at least 200 years ago. Its formation occurred before stud books came into fashion, so some of the history is quite vague.

This is one of the oldest and most common dog breeds in the Pinschers/Terriers group. The origins of dogs from this group are unclear, but they served Germanic-speaking tribes for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Their main task was the extermination of rats and other rodents, although some were guard dogs and cattle dogs.

Until today, Pinschers and Schnauzers are considered the same breed, but with minor differences. Most experts call the German Pinscher the ancestor of the breed, from which all other variations originated, but there is no convincing evidence for this. The oldest evidence dates back to 1790, when Albert Dürer painted dogs that exactly resembled modern German pinschers.

It is not known for certain when, but the breeders decided to reduce the size of the dogs. Most likely, this happened after 1700, since accurate descriptions of miniature pinschers are found after 1800. This means that at that time they were a stable breed and it is unlikely that it took more than 100 years to create it.

Some claim that they appeared a couple of hundred years earlier, but do not provide convincing evidence. It is undeniable that breeders began to crossbreed the smallest dogs, but whether they crossed with other breeds is a question.

Here opinions are divided and some say that the miniature pinscher came from the smallest representatives of the German pinscher, others that it was not without crossbreeding.

For a long time it was believed that the Manchester Terrier took part in the creation of the breed, since these dogs are very similar. However, the miniature was born before the Manchester Terrier. With a high degree of probability, breeds such as Italian greyhound and dachshund took part in breeding.

After its formation, the breed quickly gained popularity among German-speaking countries, which at that time had not yet been united. In its native language it is called miniature pinscher, which translates as miniature pinscher.

The fawn-colored dogs were called re-pinscher because of their resemblance to small roe deer (from German Reh - roe deer). Despite its size, the breed remained an excellent rat catcher, not afraid of rats slightly smaller than itself.

Although they were common, they were not yet a breed in the modern sense. There was no standard and crossbreeding was a common practice. When Germany was united in 1870, the fashion for dog shows was sweeping Europe. The Germans wanted to standardize the breed and in 1895 the Pinscher/Schnauzer Club (PSK) was created.

This club recognized four different varieties: Wirehaired, Dwarf Wirehaired, Smoothhaired and Dwarf Smoothhaired. Today we know them as separate breeds: German and miniature pinschers.

The first standard and stud book appeared in 1895-1897. The first mention of the breed's participation in dog shows dates back to 1900.

One of the fans of the breed was a tax inspector named Louis Dobermann. He wanted to create a dog exactly like a miniature pinscher, but larger. She had to help him in dangerous and difficult work. And he creates it between 1880 and 1890.

His duties included catching stray dogs, so he had no shortage of material. In 1899, Dobermann introduced a new breed, which was named after his last name. This means that the Miniature Pinscher served as the model for the Doberman Pinscher and is not a mini Doberman, as some people mistakenly believe.

In 1936, the United Kennel Club (UKC) recognized the breed, after which the standard was changed several times.

Simultaneously with the standardization of the breed, Germany became an industrial country experiencing urbanization. Most Germans move to cities, where they have to live in significantly limited space. And this gives rise to a boom in small dogs.

From 1905 to 1914, the breed was extremely popular in its homeland and almost unknown outside its borders. At the same time, Dobermans are becoming popular in law enforcement agencies, including in America.

This fame grew significantly when Dobermanns served the German army loyally and fiercely in the war. The First World War was not as catastrophic for the breed as the Second. However, thanks to her, pinschers came to the United States, since American soldiers took the dogs with them.

Although they were little known in the United States before 1930, they really boomed between 1990 and 2000. For several years, these dogs were a popular breed in the United States, surpassing even Doberman Pinschers.

This was due to his small size, allowing him to live in an apartment, intelligence and fearlessness. The similarity to Dobermans also played a role, since many were afraid of large dogs.

A little later, the fashion passed and in 2010 they ranked 40th in the number of dogs registered with the AKC, which is 23 positions lower than in 2000. Originally rat catchers, today they are used exclusively as companion dogs.

Description of the breed

Despite the fact that most owners are already set on edge by such a comparison, the miniature pinscher is very similar to the miniature Doberman. Like all toy breeds, he is small.

According to the American Kennel Club standard, the dog should be 10–12 1⁄2 inches (25–32 cm) at the withers. Although males are somewhat larger, sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed. The ideal weight of a dog is 3.6–4.5 kg.

This is a lean breed, but not skinny. Unlike other indoor dogs, the miniature pinscher is not fragile, but muscular and strong. They should look like working breeds, although they are not.

The paws are long, which makes them appear significantly taller than they actually are. Previously, the tail was docked, leaving a stump a couple of centimeters long, but today this is prohibited in many European countries. The natural tail is quite short and thin.

The dog has a characteristic muzzle, he does not look like an indoor decorative dog, more like a guard dog. The head is proportional to the body, with a long and narrow muzzle and a pronounced stop. The eyes should be dark in color, the darker the better. Light-colored dogs are allowed light eyes.

The Miniature Pinscher is almost always engrossed in something and his ears stand up. Moreover, they have naturally erect ears, which immediately attract attention.

The coat is smooth and very short, almost the same length throughout the body, without undercoat. It should shine and most dogs practically do. Two colors are allowed: black and tan and red, although more exist.


This dog has a bright character. When owners describe their dog, they use the words: smart, fearless, lively, energetic. They say that he looks like a terrier, but unlike them he is much softer.

The Miniature Pinscher is a companion dog that loves to be close to its owner, to whom it is incredibly attached and faithful. These are affectionate dogs who love comfort and games. They love children very much, especially older ones.

They also get along well with little ones, but here the miniature pinscher himself is in danger, since despite their muscularity, they can suffer from the actions of a child. In addition, they do not like rudeness and can defend themselves. This leads to them nipping small children.

They are instinctively distrustful of strangers, but unlike other indoor and decorative breeds, this distrust comes not from fear or timidity, but from natural dominance. They consider themselves guard dogs and can be aggressive without proper socialization and training. Well-mannered, they are quite polite to strangers, although aloof.

This is one of the most difficult breeds for those who first decided to get themselves an indoor decorative dog. They are very, very dominant and if the owner does not control them, then they will control the owner.

Any owner will say that they are dominant towards other dogs. They will not tolerate it if another dog tries to take the highest step in the hierarchy and gets into a fight. If several dogs live in the house, then the miniature will always be the alpha.

Some are also aggressive towards other dogs and try to attack them. This can be treated with socialization and training, but care must be taken when introducing other dogs.

Mini Pinschers are unaware of their size and will never move even in front of a huge opponent. They get along better with dogs of the opposite sex.

The ancestors of the breed and they themselves served as rat catchers for hundreds of years. Today they do not do this, but the hunting instinct has not gone away.

The miniature pinscher will catch up and tear to pieces any animal that its size allows it to handle. Hamsters, rats and ferrets face a sad future, but they can get along with cats if they live from birth. However, even then clashes occur.

These are smart dogs that can learn a set of commands. Unless they can handle specific tasks, such as shepherd work. They can compete in agility or obedience, but they are not the easiest breed to train. They are dominant and want to control everything themselves, rather than be subordinated.

They can learn quickly if they want to, but what the owner wants is a minor matter. Stubborn, but not unlimited. This breed responds best to being calm and firm, with positive reinforcement.

As you can easily tell from the appearance of the breed, miniature pinschers are much more active and athletic than most other toy breeds. They are well adapted for city life, but need heavy exercise.

A simple walk will not satisfy them; it is better to let them run without a leash. It is extremely important to satisfy their activity requirements, otherwise the dog will become bored and you will not like it. Barking, destructiveness, aggression - all these are consequences of boredom and excess energy.

If the dog is tired, he calms down and watches TV with his owner. However, some miniature dogs, like puppies, never rest.

You should let your dog off the leash only after making sure the surroundings are safe. They have a stalking instinct that will chase them after the squirrel and turn off their hearing. Then it is useless to order him to return.

If you want an elegant dog for walking, then it is better to choose another breed. This is one of the brightest dogs among indoor and decorative breeds. They love to dig, run through mud, destroy toys, and chase cats.

They can be very loud, on the one hand, this makes them good bells warning owners about guests. On the other hand, they can bark almost without pause. Very often, angry neighbors write complaints or knock on the owners' doors.

Training helps reduce the noise, but it is still quite frequent. This breed has an incredibly loud bark that most will find quite unpleasant.

They often develop small dog syndrome and its worst forms. Small dog syndrome occurs in miniature pinschers whose owners behave differently than they would with a large dog.

They fail to correct misbehavior for a variety of reasons, most of which are perceptual. They find it funny when a one-kilogram dog growls and bites, but dangerous if it does the same.

This is why most break off the leash and lunge at other dogs, while very few bull terriers do the same. Dogs with small dog syndrome become aggressive, dominant, and generally uncontrollable.

Fortunately, the problem can be easily avoided if you treat your toy dog ​​in the same way as a guard or fighting dog.

The dog believes that it is in control if you do not let it understand that such behavior is unacceptable. Now combine this behavior with the intelligence, fearlessness and aggressiveness of the Miniature Pinscher and you have a disaster.

Pinschers suffering from this syndrome are: uncontrollable, destructive, aggressive and obnoxious.


One of the simplest of all companion dogs. They do not need professional grooming, just regular brushing. For most people, simply wiping with a towel will suffice. Yes, they shed, but not excessively, since the coat is short and there is no undercoat.

One of the characteristics of the breed is poor tolerance to low temperatures.. They have neither long enough hair, nor undercoat, nor fat for this. In cold and damp weather, you need to wear special clothing, and in cold weather, limit your walks.


And the breed is lucky with its health. They have one of the longest life expectancies, up to 15 years or more. Those problems that other decorative dogs suffer from are avoided by them. This does not mean that they do not get sick, they just have a lower frequency, especially of genetic diseases.

Take a look:

The loving and energetic Miniature Pinscher is the smallest service dog in the world. The breed, bred in Germany, is distinguished not only by its external grace, but also by its energetic disposition. Tireless dogs have an amazing dancing gait and proudly look around, as if showing everyone that they are not just anyone, but real miniature pinschers.

Description of the breed - photo

Its appearance is that of a miniature pinscher resembles a Doberman, although there is no relationship between these breeds. The dog weighs from 4 to 5 kg and can have a height at the withers of 25-30 cm. Official breed standards were adopted at the end of the 18th century. The first club for dwarf Doberman breeders was opened in 1895 in Germany. Since then, the breed began to develop, and pinschers began to be taken to exhibitions in other countries. At an exhibition in France, a miniature dog with a cheerful disposition was presented as a smooth-haired terrier, and she immediately became a public favorite.

Breed standards include:

  1. Well developed muscles and bones.
  2. High strong paws.
  3. The hind legs should be slightly longer than the front legs.
  4. Head proportional to the body.
  5. Thick and moderately long neck.
  6. Dark, oval eyes.
  7. Shiny and smooth coat. It can be brown-red or black-and-tan. In this case, the tan should be on the inside of the hind legs, above the eyes, on the throat and in the form of two triangles on the chest. It must also have clear boundaries.

In addition, the pinscher Ears and tail must be docked However, many breeders do not torture animals and refuse docking.

A dog with a proud look has a pleasant character and loves the affection and attention of its owners. When purchasing a pinscher, you must be prepared for the fact that this energetic and playful pet will require a lot of attention from its new family in the first year of its life.

Dwarf Doberman puppies are mischievous, so they need to be trained from a very early age. The naturally suspicious breed is prone to excessive barking. This problem must be eliminated from puppyhood, constantly communicating with the pet and teaching it to calmly receive guests who are friends of the owner. When taking your dog out for a walk, be sure to must be kept on a leash.

Miniature Pinscher puppies are easy to train, but only an owner whom they completely trust can raise and train them. In order not to harm your pet’s psyche, you need to start working with him gradually and very carefully. The breed loves various activities and new knowledge, so simple rules of behavior and new commands will bring great pleasure to it.

Since dwarf Dobermans are independent and very curious by nature, they require constant supervision. But the character of the breed has such traits as affection, tenderness and energy, so pinschers get along well with children who understand that a dog is not a simple toy. The pet gets along well with other pets, but in relation to strangers can be aggressive.

Designed for hunting small animals, the breed can easily accompany you on a walk or amateur hunt.

Miniature Pinscher: maintenance, care, photo

This unpretentious breed requires an active lifestyle and constant attention. Dobermans do not like to be left alone at home, and if you do not pay attention to them for a long time, they begin to play with things that belong to the owner.

Dogs with short hair are constantly cold, so their place in the house needs to be given special attention. It should not be on a draft or cold floor. The Doberman requires good, thick bedding, or even a special house. For winter walks, your pet must buy or sew warm clothes, otherwise the dog may get sick. The breed's paws begin to freeze already at -7C. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase boots for walking.

Pinschers do not feel well even in the heat. In such weather they are at risk of heatstroke. To avoid this, you should take drinking water with you for a walk, and in very hot weather you can even wet your pet.

Even if your pet is litter box trained, it needs to be walked every day. It is best to do this twice a day for at least 30 minutes. During a walk, the dog should move actively, since the breed is prone to obesity.

Smooth-haired dogs need to be brushed several times a week. They consider this procedure a sign of affection and love it very much. But bathing pinschers is not recommended, since the pet can catch a cold easily. You should only wash your dog when necessary.

The breed cannot be picked up by the scruff of the neck or front paws. Such actions can damage the tendons. Therefore, it is better to carry your pet under your belly. A dog with a small weight does not have time to sharpen its claws while moving, so they need to be trimmed on time.

Features of feeding

You can feed the breed with natural products or dry food. If the owner chooses natural food, then 40% of the pet’s diet should consist of raw meat. It is best to feed your Pinscher beef or horse meat. A third of the diet should consist of buckwheat, oatmeal or wheat porridge, which is mixed with meat. The dog's diet should also include stewed and fresh vegetables, which can be seasoned with a drop of sour cream or a small amount of vegetable oil.

The pinscher must receive food strictly on schedule and in such quantity that there is nothing left on the plate. If the dog stands near the bowl with sad eyes, then the portion can be increased a little. To prevent worms, garlic should be added to your pet's food from time to time.

If the pinscher eats dry food, then it needs to be taught from puppyhood. It is recommended to choose premium or super premium food special for small breed dogs. Feed your pet strictly according to the instructions on the package. Dogs should not be overfed as this can lead to obesity and various other diseases.

Feeding the puppies

If your pet has whelped, then from the age of 4 weeks the puppies should begin to be weaned from their mother’s milk and natural food introduced into their diet. Approximate diet for puppies:

  • the first complementary food should be milk, preferably goat milk;
  • gradually the puppy is transferred to oatmeal porridge cooked in milk;
  • from 6 weeks beets, carrots, herbs and minced meat are added to the diet;
  • the puppy must eat cottage cheese;
  • vegetable salads can be seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream;
  • Special vitamins are added to the diet, which are intended only for puppies.

Up to two months, small pinschers are fed 6 times a day, then 5 times a day, and six-month-old puppies – 4 times a day. A pet should eat three times a day per year, and an adult dog is transferred to two meals a day.

Where to buy a miniature pinscher?

There are no problems with purchasing dogs of this breed. For those who will not take their pet to various exhibitions, you can buy a dog through an advertisement on the Internet. Dogs with a breeding marriage or without a pedigree usually cost no more than 10,000 rubles.

In nurseries, miniature pinschers are sold with documents and cost from 10,000 to 20,000 thousand rubles. If a puppy has titled champion parents, and the smallest dog has excellent show prospects, then the price for it will be can reach 30,000 rubles.

Choosing a puppy

Anything can grow out of a small red or black-and-tan puppy, so it is not recommended to purchase it at a poultry market or from the hands of a pet. To ensure a guaranteed purchase, it is best to choose a small Doberman from a reputable breeder.

The puppy must be active, nimble and courageous. It is better not to adopt a dog that runs cowardly or is aggressive. Sitting down in front of the whole litter, you need to call all the puppies, and the dog that happily runs up to you first, shows curiosity and friendliness, may turn out to be your pet. In addition, it is necessary pay attention to the following points:

Having chosen a puppy, you need to ask the breeder what he fed the pinscher, what vaccinations the pet has received and what the parents have. genetic diseases. You also need to remember to take all the necessary documents for the new family member.

Miniature Pinschers are ideal for living in a small apartment. Easy to train and intelligent dogs take up little space and practically do not shed. But to prevent a headstrong and stubborn dog from becoming a spoiled pet, you need to educate him from an early age. As a result, the family pet will become not only a watchman and security guard, but also a kind and affectionate friend.

Miniature Pinschers