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My Future Profession Doctor (My Future Profession Doctor) topic in English with translation. English vocabulary on the topic "at the dentist" Appointment at the dentist in English

Have you ever spoken English to a dentist? No, not in the sense when after anesthesia you couldn’t say anything and it seemed like you were talking like a foreigner.

Imagine that, having traveled abroad, you realized that you urgently need to visit a dentist. This is exactly the case when you know English, but you can’t say anything, because... you don't know the required vocabulary.

So, today you are going to get acquainted with dental vocabulary. Already scared?

  • Dental hygienist– dental hygienist
  • Mirror- mirror
  • Dental chair- dentist chair
  • Dentist- dentist
  • Saliva ejector– saliva ejector
  • Mask– mask
  • Drill– drill
  • Surgical gloves– surgical gloves
  • Patient- patient
  • Mouthwash– mouth rinse
  • Basin- sink
  • Instruments- tools
  • Dental floss- dental floss
  • Back teeth, molars– back teeth, molars
  • Front teeth, incisors– front teeth, incisors
  • electric toothbrush- Electric Toothbrush
  • Plaque– tartar, plaque
  • To remove plaque– remove plaque
  • Oral health– oral hygiene
  • To floss– brush with dental floss
  • Check-up– inspection
  • Fluoride– fluoride

When visiting a dentist, you can perform the following procedures:

  • Dental hygiene– oral hygiene
  • Dental treatment- dental treatment
  • Orthodontics– orthodontics
  • Oral surgery- Maxillofacial Surgery

P: Hello Doctor.

Dr.: Good morning, Sam. How are you doing today?

P: I"m OK. I’ve been having some gum pain recently.

Dr.: Well, we"ll take a look. Please recline and open your mouth.... that"s good.

P(after being examined): How does it look?

Dr.: Well, there is some inflammation of the gums. I think we should also do a new set of S-rays.

P: Why do you say that? Is something wrong?

Dr.: No, no, it’s just standard procedure every year. It looks like you may have a few cavities as well.

P: That's not good news....hmmm

Dr.: There are just two and they look superficial.

P: I hope so.

Dr.: We need to take X-rays to identify tooth decay, as well as check for decay between the teeth.

P: I see.

Dr.: Here, put on this protective apron.

Dr.:(after taking the X-rays) Things look good. I don't see any evidence of further decay.

P: That's good news!

Dr.: Yes, I’ll just get these two fillings drilled and taken care of and then we’ll get your teeth cleaned.

If after reading the dialogue you do not understand everything, pay attention to the words below:

  • gums– gums
  • gum pain– pain in the gums
  • to recline- lean back
  • open your mouth- open your mouth
  • inflammation- inflammation
  • X-rays– x-rays
  • standard procedure- standard procedure
  • cavity- cavity, hole in a tooth
  • to identify- establish, determine
  • tooth decay– tooth decay
  • protective apron– X-ray protective apron
  • fillings– fillings
  • to drill– drill
  • to take care of- examine, treat, cure

If you want to work as a dentist abroad, you will definitely need to learn all the names of the instruments and procedures that the doctor performs. In addition, your general level of English must be good so that you can explain to the patient what will happen during the entire appointment. Remember that you can master the terminology on your own using modern dictionaries, or you can seek help from professionals in your field so that they can help you finally understand

Read the dialogue between the dentist and the patient. Then act out similar dialogues in pairs. Read the dialogue between the dentist and the patient. Then, in pairs, act out similar dialogues:

Patient:- Hello, Doctor.

Doctor:- Hello. Come on in. Sit down. What happened to you?

Patient:- Doctor, my tooth hurts. Here.

Doctor:- Let's see. Please open your mouth. A little wider. Yes, there is a small hole. Needs to be sealed.

Patient:– Will you fill it today?

Doctor:– Today I will put the medicine and put a temporary filling. And in 3 days I will put a permanent filling.

Patient:- Will it hurt?

Doctor:– I will give you local anesthesia. You won't feel pain. Now I'll give you an injection. Be patient a little. The anesthesia will take effect within 5 minutes. Now I'll drill. Can't you feel the pain?

Patient:- No. I do not feel anything.

Doctor:-Rinse your mouth and spit. I put in the medicine and put in a temporary filling. Please don't close your mouth. Sit like this for 10 minutes. All. Close your mouth and move your lower jaw. Is there anything stopping you?

Patient:- No. Everything is fine.

Doctor:– Do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours. When the anesthesia wears off, the tooth may hurt a little. You can take a painkiller.

Patient:- Fine. When should I come next time?

Doctor:– I work the first shift on Monday, the second shift on Thursday and Friday. When do you feel better – first or second shift?

Patient:– If possible, sign me up for the second shift after five .

Doctor:- Fine. Thursday, at 17.30. Is the time right?

Patient:- Yes fine. Thank you.

Doctor:- Be sure to come.


Answer the questions. Answer questions:

1. What problem does the patient have?

2. Why does the patient have a toothache?

3. What did the doctor decide to do?

5. Was the patient in pain? Why?

7. How does a dentist work? On what days? What shift?

8. When will the patient come next time?

Complete the sentences using information from the text. Complete the sentences using information from the text:

a) twice a day, b) once a year, c) every six months.

2. The dentist examines...

a) mouth, nose, ears, b) mouth, teeth, gums, c) mouth, throat, neck.

3. If you have ... in your tooth, the doctor will put a filling.

a) cavity, b) gums, c) nerves.

4. The doctor removes teeth that...

a) he doesn’t like it, b) it is no longer possible to treat, c) he needs to be treated.

5. If the doctor..., the patient does not feel pain.

a) gives local anesthesia, b) does exercises, c) takes a photo of the teeth

6) When a dentist wants to put a filling, he first… a tooth.

a) drills, b) removes, c) pulls out.




1. My lower... hurts.

2. She is bleeding….

3. He lost….

4. My cheek….

5. I have... in my tooth.

6. She has... a tooth.

Words for reference: tooth, gum, jaw, cavity, swell, ache.

Fill in the blanks using reference words. Fill in the gaps with the words for reference:

1. My lower... hurts. 2. She is bleeding….

3. I lost…. 4. My cheek….

5. I have... in my tooth. 6. I have... a tooth.

Words for reference: tooth, gum, jaw, cavity, swell, ache.

Read the questions. What questions help the doctor determine the nature of the patient's pain? Create a dialogue using these questions. Read the following questions. Which questions help the doctor to define what type of pain the patient has? Make a dialogue using these questions.

1. What kind of pain bothers you: strong or weak?

2. What kind of pain bothers you: constant or attacks?

3. What kind of pain bothers you: long-term or short-term?

4. What kind of pain bothers you: aching, twitching or throbbing?



Where does the patient feel pain?

Read the phrases and dramatize the dialogue in pairs. Read the phrases and dramatize dialogue in pairs:

Doctor:– Where do you feel pain?

– Where do you feel the pain: above or below?

– Where exactly do you feel the pain: right or left?

– Which tooth hurts you?

Patient: - This. Right here, top left (bottom right).

Doctor:– Which tooth exactly hurts? This?

Patient: – No, right here, nearby. I feel pain in the upper left (lower right). Right here.

Fill in the blanks in the patient's story about his visit to the dentist. Fill in necessary words in the story about the patient’s visit to the dentist:

Yesterday I went to the dentist. I was sick... The doctor examined my teeth and said that I have a small..., so the tooth needs.... I was afraid it would hurt. But the doctor did... and I didn’t feel anything. He put it in the tooth... and put in a temporary one....

Next week I will go to the dentist in... .



Read and learn the expressions that dentists use. Read and learn some expressions the dentists use:

Doctor's recommendations Doctor's recommendations
The tooth needs to be filled. This tooth needs to be removed. You need to put a crown on the tooth. Need to take a photo. Do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours. If the tooth hurts very much, take a painkiller. After eating, rinse your mouth with water. Don't eat a lot of sweets. Eat more fruits and vegetables. You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day. Change your toothbrush every three months. You need to visit the dentist regularly - every 6 months. The tooth needs filling. This tooth must be extracted. You need to put a crown on your tooth. You need to take X-rays. Don’t eat or drink anything for 2 hours. If you have a bad toothache, take a painkiller. After having a meal, gargle your mouth with water. Do not eat too many sugary foods. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. You should brush your teeth twice a day. Change your toothbrush every three months. You should visit the dentist regularly – every 6 months.



Remember! Remember the constructions!

Pain radiates = pain radiates

Where does the pain radiate/give?

Read the dialogues in pairs. Read the dialogue in pairs:

1.Doctor: Does the pain radiate anywhere?

Patient: The pain radiates to the temple (to the back of the head, to the right ear...).

2.Doctor: Does the pain radiate to your left ear?

Patient: No, it doesn’t give it anywhere.

3. Doctor: What worries you?

Patient:– The tooth hurts on the upper right.

Doctor:– Does the pain radiate anywhere?

Patient:– Yes, the pain radiates to the temple, cheekbone and above the eyebrow.

4.Doctor: Which tooth hurts?

Patient:- Right here, below, on the left.

Doctor:– Does the pain radiate anywhere?

Patient:- Yes.

Doctor:- Where exactly?

Patient:- In the back of the head, ear and jaw.



Read the dialogues by role, paying special attention to the highlighted phrases. Make up your own dialogues. Read on roles the microdialogues paying particular attention to the highlighted phrase. Make your dialogues.

1. Doctor:When do you usually have a toothache - during the day or at night?

Patient:- Usually hurts during the day .

2. Doctor:When does the pain appear: while eating or on its own?

Patient:By her own .

3. Doctor:What food does the tooth react to: sweet, salty, sour...?

- Pain appears when I eat something sweet , often hurts from the cold.

4. Doctor:Does your tooth hurt from any food?

Patient:- No, only when I drink something hot , hot tea or coffee.

5. Doctor:Have you ever noticed that your tooth hurts when you inhale cold air?

Patient:- Yes, when I leave the house on the street , the tooth suddenly starts to hurt.

6.Doctor:– When does a tooth start to hurt?

Patient:– I have a hole (cavity) in my tooth, and when food enters a hole (cavity), A sharp, severe pain immediately appears. The tooth begins to hurt more, when I eat something solid .

When we write articles, we always hope that the material will be useful to our readers and will be useful to them in practice. However, this article unsettled us: we really hope that these materials on how to conduct a dialogue with a doctor in English will never be useful to you in your life. And yet it’s definitely worth learning them, because the English proverb says: better safe than sorry (God protects the safe).

We have written a simple phrasebook for travelers, in which you will find dialogues, phrases and vocabulary on 25 essential topics. Go on a journey with the main character and improve your English. You can download the book for free at.

How to make an appointment with a doctor

So you've been swimming in the sea for too long or sprained your ankle during an excursion. In this case, you need to contact the hotel administrator or ask someone where you can find a doctor. To do this, say: I need a doctor (I need a doctor) or Please, get me a doctor (Please send for a doctor). You may need to make an appointment with your doctor by calling his or her office. In this case, use the following phrases when speaking:

I would like to make an appointment with Dr. House, please.I would like to make an appointment with Dr. House.
When will the doctor be free?When will the doctor be free?
I'd like to see Dr. House on Monday.I would like to make an appointment with Dr. House on Monday.

When talking to you, the administrator may use the following phrases:

Is it urgent?This is urgent?
Do you have private medical insurance?Do you have health insurance?
What's the problem? / What's the matter? / What do you complain of?What is the problem? / What's happened? / What are you complaining about? (you can respond by describing your symptoms using the phrases below)
Which day and what time is good for you?On what day and at what time will be convenient for you?

If you need a specialist, the conversation can be conducted using the previous phrases, but you need to know the name of the doctor you need. Fortunately, many doctor names in Russian and English sound almost the same, so you don’t have to learn much.

an allergistallergist
a cardiologistcardiologist
a dentistdentist
a dermatologistdermatologist
a GP (general practitioner), a physiciangeneral practitioner, therapist, family doctor
a gynecologist (AmE) / a gynecologist (BrE)gynecologist
a neurologistneurologist
an ophthalmologistophthalmologist
an orthopedic doctororthopedic doctor
a pediatricianpediatrician
a surgeonsurgeon

If you or another person needs urgent help, ask someone around you to call it by saying: Please, call an ambulance. Ambulance doctors will provide first aid to the victim and, if necessary, take him to the hospital.

Have you decided to call for help yourself? Before traveling, be sure to check with your tour operator or online for all emergency phone numbers. You can call them even if you have no money in your account and without a SIM card. Record the following emergency numbers in your phone:

  • 112 - Europe (full list of countries);
  • 911 - USA, Canada and NANP countries (full list of countries);
  • 999 - Great Britain, Ireland and other countries (full list of countries).

In some cases, when you dial one of these universal numbers, the system will automatically route your call to emergency services. Therefore, if you are shocked and have forgotten which number is valid in a given country, dial any of the numbers listed. The operator will clarify what type of assistance you need and connect you with the appropriate service. To be connected to an ambulance, say: I need an ambulance, please. After connecting, describe your symptoms and give your address, and a specialist will be sent to you.

Let's use dialogue to find out how to make an appointment with a doctor in English.

A: Hello! I would like to make an appointment with a doctor, please.A: Hello, I would like to make an appointment with the doctor.
B: Hello! Do you need urgent care? What seems to be the problem?IN: Hello! Do you need urgent help? What's happened?
A: Yes, I do. I have a terrible pain in my left arm and my wrist is swollen.A: Yes, it's urgent. My left hand hurts terribly and my wrist is swollen.
B: Do you have private medical insurance?IN: Do you have health insurance?
A: Yes, I do.A: Yes, I have.
B: Ok, I can fit you in today at 3 p.m. Does that suit you?IN: I can make an appointment for you with a doctor at 3 pm today. Suits you?
A: That's great, thank you.A: Excellent thank you.
B: Ok, I will write you in for today at 3 p.m. m.IN: Okay, I'll make an appointment for you today at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
A: Thank you for your help!A: Thank you for your help!

We invite you to watch a video in which you will learn useful phrases for conversation with the clinic administrator. They can be used when you go to the doctor and wait your turn, describe your symptoms to the nurse, etc.

Names of disease symptoms in English

You sought medical help and now you need to explain to the doctor what happened to you. Getting a correct diagnosis depends on how accurately you describe your symptoms, so English can literally save lives.

We will give the names of symptoms of diseases in English: that is, this is what you feel, what you are complaining about.

an illnessillness (internal organs, short-term)
a diseasesevere/chronic/fatal illness
an injurybodily injury
a backachebackache
a black eyeblack eye
a blisterblister, callus
a bruisebruise
a bumpcone
a burn (a sunburn)burn (sunburn)
a chillchills
a coughcough
a crampcramp, spasm
a cuta cut
an earacheearache
a faintfainting
a feverfever
a headacheheadache
a muscle achemuscle pain
a nosebleednosebleed
a pain / an achepain
a rushrash
a scratchscratch
a sore throatsore throat
a stomachachestomach ache
a toothachetoothache
blood pressurearterial pressure
indigestionindigestion, upset stomach
soreinflamed, painful (when muscles ache after heavy physical activity)
sore eyesinflamed (red) eyes
to hurtget sick
to sneezesneeze
to feel dizzyto feel dizzy
to feel weakfeel weak
to be brokenbroken (My arm is broken. - My arm is broken.)
to sprain/pullsprain (I sprained my ankle. - I sprained my ankle.)
to twistdislocate (I twisted my ankle. - I sprained my ankle.)
swollen (leg)swollen/edematous (leg)
runny/running noserunny nose (runny nose)
(my nose is) stuffed up(my nose) is stuffy
(my skin is) itchy(my skin) itches
(to feel) sick(feel) nauseated
to vomit / throw up / puketear

As you already understand, in order to tell the doctor exactly what hurts you, you need to know the names of body parts. Therefore, we recommend that you learn at least the basic concepts from the article “Body Parts in English”.

There are two similar terms for the word “pain” in English: pain and ache. What is the difference? Ache is a long-lasting dull pain that we can endure. The word pain usually refers to more severe pain, for which we go to the doctor. However, in many cases, these two words are interchangeable, because each person has their own pain threshold, and for some, ache can be comparable in strength to pain.

How to report your complaints to your doctor

Now you know the names of the main symptoms in English and can tell the doctor what is bothering you. We suggest using the following simple phrases for dialogue with a doctor in English.

I am not feeling well.I do not feel myself well.
I feel ill.I am sick.
I feel sick.I'm sick.
I feel dizzy.I feel dizzy.
I've cut myself.I cut myself.
I have:
  • a high temperature;
  • a backache/headache/earache;
  • a pain in my arm/neck/chest;
  • a swollen ankle/arm/knee;
  • a sprained wrist/ankle/knee;
  • a broken arm.
I have:
  • heat;
  • back pain/headache/ear pain;
  • arm/neck/chest pain;
  • swollen ankle/arm/knee;
  • sprained wrist/ankle/knee;
  • broken arm.
My back/arm/head is hurting. / My back/arm/head hurts.My back/arm/head hurts.
It hurts here.It hurts here. (universal phrase if you have forgotten the name of a body part)
I got hit with...I got hit...

After you have described your symptoms, your doctor may ask you the following questions to help clarify the situation. We have also written simple answer options that you can use.

A: When did you notice the symptoms? When did the symptoms start?A: When did you notice the symptoms? When did symptoms first appear?
B: Yesterday / two days ago / month ago.IN: Yesterday / 2 days ago / a month ago.
A: When do you have the symptoms?A: When do your symptoms appear?
B: Only at night / every morning.IN: Only at night/every morning.
A: How long did the symptoms last? For how long have you been feeling ill?A: How long do symptoms last? How long have you been sick?
B: Three days / four hours / a week. About two days ago and it still hurts.IN: Three days / four hours / week. About two days ago and it still hurts.
A: Did you take any medicine?A: Did you take any medications?
B: I'm taking...IN: I accept...

In addition, your doctor may ask you the following questions:

Where's the pain?Where does it hurt?
What seemed to make the symptoms worse?What do you think is worsening your condition?
What have you eaten/drunk?What did you eat/drink?
Have you got any other symptoms?Do you have any other symptoms?
What infectious diseases have you had?What infectious diseases have you had?
Is this the first time this has happened?Is this the first time this has happened to you?
Have you taken your temperature?Have you taken your temperature?
Take your clothes off.Take off your clothes.

After the interview, the doctor will conduct an examination, and he may tell you the following words:

Can I have a look?Can I have a look?
Does it hurt when I press here?Does it hurt when I click here?
Could you roll up your sleeve?Could you roll up your sleeve?
I’m going to take your blood pressure/temperature/pulse.I'm going to take your blood pressure/temperature/pulse.
Your blood pressure is low / normal / rather high / very high.Your blood pressure is low/normal/quite high/very high.
Your temperature is normal / a little high / very high.Your temperature is normal / elevated / very high.
Open your mouth, please.Open your mouth, please.
Cough, please.Cough, please.
Take a deep breath, please.Take a deep breath, please.
Breathe out.Exhale.
Don't breathe.Don't breathe.
Lay down over here.Lie down here, please.

After the examination, the doctor may prescribe you an additional examination or procedure, as well as give some instructions. We suggest studying the following phrases that a doctor can say in a dialogue with a patient in English:

You need to have a blood test.You need to do a blood test.
I want you to see a specialist.I want you to see a specialist.
We need to take a urine sample / blood sample.We need to take a blood/urine test.
You need a few stitches.You need stitches.
I want to send you for an X-ray.I want to send you for an x-ray.
I want to send you for an ultrasound.I want to send you for an ultrasound.

Making a diagnosis in English

If additional examinations are not required, the doctor will make a diagnosis, and you will need to understand what is wrong with you. We suggest you memorize the names of the main diseases in English.

(a) brain discussionconcussion
a break/fracturefracture
a coldcold
a contagious diseasecontagious/infectious disease
a heart attackheart attack, infarction
A nervous breakdownbreakdown
a strokestroke
a tumor (benign tumor) / a tumortumor (benign tumor)
a virus/bugvirus
an allergyallergy
an infectioninfection
an ulcerulcer
asthma (asthmatic)asthma (asthma patient)
chicken pox (chicken pox)chicken pox
food poisoningfood poisoning
influenza/the fluflu
tonsillitissore throat, tonsillitis

Now let's look at an example of a dialogue between a doctor and a patient in English.

A: Hello! What seems to be the problem?A: Hello! What worries you?
B: Hello! I have a nagging pain in my left arm and my wrist is swollen.IN: Hello! I have a nagging pain in my left hand and my wrist is swollen.
A: When did the symptoms start?A: When did the symptoms first appear?
B: About two hours ago and it still hurts.IN: About two hours ago and it still hurts.
A: Can I have a look? Please roll up your sleeve. Does it hurt when I press here?A: Can I have a look? Please roll up your sleeve. Does it hurt when I click here?
B: Yes, it hurts.IN: Yes, it hurts.
A: Well, I want to send you for an X-ray.A: Okay, I want to send you for an x-ray.
B: OK.IN: Fine.
A: Well, it’s not a fracture. You have only sprained your wrist.A: Well, it's not a fracture. You just sprained your wrist.
B: Ok, what are your recommendations? Could you prescribe something?IN: Okay, what do you advise me? Could you prescribe something for me?
A: I’m going to apply a bandage and prescribe you some anti-inflammatory ointment. Do you have any allergies?A: I'm going to apply a bandage and prescribe you some anti-inflammatory ointment. Are you allergic to anything?
B: No, I don’t.IN: No.
A: OK, here is your prescription. You should apply your ointment three times a day.A: Okay, here's your recipe. You should apply the ointment three times a day.
B: Thank you very much!IN: Thanks a lot!
A: Not at all!A: Please!

So, the diagnosis has been made, all that remains is to get cured. The doctor will give you his recommendations and a prescription so that you can buy medications at the pharmacy (remedy). Treatment may also include medical procedures. In this case, the doctor can tell you in English what he is going to do.

I'm going to give you an injection.I'll give you an injection.
I'm going to put on a plaster.I'll put you in a cast.
I'll dress the wound.I'll bandage the wound.
You need a drip.You need to get an IV.
I'm going to prescribe you some antibiotics.I will prescribe you antibiotics.
Do you have any allergies?Are you allergic to anything?
I'll give you a prescription. Take two of these pills three times a day.I'll give you the recipe. Take two of these tablets three times a day.
You must take your medicine four times a day. If you don’t feel better in two or three days, call me again.You should take your medicine 4 times a day. If you don't feel better in 2-3 days, call me again.
We'll need to run some tests.We need to conduct additional examination.
Come back next week if you don’t feel better.Come back next week if you don't feel better.
You shouldn't worry. There's no serious problem.You shouldn't worry. You don't have any serious problems.
I don't think it's too serious.I don't think it's too serious.
You must stay in bed and take your medicine four times a day, after meals.You should stay in bed and take your medicine 4 times a day after meals.
You must follow a diet.You must stick to your diet.
I’d like to keep you here overnight for observation.I would like to keep you here (in the hospital) for observation.
You'll have to stay in hospital for two weeks.You will have to stay in the hospital for two weeks.

You can also ask the doctor your questions in English:

What are your recommendations for me?What will you advice me?
Is it something serious? Is this a common problem at my age?Is this something serious? Is this normal for my age?
When will the tests results come in? Are you going to run more tests?When will the test results be ready? Are you going to conduct any more examinations?
Do I have to be operated on? / Will I need surgery?Do I need an operation?
How long do I have to stay in hospital?How long do I have to stay in the hospital?
Could you prescribe some medicine for me?Could you prescribe me some medicine?
How often should I take this medicine?How often do I need to take this medicine?
Shall I come back next week if I don’t get better?Should I come see you again next week if I don't get better?

How to communicate in a pharmacy in English

A pharmacy can be called by three different words: pharmacy, drugstore and chemist’s. What is the difference between them? It is believed that drugstore is the American version of the name of the pharmacy, and the terms pharmacy and chemist’s are better used in the UK. Previously, the word “drug” was used only in the USA and Canada to refer to medical preparations in addition to drugs. Now the word drugstore is already used by residents of Foggy Albion. However, there is another difference between these three terms. In most cases, pharmacies and chemist’s dispense medications only with a doctor’s prescription, while you can also buy over-the-counter medications at drugstores.

Let us now learn the names of different types of medicines in English. This information will be useful if you decide to purchase medications without visiting a doctor.

a bandagebandage, bandage
a bracecorset, splint, bandage
a capsulecapsule
a dressingbandage
a laxativelaxative
a painkillerpainkiller
a sleeping tablet/pillhypnotic
a sticking posterpatch
a slingsupport bandage
a tablet/pilltablet
a tranquilizertranquilizer, sedative
an antacidstomach acid reducer
an antibioticantibiotic
an elastic taperubber band
an inhalerinhaler
antibacterial medicationantibacterial medicine
antiviral medicationantiviral medicine
cough medicinecough medicine
medicine/a drugmedicine

What is the difference between the words pill and tablet? Usually a pill is a round tablet that is easy to swallow - a pill. The word tablet usually refers to flat tablets. However, recently these words are increasingly used as synonyms, calling them different types of tablets, as well as capsules.

Let's give an example of a dialogue in a pharmacy in English.

A: Hello! Can I help you?A: Hello! I can help you?
B: Hello! I am looking for some anti-inflammatory ointment.IN: Hello! I'm looking for an anti-inflammatory ointment.
A: Do you have a prescription?A: Do you have a prescription?
B: Yes, here you are.IN: Yes, here it is.
A: Alright, one moment, please.A: Okay, one minute please.
B: Thanks. Another thing, have you got any bandages for my sprained wrist?IN: Thank you. And one more thing, do you have bandages, I sprained my wrist?
A: Sure, here you are.A: Of course, here they are.
B: Thank you! What is the total?IN: Thank you! What is the total amount?
A: That will be £7, please.A: 7 pounds please.
B: Here you are. Thank you!IN: Hold it. Thank you!
A: Have a nice day!A: Have a good day!

By the way, every medicine has side effects; be sure to ask your pharmacist what you can expect from certain pills. You can read more about how to communicate with a pharmacist in the article by our teacher Ekaterina “At the pharmacy, or Useful English in the pharmacy.”

Now you are ready for any situation abroad and will not be confused if you get sick. We hope you will never need this knowledge and you will have a great rest without any unpleasant adventures. And if you want to improve your English in order to feel completely comfortable abroad, we invite you to. Our teachers will teach you to speak competently and beautifully.

Complete list of words and phrases for download

We have compiled 2 documents: one contains all the words and expressions on this topic, and in the second you will find the presented dialogues.

(*.pdf, 327 Kb)

I warmly and joyfully welcome everyone! We continue to learn the second part of a series of multimedia (audio + text) lessons in spoken American language. Our constant companion, Martin Lerner, a correspondent for the Voice of America, accompanies us in every lesson, helping us master the course “That’s What They Say in America” or “English USA”. Together with Martin, today we will visit the dentist and learn how to describe long-term, ongoing actions in English that occur in the present tense.

Present Continuous Tense in English. At the dentist.

During today's lesson, we will study phrases and words that can be used to describe actions in the present in English, and also learn expressions for communicating in a goiter's office. In addition, you will learn a table with phrases, verbs, adjectives, nouns and other words on the topic, and also hear all these expressions in English. And at the end of the lesson you will receive a brief grammar reference, which you also need to master.

Watch and listen to a similar audio lesson from another conversation course At the doctor

But first, read the dialogue and then listen to the audio recording of the lesson to practice correct American pronunciation, because this is how they speak in America. So, imagine the situation: Martin Lerner felt a sharp toothache. Without hesitation, the journalist, although afraid of dentists, went to see a dentist or dentist, as US residents say:

Dentist:I'm looking at your other teeth now. So far I don’t see anything wrong. Wait a minute... - I’m looking at your other teeth now. So far I don't see anything wrong. One minute... (Wait a minute...)
Martin:Now what? What are you doing? Are you drilling? - Now, which one? What are you doing? Are you drilling?
Dentist:No, no. I'm just checking. I'm cleaning this tooth. It might be bad. - No no. I'm just checking. I'm brushing this tooth. He could turn bad
Martin: Bad? What are you saying? - Bad? What are you saying?
Dentist:I'm saying it doesn't look good. This tooth might need some work. - I'm saying he doesn't look good. This tooth may need some work.

Personally, I have never seen such a person who would go to an appointment with a dentist, absolutely calm? Are you afraid of dentists?

Now listen carefully to the online audio lesson, listening to every sound spoken by a professional speaker, and follow all the instructions and recommendations of the Russian-speaking speaker:


Use the audio recording of the lesson to learn to listen to the fluent speech of native English speakers, and more specifically, native speakers of the American dialect. Pay attention to the speech structures that are used to describe actions in English that continue for a long time in the present - Present Continuous Tense.

Present tense in English

A convenient text table with expressions and separate vocabulary in Russian and English will help you remember new information much faster and easier, as well as see the features of using the present continuous tense in English - Present Continuous Tense. Therefore, be sure to carefully study the grammar help and examples after the table.

Description of continuous actions in the present
Something happened? Is something wrong? Anything wrong?
Do you think something happened?...is something wrong? Can you see anything wrong?
dentist, dentist dentist
luck, luckluck
tooth teethtooth/teeth
brushto brush
inspect, check to check
drillto drill
dropto drop
sealto fill
jointo join
rest, relax to relax
to retireto retire
look after, take care to take care
tap, hit lightly to tap

Grammar help:

To describe in English long-term, ongoing actions occurring at the moment of conversation, we use the present continuous or continuous tense - Present Continuous Tense: this tense is formed using the verb " be " in the present tense and " ing-forms » semantic verb. Eg:

  • I’m sitting - I’m sitting
  • he is reading - he is reading
  • we’re cleaning - we clean

Now get it Homework which you must complete if you want to achieve results and learn spoken English:

  1. Read the dialogue between Martin and the dentist aloud several times. Learn it and practice with your friends.
  2. Learn the text table.
  3. Translate into English and write the translation in your notebook:
  • She is reading a book
  • Tom is watching a TV show
  • I listen to music
  • The dentist checks my friend's teeth
  • We are looking at paintings in the museum
  • Alice shows me the city

Applying the acquired knowledge in practice is the key to successfully mastering spoken English for beginners. I wish everyone a positive day! See you later!

a dentist - dentist
The dentist studied dentistry for 6 years at the university. This dentist studied dentistry at university for 6 years.

the dentist’s surgery – dentist’s office
The dentist’s surgery is open late on Friday. The dentist's office is open late on Fridays.

a dental nurse - dental assistant
The dental nurse supports the dentist in all aspects of patient care. The dental assistant helps him in everything related to patient care.

the orthodontist - orthodontist
The orthodontist fits braces. An orthodontist installs braces.

the molars - molars
The molars are the most complicated kind of tooth in most mammals. Molars are the most complex type of teeth in most mammals.

a wisdom tooth - wisdom tooth
Wisdom teeth usually emerge from the gum between the ages of 17 and 24. Wisdom teeth usually begin to appear between the ages of 17 and 24.

the incisors - incisors
The function of incisors is for shearing or cutting food. The function of the incisors is to tear or cut food.

the canine teeth - fangs
The canine teeth are often the largest teeth in a mammal’s mouth. The largest teeth in most mammals are canines.

the premolars – small molars
Premolars are used for chewing. Small molars are designed for chewing.

the gum - gums
Gum problems are very common in young people. Teenagers often have problems with their gums.

the check-up - inspection
It is recommended to have a dental check-up every six months. It is recommended to go for a preventive examination to the dentist once every six months.

the tooth sensitivity - tooth sensitivity
People suffer from tooth sensitivity from drinking or eating cold things.
People suffer from tooth sensitivity when drinking cold drinks or food.

the tooth decay - caries
She had bad tooth decay because she ate sweets every day. She had many teeth damaged by caries because she ate sweets every day.

the toothache – toothache
I had a bad toothache so I made an appointment with the dentist. My teeth hurt a lot, so I made an appointment with the dentist.

the cavity - hole
Neglected cavities can lead to tooth and gum infections. Neglected holes can lead to inflammation of the teeth and gums.

the filling – seal
When getting a filling it is essential to remove the decay first. Before placing a filling, caries must be removed.

the gingivitis - gingivitis
Gingivitis causes inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Gingivitis causes inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

the root canal - root canal
The root canal is the inside of a tooth. The root canal is located inside the tooth.

the dentures – denture
Dentures are prosthetic devices made to replace missing teeth. Dentures replace missing teeth.

the crown - crown
A crown can be placed on a tooth to improve the appearance of the tooth.
You can put a crown on the tooth to make it look more aesthetically pleasing.

the implants – implant
An implant is an artificial tooth root placed into your jaw.
An implant is an artificial tooth placed in the jaw.

the dental x-ray - x-ray
A dental x-ray helps the dentist to see problems with the teeth, mouth, and jaws. Dental X-rays allow the dentist to identify dental diseases, diseases of the mouth and jaws.

the injection - injection
The injection helps to numb the area the dentist is working on.
The injection helps to numb the area that the dentist is treating.

the drill - drill
The drill is used to clean cavities from decay before the filling. The drill is used to clean out decay holes before placing fillings.

the extracting forceps - tongs
The extracting forceps are used to extract teeth. Forceps are used to remove teeth.

the oral hygiene – oral hygiene
Good oral hygiene is essential for preventing tartar build-up.
To prevent the formation of tartar, it is necessary to monitor oral hygiene.