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How to take nicotinic acid for prevention. Nicotinic acid instructions for use. ATX and registration number

Nicotinic acid is an essential substance for the body. It is involved in restoration processes and is suitable for the complex treatment of many diseases. Now nicotinic acid is produced in the form of tablets and liquid for injection. We will tell you how to use this drug correctly and what side effects it has.

The unique composition of nicotinic acid has an antipellagric effect. Therefore, doctors most often prescribe the drug to patients for the treatment of pellagra. This medicine is also called vitamin PP. If you start therapy with nicotinic acid in the first stages, then the disease can be completely cured.

The drug also improves carbohydrate metabolism in the body. That is why nicotinic acid is also suitable for the treatment of such diseases:

  • Improves the condition of mild diabetes;
  • Prescribed for any diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • Suitable for complex heart treatment;
  • Doctors prescribe the drug for stomach ulcers;
  • For problems with the duodenum;
  • At the time of severe inflammation of the small or large intestine;
  • For quick healing of any wounds or deep ulcers.

In addition, the drug acts as a vasodilator. If it is necessary to lower lipoproteins in the blood, doctors prescribe 3-4 grams of nicotinic acid per day to patients. This is a fairly high dose, but in this case it will be appropriate.

Doctors often prescribe the drug to a patient with hypercholesterolemia. Nicotinic acid will lower blood cholesterol and improve the condition of the body. The drug is also prescribed for the treatment of any diseases in the stomach and liver:

  1. Often used for gastritis;
  2. To treat inflammation in the stomach;
  3. Suitable for patients with low acidity;
  4. Prescribed for acute hepatitis;
  5. Excellent for liver cirrhosis;
  6. Used for spasms.

Nicotinic acid is used to heal wounds and ulcers on the face that do not respond to other drugs. The medicine is also suitable for the treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve. Doctors actively use nicotinic acid for atherosclerosis and for any infectious diseases.

The drug is suitable for the treatment of many diseases. However, each case has its own dosage of nicotinic acid and features of use. The attending physician should tell you about this after a complete examination of the patient.

How to use the drug correctly

For treatment, nicotinic acid is prescribed in tablets or as an injection solution. The drug can be used as a disease prevention. To do this, the doctor prescribes a dose of tablets of no more than 0.025 g per day. Children can be given 0.005 grams per day for prevention.

To treat pellagra, adults take 0.1 grams of niacin tablets. The frequency of administration per day is 3-4 times. Typically, the course of treatment with tablets is 2 weeks, depending on the diagnosis. You can use nicotinic acid in the form of a solution. Then the doctor administers 1 ml of the drug to the patient 2 times a day. A 1 percent solution is used. The course of treatment for parenteral administration is 18 days.

For the treatment of other diseases, the dosage is determined by the doctor individually. Most often, 0.04 g of nicotinic acid per day is prescribed for an adult. Babies should be given no more than 0.03 g of the drug. For children, it is better to divide the dose into 2-3 approaches per day.

Doctors often use nicotinic acid as a vasodilator. The drug is especially effective in ischemic stroke. To do this, the patient is injected with 1 ml of solution into a vein. It is necessary to use a one percent composition.

How to properly administer the injection solution

The specialist should inject nicotinic acid into the vein slowly. You need to know that when administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, the patient feels severe pain. This is why these methods are not used for nicotinic acid. To avoid skin irritation after injection, doctors use sodium nicotinate or the substance nicotinamide.

Highest dosage of medication

It is necessary to know the maximum doses of nicotinic acid, which in no case should be exceeded. Adults can take no more than 0.1 g of the drug per tablet at a time. The maximum daily dosage is no more than 0.5 g.

If the doctor injects the drug into a vein, it should not exceed a dose of 0.1 g at a time. The maximum you can enter into the body is 0.3 g per day.

Many experts have noted that when using nicotinic acid in tablet form, the dosage may increase. This can only be decided by the attending physician after examining the patient. If a person has no side effects and tolerates the therapy well, then the doctor increases the dose to 5 g per day. Most often this is done to treat atherosclerosis and for serious disorders in lipid metabolism.

Side effects of the medicine

Some patients may experience mild side effects when using niacin. The drug has never led to dangerous complications with the correct dosage. Most often, upon first use, the following mild symptoms occur:

  1. The face becomes red;
  2. The patient feels slightly dizzy;
  3. There is a feeling that blood is rushing to the head;
  4. A rash appears on the body;
  5. In rare cases, the limbs of the arms or legs may become temporarily numb;
  6. A decrease in blood pressure in a patient with rapid administration of nicotinic acid through a vein.

All side effects go away on their own after 1-2 days. Most often, such complications occur when taking pills on an empty stomach. Allergies may occur in patients with hypersensitivity.

If unpleasant symptoms do not go away after 2 days, you should stop taking nicotinic acid and consult a doctor. Perhaps a dosage adjustment is required or the drug is simply not suitable for the patient.

Contraindications to the use of the medicine

You need to know when nicotinic acid is strictly prohibited. The instructions for use describe the following contraindications:

  • Severe forms of hypertension;
  • In case of frequent increases in blood pressure, injections are prohibited;
  • Advanced form of atherosclerosis;
  • The drug is dangerous for patients with allergies to nicotinic acid;
  • For stomach ulcers;
  • At the time of exacerbation of the disease in the duodenum;
  • If the patient has severe disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • Prohibited for gout;
  • Not prescribed at the time of hyperuricemia and neurosis;
  • Dangerous for sinus tachycardia and nephrosclerosis;
  • Do not use at the time of severe arrhythmia;
  • Dangerous for any inflammatory processes in the body;
  • With decompensation in the blood circulation.

If a person is allergic to nicotinic acid, the doctor should prescribe nicotinamide. Sometimes this medicine can be used for such patients if it is used as a vasodilator.

If you use nicotinic acid for such diseases, serious complications may begin in the body and dangerous side effects may appear.

Drug overdose

If the patient takes high doses of nicotinic acid for a long time, this leads to fatty degeneration in the liver area. To prevent such a complication, doctors advise eating foods with methionine and amino acids. In extreme stages of overdose, the doctor should prescribe prolipotropic drugs to interact with fats in the liver.

If the patient has taken too large a dose of nicotinic acid, you should immediately consult a doctor. If side effects occur, you should stay in the hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Use of the drug for children

In extreme cases, nicotinic acid can be used to treat pellagra in children. But doctors advise replacing this drug with other donors. Nicotinamide or sodium nicotinate are ideal for complex therapy. The recommended dosage for children is from 6 to 18 ml of the drug per day. These medications are also suitable for the prevention of pellagra.

Use of medication for pregnant women

Doctors strictly prohibit the use of nicotinic acid by pregnant women in any trimester. The composition of the drug can harm the baby's health. It is also not recommended to take pills while breastfeeding. Through milk, the substance will enter the baby’s fragile body. This may cause allergies or other dangerous consequences.

Effect of the drug on driving

Doctors strongly recommend refraining from driving during nicotinic acid therapy. It is also necessary to abandon other activities that require a lot of attention and concentration. Remember that when you take the pills, you may feel dizzy and have decreased reaction time. This may cause an accident when driving.

Interaction with other drugs

It is necessary to know exactly how nicotinic acid will act when taking other drugs in parallel. Doctors noted that it greatly potentiates the effect of any cardiac glycosides. This is especially true for digitalis glycoside.

Also, under no circumstances should you mix two solutions in one syringe. The combination of nicotinic acid and cyanocobalamin is dangerous. Together, these two drugs increase the allergic reaction and can cause dangerous side effects. When administered simultaneously, cobalt vitamins are destroyed in the body.

If you are taking other medications, be sure to inform your doctor about this before the main therapy. Perhaps the doctor will reduce the dosage of nicotinic acid or tell you to stop taking other medications.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

Doctors noted that nicotinic acid helps transport phosphate throughout the body. The substance copes well with nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism in cells. It is this acid that regulates human DNA synthesis. Often the drug is used to treat wounds and ulcers that do not heal well due to weakness of the body.

Nicotinic acid is absorbed into the blood within 30 minutes and immediately begins the recovery process. In cells it is converted into an oxidative compound and after a certain time is excreted in the urine.

Rules for storing medicine

Nicotinic acid in the form of ampoules and tablets should be kept in a dark place, away from direct sunlight. It is important that children cannot easily get the drug. The optimal temperature for storage is no more than 23 degrees. The prepared solution must be used immediately. It cannot be stored for long periods of time without an ampoule. The shelf life of the drug from the date of manufacture is no more than 5 years in the original packaging.

Medicine price

The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription at the following prices:

  1. Nicotinic acid in the form of ampoules 1% – 60-70 rubles for 10 pieces of 1 ml;
  2. Nicotinic acid in tablets of 50 mg - 20-40 rubles for 50 pieces.

Vitamin B3, often called vitamin PP or niacin, is known for many beneficial properties. With its help, you can get rid of pellagra, improve carbohydrate metabolism, heal slowly healing wounds and ulcers, reduce the amount of bad cholesterol, and reduce the symptoms of gastrointestinal, kidney and infectious diseases. It also helps restore previously damaged hair and enhance its growth. Nicotinic acid is often prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with dandruff, alopecia, baldness, monilethrix and early graying.

Many who decide to test the effectiveness of vitamin B3 are faced with the problem of choosing the form of the drug. Nicotinic acid in tablets seems more convenient to use, and the same vitamin, placed in small plastic bottles, looks modern and inspires more confidence. So which form of niacin should you choose?

The use of nicotinic acid in tablets

Taking vitamin B3 is justified in such cases as:

  • Lack of nicotinic acid in the body, provoked by an inadequate diet devoid of vitamins, rapid and severe weight loss, hereditary diseases accompanied by impaired absorption of amino acids and other useful substances.
  • Increased body need for vitamin PP. As a rule, such a need arises with prolonged fevers, liver diseases, the formation of malignant neoplasms and chronic infections. People who have experienced prolonged stress are often prescribed nicotinic acid as a means of fortifying the body. It is useful for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Circulatory problems caused by problems in the brain or heart.
  • Increased blood lipid levels. Abnormal amounts of cholesterol cause the development of heart and vascular diseases. A “harmful” fat-like substance causes atherosclerosis and leads to inhibition of cardiac activity.
  • Slow healing of cuts, wounds and ulcers.
  • Prevention of vitamin deficiency.
  • If your doctor detects one or more of these conditions, he may prescribe vitamin B3 tablets. Indications for nicotinic acid tablets are often reduced to a list of diseases for which taking it will help the body. However, the vitamin, despite its effective medicinal properties, still remains a vitamin, so it is much more often purchased for prevention. It is the tablet form of nicotinic acid that copes better with disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

    How to take vitamin PP tablets?

    In most cases, the dosage of nicotinic acid is regulated by the attending physician. He prescribes the amount of vitamin that is required specifically in your situation. If the doctor advises using the drug as indicated in the instructions, then the single dose and number of doses will depend on the complexity and type of disease. Consider why you need nicotinic acid in tablets.

    When taking a vitamin, doctors recommend not to exceed its maximum allowable amount. It is not advisable for adults to consume more than 0.5 g of nicotinic acid, because it can cause headaches, dizziness and rashes.

    If you have been prescribed a tablet vitamin or you decide to use it as a preventive measure, familiarize yourself with the exact dosage and methods of use. Be sure to take nicotinic acid, sold in tablets, after meals. A healthy vitamin eaten before breakfast can cause dizziness and a feeling of numbness in the legs. Therefore, it is not worth experimenting with its effect on a hungry body.

    The use of nicotinic acid in tablets should not become a reason to stop using other vitamins. Doctors not only allow such combinations, but also recommend them. Especially in cases of vitamin deficiency caused by an unbalanced diet.

    Are Vitamin B3 Tablets Good for Hair?

    Much has been written about the fact that nicotinic acid has helped millions of women who want to achieve beautiful, strong and shiny hair. On specialized websites you can find tons of reviews in which ladies and men from different countries write about the effect of tablets containing vitamin B3 on their hair. Nicotinic acid is truly extremely beneficial both for the whole body in general and for hair in particular. It helps hair become silkier and healthier, and also activates slow hair growth. However, the effectiveness of the product depends on the form in which it is produced.

    When you start taking vitamin B3, you will undoubtedly want to see results from its use. And the sooner it becomes noticeable, the better. By using nicotine pills for hair growth, you are choosing the longest and thorniest route for the vitamin. First it will have to enter your stomach, then go to the intestines, and only then dissolve in the blood.

    Unfortunately, modern tablet drugs have not yet learned to act only on specific organs and areas of the body. Therefore, when they enter the blood, they saturate its entire volume and, accordingly, require large dosages. In this regard, the use of tablets, in cases where other forms of the drug are available, is not the best option. When choosing tableted nicotinic acid, you must be prepared for long-term use. Because she has to saturate the entire body with vitamins in order to affect the condition of the hair.

    Precisely because this form of the vitamin does not act immediately and requires 4-5 courses, nicotine tablets for hair growth are used less frequently than the product in buffus.

    Vitamin PP in tablets and acceleration of hair growth

    Nicotinic acid promotes the flow of blood and oxygen to the hair roots. Thanks to the improvement of local blood circulation, curls are able to restore the damaged structure and grow more intensively. Vitamin PP helps retain vital moisture in the body rather than releasing it through the pores. By restoring water balance, nicotinic acid eliminates hair dryness and negates its fragility. However, the hydration provided by the vitamin does not cause excess oiliness. On the contrary, with the help of nicotinic acid they stabilize the overly active functioning of the sebaceous glands. Nicotinic acid is also used in tablets for hair growth.

    Disappointed women who have tried vitamin PP tablets to improve the appearance and condition of their hair often argue their dissatisfaction with the effect being too unobvious or its complete absence. The reason for this is the wrong choice of the form of nicotinic acid. If ladies who wanted to get quick and noticeable results chose a vitamin sold in bottles, there would be more rave reviews. Because liquid nicotinic acid, packaged in special modern mini-containers, is created to strengthen and heal hair. In addition, it acts on curls and hair follicles immediately after application, and does not spread throughout the body. Naturally, the effect of nicotinic acid from Bufus becomes noticeable earlier than the effect of its tablet counterpart. After all, it does not have to pass through the digestive tract, travel through the blood system and saturate the entire body. Vitamin PP, offered by pharmacies in the form of a liquid product in polymer packaging, affects directly the scalp, hair and their follicles, so its effectiveness is several times higher.

    If you are looking for quick results, niacin in hair growth tablets is not for you. But its analogue in the buffet, on the contrary, needs to be tried.

    How does vitamin PP work?

    Once in the body, nicotinic acid is converted into an absorbable substance - nicotinamide. It takes part in the metabolism of proteins, fats, amino acids and purines, and also helps tissue respiration and other processes. By combining with coenzymes that transport oxygen, nicotinamide normalizes the amount of lipoproteins and reduces the amount of total cholesterol. By regularly taking nicotinic acid tablets, you can stabilize the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

    Nicotinamide also dilates small blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation. The vitamin fills the blood with oxygen, which improves the condition of internal organs and hair. Treatment with nicotinic acid (tablets) also involves reducing the number of blood clots and completely getting rid of them. Thanks to nicotinamide, the blood becomes less thick and saturated, and various clots formed in the vessels and arteries dissolve.

    Side effects of nicotinic acid tablets

    Like many medications, vitamin PP has side effects. They may occur when taking the drug on an empty stomach, using too large a dose of the drug, or taking excessively long treatment.

    If the vitamin is taken before meals, you may experience dizziness, mild nausea, numbness in the legs, redness of the neck, face and chest, a feeling of blood rushing to the face and brain, and a nettle rash. Such phenomena go away on their own and do not require the use of any drugs.

    Nicotinic acid tablets also cause side effects if the permissible dose is exceeded. If the amount of the drug taken is more than that specified in the instructions, itching, diarrhea, muscle pain, nausea, dry eyes and dry skin often occur. Heart rhythm may also be disrupted, blood pressure may drop sharply, and blood sugar may rise.

    When taking the vitamin continues without interruption or lasts longer than necessary, a person may experience fever, headache, increased blood flow to the face and neck, severe dizziness and unreasonable weakness. It is also possible that liver cells are replaced by adipose tissue, a decrease in glucose tolerance, a sharp increase in the level of enzymes (AST, ALP, LDH) and an increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood.

    People have recently begun to pay a lot of attention to nicotinic acid. And this is not surprising. After all, nicotinic acid is considered a very important vitamin that helps in solving dermatological problems. we’ll talk about it today.

    Features of the drug

    Nicotinic acid is also known to many as vitamin PP, as well as B3. This product is used in practical dermatology. The term “niacin” combines a number of compounds, which include nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. These substances are endowed with similar vitamin activity.

    The Latin name of this substance is Acidum nicotinicum (genus Acidi nicotinici).

    Nicotinic acid is considered a very important vitamin, which is also called “niacin”, “vitamin PP”, “nicotinamide”. This vitamin is found in the following foods:

    • fish;
    • buckwheat;
    • celery;
    • fruits;
    • meat (white);
    • beet;
    • liver;
    • carrot;
    • pumpkin;
    • legumes

    Nicotinic acid preparations are available without a prescription.

    Nicotinic acid is also used for weight loss. The video below will tell you whether it helps in this case:

    Dosage forms

    Nicotinic acid can be purchased in pharmacies in two forms:

    1. Pills.
    2. Ampoules. They are available in boxes of 10 pieces. Nicotinic acid ampoules are often produced in plastic ampoules, which is very convenient for use.

    Composition of nicotinic acid

    The injection contains 10 mg of nicotinic acid. Additional substances used:

    • water for injections;
    • sodium bicarbonate.


    The cost of a pack of nicotinic acid in ampoules (10 pieces) is about 30 - 50 rubles. The price for nicotinic acid varies from 20 to 200 rubles and depends on the form of release and the volume of the drug.

    pharmachologic effect

    • The scope of application of nicotinic acid is quite wide due to the fact that this vitamin affects the entire body. With its deficiency, dementia, inflammatory processes, and diarrhea can develop.
    • Nicotinic acid is considered an essential element for the circulatory system. It can have a special effect on small blood vessels. With a sufficient amount of nicotinic acid, there is an improvement in the blood supply to the body and a decrease in stagnation in the area of ​​the kidneys and liver.
    • Nicotinamide is used in all areas of medicine. Thanks to it, oxidative processes are normalized, cholesterol levels in the blood decrease, blood supply to the brain increases, and microcirculation improves.


    Nicotinic acid regulates redox processes, the synthesis of proteins, fats, tissue respiration, and glycogen breakdown. This vitamin also inhibits lipolysis within adipose tissue and normalizes the lipid composition of the blood. Under its influence, there is a decrease in the level of triglycerides and total cholesterol.

    The substance has a detoxifying effect. It is used in the treatment of Hartnup disease (a hereditary disorder of tryptophan metabolism).


    Nicotinic acid is easily absorbed in the following parts of the gastrointestinal tract:

    • upper parts of the duodenum;
    • pyloric section of the stomach.

    Partial biotransformation of the substance in the liver is noted, which is accompanied by the formation of glucuronide, methylpyridonecarboxamides, a complex with glycerol, and N-methylnicotinamide. Nicotinic acid is excreted virtually unchanged in urine.


    Medicines containing nicotinic acid can be prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

    • pellagra;
    • intoxication;
    • spasms of blood vessels in the extremities;
    • depression;
    • neuritis of the facial nerve;
    • diabetes;
    • lipid metabolism disorder, which leads to obesity;
    • decreased visual acuity.

    In dermatology, the substance is used in the treatment of such pathologies:

    • wounds that do not heal for a long time;
    • pellagra.

    Nicotinic acid plays a special role in cosmetology. Experts prescribe this vitamin to improve the condition of the dermis and accelerate hair growth. Nicotinamide helps due to its drainage action. It helps remove excess fluid from the body.

    With regular use of vitamin PP, you can notice an improvement in the condition of the facial dermis. She becomes more fit and beautiful. There is a noticeable reduction in fine wrinkles on the skin. A good effect can be achieved with daily use of nicotinic acid.

    Instructions for use

    Nicotinic acid can be used externally or orally (sometimes). If present on the dermis, experts recommend taking vitamin PP in tablets. To cleanse the skin, it is enough to complete a therapeutic course of 14 days. Usually you need to take 2 tablets per day. Exceeding the dose specified by a specialist may harm the body.

    Nicotinic acid released in ampoules should be used very quickly after opening the bottle. The contents of the ampoule should be removed from the ampoule using a syringe and injected into the glass container. It is not recommended to use plastic or metal containers, as the acid may react with these substances.

    You should apply nicotinic acid with your fingers on the forehead, temples, along the hair lines. In this case, the strands should be separated with a thin comb.

    For adults

    The drug can be used for oral, intravenous, or intramuscular administration. Adults are administered intravenously 1 ml of vitamin slowly per day. The therapeutic course is about 10 – 15 days. For adults, the highest single dose is calculated - 0.1 g. The maximum daily dose is 0.3 g.

    For children

    For children and adolescents, the daily dose is set individually (5 – 20 ml).

    During pregnancy and lactation

    During pregnancy, the need for nicotinic acid increases. Doctors recommend consuming more foods containing this important vitamin:

    • Nuts (peanuts, cashews, pine nuts, pistachios).
    • Peas.
    • Squid.
    • Fish (mackerel, pike, chum salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardine, salmon).
    • Liver.
    • Meat (turkey, goose, rabbit, chicken, beef).

    The daily dose of vitamin PP for women is about 14 – 20 mg. Preparations with nicotinic acid should be taken with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

    For hair

    Experts have noted the effectiveness of niacin (nicotinic acid) in hair growth. Taking medications containing this vitamin significantly improves hair quality.

    To improve the condition of the hair, nicotinic acid should be applied to the hair itself. The smell of the medicine disappears quite quickly. People around you won't even notice that you are treating your hair. To improve hair health, experts recommend using ampoules.

    Nicotinic acid for hair growth is discussed in detail in the video below:


    Nicotinic acid should not be used for hair restoration if:

    • there is intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • the skin is very sensitive and reacts quite painfully to treatment with this product;
    • the presence of any hemorrhages;
    • should not be used if there are problems with blood vessels (vegetative-vascular dysfunction,).

    Nicotinic acid should not be used if:

    • gout;
    • severe liver dysfunction;

    When they say “nicotinic acid,” for many it causes unpleasant associations with smoking, and the information that this product has a lot of useful properties causes genuine bewilderment. But the benefits and harms of nicotinic acid have real justifications, and therefore it would be useful to figure out what kind of substance it is.

    What is nicotinic acid

    Nicotinic acid and its derivatives - nicotinamide, niketamide - have nothing in common with the substance contained in tobacco and cigarettes. They are actually a group of water-soluble compounds sometimes called vitamin B3. These compounds are easily converted into each other during the body’s activity, therefore they have similar beneficial properties and have a similar effect on humans.

    What are the benefits of nicotinic acid?

    The beneficial properties of nicotinic acid apply to the entire body, regardless of its biological sex, age and clinical condition. They promote the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing the development of heart disease.

    In addition, nicotinic acid accelerates metabolism, saturates cells with oxygen and dilates blood vessels, which has a positive effect on the health of hypertensive patients. It also helps get rid of ringing in the ears, dizziness and headaches. In addition, it supports the functions of the liver and cleanses it of harmful waste and toxins, therefore it serves as an effective remedy for alcohol poisoning.

    But the beneficial properties of vitamin B3 do not end there. Nicotinic acid has proven its benefits for the body of women. The use of vitamin B3 turned out to be especially useful in restoring hair structure. It also strengthens the blood vessels of the scalp, increasing their elasticity: the cells are more actively saturated with oxygen and beneficial compounds, blood flows to the hair follicles, and therefore they grow faster and become stronger.

    Nicotinic acid has no less benefits for men. Since, among other beneficial properties, nicotinamide has the ability to regulate the functioning of the circulatory system, taking it as a drug has a beneficial effect on potency and sexual desire. This acid has a positive effect on hair growth and serves as an effective remedy against baldness.

    In addition, the beneficial properties of nicotinic acid are used in traditional medicine in the treatment of a number of different diseases, such as pellagra, neuritis and others.

    Indications for use of nicotinic acid

    Although nicotinic acid is present in varying concentrations in most foods of the main food groups, there are special categories of people to whom this substance is prescribed as a medicine. These categories include people suffering from:

    • pellagroa;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • chronic hepatitis;
    • neuritis;
    • liver cirrhosis;
    • vascular spasms;
    • long-healing ulcers.

    However, even people with the above diseases should not self-medicate and take the drug on their own. In order for the product to bring maximum benefit, you should first consult with a specialist.

    Daily intake of nicotinic acid

    Like any useful product, nicotinamide must be consumed in accordance with the indicated dosage so that taking the vitamin does not cause harm.

    For a healthy adult, the daily intake is determined at 6.6 mg per 1000 calories, which is approximately 15 - 25 mg per day, depending on lifestyle.

    Children from 1 to 6 years old need to take 10-12 mg of nicotinic acid daily, and from 10 to 13 years old - 15-19 mg. Adolescents under 18 years of age require 20 mg of the vitamin per day.

    Symptoms of a lack of nicotinic acid in the body

    Since nicotinic acid brings enormous benefits, it is natural that its deficiency can cause harm to the body. Thus, with a deficiency of vitamin B3, a number of symptoms characteristic of vitamin deficiency develop:

    • lethargy, apathy;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • loss of appetite;
    • headache;
    • memory and attention disorders;
    • sleep disorders;
    • digestive problems;
    • irritability;
    • predepressive states.

    Vitamin B3 deficiency can be caused by:

    • excessive sugar consumption;
    • smoking;
    • taking large doses of leucine;
    • alcohol abuse.

    The above symptoms are eliminated by a course of tablets or injections of nicotinamide.

    What foods contain nicotinic acid?

    Nicotinic acid is found naturally in many plant foods. Large amounts of vitamin B3 contain:

    • cereals and products based on them (bread, rice and wheat bran, flour);
    • nuts and seeds (peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame);
    • mushrooms (shiitake, honey mushrooms, champignons)
    • legumes (soybeans, peas, lentils);
    • yellow and red vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, sweet peppers);
    • dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes).

    At the same time, nicotinic acid from legumes is absorbed by the body most efficiently.

    In animal products, nicotinic acid is present in the form of nicotinamide. It can be found:

    • in beef liver;
    • chicken eggs;
    • dairy products;
    • fish (tuna, cod, salmon).

    A unique property of nicotinamide is its ability to retain its beneficial qualities at high temperatures, which is why products containing it are suitable for various heat treatments.

    Instructions for use of nicotinic acid

    Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of nicotinic acid-based medications from various companies. But regardless of the brand, the prices for this product are very affordable and will be affordable for everyone. Nicotinamide is sold in two versions:

    • in tablets;
    • in the form of ampoules for injection.

    Depending on your goals, you can choose the most convenient option. It should be taken strictly according to the instructions, which differ slightly for different types of medicine.

    In tablets

    In order for nicotinic acid tablets to bring tangible benefits, it is important to use it only as prescribed by a doctor. In general, tablets are taken after meals for the treatment of pellagra. The dosage of the medication varies depending on age. So, adults are prescribed 0.1 g 3-4 times a day, while children are prescribed 0.02-0.05 mg 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 2 to 3 weeks.

    For coronary artery disease, vascular spasms of the legs, gastritis with low acidity and other disorders, nicotinamide is prescribed to adults in a single dose of 0.05 - 0.1 g for 1 month.

    In ampoules for injections

    The benefits of nicotinic acid injections are noted for pellagra, Raynaud's disease and hypovitaminosis. In the first case, injections are carried out intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously, 1 ml of a 1% solution 2 - 3 times a day. The course is continued for 10 - 15 days. For other indications, the dose is changed to 10 mg 1 - 2 times a day for the same period.

    The properties of nicotinic acid are also effective for Hartnup's disease, which is also treated with injections. The amount of medication here varies from 40 to 200 mg per day.

    Important! Injections are prohibited for children under 18 years of age.

    Nicotinic acid for weight loss

    Nicotinic acid can be a good help for people who want to lose weight. It normalizes metabolism and relieves the liver of harmful toxins, thereby making it easier for the body to break down fat deposits. It also regulates digestion processes, which makes the stomach work better, nutrients are absorbed more actively, and therefore you want to eat less. In addition, vitamin B3 has anti-stress properties and eliminates nervous tension, which is often accompanied by overeating, so its benefits for weight loss are undeniable.

    However, it should be remembered that nicotinic acid itself is not a means for weight loss and will bring the desired result only in combination with moderate sports activity and a healthy diet.

    The use of nicotinic acid in cosmetology

    In addition to its use for medical purposes, the beneficial properties of nicotinic acid are widely used for the production of cosmetics for the face and hair, and not only on an industrial scale. Vitamin B3 is a popular ingredient in home beauty formulas.

    For hair growth

    Nicotinic acid benefits the health of hair weakened by a lack of nutrients, improper care, stress or weather conditions. To restore shine to your hair and activate growth, you can use a simple and effective method:

    1. Immediately after washing, apply a solution of nicotinamide from 2 ampoules to the scalp. At the same time, perform massaging movements, gently rubbing the medicine into the roots.
    2. The liquid is not washed off. After the procedure, you should not use a hairdryer for 30 minutes. The mask should be applied every other day for 15 sessions.

    Important! When nicotinamide is applied to the head, the body's normal reaction will be a slight tingling sensation and pleasant warmth. Severe itching and burning may be a sign of an allergy: in this case, the mask should be washed off immediately.

    Against hair loss

    Since the properties of nicotinic acid help fight hair loss, people with this problem should try a special mask:

    1. One ampoule of nicotinamide is mixed with 1 ampoule of vitamin A and the same amount of vitamin E.
    2. Connect them with 2 tbsp. l. flaxseed oil and 1 egg yolk.
    3. The components are mixed and rubbed into the scalp. A terry cap or insulating cap is put on top.
    4. After an hour, the mask is washed off with warm running water. Shampoo is not necessary.

    Important! This procedure is only a temporary measure. Only a specialist can determine the real cause of hair loss.

    For dandruff

    Nicotinic acid quite successfully eliminates dandruff. To prepare a mask for this disease:

    1. First prepare a water bath. Pour propolis with a small amount of water and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.
    2. The resulting solution is cooled and filtered.
    3. Aloe juice is mixed with nicotinic acid. Add to the propolis decoction.
    4. The composition is washed into the roots and left for 30 minutes.
    5. Then wash off with warm water and mild shampoo.

    For facial skin

    Nicotinamide also has regenerating properties, making it an excellent remedy for problem skin. In addition, it is often included in anti-aging masks. For this:

    1. One egg white is combined with 1 tsp. honey and 2 tbsp. l. banana pulp.
    2. Add vitamin B3 and mix until smooth.
    3. Apply to face for 15 minutes. The procedure should be performed no more than 2 times a week.

    Advice! Before applying the mask, it is advisable to treat your face with a cleansing lotion.

    Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women to take nicotinic acid?

    Nicotinic acid may also be useful for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In itself, sufficient availability of vitamin B3 is an important condition for the normal development of the fetus and maintaining the health of the mother. Therefore, women in special situations are strongly recommended to eat foods containing nicotinamide.

    But taking vitamin B3 tablets as a dietary supplement during lactation and pregnancy is strictly contraindicated.

    The use of nicotinic acid for children

    The properties of nicotinamide can benefit not only adults, but also children. However, it is recommended to take it in the form of tablets or injections only after reaching the age of 10, since a high concentration of the substance can cause allergies. For younger children, the amount of vitamin B3 they get daily from food will be enough, provided that the children's diet is balanced.

    Nicotinic acid and alcohol

    One of the many beneficial properties of nicotinamide is that it is able to neutralize the harmful effects of breakdown products of alcohol-containing substances in the liver, as a result of which it alleviates the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. This ability often becomes the reason for the misconception that vitamin B3 can be consumed together with alcohol without fear of causing harm to health.

    In fact, the situation is somewhat different. Ethanol tends to wash away beneficial compounds from the body, including vitamin B3, thus negating all the benefits of the drug.

    In addition, alcoholic drinks can enhance certain properties of nicotinic acid. Ethanol, which has a suppressive effect on high blood pressure, coupled with similar properties of vitamin B3, can provoke a hypotensive crisis, which can cause serious harm to the body.

    Alcohol mixed with nicotinamide exacerbates side effects when taking the drug. Thus, the appearance of severe drowsiness, unstable mental manifestations, increased irritability and aggression is often noted.

    However, the use of vitamin B3 after drinking alcoholic beverages may be useful in eliminating the consequences of intoxication if the drug is taken according to the instructions.

    Interaction of nicotinic acid with other drugs

    Nicotinic acid should be used with caution with certain medications. In particular, this applies to any drugs that are aimed at preventing the formation of blood clots, since nicotinamide has similar properties and, in combination with similar drugs, can cause hemorrhages.

    The interaction of nicotinic acid with antidiabetic drugs, on the contrary, neutralizes all the benefits of glucose-lowering drugs.

    In addition, nicotinamide does not combine with the following substances:

    • vitamins B2 and B6;
    • euphilin;
    • salicylates;
    • tetracycline;
    • hydrocortisone.

    Important! If you are taking other medications at the same time as vitamin B3, you must inform your doctor about this to avoid harmful effects.

    Side effects of nicotinic acid and overdose

    Even taking into account all the benefits of niacinamide and the almost complete lack of harmful effects for most people, it is worth remembering that in some cases, taking vitamin B3 can cause unpleasant consequences for the body. Side effects of the drug include:

    • allergic reactions;
    • dizziness;
    • hives;
    • facial redness;
    • feeling of heat without changing body temperature;
    • temporary loss of sensation in certain areas of the body;
    • feeling of numbness.

    These symptoms do not require treatment and quickly disappear after reducing the dose of vitamin B3 or its complete withdrawal. However, prolonged ignoring of primary symptoms can lead to more serious harm to health, for example:

    • fatty liver;
    • hyperuricemia;
    • decreased ability of the body to process glucose.

    But since all these complications are to one degree or another related to the functioning of the liver, you can mitigate the harmful effects of taking nicotinic acid by adding dishes high in methionine to your daily menu. “Poshekhonsky” cheese, sea fish, turkey and almonds in the diet will help maintain the normal functioning of the organ without additional medical intervention.

    Contraindications to the use of nicotinic acid

    Despite its many beneficial properties, in some cases nicotinamide can still cause significant harm to health. In this regard, the drug is not recommended for persons with certain health conditions, namely:

    • with individual vitamin intolerance;
    • with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug;
    • during pregnancy;
    • during lactation;
    • with arterial hypertension;
    • for diabetes mellitus;
    • with acute ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
    • for gout.

    Since the use of nicotinamide is accompanied by drowsiness and lethargy, in order to avoid possible harm, its use should be avoided by those whose profession involves constant driving of a car or requires increased alertness.


    The benefits and harms of nicotinic acid directly depend on the dosage. A correctly calculated amount of the drug will demonstrate its beneficial properties with full effectiveness, but only if the medication is prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can have a harmful effect on a person and aggravate existing diseases.

    Reviews, before and after photos

    Rudkovskaya Anastasia Gennadievna, 36 years old, Khabarovsk

    After my second birth, I encountered a problem - my hair began to fall out. For several years I had a complex about this: I’m not yet forty, but I’m already bald. Then I learned from a friend that nicotinic acid helps with hair loss. I decided to try it, although I didn’t have much hope. But literally a month later, my hair seemed to have become stronger and my bald spots had noticeably decreased. Now I’m trying to find a hair growth product based on nicotinic acid for my husband. We will heal together.

    Kulsh Evgenia Olegovna, 29 years old, Dnepropetrovsk

    Personally, I just can’t understand why nicotinic acid should be used for weight loss? Eating healthy will be much better - you will lose weight and feel great. But the use of nicotinic acid for the face is at least interesting. I'll have to experiment. Fortunately, there are a lot of recipes for masks with nicotinic acid on the Internet.

    Did you find this article useful?

    The vitamin is found in many foods:

    • beef liver,
    • buckwheat,
    • peas,
    • chicken eggs,
    • walnuts,
    • dairy products,
    • fish.

    A healthy lifestyle and a properly composed diet will help create protective forces against diseases. And if violations have already occurred, early diagnosis and timely treatment will prevent the chronicle.

    Nicotinic acid in injection form should be taken as recommended by a doctor.

    Indications for use

    • obstruction of the blood vessels of the extremities,
    • in case of problems with cerebral circulation,
    • haemorrhoids,
    • a hereditary disease in which there is a problem with the absorption of certain amino acids (Hartnup disease),
    • lack of vitamin PP,
    • diabetes,
    • decreased vision,
    • infectious diseases,
    • disorders in the limbs associated with vasospasm,
    • liver diseases,
    • ischemic stroke,
    • noise in ears,
    • inflammation of the facial nerve,
    • lipid metabolism problems,
    • skin diseases,
    • for disorders of the digestive system,
    • glucose intolerance,
    • intoxication:
      • medicinal,
      • alcoholic,
      • professional,
    • increased acidity,
    • for the purpose of preventing obesity and diseases caused by vascular disorders.


    • exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease,
    • drug intolerance,
    • cirrhosis of the liver,
    • atherosclerosis,
    • if blood sugar levels are not corrected with medications,
    • excess level of uric acid in the blood.

    Nicotinic acid is used for treatment, but with caution in the case of:

    • low blood pressure,
    • hemorrhages,
    • pregnancy,
    • glaucoma,
    • childhood,
    • peptic ulcer in remission,
    • lactation.

    Side effects

    • lowering blood pressure,
    • exacerbation of gastric dysfunction,
    • deterioration of the liver and kidneys,
    • Possible temporary manifestations:
      • nettle rash,
      • prostration,
      • dizziness,
      • lack of appetite,
      • facial redness.

    When taking procedures with nicotinic acid, it is recommended to add cottage cheese or methionine to the diet. This will help avoid unwanted effects.

    The benefits of nicotinic acid injections for osteochondrosis

    Aging of the spine is another name for this disease. Loss of the normal state of the disc, a change in its anatomical position as a result of subsidence or improper loading provides the prerequisites for the occurrence of osteochondrosis.

    In the future, a violation of the dislocation of the vertebrae is possible.

    All these changes lead to pinching and inflammation of the nerve roots and malfunction of the organs for which they are responsible.

    Niacin is useful for osteochondrosis because:

    • It is a vitamin and replenishes the lack of nicotinic acid in the body. Adequate nutrition is an important factor in the prevention of osteochondrosis and its treatment.
    • Improves blood circulation, which stimulates tissue nutrition.
    • Protects cells from free radicals, which protects them from damage.
    • Removes toxins, which heals and rejuvenates body tissues.
    • Improves all metabolic processes, which contributes to the supply of necessary substances to the tissues and the removal of waste waste.
    • Restores the structure of neurons, which helps nervous tissue renew itself and resist inflammatory processes.

    Instructions for use: dosage and treatment regimen

    The maximum dose prescribed for an adult:

    • daily – 300 mg,
    • single dose – 100 mg.

    How to give injections

    The drug in injection form is administered:

    • intravenously,
    • intramuscularly,
    • subcutaneously

    With rapid administration of the drug intravenously, the sensations are reminiscent of the administration of calcium chloride, but with less force. Redness of the face and skin of the upper body appears. There is a feeling of heat. The symptoms go away on their own. To avoid them, the drug should be administered slowly and after meals.

    Due to the fact that injections are painful, nicotinic acid is often prescribed intravenously.