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New law on maternity capital. Duration of the program. When financial assistance is not paid

As you know, the Maternity Capital program was launched back in 2007.

Speaking about the most important elements of this program, it is worth noting that its main feature is the provision of one-time financial assistance in the amount of approximately 450,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that this is a very large amount, so questions arose about whether the state could afford to pay such money. Also, the payment of such an amount also affects the motivation of people to have new children and their subsequent provision, because there are a large number of cases when children are born only for money, and their provision falls entirely on the shoulders of the state, namely society and, in particular, citizens who do not have children of their own and are forced to pay and provide for other people’s families.

Also, in a number of cases, the children for whom this program was created did not receive anything.

Last news

At the moment it has become known that this program will be extended until the end of 2018. Today, a lump sum payment from maternity capital amounts to two relatively small sums of money. One of them is 20 thousand rubles, and the other is 25 thousand.

These funds can be spent on any purpose, so there are no restrictions on spending. It should also be borne in mind that this is one of the main disadvantages of the program, because it is impossible to control that the funds allocated by the state are spent specifically on children's needs.

How can you use maternity capital?

The main and most important goal of maternity capital at the moment was to improve housing conditions, as well as purchase or build housing. Also, maternity capital could be required to expand living space.

The fact is that some restrictions are related to limiting the misuse of funds. Also, using this method can completely or almost completely eliminate simply illiterate or inappropriate use of money.

The main point of this program is to provide the child’s parents with the opportunity to improve their living conditions, because not everyone can do this.

Despite all the features of using maternity capital, since 2016 the possibilities for using funds have been significantly expanded.

For example, it is now possible to compensate for the costs of disabled children, as well as education and even a funded pension for mothers. It is also important that in this way you can improve the financial situation of the child’s parents, because even if the funds can be used exclusively for the purchase of housing, in the future this same housing can be successfully sold on the real estate market, and the funds already received from the sale can be used the way you need.

Opportunities for improving living conditions

The main purpose of maternal capital is to improve living conditions for the child when he grows up and becomes an adult.

Latest changes

Among the new opportunities that have opened up for those who receive maternity capital, it is worth highlighting the point that it is now quite possible to use funds from maternity capital to furnish housing for a child with limited capabilities.

This money can also be used for many other very pressing needs. All this can be extremely important, because a wide variety of problems can arise with disabled children.

A variety of goals

Today, with the help of maternity capital, you can even pay off a military mortgage. The thing is that in the case of the use of maternity capital by the military in order to purchase housing in addition to the funds from a housing loan (targeted), the real estate must be registered in accordance with the general procedure. This is an important nuance that solves a number of problems.

There is also information at the moment that, in conditions of a slight drop in income, there may be inappropriate use of capital for mothers.

For example, previously options were put forward to purchase a car, but such an option for spending maternity capital was never approved.

Another option is when various schemes ignore all the restrictions imposed by the state on spending money. As a result, this can lead to the fact that the money will still be spent in a way that it should not be spent.


What can we say in the end? Maternity capital is intended to improve the lives of young children who are just being born, but the funds allocated for children are not always used by adults.

However, maternity capital will remain next year in the same form in which it was before, so you will not have any cause for concern in the near future.

Question: On January 1, the law comes into force that maternity capital will be issued for 3 children in the amount of 1.5 million rubles from 2018. I have already received a certificate for my second, but in a couple of years we are planning a third child. What should I do with my certificate now? We want to buy an apartment with a mortgage; the capital will be used as a down payment. If we spend the certificate now, will they give us 1.5 million for the third one or not? Or if a new certificate will no longer be issued for 3 children, then maybe it’s better to submit not all 453 thousand, but a part of it for the initial payment? So that with the birth of my third, the amount will be increased according to the new law to 1,500,000 rubles.

The myth that from 2018 the state will issue maternity capital in the amount of 1.5 million rubles for 3 children, has been living on the Internet for more than three years and has firmly settled in the minds of a certain part of Russian society. Moreover, the desire of our citizens to wishful thinking has already given rise to so many misunderstandings in this matter that it is time for the employees of the Pension Fund to publish official refutations on this matter!

Unfortunately, all these rumors about the payment of one and a half million rubles have long had nothing to do with reality! It all started with that atmosphere of uncertainty regarding the future of the math program. capital, in which Russian families have been living for the last few years. Let us recall that initially, by federal law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, the new demographic program was designed for only 10 years - until December 31, 2016.

However, long before this date, families were interested in the prospects extension of the program after 2016. In 2013, the president himself answered this question rather evasively during the traditional “straight line” Vladimir Putin: he noted that in one form or another the program will continue after the 16th year - only for sure on modified terms.

Time passed, but no specific proposals in this regard arose in the Government itself. Then in July 2014, Belgorod deputies developed and submitted to the State Duma their own bill No. 571638-6, which proposed extending the program for another 10 years until 2026 inclusive under the following conditions:

  • issue from January 1, 2017 a certificate for maternity capital only at birth or adoption third child;
  • continue for families who received it up to December 31, 2016 inclusive;
  • do not index certificate size, issued to large families after 2016, but increase its size immediately to 1.5 million rubles with the need to use the specified amount as a priority to improve living conditions.

Has the law been passed?

For a very long time, there was no movement at all on the introduced draft federal law - its preparation for consideration by the State Duma in the first reading was completed only by April 2015. Government proposed bill didn't support, noting in his conclusion the following shortcomings:

  • the document conflicts with the current terms of the program, providing for significant restrictions on the direction of use of the certificate;
  • established uniform size of the certificate within the framework of the program, renewable for 10 years, will put families at a disadvantage depending on the moment of acquiring the right to maternal capital against the background of annual inflation (the sooner, the more you can buy with this money);
  • extension of the program in this version will require an increase in its funding, the source of which is not offered by the authors of the law.

As a result, the bill was rejected by the majority of deputies based on the results of its consideration in the first reading on April 21, 2015, and the discussion of the new law itself took only a few minutes! Below is a transcript of the meeting.

Since then, the proposal to pay maternity capital in 2018 for 3 children is 1.5 million rubles. became a fable, but for some reason over the past time this story has not sunk into oblivion, like many other good legislative initiatives regarding the mat program. capital. Moreover, as can be seen from the question above, many parents have already believed in this story as an established fact and see new opportunities opening up in this.

Meanwhile, on behalf of President V. Putin, by law of December 30, 2015 No. 433-FZ, the maternity capital program extended under the same conditions for two years. After this, by law dated December 28, 2017 No. 432-FZ, the program was extended for another three years. Now the established period of validity expires.

State support for parents with many children has already helped millions of Russian families improve their quality of life. Every year there are more and more mothers and fathers who have taken advantage of the right to maternal capital. Federal Law No. 256 clearly describes the conditions for receiving it, as well as the areas on which the money can be spent. What is the procedure for registering maternity capital, how much is its size in 2017, when can you receive funds, and what rules must be followed to participate in the program?

Who can receive maternity capital and what is its size?

The right to maternal capital in most cases belongs to the mother of the child. She receives it immediately upon the birth of the baby, and loses it only if the rights to raise minors are deprived. It is possible to receive money using a certificate for maternal capital in the following cases.

  1. The person is the mother of a 2nd or subsequent child. He must be born between 01/01/2007 and 12/31/2018. It is possible that the program will be extended in the future. You can receive a certificate for maternal capital only once.
  2. If, as a result of loss of parenting rights, death or for other reasons, none of the child’s parents or adoptive parents can obtain a certificate, then the right to it passes directly to the minor. If the son or daughter has already reached the age of majority and is studying full-time at an educational institution, then they can receive a certificate for maternity capital until they reach 23 years of age.
  3. A male applicant is the sole adoptive parent of a second or subsequent child in the period from 01/01/2007 to 12/31/2018.
  4. The person is the father or adoptive parent of the first, second, etc. child, whose parent was deprived of parental rights, died, or was found to have committed a deliberate crime against one of her children.

How much can you get with a certificate in 2017? The size of the subsidy allocated from the state budget to certificate holders was initially 250 thousand rubles. However, annual indexation increased this amount to 453 thousand rubles by 2015. But in 2017, it was decided not to carry out indexation due to the difficult economic situation in the country, so the amount of payments has not changed and is still the same 453 thousand rubles.

You need to know that only Russian citizens have the right to receive maternity capital and money for it. Moreover, both the owner of the certificate and the child for whom it is issued must have citizenship. If this condition is not met, you should not count on a subsidy.

Procedure for obtaining in 2017

To receive money intended for the right to maternal capital, you first need to acquire the certificate itself. In the future, it will be possible to spend part or the full amount of it on one of the areas available in 2017. The algorithm of actions for issuing a certificate for maternity capital is as follows.

  1. Wait until the child is born or adopted. When this fact is documented, you can contact the Pension Fund for a certificate. There is no need to rush into this matter - the right to participate in the program is unlimited.
  2. At the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you must fill out an application in the prescribed form. You can immediately attach the documents necessary for registration to it (the list will be given below).
  3. Wait for the decision of the Pension Fund. If the result is positive, a certificate for maternal capital will be issued (or sent by mail) within a working week. The period for consideration of the application in 2017 is 1 month.

However, in order to use the received certificate and receive payments on it, you will have to meet some more conditions. The money is paid only 3 years after the birth of the child in the family. The only exception to this rule are targeted loans taken to improve living conditions. In all other cases, in 2017 it will not be possible to receive money before the designated period.

The amount allocated under the right to maternal capital can be received in one payment, or can be divided into parts. Depending on the chosen direction, you may not spend all the money at once, and then you can use another part in the future.

Documents required for registration

To receive paper for maternal capital, and subsequently money for it, when applying to the Pension Fund in 2017, you will need a number of official documents. They must be attached to the application.

  1. Papers confirming the birth of all children in the family. It is necessary that Pension Fund employees can verify how many parents have.
  2. Document confirming the applicant's identity. The submitter can be either a person directly entitled to the capital, or a person trusted and having a document certified by a notary regarding this.
  3. A paper confirming the Russian citizenship of the child for whom the certificate is requested.
  4. SNILS of the mother or adoptive parent.

To improve the demographic situation, the Government of the Russian Federation ten years ago decided to issue funds for the second born or adopted child. However, the money cannot be received in person; government assistance is provided in the form of maternity capital certificate.

This certificate represents personal document in paper or electronic form, which confirms the citizen’s right to use funds allocated by the state (in 2018 in the amount of 453,026 rubles) to families with two or more children, taking into account that the second or subsequent child was born or adopted after January 1, 2007.

Despite the fact that the document is called maternal, not only women, but also, in cases determined by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, men, as well as children themselves, can become its copyright holders. Therefore it is also called family. Also, along with natural parents, adoptive parents have the right to this type of support.

Depending on who the recipient is, the citizen must submit a certain amount to the Pension Fund package of documents and submit the appropriate application.

How to obtain a certificate for maternity capital in 2018?

As you know, in our country families with two or more children can receive maternity capital, but not all. Can not This is done by persons who have formalized guardianship, and citizens who adopt children who are stepsons or stepdaughters at the time of adoption (i.e., children of the second spouse) do not have the right to maternity capital.

Apply for a certificate Firstly Citizens of the Russian Federation who have given birth to or adopted a second child (or subsequent children) can no earlier than January 1, 2007:

  • women (mother or adoptive mother);
  • men who are the sole adoptive parents of children.

However, in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, if a woman lost the right to it(died, was deprived of parental rights, etc.), the right to a certificate can be transferred:

  • father or adoptive parent of children regardless of his citizenship;
  • minor children;
  • adult children under the age of 23, provided that they are studying full-time.

The certificate for maternal capital can be transferred children in equal shares, only if they have neither a mother, nor a father, nor adoptive parents, or if for various reasons they do not have the right to take advantage of this state support.

Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation, both men and women with two or more children, can receive maternity capital. At the same time, the child must also have Russian citizenship, with whose birth or adoption the right to capital arises. However, in some cases, the certificate can be transferred to a foreign man. You can use this government support only once.

Where is the certificate for maternal capital issued?

The state is responsible for issuing certificates and performing all actions in relation to it. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation(PFR), as well as its territorial bodies. To carry out activities related to maternity capital, the Pension Fund keeps records of certificate holders - unified register of persons. This register contains all personal information about citizens.

You can apply for the document personally or through a legal representative (by power of attorney), as well as by sending an application and notarized copies of documents by mail:

  • to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or place of registration, both permanent and temporary;
  • to the multifunctional center (MFC).

Also, the legislation of the Russian Federation allows submitting documents on electronic media. In other words, a citizen has the right, independently or through an authorized representative, to submit the relevant documents to the Pension Fund not in paper, but in electronic form.

In addition, since 2016, citizens can apply for a certificate for maternal capital remotely through the Internet. In this case, it is necessary to certify the documents with an electronic signature or personally visit the Pension Fund to confirm them. You can do this absolutely free through:

  • Unified portal of public services (Gosuslugi);
  • “Personal account of a citizen” on the official website of the Pension Fund.

Procedure for obtaining a certificate

After the right to maternity capital arises, the citizen submits it to the relevant authorities. For a certain period of time, the Russian Pension Fund considers this application and makes a decision about extradition.

At positive decision, the citizen receives a certificate, which is a personalized document on paper in A4 format (210 × 297 mm), confirming the right to this state support and, in accordance with Appendix No. 2, has a strict reporting form with the level of product protection against counterfeiting “B” . The certificate can also be issued electronically.

In the document itself from the front side contains the following information:

  • series and certificate number;
  • Full name of the owner and his passport details;
  • the amount of capital on the date of issue;
  • name of the Pension Fund of Russia body that issued the certificate;
  • date and number of the extradition decision;
  • seal and signature of the head of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • bar code (which contains information about the owner and the amount of capital).

The Russian Pension Fund has the right refuse extradition certificate. However, to make such a decision there must be compelling reasons provided for by law. In any case, the citizen has the right to appeal this decision in court.

Documents for obtaining a maternal certificate

According to Appendix No. 2 of the administrative regulations of the Pension Fund of Russia, approved by Order No. 345n of October 29, 2012, the application for the issuance of a certificate is filled out in a strictly defined form.

In accordance with paragraph 6 of Order No. 1180n dated October 18, 2011, the application indicates following information:

  • name of the territorial Pension Fund;
  • information about the owner (full name, status, gender, date and place of birth, passport details, citizenship, SNILS number, address and telephone number);
  • information about the legal representative (if necessary);
  • information about born or adopted children (full name, gender, details of birth certificate, date and place of birth and citizenship);
  • information about the child, in connection with whose birth or adoption the right to capital arose;
  • other information (about a previously issued certificate, about deprivation of the owner of parental rights, etc.);
  • date and signatures.

The application must also indicate the documents submitted to the Pension Fund. Mother must submit:

  • passport of the Russian Federation (or international passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, if living outside our country);
  • birth certificates of all children.

Adoptive parents In addition to basic documents, they are required to provide certificates of adoption of children. Father or adoptive parent children must present documents confirming the fact of loss of the woman’s rights (certificate of her death, court decision on deprivation of rights, etc.). If the right to a certificate passes to a man, non-citizen of Russia, then instead of a Russian passport you need to present another identification document.

If maternity capital goes children, then it is necessary to additionally submit documents that confirm the fact of loss of the rights of parents or adoptive parents (death certificate, etc.). adult children must have a certificate from an educational institution stating that they are studying full-time.

Citizens have the right to submit both original documents and their copies. Copies are sent by mail and must be certified by a notary. When applying directly to the Pension Fund or the MFC, copies of the original documents are taken and certified independently by employees of the authorities.

After the relevant authority accepts all the documents, the applicant is given or sent by mail notification receipt on registration of the application.

Deadlines for reviewing documents

All necessary documents submitted by the applicant are transferred to the Pension Fund. Pension Fund within a month checks the information received about the citizen and makes a decision on issuing a certificate or refusing it. This decision is made in writing. Within five days the applicant is sent a corresponding notification.

If in issuing a certificate decided refuse, then the notification must indicate the reasons on the basis of which such a decision was made. If accepted positive decision The Pension Fund is obliged to issue a certificate:

  • in the hands of the applicant;
  • by sending by registered mail (necessarily with notification of delivery);
  • by sending to the multifunctional center (if the applicant submitted documents through the MFC);
  • when received in electronic form - through State Services or “Citizen’s Personal Account”.

Submitting an application for extradition electronically

In order to reduce federal budget expenses on issuing certificates on paper, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to switch to it electronic analogue. Thus, since 2016, the certificate can be issued as an electronic document. In this form, he must have an enhanced qualified electronic signature, which is affixed by an authorized official of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia.

The innovation should facilitate the work of employees of the relevant authorities and reduce the time for submitting the necessary documents. At the same time, in general, the procedure for submitting documents and the procedure for issuing a certificate remains the same, and the package of necessary documents does not change. Also, the innovation does not imply a reduction in review time, that is, submitted documents are also checked within a month.

Is maternity capital indexed if the certificate has already been received?

As you know, the amount of maternity capital increases every year thanks to the planned indexing. This also applies to those citizens who have already received a certificate but have not yet used the funds. In other words, the entire amount of capital that is in the holder's account is also indexed annually.

It is also worth noting that if a citizen withdrew part of the funds from the account (for example, when receiving a lump sum payment), then only balance amount, which remains on the account. At the same time, taxes are not withheld from capital.

Thus, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, despite the fact that the amount is already indicated in the certificate itself, this information is relevant only at the time of issue document and is purely informational in nature. However, due to the current economic situation from 2017 to 2020, indexation of funds will be carried out will not(so-called