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Production volume depending on the capacity of the enterprise. The concept of enterprise production capacity

The production capacity of an enterprise is the volume or number of units that can be produced in a given period. The power of an enterprise, taken over a short period of time, can be considered a constant value. At the same time, one should keep in mind the need to make adjustments as production and product range change.

The achievable normal capacity - the number of units produced under specified conditions in one year - must correspond to the amount of demand assumed in the market study. The achievable normal power is achieved under normal operating conditions, taking into account the installed equipment, compliance with the technical characteristics of the enterprise (normal breaks in work, downtime, holidays; time allotted for maintenance; replacement of tools, required structure of work shifts; inability to use the main equipment in parts in any other combinations), and the control system used.

The maximum power rating - this is the technically achievable power - usually corresponds to the power of the installed equipment and is guaranteed by the supplier. Working to the limit to achieve maximum output, unplanned consumption of production supplies, auxiliaries, spare parts and parts and materials for routine maintenance lead to excess production costs.

Determination of the required enterprise capacity is carried out during a feasibility study, taking into account:

forecast demand and market penetration for any specific product;

availability of required resources;

type of production (single, serial, etc.);

type of products manufactured or services provided;

applied technology;

minimum payback (profitable) size of this type of production.

The minimum cost-effective production size indicator, applicable to most industrial enterprises and projects, means the minimum production volume at which cost recovery is achieved. For example, a cement plant with a capacity of less than 300 tons of product per day is considered unprofitable, since such production requires vertical shaft kilns, the products of which cannot compete in a competitive market with products obtained from rotary kilns. Ammonium production plants must be at least a certain size so that the cost of the product to the consumer plant is not excessively high compared to the cost of ammonium produced by other consumers. This is true for many other chemical plants, including primary and secondary petrochemical plants.

In many sectors of the economy of industrialized countries, enterprise production capacity has tended to grow rapidly, driven by the benefits of optimizing the scale of production. Large production capacities require investment costs that are proportionally significantly lower. The fact is that an increase in output leads in this case to a decrease in production costs per unit of output. When determining the minimum profitable size of a company, it is necessary to focus on international experience, since there is a certain relationship between the production costs in its business plan and similar costs when producing similar products at other enterprises. If such an analogy is not applicable due to limited resources or the magnitude of the expected demand, production costs and product prices increase, competitiveness in foreign markets is lost, and a certain amount of government protection is required.

Another important factor is that technology and equipment are often used to operate in production units of a certain (relatively large) capacity. Of course, technology and equipment can be adapted to work in smaller plants, but the costs of such adaptation may be disproportionately high. For this reason, projects in various industries must meet certain minimum cost-effective production levels. This condition is true for enterprises that assemble machinery and equipment, especially for mass production, since mass production must be based on sufficiently large levels of continuous or semi-continuous production. At the same time, at some multi-disciplinary machine-building enterprises, a significantly greater degree of flexibility is possible, since production capacity can be distributed over time between different products.

However, it is possible to determine the overall required optimal production size in terms of equipment requirements and technology used. However, in this case, various combinations are possible.

In order to determine alternative plant capacity options, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the projected sales volume and achievable normal plant capacity. For some products that are new or new to the market, initial production capacity must be slightly higher than initial demand and sales to meet growing demand over several years. However, such planned underutilization of production capacity should not be higher than the level at which sales receipts equal production costs, i.e. profitability level. As demand and sales increase, the plant's capacity may become insufficient. The increasing gap between demand and production will eventually cause production to expand. If rapid expansion of production is planned, it may be necessary to set the achievable normal plant capacity higher than that for the intended market penetration for a certain period only. In this case, it is necessary to link future sales growth with the subsequent expansion of enterprise capacity. The relationship between sales forecasts and plant capacity depends on the reliability of the market forecast, the price elasticity of demand, or the cost-capacity relationship. Taking into account the above considerations, the required achievable normal production capacity of the enterprise should be determined. It is necessary to calculate the impact of the relevant components of the feasibility study at different production levels. In addition, it may be necessary to prepare cash flow alternatives to assess the impact of different production facilities. The investment and production costs for two or three alternative production levels should be determined. At the same time, it is necessary to identify their subsequent impact on the price of the product, and sales forecasts are drawn up for each production capacity option based on the planned product price. The selected most appropriate achievable normal plant capacity represents the optimal balance between the various components of the study, viewed from the angle of commercial viability.

For some projects, it may be appropriate to provide greater excess capacity for certain stages of production where the cost-capacity ratio is favorable, and to increase capacity at other stages in some proportion to demand growth. In this case, various combinations are possible and you should choose the most suitable one.

The idea of ​​enterprise capacity changes with the expansion of the number of goods produced, when it is determined by the degree of production integration proposed for a particular project. Investment costs directly depend on such integration. The lower the degree of integration, the lower the investment costs. Purchasing intermediate products, components and products from other manufacturers can be significantly more profitable than their production at the designed enterprise.

There are no special formulas by which the capacity of an enterprise can be calculated. The components of a feasibility study have different meanings depending on the industry. However, the feasibility study needs to give due consideration to those conditions which in a given case may influence the feasibility of the initial production capacity and any subsequent expansion measures, and their relevance to the relative importance of such components.

In accordance with the chosen achievable normal capacity, it may be necessary to calculate in more detail the requirements for the various components of production and calculate their total costs. The project's labor needs must be determined. These needs can be determined with greater accuracy after selecting the type of technology and equipment. However, since production technology may depend on the availability of skilled personnel, for most projects it is appropriate to identify labor requirements after determining the achievable normal plant capacity. 7.3

1.4. Production capacity of the enterprise

The essence of the concept of production capacity

In modern conditions, the production program of any enterprise is determined on the basis of:

The totality of demand for the products he produces;

Its production capacity.

Production capacity of the enterprise(workshop, site) is the potentially maximum possible annual (quarterly, monthly, daily, shift) volume of output of products, works, services (or extraction, processing of raw materials) of the required quality with a given nomenclature and assortment based on progressive standards for the use of equipment and production space taking into account the implementation of measures on progressive technology, advanced organization of labor and production.

When planning and analyzing the activities of an enterprise, three main types of production capacity are distinguished: prospective, design and operating.

Prospective production capacity reflects expected changes in technology and organization of production, the range of main products included in the long-term plans of the enterprise.

Design production capacity represents the possible volume of output of a conventional product range per unit of time specified during the design or reconstruction of an enterprise, workshop, or site. This volume is fixed, since it is designed for a constant conditional range of products and a constant operating mode. However, over time, as a result of reconstruction and technical re-equipment, the introduction of new progressive technology and advanced practices in organizing labor and production, the initial design capacity will change, but will be recorded as a new design capacity. This is a very important indicator of the orientation of the production organization to achieve high performance. This is due to the fact that project documentation, as a rule, includes design solutions that are the highest at the time of project development.

The current design capacity of an enterprise, workshop, or site reflects its potential ability to produce during a calendar period the maximum possible quantity of products provided for by the plan for the production of commercial products of a given range and quality. It is dynamic in nature and changes in accordance with the organizational and technical development of production. Therefore, it is characterized by several indicators:

Power at the beginning of the planned period (input);

Power at the end of the planned period (output);

Average annual power.

The input production capacity of an enterprise (workshop, site) is the capacity at the beginning of the planning period, usually at the beginning of the year. Output production capacity- this is the capacity at the end of the planning period, which is defined as the algebraic sum of the input power in force at the beginning of the year (as of January 1), and the new power introduced during the year and the capacity retired in the same year. Average annual production capacity is the capacity that an enterprise (workshop, site) has on average per year, taking into account the increase and disposal of available capacity.

Production capacity is measured in the same units as the production program (pieces, tons, meters, etc.). For example, the capacity of a tractor factory is determined by the number of tractors in pieces, the capacity of a coal mine is determined by the amount of coal in tons. In an enterprise where the quality of raw materials affects the volume of finished products, its capacity is measured in units of processed raw materials. Thus, the production capacity of a sugar factory is measured in tons of processed beets, and of a dairy plant - in tons of processed milk.

The production capacity of an enterprise is a variable quantity. It changes over time, i.e. it increases or, conversely, decreases. Many factors influence changes in production capacity. We list the main ones:

Structure of fixed production assets, the proportion of their active part;

The level of technological progress in the main production processes (the more advanced the production technology, the greater the production capacity);

Productivity of technological equipment (the more advanced the machines and equipment and the higher their productivity per unit of time, the greater the production capacity);

Level of specialization of the enterprise (increasing the level of specialization helps to increase the production capacity of the enterprise);

Level of organization of labor and production; this is a very important factor influencing production capacity, i.e., their direct dependence is observed;

The level of qualifications of personnel in the main production departments (the dependence is manifested in the fact that the higher the qualifications of workers, the fewer defects, breakdowns, equipment downtime and the higher its productivity);

The quality of objects of labor, i.e. the higher the quality of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, the less labor and time required for their processing and, therefore, more products can be produced per unit time of equipment operation.
In addition to the listed factors, production capacity is also significantly influenced by the level of organization of production and labor in auxiliary and service departments - tool, repair, energy, and transport facilities.

Production capacity calculation

In the conditions of transition to a market economy, it is impossible to organize production without first developing a business plan. One of the sections of such a strategic document is the production plan, which should contain a calculation of the production capacity of the enterprise's divisions. Such calculations are an important component of business planning, in particular an industrial production plan. Production capacity calculations allow you to objectively:

Plan the volume of production;

Identify possible reserves for production development;

Justify the economic feasibility of specialization of production and cooperation of enterprises;

Plan directions for developing the production capacity of the enterprise.

The production capacity of the enterprise is determined by the capacity of the leading workshops, and the capacity of the workshop is determined by the capacity of the leading sections, units, and leading groups of equipment. The leading groups include equipment that performs the bulk of the work - in terms of complexity and labor intensity. Leading workshops mean the following workshops (areas):

In which the largest part of the main production equipment is concentrated;

Occupying the largest share in the total labor intensity of manufacturing products.

When choosing the main leading link, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the industrial enterprise. For example, in the mining industry, the capacity of a mine in an underground mining method is determined by the possibilities of mine lifting. At metallurgical plants these are blast furnaces and rolling mills.

Production capacity is calculated based on:

Nomenclature, structure and quantity of products;

The number of units of available equipment at the disposal of the enterprise;

Operating operating time of equipment;

Labor intensity of manufactured products and its planned reduction;

Progressive technically sound equipment performance standards;

Reporting data on compliance with production standards. Production capacity is calculated sequentially

from the lowest to the highest, i.e., from the productivity (capacity) of groups of technically homogeneous equipment to the capacity of the site, from the capacity of the site to the capacity of the workshop, from the capacity of the workshop to the capacity of the enterprise.

The production capacity of a workshop (section) equipped with the same type of equipment and producing the same products is determined by the formula

where P is the standard annual productivity of one machine (unit); Уt - average coefficient of exceeding standards; n is the average annual fleet of this type of equipment; Fe - effective annual

time fund of one machine (unit); t w - standard time for processing (manufacturing) a unit of product, hours.

If a workshop (site) is equipped with different types of equipment, production capacity is determined by the productivity (throughput) of the fleet of leading groups of equipment that characterize the profile of this unit.

The production capacity of an enterprise (workshop, site) is a dynamic category, changing during the planning period. These changes are due to the following factors:

Wear and tear and, consequently, write-off and discarding of equipment;

Commissioning of new equipment to replace worn-out equipment;

Upgrading equipment during major overhauls, which may change its performance;

Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the entire enterprise or its individual production divisions, etc.

For the purpose of production planning, it is necessary to monitor and timely clarify the actual capacity of the enterprise. This is done using average annual production capacity - retiring and commissioning.

Average annual retiring production capacity (Ms retiring) is defined as the sum of retiring production capacities (Msaub), multiplied by the number of months (ni) remaining from the date of disposal to the end of a certain year, divided by 12:

Average annual input production capacity (M input) is defined as the sum of new capacities (Mn) (in comparable units of physical or monetary terms), multiplied by the number of months of their use until the end of the year (n), divided by 12:

Taking into account the noted indicators, in addition to the production capacity at the beginning of the year (input power Min), its increase or decrease during the year in the ith month (Mg-), as well as the output power (Mout), i.e. power at the end of the year are determined:

The uneven change in power throughout the year makes it necessary to determine its average annual value:

The average annual capacity is found by subtracting the average annual retirement capacity available at the beginning of the year and adding the average annual increase in capacity during the year.

Example. At the beginning of the planned period (year) Mvx = 1000 units. In March, capacity was increased by 50 units, in July - by 100 units. In April, a capacity of 150 units was put into operation, in August - another 150 units.

Average annual production capacity

Msg = 1000 + /12 = 1000 + 850/12 « 1071 units.

Output power of the enterprise at the end of the planned period (year)

Mout = 1000 + 150 + 150 - 50 - 100 = 1150 units. Average annual withdrawn (retiring) production capacity

Msvyb = (50 9 + 100 5)/12 = 950/12 « 79 units. Average annual input production capacity

Msinput = (150 8 + 150 4) /12 = 1800/12 = 150 units.

As noted, the average annual capacity of the enterprise is used to justify the production plan. The level of its use is determined by the coefficient of utilization of production capacity (qt), which is calculated by dividing the planned (or actual) volume of products (works, services) produced by an enterprise (workshop, site) or the volume of processed raw materials (Vf) for a given year (month) by the average annual planned (actual) or, respectively, average monthly production capacity (Msr):

Based on calculations of production capacity, reporting and planned balances of production capacity are compiled (Table 2).

table 2


(conditional example)



Production capacity (design)

Product production plan

Production capacity at the beginning of the year

Retirement of capacity for the planning period

Increase in capacity over the planned period Including due to:

Equipment modernization

Commissioning of new capacities

Increase or decrease in capacity as a result of changes in product range and range

Production capacity at the end of the year

Average annual capacity

Additional power requirement

Design capacity utilization factor

Average annual power utilization factor

When drawing up a balance for the reporting year, the capacity at the beginning of the reporting year is taken according to the nomenclature and product range of the year preceding the reporting year, and the capacity at the end of the year is taken according to the nomenclature and product range of the reporting year.

When developing a balance for the planning period, the capacity at the beginning of the period is taken according to the nomenclature and in the range of products of the reporting year, and the capacity at the end of the period (year) - according to the nomenclature and in the range of products of the planning period (year).

As practice shows, it is very difficult to calculate production capacity. The calculation results often take up 200,300 pages of text, tables, and graphs; their compilation requires more than 1,000 man-hours. The production capacity calculated in this way represents one of its options with a minimum amount of computational work.

As noted, production capacity is influenced by a large number of factors. At the same time, the nature of their influence is different and changes significantly. In relation to specific conditions, the nth number of production capacity values ​​can be calculated. The problem comes down to determining the optimal value of production capacity by examining the function for extremeness. It is difficult to solve this problem using conventional methods. Therefore, to find the optimal production capacity of a site, workshop, or enterprise, linear programming methods are used.

When considering the factors influencing production capacity, the following feature is revealed in their interrelation: they all determine the working time fund, machine intensity, product labor intensity and equipment utilization when producing products of a certain quality and a certain type. The fundamental dependence of production capacity (MP) on these factors has the following fundamental form:

where n is the number of product types; B is the working time fund of the production unit (process line, unit), h; ti is the time required to produce a unit of type i product in one cycle, h; qi is the volume of products of the i-th type produced per unit of time (in one cycle), pcs.; ni is the share of products of the i-th type in the total production output (for one cycle).

Analysis of the above dependence shows that production capacity is significantly influenced by the operating time of production equipment, which depends on the operating mode of the enterprise. The concept of the operating mode of an enterprise includes the number of work shifts, the duration of the working day and work shift.

Depending on the time losses taken into account when calculating production capacity and planning, equipment operating time funds are distinguished: calendar, nominal (regime) and actual (working), or planned.

The calendar fund of equipment operating time (Fc) serves as the basis for calculating other types of equipment use time fund and is defined as the product of the number of days in the current calendar period (Dc) by the number of hours per day:

Nominal (mode) fund of equipment operation time

(Fr) depends on the number of calendar days (Dk) and the number of non-working days per year (Dn), as well as on the adopted work shift regime per day:

where t is the average number of hours of equipment operation per day on weekdays according to the adopted shift schedule and taking into account the reduction in shift duration on holidays, or

where Dp - the number of weekends and holidays in the planning period; t is the duration of the work shift, h; DSP - the number of pre-weekend (pre-holiday) days with a reduced work shift duration in the current period; tsp - the time by which the duration of a work shift on pre-holiday and pre-weekend days is shorter than on ordinary days (in a given industry), h; nc - the accepted mode of shift work of the enterprise.

For continuous operation without days off, the number of calendar days and 24 working hours per day is taken into account. The number of working days and the fund of working hours for equipment operating in seasonal conditions (agriculture, peat extraction) are taken based on the optimal duration of the working season (in accordance with the standards and technical projects).

For enterprises with a continuous production process, the equipment operating time fund and production capacity are calculated based on a three-shift (or four-shift) operating mode. If the main workshops of the enterprise operate in two shifts (or less than two shifts), the operating time of equipment and production capacity are calculated based on a two-shift operating mode, and for unique and expensive equipment - on a three-shift operating mode.

The actual (working, standard) operating time fund of equipment (Fd) is equal to the difference between the operating (nominal) fund in the current period (Fr) and the sum of time spent on repairs, adjustments, readjustments, changing the equipment workplace during the year (O, h:

The time for repair, adjustment, readjustment and change of the workplace of the equipment is taken into account only when the specified operations are performed during working hours.

Production Capacity Efficiency Indicators

Indicators of the use of production capacity constitute a system of indicators expressing the degree of use of production capacity. They allow you to identify the reserves of production and are indicators of its effectiveness.

Let's consider two indicators that characterize the production capacity (see Table 2):

The average annual capacity utilization factor of the enterprise is 0.98. It represents the ratio of the volume of planned production (1050 units) and the average annual production capacity (1071 units);

The coefficient of use of the design capacity of the enterprise, equal to 0.87. It represents the ratio of the actual volume of production output (1050 units) to the design capacity of the enterprise (1200 units).

A comparative analysis of the given coefficients indicates the presence of a reserve of production capacity at the enterprise. At first glance, this may indicate unsatisfactory organization of production at the enterprise.

However, the following must be taken into account. In market conditions, in order to quickly respond to changes in consumer demand, enterprises need to have reserve capacity. This allows them to develop new types of products using these reserve production capacities. This approach makes it possible to dramatically reduce the time it takes for production to switch to new products.

Production capacity directly affects the volume of products that an enterprise can produce, i.e. on the production program, and therefore is a powerful strategic tool in the competitive struggle.

What is "production capacity"?

In general, production capacity can be defined as the maximum possible output of products in the corresponding period of time under certain conditions of use of equipment and production resources (space, energy, raw materials, human labor).

In practice, there are several types production capacity:

  • design;
  • launcher;
  • mastered;
  • actual;
  • planned;
  • input and output;
  • input and output;
  • balance sheet

Productive capacity, as a rule, is measured in the same units in which the production of this product is planned in physical terms (tons, pieces, meters, etc.).

The more fully it is used over time, the more products are produced, the lower its cost, the shorter the time the manufacturer accumulates funds for the reproduction of products and improvement of the production system itself: replacement of equipment and technologies, reconstruction of production and organizational and technical innovations.

What factors influence the value of production capacity?

Production capacity determined by the level of production technology, the range and quality of products, as well as the peculiarities of labor organization, the availability of necessary resources, the level of specialization and cooperation, etc. Instability of factors influencing production capacity, gives rise to the multiplicity of this indicator, so they are subject to periodic revision. The leading factor influencing production capacity and determining its value is the equipment.

Productive capacity may change during each planning period. The longer the planned period, the higher the likelihood of such changes. The following main reasons for the change are identified: production capacity:

  • installation of new units to replace outdated or damaged ones;
  • depreciation of equipment;
  • commissioning of new capacities;
  • changes in equipment productivity due to intensification of its operating mode or due to changes in the quality of raw materials;
  • modernization (replacement of units, blocks, etc.);
  • changes in the structure of source materials, composition of raw materials or semi-finished products;
  • duration of equipment operation during the planned period, taking into account repairs, maintenance, and technological breaks;
  • production specialization;
  • equipment operating mode;
  • organization of repairs and routine maintenance.

What data do you need to have to calculate production capacity?

For calculation production capacity You will need the following initial data:

  • list and its quantity by type;
  • modes of equipment use and;
  • progressive standards for equipment productivity and labor intensity of products;
  • worker qualifications;
  • the intended nomenclature and range of products, which directly affect the labor intensity of products for a given composition of equipment.

What are the basic rules for calculating production capacity?

When calculating production capacity You must adhere to the following rules:

  • Take into account all available equipment, regardless of its condition: operating or inactive due to a malfunction, being repaired, in reserve or undergoing reconstruction, idle due to lack of raw materials, energy, as well as equipment being installed. Backup equipment intended to replace equipment being repaired should not be taken into account when calculating power.
  • When commissioning new capacities, it is envisaged that their operation will begin in the next quarter after commissioning.
  • Consider the effective maximum possible operating time of equipment for a given shift schedule.
  • Apply advanced technical standards for equipment productivity, product labor intensity, and standards for product yield from raw materials.
  • Focus on the most advanced methods of organizing production and comparable measures of equipment operation and power balance.
  • When calculating production capacities for the planned period, proceed from the possibility of ensuring their full utilization.
  • Provide the necessary reserve capacity to quickly respond to changes in product market demand.
  • When calculating power values do not take into account equipment downtime that may be caused by shortages of labor, raw materials, fuel, electricity or organizational problems, as well as loss of time associated with the elimination of defects.

How to calculate production capacity?

As a basis for calculation production capacity, as we have already said, they accept design or passport standards for equipment performance and technically sound time standards. When the established standards are exceeded by workers, the power calculation is made according to the advanced achieved standards, taking into account sustainable achievements.

In the general case, M is defined as the product of the equipment’s rated productivity per unit of time H and the planned (effective) fund of its operating time T ef:

In turn, the effective fund of working time of equipment T ef is defined as the calendar fund of time T cal (year length - 365 days) minus weekends and holidays and the time between shifts T non-working, as well as equipment downtime during scheduled maintenance T ppr and equipment downtime for technological reasons (loading, unloading, cleaning, washing, etc.) T tech:

Defining Specific Values production capacity carried out for each production unit (site, workshop) taking into account the planned activities. Based on the capacity of the leading group of equipment, the production capacity of the site is established; for the leading section - workshop production capacity, at the leading workshop - production capacity of the enterprise. When setting production capacity, you can develop measures to identify bottlenecks in order to achieve the best balance between production capacities of production structures enterprises, incl. using parallel-sequential methods of product processing

How to determine the optimal production capacity?

To determine the most optimal production capacity values You need to justify it. The most common method for economic justification of production capacity is critical point analysis. This method is successfully used in planning production capacity. When using this method, you need to build a graph of the dependence of costs and income on the volume of output based on your production data:

The goal of the analysis is to find the point (in monetary units or units of output) at which costs equal revenue. This point is the critical point (break-even point), from which the profit area lies to the right and the loss area to the left. Critical point analysis is intended to justify capacity by selecting the volume of output that, on the one hand, will be optimal from the point of view of its sale on the market, and, on the other hand, will provide the lowest total costs while achieving the greatest result.

Is it possible for a small enterprise to increase production capacity without significant financial investments?

Of course, many owners of manufacturing enterprises have rather limited financial resources and simply cannot afford to regularly purchase new, more powerful and modern equipment. However, issues of increasing production capacity needs to be addressed and preferably at minimal cost. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read the following table, in which we have tried to list various ways to increase production capacity, including those that do not require significant financial investments.

By increasing the available working time fund:

By reducing the labor intensity of production:

1. Increasing the number of installed equipment.

2. Increasing equipment shifts.

3. Improving the organization of equipment repairs.

4. Reduced production cycles.

5. Improved use of production areas and space.

6. Rational planning of work, elimination of bottlenecks in production.

7. Deepening specialization, developing cooperation between divisions and enterprises.

1. Improving product manufacturing technology.

2. Increasing serial production.

3. Expansion of unification, normalization, standardization of products and their components.

4. Renewal and modernization of equipment.

5. Increasing the level of technological equipment of production.

6. Constant updating and revision of time standards.

7. Rational organization of labor in the workplace.

  • If possible, create additional ;
  • identify the causes and eliminate lost working time;
  • find ways to increase labor productivity (staff incentives, etc.);
  • use the improvement of the personnel structure, promote the growth of personnel qualifications;
  • improve the organization of production and labor, etc.

  • If possible, equip new workplaces with equipment;
  • identify the causes and eliminate losses in equipment working time;
  • look for ways to improve equipment performance (upgrades, etc.);
  • implement measures to improve technology and organization of production and labor;
  • improve the structure of fixed assets, etc.
  • take measures to reduce material consumption rates;
  • introduce advanced types of raw materials and supplies, etc.

At an enterprise, the production program is determined based on factors such as: the total demand for the products it produces and the production capacity of the enterprise.

The production capacity of an enterprise (workshop, site) is the potential annual (quarterly, hourly, etc.) volume of output of products, works, services, etc. of the required quantity with a given nomenclature and assortment based on progressive standards for the use of equipment and production space, taking into account the implementation activities on progressive technology, advanced organization of labor and production.

When planning and analyzing the activities of an enterprise, three types of production capacity are distinguished:

1. Future production capacity reflects the expected changes in technology and organization of production, the range of main products included in the long-term plans of the enterprise.

2. Design production capacity represents the possible volume of output of a conventional nomenclature product per unit of time specified during the design or reconstruction of an enterprise, workshop, or site. This volume is fixed, since it is designed for a constant conditional range of products and a constant operating mode. However, over time, as a result of reconstruction and technical re-equipment, the introduction of new technologies, etc., the initial design capacity will change, but will be recorded as a new design capacity.

3. Current design capacity of an enterprise reflects its potential ability to produce during a calendar period the maximum possible quantity of products provided for by the production plan for commercial products of a given range and quality. It is dynamic in nature and changes in accordance with the organizational and technical development of production. Therefore, it is characterized by several indicators:

Power at the beginning of the planned period (input);

Power at the end of the planned period (output);

Average annual power.

Entrance The production capacity of an enterprise is the capacity at the beginning of the planning period. day off production capacity – capacity at the end of the planning period, which is defined as the algebraic sum of the input capacity in force at the beginning of the year (as of January 1), and the new capacity, both introduced during the year and disposed of in the same year. Average annual production capacity is the capacity that an enterprise has on average per year, taking into account the increase and disposal of existing capacity.

Production capacity is measured in the same units as the production program - pieces, tons, meters, etc.

The production capacity of an enterprise is a variable quantity. It changes over time, i.e. increases or decreases. Many factors influence changes in production capacity. Here are some of them:

    structure of fixed production assets, the proportion of their active part;

    level of technological advancement in the main production processes;

    productivity of technological equipment;

    time fund of one machine (unit) - the standard time for processing (manufacturing) a unit of product, hours.

If the workshop plot equipped with different types of equipment, production capacity is determined by the productivity (throughput) of the fleet of leading groups of equipment that characterize the profile of this unit.

The production capacity of an enterprise, workshop, site is a dynamic category, changing during the planning period. These changes are due to the following factors:

    wear and tear and, consequently, write-off and discarding of equipment;

    commissioning of new equipment to replace worn-out equipment;

    equipment upgrades during major overhauls, which may change its performance;

    reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the entire enterprise or its individual production divisions, etc.

For the purpose of production planning, it is necessary to monitor and timely clarify the actual capacity of the enterprise. This is done with the help of average annual production capacities: retired and commissioned.

Average annual retiring production capacity M s. selected, is defined as the sum of retired production capacity M you6 , multiplied by the number of months n i , remaining from the date of disposal until the end of a particular year, divided by 12:

Average annual production capacity input M s.input is defined as the sum of new capacities M n (in comparable units of natural or monetary terms), multiplied by the number of months with their use until the end of the year n i , divided by 12:

Taking into account the noted indicators, in addition to production capacity at the beginning of the year (input capacity M out its increase or decrease during the year is determined in i-th month M out, as well as output power M out , those. capacity at the end of the year:

The uneven change in power throughout the year makes it necessary to determine its average annual value:

The average annual capacity is found by subtracting the average annual retirement capacity available at the beginning of the year and adding the average annual increase in capacity during the year. This indicator is used to justify the production plan.

Based on calculations of production capacity, reporting and planned balances of production capacity are compiled.

When drawing up a balance for the reporting year, the capacity at the beginning of the reporting period is taken according to the nomenclature and product range of the year preceding the reporting year, and the capacity at the end of the year is taken according to the nomenclature and product range of the reporting year. When developing a balance for the planning period, the capacity at the beginning of the period is taken according to the nomenclature and in the range of products of the reporting year, and the capacity at the end of the period (year) - according to the nomenclature and in the range of products of the planning period (year). There are many factors that affect production capacity. At the same time, the nature of their influence is different and changes significantly. In relation to specific conditions, an approximate number of production capacity values ​​can be calculated. The problem comes down to determining the optimal value of production capacity by examining the function for extremeness. For this, linear programming methods are used.

When considering the factors influencing production capacity, the following feature is revealed in their interrelation: they all determine the working time fund, machine intensity, product labor intensity and equipment utilization when producing products of a certain quality and a certain type. Fundamental dependence of production capacity M from these factors has the following fundamental form:

Where P - number of product types; IN– working time fund of a production unit of product of the i-th type for one cycle, hours. qi the volume of products of the i-th type, produced per unit of time (per one cycle), pieces; n i share of products of the i-th type in the total output of products (for one cycle).

The analysis of the above dependence shows that the production capacity is significantly affected by the fund of operating time of production equipment, which depends on the mode of operation of the enterprise. The concept of the operating mode of the enterprise includes the number of work shifts, the length of the working day and the work shift.

Depending on the losses of time taken into account when calculating production capacity and planning, funds for the time of equipment operation are distinguished: calendar, nominal (mode), actual (working) or planned. Equipment operating time calendar F To serves as the basis for calculating other types of equipment use time funds and is defined as the product of the number of days in the current calendar period D To by the number of hours in a day:

Nominal (regime) equipment operating time fund F depends on the number of calendar days D To and the number of working days per year D n , and also on the adopted work shift schedule per day:

Where t – the average amount of equipment operation per day on working days according to the adopted shift regime and taking into account the reduction in the duration of the shift on holidays. For enterprises with a continuous production process, the fund of equipment operation time and production capacity are calculated based on a three-, four-shift operation mode. If the main workshops of the enterprise operate in two shifts (or less than two shifts), the equipment operating time fund and production capacity are calculated based on a two- or three-shift operating mode.

Actual (working, standard) equipment operating time fund F d equal to the difference between the regime (nominal) fund in the current period F R and the amount of time spent on repairs, adjustments, etc. during a year T P , hours:

Time for repairs, adjustments, etc. is taken into account only when these operations are performed during working hours.

Under production capacity The enterprise understands the maximum possible output of products in a certain nomenclature, assortment, of appropriate quality in the planning period with the fullest use of equipment and production space, taking into account the use of advanced technology.

Production capacity is determined by the range of products, taking into account the profile of the enterprise. In conditions when the enterprise’s activities are focused on meeting consumer demand, production capacity is determined based on the order portfolio. Production capacity is measured, as a rule, in physical terms or in conventional units of measurement adopted in the plan.

The concepts of “production capacity” and “production program” are not identical. If the first shows the ability of an enterprise, under certain conditions, to produce the maximum amount of products per unit of time, then the second characterizes the degree of capacity utilization during this period of time.

When determining production capacity, one should proceed from the following provisions:

    calculation of production capacity is carried out for the entire range of products manufactured by the enterprise. In conditions of multi-product production, production capacity is calculated based on standard representatives established for homogeneous groups of products. The criterion for bringing homogeneous products to one type is the labor intensity coefficient;

    The production capacity of an enterprise (shop) is determined by the capacity of its leading divisions (shops, sections), taking into account measures to eliminate bottlenecks. Leading division is considered to be one in which the main technological operations for the manufacture of products are performed; where the largest share of total living labor is spent and where the main part of fixed assets is concentrated. For example, for machine-building enterprises the leading ones are assembly and mechanical shops. Under " bottleneck“is understood as the discrepancy between the capacities of individual workshops, sections, groups of equipment and the capacities of the divisions for which the capacity of the workshop is established, of the entire enterprise. Let us assume that if a machine-building enterprise includes procurement, mechanical and assembly workshops in its main workshops, and a mechanical workshop is designated as the leading one, then the capacity of the entire enterprise will be determined by the capacity of the mechanical workshop. At the same time, the throughput of the procurement and assembly shops and its relationship with the capacity of the leading shop will be calculated, as a result of which “bottlenecks” or “wide” spots will be identified. In turn, under " wide place» refers to the excess of the capacity of individual divisions of the capacity of the enterprise (shop) as a whole;

    capacity calculation is carried out for all production divisions of the enterprise in sequence from lowest to highest: group of technologically homogeneous equipment → production site → workshop → enterprise as a whole. At the same time, the throughput of the units is determined, and “bottlenecks” and “wide” areas are identified. Removing bottlenecks helps to increase the level of capacity utilization of the corresponding unit;

    production capacity is dynamic. She is subject to change. Therefore, the calculation of production capacity is tied to a specific date - at the beginning and end of the planning period.

Calculation of production capacity is made on the basis of the following data: quantitative composition of equipment; equipment operation mode; progressive technical standards for labor intensity or equipment productivity; range of manufactured products.

The quantitative composition of the equipment. The calculation of production capacity includes all production equipment assigned to this division: both operating and inactive due to malfunction, repair, modernization, lack of load. The following is not taken into account: 1) equipment of auxiliary departments of the enterprise (for example, mechanical repair, instrumental, electromechanical), as well as areas of the same purpose in the main production shops; 2) backup equipment.

For workshops of a number of enterprises (for example, light industry), as well as assembly shops of machine-building enterprises, the main factor in determining capacity is production space. Auxiliary areas are not taken into account.

The operating mode of the equipment is established based on the specific production conditions and the maximum possible operating time of the equipment:

a) for enterprises with a continuous production process, the maximum possible time fund is equal to the number of calendar days in a year multiplied by 24 hours, minus the time required for capital and scheduled maintenance repairs;

b) in continuous production, the maximum possible time fund is determined by the formula:

Where – calendar fund of equipment operation time in days;
- the number of days off in a year;
- the number of holidays in a year;
- the number of shifts;
- duration of one shift in hours;
– time spent on capital and scheduled maintenance repairs, hour; – reduction of working hours on all pre-holiday days, hour.

Technical standards of labor intensity or equipment productivity. To calculate production capacity, technical design productivity standards are used. Subject to their achievement, progressive standards based on the sustainable achievement of the best are taken into account. In mechanical engineering, the indicators achieved by advanced workers, who make up 20-25% of all workers, for the best quarter are taken as sustainable.

Nomenclature of manufactured products. Production capacity is determined for each type of product produced in the planning period. But in multi-product industries (mechanical engineering, sewing, knitting, etc.), the production program can only in rare cases be included in the capacity calculation without preliminary processing. It is brought into a more convenient form. To do this, the nomenclature is enlarged by combining different product names into groups according to design and technological similarity and bringing each group to one basic representative product.

At enterprises equipped with the same type of equipment, production capacity can be determined by the formula:


Where Q– quantity of equipment, pcs.;
– operating time fund of a piece of equipment, hour; P – technical standard for the productivity of this equipment, pcs./hour.

In multi-item production, due to the lack of productivity data for most process equipment, the following formula is used:


– labor intensity of a set of products manufactured on this equipment, standard hour/piece.

Production capacity, calculated based on the maximum value of all its components, is the initial one and determines inputpower, that is, the capacity at the beginning of the planning period, usually a year. During the year, production capacity undergoes changes due to the introduction (increase) of new capacities and disposal of capacities. The increase in capacity can be achieved through:

    implementation of measures to eliminate "bottlenecks";

    increasing the productivity of equipment through modernization;

    increasing the amount of equipment;

    redistribution of work between individual types and groups of equipment;

    possible increase in equipment shifts;

    reconstruction of the enterprise;

    input of power due to expansion of the enterprise and as a result of new construction, etc.

Disposal of production capacity is possible during the liquidation of fixed assets due to physical and moral wear and tear, rental of equipment (leasing), liquidation of capacity due to force majeure and other reasons.

A change in the range of products can lead to either an increase or a decrease in production capacity.

As a result, production capacity at the end of the planning period is output power– is defined as follows:

– production capacity at the beginning of the planning period (input capacity);
– commissioning of capacities as a result of the construction of new and expansion of existing capacities;
– increase in power due to reconstruction;
– increase in capacity as a result of technical re-equipment and other organizational and technical measures;
– increase (decrease) in capacity due to changes in product range;
– reduction in power due to its retirement due to disrepair and wear and other reasons.

In order to determine the amount of power that will actually operate during the planned year, determine the value average annual capacity:


– respectively input and output production capacities in i-th month of the planning period;
– number of months of operation introduced into i-th month of capacity until the end of the year;
– the number of months until the end of the year during which those who have left will not operate i-th month of power.

Design production capacity– capacity provided for by a project for new construction, reconstruction or expansion of an enterprise (workshop). Development of the designed capacity is carried out gradually, in accordance with approved standards. Timely and complete development of design capacities is of great importance and is a reserve for increasing production volumes. When the design capacity is fully developed, it is transformed into power at the beginning of the planning period (input power).

All types of production capacity are reflected in the balance of production capacity, which can be developed by enterprises. The balance is drawn up according to the nomenclature and assortment of products. If there are divisions within an enterprise with a closed production cycle for the production of homogeneous products, the production capacity of the enterprise is determined by the sum of the capacities of these divisions.

So, the balance reflects: production capacity at the beginning of the year; changes (increase, decrease) in power per year; average annual production capacity; the level of use of the average annual capacity.

As already mentioned, production capacity is measured for each type of product in natural or conventionally natural units. But along with physical measurement, at enterprises with heterogeneous output, cost meters can also be used.