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Description and character of the Golden Retriever breed. Golden Retriever Retriever photos

The Golden Retriever is one of the four most popular dogs. With equal success he is kept in an apartment and in an outdoor enclosure. Distinctive qualities of the pet: poise, high intelligence, obedience. These are excellent friends and good nannies for children.

The Golden Retriever was bred in Great Britain as a hunting dog. The standard of appearance and character was first described about 100 years ago. According to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale classification, it belongs to the eighth group, along with spaniels and water dogs.

Description of the breed

The breed is distinguished by its large size and harmonious build. Fully formed by the second year. Below are its main characteristics.

  • Height at the withers. Male - 56-61 cm, female - 51-56 cm.
  • Weight. Male - 26-41 kg, female - 25-37 kg.
  • Color. Various shades of cream and golden color are recognized (except red).
  • Lifespan. On average 11-12 years, sometimes 15.
  • Character. Loyal, sociable, friendly. Loves children.
  • Intelligence. Smart and quick-witted animal.
  • Security and guard potential. Retrievers are trusting, friendly, and are considered poor guards.

Breed standard

In addition to the main characteristics, there are indicators for assessing the purebred of the breed. Individuals that meet the standard shown in the table are allowed to participate in exhibitions and breeding.

Table - Golden Retriever breed standard

Head- Wide;
- proportional
Neck- Strong;
- muscular
Nose- Large;
- black
Tail- Long;
- straight;
- high
Front legs- Smooth;
- muscular
Hind legs- Massive;
- powerful
Wool- Long;
- thick

One of the psychology professors studied the intelligence of dogs of different breeds. Out of 133 breeds, retrievers took fourth place in intelligence and intelligence.

Advantages and disadvantages

A retriever is a large dog. Before buying a puppy, you need to study the breed in detail, weigh the pros and cons. The positive and negative traits of retrievers are shown in the table.

Table - Pros and cons of a retriever

Retrievers are sometimes used in rehabilitation centers to relieve stress and tame the aggression of patients. Dogs have a calming effect on crying people and lift their spirits. There have been recorded cases where retrievers, without any training, pulled people out of burning houses and saved drowning people.

Origin history and interesting facts

The story is connected with Lord Tweedmouth. According to surviving papers, he purchased a hunting dog with a rare yellow coat color. This was the only yellow puppy from a litter of black retrievers.

The Lord began work on developing a separate breed while preserving the beautiful, rare color. The first step was mating a retriever with a teacup tweed water spaniel. Already at this stage the lord managed to get three more yellow puppies. Work on the breed continued for a long time. The Lord carefully selected suitable individuals, trying to preserve the golden color.

After the death of the lord, the breed spread through his friends, who were once given puppies. Two of them had their own nurseries. To improve characteristics, crossings were carried out with Labradors, Irish setters, and bloodhounds.

The breed was officially recognized by the British Kennel Club in 1913. It was originally called the yellow or golden retriever. The name was later shortened.


The Golden Retriever is a recognizable breed with distinct characteristics. Dog handlers distinguish three types of such dogs.

  1. American. It is distinguished by its rather bright color and greater height. There is no light or dark color.
  2. European. The coat color is light, sometimes close to white. They are distinguished by their massiveness - wide chest, muzzle, shortened, muscular legs.
  3. Canadian. They are an intermediate link between the two types described above.

All types have external differences, but have the same character. Golden retrievers are friendly, get along well with other pets, love children, and are devoted to their owner.

Differences from Labrador

The Labrador is a separate breed, but it was used in the development of Golden Retrievers. Therefore, dogs are similar in a number of criteria. For example, they are hunting, intended for searching and bringing shot game to the owner. They are friendly, do not enter into conflicts, and are not prone to aggression. They have an excellent sense of smell and can be used as search dogs. The distinctive features of the two breeds are reflected in the table.

Table - Similarities and differences between the Labrador and Golden Retriever breeds

Golden retrievers are kept in apartments and enclosures - they do not freeze in winter and tolerate frost well. They are not used as guard dogs - the retriever cannot be chained. Representatives of the breed cannot stand prolonged loneliness. You need to devote time to training and walks every day.

5 mandatory procedures

The responsibilities of the owners include carrying out five hygiene procedures.

  1. Eyes . Periodically wipe your eyes with a damp cotton pad. Their condition is assessed. The discharge of even a small amount of pus is a reason to take your pet to the veterinarian. Be sure to wash your eyes after walking in the forest.
  2. Teeth . Without care, yellow plaque and tartar form on the teeth. They try to teach puppies to care from an early age. Teeth are brushed regularly with a brush and pet toothpaste.
  3. Ears . Look into your ears once a week and wipe them with a damp cotton swab.
  4. Bathing. There is no need for frequent bathing. This is done several times a year and additionally as needed. Use special shampoos that do not cause dry skin.
  5. Combing. The coat is brushed daily. Show dogs are sometimes cut. It is difficult to make a natural haircut on your own - more often owners turn to grooming specialists.

The Golden Retriever does not choose one owner. He is equally friendly towards all family members - adults and children.

Natural diet

Make up a balanced diet - include meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals and vegetables. An approximate menu for a retriever of any age is given in the table.

Table - Retriever Menu

ProductsRecommendedProhibitedShare in daily diet
Meat- Beef;
- turkey;
- chickens;
- rabbit meat;
- boiled offal
- Pork;
- mutton;
- smoked meats;
- sausages
Cereals- Rice;
- buckwheat;
- millet
- Barley;
- corn;
- semolina
Vegetables- Carrot;
- cabbage;
- beet;
- turnip;
- pumpkin
- Citruses;
- grape;
- rhubarb;
- spinach;
- exotic vegetables and fruits
Dairy- Cottage cheese;
- kefir;
- ryazhenka
- ryazhenka
- Whole milk;
- cream;
- yoghurts with flavors and fillings
FishLow-fat sea varietiesFatty sea and river

Many representatives of the breed have an excessive appetite. The daily food intake is strictly divided into several meals and given in small portions.

Dry food

Until four to five months, retrievers are fed specialized food for large breed puppies. Then they are gradually transferred to adult food. Natural food is not included in the diet. Choose premium or super-premium food for large breeds. They contain a sufficient amount of minerals that support healthy joints.

Retrievers are prone to allergies, including to low-quality, cheap food. An allergic reaction is manifested by changes in the color of fur and skin, itching. Feed is selected carefully, introducing it into the diet in small portions. Preference is given to types based on lamb meat.

Until the age of five months, puppies are fed four to six times a day. The daily amount of food is divided into small portions. Gradually reduce the frequency of feedings. By eight months of age, they are fed twice a day. Before the change of milk teeth, the puppy is given yogurt, cottage cheese, and kefir daily.


The success of training depends on the attitude of the owner towards the dog. Golden Retrievers should not be subjected to physical punishment. Screams and spanks lead to the fact that the puppy begins to take them for granted and subsequently stops responding to commands spoken in a calm tone. During the training process, five rules are followed.

  1. Getting to know society. From an early age, you need to take your puppy for walks in parks, allow him to communicate with other dogs, and teach him to ride in an elevator or in a car.
  2. Submission. Retrievers are smart and quick-witted - they quickly understand that a gentle owner can be manipulated. From an early age, the puppy must understand that the owner and other family members need to obey. The dog's open disobedience is immediately stopped.
  3. Patience . Retrievers are offended by shouts and refuse to follow commands until the owner runs out of patience. You can’t give in or show your powerlessness. The owner must endure, refrain from shouting, but resolutely achieve his goal.
  4. Coercion. Coercion refers to light physical pressure. For example, pressing on the withers or croup. The retriever quickly understands that the only way to free himself from compulsion is by following the command. Training continues daily until the dog learns to obey the owner's command the first time.
  5. Encouragement. Any success of the dog should be rewarded - with a tasty morsel or praise. Subsequently, the pet will strive to please the owner.

Retrievers are calm dogs with an easy-going character. But without training they become uncontrollable. From puppyhood, the dog must know what is possible and what is not.


Only purebred representatives of the breed that meet the standards are allowed for breeding. The first mating can be carried out from 20 months for females, from 18 - for males. Early mating stops the dog’s development and leads to subsequent health problems. The best option is mating for the third or fourth heat.


The upcoming heat is determined by changes in behavior - the dog behaves restlessly and leaves marks while walking. Before the start of estrus, the bitch is given anthelmintic medications. To determine the exact day, apply a napkin to the loop every morning. Mating is planned on the 11-15th day of estrus. Before walking, the dog is treated with a special spray to avoid “courtship” by males.

A few days before mating, changes are introduced into the diet of male dogs - the amount of meat is increased or dry food with a high protein content is given. Immediately before mating they do not feed, they are given a good walk. Mating is carried out two days in a row to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.


Pregnancy in retrievers lasts 62-64 days. Its duration varies slightly depending on the number of puppies. If there are many of them, labor begins a little earlier, if there are few, later. Visually, pregnancy is not visible until 35 days. In rare cases, the dog begins to develop toxicosis, refuses to eat, and thick mucous discharge appears from the loop. In the later stages, the belly begins to stand out, the mammary glands swell, and enlarge.

By the end of the first month of pregnancy, the dog’s diet increases the amount of protein food - more meat, cottage cheese, and fermented milk products. Carbohydrates are kept to a minimum. An intermediate - third feeding - is added to the diet. Additionally, special mineral supplements and vitamins E and F are used in oil form, one drop three times a day. Towards the end of pregnancy, vegetables and fruits are completely excluded from the diet.

If after 66 days of pregnancy labor does not occur, the dog is taken to the veterinarian. A small pregnancy leads to an increased size of the fetuses - a caesarean section may be required. There are known cases of false pregnancy in dogs. It is advisable that the first birth take place under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Sometimes mating doesn't work. There are several reasons - incorrectly determined time or physiological deviations. If two matings in a row do not result in pregnancy, the dog must be examined for pathologies.

Diseases and treatment

Golden Retrievers are strong, healthy dogs. They live an average of 12 years and have stable immunity. Most artificially bred breeds are prone to hereditary diseases. Retriever breeders have to deal with five diseases.

  1. Joint dysplasia. It is expressed in defective development of the hip joints. Most often it is congenital, but sometimes develops as the puppy grows. Dysplasia can only be treated surgically.
  2. Epilepsy. Appears at any age. Dogs with epilepsy are not allowed to be bred.
  3. von Willebrand disease. Manifests itself in nosebleeds and bleeding gums. The disease is treated with blood transfusions.
  4. Retinal dysplasia. A congenital disease associated with impaired taurine synthesis. A common cause of blindness in retrievers.
  5. Atopic dermatitis. An allergic reaction develops to a vaccine or food. Manifests itself in skin irritation and the appearance of eczema.


Vaccinations are given to prevent dangerous diseases that often lead to death. The first vaccination is carried out at an early age. As they grow, revaccination is carried out. Many vaccinations are repeated every year. Three diseases pose the greatest danger.

  1. Plague. A viral disease that is fatal. Puppies are vaccinated for the first time, then the results are confirmed annually.
  2. Rabies. A virus dangerous to dogs and humans. Vaccination is carried out in stages and is repeated annually.
  3. Parvovirus enteritis. Gastrointestinal disease. The treatment is complex, lengthy, and does not always give results. The first vaccination is given at five weeks. Repeat annually.

Until the puppy has received preventive vaccinations, places for walks must be chosen carefully. You should not take it on long trips or go to parks where there is a risk of contact with infected animals.

TOP nicknames

The nickname should please all family members and suit the appearance and character of the dog. You can come up with something of your own or choose from the list of frequently used ones. The table shows the most common nicknames for Golden Retrievers.

Table - TOP retriever nicknames

First letterBitchMale
A- Isa;
- Angel
- Archie;
- Arnie
B- Bucky;
- Bessie
- Barney;
- Bucks
IN- Vicki;
- Venus
- White;
- Vinci
G- Gizma;
- Gretta
- Gray;
- Hans
D- Dina;
- Jeta
- Duncan;
- Jack
AND- Ilsa;
- Irma
- Player;
- Ideal
TO- Cleo;
- Kara
- Casey;
- Courage
L- Lilu;
- Lucy
- Lobi;
- Lucky
M- Maya;
- Molly
- Monty;
- Marty
N- Nika;
- Nessie
- Nike;
- Nick
P- Peris;
- Paulie
- Persian;
- Parker
R- Rhonda;
- Roxy
- Rolf;
- Ronnie
WITH- Sanda;
- Selina
- Sonic;
- Smile
T- Tessa;
- Taska
- Theo;
- Toby
U- Ulma;
- Umbra
- Umka;
- Urwin
F- Fiona;
- Fortune
- Phil;
- Frank
X- Helga;
- Holdy
- Khaki;
- Happy
YU- Yumi;
- Utah
- Eugene;
- Eustace
E- Elba;
- Emmy
- Ernie;
- Alvin

Photo review

From the photo you can see that Golden Retrievers are a beautiful breed of dog. Large, strong and at the same time good-natured - they are well suited for families with children.

Cost and where to buy

A good kennel does not sell a golden retriever puppy cheaply. Further, using the example of Moscow, prices in nurseries and private breeders are analyzed (data for January 2018).

  • In the nursery. A pet-class puppy will cost at least 25 thousand rubles, a show class puppy (for exhibitions) - about 60 thousand rubles and more.
  • From private breeders. Sellers offer puppies from purebred parents at prices starting from 15 thousand rubles. The cost depends on gender, pedigree, compliance with the standard, but usually does not exceed 25 thousand rubles.
  • On the free classifieds site "Avito". Here you can find puppies costing from 10 thousand rubles. A low cost may indicate that the breed is not purebred or has congenital defects.

Choosing a puppy

A non-purebred dog will differ not only in appearance, but also in character. Before choosing a puppy, the behavior of the parents is assessed. They must be obedient and not show aggression. If the parents behave with dignity and the puppies look healthy, pay closer attention to the following parameters:

  • proportional body;
  • wide chest;
  • dark eyes;
  • black nose and pads;
  • wide pelvis;
  • correct ear placement;
  • even bite;
  • deep muzzle.

If you plan to participate in exhibitions or breeding in the future, study the puppy’s pedigree and the parents’ exhibition diplomas. The dog is purchased from a kennel, not from private breeders.


It is safer to contact nurseries with a good reputation. There you can choose a puppy, look at its parents, and study its pedigree. At the time of sale, the puppy is vaccinated and all necessary documents are completed. There are golden retriever kennels in most major cities:

  • "Forest town" in the Moscow region, village. Forest town - http://www.foresttown.ru/;
  • "Fantasy Gold" in the Kaluga region, Maloyaroslavets- http://fantasy-gold.ru/;
  • "Zarael" in Saransk - https://www.zerael.com/;
  • "RiEra" in Moscow - http://www.goldenfriend.ru/contact.html;
  • "Rolimber" in Murmansk - http://rolimber.ru/contacts.

Reviews: “You will never find such a friend anywhere”

The Golden Retriever is the smartest dog. Obedient, easy to train, loves all people. Positive dog. Even if she doesn’t like something, she won’t show it. The best dog for the whole family. I will never be disappointed in this breed. After all, she is the best of the best breeds.

I bought my Bobby three years ago and was not the least bit disappointed in him. He loves my children, he loves my husband, he loves me, he loves my mom, he loves everyone.

Tari, http://www.dog-otzyv.ru/Zolotistyy-retriver-.html

Very kind dog! When she starts to rejoice, she cannot be stopped. She will run and destroy everything in her path. I have never seen my dog ​​sad, she is always happy about something. This is very uplifting.

Even at night, when you wake her up, invite her to play - with great willingness and joy, she will join in the game. I love this dog, a real friend! You will never find such a friend anywhere. Believe me.

Zerg, http://www.dog-otzyv.ru/Zolotistyy-retriver-.html

We have a retriever. We live in our own house, so we didn’t really chew on anything. Initially they took a non-dominant puppy, there were also three children, even as a teenager he never bullied children. It is still better to take the puppy with the parents. Since character and health, which is weak in retrievers, like in all intellectuals, depends very much on pedigree.

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(Golden Retriever) is a large hunting breed of dog, works well for searching and presenting shot game to the hunter, has a soft mouth, and does not spoil the bird. Translated from English. “retriever” means “to find and retrieve.”

A sharp mind and easy-going character make him a versatile pet. This is one of the most popular and sought after breeds in the world. They make reliable guides for people with disabilities, rescuers, excellent bloodhounds, and wonderful companions. The Golden Retriever is ranked third in popularity in the US, fifth in Australia and eighth in the UK.

History of the Golden Retriever breed

The origin of the Golden Retriever breed was shrouded in mystery for a long time, and a large number of legends only gave them an aura of romance.

In Great Britain in the 19th century, game hunting was popular; hunters in those days needed a dog that could carry out the “Apport” command, find and bring prey from water and on land, since many hunting grounds were located on swampy ponds and rivers.

According to many sources, the appearance of the golden retriever in England is directly related to Lord Tweedmouth I. Sir Dudley Majoribanks, known as Tweedy, belonged to the cream of Victorian society and lived at that time with his family in London. He was a renowned hunter, and during his holidays on a Scottish estate near Loch Ness, he devoted himself entirely to hunting.

Photo of a golden retriever playing with a toy in the yard

Thanks to the construction of the railway, the estate turned into a fashionable estate with a beautiful park filled with exotic trees, a dairy farm and a village built for workers. Now it is protected as a monument of estate architecture. The appearance of Sir Dudley's golden retriever is associated with a romantic story, possibly invented to gain popularity among ladies of high society, and interest in his personality.

On June 18, 1910, the story was published in the magazine Country Life as Tweedmouth's story to Colonel Trench. So, in 1858, Sir Dudley was at a performance of a visiting circus in Brighton. In one room, he really liked the trained dogs that demonstrated miracles of intelligence. They belonged to a mystical breed - “Russian Shepherd” (Russian hound). The lord was fascinated by the dogs, and immediately bought eight of the ten that lived in the circus, paying a large sum for them.

Photo of a golden retriever in nature

But having bought the shepherd dogs, Ser Dudley could not calm down and continued to look for other representatives of the breed. And it was as if he was going to organize an expedition to Russia, to the Caucasus, but his friends “identified” his pets as Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. The legend lives on to this day. Colonel Le Poer Trench was a man who adhered to this version. He himself was the owner of a sand-colored retriever from the Tweedmouth estate. It was this dog that became the basis, and was subsequently registered with the English Kennel Club as “Retriever. Russian, yellow”. Despite the fact that his story had no documentary evidence, the colonel actively promoted it.

Thanks to breed historian Elma Stoneks and her work in the 1940s and 1950s, everything fell into place. The lord's great-nephew kept the Tweedmouth stud books with records going back to 1835. to 1889 The great-granddaughter donated the book to the English Kennel Club.

A letter from Lord Tweedie to his great-nephew, who was fond of golden retrievers and was a breeder, was found, detailing the appearance of the golden retriever. So, Ser Dudley and his son in Brighton met a local shoemaker with a beautiful yellow retriever, which he had received as payment of a debt from the forester of Lord Chichester's estate as a puppy. He really liked the dog, he bought it and named it Nous (“wisdom”). He was the only yellow puppy in a litter of black wavy-haired retrievers.

As an experienced hunter, he got the idea to breed his own breed with a yellow color. From Ser Dudley's stud book for 1865: "Breeding by Lord Chichester. Born June 1864. Bought at Brighton." In the area in which the lord lived, spaniels were used for hunting, they were called water tweed spaniels after the name of the river. Outwardly, they resembled springer spaniels, were taller on their legs and had a light brown, tea-colored color. Ser Dudley bred Nousa with them.

Photo of a golden retriever near a river

In 1868 Nous was bred to Belle, a water spaniel. Three yellow puppies were born, the progenitors of goldens as a separate breed. One puppy, Crocusa, was given to Tweedmouth II, the other two were kept by Cowslip and Primrose. In the Lord's stud book, records of litters and matings are preserved, up to the last litter of 1889. Of course, black ones were born in the litters, but they were rejected, leaving only yellow and golden ones. Documentary evidence has been found that an Irish setter and a bloodhound were also used to create it.

After Sir Dudley's death, no one else kept records, and in 1905 the estate was sold. In 1960, the Kennel Club of England officially recognized the Golden Retriever and included the following lines in its description: “The origins of the Golden Retriever are less obscure than most varieties of retrievers, as the breed was definitely started by the First Lord of Tweedmouth in the last century, as evidenced by his carefully compiled private breeding book and notes first made available by his great-nephew in 1952." In 1925, the Golden Retriever was recognized by the American Kennel Club, and in 1938 the American Golden Retriever Club was founded.

Description and breed standard of the Golden Retriever

  1. Country of origin: Great Britain.
  2. Application: Armory.
  3. FCI classification: Group 8. Retrievers, spaniels and water dogs. Section 1. Retrievers. With performance tests.
  4. Body: strong, balanced.
  5. Head: beautifully set, in proportion to the body. The skull is wide. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well defined.
  6. Neck: Muscular, of medium length, without dewlap and muscular.
  7. Eyes: oval, dark brown, widely spaced, the edges of the eyelids are dark.
  8. Nose: large, black, with wide nostrils.
  9. Muzzle: powerful, wide, deep.
  10. Teeth: scissor bite, strong jaws. The upper incisors closely overlap the lower ones, the teeth are positioned vertically.
  11. Ears: hanging, medium size, set high.
  12. Chest: wide and deep. The ribs are deep and arched.
  13. Back: flat.
  14. Loin: strong, muscular, short.
  15. Tail: long, set high, without bend at the end.
  16. Forelegs: straight, muscular, strong, with rounded paws.
  17. Shoulders: well laid back, shoulder blades long.
  18. Elbows: close to the body.
  19. Hind limbs: strong, muscular.
  20. Hock joints: Low set, the metatarsals are straight when viewed from behind, turning neither in nor out.
  21. Feet: Round, strong feet with arched toes (clump). The paw pads are well developed.
  22. Coat: dense, long, straight or wavy, with a dense, waterproof undercoat. The American type of Golden Retriever is taller and less stocky than their British counterparts. The Canadian type is tall and slender, has a less dense coat, and is slightly darker in color than the British type.
  23. In males: there should be two normally developed testes, completely descended into the scrotum.
  24. Golden Retriever color: Any shade of gold or cream, except red and mahogany.

Golden retriever character

The Golden Retriever is kind, obedient, friendly, intelligent, and has an innate ability to work. He is an ideal human companion and devoted to family members.

He loves children, behaves with them like a nanny or an older brother, with restraint and affection. She loves to play, swim and frolic with the kids. Well suited for school age children. Gets along well with any pets, cats and other dogs. The Golden Retriever has well-developed muscles and therefore needs exercise and training.

The countryside, where there is a river and fields, is ideal for keeping a golden retriever. It also gets along well in a city apartment, provided it has regular walking and an active lifestyle. In Europe and America, the Golden Retriever is used as a guide dog for blind or disabled people. They adapt perfectly to this job.

Strict character of a small golden retriever - photo

Innate attentiveness, a sharp mind, and no less pleasant appearance always evoke sympathy among others. A guide dog is taught to obey orders, and it immediately carries them out, but is capable of making the final decision on its own.

For example, the owner commands to go to the right, and the golden retriever sees an obstacle on the road, or an approaching car, it can change the route.

A trained dog must know and follow more than 50 commands (turn on and off the light, carry a bag, carry a wheelchair, open a door, etc.). The Golden Retriever is not suitable as a watchman or guard due to its innate trust in humans and a complete lack of aggression. Of course, he will warn about the arrival of a stranger, and rush at him only to lick him. The Golden Retriever is hardy, energetic, with excellent scent, memory and a sharp mind. He is easy to train, follows commands well, and is always ready to please his owner.

Golden Retriever care and maintenance

Photo of a golden retriever on the lake shore

Caring for a golden retriever is not difficult, but for the sake of a beautiful appearance, financial and time costs are required.

The coat is water-repellent with a dense undercoat and sheds.

Shedding is seasonal and very noticeable. If kept in a room with dry air, it can shed all year round. Comb 2-3 times a week with a metal comb or when shedding, use a slicker brush.

Bath 1-2 times a month or when dirty. If you are taking part in an exhibition, swim immediately before the exhibition.

Trimming: for exhibition it is necessary to trim regularly to give it a well-groomed appearance.

A professional can handle this very well, but if you want to learn how to trim a dog yourself, you will need:

  • thinning scissors
  • hairdresser's scisors
  • massage brush
  • metal comb

Use thinning scissors to remove excess hair from your neck and chest. You need to move from bottom to top, grabbing small strands. Keep an eye on your profile; it should become clearer, but not shaved. Using hairdressing scissors, trim the hair along the belly line, cutting off only the ends of the hair.

A retriever's tail is called a "feather" and needs to be shaped into this shape. Comb your tail thoroughly, trim it in length, giving it the desired shape. Make the tip of the tail rounded. As a result, the chest line smoothly transitions into the belly line, continuing into the tail. Be sure to maintain proportions.

On the paws, trim the fur on the “pants” and “brushes”.

Ear trimming is done with thinning scissors; first remove the curls under the ears and the hair hanging over the top. Next, use hairdressing scissors to cut off the fringe along the edge of the ear. Be careful and don't hurt your pet!

Photo of golden retriever - puppies

Check your eyes regularly; they should be clean and free from souring. To prevent souring, wash your golden retriever's eyes once a week with weak tea leaves. Frequent discharge may be an allergic reaction of the body, the presence of worms, acute inflammation or clouding of the cornea. In this case, you will need to consult a veterinarian, and it is better not to self-medicate.

Inspect and clean your ears once a week. You can wipe the auricle with a damp cloth soaked in warm water. There should not be a lot of wax or unpleasant odor from the ear; if there is redness or a strong odor, contact your veterinarian.

Teeth: gum inflammation is often caused by tartar, which prevents the gum from sealing tightly to the tooth. This occurs because there is not enough solid food or feed in the diet. Let the retriever chew whole carrots, apples, crackers, and pressed sinews. Once a week, brush your dog’s teeth with a special toothpaste using a finger brush or a suitable size toothbrush.

To prevent the appearance of tartar, include fresh tomatoes in your diet. A good preventative against gum inflammation is a mixture of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice, rubbed into the gums once a week.

Claws and paws: after a walk, wipe the Golden Retriever's paws with a damp cloth, inspect for damage or injury, regularly trim and comb the hair around the paws, between the toes, and pads, this way you will prevent the appearance of tangles.

Special attention to paws pay attention in winter, when the streets are sprinkled with salt and reagents. Do not let your pet lick itself after a walk, wash them immediately, and make sure that the salt does not corrode the pads.

Olive oil perfectly protects against cracks; it must be rubbed into the skin on the dog’s paws.

Trim your nails once a month with a nail clipper, and don’t forget about the fifth toe. It is shorter than others, the claw on it does not wear off, which leads to discomfort for the dog and even lameness.

Golden Retriever disease

  • Obesity
  • Hip dysplasia (the head of the joint becomes loose)
  • Epilepsy (seizures accompanied by convulsions)
  • Von Willebrand's disease (hereditary hemorrhagic disorder in dogs)
  • Retinal atrophy (hereditary disease)
  • Atopic dermatitis (chronic inflammatory skin disease accompanied by severe itching and eczema)

Photo of a golden retriever

Golden Retriever - video

Reading time: : 6 minutes

The best hunter's assistant, the Golden Retriever, was bred by noble Englishmen precisely for these purposes. Today, this breed skillfully copes with the responsibilities of a nanny, friend, partner, guide, bloodhound, and other people necessary in life. Possessing fairly high moral qualities and developed intelligence, the dog quickly falls in love with itself from childhood. The popularity of this breed among experienced breeders is very high, although the care and maintenance of a golden retriever requires some special conditions and significant material costs.

Many different versions about the origin of the breed have a rather mythical content, which is quite expensive when asked how much a puppy costs. In fact, the emergence of a dog comes down to banal and purely practical purposes. During the time of the only noble entertainment of the nobles - hunting, every rich man wanted to have an animal that could flawlessly carry out commands, not spoil the wool or plumage of killed game, and that could swim as well as run fast. It was possible to collect all the necessary characteristics in the Golden Retriever dog. Although for quite a long time, the yellow color of this dog effectively coped with all the responsibilities. In principle, the period of discovery of the breed as such can be attributed to the 19th century, but the formation of its standard qualities lasted right up to the middle of the 20th century.

The genetic content of these animals is based on the roots of the yellow retriever. Admixtures of other breeds still cause controversy among dog breeders. It is the golden appearance of the dog that is related to the crossing of an existing breed with the Tweed Water Spaniel. What gave the world official recognition of the breed as early as 1952. Moreover, in the registration book, Lord Tweedmouth is recognized as the first creator of the breed, who, being a rather rich man, acquired several Russians for his hunting. This happened after visiting a circus performance with the participation of highly intelligent representatives of dog breeds. Amazed by the skills and abilities of the animal performers, the lord bought 8 dogs directly from the circus. But, despite the intelligent and judicious behavior of the acquired animals, the noble Englishman did not stop there. And as a result of his great love for hunting dogs and an active search for the best partner, the lord bought a yellow retriever from a street shoemaker who raised him from puppyhood.

Convinced of the abilities of the new acquisition, Tweedmouth began to hatch the idea of ​​crossing this dog with, which were actively used by every hunter. The result of this selection was golden retriever puppies, which created the basis for the adoption of official standards. Since then, black coat color has been considered a defect.

What are the recognized characteristics

The external description of such an animal as the Golden Retriever dog breed has three main varieties: American, European and Canadian. With the exception of some distinctive nuances, the description of this dog contains several basic and fundamental points.

  1. The size and weight of the animal balances depending on gender from 50 cm in girls, and 55 - 60 in boys. The weight category is accordingly distributed from 25 to 43 kg. Moreover, the American origin of the dog is somewhat larger than the European one.
  2. The coat color of a Golden Retriever should only have a golden tint, with a possible deviation towards a yellowish-cream tint. According to the variety, the coloring also tends to be darker in American dogs, while a very light, almost whitish coat is characteristic of Europeans.
  3. The quality of the coat is valued for its sufficient length and thickness, and the hair itself can be either straight or slightly wavy.

In a detailed examination of the Golden Retriever, the description of the breed contains data about its nobility and harmonious build. When choosing a purebred puppy, you should pay attention to the assessment of certain categories of the dog’s appearance:

  • the body is strong and symmetrically proportional, with pronounced development of the sternum and a constantly tucked abdomen. The paws are straight, rounded and powerful, especially the front ones. The hind limbs are no less muscular, with well-developed knees, giving the animal a high running speed and a sharp push-off when starting. A flat back with shoulder blades laid back smoothly transitions into a fairly short lumbar arch. The high-growing tail is evenly elongated, without any curved lines. The Golden Retriever of European descent is more squat and stocky, unlike its American counterpart. Representatives of the Canadian breed are characterized by a moderately pronounced characteristic of both colors;
  • The dog's head is of medium size, not particularly prominent in relation to the entire body. The skull is quite wide, with a clearly defined transition line from the frontal part to the flat cheek of the muzzle. The ears are set high and medium in size, hanging elegantly towards the front. Oval-shaped eyes with dark eyelids are most often colored brown. Relative to the nose, the location of the eye openings does not have a pronounced width, but is not in close proximity. The drooping of the outer corner of the eyelids gives the animal a wise and somewhat sad expression. But this does not at all spoil the overall appearance of the dog. The black spot of the nose on the golden tint of the face is quite wide and large, with a clear line turning into a frame of the jaws of the same color. The dental bite has a scissor-like shape, and the canines themselves grow in an even line. After age, a golden retriever puppy acquires strong and sharp incisors, located strictly vertically.

Despite its external identity with setters and dogs, it is very easy for a professional breeder to distinguish a purebred retriever.

Intellectual and psychological characteristics of a dog

The Golden Retriever's character is distinguished by its endurance. The huge number of duties performed by such a dog in the service of a hunter or rescuer is striking in their clarity and correctness. The animal's excellent memory, combined with a natural intuitive sense, easily finds downed game or a lost person both in a dense forest and in the depths of the water surface. And the search for contraband goods, both at customs and in the work process of the police, helps to neutralize the calling device in time, prevent drug trafficking and other types of crimes.

With all his merits at home, with people close and dear to the dog, the Golden Retriever is a very friendly and affectionate pet. This breed's amazing ability to combine perfect obedience with a strong personality makes them good partners for the elderly or disabled. These dogs also get along well with children of all ages. Absolute calmness towards other pets is another characteristic feature.

The intellectual abilities of these dogs from the moment of their creation to this day continue to delight owners and breeders. Repeated psychological studies have brought this breed to an honorable fourth place out of 133 different dog colors. So there is no reason to doubt the intelligence and prudence of the animal. The Golden Retriever breed has the ability to easily perceive new information and quickly accumulate life experience from birth. As, indeed, are the foundations of intelligent behavior inherent in the nobility of his blood.

The stability of a dog's emotional state is practically not subject to causeless events. Therefore, this wonderful breed is not considered a fighting or guard breed. Children and old people for such dogs are objects of protection and help.

Conditions of care and maintenance

Answering the question: how long do golden retrievers live, it is worth noting the important factor of ambiguity in the term. With proper attention and care, a dog can live up to 18 years, so before choosing a puppy to buy, you should take responsibility for the prospects of time and financial resources spent on it. Since such a breed can only live for five years, is it worth shelling out a large sum for an indifferent attitude towards the animal?

In general, the ideal living conditions for a retriever are their own home with a fairly large space for jogging and other activities. Although these dogs have long been adapted to apartment living, it is worth remembering that long-term walks are what such a pet needs most of all.

Caring for a Golden Retriever involves a small number of systematic and regular activities that can be performed by a person with disabilities or a child.

  1. Taking care of your Golden Retriever's coat includes periodic grooming as needed, but not more than a couple of times a month. Combing your curls would be ideal three times a week, and during the period, which most often occurs in autumn - spring, choose also a slicker brush for care. If a dog loses its fur for a long time, it means the air in the room is too dry, which requires immediate changes, since it causes harm to the pet’s skin. As for haircuts, there is no urgent and obligatory need for this. But if you participate in exhibitions, you can establish a strict frequency of such events to maintain not only the desired appearance, but also to develop the habit of cutting your hair.
  2. The puppy chosen from the seller must be at least 1.5 months old, and the information accompanying the furry child standardly contains data on its possible genetic diseases, the timing of the already carried out treatment for helminths, the vaccination form and the approximate menu to which the baby is accustomed.
  3. It is necessary to professionally care for your dog with the help of a veterinarian annually, giving it a routine medical examination. You should also regularly wipe the animal’s eyes and trim its claws.
  4. Providing adequate exercise will also help in raising a Golden Retriever. Getting used to the clear is best done in the fresh air, during a walk.
  5. Preventive measures to eliminate ticks should be carried out all year round. Moreover, a simple inspection of the wool will not be enough.

If you want to have a pet, the question is: how much do golden retrievers cost and the cost of care products for the animal? Because saving on the costs of caring for and maintaining a dog is akin to a moral crime.

(Golden Retriever, Golden Retriever)



Height at withers



The best friend of the family, an attentive nanny for children, an ideal companion for spending time - this is how you can characterize the golden retriever.

The high intelligence of this dog allows it to capture the smallest intonations of its owner and make all wishes come true.

Basic breed standards

Getting to know the breed should start with basic information.

  1. The weight of an adult female reaches 25 - 37 kg, a male - 26 - 41.5 kg;
  2. The height at the withers of a female is 51 - 56 cm, of a male - 5 cm more;
  3. Color – all shades of cream and golden colors, with the exception of red, red and mahogany;
  4. The coat is long, straight or slightly wavy. The undercoat is waterproof and dense.

Breed varieties

There are three types of golden retrievers:

  • American;
  • European;
  • Canadian.

This is not to say that they are completely different. Their temperament, intelligence, and life expectancy are completely the same. But there are certain differences that led to the division of the breed into different types.

Main differences:

  1. Color. American Golden Retrievers, according to the standard, have a rich, bright golden color with different shades. At the same time, very dark and very light colors are not typical for this type. European retrievers have lighter shades, even pure white;
  2. Height. American Golden Retrievers are slightly taller than European Golden Retrievers;
  3. Body structure. The European type is heavier, has a shorter and wider muzzle, as well as shorter legs and a deeper chest.

Canadian Retrievers are a cross between the two types above: they are similar in height and build to European Retrievers, but have a lighter color similar to the American type of the breed.

How are Golden Retrievers different from Labradors?

Golden Retrievers are often compared to. They differ in that Labrador retrievers have shorter hair and are more densely built. Retrievers have a more beige coat, while Labradors have more of a yellow coat.

General description of the breed

The popularity of dogs of this breed is growing noticeably. More than 70,000 dogs are registered annually with the American Retriever Club alone, with this statistic increasing every year.

The popularity of this breed is due to their character - they are kind, smart, playful - ideal friends for any family. The lifespan of golden retrievers is 10-12 years.


Golden retrievers are harmoniously built, symmetrical, active, strong, robust. Their head is always proportional to the body, the skull is slightly convex and wide. The muzzle is long and straight, the cheeks are flat. The nose, with open nostrils, is large and black. The dog's ears fit snugly to the cheeks, drooping, with rounded ends.

The neck is medium long, muscular and without folds. The chest is deep in the heart area, the back is short, straight, with strong muscles. The tail is located at the level of the back, the stomach is always tucked. The shoulders are strong, equal in length to the shoulder blades. Paws are medium-sized, rounded with thick pads.


Golden Retrievers – very smart dogs. These words are confirmed by the research of American psychology professor and neuropsychology researcher Stanley Coren, according to which this breed ranks in terms of intelligence 4th place among 133 breeds. It should be noted that these dogs are excellent students who, throughout their lives, absorb information like a sponge.


Key character traits of a Golden Retriever:

  • sociability;
  • devotion;
  • love for children;
  • mental stability;
  • friendliness;
  • agreeableness.

Golden retrievers engage in fights with other dogs only in critical situations when there is a risk of harm to life and health. These are very powerful dogs, and therefore they emerge victorious from this kind of fight. The Golden Retriever is more likely to be an excellent companion than a guard dog.. Because of his gullibility and kindness, it is quite easy to mislead him.

A dog of this breed should be purchased by people who already have other pets, including cats. They are not prone to dominance, and therefore treat all other animals favorably. Dogs of this breed are very playful and active.

Attitude towards children

Golden retrievers are very calm and devoid of aggression; these dogs love people and obey them in every possible way. They just love to play with babies, and thanks to their stable psyche, they are able to withstand all the “bullying” of small children. According to dog experts, the pets of this breed are completely safe for children and will never harm them.


Golden Retrievers are highly trainable. Such dogs are very often used at customs, by the police, and also at airports to search for prohibited items.

You can start training puppies as early as 2 months through simple developmental exercises. At 6 months old, you can play seriously with young retrievers.

Since training representatives of this breed is difficult, for proper training it is recommended to send the dog to a special retriever school.


Even though Golden Retrievers were bred for hunting, they are very friendly dogs that have long been used for medicinal purposes. Canistherapy schools are opening all over the world, in which dogs help children with “special needs” adapt.

With their presence, retrievers calm, relieve stress, console, and eliminate aggressive behavior.. A dog of this breed has a lot of positive energy, which is transferred to a person.

Buying a dog

When choosing a puppy, the first thing you need to decide is for what purpose it is needed: for hunting, shows, trials, or just for comfort and warmth in the family.

What should you pay attention to when buying a retriever?

If a puppy is bought as a pet, the optimal age for purchasing it is - 7-7.5 weeks. It is not recommended to move a puppy into a new environment at 8 weeks, as during this period he is especially sensitive to change. It's better to wait until 9 weeks.

When buying a show puppy you need to be more careful. First, you need to study all the breed standards, which will become a guide in choosing a particular puppy. It would be a good idea to visit specialized exhibitions and talk with breeders who are exhibiting.

Some believe that the breeder will certainly keep the best puppies for himself. It's a delusion. Even the most active caregivers will be happy to give the puppy into the hands of people interested in showing and winning. It is imperative to request a pedigree, photographs, and a detailed description of the dog.

Buying an adult dog

Changing the owner and habitual habitat for a golden retriever is a lot of stress. Therefore, it is important that the previous owner himself brings the pet to the new home and helps him adapt a little. To speed up this process, it is recommended to place some object familiar to him in the place where the pet will sleep.

There is an undoubted advantage in buying an adult dog - complete confidence in its beauty and qualities. This is especially true when purchasing show dogs.

Preparing your home for a puppy

Before purchasing a puppy you must:

  1. Hide potentially dangerous items (tools, cords, small toys, chemicals, cleaning products);
  2. Remove plants that are dangerous to the puppy’s health (dieffenbachia, aucuba, spurge, cucumber, ficus, pasalia, holly, wisteria, cyclamen);
  3. Consult your veterinarian about the best food for your puppy;
  4. Ensures the availability of fresh water at any time;
  5. Prepare a sleeping place:
  6. Place a toilet (tray with filler) in the house.

Price of puppies

Factors influencing the price:

  • Age (the older the puppy, the higher the price);
  • Health status;
  • Pedigree.

It is worth noting that domestic puppies will cost less than promising show puppies from the same litter. The price, depending on the above factors, fluctuates in the range 250 - 5000 dollars.

Features of care and maintenance

Golden Retrievers are very active dogs, and therefore, regardless of weather conditions You need to take them for walks in the fresh air 2 times a day.

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Features of feeding

For the beauty and health of the dog, in addition to meat and ready-made food, it is necessary to feed it with vegetables, herbs, garlic, dairy products (milk soups), vitamins and minerals.

The diet should also include bones, with the exception of long bones and ribs. It is necessary to place a drinking bowl with clean and boiled water close to the bowl of food.

Video about the breed

Video about the breed

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of golden retrievers:

  • Excellent character;
  • Lack of aggression;
  • High level of intelligence;
  • Love for children;
  • Ability to learn.


  • Dog fur is a strong allergen;
  • They are very trusting, and therefore it is impossible to grow them into guards;
  • High price.

The Golden Retriever is an ideal dog for a large family, whose appearance will bring joy, comfort and happiness into the home. Adults will find a faithful friend, and little children will find an affectionate and caring nanny.

Charming appearance, friendly disposition and high learning ability are the characteristics of the Golden Retriever dog breed. Favorite models among the creators of advertising posters and film producers, charming fashion models and children's favorites, these large dogs with soft, wavy fur are surprisingly photogenic. Goldens, as golden retrievers are often called, are considered one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They can live in any climate, tolerate heat and cold well, and feel equally at home in a small apartment and in a spacious enclosure. It seems that these dogs have accompanied humans for hundreds of years, but the breed is relatively young and created through selective breeding.

The birth of the breed is shrouded in legends, which were invented by the creator and breeder to give his brainchild an aura of mystery. Allegedly, Lord Tweedmouth, the owner of a luxurious estate in New England, in 1958 acquired a dozen surprisingly smart yellow dogs called “Russian Shepherd” from a visiting circus tent. And he liked the dogs so much that he was going to organize an entire expedition to the Caucasus to acquire new pets.

In fact, around the same time, the Lord acquired a yellow retriever from a local shoemaker and bred him to his Tweed Spaniel bitches. There is evidence that the yellow retriever was obtained by mating a Newfoundland with a local spaniel. In 1968, the male was bred to a water spaniel female, also owned by Lord Tweedmouth, and the litter produced three yellow puppies. They became the progenitors of the breed. An avid hunter, the lord distributed golden puppies to his friends, fellow hunters, who actively infused Labrador blood into their pets.

Later Bloodhound blood was infused into the new breed, which significantly improved the dogs’ sense of smell, as well as. The breed was carefully culled from black puppies until only light-colored babies were born in litters. Already at the beginning of the twentieth century, the breed was introduced to the English Kennel Club and recognized by the American Dog Fanciers Club, but the final standard was approved only in 1999.

Breed standard, appearance and photographs

The overall impression is an elegant, large dog, very beautiful, with long, wavy hair, beautifully built, with a pedigree, large head and extraordinary charisma. The behavior is confident and friendly, the look is very smart and affectionate. Movements are free, balanced, confident.

Photo. Dog breed golden retriever

Golden retriever in the photo

Here are the main characteristics of these dogs:
  • The body is balanced, slightly stretched, with a muscular neck of good length, smoothly turning into the withers, without folds or dewlap. The topline is level, with a strong back, short, muscular loin and slightly sloping croup. The chest is deep and wide, with well sprung ribs. The tail continues the line of the back, level, and in a calm state is lowered to the hock joints.
  • The forelegs are parallel, straight, with strong bones, long shoulder blades and well laid back shoulders. Elbows should fit snugly to the body. The hind legs are parallel, with well-defined angles of the hock joints, long shins, muscular and strong.
  • The head is very beautiful, with a strong muzzle and jaws, a wide, but not coarse skull and a well-defined transition to the muzzle. The muzzle is powerful, deep, wide, not pointed, with strong jaws and strong teeth. A complete set of teeth and a scissor bite are highly desirable. The ears are medium, set low, at eye level. The eyes are very expressive, dark, widely spaced, the rim of the eyelids is dark.
  • The coat is thick, wavy or straight, soft, with a dense, waterproof undercoat. Color from light cream to gold of any shade, dark red or mahogany colors are not allowed.

What is the difference between a Golden Retriever and a Labrador?

The main difference between Goldens and Labradors is their coat. In the former it is long and soft, in the latter it is short and more rigid.

Labrador Retriever or Golden Retriever? Many dog ​​lovers mistakenly consider the Golden Retriever to be a long-haired version of the Labrador. This is wrong. Labrador is an independent breed, with its own standard of appearance and character traits, but since Labrador blood was actively used in the creation of the Golden, the two have some similarities:

  1. Both breeds are hunting, gun breeds, designed for searching and carrying killed or wounded game. Therefore, both Labradors and Goldens are excellent swimmers, love to fetch fetch objects and can bring a chicken egg in their teeth without crushing it.
  2. Both breeds are very friendly to people and dogs, do not show aggression, and avoid conflicts.
  3. Both breeds have an excellent sense of smell, which, coupled with their lack of aggression, makes them excellent rescuers and search engines.

But Labrador and Golden have many more differences than similarities:

  1. Labradors are a very old breed of dog, the Golden is the result of crossing several breeds.
  2. Coat length and color are the main visible differences. The Golden has long, light-colored hair, while the Labrador is short-haired and can be either fawn, chocolate or black.
  3. The Labrador's tail is "otter-like" and is raised cheerfully above the level of the back. The Golden Retriever's tail is more similar to that of a setter, resembling a "feather".
  4. The behavior of dogs of these two breeds also differs. Goldens are calmer, aristocratic, and are excellent nannies even for small children. Labradors have a certain simplicity and tactlessness, and in a fit of emotion they can drop a child or knock a shopping bag out of the owner’s hands.
  5. in behavior, they are immensely active, eager for action. The Golden Retriever is more inclined to think about an action; he will carry out the owner’s order, but in his own way, more rationally.

Breed characteristics

So, the Golden Retriever is an ideal dog for a family with children, grandparents, and a lot of pets. The fact that the breed is a gundog does not prevent these charming dogs from being sweet friends with kittens and being careful with poultry. Their security qualities are not expressed, but these dogs are not annoying and do not annoy you by barking.

Golden Retrievers make wonderful companions and great babysitters. They have no protective qualities at all.

An ideal nanny, patient and kind, forgiving of all pranks and accidental insults - this is a Golden. Dogs of this breed are very attentive and caring towards children. But this statement applies only to adult dogs that are fully developed mentally. A teenage or puppy golden retriever, like all young dogs, is overly active and unpredictable.

Important! A young dog of this breed requires as much attention as possible during the growth period. The activity of teenagers increases every month, so many inexperienced owners are perplexed when a bumpkin puppy grows into a real prankster.

A puppy needs to be socialized, a teenager needs a lot of walks, play and exercise. Otherwise, the dog begins to entertain itself on its own, showing amazing ingenuity.

A ten-month-old golden retriever, left to its own devices, is capable of getting things out of closed cabinets, destroying a room and chewing up all objects within its reach in just a few hours.

Young goldens, unlike adults, are very active, constantly find something to do, and love to play and run.

An adult retriever, having gone through the difficulties of the transition period, pleases the whole family with a calm, cheerful disposition and a desire to please. It is easy to handle him on a walk, he behaves well when visiting and on a trip, but this is all only on the condition that he is a favorite pet.

A good-natured and sweet dog of this breed becomes very attached to the owner and becomes gloomy and harmful if he notices that little attention is being paid to him. What makes a golden happy is daily meaningful interaction with people, regular training or activities..

Subtleties of training goldens

The Golden Retriever is capable of mastering many commands if he enjoys the learning process. Some stubbornness, high activity and independence of young dogs make the learning process difficult, so it is advisable to start training a puppy as early as four months.

A Golden Retriever can be a guide dog or a rescue dog, and if clicker training is used for the first specialty, then the search for a person is in the blood of dogs of this breed. You can find hidden objects or a hidden person even at home, arranging fun games. But then, at the command “search!” the dog will be able to find lost keys or find a child in a snowy yard.

Golden retrievers and canistherapy

The patient and gentle behavior of Golden Retrievers is often used for medical purposes. The term “zootherapy” or “canistherapy” means the treatment of humans through communication with animals. Dogs help children and adults reduce stress, relax during crises, and improve the process of socialization.

Golden Retriever dogs are often used in canistherapy. They enjoy communicating with people and never show aggression.

Patients who communicate with a dog gain a sense of security, have the opportunity to receive a full range of tactile sensations, which is especially important for blind people. The animal protects against loneliness, stimulating people with communication problems to have easy, relaxed communication.

It is especially important that the Golden Retriever, like other similar breeds, can serve as an object of human motivation. Doctors recommend getting a dog for parents of autistic children, children with mental development problems, and introverts. Walking with a dog helps you go beyond the limited world, stimulates movement and communication with the outside world.

Features of caring for a Golden

The main point of caring for a dog is grooming. The Golden Retriever does not have long fur as a puppy, however As the dog gets older, the coat becomes longer and thicker, requiring regular brushing. Grooming of exhibition representatives of the breed is an entire art, which is most often trusted to professionals in grooming salons.

From the first days, the puppy is taught to comb its fur, and they do not give it any unpleasant sensations, so as not to form a negative reaction. As your pet grows up, the fur will become longer and will need to be brushed daily.

Important! Golden Retrievers shed a lot during their seasonal shedding season. The dog's fur simply falls off in clumps, so it is most convenient to use a furminator instead of a comb.

They bathe the dog using special shampoos, and be sure to use a balm or conditioner. This all helps give the coat a shiny, elegant look. By the way, excellent coat is a sign of a dog’s health and regular exercise.

Golden Retrievers' coats require constant grooming. The dog is regularly combed and washed every 2-3 months with a special shampoo.

Otherwise, caring for a Golden Retriever is not difficult; it consists of regular cleaning of the ears, rubbing the eyes and trimming overgrown claws. However, if the dog walks a lot, the claws wear down on their own.

How to create the right diet

The Golden Retriever's diet can consist of dry food only, natural food, or a mixed diet of natural food and prepared food. An owner who wants to raise a healthy dog ​​should know that in most cases, representatives of this breed have an excellent appetite and are prone to rapid weight gain.

Natural feeding is the best diet for a Golden Retriever.

This feature is due to the fact that initially the golden needs to have a layer of fat in order not to freeze in cold water when retrieving game. It is this feature of the Golden Retriever that forces the owner to carefully control portion sizes so that the dog does not become obese.

The feeding regimen is especially important for growing puppies. Too rapid growth provokes joint disease, and excess mineral supplements, especially calcium, can lead to bone disease and disruption of normal bone growth.

For adult dogs, the daily food intake is divided into three parts, since this breed is predisposed to gastric volvulus and a large amount of food can provoke this deadly disease.

The best choice for a Golden Retriever is natural food. Meat and cereals, fermented milk products and vegetables, sea fish and vegetable oil provide the animal’s body with everything it needs. A properly selected diet helps eliminate the risk of allergic reactions and reduces the likelihood of obesity.

It is preferable to select dry food in accordance with the individual characteristics of the dog, but it is not advisable to give your Golden food with a high protein content. “Wolfsblut”, “Magnusson”, “Applaws” are good options.

Golden Retriever Health

Golden retrievers have hereditary diseases: dysplasia, epilepsy, atopic dermatitis.

Golden Retrievers live an average of twelve years and are generally healthy dogs. Puppies often experience various intestinal disorders, such as colitis; in adult dogs, gastric volvulus. These problems can be solved with a properly selected diet.

But, like any artificially created breed, goldens have hereditary diseases:

  1. . Most often it is hereditary, but can also be acquired. There is no treatment; in rare cases, surgical treatment is possible.
  2. Epilepsy. Diagnosed at any age, dogs with a history of the disease are not allowed for breeding.
  3. Hemorrhagic disorder or von Willebrand disease. Symptoms include increased bleeding gums and nosebleeds. Treatment consists of blood transfusion, after which the disease subsides.
  4. Retinal dysplasia. The disease is associated with a congenital disorder of taurine synthesis, is difficult to diagnose and treat, and the dog can become completely blind.
  5. Atopic dermatitis. It appears very often as a reaction to external factors: food or vaccination. Symptoms: eczema, skin lesions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The Golden Retriever has a lot of advantages; the dog seems to be woven from nothing but positive qualities.

Here are the main ones:

  • Friendly character, gentleness and compliance in communicating with children.
  • Very beautiful, impressive appearance.
  • High level of intelligence, ability to learn.
  • Lack of tendency to dominate.
  • Heavy shedding, regular and labor-intensive grooming.
  • Gluttony, tendency to pick up food on the street.
  • Lack of security qualities.

How to choose a puppy and what to look for

A small Golden Retriever can go to a new family as early as two months old. At 45 days, puppies with documents are certified, after which the babies are ready for sale. Before you go for a pet, you should carefully study all the features of the breed., get acquainted not only with the breeder, but also try to call or personally meet the owner of the dog. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from purchasing a mixed breed or a puppy that has nothing in common with a golden retriever.

Photo. Golden retriever puppy

Golden puppies with mom in the photo

Puppies at two months of age do not have long hair, but the features of an adult dog can already be discerned in the small dog. You should not take a puppy whose body structure is too proportional; such babies will grow up to be dogs with poor bones. The puppy should be very active, curious and friendly, and move freely. Particular attention should be paid to the dog’s hind limbs. Stiff movements and difficulty getting up should alert the buyer.

It is easier to avoid buying a sick puppy if you buy a friend from a large kennel, such as:

  1. In Moscow: Amansi Kennel kennel, website http://amansi-kennel.ru, cost from $1,100.
  2. In St. Petersburg: nursery “Baltic Gold”, website http://goldenspb.narod.ru, cost from 1000 dollars.