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Determining ovulation: home ovulation tests. When to conceive if the ovulation test shows a positive result

Using pharmacy ovulation tests is much more convenient than measuring basal temperature, and more reliable than calculating the approximate time of its onset. But how accurate are these tests really? Is it really possible to calculate the favorable time for conception using them? And is it common to have a false positive ovulation test?

It didn't work the first time

The urine hormone test works in the same way as the already well-known pregnancy test. The scheme for using it is also very similar; for additional details you should refer to the instructions. Here we will look at when an ovulation test gives a positive result, and how to interpret the appearance of stripes in different cases.

The principle of the test is based on the fact that luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for the maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle, reaches its peak level in the body approximately one day before ovulation. Usually, but not always, its concentration is very low throughout the rest of the cycle. Under normal conditions, ovulation after a positive test occurs within 24 hours. This means that sexual intercourse to conceive a child should be performed as soon as a positive test result is obtained.

However, when it is time to use a test is not as obvious as with a pregnancy test. Only theoretically, ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of the monthly cycle. That's why the package contains as many as five test sticks, not just one.

With a constant cycle length, the test begins to be used 17 days before the onset of menstruation. Because 17 days is the maximum fixed length of the postovulatory phase, and the preovulatory phase can be of different lengths. If the duration of the monthly cycle is irregular, it is proposed to take the shortest cycle over the last six months and subtract 17 from its duration.

But problems with conception mainly occur in women with irregular cycles, and the test should help determine the moment of ovulation. Therefore, in the first month of using the test, you should not completely rely on its results and expect that you will immediately see the coveted two stripes. With its help, you will have to study your body and find out at what time it is most likely to expect the maturation of the egg.

It is also not uncommon for a false-positive or false-negative ovulation test to occur, since the result is influenced by several factors. In general, the test is most accurate when combined with basal temperature measurement and is good as a simpler alternative to this method on some days.

False positive and false negative

Luteinizing hormone is rapidly destroyed, and its content in the urine may be more or less than the actual content in the blood. The concentration of the hormone may increase if a woman has not gone to the toilet for a long time, and decrease if the kidneys have had to remove too much fluid in the last few hours. An overestimated concentration relative to the real one usually only introduces an error in determining the date of ovulation, but an underestimated concentration will give a false negative result.

  • do not use the first morning urine for the test,
  • do not drink a lot of fluids on testing days,
  • carry out the test between 10.00 and 20.00.

The test result is influenced by the general state of the hormonal system. If the ovulation test is always positive, it is worth checking the condition of the ovaries, as this may be the result of a cyst. The test is not useful if you are taking hCG injections. Also, a false-positive ovulation test appears in many diseases of the hormonal system, in kidney disease, immediately after stopping taking contraceptive medications and with a sudden change in diet to a dietary one.

When fertilization has occurred, but the pregnancy test has not yet worked, the ovulation test will also show a positive result.

In general, these tests are not yet as advanced as pharmacy pregnancy tests, so you will have to find out for yourself whether the results are reliable in your case. After all, difficulties with conception are very often a consequence of improper functioning of the body’s endocrine system, loss of strength and poor diet, as well as other conditions in which the ovulation test gives an erroneous result.

How to improve the accuracy of an ovulation test?

As mentioned above, the test becomes much more reliable if you combine it with other methods of determining the time of ovulation. If you regularly used the method of measuring basal temperature before using the test, you will know approximately how your cycle progresses and when to expect a positive and correct ovulation test.

There is an option when the growth of the follicle is monitored in the clinic, through ultrasound, and after that they switch to home tests. This is smarter than using an ovulation test during the period of expected ovulation for several days in a row. The fact is that the test is quite expensive, and if you have irregular menstruation, you may need up to two packs per month.

The test should be done twice a day so as not to miss the time of peak concentration of luteinizing hormone. Even with an irregular cycle, ovulation or the appearance of the first spotting occurs each time at approximately the same time of day. You yourself know from experience that menstruation usually begins in the morning, afternoon or evening.

The concentration of the hormone in the blood decreases very quickly, so using the test twice during the day will help you find out when your peak usually occurs. After this, you can use tests more sparingly, only once a day and at a time close to the onset of the peak.

To minimize other factors, we recommend that you always use tests from the same manufacturer and strictly follow the instructions on the packaging. It is worth paying attention to sensitivity: too high a sensitivity can give incorrect results just like too low. Therefore, you should start with tests with an average sensitivity of 25 MIU.

Interpretation of the result and your further actions

In the manufacturer's instructions, you will find that if the second line on the test is paler than the control line, the hormone has not yet been released. If the second stripe is darker, there has been a surge, and ovulation will soon occur. The first line always appears if the test is used correctly.

Some women note that they were able to get a positive ovulation test and determine when ovulation occurred, but the strip was always paler or darker. The fact that the strip is always darker can be explained by the interference of other hormones, to which the test also reacts. A fainter line occurs if you cannot “catch” the peak of the hormone release or if the test is not sensitive enough. In general, the same factors that give a false positive or negative result interfere here, but they are not as strong.

With the help of an ovulation test, they sometimes try to plan the sex of the child. It is known that it is more likely to conceive a boy when sexual intercourse occurs a day before ovulation, and a girl – a few days before.

Considering that the highest quality sperm in terms of fertility is produced when sexual intercourse occurs once every 2-3 days and no more often, you have only one attempt to conceive a child after a positive ovulation test. It is better if you try to predict ovulation and have intercourse 2 days before it, and another try immediately after you receive a positive ovulation test. This will significantly increase your chance of conception.

A test that measures hormone levels in urine is the most common. There are also ovulation tests based on saliva crystallization, and a blood test is done in a clinical laboratory. These last two tests are much more reliable and accurate, but are inaccessible or inaccessible to the majority of women. You should resort to them when you have tried simpler ways to influence your ability to conceive.


Each cycle in a woman’s ovaries, as a result of hormonal processes, one follicle matures. Very rarely - two or more.

Detailed information about the menstrual cycle can be found in our article “Favorable days for conception”.

As the follicle matures, its cells produce female hormones - estrogens. And the larger the follicle reaches, the more estrogen its cells produce. When the level of estrogen reaches a level sufficient for ovulation, a sharp release of luteinizing hormone (LH) occurs, after which, within about 24-48 hours, the follicle ruptures (ovulation) and the egg, ready for fertilization, rushes into the fallopian tube to meet the male sperm. The period of follicle development can differ not only among different women, but even within one woman – in different cycles.

It is on determining the moment of a sharp increase in the level of LH in the urine that the action of modern home ovulation test strips is based.

On what day should testing begin?

The day you start testing should be determined depending on the length of your cycle. The first day of your cycle is the day your period begins. Cycle length is the number of days that have passed from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next.

If you have a regular cycle (always the same length), then you need to start taking tests about 17 days before the start of your next menstruation, since the corpus luteum phase (after ovulation) lasts 12-16 days (on average, usually 14). For example, if the usual length of your cycle is 28 days, then testing should begin on the 11th day, and if 35, then on the 18th.

If the cycle length is not constant, select the shortest cycle in the last 6 months and use its duration to calculate the day to start testing.

In the absence of regularity and the presence of large delays, the use of tests without additional monitoring of ovulation and follicles is not reasonable. Both because of their high cost (if you use tests every few days, you can miss ovulation, and using these tests every day is not worth it), and because of their low reliability (see below - “Erroneous results”).

For convenience, you can use our planning calendar, which will help you calculate the approximate timing of ovulation and testing schedule for both regular and floating cycles.

When used daily (or even 2 times a day - morning and evening), home tests give good results, especially in combination with ultrasound. When using ultrasound guidance, you can avoid wasting tests and wait until the follicle reaches approximately 18-20 mm, when it is able to ovulate. Then you can start doing tests every day.

Using the test

Tests can be taken at any time of the day, but if possible you should stick to the same test time. At the same time, in order for the concentration of the hormone in the urine to be as high as possible, it is advisable to refrain from urinating for at least 4 hours and avoid excess fluid intake before testing, because this may lead to a decrease in the concentration of LH in the urine and reduce the reliability of the result.

The best time for testing is morning.

Evaluation of results

Evaluate the test results and compare the result line with the control line. The control line is used for comparison with the result line. The control line always appears in the window if the test was carried out correctly.

If the result line is significantly paler than the control line, then the LH surge has not yet occurred and testing should be continued. If the result line is the same or darker than the control line, then the hormone release has already occurred and you will ovulate within 24-36 hours.

The most suitable 2 days for conception begin from the moment you determine that the LH surge has already occurred. If sexual intercourse occurs within the next 48 hours, your chance of getting pregnant will be maximized. Once you have determined that a release has occurred, there is no need to continue testing.

Planning the gender of the child

It is impossible to plan in advance the birth of a child of a certain gender, but there is a theory according to which the probability of conceiving a boy increases on the days closest to ovulation, and on the days most distant - girls. Thus, to increase the likelihood of having a boy, it is necessary to abstain from sex while the ovulation test shows a negative result. To increase the likelihood of having a girl, on the contrary, it is necessary to stop sexual contact as soon as the test shows a positive result. However, this method cannot provide 100% reliability.

Erroneous results

Unfortunately, ovulation tests do not show ovulation itself, but a change in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) over time.

A significant rise in LH is very characteristic of the ovulation phase, however, the rise in LH itself does not provide a 100% guarantee that the rise in the hormone is associated specifically with ovulation and ovulation has taken place. An increase in LH levels can also occur in other situations - with hormonal dysfunction, ovarian wasting syndrome, postmenopause, renal failure, etc. Thus, for any temporary or permanent dysfunction, tests may give false positive results if the hormone level is elevated.

In addition, false-positive results are possible under the influence of other hormones, which are not at all associated with changes in LH levels. For example, in the presence of the pregnancy hormone - hCG - tests will give a false positive result due to the similarity with LH in the molecular structure (the structure of LH is similar to other glycoprotein hormones - FSH, TSH, hCG), as some pregnant women have already seen for themselves . After hCG injections to stimulate ovulation, tests also give a positive result, which is not associated with an increase in LH levels.

After hCG injections, ovulation tests are not informative.

It is possible that the results of these tests can be influenced by fluctuations in other hormones (FSH, TSH) and even nutrition (phytohormones in plants). Therefore, in the absence of menstruation or any suspicion of hormonal disorders, you should not rely on test results. It is necessary to determine the presence and timing of ovulation using more reliable diagnostic methods. For example, using

The ovulation strip test allows you to determine the days on which a woman is most ready to conceive. They appeared relatively recently, and few people know about them. But women who cannot get pregnant use this diagnostic device to determine the time of ovulation, significantly increasing the chances of conception.

The principle of determining ovulation using a test

In every healthy woman, immediately after the next menstruation, a new egg begins to mature (sometimes 2 or more). Before the maturation and immediate release of the egg from the ovary, significant hormonal changes occur in the female body: an increase in the level of hormones responsible for readiness for subsequent fertilization is detected in the blood (see).

One of them is called luteinizing hormone (LH) and can be detected by diagnostic methods both in the blood and in other body fluids - saliva, urine. Home diagnostics are based on the determination of this hormone: a positive ovulation test will indicate that the egg is already mature and ready for conception.

When should you take an ovulation test?

The test time is calculated depending on the duration of the menstrual cycle. Diagnostics are carried out for five days in a row, without gaps, in the morning and evening with double testing or only in the morning.

  • With a 28-day cycle, testing can be done from day 11, which is counted from the first day of the last menstruation.
  • If the cycle is more than 28 days, diagnosis begins 17 days before the expected first day of the next menstruation.
  • In case of an irregular cycle, the shortest cycle that the woman had was taken as the initial figure, for example:
    • with a 32-day cycle, testing begins on the 15th day
    • at 24 days: from 7 days
    • at 26 days: from the 9th day from the first day of menstruation, etc.

Does ovulation always occur in the middle of the cycle?

Even in absolutely healthy women with a regular cycle, ovulation does not always fall in the middle of it: this is evidenced by thousands of children born, the conception of which occurred on the so-called safe days before or after menstruation. Ovulation is affected by stress, infections, climate change and much more. Therefore, it is possible to “catch” a high level of LH both earlier and later than the periods indicated above, if this is really important for a woman.

Types of tests, diagnostic features

Externally, ovulation tests are similar to those for determining pregnancy; urine is also used for diagnosis. Test manufacturers produce different types of diagnostic systems, which have different price characteristics and reliability.

Strip test or test strip

The most common paper test with a reagent and a control strip applied to it. The test is lowered into a dry and clean bowl with freshly collected urine for 10 seconds, then you should wait for the result for 5-10 minutes.

  • If LH levels are elevated, a second stripe will be visible on the strip.
  • It can be visible from the first day of diagnosis, but one can speak of reliable readiness for conception if the color and severity of the second stripe is the same as the control one (usually this is 3-4 days of diagnosis).

Test tablet

This system is a plastic case with small control windows: urine should be dropped into the first window, in the other after a short time (2-3 minutes) the result will be visible, the same 2 strips with a high LH level. The reliability of tablet tests is rated higher than test strips.

Inkjet express test

This system is represented by a strip coated with a special reagent with a control strip. For diagnosis, you do not need to collect urine: the strip is simply placed under a stream of urine. The result is assessed after 3-5 minutes. What the ovulation test shows is that with a high LH level, 2 stripes will be visible.

Portable reusable systems

They consist of a control electronic device and strips designed for immersion in freshly collected urine. They are highly informative and allow diagnostics to be carried out on different days of the cycle, allowing you to determine the most suitable time for conception.

Digital ovulation test

A highly informative, reusable system that uses a woman’s saliva, which changes its physical properties during the cycle. The most accurate diagnosis, eliminating errors. It is essentially a mini microscope and looks like lipstick.

Using a miniature magnifying device, a specific pattern can be seen in the saliva being examined, similar to a fern leaf or a frosty pattern. This pattern appears only before the egg is released.

Features of using home express diagnostics to determine ovulation

  • It should be understood that the test does not directly indicate the release of an egg from the ovary, but only detects elevated LH levels. Those. with a positive ovulation test, a hormonal surge is noted, which indicates the release of a mature egg in the coming hours.
  • The highest level of LH lasts less than a day, so it is recommended to carry out diagnostics 2 times a day (morning and evening) in order to be more likely to catch this moment.
  • You should not drink a lot of liquid three to four hours before testing, so as not to dilute your urine.
  • When using a digital test with saliva, be sure to check the result obtained with the control picture.

Negative test

  • It is determined if ovulation is still far away.
  • An ovulation test after ovulation will also be negative - after the egg is released from the ovary, the LH level drops.
  • An expired, damaged, poor-quality ovulation test can also show 1 line when there is actually a high LH level.

When should you start conceiving after a positive ovulation test?

This question worries everyone, but the instructions for the ovulation test do not contain such information, and not everyone is able to ask the doctor directly. So, let's figure it out:

  • A positive test tells us that in the next few hours the egg will be released from the ovary, mature and ready for fertilization.
  • The egg lives only 24 hours after leaving the reproductive gland.
  • Thus, you should not start conceiving immediately after a positive test; you need to pause for several hours, allowing the egg to leave the ovary. Optimal time: 5-10 hours after diagnosis, not forgetting that the egg only lives for a day.
  • There is no point in delaying this moment until the last hours of the cherished day, since fertilization itself does not occur immediately immediately after sexual intercourse, but several hours later, during which the sex cells move towards each other.

How to increase the chances of conceiving a boy or girl?

It is known that if an egg is fertilized by a sperm with chromosome X, then a female embryo develops, if fertilized by a sperm with chromosome Y, a male embryo develops. There is also a theory that sperm with X and Y chromosomes have different characteristics that increase the chances of conceiving a child of the desired gender.

It is known that sperm live from 1 to 4.5 days, and sperm with chromosome Y (boy) live no more than 1-2 days, but move faster than sperm with chromosome X (girl). The sperm that lead to the conception of a girl are more resilient and can survive up to 5 days in anticipation of ovulation, but are less mobile. That is, if sexual intercourse is performed at the very peak of ovulation, sperm Y (a boy) will reach the “goal” faster and then the probability of having a boy is very high.

So, to conceive a boy it is desirable:

  • Avoid sexual intercourse 4-5 days before expected ovulation.
  • Have sexual intercourse on the day when the ovulation test is positive
  • Penetration during intercourse is preferably “deep”, which will shorten the path of Y spermatozoa (which do not live that long) to the egg.
  • Men should not experience overheating, since increased temperature caused by warm clothing, sauna, etc. leads to a reduction in sperm count (it is believed that overheating causes Y sperm to die faster).

To conceive a girl, it is desirable:

  • Plan to have intercourse approximately 2-3 days before expected ovulation and do not have intercourse during or for 2-3 days after ovulation.
  • In this case, the chances of survival in X sperm are higher than in Y sperm.
  • The penetration should be shallow, which will reduce the chances of the sperm reaching their target, resulting in the conception of boys, and the X sperm will survive and be able to reach the egg in these few days.

Basal temperature measurement method

It is also one of the ways to determine ovulation, unlike a test - it does not require spending money, but only requires regular measurement of the temperature in the rectum (every morning before getting out of bed). After menstruation, the basal temperature is usually below 37C, but in the middle of the cycle before ovulation it decreases, and then, if ovulation has occurred, the temperature rises to 37.3-37.6C. The measurement results should be recorded and plotted, this will help the woman determine whether ovulation occurred and on what day.

Does an ovulation test indicate pregnancy?

This topic is hotly discussed among forum members of various women's portals; moreover, some of them claim that the ovulation test showed them pregnancy from the first days of conception, while the usual one was negative.

It should be understood that this is impossible. After ovulation is complete, the ovulation test becomes negative, regardless of whether the woman is pregnant or not. All pregnancy and ovulation tests detect different hormones: hCG and LH, and cannot react to each other.

From this we conclude that the ovulation test will not show pregnancy, and 2 stripes on it are evidence of approaching ovulation (i.e. the time when there is a chance of getting pregnant), but not pregnancy.

What else is this test used for?

To protect against pregnancy during unprotected sexual intercourse. A controversial method, since it requires constant testing, which is not always economically feasible, but still practiced. If even a weak second stripe appears, you should proceed to protected sexual intercourse until the second day after the stripe has completely disappeared. However, there is no guarantee.

Is it possible to do ovulation tests every day?

It is absolutely harmless, and if your budget allows, why not. This behavior is typical for, or when it is suspected. You shouldn’t so obsessively expect a miracle and endlessly do tests, but it’s better to calm down and, so to speak, “let go of the situation” - and then the treasured 2 lines will definitely appear on the test to diagnose pregnancy.

Review of popular ovulation tests

Despite the same mechanism of action, ovulation tests from different manufacturers differ in the reliability of the result. Women are most trusted by 3 manufacturers, whose wide range of diagnostic systems are presented in pharmacies and retail chains: Frautest, Eviplan and Clearblue.


The manufacturer produces three lines of diagnostic tests to determine ovulation. All of them are characterized by a high degree of reliability:

Ovulation: test strips in a quantity of 5 pieces, suitable for women with a regularly repeating cycle. Price about 300 rubles. Planning: 5 ovulation test strips (as in Ovulation) and 2 pregnancy tests. Price about 420 rubles. Ovulation test cassette: 7 tests suitable for women with irregular cycles. Price about 750 rub.

Eviplan, Clearblue

The Eviplan No. 5 ovulation test includes 5 diagnostic strips and 1 test for diagnosing pregnancy. The reliability is high, the same as that of Frautest, but the cost is lower, about 310 rubles. Clearblue Ovulation Test – This digital test kit includes an electronic reader and 7 control strips. If the result is positive, the electronic reader shows a smiling emoticon. Price about 1000 rubles.


A digital, reusable device that promises 100% authenticity. The woman's saliva is used. Includes: microscope, removable glass, instructions and control drawings. Price is about 2000 rubles. Domestic test strips (5 pieces per set), promising 99% reliable results. They are chosen due to their low price - 150 rubles. Inkjet test strips, 99% reliable, but less popular among women. Price about 200 rubles.

Dreaming of a child, every girl wants to see a positive ovulation test, which will tell her about the best day to conceive. But you need to know how to use it correctly, what features of recognizing the result need to be taken into account, and what factors can distort it. We will also consider the main types of tests to determine which is better.

Calculations before performing an ovulation test

We know that ovulation takes a very short period of time (1-3 days) in the female cycle. Therefore, being able to determine it with a high degree of reliability is very important for couples who want to conceive a baby. Ovulation occurs almost in the middle of the monthly period and is between two phases:

  • Follicular. Lasts 11-17 days. Characterized by the development of an egg that matures in the follicle.
  • Luteal. Takes 14 days. After the accompanying release of the cell rupture, a corpus luteum grows on the wall of the follicle.

As you can see, the first part of the cycle is different for everyone, because it depends on the content and rate of production of estrogen in the body, which stimulates the growth and development of the follicle and cell. But the second part has a common length for all women, because it depends on the period of functioning of the corpus luteum. After the death of the unfertilized cell, it is structurally destroyed, and the whole cycle is repeated again. If conception occurs, then for the full development of the embryo, progesterone is necessary, which the corpus luteum produces.

Thus, to find out when to do an ovulation test, you need to make the following calculations:

  • Find out your cycle length. To do this, mark the first days of the oncoming menstruation on a calendar. It is necessary to calculate the number of days between the dates and compare them with each other. Ideally, the result should be 27-29 days with a deviation of 1 day in different months. If the indicator is in the range of 25-31 days, this is not critical as long as it is constant. If the numbers give different results every month, the cycle is considered irregular. It would be useful to find out whether this is related to the presence of the disease.
  • Subtract 17 from the result obtained. This value is formed from the sum of two constant values: 14 – the length of the second period, 3 – the maximum possible duration of ovulation. But usually, a cell lives for a day, so this time is taken with some reserve.
  • If the indicators are irregular, you need to take your minimum. Substitute it into the formula, subtracting 17. In such a situation, the resulting date is approximate and will often require a longer period of analysis.

When to take the test

Let's calculate, using an example, on what day to do an ovulation test, if the cycle is rhythmic and lasts 29 days, and the last menstruation began on the 4th:

  • From 29 we subtract 17. We get 12 days.
  • From the 4th number we count 12.
  • Testing must begin on the 16th. Ovulation is expected on the 18th-19th.

Such a reserve of time is necessary so as not to miss such a brief favorable moment. After all, any situation can affect the rhythm of processes:

  • Disease, infection;
  • Use of drugs containing hormones;
  • Stress, overexertion;
  • Climate change, travel to hot countries, even for a short time - on vacation.

Tests will need to be carried out every day, starting from the counted day, until a clear result indicates a follicle rupture or cell release. That’s why many manufacturers complete the package with 5 strips. This allows a woman to find out the desired day with one package. Of course, with irregular rhythms or in case of delayed follicle rupture, testing is required longer - sometimes up to 7-10 days.

Today, different types of tests are used, based on the analyzed material:

  • By urine;
  • By blood;
  • By saliva.

Urine tests

The first option is the most common due to its lower cost. There are several types, classified according to the method of application:

  • strip tests: urine collected in a container;
  • jet: when urinating directly on the strip;
  • electronic: the strips are inserted into a device that explains the result itself.

In each case, the second strip on the ovulation test is analyzed, namely its shade - how much it matches the control one.

General rules for urine analysis

All tests that analyze urine operate on the same principle. The difference lies only in the method of application or evaluation of the result. It is known that before the vesicle in which the cell is located bursts, luteinizing hormone is released into the body. It is due to its level and gradual, and sometimes sharp increase that analytics occurs.

A reagent is applied to the stripes, which reacts with luteinizing hormone (LH) and, based on its concentration, changes the shade. Therefore, the strip may slightly change color or become more saturated. There are often situations when the analyzed one becomes even brighter than the control one. The brightness of the shade indicates the level of LH content. By the way, if a girl has not used tests before, it is worth checking her normal level first. There are situations in which such testing does not give results:

  • if a woman normally has a high level of LH;
  • if the LH content even at the time of the peak is low.

Based on this, it can be understood that in a particular situation this type of test will be ineffective, since the result will be inaccurate or will give a false idea of ​​the situation.

To prevent ovulation test strips from showing a false result due to an error in use, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Morning urine is very concentrated. It is able to show a high LH content with a slight increase. It cannot be used.
  • For analytics, you need to choose a time in any day range (you shouldn’t take it later or earlier), when the body works most rhythmically. Measurements are carried out in the same way - at the same hours every day.
  • Large fluid intake or diuretic products and drugs should be avoided so as not to decrease LH concentrations.
  • You do not need to visit the toilet immediately before testing for at least 3-4 hours.

These are general rules that apply to any type of test, even if it is not specified in the instructions.


The application itself depends on the type. If this is a standard strip test, you need to follow these instructions:

  • Collect urine in a container. A small amount is required, but enough to dip the strip to the special mark.
  • The strips are in individual sealed wrappers. You should not open them ahead of time, so as not to distort the result.
  • Lower the strip and hold for the time specified by the manufacturer. Usually about 15-20 seconds.
  • Set aside the strip. To do this, it is better to choose a dry surface, without slopes. You must wait 5 minutes (or another time if noted in the manufacturer's instructions).
  • Evaluate the effect.

Analysis of results

The results vary widely:

  • A faint line on an ovulation test most likely appears on the first or second day of testing. This indicates a slight increase in hormone concentration. We need to continue testing tomorrow at the same time.
  • The color has changed more noticeably, but is not striking in brightness. It is worth trying the frequency twice so as not to miss the right moment.
  • A bright shade, sometimes even brighter than the control one. This indicates a clear increase in LH. The cell has already come out or will come out in 10-12 hours. Accordingly, you can begin fertilization. It is better to carry out the act on the same day and the next, because the cell lives for a day and is able to wait for the males to make contact.
  • The strip does not change or is completely absent. The test is ruined. This can happen due to depressurization of the packaging, improper use, or expiration date. Marriage is also possible. No brand is immune from this, even from a well-known and responsible manufacturer.

It is worth mentioning that with non-standard LH levels, the test may give a false answer, no matter positive or negative. If you want to use tests, you should first undergo tests and examination in a hospital. In any case, this is recommended when planning conception. This also applies to the spouse; he needs to have a spermogram done to understand how viable and active his cells are. Conclusions are also drawn based on blood compatibility. It is known that with different rhesus factors, it will take a long time to wait for the successful implantation of the embryo. And sometimes the uterus even rejects an embryo with a different Rh.

If you conduct analytics and conception has already occurred, sometimes you can also get a false effect. It is known that the ovulation test during pregnancy sometimes changes color significantly. As reviews say, even the pregnancy detection strip does not show the same effect as the ovulation strip.

The most famous brands of strip strips include Frautest, Eviplan, Evitest, Ovuplan, etc. Almost every brand has subtypes, the packaging of which includes 1, 5 or 7 strips. It is easy to choose a more profitable option in a particular case. There are also comprehensive kits, for example Frautest Planning. In addition to tests of this type for ovulation, his kit includes two more tests for pregnancy and 7 containers into which urine can be collected. A very convenient package if there is a possibility that conception will occur without problems.

Jet tests for ovulation

By choosing the jet type of test, the girl gets a slightly more convenient use. It can be used not only at home, but anywhere. It is used in stages:

  • Unpack the strip.
  • Place her under the stream and urinate.
  • Set aside for a few seconds or minutes (according to specific brand instructions).
  • See what the ovulation test shows and evaluate the degree of change in shade.

The effect can be obtained similar to that described above. The differences between these types are only in the method of application, but in terms of action, reaction to LH and the features of deciphering the result, they are identical.

Some inkjet tests have caps that they are inserted into before testing. This will allow you to more accurately place it under the stream and not get your hands dirty. For example, ICA LG Factor, Eviplan and Evitest.

Digital tests - features of result assessment

It is also worth describing the digital versions of urine tests. Their peculiarity is the special order in which the answer is read. In particular, the girl does not need to check the shades herself, compare them with the control ones, which always raises a lot of questions, and sometimes it is completely difficult. In this device, the answer will be indicated on the screen.

The most famous brand of this type is Clearblue digital. Its package includes 7 strips, separately packaged, and electronic equipment. Use according to the instructions:

  • Open one of the strips. Do not do this in advance, so as not to provoke a false result.
  • Remove the cap from the device. Insert the strip into the holder, making sure that the arrow on it matches the similar one on the device.
  • Wait until the “test ready” signal appears on the monitor. If the strip is inserted incorrectly, there will be no signal. We need to fix the situation.
  • Place the device under the stream for 5-7 seconds or lower it into pre-collected liquid for 15 seconds. At the same time, make sure that it does not get on the body.
  • Set aside the device without removing the strip. Almost immediately (up to 20 seconds) the message “test ready” will appear on the monitor. This serves as a signal that the testing was completed correctly and you need to wait for an answer. Otherwise, the strip should be taken out and analyzed again from the beginning.
  • After 3 minutes the answer will be shown on the screen.

A digital ovulation test is convenient for recognizing the result, which can be one of three and is indicated on the screen:

  • “There is no LH surge” - indicates that the follicle will not break through soon. The tests will take a few more days.
  • An empty circle indicates the presence of some LH content. It is necessary to analyze the liquid tomorrow or even twice if there is a danger of missing the moment.
  • Smiley – indicates the highest LH level. The cage is already on its way or is about to leave. Sexual intercourse can be safely planned for this and the next day.

The cost of a digital test will, of course, be higher than a strip test. The disadvantage of this option is the need to buy a new device every time. It would be more convenient to purchase only the strips themselves, if necessary.

Devices for the study of saliva - advantages

There are also two types of devices that analyze saliva: microscopes and electronic ones. Their principle of action is the same - they characterize the salts contained in saliva. It is known that when the hormonal background changes at the moment of rupture of the follicle, salts form a pattern that is similar in outline to a fern leaf.

In a microscope device, the girl independently observes structural changes through a viewing glass, and in an electronic microscope, the result is visible on the screen. Accordingly, their cost will be slightly different. And they are many times more expensive than urine tests. This can be explained quite simply - this is a reusable device that can last even several years.

It is worth choosing this option if you have problems with cycle counting and the regularity of menstruation. After all, you don’t need to constantly spend money on purchasing strips, and you always have the opportunity to test your saliva. Its convenience lies in its ubiquity of use. Many devices are very miniature. You can carry them with you; they are no larger than a powder compact. A woman does not need to look for a toilet; she can conduct the test even in a public place. In terms of convenience, these are undoubtedly the best ovulation tests, although they are not optimal in price.

How to use

Use occurs by applying a smear to a glass slide, placing it in a microscope and viewing the drawing. If it is an electronic device, a swab is applied to one digital window, and the result is read on the second. The drawing can take the following forms:

  • The fern leaf is outlined with a dotted line of the same size. This is a common condition in the first period of the cycle, when the follicle is just developing.
  • Transverse lines begin to appear in the middle of the leaf – the estrogen content increases, i.e. the follicle reaches maturity.
  • A clear leaf of a fern - the cell has torn the follicle and is rushing into the reproductive tract.

It is mandatory not to eat for several hours before the examination. Ideally, take a smear in the morning before brushing your teeth.

This type of test helps you see the different stages and gradual changes in the pattern. After conducting a one-time study, you can already understand how many days later the follicle is planned to rupture for a specific display. Based on such diagnostics, you can even plan your gender. Some electronic devices indicate this on the screen. Based on the characteristics and vital activity of sperm, during sexual intercourse at a time when the cell is already on its way, there is a greater chance of conceiving a son. If you carry out fertilization on the eve of her birth (2 days before) and do not “consolidate” the result later, then you can predict the conception of a daughter with the greatest probability.

Which saliva test to choose?

The most popular microscopes today are Ovulux, Arbor-elite, and MAYBE MOM. A prominent representative of the electronic version of the “laboratory” for the study of saliva is the Eva-test D. And the ovulation test Ovu-test allows you to analyze cervical mucus, and not just saliva. The principle of changing the pattern in this situation is the same.

Due to such diversity, choosing an ovulation test that is optimal in quality and cost will not be difficult. If a girl has no problems with rhythms and just needs to confirm the fact of the “birth” of a cell, she can be satisfied with the most common and inexpensive option. Regarding reliability, there are practically no bad reviews about them. If there are problems with conception and the process is expected to take a long time, it is easier to purchase an expensive but reusable device once in order to use it at any convenient time.

The most favorable days for conceiving a child during the menstrual cycle occur during ovulation. Some women determine its onset without any difficulties:, and. Others, on the contrary, do not experience any symptoms at this time.

In a normal 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs between 11 and 15 days before the start of menstruation, but sometimes it can be delayed, appear earlier, or not occur at all. In order not to miss the onset of the highest period of fertility, you should start using an ovulation test from the first day of the end of menstruation.

How does an ovulation test work?

Most ovulation tests are designed to measure elevated levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) in a woman's body, which begins to be produced between 24 and 36 hours after ovulation occurs. It is at this time and over the next two days that the likelihood of conceiving a child through sexual intercourse is highest.

How to use a test to determine ovulation?

The reliability of the ovulation test for detecting elevated levels of luteinizing hormone is 99%. However, such high efficiency is achieved by using the test in advance for several days before the onset of ovulation: with a normal menstrual cycle, use of the test must begin 11 days before. In case of a short or too long cycle, you should consult a gynecologist.
Due to the high concentration of LH early in the day, it is not recommended to use a morning urine sample for an ovulation test. The ideal time is considered to be from 10 am to 8 pm. In addition, throughout the entire period, it is necessary to perform the test every day at the same time, while not urinating or drinking large amounts of liquid for four hours before the test. A traditional ovulation test is designed for one-time use.

Positive ovulation test: best time to conceive?

If the result is positive, the most favorable period for conceiving a child occurs during the onset of ovulation. Considering that the lifespan of an egg after it leaves the follicle is only 24 hours, in contrast to sperm, which can remain in the uterus for several days, the onset of ovulation should be determined as accurately as possible.

What does a positive ovulation test look like?

In standard ovulation tests, if the result is positive, the test strip turns a bright color, similar to the control strip or slightly darker. This means that the level of luteinizing hormone has increased and ovulation will occur in 1-2 days.

Are there reusable ovulation tests?

Yes, they do exist. Using saliva, the reusable test measures levels of a hormone called estrogen, which begins to rise in the body when ovulation occurs. However, this type of test is less effective than the traditional one - its reliability is 95%.

Where can I find and how much do ovulation tests cost?

Ovulation tests are available in pharmacies and supermarkets. Their cost varies significantly depending on the brand and type (digital, electronic and standard). Average price 600 rubles for 5 pcs. Do not hesitate to seek advice from a gynecologist or attending physician before purchasing.

Which ovulation test to choose?

Digital or electronic ovulation tests determine the result with 99% accuracy, while reading the information is much easier than standard tests. Electronic tests usually have a flashing light to indicate the result is ready and a clear digital display showing an “empty circle” for a negative result or a “smiley face” for ovulation. The result is displayed on the screen within 8 minutes.

What alternatives are there to traditional ovulation tests?

considered a reliable alternative to ovulation tests. The essence of the method is to measure basal temperature daily and detect its peak results. As a rule, during the onset of ovulation it reaches 37 degrees Celsius. Worth knowing: unlike the ovulation test, basal body temperature can change under the influence of various diseases, stress and fatigue.