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Organic personality and behavior disorder. Is personality change possible? Changes in the personality of a person what is common

Personality is the set of patterns—thoughts, behaviors, and feelings—that make up who you are. And what do you think? Models can be changed. It needs to be worked on, but if you are really committed to this idea, then anything can happen. Remember, however, that your old self is likely to be shone through regularly as our beliefs and thinking are shaped by our life experiences.


Laying the groundwork

    Write your plan. This is a two-step action: what do you want to change and what do you want to become. You cannot have one without the other. Achievement requires a lot of effort, you will need to know which fight to choose before you start.

    • How will your projected new character contribute to your development as a person? At this stage, many people come to the conclusion that what is needed is not a change in personality, but rather one small habit that has a negative impact on your interaction with other people. Small enough?
    • If there is someone you would like to be more like, recognize what you want to emulate. Don't just look at the person and say, "Yes, I want to be like that." Understand what exactly you admire - how this person copes with different situations? Way of speaking? How to walk or move? More importantly, what contribution does it make to that person's well-being?
  1. Tell someone. One of the reasons why Alcoholics Anonymous is so successful is because you bring out things that aren't usually talked about. If someone else encourages you to be accountable, then you get extrinsic motivation that you wouldn't get otherwise.

    • Talk to a friend about what you want to achieve. If you trust this person, they will be able to push you in the right direction (either tell you that you are funny or keep you on track). The extra brain power and a pair of eyes further away from the picture, if you like, will help you figure out how to behave and what impression you're making.
  2. Set up a reward system. It could be anything. Anything. It can be as small as moving marbles from one pocket to another, or as big as a vacation. Whatever it is, make it worth it to you.

    • And set breakpoints on it. If you can walk up to that pretty girl and be able to say something, great! It's already something. If you can walk up to her next week and be able to tell a whole anecdote, great! Reward yourself for everything, it's a difficult task.

    Changing the thought pattern

    1. Don't label yourself. When you think of yourself as a shy and withdrawn person, you use that as a prop. Why don't you go to that party on Friday? …That's it. You don't have a reason. When you stop thinking of yourself in one way or another, the world opens up to you.

      • You are constantly changing. If you think of yourself as a nerd, you may find that you have these characteristics. But if you understand that you are constantly growing and changing, then you can open yourself up to opportunities that inspire that growth, opportunities that you would otherwise shy away from.
    2. Stop thinking in "fixed" terms. Just like with labels, stop thinking only in black and white. Guys, it's not scary, authority is not evil, and textbooks are really useful. Once you understand exactly what your perception things define it for you, you will see more options and therefore more behaviors.

      • Some people view certain traits as “fixed” and this greatly influences their behavior. The opposite of this would be "growth" thinking, in which the beholder sees features as malleable and ever-changing. These ways of thinking develop in early childhood and can greatly influence personality. If you think things are "unchangeable", then you don't believe you can change them. How do you see the world? It can determine how you see yourself in a relationship, how you resolve conflicts, and how quickly you bounce back from setbacks.
    3. Banish negative thoughts. Just stop. The beauty of your mind is that it is part of you and therefore you control it. If you've caught yourself thinking, "Oh God, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't," then you probably won't be able to. When that voice starts speaking, shut it up. It won't do you any good.

    Changing sensation patterns

      Fake until you create. There is a saying in Zen Buddhism that you need to go out through the door. If you want to become less shy, approach people and talk to them. If you admire those who read a lot, start reading. Just dive in. People have bad habits, but there are ways to change them.

      • No one needs to know that deep down inside you feel that you are going through life to death. Do you know why? Because soon enough it will pass. The mind has a wonderful ability to adapt. What once sent shivers down the spine, after a sufficient period of time, will become an old favorite hat.
    1. Pretend to be a different person. Okay, the impersonation method got a bad rap, but if Dustin Hoffman did it, then we can try it too. With this method, you are completely immersed in someone else. It's not you, it's the new creature you're trying to be.

      • It's 24/7. You must adopt the habits of this new character in any situation. How does he sit? What is the expression on his face in a calm situation? What worries him? How does he kill time? Who is he associated with?
    2. Make time for quirks. Okay, telling you to completely give up who you are and take on a new persona just by the power of thought and habit is ridiculous. There is no way you can stick to it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Therefore, give yourself the allotted time to feel how you want.

      • If you're throwing a party on Friday that you're terrified of, tell yourself that you'll take 20 minutes on Friday night or Saturday morning just to be completely worried about it. 20 minutes of absolute illogicality and unproductiveness. But apart from that, nothing. Stick to it. Do you know what will happen? Eventually, you'll find that you don't have to spend any time on it at all.

    Changing Behavior Patterns

    1. Throw yourself into new conditions. In fact, the only way to see change in yourself is to add something new to your life. To do this, you will need to adopt new behaviors, new people, and new activities. You can't do the same thing over and over and expect different results.

      • Start small. Join the club. Get a job outside of your skills and abilities. Start reading about it. Also, don't go back to the old conditions. You don't want to spend time with people who are doing the opposite of what you're trying to achieve.
      • Put yourself in conditions. If you are afraid of spiders, go into a room with one. Day by day, a centimeter closer to him. You will end up sitting next to him. Still later, you'll keep it. Constant exposure dulls the feeling of fear in the brain. Now take the "spiders" and replace them with whatever is your target.
    2. Keep a diary. You will need a fairly strong sense of self-awareness to stay on track. Keeping a journal will help you sort through your thoughts and analyze how you dealt with this change. Write down what worked and what didn't so you can fine-tune your method.

    3. Say yes. If you find it difficult to throw yourself into new conditions, think of it this way: stop turning down opportunities. If you see a sign that you previously considered uninteresting, then look again. If a friend asks you to do something you know absolutely nothing about, go for it. You will become much better at this.

      • But remember to make safe decisions. If someone asks you to go jump off a cliff, don't do it. Use your brain.

    Think about your new identity. Have you really achieved what you wanted to achieve? Do people think more positively of you now that you act and dress differently? Are you ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of imitating the ideal person?

    • Many people will realize at this stage that what they need is not a change of personality, but an acceptance of who they are and a willingness to try to improve themselves instead of hiding under the artificial image they take on in public.


  • Don't be discouraged if you don't change right away, it will take some time.
  • If you think you can't change who you are because of your parents or other people in your life, change the little things. Cut out the habits you don't like and introduce new ones. If mom or dad asks what's wrong, explain to them that your self-esteem is fine, that you're just trying to be more comfortable with yourself.
  • Change slowly. A sudden change can provoke questions. Address your problem and work with that area. Over time, it will become natural.
  • Remember that you don't have to change who you are to please people. It's hard to accept yourself for who you are, especially when you're in a bad mood but love yourself. Then others can too.
  • Start in the summer and then in the fall people will see the new you.
  • Never change who you are just because others don't like you. If you're a nerd, don't be cute just because they're "cool". Take a look at a group of real goths in your school. They all stand and laugh at the cuties and joke about how the bullies of the school will work for them one day.

Personality change A violation of fundamental character traits, usually for the worse, as a result of or as a consequence of a physical or mental disorder.

Brief explanatory psychological and psychiatric dictionary. Ed. igisheva. 2008 .

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An organic personality disorder is a pronounced change in the patient's usual behavior, the cause of which is diseases with a change in the structure of the brain. Organic personality disorder can be manifested by disturbances in the emotional sphere, changes in life needs and priorities. Often this pathology is accompanied by a decrease in the ability to think and learn, sexual disorders.

Diseases that are caused by some obvious structural changes in the brain (or other organ) are considered organic. These changes can usually be identified using imaging techniques (X-ray, CT and MRI, ultrasound).

In the case of congenital organic changes in the brain, signs of the disease are detected in early childhood and persist throughout life. The course of organic pathology of the brain is variable, asymptomatic periods and exacerbations are possible. Especially often exacerbations occur during strong hormonal changes - in adolescence and during menopause.

In the absence of concomitant pathology and favorable living conditions, long-term (from several years to decades) compensation with sufficient social adaptation and working capacity can occur. However, with any negative influences (infections, traumas, stresses), a severe relapse with psychopathological manifestations and subsequent deterioration of the condition is possible.

Organic disorder of personality and behavior in most cases proceeds stably. Cases of continuous progression with subsequent maladjustment and a pronounced personality defect are described. Continuous treatment contributes to long-term stabilization and even some improvement in the condition. A number of patients may refuse treatment, denying the presence of the disease.

Causes of Organic Personality Disorder

The causes of organic personality disorders are extremely diverse. Among the main ones:

  • traumatic brain injury of any localization,
  • tumors and cysts
  • epilepsy,
  • degenerative diseases of the brain (multiple sclerosis, etc.),
  • brain infections,
  • encephalitis,
  • cerebral palsy,
  • poisoning with neurotoxic substances, in particular manganese,
  • cerebrovascular pathology,
  • substance abuse.

Long-term (more than ten years) epilepsy with frequent convulsive seizures leads to the appearance of an organic personality disorder. There are a number of studies proving the relationship between the frequency of seizures and the severity of mental pathology.

Organic personality disorders have been known and researched for over a century. However, there is still no exact information about their pathogenesis and development. The influence of social factors and characteristics of the premorbid state on the course of this class of disorders has not been fully studied. The main mechanism for the development of the disease is considered to be a violation of the normal ratio and mechanics of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain due to its damage.

Recently, an integrative approach to the pathogenesis of this class of diseases is gaining popularity, which, in addition to organic factors, takes into account the genetic characteristics of the patient and his social environment.

According to ICD-10, organic personality disorder has the following symptoms.

First of all, the presence of general criteria for psychiatric illness due to brain damage is mandatory:

  • confirmed data on the presence of a disease or brain injury,
  • preserved consciousness and memory,
  • absence .
  • Emotional disturbances that can be manifested by euphoria, irritability, anger, apathy, the appearance of flat or inappropriate witticisms in speech, attacks of aggression, frequent fluctuations in emotions, their instability and changeability.
  • cognitive disorders. More than others, an organic personality disorder is characterized by the presence of paranoid ideas or excessive suspicion, a tendency to divide people into “good” and “bad”, pathological enthusiasm for one occupation.
  • Changes in speech, in particular viscosity, slowing down, excessive thoroughness, a tendency to use colorful adjectives.
  • Decreased ability for long-term purposeful activities, including professional ones. This is especially noticeable in relation to activities that require a lot of time, the result of which does not appear immediately.
  • Sexual disturbances - changes in preferences or increased libido.
  • Disinhibition of drives, including those of an antisocial nature - the patient may develop hypersexuality, aversion to personal hygiene, a tendency to gluttony, he may participate in illegal acts.

Depending on the predominant combination of symptoms, the following types of organic personality disorder are distinguished:

  • aggressive,
  • labile,
  • paranoid,
  • disinhibited,
  • apathetic,
  • mixed.

Diagnosis of organic personality disorder

To establish the diagnosis of organic personality disorder, it is necessary to identify a combination of emotional, cognitive and characterological changes with organic brain damage.

Diagnostics is carried out using the following methods:

  • neurological examination,
  • psychological research (testing and conversation with a psychologist),
  • functional study of the brain (electroencephalography),
  • visualization of brain structures (CT and MRI).

During the examination, a search is made for damage and dysfunctions of the brain, changes in behavior and drives, speech disorders, the safety of memory and the level of consciousness are checked.

For the final confirmation of the diagnosis, a long-term, for at least six months, observation of the patient by a specialist - a neurologist or a psychiatrist - is necessary. During this period, the presence of three or more diagnostic features of an organic personality disorder is confirmed according to the ICD-10 criteria described above.

Treatment of organic personality disorder

Treatment of personality disorders of an organic nature is necessarily complex. It includes the prescription of drugs and methods of psychotherapy. In the right combination, these tools enhance the effect of each other.

For the medical treatment of organic personality disorders, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • antidepressants to correct the emotional state or in the presence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms;
  • tranquilizers to eliminate psychomotor agitation;
  • antipsychotics of different groups - to reduce the degree of aggression, with motor arousal, to reduce paranoid symptoms;
  • nootropics and antihypoxants are indicated for organic personality disorders of any etiology in order to slow the progression of symptoms;
  • anticonvulsants if necessary;
  • lithium preparations as long-term maintenance therapy.

Most medications require a life-long intake, since when they are canceled, the symptoms of the disease reappear.

Goals of psychotherapeutic treatment:

  • increasing the subjective psychological comfort of the patient,
  • improving the quality of life,
  • fight against depression
  • elimination of sexual disorders,
  • treatment of obsessive-compulsive conditions,
  • teaching the patient socially acceptable behavior patterns.

Psychotherapy is carried out in the form of a series of personal conversations with a psychiatrist, followed by exercises aimed at mastering new behaviors. Family, group and individual psychotherapy is used. Working with the patient's family is especially effective, as a result of which it is possible to improve relations with relatives and provide their support to the patient.

Hospitalization of the patient in a specialized institution is carried out with the threat of suicide or high aggressiveness of the patient with a danger to others.

There is no complete prevention of organic personality disorders. It is important to pay great attention to the prevention of injuries during childbirth, industrial and domestic injuries, medical examination of the population in order to timely detect pathology for early treatment. After identifying the disease, it is necessary to create conditions for stabilizing the condition, to work with the environment of the patient.

Library Mental Disorders What is personality change, personality disorders

What is personality change, personality disorders

If a person in everyday life shows in behavior and emotions an insufficient ability to adapt to the world around him, they say that he has a personality change. Such changes occur to each of us from time to time, but in people suffering from personality disorders, such behavior becomes more persistent and persistent.

Sometimes unwanted thoughts and feelings prevent a person from doing their usual activities, building relationships with colleagues and loved ones. At the same time, such patients are convinced that everything is in order with them. The disease does not cause them unpleasant sensations or experiences, but it causes a lot of anxiety to others. Often personality changes are combined with other mental disorders.

There is a fierce debate in the psychiatric community about whether personality changes are actually diseases or shortcomings of the so-called coping behavior (the ability to solve life problems, get out of difficult situations, adapt to emotional stress). There are significant differences, due to cultural and historical factors, as to what exactly should be attributed to personality changes: for example, such a state can simply be considered insufficiently adaptive behavior in the circumstances.

S. Aizenstat

"What is Personality Change, Personality Disorders" article from the section

Definition of an organic personality disorder and the main criteria for making such a diagnosis. Etiological factors of occurrence and the main clinical signs of this disease. Modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder.

Description and development of organic personality disorder

The main and most important condition for the diagnosis of an organic personality disorder is the presence in the anamnesis of any damage to the brain tissue of a mechanical, infectious or other origin. The more significant and wider the damage, the more serious the symptoms will be with an organic personality disorder.

If the affected area is small, the rest of the cells can compensate for its function, and the person will not feel difficulties in cognitive processes, thinking, or talking. But in the case of strong emotional overstrain, other stressful situations, such a disease can go into a decompensation phase with the unfolding of the classic clinical picture of an organic personality disorder.

The disease develops over many years, and some get used to personality changes. At some stage, the disorder reaches social maladjustment, and in this case it is much more difficult to help the patient. Therefore, the appointment and reception of appropriate treatment will give a person precious time for a quality life.

The mechanism of development of an organic disorder is hidden at the cellular level. Neurons damaged by disease or injury lose their ability to perform their functions to their full extent, and signals are delayed. Naturally, other brain cells will try to take over part of the function of the injured area, but this is not always possible, especially if the affected area is quite large. First of all, thought processes, cognitive function, and intellect suffer.

Precise statistics cannot be confirmed, as organic personality disorder occurs as a comorbidity with many others. Often it is not even diagnosed due to the severity of the underlying diagnosis.

Main Causes of Organic Personality Disorder

A variety of etiological factors creates some difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of organic personality disorder. Among them there are both mechanical injuries, infectious diseases, and oncological pathologies.

Most often in practice, the following etiological factors are distinguished:

  • Severe traumatic brain injury. Any kind of mechanical impact affects the state of the brain and can cause the development of various symptoms of organic genesis. For the formation of a permanent personality disorder, the severity of such an injury must be significant. In mild cases, neighboring cells can compensate for the damage, and the person will not show changes in behavior, thinking, or other activities.
  • Infection. These include viral diseases (including AIDS), bacterial diseases. Organic personality disorder is often caused by fungal neuroinfections. Their specificity is targeted damage to brain cells, as a result of which their function is lost. Depending on the localization of the pathological process, it can be encephalitis, encephalomeningitis and other diseases.
  • Tumors. Unfortunately, the localization of the pathological process in the brain obliges even a benign differentiated tumor to be considered malignant. Proximity to the main centers of human life makes such a disease extremely dangerous. Therefore, one of the reasons for the development of organic personality disorder should be considered oncology. Even the smallest tumor disrupts the work of a local group of neurons and causes malfunctions that can affect the human psyche and behavior. Often this happens even after a stable remission or radical surgery.
  • Vascular diseases. The most common diseases at the moment - atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus - the vessels of the brain are often chosen as the target of their primary lesion. Since they provide oxygen and useful substances to sensitive neuron cells, a violation of cerebral blood flow will provoke an ischemia attack. In the long-term development of these diseases, chronic lack of oxygen by brain cells leads to disruption of their work and signal transmission. Consequently, this can manifest itself as mental symptoms in the form of an organic personality disorder.
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction. The systematic use of any psychostimulant drugs affects the functioning of the brain. Hallucinogens artificially irritate those areas of the cortex that are responsible for perception. Accordingly, over time, the cells cease to cope with the function assigned to them and a site of organic damage appears. This should include any psychoactive substances that can somehow affect the state of the brain and, with prolonged use, cause irreversible morphological changes.
  • Autoimmune diseases. Some nosologies from this group are characterized by a specific effect on the nervous tissue. For example, in multiple sclerosis, the myelin sheath of neuroglia fibers is replaced by connective tissue. Point foci of such a process explain the name of this disease. The more nervous tissue is replaced by connective tissue, the more likely it is to develop an organic personality disorder.
  • Seizures. The main cause of the most common disease in this group, epilepsy, is the presence of a permanent focus in which a nerve impulse constantly excites a certain part of the brain. This inevitably leads to disruption of the functioning of such zones and may be manifested by changes in behavior and thinking. The longer a person has this disease, the more likely it is to form an organic personality disorder.

Manifestations of organic personality disorder

The symptoms of this disease, regardless of the cause of its development, are quite similar. That is, all people with an organic personality disorder have some common character traits that are not difficult to notice when talking. The depth of manifestation of the symptom already depends on the degree of brain damage.

The diagnosis of an organic personality disorder can be made if a person has two or more of the following signs for more than six months:

  1. General behavior. First of all, a person changes his habits, emotions, needs. He approaches simple tasks differently, does not plan them, and loses the ability to think several steps ahead. That is, strategic thinking is lost almost immediately. All these changes should be noted, given the state of the same person before the disease. For example, if he was frivolous, with a slightly euphoric mood and rarely thought ahead, then with an organic personality disorder, these symptoms can no longer be taken into account.
  2. Motivation. People with this disease gradually lose interest and motivation to perform complex tasks, where it is necessary to overcome some obstacles, difficulties in order to achieve the goal. From the outside, it looks like an apathetic unwillingness to change anything in your life. Along with this, strength of character is also lost. A person is not able to defend his own opinion and even form it for some reason. His way of thinking is greatly simplified.
  3. Instability. Such people are extremely emotional, but often their affect does not correspond to the situation around them. That is, flashes of aggression, unmotivated laughter, anger or bitterness are absolutely not connected with any factors in life. Often such emotions replace one another, and it is very difficult to convince a person of the groundlessness of such scenes. In addition, bouts of euphoria or persistent apathy are often noted.
  4. Failure to learn. It is very difficult for a person with an organic personality disorder to learn. If, for example, this is a child who was traumatized in childhood, then cognitive activity for him will be a significant difficulty. The acquisition of new skills and knowledge is a rather complex process that requires the activation of many mental processes and memorization mechanisms. With organic damage, cognitive activity is too difficult for the brain.
  5. Viscosity of thinking. Cognitive function suffers one of the first in organic personality disorder. The person loses the ability to think quickly and effectively. Even the simplest tasks require maximum concentration and considerable effort from him. It takes some time to make an ordinary decision. The viscosity of thinking occurs in almost all patients, which makes them similar to each other.
  6. Changing Sexual Behavior. This aspect, unlike the previous ones, can manifest itself in different ways. For some, this is an increase in libido, for others - the opposite. It all depends on the specific type of person who suffers from an organic personality disorder. Often there are various sexual deviations.
  7. Rave. A person suffering from an organic personality disorder can build his own "logical" chains, which will differ from the generally accepted ones. The patient becomes more suspicious over time, closely monitors the reaction of people, looks for a catch in their words, a hidden meaning. Paralogical judgments lead to the formation of delusional ideas, which can also be observed as part of an organic personality disorder.

Ways to deal with organic personality disorder

A variety of modern techniques allows you to find an approach to the treatment of almost any pathology of the psychiatric spectrum. The complexity of this disease is that it is inherently secondary and the underlying disease can complicate and limit the treatment of organic personality disorder. Therefore, the selection of optimal therapy should be done by a doctor. It is absolutely impossible to treat such a pathology on your own!

Medical treatment

The arsenal of modern psychotropic drugs allows you to choose the appropriate therapy for each symptom of an organic personality disorder. That is, the approach is individual for a more specific effect. The choice of a specific drug is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of each patient.

The main groups of pharmacological psychotropic drugs:

  • Anxiolytics. In some patients, the viscosity of thinking and other cognitive impairments cause a feeling of anxiety and restlessness. They cannot sit still and torment themselves. In this case, it would be appropriate to prescribe drugs from the group of anxiolytics. These are quite old, well-established remedies that have long been used in psychiatry to correct anxiety disorders. Diazepam, Phenazepam, Oxazepam are most often prescribed.
  • Antidepressants. The state of a person with cognitive deficiency and emotional instability is extremely unstable. Depressive experiences are present in most patients, but only a few require the appointment of special pharmacological agents. Depression can significantly aggravate the course of the disease, so it is necessary to prevent it in a timely manner. Amitriptyline is predominantly used for these purposes.
  • Antipsychotics. This rather broad group of drugs is used in case of emotional instability, attacks of aggression, socially dangerous actions. Also, its appointment is advisable in the presence of delusional ideas, paranoid thoughts or psychomotor agitation in the clinical picture. Depending on the manifestation, one or another neuroleptic should be chosen. Most often, Eglonil, Triftazin, Haloperidol are used.
  • Nootropics. These drugs improve cerebral circulation, promote the flow of oxygen to the cells. Their appointment is necessary to improve or maintain cognitive functions at a level that ensures socialization and maintenance of a person's usual way of life. Representatives of nootropics - Phenibut, Aminalon.

Therapy of the underlying disease

Be sure to consider the presence of an etiological factor in its occurrence in the treatment of organic personality disorder. That is, an old traumatic brain injury, tumor, infection or other disease must be treated. If the severity of the manifestations of the underlying disease is not eliminated, the symptoms of an organic personality disorder will be extremely difficult to stop.

First of all, one should take into account potentially life-threatening conditions that may be caused by the underlying disease. Treatment of an organic personality disorder in this case would be absolutely inappropriate at this stage.

Therapy of mental changes should be started after the elimination of the main manifestations of the disease, in their remission or compensation. For example, if a person has severe viral encephalitis, one should first of all pay attention to this pathology and only then, in the recovery period, start treating an organic personality disorder.

Often the symptoms of the latter can be eliminated under the therapy of the underlying disease. For example, vascular diseases will cause much fewer manifestations if consistent appropriate therapy is taken. In addition, this will reduce the likelihood of manifestation of a personality disorder.


This direction in the treatment of organic personality disorder occupies an important role among the entire arsenal of methods. Its effectiveness can vary significantly from person to person, so the choice of psychotherapy is an individual decision.

First of all, you should understand what psychotherapy is aimed at in case of an organic personality disorder, and then compare the symptoms and decide on the appropriateness of such a method in a particular case:

Organic personality disorder is a fairly common disease that is currently incurable. That is, it is almost impossible to return a person to the state that was observed before the disease. The only goal of treatment is to stabilize the condition and eliminate the severity of manifestations.