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The concept of “direct educational activity”. GCD as the leading form of education in preschool educational institutions, structure and organizational features in different age groups. Consultation for teachers. The difference between a complex lesson and GCD

To properly organize GCD, you need to have a good understanding of some issues and identify the difference between “occupation” and “GCD”...

Distinctive features of direct educational activities, primarily in
* forms of its organization,
* in changing the position of the teacher in relation to children,
* in updating the GCD structure.
Let's go in order...
What do the Federal State Educational Standards offer us? The educational block is excluded from the educational process, but it is not the learning process that is excluded, but the form of classes changes. In the joint activities of children and adults, a new form appears - directly educational activity filled with new content. If earlier there was a position - educational activities and games, then today - games and other types of children's activities. We are now invited to solve the set goals and objectives through joint activities of adults and children (GCD and routine moments) and independent activities of children. We are being asked to abandon the educational model in kindergarten, i.e. from classes. And this requires teachers to turn to new forms of working with children that would allow them, figuratively speaking, to teach preschoolers without them realizing it.
To do this, we are recommended to use: gaming techniques, frequent changes in activities, a variety of gaming tasks that allow us to create a positive emotional background, an atmosphere of ease, and achieve our goals. And this is precisely why they focus on the integration of educational areas.
If earlier in the lesson the main goal was to master knowledge, skills, abilities (KUN), now the main goal is the genuine activity (activity) of children, and the development of knowledge, skills and abilities is a side effect of this activity. The main activity is carried out through children's activities.
According to the Federal State Educational Standard, they have changed a little and you need to learn them again: (8)
- gaming,
- communicative,
- perception of fiction and folklore,
- construction from different materials,
- figurative,
- motor,
- self-service and basic household work.
The choice of activities is carried out by teachers independently, depending on the number of children, the level of mastery of the general education program of preschool education and the solution of specific educational problems.
Examples of forms of educational activities and types of classes V Appendix 1. The next distinctive feature is the behavior style of the adult (teacher) changes : from administrative-regulatory to relaxed-trusting, partnership. It is necessary to remember the main theses of organizing partnership activities between adults and children, which N.A. Korotkova points out:
- the teacher’s involvement in activities on an equal basis with the children (not “above”, not “next to”, but “together”);
- voluntary participation of preschoolers in activities (without mental and disciplinary coercion), and in order to achieve this, it is necessary to interest children as much as possible (motivation);
- free communication and movement of children during activities (subject to the organization of the workspace);
- open time end of activity (everyone works at their own pace).
The partner position of the teacher contributes to the child’s development of activity, independence, the ability to make a decision, to try to do something without fear that it will turn out wrong, evokes a desire to achieve a goal, and promotes emotional comfort. In the classroom, the main model of organizing the educational process is educational. The teacher voices the topic of the lesson and provides ready-made knowledge (“the teacher speaks - the child listens and remembers”). The main forms of work with children when organizing educational activities are examination, observation, experimentation, research, collecting, project implementation, workshop, etc. Here, the process of children learning new knowledge is more effective because it is based on the child’s personal experience and area of ​​his interests. You cannot force a child to understand anything, he needs to be interested. Therefore, the teacher’s task is to build a GCD in such a way as to retain the child’s attention, interest, and passion for learning activities as much as possible.
Now we move on to the third distinctive feature - structure. And initially you need to think about the motivation with which the educational activity itself begins. Motivation can be different: practical, playful, educational. It should contain something that will cause interest, surprise, amazement, delight in children, in a word, something after which the children will want to do “this.” Before moving on to the GCD structure, I would like to focus on this.
One of the main features of GCD is system-activity approach to her organization. Or simply the “activity approach” - the organization and management by a teacher of a child’s activities when he solves specially organized educational tasks of varying complexity and issues (L.G. Peterson). In the conditions of the activity approach, the child-person acts as an active creative principle, his self-development and self-actualization of his personality occurs. And it is from the position of technology of the activity approach that it is necessary to comply with the principles of construction, or the structure of the GCD. Here I give a simplified structure of the GCD, later we will disassemble it, split it and specify each of its parts (full analysis in Appendix 2).
Introductory part.
1. Creation of a game situation (problem situation, target setting, any motivation) that stimulates children’s activity in finding a solution. Any exercise to organize children can also be used here.
Main part.
2. Designing solutions to a problem situation. Performing actions. Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue based on the content of different sections of the program based on visualization, or children themselves obtain knowledge through research, search, discovery...
Final part.
3. Analysis of performance results, reflection. Summing up. So, let's look at each of the three parts... Introductory part of GCD, Features of work on creating play motivation at different age stages.
Younger age: you inform the children that something happened to some game characters, ask the children if they agree to provide the required assistance, gradually offer the children your options for getting out of the current situation...
Middle group: you can bring a character because At this age, children have already mastered roles, or children take on a role and act in it. To do this, the teacher invites the children to play. Then, together with the children acting in the role, first a game task is set (we need to do something), and then an educational task (we will learn to do it).
Senior group: the main thing is not the characters, but the plots, the plot structure (there is no character himself, but there is a letter). Plots can be long (travel in a time machine). In the course of direct educational activities, small paraphernalia, established roles, and changing roles can be used.
In the preparatory group, the need to create play motivation remains, but here problem situations can already be added. A problematic situation is a planned, specially conceived means by the teacher aimed at awakening children’s interest in the topic under discussion. In other words, a problem situation is a situation in which a child wants to solve problems that are difficult for him, but he lacks data and must look for it himself. A correctly created problem situation contributes to the fact that the child: formulates the problem (task) himself, finds its solution himself, decides and self-monitors the correctness of this solution.
You can also use games with rules as motivation; children make sure the rules are followed. A competitive game is used with the goal of winning (chips are used). Give every child the opportunity to experience situations of winning and losing.
In the absence of motivation, there is no development of logic.
Rules for building motivation:
taking into account age (at older ages, cognitive interest displaces gaming motivation);
motivation should be economical (2-3 min), it should not dominate, otherwise cognitive interest is lost;
completeness of the situation, the character must manifest itself during the educational activity itself.
The main part of the GCD.
Having outlined a task for joint implementation (children choose a goal or several goals, goal setting), the adult, as an equal participant, offers all possible ways to implement it. In the process of activity itself, he gradually “sets” the developmental content (new tasks, methods of activity, etc.); offers his idea or his result for children's criticism; shows interest in the results of others; is included in the mutual assessment and interpretation of the participants’ actions; increases the child’s interest in the work of a peer, encourages meaningful communication, provokes mutual assessments, and discussion of emerging problems. Do not evaluate children's answers, accept any. During the activity, the teacher always asks the children “Why, why are you doing this?” so that the child comprehends each step. If a child does something wrong, give him the opportunity to understand for himself: “what exactly is wrong,” you can send a smarter child to help.
The final part of the GCD.
Results and reflection.
First of all, this part is characterized by an “open end”: each child works at his own pace and decides for himself whether he has finished the research or work. An adult's assessment of children's actions can only be given indirectly, as a comparison of the result with the child's goal: what he wanted to do - what happened.
Don’t ask your children: did you like it or not? You need to ask: “Why did you do all this?” to understand whether the child realized the goal... Or “Why did you need this?”, “Could this be useful to you someday?”...
Find someone to praise for something, not only for the result, but also for the activity in the process of work. When organizing direct educational activities, the professional position of the teacher is to obviously respect any statement of the child on the content of the topic under discussion. You need to think in advance about how to discuss children’s “versions”: not in a rigidly evaluative form (right or wrong), but in an equal dialogue. Only in this case will children strive to be “heard” by adults. At the same time, throughout the entire NOD, the child finds himself in a situation in which he needs to argue, object, express a request and assessment, and engage in other types of communication, i.e. speak. This is system-activity technology.
And some more nuances in the organization of GCD.
1. The teacher must be emotional, artistic, use maximum clarity, elements of a fairy tale, surprise, and many game moments.
2. Children should not sit at tables, only when working in notebooks or with handouts. They must move in a group space (the teacher uses dynamic, relaxation breaks, finger games, logarithmics, game training, physical exercises, and round dance games connected by a common theme for this purpose).
3. And, of course, the integration of educational activities, which involves changing the types of children's activities (dramatizing a fairy tale with construction from building material, making attributes for any game with theatricalization; listening to a piece of music with reading poetry, looking at works of fine art and drawing, etc. .d.).
You know how often children’s moods and interests change... this is where the advantages of GCD lie, change, interpenetration in various areas. The advantage of integrated educational activities also lies in increasing the motivation of learning, during which a phenomenon is considered from several sides, creating cognitive interest.
By pushing pupils to think, integrated educational activities in kindergarten teach children to obtain information by thinking outside the box, to compare and generalize it, and to draw conclusions. You know very well that switching to a variety of activities helps to keep children’s attention, which increases the effectiveness of educational activities, relieves fatigue and overstrain. Children study with great interest. And now, having identified the fundamental differences between the old-fashioned lesson and the GCD lesson, you can conclude that occupation-GCD This is an entertaining activity that is based on one of the specific children’s activities (or several - integration), carried out together with an adult, and is aimed at children mastering one or more educational areas (integration of the content of educational areas).
ECD should ensure children's activity, business interaction and communication, children's accumulation of certain information about the world around them, search and experimentation. And although the lesson changes to another form, the learning process remains. Teachers continue to “work” with children. But he teaches children in such a way, I repeat, that they don’t guess about it. This is the main postulate of the new transformations. Annex 1. Forms of educational activities (Examples of forms of work)Motor children's activities
- Outdoor games with rules
- Outdoor didactic games
- Game exercises, game situations
- Competitions, leisure activities
- Rhythmics, aerobics, children's fitness
- Sports games and exercises.
- Attractions
- Sports holidays
- Gymnastics (morning and waking up)
- Organization of swimming
Playful children's activities
- Story games, games with rules
- Creation of a game situation (based on regime moments using the works of writers)
- Games with speech accompaniment
- Finger games
- Theatrical games
Productive children's activities
- Workshop for the production of children's creativity products
- Project implementation
- Children's design
- Experimental activities
- Exhibitions, mini museums
Reading children's fiction
- Reading, discussion
- Memorization, storytelling
- Conversation
- Theatrical activities
- Independent artistic speech activity
- Quiz, KVN
- Questions and answers
- Book presentations
- Exhibitions in the book corner
- Literary holidays, leisure activities.
Cognitive and research activities
- Observation, excursion
- Solving problem situations
- Experimentation, research
- Collecting
- Simulation
- Project implementation
- Intellectual games (puzzles, quizzes, joke problems, puzzles, crosswords, charades)
- Construction
- Hobbies
Communicative children's activities
- Conversation, situational conversation
- Speech situation
- Compiling and guessing riddles
- Games and game situations (story-based, with rules, theatrical)
- Sketches and productions
- Logorhythmics
Children's labor activities
- Duty, assignments, tasks
- Self-service
- Collaboration Appendix 2.
Full analysis of GCD.
GCD is built taking into account the activity approach, and the unified technology for constructing classes is problem dialogue.
Introductory part
1. Introduction to the game situation (or organizational moment).
2. Motivation.

Formation of ideas about upcoming activities. (The game situation should be directly related to the topic of the lesson: what the children need to be taught). The main task at this stage is to generate interest among students in the content of GCD, direct the attention of children, and reveal the educational task. Formation of the ability to listen and follow the instructions of an adult.
3. Statement of the problem.
Difficulty in a game situation. This stage allows the teacher to introduce children to the features and tasks of the upcoming activity, or the creation of a problem situation that requires resolution.
Finding a way out of a difficult situation.
Main part
4. Updating knowledge
The tasks of this stage: updating existing knowledge and ideas. Creating a situation in which there is a need to acquire new ideas and skills. Activities of the teacher: with the help of leading, problematic questions, storytelling, explanation, organization of search activities, lead children to reproduce the information necessary to successfully resolve a problem situation, or to learn something new.
5. Children’s “discovery” of new knowledge and methods of action.
At this stage, the teacher, using introductory dialogue, organizes the construction of new knowledge, which is clearly recorded by him and the children in speech.
5. Independent application of new things in practice. Or updating existing knowledge, ideas, (performing work).
The task of this stage: mastery of methods of action, application of acquired (already existing) skills and ideas. The activity of a teacher is to organize practical activities, provide the necessary assistance, and organize interaction in achieving results.
Incorporation of new knowledge into the child’s knowledge system and repetition. At this stage, the teacher offers games in which new knowledge is used in conjunction with previously learned knowledge. It is also possible to include additional tasks for training mental operations and activity abilities, as well as developmental tasks aimed at proactively preparing children for subsequent classes.
Final part
6. Summary of the lesson. Systematization of knowledge.
Summing up the results of the GCD from different points of view: the quality of assimilation of new knowledge, the quality of the work performed, generalization of the experience gained by the child. In conclusion, the teacher, together with the children, records new knowledge in oral speech and organizes an understanding of their activities in the lesson using questions: “Where were you?”, “What did you do?”, “What did you learn?”, “Who did you help?”. The teacher notes: “We were able to help because we learned..., found out...”.
7. Reflection. Formation of basic skills of self-control and self-esteem (for younger children - reflection of mood and emotional state, for older children - reflection of activities or the content of educational material).

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 153 “Olesya” g.o. Tolyatti “Olesya” of the Togliatti urban district “Organization of direct educational activities (NOD) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.” Prepared by: Educator – Yulia Yuryevna Trishina, Tolyatti, 2017 “To make a serious activity entertaining for a child is the task of initial education” K.D. Ushinsky. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 49 “Merry notes”, building 4 of the city. Tolyatti

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The Education Law provided teaching staff with the opportunity to choose educational programs. But no matter what program the kindergarten chooses, the content of preschool education should be aimed at solving the following tasks: maintaining the child’s health; development of basic personality qualities; building an educational process based on play as the main activity of a preschooler. The effectiveness of the work of a preschool educational institution is based on the constant improvement of the educational process, which affects the results of the work of a preschool educational institution. Organized educational activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Educational Institutions. The main feature of the organization of educational activities in a preschool educational institution at the present stage: avoidance of educational activities (classes), increasing the status of the game as the main type activities of preschool children; inclusion in the process of effective forms of work with children: ICT, project activities, gaming, problem-based learning situations as part of the integration of educational areas. The most important condition for the development of a preschooler is his skillful inclusion in direct educational activities (DEA), which is based on adequate forms of work with children and an individual approach

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GCD is the leading form of organizing joint activities between adults and children, which is determined by the level of mastery of the general education program of preschool education and solving specific educational problems by the age of the children, the immediate environment of the educational institution, the current topic, etc. But the learning process remains. Teachers continue to “work” with children. Meanwhile, it is necessary to understand the difference between “old” learning and “new” learning. GCD is the main form of education in kindergarten. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is based on the most important didactic principle - proper organized education leads to development, the result of which is the success of the upbringing and education of children in preschool educational institutions. GCD – connects the teaching function and joint activities. Standardization of preschool education does not provide for the presentation of strict requirements for children of preschool age, does not consider them within a strict “standard” framework.

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Creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children; Compliance of the goals and objectives of educational activities with the Federal program and the main general education program of the preschool educational institution; Implementation of a set of tasks: training, development, educational; Integration of educational areas. Integration of areas of development and education of children (Educational Areas) Federal State Educational Standards Artistic and aesthetic development Social and communicative development Speech development Physical development Cognitive development Criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education

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Classification of OD in preschool educational institutions (according to S.A. Kozlova) TYPES of GCD: 1 Combined GCD - a combination of different types of activities or several didactic tasks that do not have logical connections with each other (after drawing there is an outdoor game). 2 Complex GCD - implementation of tasks by means of different types of activities with associative connections between them. In this case, one type of activity dominates, and the second complements it, creating an emotional mood (a conversation about fire safety rules turns into drawing a poster on the topic). 3 Integrated GCD - combine knowledge from different educational fields on an equal basis, complementing each other (considering such a concept as “mood” through works of music, literature, painting). Basis of classification Name Didactic task of GCD of mastering new knowledge and skills; GCD for consolidating previously acquired knowledge GCD for creative application of knowledge and skills; A complex GCD, where several problems are solved simultaneously. Contents of OD (section of training) Classical GCD for sections of training; Integrated GCD (including content from several sections of training).

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Preparing for GCD and what should be taken into account? Preparation for GCD includes the following components: Integration of all 5 educational areas (combining knowledge from different educational fields on an equal basis, complementing each other) Correspondence and thoughtfulness of the GCD structure to the tasks, the GCD storyline (chain of logical sequence and interconnection of stages moving from one part to another ) Expediency of time allocation; alternation of intellectual and physical activity, differentiated approach and task variability Preparation of material and equipment; PRS to GCD (age appropriate, aesthetics, safety, rational placement, etc.). Target component (trinity of tasks - a clear definition of teaching, educational and developmental tasks, taking into account the integration of OO) Educational task: to increase the level of development of the child. Educational: to form the moral qualities of the individual, views and beliefs. Developmental: when teaching, develop students’ cognitive interest, creativity, will, emotions, cognitive abilities - speech, memory, attention, imagination, perception.

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GCD goals A goal is an image of the desired result (intention, desire, aspiration, dreams, social order, etc.), which orients the teacher’s activities towards the choice of means and the creation of conditions necessary and sufficient to achieve them. The goal of the GBR, once achieved, should bring it closer to the final goal of the program. Requirements for setting goals: The main basis for setting GBR goals should be an analysis of existing needs and problems at this stage of program implementation, on the one hand, and an analysis of opportunities, means, resources (including . temporary), on the other. Goals must be relevant and relevant to the most significant problems; intense, but real (in the child’s zone of proximal development). Goals must be formulated so specifically that it can be clearly determined whether they have been achieved. Goals must be motivating, stimulating and consistent with the core values ​​of the preschool educational institution. Goals must be known to all participants in the activity, understandable and consciously accepted by them. Goal setting algorithm: Assess the existing problems and determine the main one, clearly formulate it. Determine the steps (actions) to solve it and their sequence. Formulate exactly the intermediate result (effect) from the execution of each step (action). Evaluate which (and how many) of these steps (actions) can be carried out within the framework of one GCD. Formulate the goal of the GCD, containing a description of the effect of the actions that you plan to carry out within the framework of one GCD. What an adult proposes to do must be necessary and interesting for the child, and the meaningfulness of the activity proposed by the adult for the child is the main guarantee of the developmental effect.

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Methodology for carrying out GCD Implementation of children's activities They have the following components: Children's ability to accept a cognitive task Activity of preschoolers Readiness of preschoolers for problematic situations Children's assimilation of program material Children's activities Forms of work Play Game situations, story games, games with rules, table theater, finger games, educational situations, creating a game situation according to regime moments, using a literary work, games with speech accompaniment, theatrical games Cognitive and research Solving problem situations, experimentation, modeling, collecting, project implementation, intellectual, observation, excursion, didactic games, examination, problem solving situations, illustrations, plot paintings, research, mini-museums, construction, hobbies Motor Game exercises, competitions, relay races, sports games and exercises, game conversation with elements of movement, active and didactic games with rules, game situations, leisure, rhythm, aerobics , children's fitness, gymnastics, attractions, sports events, swimming organization Productive Implementation of projects, exhibitions, mini-museums, children's design, workshop for the production of children's creativity products, creation of a creative group, experimental activities, Communicative Conversation, situational conversation, speech situation , composing and guessing riddles, games (plot, with rules, theatrical), composing stories based on a picture, game situations, sketches and performances, logorhythmics Reading (perception) of fiction Reading, discussion, memorization, storytelling, conversation on works, situational conversation with children, literary holidays, leisure, theatrical activities, independent artistic speech activities, quiz, KVN, questions and answers, presentation of books, exhibitions in book corners Musical and artistic Listening and performing musical works, musical and didactic games, conversation, musical and rhythmic movements , elementary music-making, elementary musical creativity, looking at paintings by artists, listening, improvisation, performing, experimenting, outdoor games (with musical accompaniment), Labor Self-service, duty (in the canteen, in the corner of nature, in preparation for activities), work assignments, tasks, joint activities excursion, project implementation

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The introduction of games into the learning process evokes in children: a desire to master the proposed educational content; creates motivation for learning activities; allows you to manage and evaluate children's activities in a playful way; brings pleasure from the result obtained, as well as the possibility of using it in a game after completing the educational activity. The leading activity in the preschool educational institution is gaming. Principles of OD Cultural-historical Personality-oriented Developmental education Amplification of child development Activity-based learning Conformity to nature The principle of health conservation Thematic principle The principle of interest Innovative technologies Project activity Problem-based search (research activities) TRIZ Modeling method Differentiated learning Activity method Integrated learning Problem-based learning Health-saving technologies Computer technologies

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Using various forms of organizing children The form of organizing learning is a way of organizing learning, which is carried out in a certain order and mode. The forms differ: in the number of participants, methods of activity, the nature of the interaction between them, and the location. Forms of training organization Frontal. (General group) The choice of the number of children depends on: the age and individual characteristics of the children; type of activity; children's interest in this activity; complexity of the material. It is necessary to remember: Each child must receive the same starting opportunities for learning at school Individual (with one child) Subgroup (individual-collective) Feature Allows you to individualize learning (content, methods, means), but requires a lot of nervous effort from the child; creates emotional discomfort, uneconomical training; limiting cooperation with other children. (Work with literature; written exercises; experimental activities - experiments, observations; work on the computer.) Feature The group is divided into subgroups. Reasons for recruitment: personal sympathy, common interests, but not according to the level of development. At the same time, it is first of all important for the teacher to ensure the interaction of children in the learning process. (Work in groups during educational activities; excursion in groups; labor practical direct educational activities.) Feature Work with the entire group, clear schedule, uniform content. The advantages of the form are a clear organizational structure, simple management, the ability for children to interact, and cost-effectiveness of training; The disadvantage is the difficulty in individualizing training. (GCD for assimilation of knowledge; mastery of skills and abilities; application of knowledge, skills and abilities; generalization and systematization of knowledge; testing and self-testing of knowledge, skills and abilities; combined according to the complex of its main tasks.)

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Method as a way to achieve a goal Teaching methods in didactics are understood as ways of joint activity between teacher and students in the learning process, with the help of which the implementation of intended tasks is achieved. Each method consists of certain techniques, which are aimed at solving a narrower educational problem. The choice of teaching method depends on the purpose and content of the GCD. All methods are used together, in various combinations with each other, and not in isolation. “Method” is a path to something, a way to achieve a goal. , i.e., a set of techniques and operations used to achieve a goal. “Technique” is an element of one or another method, the particular in relation to the general. The more diverse the techniques, the more meaningful and effective the method they are included in. Traditional methods Modern methods Practical Methods that increase emotional activity (author Smirnov) Visual Methods that increase cognitive activity (author Kozlova) Verbal Methods of forming debt and responsibility (author Babansky ) Perceptual (sensory perception) Methods of creating interest in learning (author Babansky) Visual Methods of increasing cognitive activity (author Poddyakov, .Klyueva) Verbal Methods of forming interest in learning (author Babansky) Game Methods of teaching and developing creativity (prof. N N. Poddyakov)

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The success of formation depends on what motives motivate it. MOTIVATION is a set of motives and motivations that determine the content, direction and nature of activity. The choice of motivation depends on: tasks and goals, taking into account age, motivation should be economical, should not dominate, completeness of the situation. The main motive for a child’s participation/non-participation in the educational process is the presence/lack of interest. Motivation in the formation of educational activities. Types of motivation. Communication motivation. Personal interest. Problem-based everyday. Fairytale. Cognitive. Informational (after 6 years). Semantic (denoting). 6-7 years. Achieving success (5-7 years.) Competitive (6-7 years old) Principles of motivation: You cannot impose your vision on solving a problem on a child. Be sure to ask the child for permission to do a common task with him. Be sure to praise the child’s actions for the result obtained. By acting together with the child, you introduce him to your plans and ways to achieve them. . By following these rules, you give children new knowledge, teach them certain skills, and develop the necessary skills. External motivation is caused by the child’s cognitive interest. The results of ECD are significantly higher if it is motivated by internal motives. Intrinsic motivation is caused by the child’s cognitive interest. The results of GCD are significantly higher if it is motivated by internal motives. Game motivation gives the best results, because children like it. At each age stage, gaming motivation should change.

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The structure of the GCD is aimed at solving certain pedagogical problems and offers a choice of adequate methods and techniques. Stages of implementation of GCD: 1. Motivational stage - Water part: (organization of children) involves the organization of children. Switching children's attention to the upcoming activity, stimulating interest in it, creating an emotional mood, precise and clear instructions for the upcoming activity (sequence of task completion, expected results) 2. Content stage - Main part: (practical activity) aimed at independent mental and practical activity , fulfillment of all assigned educational tasks. During this part of the GCD, training is individualized (minimal assistance, advice, reminders, leading questions, demonstration, additional explanation). The teacher creates conditions for each child to achieve results. 3. Reflective stage - The final part (reflection) is devoted to summing up and assessing the Results of educational activities. The effectiveness of the reflective part – Children’s attitude towards GCD. Motivating children for the future of educational activities. In the younger group, the teacher praises for diligence, the desire to complete the work, and activates positive emotions. In the middle group, he takes a differentiated approach to assessing the results of children’s activities. In the senior and preparatory school groups, children are involved in the assessment and self-assessment of results. GCD structure

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Requirements for organizing educational activities Sanitary and hygienic requirements: Taking into account the age, psychophysiological characteristics of children; Compliance with hygienic conditions: the room must be ventilated, with general normal lighting, the light must fall from the left side; Equipment, tools, materials and their placement must meet pedagogical, hygienic, ophthalmological and aesthetic requirements to satisfy motor activity; The duration of the GCD, which must comply with established standards, and the time must be fully used; The teacher constantly monitors the correct posture of the child and prevents children from becoming overtired during classes; Provide for the alternation of different types of children’s activities not only in different classes, but also during one lesson. Didactic requirements: Precise definition of the educational objectives of GCD, its place in the overall system of educational activities; Creative use of all didactic principles in unity when conducting educational activities; Optimal content of educational activities in accordance with the program and level of preparation of children; Selection of the most rational methods and techniques of teaching depending on the didactic purpose of the GCD; Ensuring the cognitive activity of children and the developmental nature of ECD, Rational correlation of verbal, visual and practical methods for the purpose of ECD; Using didactic material and games, verbal and gaming techniques for teaching purposes. Systematic monitoring of the quality of acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. Organizational requirements: Availability of a well-thought-out plan for conducting GCD; A clear definition of the purpose and didactic objectives of GCD; Competent selection and rational use of various teaching aids, including ICT; Supporting the necessary discipline and organization of children during educational activities. GCD in preschool educational institutions should not be carried out using school technologies; ECD should be carried out in a certain system, connecting them with the everyday life of children; Organization of the learning process, useful integration of content

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Providing psychological and pedagogical conditions in the educational institution Ensuring emotional well-being through direct communication with each child; Respectful attitude towards each child, his feelings and needs; Supporting children's individuality and initiative: through creating conditions for children to freely choose activities, through creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts. Non-directive assistance to children, support for children’s initiative and independence in various activities; Creating conditions for positive, friendly relationships between children; Development of children's communication abilities and children's ability to work in a peer group Form of communication between the teacher and children during educational activities: This is a partnership: Adult - partner, next to the children (together), in a circle Free placement of children is allowed Free movement of children is allowed in the process of activities Allowed free communication of children (work hum) Manifestation of the personal qualities of the teacher. The teacher’s speech (tempo, diction, emotionality, imagery, intonation expressiveness), pedagogical culture, tact, his position in relation to children, style of pedagogical leadership, appearance. Organizing an educational activity in a partnership form requires an adult style of behavior, which can be expressed by the motto: “We are included in the activity, not bound by obligatory relationships, but only by desire and mutual agreement: we all want to do this.” At different stages of educational activities, the partner position of the teacher is manifested in a special way.

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Features of the organization of educational activities: organization of educational activities without coercion; nonviolent forms of organization; the developmental nature of teaching preschoolers; a sensory way of understanding the world; the presence of subjective relations between the teacher and children (cooperation, partnership), a game goal or another interesting to children; relying on the experience and knowledge of children; the predominance of dialogue between the teacher and children; providing children with the opportunity to choose activities and organizing problem-solving activities; a freer, in contrast to the occupation, structure of OD; creating situations of success; development of creativity, independence, initiative of children; active participation of the junior teacher.

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The main goal of educational work is to implement the requirements of the education and training program. The main task is to equip children with knowledge, skills and abilities. And this can be achieved in the process of proper organization of OD, which implies the activity of children, business interaction and communication, the accumulation by children of certain information about the world around them, the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The success and effectiveness of educational work depends on the teacher. GCDs of an integrated nature contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world, since an object or phenomenon is considered from several sides: theoretical, practical, applied. The transition from one type of activity to another allows you to involve each child in an active process; contribute to the formation of collective relationships; As a result, a child-adult community is formed. Conclusion Thus, a properly organized GCD is: Motivation. Subject-subject, cooperation. Integration. Project activities. Partnership. An integrated approach to learning. Independent search activity. Variety of activities. Joint activities of the teacher and the child. Interaction with children's families. Taking into account children's interests. Emotional intensity, interest in what children are doing

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The fundamental documents of the regulatory legal framework of the preschool education system, mandatory for execution in all types and kinds of educational organizations, the guideline for the development of the preschool education system are: the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; Constitution of the Russian Federation; Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1155 of October 17, 2013 “Procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities” (approved by Order No. 1014 dated 30 August, registration with the Ministry of Justice on September 26, 2013); Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of work in preschool organizations. The main general education program is the educational program of the preschool educational institution. The regulatory legal framework of the preschool education system for the organization of OD in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

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Literature: 1. Vasyukova N E Systematic approach to planning pedagogical activities as a condition for integrating the content of preschool education // Theory and methodology of continuous professional education. Collection of proceedings of the All-Russian scientific and methodological conference - Togliatti TSU, 2002 - Volume 1, 2. Vasyukova N E, Chekhonina O I Integration of the content of education through planning pedagogical activities // Kindergarten from A to Z -2004 - No. 6 (12) 3. Vershinina N.B., Sukhanova T.I. Modern approaches to planning educational work in kindergarten. Reference and methodological materials. – Publishing house “Teacher”, 2010 4. Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kibitina I.I. Senior kindergarten teacher. – M.: Education, 1990. 5. Vorobyova T.K. Planning the work of a preschool educational institution. – M.: “Ansel-M”, 1997. . 6. Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” 7. Implementation of the complex thematic principle of organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution (methodological recommendations). Ekaterinburg, 2011.

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Cheat sheet for educators “How to prepare GCD” I. Clear definition and formulation of the topic and leading concepts, the place of the topic in the plan of the educational process. II. Determination of goals and objectives (target setting of GCD - for yourself and for children. Outline the teaching, developing and educating function of GCD) III. Planning educational material: Select equipment and teaching material (literature, visual aids, etc.) on the topic, selecting only those that serve to solve the assigned problems in the simplest way. Select learning tasks whose purpose is: learning new material, reproduction, creative approach to the task. Arrange teaching tasks in accordance with the principle “from simple to complex.” Three sets of tasks: -leading children to reproduce the material, -promoting comprehension and consolidation of the material. IV. Thinking through the “highlight” of the GCD, taking into account the age of the children, which will cause surprise, amazement, delight, and will remain in the children’s memory (an interesting fact, an unexpected discovery, a beautiful experience, a non-standard approach to what is already known) V. Grouping of selected material: designation of the sequence in which it will be organized work with the selected material, then how the change of activities will be carried out. The main thing when grouping is the ability to find a form of organizing a lesson that will cause increased activity in children, and not a passive perception of the new VI. Planning control over children's activities: Think through: what to control, how to control, how to use the results of control. Don’t forget: the more often everyone’s work is monitored, the easier it is to see typical mistakes and difficulties, and to show preschoolers the teacher’s genuine interest in their work. After the teacher has conducted a GCD, it is necessary to conduct self-analysis in the same way that adequate, complete reflection helps the teacher to understand his own feelings, look impartially at his work and take into account mistakes when preparing for subsequent GCD. This system of constructing, conducting and analyzing GCD helps teachers to work, and children to gain the necessary knowledge and prepare for school with interest and ease. Memo for educators. An approximate list of verbs for composing tasks. -Activate... -Introduce new roles (events, actions)... -Educate... -Achieve... -Reinforce... -Remind... -Master... -Provide... -Enrich... -Help... -Show... -Involve... -Expand... ... -Create conditions (environment)... -Promote... -Strengthen health... -Form skills... -Form ideas... -Develop interest...need... -Develop desire... -Create conditions (environment)...

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1. Smart girl! You are right! 2.Correct! 3.This is good! 4. Great! 5. Great! 6.This is what you need! 7.This is the best! 8. Extraordinary! 9.. Wonderful! Good job! 10. I'm proud of the way you worked. 11.You are now on the right track. 12. I knew what you could do 13. I like the way you think! 14. I am very proud of you 15. Your work has brought me a lot of joy 16. I believe in you, you always succeed. 17. By continuing to work the same way, you will achieve a lot. Memo to the teacher “Evaluation by the teacher of children’s activities” A benevolent assessment of the teacher (adult) always gives birth in a small heart to the desire to be better, to be oneself. Express your feelings freely and sincerely to your child. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 49 “Veselye Notki”, building 4 (kindergarten “Olesya”). Togliatti “Organization of direct educational activities (NOD) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”. Prepared by: Educator – Yulia Yuryevna Trishina “To make a serious activity entertaining for a child is the task of initial education” K. Ushinsky The pupil should be not only the object of education, but also the subject of it... P. Blonsky The child’s subjectivity is one of the indicators of the quality of N. Veraks’ work ...The learning process for children in kindergarten should be based on visualization in learning...this special organization of the environment helps to expand and deepen children’s ideas. E.I. Tikheyeva ...OD should be developmental in nature, ensuring maximum activity and independence of the cognition process. I. Pestalozzi Legal address: 445054, Russian Federation, Samara region, Tolyatti, st. Mira, 131; Trishina Yulia Yurievna Tel. 89608475408 e-mail: [email protected] 2016

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MEMO "GCD" Goals and objectives of GCD: compliance with the topic, level of preparedness, correctness and validity of setting educational and educational goals and objectives of GCD, taking into account the characteristics of the topic of the day, week, place of this issue in children Structure and organization of GCD: thoughtfulness of the main type of children's activity and form its organization, logical sequence and interconnection of stages; feasibility of time allocation; rationality of choice of forms of organization of structural components; rational organization of work for the teacher and children. availability of a plan and organization of its implementation by the teacher; equipment. Contents of the GCD: compliance of the content with the requirements of the educational educational institution; reflection of the theme of the day, week, regional component; completeness, reliability, accessibility of presentation; scientific level of the material presented; educational orientation of the lesson; degree of moral influence; implementation of developmental opportunities of the lesson in terms of the formation of active children's activity, independent thinking, cognitive interests; leading (motivating) children to perceive new knowledge; highlighting the main idea of ​​knowledge; highlighting the main idea of ​​the new material; formation of new concepts and active vocabulary. Organization of independent work of children: nature of training exercises, types of independent work, degree of complexity, variability, taking into account the level of preparedness of children; instruction and assistance from the teacher; degree of assimilation of new material (efficiency); connection of the new with the previously learned; repetition (organization, forms, techniques, volume); types of organization of independent activity (according to a sample, according to a plan, diagram, model, according to verbal instructions) Methodology for conducting ECD: determining the validity and correctness of the selection of methods, techniques and teaching aids, their compliance with the content of educational material, set goals, educational capabilities of children of a given age; use of developmental learning technologies; a variety of techniques and methods used by the teacher; assessment of the teacher's methodological equipment with pedagogical technologies; emotional presentation of the material; the effectiveness of using visual aids, didactic handouts and technical teaching aids. The culture of communication between the teacher and children: compliance with the norms of pedagogical ethics and tact, creation of a moral and psychological climate in the children's team. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions, didactic and organizational requirements. Analysis of the implementation of GCD GCD is the leading form of organizing joint activities of adults and children, which is determined by the level of mastery of the preschool education educational program and the solution of specific educational tasks 1 Combined GCD - a combination of different types of activities or several didactic tasks that do not have logical connections between each other (after drawing there is a moving a game) . 2 Complex GCD - implementation of tasks by means of different types of activities with associative connections between them. In this case, one type of activity dominates, and the second complements it, creating an emotional mood (a conversation about fire safety rules turns into drawing a poster on the topic). 3 Integrated GCD - combine knowledge from different educational fields on an equal basis, complementing each other (considering such a concept as “mood” through works of music, literature, painting). TYPES OF "NOD"

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Legal address: 445054, Russian Federation, Samara region, Tolyatti, st. Mira, 131; Trishina Yulia Yurievna Tel. 89608475408 e-mail: [email protected] 2016 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 49 “Veselye notki”, building 4 (kindergarten “Olesya”), city. Tolyatti “Organization of direct educational activities (NOD) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”. Prepared by: Educator - Trishina Yulia Yuryevna Stages of implementation of the ECD: 1. Motivational stage - Water part: (organization of children) - 3 minutes Involves organization of children. Switching children's attention to the upcoming activity, stimulating interest in it, creating an emotional mood, precise and clear instructions for the upcoming activity (sequence of task completion, expected results) 2. Content stage - Main part: (practical activity) aimed at independent mental and practical activity , fulfillment of all assigned educational tasks. During this part of the GCD, training is individualized (minimal assistance, advice, reminders, leading questions, demonstration, additional explanation). The teacher creates conditions for each child to achieve results. 3. Reflective stage - Final part (reflection) – 2 min. Dedicated to summing up and assessing the results of educational activities. The effectiveness of the reflective part is the attitude of children towards GCD. Motivating children for the future of educational activities. In the younger group, the teacher praises for diligence, the desire to complete the work, and activates positive emotions. In the middle group, he takes a differentiated approach to assessing the results of children’s activities. In the senior and preparatory school groups, children are involved in the assessment and self-assessment of results. The form of communication between the teacher and children during educational activities: This is a Partnership relationship: An adult is a partner, next to the children (together), in a circle. Free placement of children is allowed. Free movement of children is allowed in the process of activities. Free communication of children is allowed (work hum). Manifestation of the personal qualities of the teacher. ? The teacher’s speech (pace, diction, emotionality, imagery, intonation expressiveness), pedagogical culture, tact, his position in relation to children, style of pedagogical leadership, appearance

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Carried out in kindergarten learning process is an integral part of the educational process and is aimed at the overall development of the child’s personality. The purpose of teaching preschoolers- transferring to children the socio-historical experience of humanity.

Form of training organization- this is a joint activity of the teacher and students, which is carried out in a certain order and established mode.

The forms vary according to:

Quantitative composition of students;

The nature of the interaction between students and the teacher (degree of activity and independence);

Methods of activity (methods and techniques);


Specific weight, i.e. according to the place they occupy in the educational process. This place, in turn, is determined by the nature of educational tasks that are solved in one form or another of organizing the learning process.

The following are used in kindergarten forms of organized training: frontal; group; individual (table 1)

Table 1

Forms of training organization



Allows you to individualize learning (content, methods, means), but requires a lot of nervous effort from the child; creates emotional discomfort; uneconomical training; limiting cooperation with other children.


The group is divided into subgroups. Reasons for recruitment: personal sympathy, common interests, but not according to levels of development. At the same time, it is first of all important for the teacher to ensure the interaction of children in the learning process.


Work with the whole group, clear schedule, uniform content. At the same time, the content of training in frontal classes can be activities of an artistic nature. The advantages of the form are a clear organizational structure, simple management, the ability for children to interact, and cost-effectiveness of training;

The disadvantage is the difficulty in individualizing learning.

Frontal form of organization of NOD necessary in the conditions of a modern preschool institution. The content of the frontal GCD can be an activity of an artistic nature. For example, musical classes, a dramatization, a travel game, acquaintance with works of art, etc. In these educational activities, the effect of “emotional impact and empathy” is important, which leads to increased mental activity and encourages the child to express himself.

Individual form of training organization contains many positive factors. The teacher has the opportunity to determine the task, content, methods and means of teaching in accordance with the level of development of the child, taking into account the pace of his assimilation of the material, the characteristics of mental processes, etc. Naturally, it is not possible to do this in a frontal lesson.

Despite all the obvious advantages of individual lessons over frontal ones, they cannot become the main form of education in a preschool institution, due to the uneconomical nature of training in time and the requirement of large nervous costs.

Group (differential) form of training assumes that classes are held with a subgroup. To do this, the group is divided into subgroups no more than 6 people.

Training in educational educational institutions, regardless of the form of its organization, differs primarily software. The teacher outlines the program content that should be implemented during the GCD.

GCD- This:

The main form of organization of a child’s cognitive activity;

A dynamic, improving procedural system, reflecting all aspects of the educational process;

An elementary structure-forming unit of the educational process, with the implementation of a certain part of the curriculum;

A single link in the system of educational and cognitive activity.

For didactic purposes GCDs are divided the following groups: GCD for mastering new knowledge and skills; GCD for consolidating previously acquired knowledge and skills; GCD for the creative application of knowledge and skills, complex GCD, combined GCD and control (test) GCD.

Currently they predominate complex gcd, in which several didactic tasks are simultaneously solved (systematization of knowledge, skills and development of creative abilities, etc.). In a complex GCD, problems of two or more types of activities are solved. It is important to note that it is necessary to maintain a single storyline of the lesson and not allow a set of exercises for different types of activities without any logic.

In a combined gcd there is a combination of didactic tasks for learning, repetition and consolidation of knowledge.

In integrated gcd the association is not arbitrary or mechanical. It is necessary to provide for the integration of knowledge in such a way that they complement and enrich each other when solving didactic problems.

For example, before listening to P. I. Tchaikovsky’s play “The Doll’s Disease,” children are shown a corresponding dramatization (or asked to talk about their favorite toy). After learning a poem about winter, the kids participate in general applicative work - they make a panel “Snowflakes” (or perform imitation movements “Snowflakes are Flying” to the music). Physical education classes will organically include work on the formation of spatial orientations.

GCDs have a certain structure, which is largely dictated by the content of training and the specifics of children’s activities. Regardless of these factors, in any GCD there are three main parts, inextricably linked by general content and methodology, namely: the beginning, the progress of the GCD (process) and the end (table).

Structure of the classical gcd

Structural component

Start of class

Involves organizing children: switching children's attention to the upcoming activity, stimulating interest in it, creating an emotional mood; precise and clear instructions for the upcoming activity (sequence of task completion, expected results)

Progress (process)

Independent mental and practical activity of children, fulfillment of all assigned educational tasks.

During this part of the GCD, training is individualized (minimal assistance, advice, reminders, leading questions, demonstration, additional explanation).

The teacher creates conditions for each child to achieve results.


Dedicated to summing up and assessing the results of educational activities.

In the younger group, the teacher praises for diligence, the desire to complete the work, and activates positive emotions.

In the middle group, he takes a differentiated approach to assessing the results of children’s activities. In the senior and preparatory school groups, children are involved in the assessment and self-assessment of results.

GCD structure:

Organizing time

Setting a goal

Organization of cognitive activity and practical activities (main part)

Analysis of children's activities

Depending on the section of training and the goals of the ECD, the methodology for conducting each part of the ECD may be different. Private methods provide more specific recommendations for conducting each part of the GCD. After carrying out the educational activity, the teacher analyzes its effectiveness, the children’s mastery of program tasks, reflects on the activity and outlines the prospects for the activity.

Methodology of conducting classes

Of great importance beginning of gcd, organizing children's attention, setting an educational or creative task for children, explaining how to complete it.

The beginning of ECD presupposes the direct organization of children: it is necessary to switch their attention to the upcoming activity, arouse interest in it, create an appropriate emotional mood, and reveal the educational task. The explanation is given in a businesslike, calm, moderately emotional manner. Based on the explanation and demonstration of methods of action, the child forms an elementary plan: how he will need to act himself, in what sequence to complete the task, what results to strive for.

It is important that the teacher, while explaining and showing methods of action, activates the children, encourages them to comprehend and remember what he is talking about. Children should be given the opportunity to repeat and pronounce certain provisions (for example, how to solve a problem, make a toy). The explanation should not take more than 3-5 minutes.

Progress (process) of gcd- this is an independent mental or practical activity of children, consisting in the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are determined by the educational task.

During ECD, the teacher involves all children in active participation in the work, taking into account their individual characteristics, develops children's learning skills, and develops the ability to evaluate and control their actions. The educational situation is used to develop in children a friendly attitude towards friends, endurance, and determination.

During the NOD, the teacher conveys knowledge to children in a strict logical sequence. Any knowledge (especially new) should be based on the child’s subjective experience, his interests, inclinations, aspirations, individually significant values ​​that determine the uniqueness of each child’s perception and awareness of the world around him.

At this stage GCD teaching techniques individualized according to with the level of development, pace of perception, peculiarities of thinking of each child. Appeals to all children are necessary only if many have errors in completing a learning task as a result of an unclear explanation from the teacher.

Minimal assistance is provided to those who remember quickly and easily, are attentive, know how to analyze, and compare their actions and results with the instructions of the teacher. In case of difficulties, advice, reminders, and a leading question are enough for such a child. The teacher gives each student the opportunity to think and try to independently find a way out of a difficult situation. Some children sometimes require additional explanations, demonstrations, or direct assistance from the teacher; others require verbal instructions.

The teacher strives to ensure that each child achieves a result that indicates his progress, showing what he has learned. Achieving a result is the necessary completion of practical and educational activities in the GCD. This strengthens the child’s will and increases interest in acquiring knowledge and skills.

One of the forms of increasing the performance of children, preventing fatigue associated with great concentration, prolonged attention, as well as monotonous body position while sitting at the table, is physical education moment.

Physical education sessions have a beneficial effect on increasing the activity of children and help prevent postural disorders. Usually these are short breaks (2-3 minutes) to conduct 2-3 physical education exercises in educational activities in mathematics, native language, and art activities.

End of gcd is devoted to summing up and assessing the results of children's educational activities. The quality of the result obtained depends on the age and individual characteristics of the children, and on the complexity of the learning task.

Completion of GCD in junior groups is aimed at strengthening positive emotions associated with both the content of the educational activity and the activities of children. In the younger group, the teacher approves of the children, praises them for their diligence and desire to complete the task, i.e. activates positive emotions associated with the learning content.

In the middle group he takes a differentiated approach to assessing the results of children’s activities and their attitude towards completing a task. This is done so that the child understands the essence of the educational task, understands the importance of attentive attention to the teacher’s instructions, and the need to complete the work in a certain sequence. Assessment teaches the child to see his successes, and sometimes mistakes, and to understand their reasons.

At the end of the GCD with older children the general result of cognitive activity is formulated. At the same time, the teacher strives to ensure that the final judgment is the fruit of the efforts of the children themselves, to encourage them to emotionally evaluate the lesson. In the older group, children are involved in assessing and self-assessing the results of their activities.

Children's education is not limited to GCD. Moreover, as A.P. Usova noted at one time, a child acquires a significant part of knowledge and skills without special training, in everyday communication with adults, peers, during games and observations. That's why The teacher’s task is to help the child acquire complete knowledge outside of GCD. To this end, the teacher thinks through the tasks and ways of organizing children’s education outside of educational activities. With someone you need to repeat a poem, with someone you need to practice ordinal counting, with some children you need to jump, run... The teacher outlines a lot of similar tasks, and to solve them he chooses one or another time of the day (walking time, morning, when the main some of the children have not arrived yet, etc.).

Sometimes it is advisable to unite several children who have common “problems” (deficiencies in sound pronunciation; poverty of vocabulary, gaps in knowledge and skills). This kind of work is called differentiated. It saves the teacher’s time and allows children to communicate during the learning process. For example, a teacher brings together three children with unstable attention and invites them to participate in a competition to complete a picture from a mosaic. And two more children who are not good with scissors will be asked to help cut the strips into squares that will be needed in tomorrow's lesson.

Education for children outside of educational activities is provided by didactic and outdoor games, preparation for holidays and entertainment; reading fiction; observations while walking and much more. It is advisable for children of older preschool age to be offered “homework” from time to time, the completion of which is designed for the help of parents and other family members. For example, pick up folk signs about the weather, learn a tongue twister, a riddle, a poem, make a toy from a construction set, paper, natural material, etc.

In everyday life are happening practicing, consolidating and expanding knowledge and skills, learned in GCD. Thus, at NOD, preschoolers became acquainted with proverbs. But understanding the subtext of a proverb (the internal meaning, the background) is a long process. Therefore, in the future, the teacher uses all suitable situations to deepen the understanding of proverbs and introduce them into the active speech of children.

When conducting GCD, the following must be followed: hygienic requirements for maximum load children in organizational forms of education. Number of GCDs per week and duration determined by the program and complies with SanPiN (dated July 22, 2010 No. 91).

1 GCD per week in the 2nd junior group, 1 GCD per week on Wed. gr., 1 GCD per week in the st.gr., 2 GCD per week - in the preparatory group.

10 minutes - 1 junior group,

15 minutes. - 2nd junior group,

20 minutes. - middle group,

25 min. - senior group,

30 min. in the preparatory group.

ECD, which requires mental stress of the child, is recommended to be carried out in the 1st half of the day, but not on Monday in combination with more active ones: musical, physical education, fine arts.

Training is conducted according to program sections. Children are given elementary knowledge that is understandable to them. By mastering these sections of learning, children are prepared to master academic subjects at school. In kindergarten, 2 - 3 educational activities are held per day, lasting from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the age characteristics of the child, usually in the first half of the day.

GCD structure
- Organizing time;
- beginning of GCD (settings for the progress of GCD);
- GCD move;
assessment of children's activities, summing up (end of GCD). In preschool educational institutions, visual and game methods in combination with verbal ones predominate. E.I. Tikheyeva believed that the learning process for children in kindergarten should be based on visualization in teaching. She argued that the special organization of the environment contributes to the expansion and deepening of children’s ideas.

When organizing the education of children in preschool educational institutions and conducting educational activities, teachers must take into account the following requirements:
The learning process should not be mixed with the game, because... In play, the child masters to a greater extent methods of communication and masters human relationships.
GCD should be developmental in nature, ensuring maximum activity and independence of the cognition process.
Widely use didactic games (printed board games, games with objects (plot-didactic and dramatization games), verbal games) and gaming techniques, didactic material for educational purposes.
GCD in preschool educational institutions should not be carried out using school technologies.
GCD should be carried out in a certain system, connecting them with the everyday life of children (the knowledge gained in the classroom is used in free activities).
In organizing the learning process, integration of content is useful, which makes the learning process meaningful, interesting for children and contributes to the effectiveness of development. For this purpose, integrated and comprehensive GCDs are carried out. Structure of educational activities directly
The beginning of NOD involves organizing children:
Switching children's attention to the upcoming activity, stimulating interest in it, creating an emotional mood, precise and clear instructions for the upcoming activity (sequence of task completion, expected results)

Progress (process) of GCD.

Independent mental and practical activity of children, fulfillment of all assigned educational tasks.
During this part of the GCD, training is individualized (minimal assistance, advice, reminders, leading questions, demonstration, additional explanation). The teacher creates conditions for each child to achieve results.
The end of the GCD is devoted to summing up and assessing the results of educational activities. In the younger group, the teacher praises for diligence, the desire to complete the work, and activates positive emotions. In the middle group, he takes a differentiated approach to assessing the results of children’s activities. In the senior and preparatory school groups, children are involved in the assessment and self-assessment of results.
Depending on the section of training and the goals of the ECD, the methodology for conducting each part of the ECD may be different. After carrying out the educational activity, the teacher analyzes its effectiveness, the children’s mastery of program tasks, reflects on the activity and outlines the prospects for the activity.

The triune goal of direct educational activities (GED)
Educational: increase the level of child development
Educational: to form the moral qualities of the individual, views and beliefs.
Developmental: when teaching, develop students’ cognitive interest, creativity, will, emotions, cognitive abilities - speech, memory, attention, imagination, perception. The ECD will be held correctly, fully, and with benefit for the children, if before it is carried out the teacher correctly draws up a plan for the event, prepares and organizes everything.

Educational program of the city preschool educational institution of combined type kindergarten No. 187 “Umka”

The main program directions for the development of the baby.

Parshina S.V. | Activity approach in preschool education

To form the practical acquisition of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

Form correct pronunciation (cultivating articulatory abilities, sound pronunciation, syllable structure and phonemic perception).

Develop coherent speech abilities.

Provide work on preparing for writing, literacy and speech training.

Selection and integration of upbringing, education and development programs children preschool age.

^ Development directions and goals.

Partial programs and technologies.

1. Education and training program in kindergarten/Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova.T.S. Komarova. – 6th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.

1. Greenish light of health. - M.Yu. Kartushina, 2000, decision of the editorial board of JSC IPPC in Arkhangelsk.

^ Social and personal direction:

1. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. - O.V. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva, 1998 recommended by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation.

1. Program for education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova.T.S. Komarova. – 6th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.

1. Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in the criteria of a special kindergarten. - T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina,

1. Program for education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova.T.S. Komarova. – 6th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.

1.Musical masterpieces. - O.P. Radynova, 2002,

^II. Organization of the children's stay in preschool institution.

2.1. A model of the daily organization of the educational process in a preschool institution.

^ Junior preschool age.

Directions of child development.

1st half of the day.

Reception children in the air (in the warm season)

Gymnastics after sleep.

Direct educational activities.

GCD in individual form.

Morning reception children, individual and subgroup.

GCD in individual form.

^ Senior preschool age.

Directions of child development.

1st half of the day.

Physical development and recovery.

Receiving children outdoors (during the warm season)

Gymnastics after sleep.

GCD of the cognitive-speech cycle.

Morning reception of children, individual and subgroup conversations.

Education in the process of household work and work in nature.

GCD for musical development and visual arts.

2.2 Working version of the educational process in a preschool institution for a month.

2.3. Model for organizing the educational process in preschool institution for the academic year.

2.4. Organization of the educational process, independent play activities and walks during the day.

2.5 Basic curriculum of direct educational activities for the 2011-2012 academic year for groups of general developmental orientation implementing a comprehensive “Program of education and training in kindergarten»

^ Name of the educational activity itself.

Preparatory (No. 5, 7)

^ Basic part (invariant)

The child and the world around him.

Speech development. Fiction.

Speech development and preparation for literacy.

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Design and manual labor.

^ Variable part (modular)

Name of additional direct educational activity.


Kindergarten and school teachers. Nod what is needed Notes on physical development in the preparatory group p. Health-saving technologies - NewReferat. What are Forms of recreational work in preschool preschool education. FGT of preschool education. What is FGT? domestic preschool education? that in senior preschool. Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education. that the teacher works in small groups on GCD, in preschool education / T. Planning in a preschool institution c. Home > GCD notes > Planning in B preschool education"What it is. Robotics in education - What is it. What is the use of interactive constructors in preschool application 5 GCD. Consultation “What is a lapbook.” To educators. and in preschool education. What is a game and how does it work in GCD for development. “Preschool child. ru" - "Innovative technologies in preschool. “Innovative technologies in preschool. Notes on cognitive educational activities. Educational technologies in kindergarten. that T. Khabarov's book "Pedagogical technologies in preschool education" T. Physical culture - Preschool education. Summary of an open physical education lesson “What is GCD in the senior class and what do children take.