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Does soe increase? Elevated soy in the blood: causes and what it means. What to do? How to normalize ESR in the blood

One of the indicators studied in the course of a clinical blood test (general analysis) is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, denoted by the short abbreviation ESR, or ROE. Its significance for the diagnosis of diseases, although not specific, is quite large, since an increased ESR in the blood is a reason for further diagnostic search. The main reasons for this kind of deviation from the norm are given in this article.

In what case is it said to accelerate the ESR

The generally accepted norm for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is:

  • For adult males - 1-10 mm / h;
  • For adult females - 2-15 mm / h;
  • For persons over 75 years old - up to 20 mm / h;
  • Small children, regardless of the gender of the child - 3-12 mm / h.

The unit of measurement sounds like the number of millimeters that red blood cells settle in one hour. Such a diagnostic test is based on the study of the ability of erythrocytes to precipitate under the influence of their own weight when they stay in a vertical thin glass vessel in conditions of deprivation of the blood's ability to coagulate. Therefore, the ESR value determines the content of erythrocytes and the composition of the plasma, as well as their functional abilities and usefulness.

Important to remember! An increase or acceleration of ESR is said when the age norm of the indicator is exceeded. This increase can be both insignificant (a few millimeters) and pronounced (tens of mm/h). The more pronounced the deviation from the norm, the higher the diagnostic value of this indicator!

Physiological acceleration

There are a number of conditions in which a high ESR has the right to be regarded as a variant of the norm. Reasons for this kind of increase:

  • Any terms of pregnancy, especially against the background of toxicosis;
  • lactation and breastfeeding;
  • Taking drugs containing hormonal substances (sex hormones, oral contraceptives);
  • Anemia of any kind and origin;
  • Weight loss due to malnutrition (diet or fasting);
  • Overweight with obesity and an increase in the amount of cholesterol fractions in the blood;
  • Formation of immunity against the background of transferred infectious processes or vaccinations.

ESR as a signal of the presence of infection in the body

Inflammatory reactions

Inflammation in any part of the human body, sooner or later, will lead to an increase in ESR. This is due to the fact that during inflammation there is a constant release into the blood of specific substances that change the charge of the erythrocyte membrane or the qualitative composition of the blood plasma. The more intense the inflammation in the body, the more the ESR will accelerate. Specificity in relation to the localization of the process cannot be determined by this indicator. These can be inflammatory processes in the brain and its membranes, soft tissues of the limbs, internal organs and intestines, lymph nodes, kidneys and bladder, heart and lungs. Therefore, when assessing an elevated ESR in the blood, attention is necessarily drawn to the patient's clinical symptoms and signs of the disease.

Suppurative processes

Most cases of diseases accompanied by purulent tissue breakdown are diagnosed not so much by the ESR indicator. They are characterized by a vivid clinical picture and do not require a large diagnostic search. But sometimes, by assessing the ability of erythrocytes to settle, one can suspect the presence of suppurative processes. This is most typical for people with reduced immunity. In such people, in the presence of large abscesses (abscesses, phlegmon, furunculosis, sepsis), even leukocytes may not go beyond the normal range.

Autoimmune diseases

The ESR increases very strongly and remains at a high level for a long time in autoimmune diseases. These include various vasculitis, thrombocytopenic purpura, lupus erythematosus, rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma. Such a reaction of the indicator is due to the fact that all these diseases change the properties of blood plasma so much that it is oversaturated with immune complexes, making the blood defective.

An increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, combined with an increase in the number of leukocytes, indicates the presence of acute inflammatory diseases.

Malignant neoplasms

Moderate but persistent acceleration of ESR in persons after 40 years of age without visible signs of any pathology should be alarming regarding the potential for cancer. Malignant neoplasms of any localization are equally capable of affecting the ability of erythrocytes to settle. That is why it is not considered a specific marker for certain types of cancer. Such patients are required to undergo a preventive oncological examination, which can be extended by additional methods if indicated. ESR is especially increased in cancerous transformation of the bone marrow - leukemia and any type of disease associated with hematopoietic tissue.

Important to remember! Assessing the ESR, be sure to pay attention to the cellular composition of the blood. It is unacceptable to make final conclusions about the presence of diseases only on the basis of the characteristics of this indicator!

tissue destruction

Any destructive changes in aseptic tissues can also cause an increase in ESR. It usually occurs some time after the problem occurs. Such conditions include myocardial infarction and the post-infarction period, impaired blood supply to the lower extremities, major injuries and burns, surgical interventions, and any poisoning.

There are many reasons for increasing ESR. Therefore, the assessment of this indicator can only be entrusted to a truly knowledgeable specialist. You should not do something yourself that cannot be correctly determined with certainty.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a non-specific reaction, a single functional indicator that reflects the intensity of the inflammatory or autoimmune process in the human body.

This simple, cheap and popular laboratory test, presented in the general analysis, allows you to evaluate the rate of separation of blood into a liquid transparent part (plasma) and red blood cells.

In medical practice, the phenomenon of erythrocyte sedimentation was already known in the Middle Ages, when the method of bloodletting was widely used. When performing this procedure, doctors noticed that the released blood separates into two parts over time. The test began to be used in practice more than 100 years ago, and still stands the test of time.

In 1924 T.P. Panchenkov proposed a micromethod for determining the ESR. Its essence is as follows. Blood is taken into a glass tube graduated to 100 divisions (Panchenkov's capillary) with an inner diameter of 1 mm.

Next, the blood is thoroughly mixed with an anticoagulant - 5% sodium citrate solution, the capillary is installed strictly vertically in a special stand. Gradually, the erythrocytes sink down under the influence of gravity, and plasma remains in the upper part of the pipette. ESR is taken into account after an hour according to the height of the transparent column.

To determine the ESR, the Westergren method is used, which is recognized as a reference, it is used in most laboratories abroad. For research, venous blood and a capillary tube 200 mm long with a lumen of 2.4-2.5 mm are taken. The sensitivity of this method is higher.

The results in the area of ​​normal ESR values ​​approximately coincide with the results obtained when determining the indicator using the Panchenkov method.

The described methods have a number of disadvantages; therefore, automatic analyzers have been introduced into practice, which make it possible to repeatedly measure the optical density of the test sample.

In some physiological processes and various pathological conditions, erythrocyte sedimentation can occur faster than normal. As a result, the analysis will show an increased ESR in the blood, but what does this mean and why does it happen?

This is due to a change in the normal ratio between fine plasma albumins and coarse globulins and fibrinogen in favor of the latter. Suspension stability decreases, which provokes an increase in erythrocyte sedimentation.

Fibrinogen and positively charged globulins collect on the surface of red blood cells, which have a negative charge. As a result, the force of mutual repulsion is weakened, and the formed agglomerates sink to the bottom faster. The larger they are, the faster the reaction.

Most often, an increase in ESR reflects the inflammatory process in the body.

The norm of ESR in the blood in women and men, table

Normally, ESR in the blood of adults ranges from 1-15 mm / h. In women, this indicator is in the range of 2-15 mm/hour, in males it varies from 1-10 mm/hour.

In newborns, ESR usually does not exceed 2 mm / h, which is associated with high hematocrit, low blood levels of proteins and globulins in particular.

Normal children are characterized by a reduced erythrocyte sedimentation reaction (1-8 mm/h) in comparison with adults. Middle-aged people have slightly lower rates than older people.

ESR table for age and gender

Gender and age limitsESR, mm/h
Womenup to 60 years2-10
after 60 yearsup to 20 (30)
Menup to 60 yearsto 10
after 60 yearsup to 15 (20)

The ESR norm for the age category after 70 years is practically absent, since at this age it is difficult to find absolutely healthy people to determine normal digital values.

Causes of increased ESR in a child

The ESR in the blood of a child can be increased for many reasons, and some of them are not a cause for strong feelings. One of the factors causing its increase in children is teething. The abundance of fatty foods in the mother's diet during breastfeeding can affect.

Taking certain medications, helminthiases, an allergic reaction to something, a lack of vitamins - all this can change the ESR in a big way.

Deviation from the norm is also caused by pathological processes, but at the same time, certain symptoms are observed, as well as a change in other indicators in the general blood test.

Causes of increased ESR in the blood in adults

An increase in ESR in the blood in an adult occurs as a result of both physiological and pathological causes. The fluctuation of the value is possible even during the day and the maximum level is noted in the daytime. Physiological reasons include: pregnancy, menstruation, short-term hypothermia, overheating, old age, gender.

The ESR in the blood of women is increased when compared with that of men. To some extent, this is due to a smaller number of erythrocytes in the blood, a high content of fibrinogen and globulins.

The pathological causes of an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction include:

  • acute inflammatory and infectious processes;
  • immune disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • anemia;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • inflammatory bowel disease;
  • conditions after surgical interventions;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • heart attacks (heart, kidney, lung);
  • endocrine pathology ();
  • intoxication;
  • injury.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to compare this value with other indicators of the general analysis. Often with high ESR in the blood, elevated and C-reactive protein. In modern medicine, this is a more indicative marker of the inflammatory process in the body. After an infectious disease, not only an increased ESR, but also platelets in the blood can be observed for a long time.

A pathological increase in ESR does not always indicate a disease. A small percentage of individuals have an abnormal ESR, in the absence of disease.

Taking oral contraceptives and vitamin A can also affect the result. In some cases, a laboratory error is possible, therefore, if the values ​​are too high, the settling rate should be re-determined.

During pregnancy, ESR in the blood rises. By the third trimester, the indicator increases about three times and can reach the border of about 45 mm / h. That is, the higher the gestational age, the higher the ESR.

Such changes in the female body are genetically programmed and are adaptive in nature, and the degree of their severity depends on the number of fetuses, gestational age, and individual reserve capabilities of the mother. Even after giving birth within a month, the settling rate often remains high and this is considered the norm.

Against the background of a normal pregnancy, the range of changes in ESR varies significantly according to the data of various authors. The increase in the indicator does not depend on the sex of the fetus, but the figures are slightly higher for mothers of girls.

Treatment for elevated ESR in the blood

ESR is not a specific diagnostic parameter for specific diseases, therefore, in order to prescribe treatment, the patient must be carefully examined. The treatment process depends on what is causing the deviation from the norm.

To reduce ESR, you need to eliminate inflammation and cure a certain disease. Only a doctor can decide on the need for treatment.

Thus, ESR depends on protein fractions and reflects a change in the protein composition of the blood, so an increase should be expected in all conditions accompanied by an inflammatory process, immune disorders.

A blood test for erythrocyte sedimentation rate is one of the simplest and cheapest diagnostic methods. This sensitive test can detect the development of inflammation, infection, or other disease at an early stage when symptoms are absent. Therefore, an ESR study is part of both routine medical examinations and one of the diagnostic methods. To determine the exact cause of high ESR in the blood, additional tests and a medical examination are necessary.

Purpose of analysis

Blood tests are of great importance in medicine. They help to establish the correct diagnosis and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. Situations when the ESR in the blood is elevated are quite common in medical practice. This is not a cause for panic, because there are many reasons for a change in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The test indicates possible health problems and is considered a reason for additional research.

The result of the ESR study gives the doctor a lot of useful information:

  • It serves as the basis for the timely conduct of medical research (blood biochemistry, ultrasound examination, biopsy, etc.)
  • As part of the diagnostic complex, it makes it possible to objectively judge the patient's health and establish a diagnosis
  • Indications of ESR in dynamics help to track the effectiveness of treatment and confirm the correctness of the diagnosis.

Permissible rate

The determination of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is carried out in the laboratory and is measured in mm / h. The whole process takes one hour.

There are several research methods, but they are all built on the same principle.

A reagent is added to the tube or capillary containing the patient's blood sample to help separate the blood plasma from the red blood cells. Each erythrocyte tends to settle at the bottom of the tube. There is a measurement of how many millimeters of red blood cells have fallen within an hour.

The normal level of ESR depends on age and gender. For adult men, the norm is 1-10 mm / h, for women, the normal level is above 2-15 mm / h. With age, the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction can increase up to 50 mm/h. For pregnant women, the rate rises to 45 mm / h, ESR normalizes only a few weeks or months after childbirth.

The degree of growth of the indicator

For diagnosis, not only the fact that the ESR is elevated is important, but also how much it exceeded the norm and under what circumstances. If a blood test is taken a few days after the illness, the white blood cell count and ESR will be exceeded, but this will be a slight increase due to the development of immunity against infection. Basically, there are four degrees of high erythrocyte sedimentation reaction.

  • A slight increase (up to 15 mm / h), in which the rest of the blood components remain normal. There may be external factors that affected the ESR.
  • An increase in the rate by 16-29 mm / h indicates the development of an infection in the body. The process may be asymptomatic and not significantly affect the patient's well-being. So colds and flu can increase ESR. With proper treatment, the infection dies, and the level of erythrocyte sedimentation returns to normal after 2-3 weeks.
  • A significant excess of the norm (by 30 mm / h or more) is considered dangerous for the body, as a result of which dangerous inflammations can be detected, accompanied by necrotic tissue damage. Treatment of diseases in this case takes several months.
  • An extremely high level (more than 60 mm / h) occurs in serious diseases in which there is a clear threat to the patient's life. Immediate medical examination and treatment is required. If the level rises to 100 mm / h, the most likely cause of the ESR violation is oncological diseases.

Why is ESR rising?

A high level of ESR occurs in various diseases and pathological changes in the body. There is a certain statistical probability that helps the doctor determine the direction to look for the disease. In 40% of cases, why the ESR rises, the reason lies in the development of infections. In 23% of cases, the patient can detect the development of benign or malignant tumors. Intoxication of the body or rheumatic diseases occur in 20% of cases. To identify a disease or syndrome that affects ESR, all probable causes must be considered.

  • Infectious processes (SARS, influenza, pyelonephritis, cystitis, pneumonia, hepatitis, bronchitis, etc.) lead to the release of certain substances into the blood that affect cell membranes and blood quality.
  • Purulent inflammations cause an increase in the ESR, but are usually diagnosed without a blood test. Suppuration (abscess, furunculosis, etc.) is visible to the naked eye.
  • Oncological diseases, more often peripheral, but also other neoplasms can cause a high erythrocyte sedimentation reaction.
  • Autoimmune diseases (arthritis, etc.) lead to changes in the blood plasma, as a result, the blood loses some properties and becomes defective.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder
  • Intoxication due to food poisoning and intestinal infections, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea
  • Blood diseases (anemia, etc.)
  • Diseases in which tissue necrosis is observed (heart attack, tuberculosis, etc.) lead to high ESR some time after cell destruction.

Physiological causes

There are a number of situations in which ESR increases, but this is not a consequence of a disease or pathological condition. In this case, erythrocyte sedimentation above the norm is not considered a deviation and does not require medical treatment. The attending physician can diagnose the physiological causes of high ESR if there is comprehensive information about the patient, his lifestyle and medications.

  • Anemia
  • Weight loss as a result of a strict diet
  • religious fasting period
  • Obesity, which increases the level of cholesterol in the blood
  • Hangover state
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives or other drugs that affect hormone levels
  • Toxicosis during pregnancy
  • Breast-feeding
  • Blood for analysis was taken on a full stomach

False positive result

Features of the structure of the body and lifestyle are reflected in the results of medical research. The reasons for the increase in ESR can be caused by addiction to alcohol and smoking, as well as tasty, but unhealthy food. The individual characteristics of each adult must be taken into account in the process of interpreting the indications issued by the laboratory.

  • Allergic reactions and allergy medications.
  • Rising cholesterol levels can affect the increase in ESR.
  • individual body reactions. According to medical statistics, an increase in ESR is observed in 5% of patients, while there are no concomitant pathologies.
  • Uncontrolled use of vitamin A or a complex of vitamins.
  • Formation of immunity after vaccination. In this case, an increase in the number of certain types of leukocytes can also be observed.
  • Lack of iron or the inability of the body to absorb iron leads to dysfunction of red blood cells.
  • Unbalanced diet, consumption of fatty or fried foods shortly before the analysis.
  • In women, ESR may be increased at the beginning of menstruation.

A false positive result is caused by relatively harmless causes of elevated ESR. Most of them are not dangerous diseases that require immediate medical attention. However, the doctor may recommend giving up some bad habits or prescribing a balanced therapeutic diet.

A high ESR may be the result of a laboratory error.

In this case, it is advisable to re-donate blood for analysis. Errors are possible both in public and private (paid) institutions. Improper storage of a patient's blood sample, changes in laboratory air temperature, incorrect amount of reagent, and other factors can distort the actual erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

How to lower ESR

The erythrocyte sedimentation reaction is not a disease, and therefore it cannot be cured. The disease that caused the deviation in the blood test is being treated. ESR readings will not return to normal until the drug treatment cycle is completed or the bone fracture heals. If the deviations in the analysis are insignificant and are not a consequence of the disease, in agreement with the attending physician, you can resort to traditional medicine recipes.

Beetroot decoction or freshly squeezed beetroot juice can lower ESR to normal levels. Fresh juices from citrus fruits with the addition of natural flower honey are also used. The doctor may recommend taking vitamin and mineral complexes to normalize the functioning of the body.

The reasons for a high ESR in the blood can be different, including the indicator can rise even in healthy people. It is important to take into account, when deciphering the results of the analysis, all possible factors that could affect the increase in the level of ESR. Until the cause of the high erythrocyte sedimentation reaction is identified and the diagnosis is established, treatment is not prescribed.

In contact with

ESR or erythrocyte sedimentation rate is an integral part of the general clinical blood test, which shows how many erythrocytes per hour will undergo agglomeration and settle to the bottom of the tube. This analysis cannot be called specific, since it does not indicate any specific disease, at the same time, ESR is of great diagnostic value in view of the fact that its increase can tell about pathological processes at the very beginning of their development.

The most rapidly erythrocytes settle in women, the lowest rate - in children, which is determined by the physiological characteristics of protein metabolism, the structure of blood elements and a number of other indicators.

Physiological limits of the ESR norm:

  • Children under the age of 12 - 0-2 mm / h;
  • Girls and women - 3-16;
  • Boys and men - 2-11.

Immediate causes of increased ESR

To understand under what circumstances erythrocytes begin to stick together and settle faster, it is necessary to understand what factors affect the loss of bioelectric potential by the erythrocyte membrane and increase the rate of their gluing. First of all, it should be taken into account that blood is an independent tissue containing a variety of cells, substances and fluid that support constant interaction. Among the reasons that can affect the bonding of red blood cells, the following are distinguished:

  • An increase in the amount of bile pigments and acids in the blood, which happens with a number of diseases of the liver, gallbladder and its ducts;
  • Acidosis or a change in the pH of the blood to the acid side, which is observed in most inflammatory diseases, as well as in serious errors in the diet;
  • Change in blood viscosity, which is usually caused by bleeding, diarrhea and debilitating vomiting, as well as some types of cancer;
  • A change in the ratio between protein fractions of the blood, the predominance of albumins, as well as class G and E immunoglobulins - such biochemical indicators are characteristic of the development of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • An increase in the number of red blood cells is a typical symptom of respiratory failure, which is noted in the pathology of the heart and lungs;
  • The appearance in the blood of immature forms of erythrocytes that are not able to perform their functions, as a result of which their agglomeration and settling can be characterized as a protective mechanism.

What disease can an increase in ESR indicate?

The most common cause of an increase in ESR is the development of inflammatory processes in organs and tissues, which is why many perceive this reaction as specific. However, this is not true. Based on immediate, biochemical reasons, it should be concluded that the rate of aggregation of erythrocytes into piles can indicate a wide variety of diseases. For example, an increase in the level of bile pigments and acids in the blood is detected not only in hepatitis and cholecystitis, but also in protein, fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis and liver cancer.

In general, the following groups of diseases can be distinguished, in which the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells increases:

  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • Inflammatory, purulent and septic diseases;
  • Processes accompanied by tissue destruction and necrosis, such as heart attacks and strokes, tuberculosis and malignant tumors;
  • Blood diseases - sickle anemia, anisocytosis, hemoglobinopathies;
  • Metabolic diseases and pathologies of the endocrine glands - thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus and others;
  • Malignant degeneration of the bone marrow, in which red blood cells enter the bloodstream, not being ready to perform their functions;
  • Acute conditions that increase blood viscosity - bleeding, diarrhea, vomiting, intestinal obstruction;
  • Autoimmune diseases - lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, scleroderma and others.

In addition, an increase in ESR to 20-25 mm / h is often observed in women during pregnancy and after menstruation, which is associated primarily with the consumption of iron and, as a result, iron deficiency anemia.