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Excessive sweating in men - about the causes and treatment. A man’s head is sweating a lot, ways to solve the problem My husband is sweating a lot, what to do

Sweating is a natural physiological process that helps maintain a comfortable body temperature, protect the body from overheating and remove excess moisture, and along with it, toxic substances. A diaphoretic system disorder is characterized by excessive sweat production. The presence of such an effect gives the right to diagnose “hyperhidrosis”. This disease occurs differently in men and women.

Men naturally sweat more than women. The reasons for this phenomenon lie in its social role: in ancient times, representatives of the stronger sex moved a lot, hunted, competed, and performed heavy physical activity. Therefore, their body needed a powerful cooling system.

Men's sweat has a stronger odor. It is necessary to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Today, excessive sweating in men is more often a symptom of health problems. Its appearance without adequate reasons requires a visit to a doctor.

Physiological causes of excessive sweating

Sweat glands are located throughout the surface of the skin. They have a simple structure: body, channel and duct. The ducts are responsible for removing moisture to the outside. Some of them open directly into the hair follicle. The largest number of glands are located in the armpits, forehead, and groin. Typically, a healthy man sweats a lot when doing physical activity in hot weather. This is normal. In this way the body protects itself from overheating. There are other provoking factors that can cause increased sweating.

These include:

  • violation of the temperature regime in the room;
  • incorrectly selected clothes;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • overeating and love of spicy foods;
  • heavy weight;
  • taking herbal decoctions and infusions (from linden, elderberry, raspberry fruits) that stimulate the release of sweat;
  • andropause, which is characterized by a decrease in testosterone production;
  • hereditary predisposition to hyperhidrosis.

These are objective reasons; eliminating them helps to get rid of discomfort. Men often sweat in stressful situations. Nervous overexcitation increases the release of adrenaline into the blood. This contributes to increased blood pressure. It activates the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands. This state allows you to be ready for self-defense, to escape. And this also corresponds to the norm of the physiological characteristics of the male body.

What diseases can cause men to sweat a lot?

If taking water procedures, changing clothes and diet does not bring noticeable relief, if the appearance of sweat depends on the time of day (for example, it occurs mainly at night), this indicates the presence of certain diseases. Then, in parallel with sweating, a person develops additional symptoms that can indicate a particular disease. To determine where the problems occurred, you need to listen more carefully to your body.

If a man sweats a lot at night, this may indicate a depressed mental state. The fact is that representatives of the stronger half of humanity prefer to keep all their experiences to themselves, as a result, emotions accumulate and spill out only during sleep. This explains why nightmares are so common, causing a person to wake up in a “cold sweat.” To eliminate this phenomenon, you need to take a course of sedatives. Normalizing the functioning of the nervous system allows you to stop nocturnal hyperhidrosis.

Another reason for night sweats may lie in the sluggish course of a viral or bacterial infection. Symptoms of a cold (if they are viruses) or the presence of boils on the body (if they are bacteria) can indicate its presence. A similar situation often occurs with hidden inflammatory processes characteristic of tuberculosis, endocarditis, syphilis, and osteomyelitis. There are about 170 diseases that can cause night sweats in men. A complete diagnostic examination helps identify them. Studying the following table allows you to understand what is happening to the body and which doctor to contact to eliminate the problems that have arisen.

Name of pathology Additional symptoms Who to contact
Hyperthyroidism In addition to night sweats, a person experiences trembling hands and rapid heartbeat. The patient becomes irritable and constantly loses weight See an endocrinologist
Hypoglycemia Along with excessive sweating, a person suffers from weakness, dizziness, and headache. He may experience visual and speech disturbances, confusion, loss of orientation in space See a therapist or endocrinologist
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Holding your breath during sleep often causes excessive sweating, high blood pressure, heart problems, and chronic fatigue. To a somnologist, to a therapist
Tumors (Hodgkin's lymphoma, pheochromocytoma, leukemia, carcinoid syndrome) Hot flashes, diarrhea, bronchospasms, abdominal pain, anemia, intoxication syndrome To an oncologist
Testosterone deficiency Decreased sex drive, the appearance of soreness in the mammary glands, reduction in the size of the testicles, body weight, muscle strength, sudden sweating, feeling hot, insomnia, loss of vital energy See a therapist

Increased sweating and a change in the smell of the secreted fluid may also indicate the course of a particular disease. The appearance of an unusual aroma occurs due to a violation of the chemical reactions occurring inside the body. An experienced doctor often uses this characteristic feature to make a preliminary diagnosis.

The smell of acetone and rotten fruit indicates the development of diabetes.

A sour aroma indicates a disruption of the autonomic nervous system and a lack of important microelements.

A plume of ammonia appears in a sweating person if he has kidney problems. Poor urine output, gray skin tone, and problems with the skeletal system help confirm the suspicion.

The smell of stale beer appears in a person suffering from tuberculosis. The man is constantly tormented by a persistent cough and chest pain. Against this background, constant weight loss occurs while maintaining the same diet.

The aroma of fresh bread is a symptom of typhoid fever. This disease has characteristic symptoms: high fever (which causes excessive sweating), headaches, general deterioration of health, and a rash on the chest in the form of light pink spots.

It can be primary and secondary. The primary one has not been fully studied; scientists cannot say why a man aged 20 to 50 years has problems associated with a disorder of the sweat glands located on the head. Many experts associate the appearance of symptoms of primary hyperhidrosis with a hereditary predisposition. Under normal conditions, such a reaction may be associated with the presence of thick and long hair. It disrupts heat exchange, so the pillow is often wet in the morning. In such a situation, the hair quickly becomes dirty and an unpleasant odor appears. Because of this, the patient constantly feels awkward, he becomes constrained and irritable.

Secondary hyperhidrosis of the head is a consequence of:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • disorders of the autonomic nervous system.

With severe sweating, identifying the cause helps to draw up therapeutic regimens. The patient’s condition can be alleviated by eliminating the main provoking factor.

Sweaty feet (plantar hyperhidrosis)

Local changes are often associated with neglect of personal hygiene rules and prolonged wearing of tight shoes made of synthetic materials. In this case, the sweat smells like wet socks. High humidity is favorable conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi, so quite often sweating feet leads to the development of infectious diseases.

Plantar hyperhidrosis can also be a symptom of certain pathologies. It is often a “companion” of flat feet and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy.

Palm sweat (palmar hyperhidrosis)

A similar phenomenon is the body’s reaction to severe stress or prolonged anxiety. The list of diseases that can provoke palmar hyperhidrosis includes congenital pachyonychia.

Sweating of the face (cheeks, forehead)

In men, it occurs under severe stress or during the development of infectious processes. This symptom may have:

  • herpes zoster;
  • CNS lesions;
  • red granulosis of the nose.

In the latter case, increased sweating is combined with the appearance of a blistering rash in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Symptoms and signs of hyperhidrosis

With a pathological increase in sweat secretion, the skin of the hands, feet, head, body becomes constantly wet and cold to the touch. High humidity provokes structural changes in the cover and the appearance of signs of acrocyanosis. This explains the appearance of a bluish tint. The skin has its own opportunistic microflora; when favorable conditions are created, it is activated and begins to actively multiply. This explains the unpleasant odor. If hygiene procedures do not allow you to get rid of it, you should immediately seek medical help. Perhaps a change in the smell of sweat indicates the presence of a serious internal pathology.

General measures to combat sweat

You can successfully fight sweat. You need to start by eliminating external provocateurs. What can be done for this?

  1. Control the temperature in living areas. It should not be higher than 23 degrees.
  2. Take a shower every morning and evening.
  3. Wear clothes that fit according to the season, made from natural fabrics.
  4. Regulate your diet, exclude spicy foods, seasonings, spices, garlic, onions, strong tea and coffee from your diet.
  5. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  6. Learn to control your emotions and not get nervous.
  7. Reduce physical activity (if it is high).

At the same time, we try to take proper care of our skin.

Today, modern cosmetology offers a whole series of products that allow you to control excessive sweating.

1. Antiperspirants. They are suitable for combating excessive sweating of the armpits. These drugs contain farnesol and triclosan. Their effect helps block sweat production.

2. Medicinal deodorants. Used to eliminate odor. They contain components that can effectively fight bacteria.

3. Cosmetic talc. Used to treat sweaty feet, its effect is similar to that of antiperspirants.

4. Special gaskets. They are glued to the back of the clothing, in the place where the item comes into contact with the area of ​​profuse sweating. The pads absorb excess moisture. In this way, an optimal temperature balance is maintained.

If the measures taken do not help, you should seek help from specialists. First, see a therapist; after the examination, he will, if necessary, refer you to other specialized doctors.

Pharmacy remedies for excessive sweating

The drug treatment regimen is prescribed taking into account the causes of increased sweating. Drugs are selected based on existing additional clinical symptoms.

If excessive sweating is associated with instability of the nervous system, the basis of therapy is tranquilizers and sedatives, which include motherwort or valerian. If this combination does not help, the effect is enhanced by adding Atropine.

Systemic therapy for sweating is carried out with beta blockers, oxybutin and benzotropine derivatives.

Botox injections are being considered as a modern treatment method. They allow you to forget about the described inconvenience for a long time. The action of the injections blocks the nerve endings, due to which the sweat glands are stimulated. Which has a very beneficial effect on the general condition.

Exposure of the problem area to drug ions and direct current (electrophoresis) helps achieve anhidrosis. The effect of the course lasts within 20 days.

Traditional medicine recipes

The effect of drug therapy can be enhanced using traditional medicine.

  1. Soda solution. It is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of baking soda is dissolved in a glass of boiling water. The sweating area is treated with soda water two to three times a day. This procedure reduces sweating and eliminates unpleasant odor.
  2. Decoction of pine branches. Young shoots are brewed with boiling water and simmered in a water bath for another half hour. The finished product is used for compresses. Gauze, folded in several layers, is dipped in it and applied to problem areas.
  3. Infusion of oak bark. To prepare it, take 200 grams of dry raw materials, add 500 ml of boiling water, and leave the infusion for 24 hours. Experts recommend their patients to use it for baths or as lotions.
  4. A contrast shower helps get rid of sweating. It must be done several times a day.
  5. It is better to wipe sweaty palms with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.
  6. Teas with lemon balm or sage help get rid of night sweats.

If drug and alternative treatment does not help, the patient may be offered radical methods of getting rid of sweating.

These include:

  • removal of an area of ​​skin in the area of ​​which increased sweat secretion occurs;
  • removal of sweat glands;
  • lipoxation;
  • sympathectomy.

The problem cannot be ignored. Excessive sweating in rare cases is a cosmetic defect; in most situations it signals serious health problems. Untreated hyperhidrosis leads to psycho-emotional disorders: a man tries to limit communication with the outside world, withdraws, becomes depressed and irritable. Local sweating creates favorable conditions for the development of bacterial and fungal infections.

Prevention and prognosis

Correctly selected treatment allows us to formulate favorable prognoses; eliminating the causes is the main component of drug treatment.

There is a set of preventive measures that should be used to prevent excessive sweating. It is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene every day, take water procedures using antibacterial and deodorizing soap, wear clothes made from natural fabrics, eat right, and control the level of physical activity.

As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex suffer from increased sweating (hyperhidrosis), although sometimes this phenomenon is observed in women. This is explained by the active role of a man that has developed over the centuries, which nature has endowed him with, while simultaneously adapting the “cooling system” of the male body to these functions. In addition, even our ancient ancestors had a strong smell of sweat to attract individuals of the opposite sex. The hair under the armpit and in the groin area is there precisely because of the enhancement of this effect, providing a dubious service to the modern man.

How does the disease manifest itself in men?

However, it is impossible to fully call hyperhidrosis a disease, since in most cases it is caused by natural physiological causes - this will be discussed below. In many cases, it makes more sense to talk about the individual characteristics of the organism.

Why are we even talking about increased sweating? The fact is that this condition sometimes causes moral and physical suffering for men. Hyperhidrosis is divided into two types:

  • general, in which the whole body sweats;
  • local, when individual areas of the body are moisturized - armpits, palms, feet, groin and perineum area, face, etc.

With general hyperhidrosis, the whole body sweats profusely

In both cases, the patient experiences considerable discomfort, this interferes with his normal adaptation to society. When shaking hands, he will be embarrassed by a wet palm; if he takes off his shoes, he will be worried that others will notice his wet socks. A person is afraid to raise his hand in public transport to grab the handrail, he is ashamed of a wet shirt sticking to his body, etc.

Hyperhidrosis of the armpit causes great discomfort both to the patient himself and to those around him.

Sexual relationships with a partner are also burdened by the fear of leaving a wet body print on the sheets in bed. All these circumstances are a serious problem for a man, not to mention the unpleasant and sometimes very pungent odor that occurs due to the rapid proliferation of bacteria in places where sweat accumulates. Showering and other hygiene procedures can only slightly delay the appearance of such an odor, but do not protect the patient from it.

In some cases, based on the smell of sweat, you can draw preliminary conclusions about what ailments may provoke increased sweating. The smell of ammonia may indicate problems with the urinary system, while acetone may indicate the presence of diabetes. Sweat that smells like chlorine or vinegar may indicate problems with the liver, and a strong, unpleasant odor from sweaty feet may indicate the presence of candidiasis.

Causes of hyperhidrosis of the legs, palms, groin area or whole body

Sweating is an adaptive mechanism that helps cool the skin. If sweat stops being released, the body will constantly overheat. Normally, active sweat production occurs in cases where the body needs increased cooling:

  • at elevated ambient temperatures;
  • during physical activity;
  • with strong nervous excitement.

Active sweat production can occur during nervous excitement

Hyperhidrosis can also occur due to reasons that go beyond the usual norm:

  • due to various diseases - endocrine (hypoglycemia, diabetes, hyperthyroidism), infectious, both acute and chronic (influenza, malaria, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, mononucleosis, etc.);
  • as a result of renal failure, when excess fluid is removed through the skin, thus compensating for the functions of the urinary system;
  • with excess body weight caused by metabolic disorders;
  • with disorders of the autonomic nervous system, resulting in increased nervous excitability;
  • during the period of taking a number of medications - antipyretic, hormonal, antiemetic, etc.;
  • during menopause;
  • due to the individual characteristics of the body and hereditary factors.

Heavy sweating at night while sleeping

Often profuse sweating bothers a man at night, even if he is sound asleep. This may occur due to the fact that usually representatives of the stronger sex try to keep all negative emotions within themselves, not allowing them to come out, considering this a manifestation of weakness unworthy of them. During a night's rest, the subconscious mind seeks to give vent to these emotions, forming nightmares, as a result of which the patient wakes up in a cold sweat.

When can you get rid of it yourself?

First of all, get your nerves in order.

Hyperhidrosis with increased anxiety

If increased sweating is due to natural physiological functions of the body, you can try to reduce the intensity of sweating. For example, if a man suffers from nocturnal hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to reduce the level of anxiety using mild sedatives - “Persen”, “Barboval”, “Nevrin”, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure optimal temperature conditions in the bedroom (18–20° C), not to eat at night, not to drink alcohol before bed and not to get carried away by watching action-packed films.

The same measures plus yoga classes with an instructor or at least home meditation are good for excessive sweating, which is caused by neurological disorders.

Sweaty armpits

To reduce physiological hyperhidrosis, you can use antiperspirant deodorants with a high aluminum content, which will help reduce the amount of sweat produced in the armpits. However, antiperspirants must be treated with caution - these cosmetics block the release of sweat to the outside due to narrowing or complete blockage of the sweat ducts, which can cause swelling, local irritation of the skin and allergies. In addition, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures twice a day.

In addition to physical discomfort, the problem also causes psychological troubles.

Wet feet and palms

You can reduce foot sweating with the help of special foot deodorants and medications freely sold in pharmacies - “Formagel”, Teymurov’s paste, “Borozin”. These products have a deodorizing, anti-inflammatory and antimycotic effect.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor foot hygiene, wash your feet with neutral soap in the morning and before bed, wear shoes made of natural materials so that your feet can breathe, change insoles more often, use cotton socks and wash them daily.

To reduce sweating of the palms, you can use medical antiperspirants intended for this part of the body, as well as cosmetic powders with aluminum salts.

General hyperhidrosis

First of all, careful body hygiene is necessary here - a contrast shower twice a day, followed by the use of local products in the places of the most intense sweating - armpits, feet, groin, etc. There are special antiperspirants for the intimate area.

With hyperhidrosis, careful body hygiene is necessary

In addition, you need to follow simple rules:

  • try to dress according to the weather and even a little lighter than the season requires, avoiding overheating of the body;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • exclude or limit the use of spices (curry, garlic, cumin), black coffee, strong tea, Coca-Cola.
  • keep body weight under control;
  • control the amount of liquid you drink;
  • give preference to loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics.

When to contact a specialist

If increased sweating is accompanied by additional symptoms - fever, itching, rash, swelling, strong odor of sweat, etc., you should consult a specialist. There is no doctor who would specialize exclusively in this problem, so start with a visit to a therapist, and he will decide where, if necessary, you will need to be referred - to an endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, neurologist, surgeon, etc.

Diagnosis of hyperhidrosis

Diagnosis of increased sweating is aimed at identifying the cause that provokes hyperhidrosis. The doctor will first of all take into account the patient’s story about his condition, pay attention to the nature of the sweat secreted, its smell and assess the condition of those body systems that can influence the manifestation of pathology. To do this, the necessary laboratory tests will be carried out, as well as other examination methods to assess the condition of the organs, for example, ultrasound.

Treatment methods

Depending on the cause of the disease, both conservative therapy and surgical treatment methods can be used.

Don’t take existing illnesses to extremes

Conservative therapy

If a disease is identified that results in increased sweating, treatment will be aimed at eliminating it. In cases where hyperhidrosis is not accompanied by another disease, the following methods can be used to treat it:

  • psychotherapy;
  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy.

With the help of psychotherapy and hypnosis in particular, it is possible to develop in the patient the ability to control his emotions, which in some cases completely helps to solve the problem of profuse sweating.

For drug therapy, sedatives of varying degrees of effect are used, and, if necessary, tranquilizers, as well as belladonna preparations, which reduce the excitability of the sympathetic nervous system, which regulates the function of the sweat glands. If menopause is the cause of increased sweating, hormone replacement therapy is used.

Physiotherapy has a whole arsenal of treatments that can help reduce hyperhidrosis. Among these methods:

  • therapeutic baths - pine, pearl, salt;
  • souls - circular, contrasting;
  • electrosleep;
  • electrophoresis with drugs, which allows you to cause local dehydration (anhidrosis) of the problem area of ​​the body;
  • iontophoresis - blocking the sweat glands using weak electric current discharges.

Carrying out electrophoresis with drugs gives a stable effect in combination with drug treatment

The combination of all methods of conservative treatment can give a good effect, relieving the patient of excessive sweating for several months, but if we talk about a radical solution to the problem, then only surgery can do this.


Before proceeding with the analysis of surgical methods, it should be emphasized that such treatments are associated with a certain risk to the patient’s health, and therefore such treatment should be decided only if other methods have proven ineffective.


The main method of surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis is sympathectomy - an operation performed on the sympathetic trunk, in which complete or partial destruction of a segment of the autonomic nervous system occurs. Sympathectomy can be thoracic or cervical.

The operation has a good lasting effect, but has certain contraindications - pleurisy, tuberculosis, pulmonary emphysema, cardiovascular pathologies. Surgical intervention can be performed either traditionally or endoscopically.

Liposuction of the axillary area

With this operation, hyperhidrosis in the armpit is surgically treated, thus eliminating sweating in a certain area of ​​the body.

Liposuction of the axillary region is usually performed on obese patients, destroying the sympathetic nerve endings running in the subcutaneous fat. The use of a laser or ultrasound for this purpose significantly reduces the traumatic nature of the operation, but the patient is not immune from the formation of edema and hematomas. In addition, the sensitivity of the armpit is reduced.

Much less commonly used is a more radical method of excision of the skin under the arm, which leaves behind a noticeable scar.

Curettage of the axillary area

The procedure may not be 100% effective

Curettage (scraping) of the armpit allows, in addition to destroying nerve endings, to remove sweat glands. The procedure is carried out through a skin puncture under local anesthesia and the effect lasts for several years, however, over time, the sympathetic endings are partially or completely restored and increased sweating may resume.

Ultrasound destruction of sweat glands

During the procedure, performed on an outpatient basis, the sweat glands are destroyed through a small puncture in the skin. This operation gives a good lasting effect.

Botox injection

Botox gets rid of sweat for a short time

Recently, the treatment of hyperhidrosis with Botox, which is used to inject the area of ​​increased sweating, has become popular. This drug is able to block sympathetic nerve endings for up to six months, which significantly reduces sweat secretion.

Traditional medicine

Baths will not only reduce sweating, but also smooth out rough skin on the feet

To reduce sweating of the feet and palms, it is advisable to take baths with natural ingredients:

  1. Potassium permanganate. It is enough to keep your palms or feet daily in a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate, then wipe thoroughly and treat with powder (talcum powder).
  2. Birch leaves. Brew half a glass of dry crushed birch leaves with a liter of boiling water and let it brew and cool, then use it for a bath three times a week until the effect is obtained.
  3. Vinegar. Take 3 tablespoons of vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar) per liter of water - the bath is ready. Repeat the procedure daily for at least two weeks. To enhance the effect, you can add half a teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of vinegar, wait until it stops hissing, then add a pinch of borax diluted in a small amount of water and 30 g of glycerin - lubricate your hands and feet with this mixture after the bath.
  4. Oak bark. Brew 1 tablespoon of crushed bark with a liter of boiling water, cool, strain and add 2 teaspoons of vinegar. Oak bark can also be combined with St. John's wort.
  5. Salt. This is a very simple recipe. To prepare such a bath, it is enough to dissolve a tablespoon of ordinary table salt in a liter of water and hold your hands or feet in it for 10–15 minutes.

In addition, you can treat areas that sweat profusely with apple cider vinegar diluted in half with water, strong tea tincture, a slice of lemon or boric acid powder. If you have hyperhidrosis of the groin area, boric acid cannot be used.

For general hyperhidrosis, you can take baths with essential oils - mint, pine needles, eucalyptus.

In addition, traditional medicine offers a whole range of sedatives that will help get rid of hyperhidrosis that has developed due to nervous excitement - valerian, motherwort, peony, etc.

Is it possible to insure against relapse?

As mentioned above, hyperhidrosis can only be completely cured by surgical methods. However, it should be understood that in some cases, sweating may return after such treatment. The patient may be advised to focus on maintaining careful body hygiene while simultaneously using conservative methods of therapy, which will help neutralize the negative effects of hyperhidrosis.

What is hyperhidrosis and how to deal with it (video)

Sweating is a normal physiological reaction of the body that helps regulate body temperature and prevents the body from overheating. But if hyperhidrosis is pathological, it must be treated, and for this you need to consult a specialist.

Excessive sweating occurs as a result of exposure to various factors on the body. It can be a symptom of a common cold or indicate a very serious illness.

Therefore, you cannot ignore it and it is best to consult a doctor.

The main causes of severe sweating of the whole body in men at night, caused by external influences, are the following:

  • the air temperature in the bedroom is too high;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • binge eating;
  • spicy dishes - even if there is no discomfort during lunch, during the digestion process the temperature inside the body rises significantly and you sweat;
  • drinks containing caffeine;
  • taking herbal decoctions and infusions - linden, elderberry, willow bark, raspberry fruits;
  • medications - taking, first of all, antipyretics, which activate sweating. Drugs of the antidepressant group (tricyclics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), venlafaxine, bupropion, steroids, Viagra, nitroglycerin can provoke sweating of the whole body.

A common cause is stress. Nervous stress negatively affects every human organ. Stress increases the amount of adrenaline in the blood, increases blood pressure and activates the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands. Those. the body at this time is in a state ready to escape or self-defense. All this increases the likelihood of severe sweating.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis may occur, i.e. sweating for no apparent reason. This is an individual characteristic of a person, most often transmitted by inheritance.

Symptom of a viral or bacterial infection

The cause of severe sweating throughout the body in men at night may be an infection. During a common cold, your body temperature often rises. This is especially pronounced in the evening, and the body reacts by increasing sweating. Fever is often accompanied by chills and a feeling of extreme cold.

A similar situation concerns more serious viral and bacterial infectious and inflammatory processes:

  • tuberculosis;
  • endocarditis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • syphilis;
  • boils, etc.

Infection with some viruses, particularly HIV, causes night sweats.

Sign of a serious illness - listen to your body

There are more than 170 diseases that are accompanied by night sweats.

I would like to dwell on some of them:

  • hyperthyroidism– there is trembling of hands, palpitations, nervousness, weight loss. For diagnosis, it is necessary to do a laboratory analysis of thyroid hormones and other studies of the thyroid gland;
  • hypoglycemia – low blood glucose levels may be accompanied by heavy sweating;
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome– if you snore and have long periods of holding your breath, you should consult a doctor. It is apnea that causes sweating, high blood pressure, heart problems, chronic fatigue, etc.;
  • neurological diseases:
    • Autonomic dysreflexia is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system that results in a sudden increase in blood pressure to high levels. Observed in spinal cord injuries;
    • post-traumatic syringomyelia;
    • stroke;
    • Parkinson's disease and syndrome;
  • tumors – night sweats are often an early symptom of tumors:
    • Hodgkin's lymphoma;
    • leukemia;
    • carcinoid syndrome;
    • pheochromocytoma, etc.

If, in addition to sweating, you experience weakness, increased fatigue, an unreasonable increase in temperature, frequent infections and a tendency to bleed, consult a doctor immediately.

Is there a relationship between sweating and hormones?

A lack of testosterone can cause night sweats. This reason is more relevant for men over 50 years of age.

With age, testosterone production decreases. But andropause does not occur as quickly as menopause in women. This process in men is slower, gradual and gradual. Only 5% of them experience hot flashes and sweating.

What does testosterone deficiency syndrome include:

  • decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, weakened sexual activity;
  • enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands (gynecomastia);
  • decreased hair growth, some men begin to shave less often;
  • decrease in testicular size;
  • decrease in mass, muscle strength and bone density (i.e. osteoporosis and a tendency to fractures appear);
  • the appearance of excess adipose tissue, especially in the abdominal area;
  • feeling of heat;
  • sudden sweating.

Mental symptoms are also observed:

  • fading vital energy, loss of self-confidence, lack of desire for activity;
  • irritability, decreased mood, deterioration of memory and concentration;
  • sleep disturbances or insomnia;
  • weakening of physical strength.

The appearance of a strange smell - what does it mean?

The smell of sweat changes due to diet (consuming large amounts of onions, garlic, spices), smoking or medications.

Most often, the appearance of an unusual aroma indicates illness.

This occurs due to disturbances in chemical reactions in the body, as a result of which sweat acquires a characteristic odor:

  • acetone or rotten fruit– means diabetes mellitus. With an increased amount of sugar in the blood (due to a lack of insulin, it cannot enter the cells), ketone bodies are formed - acetoacetic and beta-hydroxybutyric acids, acetone. This is what causes the unpleasant odor. This symptom indicates serious disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and requires emergency medical attention;
  • cause of severe sweating of the whole body in men with a sour odor are disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and a lack of microelements important for health. During heavy physical activity, when the body does not have time to recover, or with frequent stress, this may also well be the case;
  • urine or ammonia– indicates poor kidney function. In this case, the amount of urine excreted changes (at first there will be a lot of it, and then little), weakness, lethargy, problems with the skeletal system, dryness and sallow skin are observed;
  • fresh liver - indicates liver problems. There are abdominal pains, especially on the right side, belching after eating, poor appetite, and bloating. Subsequently, the clinical picture is complicated by jaundice and liver enlargement;
  • stale beer - sometimes indicates tuberculosis. Characteristic signs are a persistent cough (initially dry and then wet), chest pain and weight loss;
  • fresh bread - usually a symptom of typhoid fever. Most often, this disease is observed in Africa, Southwest Asia and the Far East. Initially, flu-like symptoms are noticeable - fever, headaches, poor health, weakness and loss of appetite. Later, a rash appears on the chest and abdomen in the form of light pink spots.

Causes of severe sweating all over the body in men with a hangover

A hangover is a set of symptoms that appear some time after drinking too much alcohol.

It occurs as a result of the narcotic effect of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system.

The manifestations are as follows:

  • bad feeling;
  • increased sensitivity to various stimuli - sounds, smells, light;
  • low mood;
  • feeling overwhelmed;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • decreased appetite or lack thereof;
  • hand trembling;
  • excessive sweating.

The reasons for severe sweating of the entire body in men after alcohol, and hangover syndrome in general, are several factors:

  • exposure to acetaldehyde– the body is forced to somehow get rid of alcohol and the liver is responsible for this. In it, ethanol is processed to a state in which it is excreted in the urine without causing harm. This chemical reaction is carried out using the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase and occurs in two stages. First, acetaldehyde is formed, which is 20-30 times more toxic than alcohol. It causes unpleasant hangover symptoms;
  • cytokines – it has been proven that during a hangover the level of these substances increases. They are secreted by cells of the immune system and are involved in the inflammatory process, fever, etc. Taking large amounts of alcohol provokes the release of cytokines and the appearance of cold symptoms - muscle pain, headache, fatigue, nausea, sweating, irritability, etc.;
  • heredity– predisposition to hangover is determined by DNA. Certain people's genes are programmed to produce more alcohol dehydrogenase, so they metabolize alcohol better. Typically, men have more of this enzyme than women. Also, women on average have less body weight, which is why it takes them longer to process the same dose of alcohol.

What to do to solve the problem

It is best to start by eliminating external factors. There is a chance that you will get rid of sweating at this stage.

What to do:

  • control the temperature in the bedroom at 20-23ºС, the humidity in the room should also not be too high;
  • Take a shower daily and keep your body clean;
  • wear clothes made of comfortable, breathable fabrics;
  • exclude hot seasonings, garlic, onions and other spices from your diet, do not drink coffee and strong tea;
  • say “no” to alcohol and cigarettes;
  • If you are taking any medications, read the instructions carefully. Sweating may be a side effect of your treatment;
  • try not to be nervous and control your emotions, master relaxation techniques;
  • Pay attention to your physical activity - it should be of medium intensity, do not allow severe overexertion.

If the above measures do not help, then most likely you need qualified help.

Doctors of various specialties - therapists, neurologists, oncologists, endocrinologists, andrologists, etc. - identify the causes and treat severe sweating of the entire body in men.

Human skin is dotted with sweat glands - tubular structural elements that secrete excess fluid from the body (sweat) onto its surface. Sweating is a protective reaction against overheating and for the elimination of harmful substances. This is a natural process; normal sweating is considered to be an average daily fluid loss of approximately 250 to 600 ml.

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is the release of much more fluid and the associated discomfort. At a minimum - noticeable dark wet circles on clothes in the armpits, sometimes on the back and chest, a repulsive odor and other inconveniences. Excessive sweating in men, according to statistics on the frequency of reports, is less common than in the opposite sex, but it is abundant and brings no less discomfort.

Sweat glands are mainly located on the skin of the forehead, palms, feet, armpits and groin; other areas of the body are supplied with them to a much lesser extent, and the thin skin of the lips and some parts of the genitals is completely devoid of them.

Sweat consists primarily of water. Only one to two percent of this physiological substance consists of salts, acids, and other chemical compounds.

Eccrine sweat glands, located on the skin of the palms, feet, face, chest and back, are responsible for thermoregulation and removal of metabolic products. They also react to increased temperature, stress and physical tension; in addition, the sweat they secrete contains acidic components that provide bactericidal properties to the skin surface. For example, on the skin of the palms and feet, where there are no sebaceous glands, sweat also provides their natural lubrication, so to speak, performs a protective function, preserving the elasticity of the skin in these places and its working qualities (ability to touch, tenacity).

Apocrine sweat glands are located in areas of hair growth - the armpits, genitals, perineum, and scalp. Their functions are not related to protection, but provide humoral behavioral functions (attracting individuals of the opposite sex during the most favorable period for reproduction). The activity of these glands becomes most active upon reaching fertile age and gradually fades away as the body ages. The sweat they secrete contains pheromones, fatty acids, cholesterol, it has an alkaline reaction and is more suitable for the growth of bacteria. Its smell is individual and unique for each person, although the human sense of smell, unlike animals, no longer detects such subtleties. There is no need for this; we lost it in the process of evolution, using other senses for recognition. The smell of sweat, or more precisely, the waste products of bacterial flora, which intensively multiply on wet areas of the body, is not pleasant to us. Therefore, in addition to physical discomfort, excessive sweating also causes moral discomfort, and regular hyperhidrosis, which takes on painful forms, can even cause social maladaptation of the individual.

ICD-10 code

R61 Hyperhidrosis


According to various sources, between one and three percent of the world's population are familiar with hyperhidrosis. This is a lot. Moreover, medical statistics only take into account cases of official requests for help. I suspect that most people are trying to deal with this problem on their own.

More than half of those who consult doctors are women, so it is believed that they are more likely to suffer from hyperhidrosis. This ratio is explained by the fact that the fair sex is more emotional and their hormonal activity throughout life is higher. However, this does not mean that there are actually more of them. They are simply more concerned about this problem, in particular, its aesthetic side.

But men sweat more profusely. Research shows that at the same level of exercise, a man will sweat much more than a woman.

The problem of excessive sweating is most common during puberty, since it is then that the axillary and inguinal glands are activated and hair growth appears in these places. When hormonal levels stabilize, this problem remains in a much smaller number of patients. Their number in fertile age is stable, and after overcoming the half-century age mark, the number of complaints about sweating decreases, which is explained by a decrease in the activity of any glands in the body, including sweat glands.

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Causes of night and day sweats in men

Sweating increases in both a completely healthy person and a patient, such household risk factors as hot weather, physical activity, anxiety, diet (hot dishes and drinks, spicy seasonings), drinking alcohol (hangover or withdrawal symptoms), inappropriate clothing (synthetic, too tight), overweight, not very careful adherence to basic hygiene rules. Often these factors are combined with each other and with some disease, then the person sweats even more intensely. Normally, under the influence of these factors, depending on the intensity of their action, sweating increases from 800 ml to two or three liters, however, it can reach 5-10 liters.

Increased sweating is typical during adolescence, when hormonal balance changes.

Increased sweating can be a side effect of taking medications, for example, aspirin, acyclovir, ciprofloxacin, insulin, anxiolytics and many others. The instructions usually indicate the possibility of such an effect. After treatment is completed, normal sweating is restored.

Pathological hyperhidrosis can be primary (idiopathic, essential). In some people, a tendency to excessive sweating in any conditions and in the absence of diseases is observed among very close relatives, being genetically determined. The pathogenesis of essential hyperhidrosis considers such an anatomical feature of the skin as a much larger number of sweat glands on the body or certain parts of it and/or increased excitability of the sympathetic nervous system, which results in excessive sweat production due to the most minor disturbances. Presumably, the level of sympathetic nerve conduction is influenced by the following factors, which are functional features and not pathology:

  • individual hypersensitivity to adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  • an increased number of nerve impulses emanating from the subcortical structures of the brain and ganglia of the autonomic nervous system, which is also considered as a feature of the central nervous system;
  • level of hormones (thyroid, sex hormones), corresponding to the upper limit of normal;
  • a high level of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which ensures the conduction of nerve impulses in the fibers of the sympathetic departments.

Secondary hyperhidrosis develops against the background of a variety of chronic diseases. In this case, healing or achieving long-term remission allows, as a rule, to get rid of excess sweating.

The pathogenesis of increased sweat secretion is triggered by various reasons; currently they are still under study, and the exact mechanism of excitation of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the regulation of sweat secretion, has not yet been established.

However, some points can already be explained. For example, in hot weather, in a warm room, in clothing that is warmer than required, a physiological cooling process occurs - the surface thermal receptors of our skin transmit overheating impulses to the thermoregulation centers. As a reaction to this information, a reverse impulse is received to reduce the surface temperature of the body, forcing an increase in the release of liquid for surface cooling. Accordingly, during physical stress, skeletal muscle energy is released, which increases the surface temperature of the body. The same signals force an increase in sweat production to protect against overheating.

When eating spicy and hot food, the mechanism of increased sweating involves impulses transmitted between centers that regulate salivation and, accordingly, the sweating process.

The neurotoxic effect of ethanol, narcotic and medicinal substances is manifested by disturbances in the brain systems responsible for excitation (glutamatergic) and inhibition (GABAergic); as a result of complex interactions of neurotransmitters, the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus is also activated. In addition, the body tries to get rid of the toxic effects of alcohol metabolism products, including all mechanisms of their elimination, including through the sweat glands.

With the abrupt withdrawal of psychoactive substances in addicted individuals, the level of catecholamines, which ensure the transmission of nerve impulses, increases, which causes increased sweating.

Changes in the concentration of catecholamines are observed in the pathogenesis of diseases of the heart and respiratory system, pain of various etiologies, and also accompanies intense physical labor.

The pathogenesis of psychogenic hyperhidrosis is due to the activation of the stress neurotransmitter norepinephrine and increased synthesis of adrenaline (stress hormone). All centers come into an excited state, including the one that regulates the process of sweating. Even minor anxiety increases sweating, let alone serious stressful situations.

The cause of sweating in men can be organic disorders in areas of the brain (hypothalamus, medulla oblongata) and/or spinal cord involved in the process of thermoregulation and cooling through the elimination of sweat - congenital, inflammatory, traumatic in nature.

Excessive sweating is possible with infectious diseases, especially when they occur in unexpressed, erased forms; this can be one of the few signs of ill health. For example, for tuberculosis, syphilis, tonsillitis, urethritis, prostatitis and other diseases.

The pathogenesis of acute viral and bacterial infections is accompanied by intense synthesis of pyrogens, which have a direct effect on thermoregulation processes, causing fever and sweating.

Hyperhidrosis should be a reason for examination by an endocrinologist. It accompanies diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, and other hormonal changes.

Diabetes mellitus leads to the destruction of the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers, which impairs the conduction of nerve impulses. The innervation of the sweat glands of the lower part of the body practically stops, but the upper part of the body sweats “for two”.

Hyperthyroidism and acromegaly as a consequence of a pituitary tumor are accompanied by a significant increase in the amount of thyroid hormones, a significant acceleration of metabolic processes and an increase in body temperature, increased sweating appears as a mechanism of thermoregulation.

With excess fat deposits, heat transfer is disrupted and the body, protecting itself from overheating, starts the process of sweating.

Endocrine generalized hyperhidrosis develops with neoplasms of nerve fibers - pheochromocytoma, carcinoid syndrome, against which there is an overproduction of hormones that excite the sympathetic nervous system and sweat production.

The presence of primary and secondary tumors of lymphoid tissue, brain and spinal cord, adrenal glands, collagenosis, diseases of the cardiovascular, central and autonomic nervous systems, and respiratory organs affects the functioning of the thermoregulation center.

If kidney function is impaired, the excretion of fluid through the urinary system decreases, which is compensated by increased sweating.

Stopping breathing during sleep is always accompanied by increased sweating, and this respiratory syndrome occurs almost three times more often in men than in women.

The cause of sudden hyperhidrosis, especially at night, may be testicular dysfunction and, as a consequence, a decrease in testosterone levels. This can happen to a man at any age. And if in young men this is a pathology, then physiological aging of the body is a natural process. Male menopause is not as pronounced and pronounced as female menopause, but this event definitely occurs, and a decrease in testosterone levels can cause night sweats in men over 50 years of age. The transmembrane protein CGRP is involved in the pathogenesis of menopause in both sexes. It is its activity that researchers associate with hyperhidrosis during menopause. Researchers call risk factors for the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms of menopause in men the presence of chronic diseases, injuries, and most importantly, a chaotic lifestyle.

Sweating in a man as a sign of illness

The first signs of excessive sweating usually appear during adolescence, although children with congenital abnormalities of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis experience excessive sweating from birth. In this case, the child constantly has a body temperature above or below normal, unstable blood pressure, and tremor of the limbs. The child is very restless and sweats even when dressed appropriately for the temperature conditions.

Idiopathic (hereditary) hyperhidrosis also usually appears in early childhood. But in adolescence, due to physiological changes, excessive sweating may increase. But after 40 years, the symptoms of primary hyperhidrosis begin to decrease. Its symptoms are expressed in very intense sweating in one specific place or several places, but locally. The course is usually paroxysmal, sometimes sweating is constant. Patients often cannot determine for themselves what provokes bouts of sweating, since they are not associated with anxiety, stress, or overheating.

Sweating over the entire surface of the body (generalized) usually indicates the presence of serious health problems: endocrine and neurological diseases, some infections.

The smell of sweat can indicate where to look for the problem:

  • ammonia - indicates kidney problems; may be a sign of tuberculosis and endocrine pathologies;
  • sour - with the respiratory system, also - may indicate psychogenic factors, vegetative-vascular dystonia, physical exhaustion, deficiency of vitamins B or D;
  • reminiscent of rotten sweet fruit or acetone - a reason to take a blood glucose test (be examined for diabetes); in addition, the smell of acetone may indicate the presence of an infection, problems with the digestive system, kidneys or liver;
  • resembling fresh liver or fish - liver disease.

Increased sweating at night during sleep in men can be the result of simple overheating - too warm a blanket, high air temperature in the bedroom, or drinking strong drinks before bed. Overweight people often sweat at night; in addition, sweating is provoked by: a heavy dinner, eating spicy foods, smoking, and drinking alcohol.

Night sweats can be a symptom of menopause and indicate a decrease in testosterone levels. In addition, a man during andropause becomes more irritable, he may be bothered by dizziness, increased fatigue, and decreased libido.

Regular increased sweating during night sleep may indicate the development of various diseases - from a viral respiratory infection to tuberculosis and cirrhosis of the liver, neoplasms of the prostate or testicles.

Insomnia and night sweats in men, combined with muscle pain and an agitated state after drinking alcohol, are alarming signs of withdrawal syndrome, that is, already formed alcohol dependence.

Nocturnal hyperhidrosis, which is a symptom of the development of a disease, can most likely cause sleep disturbances.

In addition, insomnia and night sweats in men may indicate the presence of some psychogenic factor - problems in the family and at work, unresolved conflicts, unpleasant news.

Chronic night sweats are a more serious symptom than daytime sweats and require mandatory examination. As a result, hormonal disorders may be revealed - low testosterone levels, long before the onset of menopause, nervous and endocrine diseases, and oncological pathology.

Sweaty feet are much more common in men than in women. The feet are covered with sweat glands very densely, so sweat is released intensely on their surface, especially in hot weather. Men are often forced to constantly wear closed shoes and socks, even in the summer - representatives of many professions are required to observe such a dress code. The skin of the feet contains many bacteria, which multiply exponentially in a humid and warm environment. The products of their vital activity emit a very unpleasant, pungent odor, characteristic of sweaty feet.

Excessive sweating of the feet can be a symptom of a fungal infection of the skin of the feet and nails, be psychogenic in nature, and be part of a symptom complex of any somatic disease. It is provoked by socks and shoes made of synthetic materials, high load on the lower limbs, and lack of proper foot care.

Sweating hands in men is often a symptom of increased excitability, characteristic of a given individual. In addition, wet palms can occur with idiopathic hyperhidrosis, during age-related hormonal changes. This feature can be considered as a symptom of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, hypovitaminosis, drug treatment, overactivity of the thyroid gland, dysfunction of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and autonomic nervous system. The palms of postoperative patients, HIV-infected people, patients with tuberculosis and other infectious diseases may sweat constantly and heavily. Wet palms can be a harbinger of a stroke or myocardial infarction.

Cold and sweaty hands signal poor circulation and vascular spasms in the hands. Often found in heavy smokers, emotionally labile individuals, with hypotension, neuroses, anemia, and magnesium deficiency.

Sticky sweat on the hands of men indicates intoxication of the body with alcohol, drugs, medications, severe stress, food poisoning, metabolic disorders, and radiation sickness.

Sweating of the body in men in different parts of the body is not associated with any specific reasons. Generalized sweating is usually a symptom of serious health problems and advanced systemic diseases. It rarely occurs suddenly; first, certain areas sweat, most often the armpits. Less commonly, spots are localized on the back, chest and in skin folds. The degree of sweating is usually assessed by the size of the spots in the armpit area. Spots up to five centimeters in diameter are considered normal sweating. Mild hyperhidrosis is expressed in spots up to ten centimeters, medium - up to 15-20 cm, more extensive wet spots under the arms indicate a severe degree of hyperhidrosis.

Sweating of the whole body or most of it is most often associated with endocrine pathologies. Attacks more often occur in the evening or at night and are not associated with external conditions (temperature, physical activity). Generalized endocrine sweating is characterized by symmetry of areas of sweat secretion and very heavy sweating, after which you have to completely change clothes. With local sweating of almost any origin, sweat spots are also located symmetrically.

The asymmetrical arrangement of sweat stains on clothing indicates damage to the sympathetic nerve fibers.

In patients with diabetes, only the skin of the upper half of the body suffers from excessive sweating; the lower parts - the pelvic area and limbs, on the contrary, suffer from dryness. With diabetic hyperhidrosis, patients complain of symptoms such as thirst, a feeling of dryness in the mouth, fatigue, frequent and abundant emptying of the bladder, and poor healing of wounds.

Thyrotoxicosis, in addition to bouts of sweating, is manifested by unstable mood, low-grade fever, increased heart rate, an increase in the gap between systolic and diastolic pressure, weight loss in combination with increased appetite, heat intolerance, insomnia, tremors of the extremities, and exophthalmos.

With pheochromocytoma, attacks of generalized sweating usually occur after hypertensive crises characteristic of this disease. At the end of the attack, the person literally starts sweating in combination with profuse emptying of the bladder.

For carcinoid syndrome, characteristic symptoms along with hyperhidrosis are hyperemia of the upper body, abdominal pain, diarrhea, wheezing and shortness of breath due to spasms of the respiratory tract, and insufficiency of the heart valve apparatus on the right.

Sweating of the head in men can be of a normal physiological nature and occur as a result of the action of exogenous factors that cause sweating.

If it occurs periodically and is not associated with the above factors, then this condition may be a symptom of a disease. Most often, this manifests itself in hypertension, neuropsychiatric disorders, diseases of the scalp, in particular fungal infections, allergies, and increased intracranial pressure. The head sweats intensely in people suffering from excess weight, endocrine pathologies and cancer (night sweats). Also, sweating of the head in men can be a manifestation of primary hyperhidrosis, but such manifestations are noticed already in childhood.

Excessive sweating on the surface of the forehead and scalp is often combined with sweaty palms and redness of the facial skin, the so-called blushing syndrome.

Local increased sweat production on the skin of the face is characteristic of Parkinson's disease.

Night sweats of the head and neck, also called cranial syndrome, are generally more typical for males and more often become a symptom of pathology, although it can be caused by drinking heavy food and alcohol at night. A regularly damp pillowcase on the pillow and wet, tangled hair in the morning, not caused by a stuffy bedroom, should be a reason to visit the doctor, even if nothing else bothers you during the day.

Pathological sweating in the groin in men can be observed with idiopathic hyperhidrosis, or can be a symptom of any somatic pathologies, most likely endocrine, infectious (especially lesions of the genitourinary system), oncopathologies are not excluded. This is how the consequences of treatment - medicinal and surgical - can manifest themselves. Increased sweat production can provoke a disruption of the innervation in the perineal area due to a hernia or injury to the lumbar spinal column. Sweating in the groin often affects overweight people, fans of tight or synthetic underwear, tight jeans and trousers, and neglecting the rules of intimate hygiene. This localization of sweating is quite rare. Excessive sweating in the perineal area can cause diaper rash, damage to the integrity of the skin and the addition of a secondary infection - bacterial or fungal, the symptoms of which will be itching and sweating in the groin in men, accompanied by an unpleasant odor of sweat. At the same time, fungal infection of the skin in this localization also causes excessive sweating.

Increased sweating of the armpits in men (spots more than 10 cm), not caused by violent manifestations of emotions, physical activity, African heat and heredity, is most likely a symptom of hormonal changes, since the skin in this area, as in the groin, is predominantly apocrine glands, carrying information about gender and sexuality. Weakness and sweating in men can occur due to androgen deficiency, the causes of which in young adults are acquired - trauma, orchitis, varicocele, endocrine disorders. Such a deficiency is manifested by a decrease in sexual activity, muscle mass, the appearance of fat deposits, and mood swings. Low testosterone levels may be a symptom of prostate or testicular cancer. Symptoms increase gradually; to establish testosterone deficiency in the early stages, examination and biochemical tests are necessary.

Attacks of sweating in men can also be caused by an excess of testosterone. Sweat is intensely released in the armpits, on the head, skin of the back, palms and feet. Such attacks are usually caused by increased stress, both physical and emotional, hot weather, consumption of spicy food, coffee, and alcohol. The higher the level of the main male hormone, the more intense the body sweats.

Severe sweating in men can occur with kidney diseases: nephritis, uremia, eclampsia, nephrolithiasis; cardiovascular pathologies in the acute stage: coronary heart disease, rheumatism, thrombophlebitis, hypertension; cerebrovascular disease affecting the thermoregulation center; acute poisoning, in particular, with mushrooms and insecticides. Withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal of alcohol or drugs, as well as some medications) - the entire period of “withdrawal” is accompanied by severe sweating.

Morning sweats in men can be a sign of hypoglycemia - low blood glucose. Its symptoms are varied, but basically, in addition to sweating, it is manifested by numbness of the lips and fingertips, a feeling of hunger, tremors, increased heart rate, and severe weakness. Night and morning hyperhidrosis is characteristic of respiratory pathologies, in particular tuberculosis and bronchitis, as well as androgen deficiency. Morning sweats, accompanied by heart pain and weakness or headache, may be a harbinger of myocardial infarction or stroke.

Sweating of the buttocks in men occurs for the same reasons as sweating in other places. People who are overweight are simply more predisposed to such localization of sweat. The provoking factor is tight synthetic underwear and clothing, neglect of hygiene measures, hernias and spinal injuries. In addition, fungal and bacterial infections in this localization increase discomfort in this area and cause bouts of sweating. This condition is accompanied by itching and burning, hyperemia, and a very unpleasant odor. Constant sweating in the buttocks area leads to violations of the integrity of the skin and increases the likelihood of secondary infection.

Hot flashes of sweating in men occur for various reasons, most often there are several factors at play. If such situations arise one-time and there is a clear cause-and-effect relationship with external temperature or load factors, then there is nothing to worry about.

Constant sweating in a man should be the subject of examination, since, in addition to idiopathic hyperhidrosis, it can be a symptom of a serious disease, treatment of which must be started as early as possible in order to achieve a positive result.

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Complications and consequences

Sweating, unless it is a symptom of a serious illness, does not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient. However, this feature has a negative impact on his quality of life and, at a minimum, brings psychological discomfort.

Men suffering from sweating try to avoid shaking hands and other forms of physical contact, not dancing at parties, and are once again embarrassed to take off their jacket, knowing about wet stains on their shirt.

Sometimes sweaty hands prevent you from performing your usual daily activities - objects slip out.

Hygienic measures for such people take a lot of time - they have to take a shower and change clothes several times a day. And the opportunity for this is not always provided.

As sociological studies show, approximately half of people suffering from hyperhidrosis do not feel happy and are in a state close to depression. This is serious! More than 80% of people with excessive sweating feel awkward when communicating with strangers, and a quarter - even with loved ones. For about a third of respondents, this feature of their body brings inconveniences that they perceive as significant.

The most common physical complication of sweating is the addition of a secondary infection - constantly wet areas of the body, especially those constantly covered with clothes, with diaper rash, create a very favorable environment for the proliferation of fungus and bacteria.

Areas of the body where excessive sweat is produced are susceptible to fungal infections, the growth of papillomas and warts, and the formation of ulcers. Such processes are accompanied by an unpleasant odor (bromhidrosis).

Increased sweating also contributes to more frequent exacerbations of chronic skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis.

Upon examination, visual signs are visible - stains on clothing, maceration of the skin, rash, hyperemia of the face and upper body. Examination and questioning only allows one to establish the presence of excessive sweating, and laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out to identify the causes.

Standard tests that are prescribed to determine the causes of excessive sweating include: general blood and urine tests, blood biochemistry, determination of blood sugar, and thyroid hormone levels. The patient's blood is examined for syphilis, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C. If necessary, other tests and consultations with related specialists may be prescribed.

Mandatory instrumental diagnostics include fluorography or chest x-ray. If necessary, an ultrasound examination of the peritoneal and pelvic organs, the thyroid gland, electrocardiography and other studies may be prescribed, depending on the expected pathology.

In addition, there are methods that allow you to evaluate the qualitative characteristics of sweat and the intensity of its secretion. True, they are rarely used, more for research purposes, since their results are not decisive for choosing a method for the practical elimination of excess sweating.

The most commonly used is the iodine-starch method (Minor test). Allows you to assess the areas exposed to excess sweat, used to compare the situation before and after treatment. The test is not at all complicated: the skin in the area of ​​excessive sweating is smeared with a cotton swab dipped in an iodine solution, allowed to dry and sprinkled with starch. When sweat begins to be produced, it reacts with substances applied to the skin to form dark purple spots. The spots are outlined with a marker and photographed; this procedure is usually carried out before Botox injections or laser beam treatment.

Gravimetry - the degree of excessive sweating is determined by taking prints for a minute from the area of ​​active sweating on a special sheet of paper with hygroscopic properties. The conclusion is made by the weight of the paper before and after application to the body, which allows you to determine the weight of sweat released per minute.

Chromatography - allows you to determine the composition of sweat (the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids) by coloring a test strip on which a sweat sample is applied.

Based on the collected medical history and research data, differential diagnosis is carried out - it is established whether hyperhidrosis is primary or secondary (a symptom of a disease).

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Baths, lotions, treatment of hyperhidrosis lesions with infusions of medicinal plants, a solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid.

Underwear and summer clothes should be made from light natural fabrics and loose fit.

Shoes should be made of breathable materials, socks should be natural. In the summer, wear open-toed shoes if possible. Use antibacterial insoles and socks.

Pay attention to the prevention of flat feet, which contributes to excessive sweating on the soles of the feet.

The skin and sweat glands should be provided with B vitamins, ascorbic acid and retinol, preferably through a nutritious diet.

Increasing stress resistance, visiting psychotherapists, doing yoga, meditation.

A healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, fighting excess weight.

Treatment of diseases leading to increased sweating.

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Sweating in men does not directly threaten human life, but reduces its quality, so it is advisable to get rid of it. It's not always easy, but it is quite possible to improve your condition.

The prognosis largely depends on the cause that caused increased sweating, and the desire, as well as the efforts of the patient himself.

Sweating is an important process occurring in our body. Thanks to it, our body cools the skin at the right time and removes toxins. But this is with the proper functioning of sweat production. However, in some cases, he begins to work in the Stakhanovite regime, and then the person literally drenches himself in sweat. In this article we will talk about the causes of excessive sweating in men, as well as about the modern method of treating hyperhidrosis.

Sweating in men

Typically, increased sweating in men manifests itself on the palms, feet and armpits, which, of course, individually causes many problems.

    Increased sweating of the palms can interfere with normal partner communication in a business environment. After all, as you know, for business people shaking hands is almost a sacred ritual.

    Severe sweating of the feet is unpleasant not only due to the pungent odor, but also by creating a favorable environment for the occurrence and development of fungus.

    It's no secret that armpits with severe sweating are often (and what's more, almost always!) accompanied by an extremely unpleasant odor. This can make it difficult for a person to lead a normal social life. In some cases, it can even lead to the development of severe depression.

This is not to mention the fact that sweat is visible on clothes in wet spots (sometimes even very large ones). And since the sweat released may contain salt, after drying the stains leave white stains, which even after washing can remain noticeable stains.

Despite all this, even sweating of the entire body in men does not directly harm life and health. Which, of course, does not mean that you can simply ignore the disease, since increased sweating can be a symptom of some unpleasant disease. The causes of heavy sweating in men may be as follows:

    Various diseases: infectious, endocrine or nervous.

    Inability of the kidneys to filter out all the water: excess fluid is excreted through the sweat glands. This may indicate kidney disease or weakness.

    Taking certain medications. Among the “suspects”: aspirin, insulin, some antiemetics, etc.

    Excess weight. As you know, “overweight” people sweat more often. This is due to the fact that fat cells can affect human thermoregulation. Also, obesity can be a consequence of hormonal imbalance, which also affects sweating.

    Vegetovascular dystonia. In this case, it is appropriate to note the connection between blood vessels and the body’s thermoregulation.

    Hereditary factor.

Treatment of excessive sweating in men

Fortunately, today you can get rid of hyperhidrosis easily. For example, injecting botulinum toxin will help get rid of excessive sweating in about an hour! The essence of the procedure is simple: botulinum toxin, entering the skin, blocks the transmission of signals from nerve endings to the sweat glands. The sweat glands, in turn, having received no orders from the nerve endings, do not produce sweat, leaving the skin dry and clean. To deliver the drug to the sweat glands, the doctor makes many targeted injections into the skin at a certain depth. Typically, men need about 100–150 units of the drug. Which, by the way, is about one and a half times more than women need.

Usually the procedure takes no more than 30–45 minutes. But if after the session everything is done correctly, you can get rid of sweating for up to eight months, after which the procedure can be repeated.

It is best to come to the procedure prepared:

    If you need to get rid of armpit sweating, then before the session you need to get rid of armpit hair in any convenient way.

    If you are worried about sweating feet, you will need to get a pedicure before the procedure.

As a rule, no other preparations are required. But you will need to visit a specialist. In addition to the consultation, the doctor will examine the skin and check for contraindications in the patient. If there are no contraindications, then after the end of the reception you can proceed to the procedure.

Almost immediately after the end of the session, you will be able to return to your normal lifestyle, only without sweating. But there are a couple of rules that need to be followed:

Benefits of treating hyperhidrosis with botulinum toxin:

    No difficult rehabilitation period. After the procedure, the patient leads a normal lifestyle without strict restrictions and hospitalization.

    Session time. In most cases, the session takes no more than one hour.

    Result validity period. If you follow the doctor’s simple recommendations, you can forget about sweating for 6–8 months.

    Versatility. Botulinum toxin injections have virtually no age restrictions.

At the Laser Doctor clinic you can sign up for both a consultation and a direct botulinum toxin treatment procedure.