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Recipes for a fluffy omelette so that it doesn’t settle: the necessary proportions and ingredients. How to cook a fluffy omelette in a frying pan

A homemade omelette usually resembles a delicious pancake in taste and shape, which is not at all like the fluffy dish from childhood. In order to please yourself and your family and make a lush omelette, you need to know the simple secrets of making it.

The right ingredients – a delicious omelette

In order to prepare a fluffy omelette that doesn’t fall off for a family of 4 you will need:

  • 5 chicken eggs
  • 500 ml milk
  • salt to taste
  • butter

The main secret of a lush omelette: for one egg you need to take 100 ml of milk. It is these proportions that will make the dish airy and tender.

Break the eggs into a deep bowl and pour in the milk. Another simple trick: do not beat the ingredients under any circumstances, much less use a mixer or blender. Just stir them well with a fork. Then add salt to taste. You can also add various spices. The ideal pairing for such a light dish would be a mixture of Provençal herbs. If you like it spicier, add ground pepper to the mixture.

Please note that this recipe does not contain flour, which is usually added to omelettes. Without this ingredient, the omelette will become even more tender

Lush omelet with basil

  • Go to recipe

Now you need to prepare a special form for the omelette; this is where another simple secret of a lush dish lies. Take a small mold with high sides.

By the way, the same form that you use for baking cakes or pies is quite suitable for an omelet. A cut round omelette looks very impressive

Lush omelette in the oven or in a frying pan

Grease the mold with butter and pour the egg-milk mixture into it. During cooking, the omelette will rise, which means that the mixture should occupy no more than half the height of the pan. Place the form in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake the omelet for about 30 minutes.

After you put the omelette in the oven, do not open the door under any circumstances, otherwise the omelette will fall off. You can watch the omelette through the glass door. Then carefully remove the mold and cut the omelette into portions. Place a small piece of butter on each serving and wait until it melts. Now you can serve the omelette to the table.

A tall omelette is the dream of any housewife. Thanks to its airy consistency and mild taste, it is always eaten with pleasure by both children and adults.

We saw similar casseroles - tall and fluffy - in kindergartens and school canteens: they did not settle on the plate even when cold. Every housewife can prepare the same ones - just learn the secret of a fluffy omelette from experienced chefs.

Traditionally, a tall omelette is baked in the oven - due to the uniform baking of the dish on all sides, its porosity and fluffiness are achieved. However, it’s also easy to cook a fluffy omelette in a frying pan: to do this, you need to simmer the dish under a lid over low heat, and to avoid cooling, take dishes with thick sides. In addition to the “school” casserole, you can prepare an omelette soufflé - also a tasty dish, the height of which is achieved by thoroughly beating the egg whites.

6 cooking secrets

  1. How to cook a fluffy omelette with milk in a frying pan? Take advice from experienced chefs. Do not add flour to the omelette: the consistency will become softer and lighter.
  2. The classic dish does not contain flour - its fluffiness is achieved thanks to the correct recipe and cooking conditions, which are listed below. Follow the 50/50 principle.
  3. To make the dish taller, make the amount of milk equal to the amount of egg mixture. But don't overdo it: too much liquid in the casserole will have the opposite effect. Use a thick-bottomed frying pan, preferably cast iron.
  4. The more massive the dishes, the better the steaming of the dish. Give preference to dishes with high sides and fill them at least one-third with omelette mixture. Always cook with the lid on and do not open it during cooking.
  5. This will avoid temperature changes that are detrimental to the splendor of the dish. To be able to control the cooking process, use a lid made of transparent material. Make a layer of omelette mixture of at least 3 cm.
  6. This will allow the dish to rise to 4-4.5 cm. To prevent the omelette from falling, keep it on the stove for a couple of minutes until the temperature of the dish approaches room temperature. But don’t overcook, otherwise the cold omelette will collapse. To make the omelet airy and not fall off, do not include additives in its composition.

(meat, cheese, vegetables) by more than 50%. Excess ingredients will make the consistency of the dish heavier, denser and will resemble a tasty but flat “pancake”.

A simple recipe for a fluffy omelette with milk in a frying pan includes only eggs, salt and milk, excluding flour, starch, soda and yeast. To prepare a tall omelette, it is enough to maintain the proportions of eggs and milk (1:1) and simmer the dish under a closed lid. How to cook an omelette so that it doesn't settle? Cooks recommend keeping it in the oven or covered for 5 minutes after cooking, and also transferring it to preheated plates before serving.

You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 4 tbsp. l.


  1. Bring the eggs with milk and a pinch of salt until smooth.
  2. Place the omelette mixture in a frying pan with butter.
  3. Simmer the dish, covered, over medium heat until the omelette begins to thicken (about 3 minutes), then reduce the heat to low.
  4. Cook for another 3-5 minutes. Completed!

You can make an omelette fluffy in a frying pan if you bring the conditions closer to simmering in the oven: fry over low heat, without opening the lid, in a preheated container. Many chefs advise using only one type of oil when cooking, but some admit that mixing vegetable oil with butter in a 1:1 ratio will make the taste of the dish more original.

The invariable rule of a lush omelet is fresh, selected eggs. To select a quality product, dip the eggs in water. Newly laid eggs always sink.

Soufflé omelettes

With cheese

The easiest way to cook a fluffy omelette in a frying pan is to make an omelette soufflé. Its essence lies in the separate preparation of the yolk and white, which, as a rule, is whipped into foam. The delicate texture of the dish is due to the aerated protein, but you need to mix the omelette components very carefully so as not to disturb it.

You will need:

  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • lemon - half;
  • butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • grated cheese - 100 g;
  • salt.


  1. Separate the whites and beat into a strong foam.
  2. Add salt and lemon juice to the yolks separately and bring until smooth. Next, pour the cheese into the mixture and mix again.
  3. Carefully mix the white and yolk masses together and pour into a frying pan, preheating the butter in it.
  4. Simmer over low heat with the lid closed for 10 minutes.

You can add any ingredients to your taste to the recipe for a lush omelette in a frying pan: meat products, vegetables, mushrooms and even sweet ingredients. In any case, it will delight you with its height, fluffiness and texture that melts on the tongue.

Cooks advise sending the omelette mixture to the frying pan immediately after mixing it - otherwise the dish, regardless of your efforts, will turn out flat and heavy.

Sweet omelet

A sweet soufflé omelet is a win-win option for a children's breakfast: it will certainly be eaten with pleasure. To feed your child not only tasty, but also healthy, you can add a quarter of a glass of low-fat cottage cheese to the eggs at the mixing stage.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 15 g;
  • jam or jam - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - a pinch.


  1. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat until strong.
  2. Mix the yolks with sugar.
  3. Carefully combine both masses using a spatula.
  4. Pour the omelette mixture into the pan and cook with butter, covered, for 3-5 minutes until the bottom of the dish is browned.
  5. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180° for 5 minutes.
  6. When the time is up, spread the jam on top of the dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

To make the consistency of the omelet thicker, you can add 1 tablespoon of sour cream to the egg mixture. It is not forbidden to add vanillin, dried fruits, honey, cumin, nuts, candied fruits, as well as a pinch of baking powder for airiness to the recipe for a sweet omelet. A classic omelette-soufflé can be prepared the Kaiser way: tear the dish stewed on both sides (with raisins and cinnamon) into pieces, then fry them until crunchy.

How to make a fluffy omelette? There is no single secret: in order for the dish to turn out high, you need to follow several rules for its preparation. Using the knowledge of experienced chefs, you can prepare an egg casserole “like in childhood” - with a creamy egg taste and a delicate consistency that will not fall off even after cooling.

Omelet is a dish that will appeal to lovers of tasty and satisfying food, dieters and children. You just have to cook it not in a frying pan, but simply bake it in the oven. This method of heat treatment will help preserve more vitamins and prepare a fluffy and tender omelette, without the use of complex kitchen equipment.

Classic recipe for an omelet with milk and egg in the oven

The classic recipe for a fluffy omelette in the oven is prepared with just three ingredients (eggs, liquid and spices). Cow's milk is most often used as a liquid, but if you want to add nutrition to the dish, you can use sour cream or cream.

In order for the omelette to turn out great, it is important to strictly maintain the proportions of the ratio of liquid and eggs; for the classic recipe they will be as follows:

  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 100 ml milk (cream or sour cream);
  • salt and spices to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Beat the eggs with a few sweeping movements of a whisk or a regular table fork. At the same stage, you can add salt and spices, or you can do this a little later.
  2. If salt and spices were not introduced into the mixture earlier, then mix them with milk and pour into the beaten eggs, stirring thoroughly.
  3. Pour the egg-milk mixture into a greased baking dish. It is worth considering the fact that during baking the mass will almost double, so fill the mold to a maximum of ½.
  4. The omelette should spend about 25 minutes in the oven. The most optimal and comfortable cooking temperature will be in the range from 160 to 200 degrees, depending on the specific oven.

A dish like in kindergarten?

To bake an omelette in the oven like in kindergarten, you will need the same ingredients as in the classic recipe, plus a piece of soft butter. You can make the dish more delicate with a pronounced creamy taste and aroma by replacing regular milk with baked milk, then everyone in the family will come running to its aroma.

Required products and their ratio:

  • 6 chicken eggs (select or first category);
  • 300 ml baked or regular cow's milk;
  • 3-4 g table salt;
  • 20 g butter of creamy consistency.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. Beat the eggs into a suitable sized bowl, add a little salt and beat with a fork. There is no need to beat them. The main goal is to obtain a uniform texture, and not a fluffy foamy mass.
  2. Pour milk into the eggs and stir again until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, which is poured into a refractory baking dish. The narrower the shape and the higher its sides, the more magnificent the result.
  3. Place the omelette in the oven for 30-35 minutes at a temperature of approximately 200 degrees. During this time, the oven door must not be opened.
  4. After the specified time has passed, very carefully and with utmost care so that the dish does not fall off, grease the surface of the omelette with butter and return it to the oven. This procedure will help it become beautifully browned on top and covered with a caramel crust.

Lush omelette baked in the oven

You can achieve a fluffy omelette baked in the oven by following a few simple rules. First, there is no need to add additional ingredients to the mixture, such as flour, starch, soda or baking powder, which will only spoil the delicate taste of the dish. The second rule: never, under any circumstances, open the oven before the end of baking, so that the omelet does not fall off and turn into scrambled eggs from the oven.

In order to prepare the simplest and most dietary variation of this magnificent dish you will need:

  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 75 ml boiled or filtered water;
  • 15 g butter;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Using a fork, lightly swirl the water, eggs and salt into a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Grease the form for the future omelet with oil to make the finished casserole easier to remove. Use a cube of soft butter to go along the bottom and walls.
  3. Pour the omelette mixture into the prepared pan and place in the oven. The baking time will directly depend on the diameter of the mold and the thickness of the egg pancake. It can be from 15 minutes. The temperature must be set based on a specific oven. It can be from 150 to 200 degrees in different cases; A little trick will help to help the omelette bake well and evenly both around the edges and in the middle. Before putting the pan in the oven, you need to cover it with a piece of parchment, which should be removed only after the contents of the pan have cooled slightly after baking.
  4. Fresh vegetables and a slice of bran or whole grain bread will perfectly complement the finished egg casserole for those who are trying to get rid of extra pounds.

French style with cheese

The French omelet turns out to be very aromatic. Its taste may differ radically depending on the type of cheese chosen, but it is still better to give preference to non-refractory varieties so that the finished dish has a delicate structure, close to the structure of a soufflé.

Required Products:

  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • 10 g butter;
  • salt, pepper and herbs as desired.

How to cook an omelette in the oven:

  1. The cheese needs to be turned into small shavings so that it is evenly distributed in the egg mixture and does not concentrate on the bottom of the pan.
  2. Beat the eggs with a fork until smooth, add cheese shavings, some of which can be left for a thicker cheese crust. Salt, spices and herbs are added to the mixture as desired. It often happens that the cheese taste already contains everything you need.
  3. Grease the mold with oil and pour the egg-cheese mixture into it. Then bake in a preheated oven.
  4. 10 minutes before the end of the cooking process, you can sprinkle the remaining cheese shavings on top of the omelette and brown it.

Diet omelette with broccoli or cauliflower

Followers of a healthy diet know how many beneficial substances are concentrated in vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower, so it is not surprising that a delicious omelet recipe has appeared that includes them.

To prepare an omelet with cauliflower and/or broccoli you need:

  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 200 ml cream (fat content 10-15%);
  • 150 g broccoli (cauliflower);
  • 50 g cheese;
  • 15-20 ml olive oil;
  • salt and other spices to taste.

Method for preparing a diet omelette in the oven:

  1. Fresh or frozen cauliflower should be boiled for about five minutes in boiling salted water. Then drain in a colander.
  2. After the water has drained from the cabbage, separate it into smaller florets and fry in a frying pan with a thick bottom and high sides in a small amount of olive oil. Since this pan will then move into the oven, it will be better if its handle is removable.
  3. Lightly beat the cream together with the eggs and cheese shavings. Pour the resulting mixture over the cauliflower in the pan.
  4. Next, you can cook the omelette on the stove with a lid, baking after only 5-10 minutes under the grill for a golden brown crust, or you can immediately put it in the oven for the entire cooking time.
  5. An omelette with broccoli in the oven is prepared in the same way; moreover, these vegetables can be used at the same time. The main thing is that their total weight is equal to the prescription value.

Recipe for sweet omelette with bananas in the oven

An omelette is an excellent option for breakfast, afternoon tea or a diet snack, but this dish can also be a very tasty dessert. Caramelized bananas will help transform the omelet in this way.

What you will need for the omelette dessert:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 75 g sour cream;
  • 200 g bananas;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 50 g oat bran;
  • 3-4 g nutmeg;
  • cinnamon to taste.

Cooking process step by step:

  1. Bananas, it is better to choose fruits with dense pulp, cut into small cubes.
  2. Melt butter and sugar in a dry, thick-bottomed frying pan. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add bananas to it, sprinkle with cinnamon and caramelize for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Beat eggs with sour cream, nutmeg and bran. Then add the caramelized bananas and beat everything again.
  4. Fill portion forms (those used for making soufflés) 1/3 full with the resulting mixture and bake at 180 degrees for about a quarter of an hour;
  5. The finished dessert can be topped with chocolate glaze or decorated with slices of ripe banana.

Omelet with ham, tomatoes and cheese, baked in a pot

For serving in portions, the baked omelette is cut into separate pieces, but you can do it a little differently - cook it in clay baking pots. And if you add ham, cheese and tomatoes to the traditional list of ingredients, you get a fairly economical but satisfying dish.

Proportions of products used in the cooking process:

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 150 g ham;
  • 150 g fresh tomatoes;
  • 150 g onions;
  • 50 g hard cheese;
  • 20 g butter (can be replaced with vegetable oil);
  • salt and spices to taste.


  1. First fry the diced onions in butter or vegetable oil, then add the ham chopped into the same cubes. Fry everything together for a few minutes.
  2. Remove the skins from the tomatoes, blanch them in boiling water, and cut them into small cubes again. Then mix them with ham and onions, but do not heat them.
  3. Distribute the resulting mixture into baking pots. Pour a mixture of eggs beaten with milk, cheese and spices on top. You don’t have to mix the cheese with the rest of the ingredients, but leave it for sprinkling on top of the omelet and creating a crust. For all omelettes with additional ingredients (bananas, broccoli, ham and others), there is one rule: in order not to damage the structure and not spoil the splendor of the casserole, these products are introduced last.
  4. Pots filled no more than half should be kept in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. After this, the omelette with ham, tomatoes and cheese will be ready.

What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty

If you have eggs, salt and milk at home, you can whip up the most delicious and simple breakfast dish - a fluffy omelette! Breakfast will be hearty, light and delicious!

15 minutes

150 kcal

5/5 (2)

- This is the best Sunday dish that you can whip up along with dishes like or. It can even be called a “lazy” dish due to the speed of preparation and the unpretentiousness of the ingredients used.

The benefits of simplicity

The average calorie content of an omelet is up to 200 kilocalories per 100 grams and depends entirely on its composition. And the composition can be completely different - you can add sausage or pieces of meat to your taste, vegetables, even pieces of fruit, similar to pineapple pizza!

The main thing is to remember the products that form the basis of this dish: milk and eggs. You can even say that the dish is healthy due to the naturalness of the products used for it. Especially if the milk and eggs are homemade, and instead of the usual sausage for the omelet, dietary chicken is taken.

How to cook an egg omelet? The dish is prepared very simply by mixing all the ingredients in crushed form and quickly cooking in the oven or in a frying pan - whichever you prefer!

Secrets of the airiness of an omelet

There are several secrets that housewives use to ensure that the omelette turns out like a soufflé:

To make the dough more airy, some people add dry yeast to the ingredients at the tip of a knife.

If you don’t have yeast at home, and the omelet is cooked with milk, you can add a pinch of soda.

To ensure that the omelette rises gradually and does not shrink after turning off the burner, you need to cook it over low heat, after covering it with a lid.

And don’t forget to beat the eggs and milk well at the very beginning of cooking. The better you perform this stage, the more beautiful the dish will turn out.

Omelette recipes in the oven and in a frying pan

Below are the easiest ways to prepare an omelet, with which you can provide the whole family with a delicious and nutritious energizing breakfast in a matter of minutes!

Omelet with milk

To make this simple recipe you only need a couple of ingredients:

  1. Mix the ingredients well without whisking. Finally add salt and stir again.
  2. Grease a baking dish generously with oil, pour in the mixture and bake for up to 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees Celsius.
  3. When finished, leave the dish in the oven to cool.

    Advice: The mass can also be prepared in a frying pan. To do this, the frying pan must be preheated.

Omelet with mayonnaise

In this recipe milk can be replaced with mayonnaise:

  • Eggs – 4 pieces
  • Mayonnaise – 100 grams
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Chopped green onions – 2 tablespoons
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Eggs and mayonnaise must be beaten well. Pour the dough into a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil and cook for up to 5 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with onions.

Omelette with flour

Flour adds a baking touch to this recipe.

  • Eggs – 6 pieces
  • Milk – 1 glass
  • Wheat flour – 2 tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste
  1. Beat the eggs well.
  2. Add milk, salt and stir.
  3. Then add flour and beat again.
  4. Pour into the heated pan and bake until done.
  5. An omelet with flour can also be baked in the oven.

Advice: The consistency of the dough should be similar to pancake dough.

Difference in preparation

All omelet recipes are similar to each other. The main difference is the cooking method: oven or in a frying pan. There is no particular difference in these two methods. But experienced housewives claim that in a frying pan you can achieve a golden, sometimes even crispy crust. But in the oven you get a more fluffy dough.

In addition, there are differences in the ingredients. For example, instead of regular chicken eggs, you can use duck or quail eggs to get a new interesting taste.

Greens add freshness to the dish and remind you of spring. Chopped green onions can be added to the dough, or you can sprinkle them on the finished dish.

The filling of an omelet can be completely different! Eggs and milk are only the basis of the dough, into which, like pizza, you can add pieces of sausage, mushrooms or vegetables. Sprats, cheese and different types of meat can also easily be used as filling. The main rule is to chop the ingredients thoroughly. They can be mixed and added separately to achieve specific flavor combinations.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with such a simple recipe as an omelette - every time you will surprise your family with new delicious and quick breakfasts!

In contact with

Omelette is a dish from French cuisine, but it is prepared all over the world. So, the Italians make their own version - fritatta, the Spaniards - tortilla, the Japanese - omuretsu. Traditional Russian cuisine has its own version - drachena, although this dish is more related to ritual cuisine.

It is believed that the original omelet recipe contains only lightly beaten eggs fried in butter. Today there are so many omelet recipes that several volumes of a culinary reference book could be devoted to it. You can cook an omelette with whatever you like - with herbs, tomatoes, cheese, ham, lard, cottage cheese, bell peppers, champignons. There are even sweet versions of the chocolate omelette. For every taste, in a word.

So, about the secrets.

Secret No. 1
The more thoroughly you mix the eggs and milk, the tastier the omelette will be. It is believed that the most worthy result is obtained precisely when the mass is not mixed with a mixer, but mixed for a long time and thoroughly with a whisk or fork.
Any filling is carefully added to the omelette mixture when it is already well beaten. In this case, you will get a fluffy omelette. If you want to get a soufflé omelet, beat the whites separately and only then add the yolks and milk.

Secret No. 2
Of course, homemade eggs will make the most airy and light omelet. If you want to make a dietary option, it is better to use only proteins. If you need a thicker omelette, use only yolks.

Secret No. 3
Excess liquid spoils the dish. It is believed that the ideal proportion is 1 egg per half shell of milk. If there is more liquid, then the finished omelette will release moisture and collapse very quickly.

Secret No. 4
Any omelet is cooked under a lid - this is no secret to anyone. But if you grease the lid from the inside with a piece of butter, the omelette will turn out higher and fluffier than usual.

Secret No. 5
The omelette should not burn under any circumstances. In order for it to cook evenly and rise, you need to shake it in the pan from time to time. At the very beginning, it should be cooked over high heat until it starts to rise and become firm. Next, cook over low heat until completely cooked. A properly cooked omelette slides easily from the pan onto the plate.

Secret No. 6
If you want to be absolutely sure that the omelette is fluffy, then add a little flour or semolina. True, the main thing is not to overdo it with these ingredients, otherwise your omelette will turn into a flat and tight crust. We do not recommend putting more than 1.5 teaspoons of flour into an omelet mixture of 4 eggs.

Secret No. 7
If you want a creamier omelette, add 2 teaspoons of sour cream or mayonnaise per 4 eggs.

Secret No. 8
The container in which the omelette is prepared is very important. The pan should have a thick and even bottom. The ideal cookware for preparing this dish is a cast iron frying pan.
We recommend using a lid with a hole to drain moisture. This will prevent your omelette from being too wet or with too much liquid.

Secret No. 9
Fry the omelet in vegetable oil with the addition of a piece of butter. An omelet simply made with vegetable oil will not turn out so soft in taste and aromatic.

Secret No. 10
If you want to add herbs to an omelet, do not add them to the egg mixture, but sprinkle them on the dish when serving. This way you will preserve the vitamins, taste and smell of the greens.

Source of information: http://kitchenmag.ru/posts/desyat-sekretov-idealnogo-omleta