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DIY metal door repair: what to look for? Repair of entrance iron doors Do-it-yourself repair of entrance metal doors

Locks have always been and remain the weak points of iron doors. Their mechanisms often fail and require repair work. Of course, you can cope with such procedures yourself, without turning to the services of specialists. To do this, you need to know exactly what type of lock is present on the front door. Only knowing this can you repair the mechanism yourself without aggravating the situation.


There are several types of locking devices that can be installed in iron entrance doors. Each of them has its own distinctive characteristics, structural features and service life. Repair of different models also differs in many stages.

The following subtypes of locks may be present in metal entrance doors:

  • transom– these types of mechanisms operate based on the linear movement of the key, and their main disadvantage is that the latter are too large;
  • electronic– these types of locking devices make it possible to unlock the iron entrance door using a special magnetic key or an individual code;
  • level ones– the most common and standard mechanisms, which contain special plates and cores (the security level of such devices is determined by the number of slots on the key);
  • cylinder– the second most popular types of locks (they have a reliable steel body and steel pins in their design) for entrance doors, they are distinguished by a fairly high level of security, as well as a practical and convenient key.

In addition, commercially available locking structures are divided into:

  • mortise– these locks are usually mounted on the end half of the door on a special fastener strip;

  • invoices– such options are installed directly on the door leaf by applying it from the inside;

  • loose-leaf– locks with this design are installed in the door leaf, referring to the disassembly of the front door, while the insert device is fixed in a special pocket present in the steel sheet.


If you want to change the lock of an iron entrance door with your own hands, then for this you will definitely need to familiarize yourself with its structure and operating principle. Only by learning all the necessary information about the existing locking mechanism can you count on a good result when replacing it yourself.

The operating features of standard locking structures, which are suitable for iron entrance doors, consist in the presence of special locking parts, such as cylinders, levers or disk plates. The cross-type versions of the devices are very similar to the cylinder ones, but they cannot be called highly durable and reliable, because they have a secret that can be cracked even with a simple screwdriver.

As mentioned earlier, there are also mortise and overhead versions of locking systems for entrance doors. The easiest way to install and assemble, of course, are overhead copies, since this does not require unnecessary manipulations. All you need to do is remove the cover itself. As for the device of the mortise model, it can be much more difficult to carry out independent installation and adjustment work. Do not undertake repairs of such devices if you doubt your abilities.

Different types of locking systems designed for iron entrance doors have different structures and consist of different parts. Popular level locks can be assembled from the following components:

  • key;
  • housings;
  • front frame;
  • covers;
  • bolt;
  • shanks related to the bolt;
  • shank stands;
  • set of levers;
  • spring parts of levers;
  • special plate;
  • spacer washers.

Also, the locks of iron doors must contain such structural elements as:

  • clamps;
  • a special metal box required for the bolt;
  • valve;
  • a key that allows the bolt to move.

Depending on the specific model of a particular manufacturer, the internal structure of the locking device may vary. Before you begin to independently repair such systems, it is important to get to know them better in order to avoid serious errors in operation.

Causes of breakdowns

Even the most expensive and high-quality metal front door lock is not immune to various types of breakdowns and malfunctions. You can cope with most of them on your own. Many users do not turn to the services of experienced repairmen and do everything themselves.

Before considering how you can get rid of this or that problem, you should figure out what could cause the front door lock to break down. Let's look at the most common situations that lead to malfunctions in the locking mechanisms.

  • Most users experience that the key gets stuck in the door lock. In these circumstances, it is necessary to remember which key is stuck in the device - a duplicate or an original element. Please note that most often it is duplicate keys that are not made very well that get stuck. If at least one of the antennae on the device is damaged or its base is crooked, then most likely one day it will simply get stuck in the lock of an iron door.
  • Often the lock itself fails. In many cases, the system simply jams. If such a situation occurs, then a lot of effort will have to be made to open/close the door leaf (it must be said that many users over the years may have exerted extra effort when opening the door, although they just need to change the existing lock).
  • Certain elements of the lock system may also become unusable. The most vulnerable and fragile parts are considered to be handles and fixing components. To avoid such problems, experts recommend purchasing only high-quality locking devices from well-known companies with a good reputation. Most likely, you will spend a lot of money on such options, but as a result you will get a truly reliable and durable product that will be less prone to breakdowns.
  • Quite often the door tongue stops slamming. The most common cause of such a defect is the inappropriate size of the counter recess. To solve this problem, you should bore or slightly move the iron plate. The locking of the tongue may well be caused by the lining of the device itself on the end half of the door leaf. In addition, misalignment may occur due to frequent use of the iron entrance door, which is why the mechanism inevitably begins to loosen.
  • Many people find that an iron entrance door is quite difficult to open or close. Such troubles can be caused by misalignment of the lock itself or the entire door frame. These problems can only be resolved by regulating damaged structures.
  • The key may not only jam, but may not be inserted into the hole at all. All owners of metal entrance doors have encountered such breakdowns at least once. The cause of these problems may be contamination of the existing locking mechanism or the displacement of certain of its elements.
  • The lock may require repair if any foreign bodies get into the keyhole. They will interfere with opening and closing the door.
  • Frequent repairs of locking systems in many cases occur due to the dubious quality of locking devices. That is why experts advise buying only branded products of the highest quality. They will not require frequent repairs or quick replacement.
  • If the building in which, for example, the apartment is located, shrinks and the walls in it inevitably begin to warp, then the lock on the metal entrance door can also be seriously damaged. This feature should also be taken into account if you live in a private house (such buildings can also shrink).

How to repair?

You can easily repair a lock on a metal front door with your own hands. Many users resort to self-repair of such systems because they do not want to spend extra money on calling specialists. According to home craftsmen, such work is simple and usually does not take up much free time. The main thing is to take into account the type and design of the lock.

Repair of a particular mechanism largely depends on the specific subtype of larva present in it. In many cases, it is this part that becomes the main cause of most problems and breakdowns. Typically, metal doors are equipped with cylindrical or lever-type locks. In order for the locking mechanism to last as long as possible, the cylinder in it should be replaced.

To repair the cylinder lock, you should perform the following steps:

  • first you need to remove the special armor plate;
  • then you will need to unscrew the fixing screw located in the end part of the iron door leaf;
  • then you will need to remove the cylinder;
  • Now you can safely change it for a new one, and then fix all the other structural elements in their places.

If we are talking about a widespread lever mechanism, then it is advisable to replace the entire lock, because with a high probability this part will break again. If a tongue in such a structure is stuck, you will need to disassemble the entire structure and then adjust its position.

Other types of locking mechanisms are far from the most reliable. In addition, it can be difficult to find parts for them on sale. This mainly applies to disc and cruciform secretions. For this reason, it is easier to install a new lock than to try to repair an already damaged cylinder.

Situations in which the spacer mechanism fails are considered more complicated. Here, during repair work, the canvases are removed from their hinges and disassembled. A distinctive characteristic of such a lock lies in the fact that in the process of closing the door leaves, additional bolts are extended, not only vertical, but also horizontal.

If you examined the condition of the locking system and did not find any reason for failure - all the elements are intact and are located in their places, then most likely the problem lies in the clogging of the existing mechanism. This kind of problem is not uncommon, especially when it comes to a strong metal structure.

According to experts, in such situations it is easiest to repair the lock. First you will need to unscrew the lock. Then you will need to remove all the elements of the mechanism. Blow it thoroughly. Then, using a stiff brush, get rid of all the dust and dirt that has accumulated on the inside. Next, you will need to carefully wipe the large components of the structure with a soft cloth. Perform all actions as carefully as possible so as not to harm the mechanism. Then you need to apply a small amount of lubricant to a cotton swab and thoroughly lubricate all elements of the locking device. Having completed all cleaning activities, the structure will need to be reassembled and then fixed in place. Be sure to check the quality of the lock after installation.

Please note that after such procedures, the key may get dirty with the lubricant for some time.

Often the lock body of an iron door requires repair or replacement. In this case, the following wizard actions are necessary:

  • First you need to unscrew the fasteners;
  • then you will need to remove the lock itself (the overhead version is easier to remove, but the mortise version can cause some problems);
  • To remove the lock, you will need to unscrew the screw - the handle lock, and then the screw responsible for fixing the cylinder;
  • then you will need to pull the cylinder and at the same time turn the key so that the cylinder tongue comes out of the body;
  • Now you can remove the bolts and handles;
  • unscrew the screws that hold the lock case in place, and then remove it;
  • open the lock body by removing the mounting screws;
  • clean the device from any dirt using tweezers;
  • try to find out what is the cause of the lock malfunction (make sure that there are no missing or missing parts, bent elements that impede the operation of the mechanism);
  • all broken parts must be replaced, and bent elements must be straightened;
  • Having completed all the work, do not forget to clean the existing device and treat it with oil;
  • Now you can put the case back together and secure it with screws.

If, when the door leaf is open, the locking mechanism functions without problems, but the door itself does not close or closes only if you press hard on it, and at the same time you can hear the characteristic sounds of iron friction, then this may indicate a misalignment of the walls in the home. This happens due to shrinkage of the structure. In this case, the bolts stop entering the counter component of the locking device. You can get rid of such troubles by boring the receiving holes using a file or special metal cutters. To determine the specific dimensions of the bore, you will need to coat the crossbars, for example, with toothpaste, slam the door leaf, and then bring the crossbars all the way. The resulting prints will be an excellent guide to the size and level of the response component.

If the metal door in your home is equipped with a mortise lock, then it will also need to be repaired if certain problems arise. To do this, the following wizard actions are required:

  • the first step is to determine what the design malfunction is and what caused it;
  • after this, the mechanism must be thoroughly cleaned, but be as careful as possible;
  • then you will need to replace parts that have undergone significant wear, or completely replace the cylinder;
  • you will need to recode the lock, which is best left to specialists;
  • Having completed all the work, it is imperative to check the proper functioning of the secret part of the structure.

It should be taken into account that dismantling mortise lock systems is quite complex and time-consuming.

There are several types of locking systems. Most of them can be replaced or repaired yourself, but experts do not advise DIYers to work with electronic locks. It is better to entrust such options to professionals.

When repairing a metal door lock yourself, you need to be not only as careful as possible, but also very attentive. Many components of locking mechanisms are very small and therefore easily lost. It is advisable to put all the elements in a designated place so as not to look for them later throughout the house.

There is no need to simply disassemble the locking mechanism. This should only be done for a specific reason, because frequent disassembly and assembly of such a system can negatively affect its durability and overall performance.

If you notice that your lock body requires repair, then you will definitely need to stock up on a screwdriver. Using this simple tool, found in almost every home, you can easily and quickly remove the lock from an iron door.

You should not think that the locking devices in interior and exterior doors are identical. In fact, the first ones are simpler. Their repair is often very different from the repair of entrance locking structures - this is very important to keep in mind.

Don't buy cheap locking handles in stores. Such things do not inspire confidence even externally. They are quite lightweight, fragile and have a primitive design. Such products never inspired confidence. If possible, it is better to spend money on a metal door lock and get a high-quality and durable product as a result.

Experts strongly do not recommend purchasing Chinese-made locking systems in stores. Many Russian products are also considered to be of poor quality. It is better to turn to European goods. They are easier to repair, last longer and are more wear-resistant. Of course, such products will cost more, but they will not disappoint owners with their quality and performance characteristics.

If there is a serious breakdown of the lever lock, then most likely you will have to completely change it. In such a situation, replacing the base will only be a temporary solution to the problem, since the next breakdown may occur very soon.

If you decide to repair or replace the lock cylinder yourself, then you should know that there is no need to open or completely disassemble the mechanism. The most you have to do is unscrew the special armor plate.

If the lock requires recoding, then it is better not to do it yourself. Carrying out such procedures should be trusted to professionals. You can also purchase special branded locks that have a self-coding function. These options are more expensive, but they are easy and convenient to use.

It is not recommended to choose your own lubricant for cleaning a disassembled lock. It’s better to go to a specialized retail outlet and consult with a sales consultant. He will definitely advise which composition is best suited for your locking mechanism.

It is not uncommon for a lock on a metal door to become rusty. As a rule, in such cases, people purchase new lock structures and install them instead of rusty ones, since the latter cease to be as reliable and durable when they corrode.

Metal doors must not only reliably protect the house from thieves, cold and extraneous sound, they must also have a beautiful appearance and work properly. Although metal structures are highly durable and reliable, nothing lasts forever and after a certain period of use, some of their elements may fail. Such doors are heavy, so the load on the hinges is high, which can cause them to break. In addition, the lock, handle, or other damage may occur. Most of these malfunctions can be fixed with your own hands, and we will look further at how to do this correctly.

What malfunctions of metal entrance doors can be eliminated yourself and how to do it

The concept of metal door repair is collective and includes not only the repair of hinges, locks or handles, but also the restoration of the surface of the door leaf and trim. If the doors were installed 10–15 years ago, then during their operation, some elements may wear out and stop performing their job correctly, so they need to be repaired or replaced. Fashion is constantly moving forward, and even if the door is in good condition, it may no longer fit into the modern interior. In order not to completely change the doors, you can perform decorative repairs and radically change the appearance of the old metal panel.

Although the structure of metal doors is much more complex than wooden ones, their reliability will be much higher. Most of the breakdowns that may occur can be fixed with your own hands; to do this, you need to have the necessary tools, determine the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it.

Even high-quality metal doors may require repairs after a certain time.

The main causes of breakdowns of metal doors:

  • long service life, so some parts have a lot of wear, which prevents them from working properly;
  • at the time of purchase, a cheap option was chosen, so the service life of such doors will be short;
  • The doors were installed incorrectly, making their normal operation impossible;
  • the door was tried or opened without a key, this may happen if the owners lost the keys or if strangers illegally entered the house;
  • The appearance of the door does not match the interior, and the owner decided to transform it.

The following elements can fail in a metal door:

  • lock;
  • accessories;
  • door frame, it can change its geometry or be poorly fixed;
  • platbands;
  • door leaf, it may lose its original appearance or have a violation of the integrity of the surface.

Necessary tool

To repair a metal door with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • a set of screwdrivers or a screwdriver for loosening and tightening fasteners;
  • a set of hex and socket wrenches;
  • an electric drill for drilling out the lock fastenings or creating new holes for its installation;
  • hammer;
  • marker, it is necessary to mark places for new holes;
  • sandpaper and a metal brush if the paintwork will be restored.

Every home craftsman has tools for repairing metal doors.

Replacing a lock and cylinder in a metal entrance door

Depending on the model of the metal door, locks of different designs may be used. Before you begin the repair, you need to decide on the lock system. The following locking mechanisms are currently used in metal entrance doors:

  • cylinder, here you can simply and quickly replace the cylinder, such locks have a flat key, which has recesses or notches, this is the most common type;
  • lever mechanisms have a more complex design, but they also have the highest reliability; here the key is in the form of a rod with notches and cutouts;
  • Disc, cross-shaped or rack-and-pinion mechanisms can be used much less frequently.

The main types of locks that can be used on metal entrance doors

The need to replace a lock or cylinder may arise in the following cases:

  • loss of a key, even if you still have spare keys, in such cases it is recommended to replace the lock or cylinder, since there is a possibility that the lost key will be found by a not very honest person, and he will be able to freely enter your house;
  • breakdown of the mechanism, improper operation can cause breakdown of the mechanism or this is due to the use of low-quality locks;
  • replacing the lock with a more modern and reliable model;
  • after a break-in, this can happen when thieves entered the apartment or you lost the keys and opened the doors yourself;
  • buying an apartment, for security reasons, when buying an apartment, it is best to immediately change the locks or cylinders.

Cylinder lock

Most budget entrance doors use this type of lock. The design of such a device allows, in case of loss of the key, to change not the entire mechanism, but only the lock cylinder. Since the larvae have standard sizes, finding one that fits your lock will not be more difficult.

Sequence for replacing a cylinder lock:

  1. First, the armor plate is removed.

    Use a screwdriver or screwdriver to remove the cover.

  2. The key opens the lock.
  3. From the end of the door, use a screwdriver to unscrew the plate.

    There are screws on the side that secure the plate and secure the lock core.

  4. To release the bolts, the lock is closed.
  5. In the center at the end there is a screw that secures the cylinder; you need to unscrew it and, turning it slightly, pull out the cylinder.

    By turning slightly, you can easily remove the lock cylinder

  6. A new “secret” is inserted and all operations are performed in reverse order.

Level castle

Such a device has higher reliability, but its design is also more complex. Depending on the manufacturer, if the lever lock fails, in cheaper models you will have to replace the lock completely. In expensive versions, it is possible to recode the levers; for this, a new core is purchased, complete with keys, and inserted into the lock. Spare parts must be purchased from the same manufacturer as the doors.

Procedure for replacing the lever lock:

If you have doubts that you can cope with replacing a lock or cylinder yourself, then it is better to invite specialists to carry out the work.

When a metal door squats, it is impossible not to notice such a malfunction. It begins to catch on the threshold, closes poorly and its thermal insulation characteristics are impaired.

The peculiarity of metal doors is that they have a lot of weight, so even high-quality hinges can change their original position over time. During the operation of the doors, a gradual subsidence of the leaf occurs and the moment comes when such a malfunction must be eliminated.

Typically, hinges on metal doors are not welded, but rather screwed. If so, they can be replaced quickly and easily. The main thing is to purchase the same hinges so that the mounting holes on them coincide with the holes on the door frame and leaf.

If the hinges are welded, then they can be cut off and new ones installed in this place, but there is no guarantee that in this case the need for repairs may arise again after some time. If possible, you can lift the doors using washers that are placed on the rod of the lower canopy, but before that they are lubricated with grease or a similar lubricant.

You can lift the door using washers installed in the hinges

If shrinkage of the house occurs, the door warps due to deformation of the door leaf, so the way out would be to replace the entire door block. If possible, you can try driving wooden wedges under the base of the door frame and using them to level it.

Before you begin to eliminate door sagging, you must first determine the reasons that caused it and eliminate them.

The entrance metal door does not close well

Often a situation arises when the front door begins to close poorly, it happens very tightly or, on the contrary, weakly. The new door may be difficult to close. This is due to the fact that the seal is still tight and to get rid of this defect, it is enough to wait 1-2 weeks until it becomes more elastic.

The door may not close well because the lock is not working properly. You need to see if the crossbar fits correctly into the groove. If there is a displacement, then the door must be aligned correctly, for which the hinges are adjusted.

To adjust the tightness of the lock, most metal doors have a latch plate with which you can adjust the tightness of the door leaf. In cheap models, you can eliminate the jamming of the bolt by filing the place in the door frame into which it fits, or you can bend the metal a little using pliers.

The door closing tightness is regulated by the shutter bar

In the case when the door closes very easily, you need to pay attention to the condition of the seals. If they wear out, they cannot provide the necessary tightness, and the leaf does not fit tightly to the door frame. It is enough to replace the seal and this problem will disappear.

Repair and replacement of metal door handle

One of the most vulnerable elements of a door is the handle. Metal doors are usually equipped with push handles, but they can also be stationary.

Most often, push handles are used; they are used to control the door lock tongue and also to move the door leaf, while the stationary handle only serves to open/close the door.

Using the push handle, the door is opened/closed and the lock tongue is controlled

A stationary handle rarely breaks; this usually occurs from strong mechanical impact. If it breaks, the handle is replaced, and if the fastening is loosened, the fasteners are tightened.

The push handle has a more complex design, which is why it breaks much more often. The following breakdowns may occur:

  1. Failure of the moving mechanism. The fastening bar and the movable handle are connected to each other by a special movable mechanism. The handle falling out of the socket can occur due to strong mechanical stress if it is made of poor steel or bad riveting. In such situations, the handle cannot be repaired and it must be replaced with a new one.
  2. Problems with the rod. The rod that transmits the force from the movable handle to the lock tongue has a square cross-section. If when you turn the handle, it works normally, but the tongue does not move, then there is a problem with the rod. It may break during operation or, due to loosening of the handle, jump out of its place. In rare cases, the seat in the handle wears out and the rod in it begins to rotate. It is enough to replace the rod or insert it into place and this problem will disappear.
  3. The handle does not return to its original position. To return the handle, a spiral spring is used, which is attached to the bar on one side and to the handle on the other. The spring may come out of its fastenings or break. To eliminate such a malfunction, it is enough to insert the spring into place or replace it with a new one.
  4. The handle falls out. This occurs due to a broken retaining ring. It can either loosen or burst; replacement is done after disassembling the handle.

In order to remove the push handle on a metal door, you must perform the following operations:

If there is a decorative trim, the disassembly procedure will be slightly different:

When it is only necessary to replace failed elements, then they are replaced, and if this is not possible, then they purchase the same handle and install it in place of the broken one.

How to lubricate a metal door

Lubricating a door is a simple task that any home handyman can do on his own. The creaking of the door leaf is not only annoying, but also indicates that the door is not working properly and this negatively affects its performance and service life.

First, you need to determine and eliminate the reason why the creaking occurred, and only then move on to the lubrication process. Reasons why creaking appears:

  • lack of lubrication; over time, lubricant leaks out of the hinges and they begin to creak during operation;
  • corrosion, this is the most common reason, since the doors are entrance doors, the hinges are constantly susceptible to the negative effects of moisture, which can cause rust and destruction of the metal;
  • wear of the hinges, when the hinges are not lubricated in time, they wear out and if it is large, then the failed elements will have to be replaced;
  • debris, dust or debris may get in and clog the hinges;
  • the canvas is distorted, and both the hinges and the canvas that rubs against the box can creak.

To lubricate metal doors, various materials can be used, but most often they are:

  • WD 40, this lubricant helps remove corrosion and creates a thin film on the surface that prevents the development of corrosion and improves gliding;
  • litol - frost-resistant and moisture-resistant material;
  • grease;
  • Cyatim is a universal product, which is a thickened oil with the addition of antioxidant additives.

It is better to use thick products to lubricate a metal door.

If you don’t have the described products at hand, you can use waste oil, sewing machine oil, or graphite shavings, which are obtained from the lead of a simple pencil.

It is preferable to lubricate parts with thick products, as they will provide good gliding over a longer period of time.

When lubricating the door, you must adhere to the following rules:

In order for a metal door to work for a long time and silently, it is necessary to lubricate it periodically.

Video: repairing a metal entrance door

Restoration of metal entrance doors

Over time, the appearance of a metal entrance door becomes less attractive, it loses its original appearance, and rust may appear. Even if the door is in good condition, after some time it may become outdated and will not match the interior or exterior design of the house, so there is a need to change its appearance.

The most popular methods of restoring a metal entrance door are:

  1. Painting. For these purposes, acrylic, automotive, and hammer paint can be used, with which you can simply and quickly restore a metal sheet.

    Painting is the most affordable method of restoration

  2. Faux leather upholstery. This method is suitable for decorating a door on the side of the room. This solution allows you to additionally insulate the door leaf, but if there is a cat or dog in the house, it will not last long.

    Faux leather upholstery allows for additional insulation of the door

  3. Laminate covering. You can create a solution that will fit into any interior. It can be used both inside and outside the door. The disadvantage of this restoration method is the high cost of the material.

    A metal door can be sheathed with laminate both inside and outside

  4. Powder coating. The surface turns out durable and beautiful, but you won’t be able to apply powder paint at home; this can only be done in special workshops, but it will still be cheaper than buying a new door.

    Powder paint can only be applied in a specialized workshop

  5. MDF panels. MDF plates allow you to create a beautiful and high-quality coating; they are easy to care for and such a metal door will serve for many years.

    Using MDF overlays, you can quickly and easily restore a metal door

  6. Natural wood. This method allows you to transform an ordinary metal door and turn it into a real work of art. This canvas is decorated with carvings and does not differ in appearance from that made from natural wood.

    A metal door covered with wood looks like a product made of natural wood

The choice of method for restoring a metal door depends on the desire and capabilities of the owner; most options can be implemented with your own hands.

Video: replacing a decorative MDF panel

How to dismantle a metal entrance door

In order to dismantle a metal front door yourself, you first need to prepare all the necessary tools:

  • hammer;
  • crowbar;
  • spanners;
  • Bulgarian.

Sequentially dismantling a metal door:

All that remains is to clear the doorway of debris and you can proceed to installing a new door.

Video: dismantling a metal entrance door

If there is a need to repair metal entrance doors, you need to adequately assess your capabilities and decide whether you can cope with such work without the help of specialists. If there is no such confidence, then instead of fixing one breakdown, you can create several more problems. Much depends on the quality of the door; if it is an expensive model, then you should not take risks and it is better to invite a specialist to repair it. You can handle the repair of a budget metal door yourself, you just need to first determine the breakdown, the cause of its occurrence, and only then begin to fix the problem. You must act in accordance with developed technologies and adhere to the recommendations of specialists.

– the most common way to protect premises of any type: from a warehouse to an apartment. They have long come to replace old, Soviet wooden panels and meet a number of mandatory criteria: safety, reliability, durability and others. Over time, as a result of frequent use and external (atmospheric) phenomena, the door and parts may begin to malfunction and cause inconvenience to the owners. Therefore, it is important to know what problems you can fix yourself.

Main defects of entrance doors

Most often, troubles happen with the following components of door structures (in descending order):

  • Locks;
  • Accessories;
  • Door frame;
  • Damage to the canvas;
  • Decorative elements (platband).

No matter how careful their use is, sooner or later, if not man, then nature becomes the cause of various defects.

The sun damages the coating, the paint fades, cold and moisture negatively affect the fit of the metal. In addition to operation and atmospheric phenomena, there is another reason - negligence during the installation of a door block in an apartment, house, or warehouse. If you are unable to identify and neutralize the breakdown on your own, you can contact the installer; it’s good if there is a warranty.

Warp door leaf

A number of signs indicating imbalance:

  • Doesn't close well;
  • Clings to the threshold of the doorway,
  • Thermal insulation violations appeared;
  • Extraneous noise is heard from the street.

If one of the signs is present, it is necessary to repair metal doors. Reasons for failure:

  • Heaviness - the hinges of the mechanism are not powerful enough and wear out. It is necessary to replace the parts with more powerful ones. But if welding was used when installing the door leaf, the hinges cannot be replaced. If there is sagging, there is another little trick - put a nut or washer on the top hinge, be sure to lubricate the parts with machine oil.
  • Shrinkage of the structure - the problem concerns private houses (brick, block, cinder block buildings). The frame moves, so you can put something under the bottom of the doorway to correct the situation.

Removing rust from iron doors

Before installation, the door leaf is always coated with a special product and then paint is applied. But as the years go by, the paint cracks and peels off.

The first signs of corrosion are usually observed at the bottom of the doorway.

To revive the door and give it a “fresh” look, it is necessary to carry out a number of actions. Repairing entrance doors should begin with preparing the necessary tools:

  • Sandpaper (medium and fine);
  • Brushes for working on metal surfaces;
  • Solvent;
  • Rubber spatula;
  • Putty;
  • Primer;
  • Dye;
  • Gloves.

When everything is ready, you can begin repairing steel doors:

  • In order not to stain the casing, you need to cover it with fabric (film);
  • Remove the fittings;
  • Removing old paint;
  • Sanding the structure (first with coarse sandpaper, then with fine sandpaper);
  • Lubricate the door with solvent (degrease);
  • After drying, putty on the desired areas and let dry;
  • Second stage of grinding;
  • Primer;
  • Correct painting of doors is done in a horizontal position to avoid drips. Sand the unsatisfactory areas. Return to the location of the doorway.
  • Return the fittings to their place.

The front door creaks

Most often, old entrance doors creak due to many years of exposure to temperature changes. There is no need to repair such old wooden door panels, limiting yourself to processing with graphite powder (even a pencil from office supplies will do).

When a creaking noise appears in a new structure, repairs should begin with diagnosing the doorway.

You need to look for places where wear is visible. This is a consequence of misalignment, so the door must be adjusted immediately. You will need the following tools:

  • Key (hexagon);
  • Wrench (socket);
  • Flat screwdriver;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • Lubricating fluid.

Repair options:

  • Check the hinges: loosen, press the door leaf, tighten the hinges little by little. You need to shake it to get the hinges into place. Close - open the door several times.
  • Hinges and screws “walk” due to poor fixation - tighten the bolts, use glue and matches to make a plug and fix the screw.
  • Due to moisture, rust can form in the hinges; they must be lubricated with any oil (machine oil, sunflower oil).

To avoid a similar problem in the future, you need to lubricate the hinges of the doorway with paraffin.

More information about repairing iron doors in the video:

Blowing through metal doors

Both owners of old and new iron door structures face the problem of ventilation (when installed in the summer, the problem is unnoticeable, but in the winter, drafts do their job, especially in the apartment). Fortunately, there is a special material that eliminates the problem. It contains silicone and rubber. The sheet, approximately five meters in diameter, has an adhesive side that is securely attached to the outside of the façade.

Trim and fittings and poor entrance door ledge

Sheathing is replaced when the old covering is worn out and does not suit the design of the room. The choice of material is huge:

  • Leatherette finish;
  • Laminated coating;
  • MDF type panels are aesthetic and durable;
  • Vinyl covering;
  • Leather and leatherette;
  • Films.

The fitting components include:

  • Pen;
  • Peephole;
  • Chain;
  • Other details.

Most often the problem is in the handle. To repair it, it is necessary to dismantle it and check the tongue.

If the new door leaf does not close well or the door handle is difficult to press, then most likely this is not a breakdown, but the result of the fact that the parts have not yet been fully adjusted and need a little time.

If it is difficult to open, there may be a problem with the insertion of the tongue. Then you need to install a rail in the mechanism box to accurately fit into the doorway block. This problem is the lot of cheap lock models.

With high-quality finishing of an apartment with your own hands, you cannot do without repairing interior doors that have lost their former attractiveness.

Entrance doors that border the street are even more susceptible to wear and defects. Therefore, when finishing an apartment, it is necessary to repair the front door, since it is a kind of “face” of the house.

Doors can be metal, wood, laminated, aluminum, glass. Common faults for all types are:

  • Skew;
  • Loosening of hinges;
  • Breakage of fittings;
  • The appearance of scratches;
  • Peeling paint.

How to repair entrance doors?

Entrance doors are often made of alloy or wood.

If the doors face the street, then almost everyone prefers to install iron doors.

Entrance door handle repair

For such doors, the main faults are often related to the fittings. Due to constant loads on the handle, the mechanism becomes loose, and then the spring holding the handle is destroyed. As a result, the handle just hangs and does not return to its original position. Repairing the front door handle involves removing the handle from the front door, then disassembling it and replacing the spring.

Or just buy a new pen and replace the old one

If you don’t have a spring at hand, you can wind it yourself from metal wire and harden it so that it springs. The hardening process is simple, heat the spring until it turns cherry red and throw it into the water.

Video repair of the front door handle

Iron door hinges

Do-it-yourself entrance door repair hinges Photo 2

From time to time, the hinges of iron entrance doors cannot withstand the enormous weight of the product, so in this case, repairing the door with your own hands is quite difficult. But if the hinges are welded, you can cut them off and replace them with fresh ones.

When the hinges are simply screwed on, it is even easier to correct any shortcomings that have arisen. It is only necessary to replace worn-out fittings.

There are doors that can be adjusted using a hexagon. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the upper loop. Loosen the bolts, press the door towards the hinge and tighten the fastening.

Repair of entrance doors hinges Photo 3

If the door frame of an iron door is skewed, this can be eliminated driving in wedges under the base of the structure.

The iron entrance door is rusty

Often the entrance iron door may rust, but subsequent actions can put it in order.

  1. The door hardware needs to be removed.
  2. Clean the canvas from rust and peeling paint using a wire brush.
  3. Sand the surface and degrease the door with solvent.
  4. Fill the warped areas of the canvas.
  5. Apply a coat of primer.
  6. Paint the canvas with water-repellent paint.
  7. Return the fittings to their place.

Advice! For an alloy entrance door, you should only get high-quality fittings from reputable manufacturers, which will allow you not to think about repairing the door for a long time.

The wooden entrance door sank

If a wooden door has sagged, then most likely the problem is that the hinges are worn out or the frame is bent.

If the door does not close well, first of all you should check the top hinge - you may just need to tighten the screws. A complete renovation of the front door may not be necessary.

If the hinges are worn out, you should perform the following actions:

  1. Replace old hinges by screwing in fresh screws coated with epoxy glue.
  2. If the door has sagged slightly, you can put washers on the hinge axes or make a ring out of wire. Lubricate the hinges with machine oil.

Painting a wood door

Repair of interior and entrance doors: painting Photo

If cracks or scratches appear, you can return the door to its previous appearance by following these steps:

  1. Remove the door from its hinges and place it on a level surface.
  2. Remove the old coating with solvent and sand the surface with sandpaper.
  3. Fill cracks and scratches with wood putty.
  4. Sand the dried surface with sandpaper.
  5. If there are huge gaps, then glue wood inserts onto them.
  6. Putty and then prime the surface.
  7. Cover the canvas with varnish or paint.

Advice! To paint wooden entrance doors, you must use a special water-repellent paint.

Door frame repair

Strengthening the door frame of a wooden door Photo 4

If the door frame is bent, you can make small repairs to the door frame yourself.

To do this you need:

  1. Remove the door.
  2. Level the box using a level.
  3. Correctly fix the box by installing supports.
  4. Drill holes on the inside of the box with a 5 cm recess into the wall.
  5. Drive pins (steel or wood) coated with epoxy glue into the holes.
  6. Reinstall the door.

DIY door frame repair Photo 5

Comprehensive restoration of all parts of the door

When restoring a door, we can update and make all the elements of the door presentable and functional:

  • Repair the lock and cylinder.

    Update fittings.

  • Eliminate the distortion of the door, carry out welding work on the hinges, insulate it and improve sound insulation.
  • Upholster the door with MDF panels and install a door mirror.

Catalog of MDF panels

A door is a structure that, in most cases, is rarely in a static state. In frequently visited places it is used quite intensively. Therefore, sooner or later there comes a time when even the highest quality door structures require repair.

If you need urgent and difficult repairs, it is better to contact a specialized company. And you can fix some things without the help of others, without hiring outside professionals.

The main disadvantages of iron doors and ways to eliminate them

To begin with, you should study the more frequently encountered situations that entail the repair of iron doors.

Warp door structure


  • The door scratches the floor
  • The tight fit of the door leaf to the frame is broken
  • Reduced sound and thermal insulation
  1. The massiveness of the iron door. Heavy doors made of multilayer steel have a tremendous effect on any, even the most durable, hinges.

    From time to time, the repair of an iron door in an apartment can be completed already at the stage of tightening the hinges by tightening the loose screws. If the hinges are deformed, then repairing iron doors with your own hands becomes very difficult. In such a situation, we can only advise dismantling the old hinges and replacing them with serviceable ones.

  2. Hinge wear resulting from long-term use. If we are not talking about welded fasteners, then the solution is similar to the previous one - replacing deformed hinges.

    Choose only strong, high-quality products that are perfectly suitable for a specific door model.

  3. Door frame deformation. This problem can be eliminated by driving wedges under the base of the door structure.

It happens that there are no obvious deformations of the door, but it is not possible to tightly cover the door opening. Here, most likely, it’s time to replace the rubber seal. This operation does not present any difficulties.

Corrosive changes

Most often, such a deficiency is observed at the bottom of the doors.

Getting rid of rust is quite difficult. To repair iron entrance doors, you will need to put in a lot of effort and perform certain actions:

  1. Before repair work, remove seals, decorative elements and fittings, and clear the affected area.
  2. Using a stiff brush, remove any blistered paint and rusty deposits.
  3. Clean the door surface using sandpaper or a sander.
  4. Treat the affected area by degreasing it with a solvent.
  5. Level out deformed areas using special auto putties.
  6. Sand the area to be corrected.

    Strive to get a perfect plane.

  7. Apply a coat of spray primer.
  8. It's time for the initial painting.
  9. If the paint does not apply evenly, sand down the uneven areas.
  10. Now paint again.
  11. Let the paint dry.
  12. Replace the handles, seal, etc.

Broken hardware

The root of this problem, as a rule, lies in an attempt to save money by purchasing products of dubious quality.

Such fittings quickly fail. What can you do here? Replace the damaged part with a fresh one, now paying more attention to quality.

Damage to the decorative coating of the door leaf

Before proceeding with the restoration of the external decorative coating, the extent of damage should be assessed. And, already focusing on the conclusions made, you can decide whether a complete or partial repair needs to be done.

Sometimes it is easier and cheaper to simply remove the damaged coating and refinish the door leaf. What are the options here?

Types of decorative finishes

Lock failure

If such a situation arises, nothing better than replacing the failed mechanism has been invented.

Cheap locks have a short service life, jam during use and often break. The locking systems that are equipped with Outpost doors have proven themselves well, so if you are undertaking repairs, do not skimp.

If the lock is simply loose, then this indicates broken holes into which the screws are screwed.

  1. Remove the screws.
  2. Place small pieces of wood (you can use matches) in the holes.
  3. Screw the screws back in.

Door creaks

Quite a common option. Method to eliminate it:

  1. Raise the door leaf slightly.
  2. Lubricate the hinges with machine oil.

    You can also eliminate this problem by placing a piece of pencil lead (graphite) in the hinge gap.

  3. Spread the lubricant evenly over the contacting surfaces. To do this, open and close the doors a couple of times.
  4. Return the door to its original position.

By following these tips, you can cope with some problems without the help of others. If the advice does not help, then, as annoying as it may sound, you will have to invite specialists.

DIY entrance door repair

Repair of steel, iron and wooden entrance doors can be done without the help of others.

If the front door is sagging, the lock is stuck on it, or the varnish has peeled off, then under no circumstances should you replace it. In fact, all door defects can be eliminated on your own.

Repairing apartment entrance doors without the help of others is a good opportunity to save on professional services and develop the abilities of a home professional.

First you need to decide when the doors really need repairs. All doors require constant care and prevention. If you do not lubricate the door hinges, do not coat them with special compounds and do not clean their surface, then one day the doors may begin to:

  • hang on hinges;
  • squeak when opening and closing;
  • become covered with cracks;
  • does not close well or sag.

However, it is important to remember that door malfunctions are not always associated with poor operation.

Breakdowns associated with incorrect door production technology are very common.

Doorway repair

If the door does not fit well in the opening, then the front door opening needs to be repaired. To carry it out you need to perform the following steps:

  • remove the door leaf and trim;
  • align and fix the box;
  • drill holes in the door posts and drive iron pins into them;
  • return the trim and door panel.

If problems arise with door hinges, options for replacing, adjusting or re-hanging the hinges are possible. Firstly, you need to check the strength of the top hinge. This can be done by pulling the screws. If the door has not yet had time to settle significantly, then iron washers, which are placed on the hinge pin, will help return it to its place.

The method is especially effective for removable door hinges.

Elimination of door distortion

Repair of the entrance iron door in an apartment may also be required from time to time, despite its reliable design. Self-repair in such cases may not help.

One of the more common problems with steel doors is misalignment. When an iron door is misaligned, all its useful characteristics lose their meaning. The prerequisites for the imbalance may be:

  • large body kit;
  • hinge wear.

If the reason for the skewed doors lies in a very large body kit, then a special approach is needed.

Most likely, the prerequisite will be a multi-layered door. In this case, the entrance iron doors in the apartment need to be repaired. It is quite difficult to carry it out without the help of others. The only option may be to cut off the loops and replace them with fresh ones. But this method does not guarantee success.

When faced with dilemmas with hinges, you first need to find out whether they are screwed or welded. In the first case, there will be no difficulties in repair - you will only need to find suitable fittings.

If the hinges are welded, then you cannot do without the help of a door professional.

Another reason for the problem may be the misalignment of the entire door frame. The correct solution in this case would be to drive wedges under the base of the door structure.

You can find out the prices for installing locks on iron doors here. You can also order the service of installing a peephole on a metal door, the cost of which is given here.

Getting rid of rust

To bring iron doors into normal working condition, a number of complex operations must be performed.

First, you need to prepare to repair the door by removing the seals and door hardware. Then you need to clean off the rust and sand the surface. After this, it is important not to forget to degrease the doors with a special solvent.

The next step will be to putty the warped parts of the door surface. Then all that remains is to use an aerosol primer and apply several layers of paint. After each step, you need to sand the surface, which is done to make it as even as possible.

After the door has dried, you can return it to its place.

Cases when repair or replacement of iron doors is needed

In nature, to our great chagrin, nothing is endless.

Sooner or later, all things completely become unusable or partially break down. Entrance doors are no exception, therefore, when purchasing and installing them in your own apartment, you should be fully aware of the fact that sooner or later their repair will come in handy. It should be noted that such a process as repairing iron doors does not look very scary and problematic in practice.

Repairing entrance doors is a feasible task with the smallest set of tools

The service life of any item can be greatly extended by competent and careful handling of it. In situations where doors are treated, to put it mildly, incorrectly, repairs, and from time to time, replacement, are simply inevitable.

There are a number of circumstances why an iron door can break. These include:

  • Poorly performed installation work during installation
  • manufacturing defect
  • Hacking attempt
  • the time factor, or, in other words, the most common wear and tear in

In a situation where intruders tried to open the door, urgent repairs will most often be needed, since in such cases the doors, as a rule, have significant damage.

Minor faults can be completely eliminated on your own, but when the most severe work is required, an iron door repairman will be indispensable.

Repair work includes not only replacing doors and eliminating individual mechanical damage, but also installing anti-burglary fittings, additional locking devices, replacing insulation, or installing armor.

Entrance door repair

Have you decided to renovate your apartment? Change the wallpaper on the walls, flooring and update the ceiling? Amazing! But what to do with the front door? After all, its lining has already become significantly worn out over time and looks, to put it mildly, untidy, although the base of the door has remained quite strong and sturdy. Should we really replace the entire door? But replacing a door also entails a high-quality installation of a new door frame, which in total will significantly impact your budget; nowadays, this pleasure is not cheap.

There is also the most economical and optimal method to cope with this problem for us.

Just call a company offering door upholstery services and place an order for professional repair of doors, entrance or interior, wood or iron. There are many methods for designing entrance doors covered with dermantine, among which the most common is applying a pattern to the door leaf using decorative nails with large heads, leather or metal. Previously, pictures on doors were a necessity, since those used at that time required additional fastening not only along the edges of the door, but also over its entire surface. Nowadays, door repair professionals are using ways to make your door look smooth.

It is possible to repair the door after an emergency opening.

This is a very common option for the need for repair work, because after the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees break down the door.

Not only the outer upholstery will be damaged, but also the metal base. And the fault is with the old jammed lock. We will not only help you tidy up the external appearance of the door, but also, if necessary, we will offer replacement fresh, high-quality locks from Russian and imported from other countries manufacturers.

Possible prerequisites for repairing iron doors

Repairing a metal door involves restoring its functions, as well as restoring or replacing the decorative coating. The root causes of malfunctions may be:

  • initial violation of the structure installation technology;
  • attempted unauthorized entry;
  • broken door locks;
  • natural wear and tear of parts during operation.

For iron entrance doors exposed to specific environmental influences, additional reasons are considered to be: the effect of humidity and temperature changes.

Aqua condensate, which collects in the locking mechanisms and freezes at subzero temperatures, can damage them. The formation of rust destroys door hinges, causing steel doors to become misaligned. In addition, the welding seam is always the most vulnerable point of iron structures to rust, so the welded door hinge can simply come off.

Timely identification of circumstances and proper maintenance of entrance doors help in some cases to get by with minor preventative repairs.

But certain types of malfunctions that require a radical reinstallation of the door leaf may require significant foreign exchange costs. In these options, a more practical solution would be to purchase and install new iron doors.

Warping of entrance doors

The presence of stiffeners inside the iron door leaf greatly helps prevent distortion. The resulting drawback is immediately noticeable - the door begins to cling to the threshold, closes poorly, and the heat and sound insulation is compromised.

The causes of misalignment are often:

  • shrinkage of the foundation of the house;
  • a large mass of iron doors;
  • hinge wear.

In new buildings, especially block or monolithic construction, shrinkage often occurs. Residents who move in, wanting to quickly equip their own home, begin its renovation specifically with the installation of fresh doors. Shrinkage of the foundation of the house leads to skewing of the door and disruption of the geometry of the door frame. If in a private household such a distortion can be eliminated from time to time by driving a wedge under the sagging part, then in a panel high-rise building such an option is virtually excluded.

Here you will probably need to reinstall the entire door block.

The multilayer structure of entrance doors made of iron sheets can have quite a significant mass, as a result of which even high-quality hinges will not be able to hold it. After some time, the door sags and does not close. It is difficult to cope with such a problem, since dismantling and installing new hinges traditionally requires welding work.

Over time, such a breakdown may appear again, therefore, when choosing entrance doors, the closest attention must be paid to the compliance of the door being hung and the massiveness of the retaining hinge.

It is possible to radically solve the issue and change the door hinges completely without the help of others, if they are not tightly welded, but screwed on. The correct selection of fittings, in which the holes on the hinge card and on the box exactly match, will greatly simplify such repairs.

But most often, the misalignment of steel doors occurs due to mechanical wear of the door hinges, which cannot be helped even by their constant lubrication.

Constant work on abrasion with a significant weight of the leaf leads to uneven sampling of the base of the hinge body, so the doors are slightly skewed. In this case, it is possible to restore the hinge by attaching a washer of appropriate thickness to its pin.

Broken iron door lock

The most common and widespread reason for the malfunction of iron doors is damage to the locks. In some cases, depending on the type of lock installed, it is possible to carry out such repairs without the help of others. For cylinder-type locks, for example, from time to time it is enough to replace its cylinder. It is removed by simply unscrewing the fastening screw at the end of the door.

Level locks, as a rule, cannot be repaired, so the issue can be resolved by completely replacing the failed mechanism. The main obstacle here is finding locks of similar design and dimensions.

A more serious problem arises when complex safe-type locks are used as locks.

Such repairs cannot be done without the help of professionals and require the removal of the door trim. The cost of repairs can be expensive and it is often more cost-effective to install a new door.

Sometimes when closing the door, when it is impossible to turn the key when locking, it turns out that the door has sagged slightly and the lock bolts do not fit into the counterpart on the frame. In this case, it will be necessary to replace the hinges or restore them. If the lock jams when opening the doors, it may simply need to be lubricated.

Installation of armored lining

When repairing iron doors, from time to time they need additional protection against burglary, which is the installation of an armored lining.

It consists of two hardened iron plates, tightened through the door leaf with screws. There are three main types of similar protection:

  • armored lining;
  • mortise-type armor plate;
  • mortise plate on the lock cylinder.

The cheapest and most easily accessible method is option 1, in which the plate is installed directly on the front of the cylinder. The mortise armored lining is placed directly on the lock body and is tightened with screws on the back side of the doors. Such protection is invisible and reliable.

The armor plate embedded in the iron door leaf is considered virtually impregnable.

Repair of iron doors

Repair of iron doors: we eliminate common breakdowns

The front door can break in every home; repairing iron doors is not as difficult as it seems. Next we will talk about the most common types of problems with doors and methods for fixing them.

The doors make a powerful creaking sound

This problem manifests itself because the parts in the canopy rub against each other when moving. The problem can be solved with the help of machine oil or any similar lubricant.

Doors open/close themselves

The reason for this problem lies in the incorrect attachment of the loops.

The hinges must be fastened strictly in a vertical plane. If the doors open on their own, place a small piece of cardboard under the top hinge, and if they close on their own, place a small piece of cardboard under the bottom hinge.

Doors are hard to close and open

In such a situation, you need to establish the cause of the problem. To do this, rub the tongue in the door lock with chalk and close the doors. When the tongue passes under the hole, there is a possibility that the problem is due to loose screws, which caused a slight sagging of the door. If this does not give results, unscrew the locking plate from the door frame and increase the hole using a ratfil.

Now screw the bar to another place.

The doors are skewed

The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. The first prerequisite may be the large mass of the iron door. If thick multilayer steel was used to produce the door, at some point this may cause the breakdown of even the highest quality hinges.

It is extremely difficult to repair the front door yourself in this situation. There is an option to try installing fresh hinges, after cutting off the ones that were there before.

The second reason may be that the hinges are worn out. If the hinges are held on by bolts, there is nothing complicated. Just find some good fittings of a suitable design. The third prerequisite may be that the door frame is skewed. In this case, it is necessary to drive wedges under the door frame.

The doors are rusty

To bring rusty iron doors to normal condition, you need:

  • 1. Prepare the doors for repair work, remove the seal, fasteners, etc.
  • 2. Clean off traces of corrosion using a wire brush.
  • 3. Sand the surface.
  • 4. Degrease the door with a solvent.
  • 5.

    Putty on the rusted surface (use a car cleaner).

  • 6. Sand the surface again, making it very level.
  • 7. Prime the doors using an aerosol primer.
  • 8. Apply the first coat of paint.
  • 9. Sand away any paint stains (if any).
  • Apply a second layer of paint.
  • Install fasteners and seals on dry and repaired doors.

Changing the lock on iron doors, cylinder

The easiest way is to replace it with a design of a similar model; for this you do not need to disassemble the door. The most difficult operation is replacing a mortise lock, when modifications are required inside the mechanism if the selection of a similar option was not successful.

In this case, it may be necessary to shift the nesting holes, widen them, or cut new ones.

The first step is to decide on the type of mechanism installed. Then determine the maximum number of revolutions of the system, whether the shutter is located, whether it is closed from the inside and how: using a latch, a key, etc.

After this, you need to make horizontal markings, and to do this, you need to measure about 1 meter from the floor from the side of the door where it meets the jamb. Now you need to measure the bottom edge of the lock body, placing it against the strip.

Select a drill so as to ensure free rotation of the spindle in the hole. It is necessary to place the drill against the markings on the front side and drill through. Also on the other side. The well is performed using the same method. The next step in replacing the lock is to drill holes for the case, only now you need to select a drill of equal thickness.

To drill a hole specifically to the depth that you need, you should stick a piece of electrical tape on the drill where the lock should end.

You need to drill holes for marking strips for the socket, and use a hammer and chisel to make a hole for the lock. It is necessary to insert the housing into the hole that came out and mark the dimensions of the lock and the places for the screws at the end of the doors. Then we fix the structure with screws and install the spindle and handle.

We install the trim and mark it on the jamb. We hollow out a niche using a chisel and attach the trim by marking the mounting holes.

How to replace the cylinder in a door lock

The cylinder is simply changed manually by unscrewing the first bolt, located a little lower than the lock bolt. It is necessary to open the doors and inspect the locking mechanism at the end of the door. Unscrew the fasteners, remove the core, if it doesn’t come out, try turning the key in the lock.

We move on to installing the newest locking mechanism. This is done in such a way that the mounting hole is located near the middle of the door.

Replacing the cylinder is easy, but installing a lock on iron doors is even more difficult.

Repairing a door handle

To quickly solve the problem that has arisen, you need to use a drill-driver, small self-tapping screws with a drill, a 3 mm wide drill and a marker. Performing markings. It is necessary to attach the broken handle to its place on the door to determine the location of the hole for the screw.

Then you need to drill a hole in the marked place. Taking into account the round shape of the handle, it is best to tilt the marking site in advance; otherwise, without having certain skills, it is difficult to drill in a suitable place.

The drill will slip before it has time to grab the handle.

Next, you need to attach the drilled handle to the mounting location and attach it using a self-tapping screw with a drill. Since there is already a hole in the handle, the self-tapping screw will not come off anywhere and will fit perfectly into the required place. To make it more reliable, it is necessary to fasten it in at least two places at the top and bottom, but, taking into account the fact that this is a temporary measure, two self-tapping screws on top will be enough.

Now you need to check the result. We returned the door handle, and it will serve you for a little while longer until you replace it with the newest one.

By the way, there is no point in delaying this matter, since the temporary option will very quickly become unusable.

In contact with

Metal doors must not only reliably protect the house from thieves, cold and extraneous sound, they must also have a beautiful appearance and work properly. Although metal structures are highly durable and reliable, nothing lasts forever and after a certain period of use, some of their elements may fail. Such doors are heavy, so the load on the hinges is high, which can cause them to break. In addition, the lock, handle, or other damage may occur. Most of these malfunctions can be fixed with your own hands, and we will look further at how to do this correctly.

What malfunctions of metal entrance doors can be eliminated yourself and how to do it

The concept of metal door repair is collective and includes not only the repair of hinges, locks or handles, but also the restoration of the surface of the door leaf and trim. If the doors were installed 10–15 years ago, then during their operation, some elements may wear out and stop performing their job correctly, so they need to be repaired or replaced. Fashion is constantly moving forward, and even if the door is in good condition, it may no longer fit into the modern interior. In order not to completely change the doors, you can perform decorative repairs and radically change the appearance of the old metal panel.

Although the structure of metal doors is much more complex than wooden ones, their reliability will be much higher. Most of the breakdowns that may occur can be fixed with your own hands; to do this, you need to have the necessary tools, determine the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it.

Even high-quality metal doors may require repairs after a certain time.

The main causes of breakdowns of metal doors:

  • long service life, so some parts have a lot of wear, which prevents them from working properly;
  • at the time of purchase, a cheap option was chosen, so the service life of such doors will be short;
  • The doors were installed incorrectly, making their normal operation impossible;
  • the door was tried or opened without a key, this may happen if the owners lost the keys or if strangers illegally entered the house;
  • The appearance of the door does not match the interior, and the owner decided to transform it.

The following elements can fail in a metal door:

  • lock;
  • accessories;
  • door frame, it can change its geometry or be poorly fixed;
  • platbands;
  • door leaf, it may lose its original appearance or have a violation of the integrity of the surface.

Necessary tool

To repair a metal door with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • a set of screwdrivers or a screwdriver for loosening and tightening fasteners;
  • a set of hex and socket wrenches;
  • an electric drill for drilling out the lock fastenings or creating new holes for its installation;
  • hammer;
  • marker, it is necessary to mark places for new holes;
  • sandpaper and a metal brush if the paintwork will be restored.

Every home craftsman has tools for repairing metal doors.

Replacing a lock and cylinder in a metal entrance door

Depending on the model of the metal door, locks of different designs may be used. Before you begin the repair, you need to decide on the lock system. The following locking mechanisms are currently used in metal entrance doors:

  • cylinder, here you can simply and quickly replace the cylinder, such locks have a flat key, which has recesses or notches, this is the most common type;
  • lever mechanisms have a more complex design, but they also have the highest reliability; here the key is in the form of a rod with notches and cutouts;
  • Disc, cross-shaped or rack-and-pinion mechanisms can be used much less frequently.

The main types of locks that can be used on metal entrance doors

The need to replace a lock or cylinder may arise in the following cases:

  • loss of a key, even if you still have spare keys, in such cases it is recommended to replace the lock or cylinder, since there is a possibility that the lost key will be found by a not very honest person, and he will be able to freely enter your house;
  • breakdown of the mechanism, improper operation can cause breakdown of the mechanism or this is due to the use of low-quality locks;
  • replacing the lock with a more modern and reliable model;
  • after a break-in, this can happen when thieves entered the apartment or you lost the keys and opened the doors yourself;
  • buying an apartment, for security reasons, when buying an apartment, it is best to immediately change the locks or cylinders.

Cylinder lock

Most budget entrance doors use this type of lock. The design of such a device allows, in case of loss of the key, to change not the entire mechanism, but only the lock cylinder. Since the larvae have standard sizes, finding one that fits your lock will not be more difficult.

Sequence for replacing a cylinder lock:

  1. First, the armor plate is removed.

    Use a screwdriver or screwdriver to remove the cover.

  2. The key opens the lock.
  3. From the end of the door, use a screwdriver to unscrew the plate.

    There are screws on the side that secure the plate and secure the lock core.

  4. To release the bolts, the lock is closed.
  5. In the center at the end there is a screw that secures the cylinder; you need to unscrew it and, turning it slightly, pull out the cylinder.

    By turning slightly, you can easily remove the lock cylinder

  6. A new “secret” is inserted and all operations are performed in reverse order.

Level castle

Such a device has higher reliability, but its design is also more complex. Depending on the manufacturer, if the lever lock fails, in cheaper models you will have to replace the lock completely. In expensive versions, it is possible to recode the levers; for this, a new core is purchased, complete with keys, and inserted into the lock. Spare parts must be purchased from the same manufacturer as the doors.

Procedure for replacing the lever lock:

If you have doubts that you can cope with replacing a lock or cylinder yourself, then it is better to invite specialists to carry out the work.

When a metal door squats, it is impossible not to notice such a malfunction. It begins to catch on the threshold, closes poorly and its thermal insulation characteristics are impaired.

The peculiarity of metal doors is that they have a lot of weight, so even high-quality hinges can change their original position over time. During the operation of the doors, a gradual subsidence of the leaf occurs and the moment comes when such a malfunction must be eliminated.

Typically, hinges on metal doors are not welded, but rather screwed. If so, they can be replaced quickly and easily. The main thing is to purchase the same hinges so that the mounting holes on them coincide with the holes on the door frame and leaf.

If the hinges are welded, then they can be cut off and new ones installed in this place, but there is no guarantee that in this case the need for repairs may arise again after some time. If possible, you can lift the doors using washers that are placed on the rod of the lower canopy, but before that they are lubricated with grease or a similar lubricant.

You can lift the door using washers installed in the hinges

If shrinkage of the house occurs, the door warps due to deformation of the door leaf, so the way out would be to replace the entire door block. If possible, you can try driving wooden wedges under the base of the door frame and using them to level it.

Before you begin to eliminate door sagging, you must first determine the reasons that caused it and eliminate them.

The entrance metal door does not close well

Often a situation arises when the front door begins to close poorly, it happens very tightly or, on the contrary, weakly. The new door may be difficult to close. This is due to the fact that the seal is still tight and to get rid of this defect, it is enough to wait 1-2 weeks until it becomes more elastic.

The door may not close well because the lock is not working properly. You need to see if the crossbar fits correctly into the groove. If there is a displacement, then the door must be aligned correctly, for which the hinges are adjusted.

To adjust the tightness of the lock, most metal doors have a latch plate with which you can adjust the tightness of the door leaf. In cheap models, you can eliminate the jamming of the bolt by filing the place in the door frame into which it fits, or you can bend the metal a little using pliers.

The door closing tightness is regulated by the shutter bar

In the case when the door closes very easily, you need to pay attention to the condition of the seals. If they wear out, they cannot provide the necessary tightness, and the leaf does not fit tightly to the door frame. It is enough to replace the seal and this problem will disappear.

Repair and replacement of metal door handle

One of the most vulnerable elements of a door is the handle. Metal doors are usually equipped with push handles, but they can also be stationary.

Most often, push handles are used; they are used to control the door lock tongue and also to move the door leaf, while the stationary handle only serves to open/close the door.

Using the push handle, the door is opened/closed and the lock tongue is controlled

A stationary handle rarely breaks; this usually occurs from strong mechanical impact. If it breaks, the handle is replaced, and if the fastening is loosened, the fasteners are tightened.

The push handle has a more complex design, which is why it breaks much more often. The following breakdowns may occur:

  1. Failure of the moving mechanism. The fastening bar and the movable handle are connected to each other by a special movable mechanism. The handle falling out of the socket can occur due to strong mechanical stress if it is made of poor steel or bad riveting. In such situations, the handle cannot be repaired and it must be replaced with a new one.
  2. Problems with the rod. The rod that transmits the force from the movable handle to the lock tongue has a square cross-section. If when you turn the handle, it works normally, but the tongue does not move, then there is a problem with the rod. It may break during operation or, due to loosening of the handle, jump out of its place. In rare cases, the seat in the handle wears out and the rod in it begins to rotate. It is enough to replace the rod or insert it into place and this problem will disappear.
  3. The handle does not return to its original position. To return the handle, a spiral spring is used, which is attached to the bar on one side and to the handle on the other. The spring may come out of its fastenings or break. To eliminate such a malfunction, it is enough to insert the spring into place or replace it with a new one.
  4. The handle falls out. This occurs due to a broken retaining ring. It can either loosen or burst; replacement is done after disassembling the handle.

In order to remove the push handle on a metal door, you must perform the following operations:

If there is a decorative trim, the disassembly procedure will be slightly different:

When it is only necessary to replace failed elements, then they are replaced, and if this is not possible, then they purchase the same handle and install it in place of the broken one.

How to lubricate a metal door

Lubricating a door is a simple task that any home handyman can do on his own. The creaking of the door leaf is not only annoying, but also indicates that the door is not working properly and this negatively affects its performance and service life.

First, you need to determine and eliminate the reason why the creaking occurred, and only then move on to the lubrication process. Reasons why creaking appears:

  • lack of lubrication; over time, lubricant leaks out of the hinges and they begin to creak during operation;
  • corrosion, this is the most common reason, since the doors are entrance doors, the hinges are constantly susceptible to the negative effects of moisture, which can cause rust and destruction of the metal;
  • wear of the hinges, when the hinges are not lubricated in time, they wear out and if it is large, then the failed elements will have to be replaced;
  • debris, dust or debris may get in and clog the hinges;
  • the canvas is distorted, and both the hinges and the canvas that rubs against the box can creak.

To lubricate metal doors, various materials can be used, but most often they are:

  • WD 40, this lubricant helps remove corrosion and creates a thin film on the surface that prevents the development of corrosion and improves gliding;
  • litol - frost-resistant and moisture-resistant material;
  • grease;
  • Cyatim is a universal product, which is a thickened oil with the addition of antioxidant additives.

It is better to use thick products to lubricate a metal door.

If you don’t have the described products at hand, you can use waste oil, sewing machine oil, or graphite shavings, which are obtained from the lead of a simple pencil.

It is preferable to lubricate parts with thick products, as they will provide good gliding over a longer period of time.

When lubricating the door, you must adhere to the following rules:

In order for a metal door to work for a long time and silently, it is necessary to lubricate it periodically.

Video: repairing a metal entrance door

Restoration of metal entrance doors

Over time, the appearance of a metal entrance door becomes less attractive, it loses its original appearance, and rust may appear. Even if the door is in good condition, after some time it may become outdated and will not match the interior or exterior design of the house, so there is a need to change its appearance.

The most popular methods of restoring a metal entrance door are:

  1. Painting. For these purposes, acrylic, automotive, and hammer paint can be used, with which you can simply and quickly restore a metal sheet.

    Painting is the most affordable method of restoration

  2. Faux leather upholstery. This method is suitable for decorating a door on the side of the room. This solution allows you to additionally insulate the door leaf, but if there is a cat or dog in the house, it will not last long.

    Faux leather upholstery allows for additional insulation of the door

  3. Laminate covering. You can create a solution that will fit into any interior. It can be used both inside and outside the door. The disadvantage of this restoration method is the high cost of the material.

    A metal door can be sheathed with laminate both inside and outside

  4. Powder coating. The surface turns out durable and beautiful, but you won’t be able to apply powder paint at home; this can only be done in special workshops, but it will still be cheaper than buying a new door.

    Powder paint can only be applied in a specialized workshop

  5. MDF panels. MDF plates allow you to create a beautiful and high-quality coating; they are easy to care for and such a metal door will serve for many years.

    Using MDF overlays, you can quickly and easily restore a metal door

  6. Natural wood. This method allows you to transform an ordinary metal door and turn it into a real work of art. This canvas is decorated with carvings and does not differ in appearance from that made from natural wood.

    A metal door covered with wood looks like a product made of natural wood

The choice of method for restoring a metal door depends on the desire and capabilities of the owner; most options can be implemented with your own hands.

Video: replacing a decorative MDF panel

How to dismantle a metal entrance door

In order to dismantle a metal front door yourself, you first need to prepare all the necessary tools:

  • hammer;
  • crowbar;
  • spanners;
  • Bulgarian.

Sequentially dismantling a metal door:

All that remains is to clear the doorway of debris and you can proceed to installing a new door.

Video: dismantling a metal entrance door

If there is a need to repair metal entrance doors, you need to adequately assess your capabilities and decide whether you can cope with such work without the help of specialists. If there is no such confidence, then instead of fixing one breakdown, you can create several more problems. Much depends on the quality of the door; if it is an expensive model, then you should not take risks and it is better to invite a specialist to repair it. You can handle the repair of a budget metal door yourself, you just need to first determine the breakdown, the cause of its occurrence, and only then begin to fix the problem. You must act in accordance with developed technologies and adhere to the recommendations of specialists.