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The birth of a child in the year of the rooster. A child born in the year of the Rooster: what awaits him in the future? Sagittarius, born in the year of the rooster

The patron of 2017 will be the Red Fire Rooster. Parents of children whose birth is planned during this period should take into account the characteristics of this element - what character the “symbol of the rising sun” will reward the baby with. Everyone knows that the year of birth influences the formation and characteristics of a person. Although you should not underestimate other factors.

What will they be like?

The Fire Rooster will begin ruling 2017 on January 28, which will last until February 15, 2018. Its symbol is intertwined with courage and bravery, an explosive and slightly selfish character, organizational and leadership abilities. Such a person, from an early age, will defend his point of view by any means.

According to the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is hardworking, courageous, and purposeful. From early childhood, such a person is a dreamer and can invent any fable on the fly. But, despite their love of travel and adventure, such children are conservative. They do not like to move a lot, large crowds of people and frequent changes of any kind. Stability and constancy are what is needed for the normal development of a child born in 2017.

If there are obstacles in the way of this year's little representative, he may show aggression and cruelty. Also, many children have an explosive nature, the ability to analyze, perceive and even predict certain situations. They are even too purposeful, which can bring the execution of a certain operation to the ideal. Naturally, this is a character advantage. But on the other hand, such children (as well as adults) require one hundred percent dedication from others and can be very upset when they do not receive what they expected.

Child education

Of course, like the symbol of the Rooster, its representatives at any age will be endowed with a fighting character. But if in such a “set” the child gains cunning and is able to wait, “pecking” the victim at the most unexpected moment, he will be invincible and will achieve any set heights.

Recommendations: parents should take care of the nervous system of such children “from the cradle.” The natural desire to control everyone around will develop into strong leadership qualities in any children's groups, but if mom and dad do not overprotect their child, interfering in all his affairs.

Another feature should be taken into account almost from the very birth of the baby - due to the clearly expressed leadership qualities, family members of such babies should not infringe on such manifestations (which, of course, will help in later life), but also not run on the little dictator’s lead.

The main criterion for the formation of life values ​​will be the father, regardless of whether you are raising a boy or a girl. For a young lady, her dad will become a model of the stronger sex, reliable support and support. Therefore, mother should not be angry and jealous at the increased interest in father. For a boy, dad is, of course, a role model, a life example.

Mothers for children born in the year of the Rooster 2017 are a model of affection, love, tenderness and sensitivity. They will carry such feelings throughout their lives. Creative personalities are born in the year of the Rooster

Young children born in the year of the Rooster cannot sit still for a minute. They are curious, resourceful, and constantly busy with something. Ingenuity, resourcefulness, cheerfulness are their mandatory traits. In addition, many of them are born creative people. Therefore, from an early age, take a closer look at their abilities. Perhaps your baby has a developed ear for music, or in the future he may become a famous athlete.

According to observations, among those born in the year of the Rooster there are many artists, musicians, writers and politicians.

Their endowed character traits and talents enable them to become directors, entrepreneurs, writers and singers. Versatility, breadth of perception, deep knowledge give great creative potential. The task of every parent is to recognize it and direct it in the right direction. Enroll this child in one of the clubs that you consider suitable for his development. But don’t insist on visiting him if you don’t see interest in your child’s eyes.

Please note that in addition to creative potential, the Rooster child is prone to laziness, so discipline must be taught to him from an early age. If you manage to instill in your character at least the basics of order, a sense of fulfilling certain obligations, a routine, in the future he will be able to overcome many obstacles and reach new and new heights.

Children born in 2017: what else will they be like? Of course, these are smart and creative creatures that will “grab everything on the fly.” At the same time, in childhood they are slightly absent-minded and cannot concentrate on the same thing for a long time.

Advice: both boys and girls are characterized by analytical thinking and creative potential, so astrologers do not recommend setting them up for working professions. From an early age, direct your education towards the arts or sciences.

In the future, such children will experience career growth and wealth, but this is subject to discipline and if they can overcome their laziness.
The main qualities that are most often inherent in the Rooster child can be called:

  • creativity;
  • openness;
  • leadership;
  • curiosity;
  • daydreaming;
  • sincerity;
  • emotionality.

However, there are features that may interfere with your little child:

  • laziness;
  • selfishness;
  • moodiness;
  • power position; stubbornness.

Don't be surprised if your child develops beyond his years. The Rooster possesses life wisdom, which manifests itself at all stages of life. Views and beliefs sometimes surprise others, sometimes they are simply not understood. But where to look for support if not from your parents. Love your baby for who he is, with all his quirks.

Rooster children are very sociable and open. Wherever they find themselves, from the first minute they begin to explore the surrounding space and show curiosity. They act like world explorers, studying any subject they can get their hands on. They have intelligence, dexterity and wisdom by nature, so learning is easy for them. What most hinders the learning process is the inability to concentrate and absent-mindedness. Despite this, such children are quite purposeful. The task of parents is to help them choose such a goal.

If, having achieved what he wants, the child is disappointed, he may fall into depression without ever starting to look for a new activity. It’s great if the interests of parents and children coincide. But don't get angry if you're a seventh-generation musician and your daughter wants to take up boxing.

  1. Provide comfort
    Children born in 2017 will be demanding of comfort and coziness. If you do not have the opportunity to equip your room with it, set aside at least a small children’s corner in which the child will feel like a master. Such guys simply need freedom of choice and personal independence, and from an early age. Try to trust them more often and not limit them in making decisions, even small ones.
  2. Talk about money
    Rooster children begin to understand the “power of money” too early and assign great importance to material wealth in their development. In this case, the mother or father should explain to them their financial situation and show them how difficult it is sometimes to make a living.
  3. Help make friends with peers
    Despite their sociability, openness and sociability in childhood, it is extremely difficult for such children to make permanent friends. Not everyone will understand aggressive, harsh, demanding and direct children. In some cases, both girls and boys behave like bullies and tomboys. Be patient. But little cockerels don’t like loneliness either. They like to be leaders, so it's great if you have brothers or sisters in your family.
  4. Provide freedom of choice and praise often
    It is not recommended to raise children born in 2017 in harsh conditions. Arrogant severity and regular control will ultimately make them real rebels.
    Despite their demanding and capricious nature, children born in 2017 will be good helpers. You can safely entrust them with any business. If they understand how important their help is to their father, mother, grandmother, etc., they will do everything to ensure that the task is completed perfectly. After completing it, do not forget to praise your assistant in front of everyone - this is the best reward for him!

Children-Roosters are very different: they can be born real “quiet”, or they can “spread out”, keeping them awake at night and demanding increased attention to their candidacy.

Any parent wants to know how his child will grow up, what his character and abilities will be. 2017 is the period of the reign of the Fire Rooster (from January 28). If a child is to be born this year, its fate and abilities will depend on astrological influences.

The Fire Rooster is characterized by the Chinese as an uncontrollably bold bird, quarrelsome, and has a difficult character. They also note leadership abilities and the ability to defend their views. People born during the reign of the Fire Rooster are persistent, hardworking, and always strive to achieve their goals. The character and behavior of such a person are contradictory - he seeks adventure and is at the same time conservative. People born in the year of the Rooster rarely change their place of residence and do not strive to look for a new place of work. Despite their optimism, they can be cruel towards those who contradict their opinion.

A girl born in the year of the Rooster: what will she be like?

First of all, the girl is responsible, she copes well with household duties, and, having matured, becomes a good professional in her field. Perhaps due to the fact that she has a masculine character and thinking. She grows into a self-sufficient woman who does not depend on a man. The Rooster Girl strives for order; all her things should be in their places. This trait remains in adult life: family becomes the main value, it is responsible. However, both the Rooster girl and the Rooster woman need gratitude for their efforts, for what she does for her loved ones. And certainly in her house everyone must maintain discipline and order.

The sense of responsibility from childhood develops into a developed maternal instinct: the Rooster woman sincerely cares about her children and knows what they need. But a child’s sense of responsibility also has a reverse, negative side: the girl is very jealous, she is a possessive person, so she can show jealous aggression in the family. Unfortunately, the grown-up Rooster girl starts a family with a man who is prone to outside relationships. This becomes the cause of jealousy and family scandals. From childhood, the Rooster girl displays domineering notes; she is straightforward and strives to subordinate her peers to her will. Parents need to pay attention to this character trait of the girl, teach her how to manage her emotions and talk correctly with people. Despite her complex character, the Rooster girl is a very interesting conversationalist; she loves to invent new fairy tales. In companies, the girl reveals her talent as a speaker. Most often, it is she who becomes the central figure, because she does not like to listen to others.

Life for the Rooster girl is a stage, so she does everything for show. She loves to change her appearance and wardrobe, and closely follows fashion. To imagine the general image of the Rooster girl, it is worth remembering famous people born under this sign. This is Catherine the Great, Britney Spears.

Many mothers, and even loving future fathers expecting a baby, are wondering what the children born in 2018 will be like? This year is ruled by the Yellow Earth Dog. What kind of character will the newborn baby have in the future?

According to the eastern calendar, 12 signs are repeated cyclically. Each of them endows a person born during this period with certain inclinations and character traits. This is like a strategy for self-development, something that a person can achieve by actively self-realizing in society.

Children born in the same year are somewhat similar. Because they get along well with each other. Teachers caught this pattern even without knowing the eastern horoscope, and every year children go to school and study with peers with similar character traits. Often school friendships last a lifetime. What children will be born in 2018?

On January 28, the bright Yellow Dog year 2018 comes into force. And his reign will end no earlier than February 15 next year, 2018. According to the lunar cycle, this is the 10th earthly branch. The cycle is called "Yu". The dog generously gifts those born this year with perseverance. From childhood, children will be hardworking, wanting to finish what they start. These are diligent students. Many people go in for sports because they are physically resilient and persistently pursue their goal, to win.

The child is capable. Will quickly learn new things, grasp them on the fly. From childhood, keep your child busy with something useful. Buy him a construction set and educational games. Your baby will be good-natured, more often optimistic than pessimistic. From kindergarten on, his toys will be in order. He will want to help you around the house. Don’t give up, because your assistant is growing.

A child born under this sign loves to plan. He mentally thinks through what needs to be done today and what can be implemented tomorrow. If you tell him the folk wisdom that he needs to live to the maximum every day, then he will achieve a lot in life.

The baby will grow up and become economical. He is stubborn in realizing his plans in studies, hobbies or sports. Internally he is emotional, vulnerable. Acts quickly, boldly. Faithful in friendship and family relationships. In relation to peers and in the future may show authority.

Many of those born in the year of the Yellow Dog will choose creative professions and successfully realize themselves in them. These are great actors, models, directors. Among them in the future there will be many managers and private entrepreneurs. Leadership qualities are visible in a child’s character from childhood.

Thanks to willpower, the child will achieve his goals and study well at school, then at university. Future scientists are born among them - inventors, architects who create bizarre ensembles of buildings and smart engineers. Musicians born this year have a keen sense of music, they live and breathe it. You can safely send your child to a music school. He will like it there and will enjoy studying.

Babies have a tenacious mind. They learn early to analyze information and make correct conclusions about people’s intentions, using intuition. Praise your child for excellent studies when he does something well. But don't indulge. Let the child know that he needs to tell the truth and be responsible for the decisions he has made, his words and actions.


Let's consider what are the characteristics of children born in 2018, the Year of the Dog? The boy will respect his father all his life and try to be like him. From him he will unwittingly take life values. That’s why it’s so important to be a highly spiritual, honest person.

By looking at the relationship between mother and father, the baby or daughter will learn how to interact with the opposite sex. It is important to show your child that love is not so much what you think, feel and say, but that it is most clearly manifested in your actions. When you need to give up something to get what you want. Family is a school of sincere friendship and mutual love.

The daughter, communicating with her father, learns to understand men. She will not be lost when, as a teenager, she starts dating a boy and he is in a bad mood. The daughter will always feel the moral support coming from her father. Between them there is excellent mutual understanding and active love for the rest of their lives. A daughter or son will never leave their elderly parents without help and moral support.

Character of a child born in 2018?

Children born in 2018 in the year of the Dog will display the following character traits:

  • endurance;
  • persistence in achieving goals;
  • hard work.

Already in kindergarten, and then during school years, parents will understand that their child is very capable and gifted. He will play chess very well. Thanks to his analytical mind, he will be able to calculate moves and plan victory in advance.

At school, such children are good at exact sciences. Teachers notice their tendency to make plans for essays, lists of what products to buy. Children willingly draw various tables and understand various diagrams.

Babies born this year are optimists. They are parents' favorites, and family friends treat them well. Among these children there are dreamers who will become poets or musicians in the future. Realization in such creativity requires tension of creative forces. On the other hand, the desire for power, to lead, will force the child in the future to choose a profession in which it will be necessary to command people. A child can become a private entrepreneur or a director at a large factory.

Interesting character of a child born in 2018. Watching your baby, you will notice that he is friends with his peers and they listen to his words. The child knows how to choose suitable friends. He is respected and loved for his sincerity and bright mind. He has a natural gift for having a positive influence on people. He tries to help everyone in need.

You will be surprised to note that from kindergarten onwards your child will put away the toys himself and arrange them beautifully on the shelves. These children know how to keep secrets. It doesn’t matter who entrusted them with it, it is a matter of honor for them not to reveal a secret to a friend.

Parents, understand that you have a gifted child growing up in your family. There is no need to overprotect him, give him freedom of action. This way you will better prepare him for adult life. Not everyone starts a family right away, and in order to feel not alone, you need to have a core inside and positive childhood memories that will warm you up and put you in a positive mood.

These kids, like little old men, absorb a lot of knowledge from childhood. They want to be taken seriously. They help their parents at home. They try to clean the room themselves and begin to learn how to cook a variety of dishes early. At school, these are assistants who study because it’s interesting.

Often in the future, people born in the year of the Yellow Dog will have 2 or 3 or more children. Don't be afraid, you will have many grandchildren in your old age. The family will continue and multiply. Get ready to play the role of wise grandparents telling fairy tales to kids. These are pleasant chores. In the meantime, your baby is just about to be born or is just a baby and you have to raise him so that he absorbs the best human values ​​and grows up as a worthy member of society.

All people strive for self-realization. What talents and inclinations someone has is noticeable already in childhood. The eastern horoscope reveals the essence of your child. Without knowing who he will become in the future, you are already prepared that he will be a stubborn person who achieves his goal. Children born in 2018 are purposeful by nature and energetic in their life position. In a group of children, they try to be leaders and ringleaders in games.

Now you know what children born in 2018 will be like? As already mentioned, astrologers advise parents not to directly criticize the baby. He feels sensitively and may be offended. Of course, all children are different and take a lot from their parents due to genetics and upbringing. Knowing who your child is according to the eastern horoscope, you will quickly find a common language with him. Such attentive attitude towards the baby and each other will only strengthen the family. It will unite her and help her survive in difficult years.

Everyone is prone to making mistakes. Someone considers such an action a major mistake, but for another person it is just an annoying mistake. Treat your child with understanding. Do not scold him for bad things, but explain, like an adult, that in those circumstances you need to act this way and not otherwise. The result will then be predictable and good. If you treat your own son or daughter kindly and lovingly, you will win his or her heart and the baby will reciprocate your feelings.

Children born in 2018 are optimists; their intuition is highly developed. Some people have 3 eyes open from birth and have the gift of making correct predictions. If you notice something like this in your baby, teach him how to use this ability correctly. Tell us that you cannot, together with the forces of darkness, do evil to people. Although, Dog children are naturally kind and do not get angry over trifles.

Babies born this year are a little cocky. They are smart and quickly understand that there is no point in fighting and it is better to be friends with peers than to fight. Even when the baby does not display a psychic gift, he will be intuitively gifted and, thanks to premonitions, will avoid many mistakes and troubles. He will feel whether it is worth maintaining a relationship with this or that person or not? Such intuition will make him a successful entrepreneur in the future. His risk will always be thoughtful and balanced.

If you and your significant other dream of having a child, why not give birth in this strong Year of the Dog? Purposeful and talented. A happy future awaits him.

Children born in 2017 are under the influence of the Fire Rooster. The child has endurance, energy and determination. The proud fighting bird is active and persistent, helping to achieve success. The horoscope is favorable for every sign. Giving birth to a child in the year of the Fire Rooster means starting to raise a little leader. When children grow up, they will achieve success in art, architecture, invention or research.

A baby born in 2017 may find it difficult to cope with the irrepressible energy given by the Fire Rooster. From the first years of life, it is better to provide for versatile development for the child and many interesting activities. Unusual hobbies and creative ideas will help develop spatial thinking and logical skills that will be useful in the future. The children's horoscope predicts great academic success and perseverance. The character of children born in 2017 shimmers with bright colors, like the proud fighting Rooster.

The main qualities of babies according to the 2017 horoscope:

  • Outstanding leadership qualities
  • Stubbornness and determination
  • Belief in traditional family values ​​and even conservatism
  • Openness and frankness
  • Well-developed intuition
  • Creativity

Having studied the horoscope and the influence of stars on the birth of a baby, you can decide on a model of upbringing and maximize the child’s potential. When the Chickens grow up, they will amaze teachers and parents with their achievements.

Aries Children

An Aries child born in the year of the Fire Rooster is distinguished by great stubbornness, determination and a strong-willed character. At the same time, he has a very honest and open character, and demands the same honesty from others. Aries has a flexible mind and is able to attract others to solve their own problems. The environment, as a rule, chooses from successful people holding high positions.

Taurus Children

A very stubborn sign, he likes to insist on his own to the end. The 2017 Taurus child is self-confident and cocky, has excellent leadership qualities and is sure to achieve success. To achieve a goal, he can easily lie. Full of energy and strong people do not tolerate total control. The Taurus child is courageous and always admits his mistakes.

Gemini Children

A dual and windy sign, active and comprehensively developed. Loves creativity and attention to himself. The very developed intuition of Gemini under the influence of the Rooster is well manifested in business and love. Energetic people may overestimate their capabilities, but they always remain in the center of attention. It is better to give Gemini complete freedom in relationships and love; the air sign will not tolerate betrayal or mistrust.

Cancer Children

Under the influence of the Rooster, the Cancer child is born very contradictory. He often doubts the correctness of his actions and may miss a good opportunity when decisive action is needed. Impressionable children can hold a grudge for a long time. It is better to encourage and highly value all the child’s achievements from childhood, to give confidence in one’s own abilities. They are quite passive at work and do not climb the career ladder. They value home comfort and are often very happy in marriage.

Leo Children

From childhood, little lion cubs show the character of the king of beasts. Born leaders, they are arrogant and constantly have grandiose plans. They are not selfish and highly value the assistance provided, they are generous and friendly. They are very patient people, but they do not tolerate when trust is abused.

Virgo Children

The Virgo child receives many positive qualities from the Fire symbol of the year. Modest Virgos in 2017 gain courage and self-confidence, and a focus on results. Children will desire career achievements, have diligence and a heightened sense of justice. Boastful and ambitious. They also achieve success in their personal life; good relationships in the family and an economical approach to housekeeping will provide Virgo with a stable, measured life.

Libra Children

A Libra child, born in the year of the Rooster, is a little diplomat almost from the cradle. Calm and balanced, has the ability to avoid sharp corners and does not allow conflicts. He takes part in disputes with pleasure, selects the right arguments, but does not go too far. When Libra's character is fully revealed, they will have a successful career in the legislative, military or educational spheres. They are suspicious of business proposals and acquaintances, but they can make mistakes in their personal lives.

Scorpio Children

For little Scorpios, the horoscope is not very favorable. The rooster will give the baby courage and energy, but will completely deprive him of the ability to restrain his feelings and emotions. Good workers can both work in a team and be good leaders. If you surround Scorpio with love and affection from childhood, this will help smooth out his innate aggressiveness. They make decisions easily and stick to the plan. They have a great sense of humor.

Sagittarius Children

Creative personalities, honest and courageous. The edges of Sagittarius' boasting shimmer like a bright rooster's tail. They talk non-stop about anything, have a well-developed imagination and unbridled enthusiasm. They love new experiences and travel, and will be very happy in marriage.

Capricorn Children

Honest and hardworking people are aware of their knowledge and capabilities, and recognize themselves as an undeniable authority for everyone. Diligence and perseverance in the future will ensure Capricorns success and career advancement in any business. A modest intellectual is liked by others and highly values ​​the sharp mind of his interlocutor. Does not gravitate towards love affairs.

Aquarius Children

The horoscope of the water zodiac representative foretells a lot of positive qualities for the child. The Fire Rooster gives the baby kindness and a cheerful attitude in life. Aquarius will strive to change the world and make it a better place. But a good-natured character can play a cruel joke on a child and make him an easy prey for scammers.

Pisces Children

No one copes with conflict situations better than this sign. Pisces will get away with it in any case. Pisces children will be good friends, sympathetic people with a dreamy character. They have their head in the clouds and make unimaginable plans. Attractive to the opposite sex and often taken advantage of.

The habits and character of children born in the year of the Fire Rooster begin to form from the first months of life. It is better to let all the positive qualities of the child reveal themselves. The horoscope predicts the emergence of strong and successful people. The stars are sure that they should give birth to a child in 2017. The heavenly bodies will have a beneficial effect on fate.

2017 is favorable for conception and birth of a child. Pregnancy will be easy, and children will be born healthy and unpretentious. Many of those born in the year of the Red Rooster will be distinguished by their extraordinary creative abilities and show the makings of a leader. Parents need to pay as much attention as possible to such children to help them realize their natural qualities:

  • determination,
  • courage,
  • energy,
  • rationality,
  • ability to make quick decisions,
  • responsibility.

Which zodiac signs can expect a new addition to their family in 2017?


Family Aries are likely to think about procreation. The Year of the Fire Rooster will give them an idyll in relationships, which will contribute to successful conception. Astrologers advise not to spread the good news for at least the first trimester. Aries women are advised to pay attention to their health, especially during the cold periods of the year.


2017 will please Taurus with an addition to the family. The stars recommend planning your pregnancy in advance and, if possible, relaxing at sea before conceiving. Taurus women need to protect themselves from any stress. The right decision would be to do yoga, especially since it will bring one benefit to expectant mothers.


The Year of the Red Rooster will be very hectic for Gemini, so the news of pregnancy will come as a surprise. Gemini men will have to reconsider their old habits, women will have to postpone career growth for a while and minimize stress already at an early stage. Some families should think about expanding their living space, especially since the year is very favorable for this.


The birth of children will help strengthen a marriage in which one of the partners is Cancer. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be internally ready for the birth of a child, even if the relationship has not yet been formalized. Throughout the year they will be on the rise in energy, which will have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy. Cancer women need to be provided with maximum emotional comfort during this period.


The stars advise Leo to pay more attention to family relationships, especially raising children. It is better not to plan the arrival of a new family member for now. In 2017, it is recommended to focus your efforts on career growth. Opportunities will arise that should not be missed. Leo women who became pregnant at the end of 2016 have every chance of a successful birth.


Virgo women are advised to carefully plan their pregnancy in 2017. It is recommended to exclude the following periods from the conception calendar: end of January - beginning of February, end of May - beginning of June, end of July - beginning of August. Spontaneous pregnancy is extremely undesirable; negative consequences in the form of premature or difficult birth are possible.


The Year of the Rooster is favorable for Libra in terms of pregnancy planning. The first half of the year will be tense, so it is better to deal with issues related to conception after June 2017. No serious health problems are expected, but Libra women should still undergo a preliminary examination. Their weak point is the kidneys. It is very important to exclude any diseases associated with this organ at an early stage.


The coming year will be very successful for Scorpios. Many families are expecting an addition. Representatives of this sign, born in November, have every opportunity to expand their living space. For Scorpio women, pregnancy will proceed without complications. An interesting position will bring them only positive emotions. Close people will surround expectant mothers with care and help them after the birth of the child.


In the year of the Fire Rooster, many Sagittarius will have time to acquire both a family and offspring. The period is characterized by high activity and numerous changes in all areas of life. Sagittarius women have a high probability of excessive weight gain during pregnancy (more than 10 kg). Therefore, it is recommended to pay special attention to your diet. In general, there will be no health problems.


Family Capricorns can also expect an addition to the family, even if the couple has not yet planned to have children. Representatives of this zodiac sign will prepare for conception seriously and thoroughly. A calm environment in the family will be conducive to a good pregnancy. However, the stars advise strengthening the immune system.


2017 promises many surprises and positive changes for Aquarius. Representatives of this sign, born in the year of the Dragon, have the greatest chance of having children during this period. Most likely, they will receive news of pregnancy in mid-March. Aquarius children born in the year of the Rooster will delight their parents with success and victories in sports competitions.


The Year of the Fire Rooster for Pisces is not the best time to plan a pregnancy. Many representatives of this sign will have a need for self-realization. Against this background, tension in relationships with a partner is possible. For Pisces women, the process of bearing a fetus will not be easy. Severe toxicosis, deterioration of health and complications are possible. The stars advise working on improving family relationships and postponing pregnancy planning until next year.