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Russian singers are drug addicts. Star children with alcohol and drug addiction (18 photos)

A luxurious and bright life, the admiration of fans, eager camera flashes... It seems that celebrities are the real lucky ones, because one can only dream of such a bright life. However, not everything is so rosy. Often popularity becomes a heavy burden that not everyone can bear. Celebrities also try to find solace and a way to escape from reality by using drugs. World famous drug addicts... Who are they? Let's find out.

Lindsey Lohan

The red-haired Hollywood star started her career brilliantly. At the age of 12, she received the leading role in the mischievous and touching comedy The Parent Trap. Subsequently, Lindsay became the most adored teenage idol. “Mean Girls”, “Freaky Friday”, “Running Crazy” - youth films with Lohan as the leading actress were released one after another.

However, in 2007, the starlet's fruitful career went downhill. Divorce of parents, failures in personal life, huge fees with which one could afford anything. This led Lohan to a wild lifestyle. At first the girl became addicted to alcohol, but then she began to use something stronger - cocaine. She proved by her example that “stars” and “drug addicts” are, alas, quite compatible concepts.

A dangerous hobby brought the girl to prison. Lohan has been arrested multiple times for drunk driving. Lindsay, who has become a regular patient of rehabilitation clinics, to this day cannot eradicate the addiction that is wearing out her body. “Drug addiction is a disease that, unfortunately, does not go away overnight,” the star concluded sadly.

Lady Gaga

So, drug addicts among celebrities are far from a rare phenomenon. In 2011, Lady Gaga also made a frank confession about her past. The extraordinary pop diva found the strength to talk about the fact that some time ago she smoked marijuana to find lost inspiration. In her youth, the singer decided that she needed new sensations. At first, Gaga believed that drug use was a whim that she could afford. However, smoking marijuana had a very negative impact on the vocalist’s health. She overcame a nascent addiction and urges fans not to try drugs under any circumstances. Thanks to the stars' generous donations, drug addicts in the United States receive financial support during treatment.

Zac Efron

Disney's "prince" Zac Efron has always seemed to the public to be an exemplary young man whom any girl's mother would wish for a son-in-law. But in 2013, the actor’s fans and ordinary observers gasped when they saw the news in the media that Efron had become a patient in a rehabilitation clinic. It turned out that the guy was seriously interested in alcohol and drugs, and especially ecstasy. Zach spent five months being treated by the best doctors and was behind schedule. However, the actor managed to overcome the dark streak - any day now the comedy “Baywatch” will be released, where he plays the main role.


The handsome Briton Sting looks like a real gentleman. However, the singer of the hits Desert Rose and Shape Of My Heart also has his own “skeleton in the closet”. After leaving the Police group in 1984, at the height of his fame, the singer went on a rampage and began regularly using drugs and alcohol. Sting's temper became more and more violent, and his addiction became deeper.

The musician was kept from falling into the abyss by his beloved Trudie Styler. She literally forced her future husband to pull himself together and undergo a thorough rehabilitation course. This saved Sting - he soon got to his feet and returned to the stage. Despite his difficult past, the singer, on the contrary, is convinced that the prohibition of drugs is what leads people to such a passionate pursuit of them. In 2010, this world-famous musician called on the British authorities to legalize marijuana and use the proceeds from its sale to benefit society.


Russian stars who are drug addicts are also not uncommon. The owner of a recognizable appearance and vocals, Shura was the king of the charts in the late nineties. The whole country sang: “Don’t believe the tears, everything will come back...”, but after a while new idols took over the stage. Shura's popularity began to fade, which could not but affect the musician's emotional state. He plunged headlong into depression, and tried to forget himself with the help of drugs, which he took for three years. Subsequently, Shura admitted that he could not resist the temptation to try what other Russian stars had also done. He left the ranks of drug addicts thanks to the help of professional doctors and his own strong-willed efforts.

Ksenia Sobchak

In 2009, outrageous TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak also admitted to an “affair with cocaine.” Without lying, the socialite in one of her interviews shared scandalous details of her youth with her interlocutor. The showwoman said that she snorted cocaine, but she did not become addicted. The girl also added that she is sincerely perplexed when some Russian drug-addicted stars claim that they never allowed themselves too much. In her opinion, it is necessary to be honest with the public. At the moment, Sobchak is an exemplary wife and young mother, and all her addictions have sunk into oblivion.

Dana Borisova

The news that some domestic show business stars are drug addicts comes as a shock to the public. In April 2017, the mother of TV presenter Dana Borisova decided to publicly talk about her grief. On the air of the top-rated show “Let Them Talk,” she asked for help for her daughter, who, as it turned out, was suffering from drug addiction. Andrei Malakhov and several of Dana’s friends organized her immediate hospitalization. Now the girl is undergoing a thorough course of treatment in Thailand and is recovering.

Andrey Lysikov

The unusual musician Andrei Lysikov, performing under the pseudonym "Dolphin", also fell into the seductive trap of drugs. He snorted heroin and was sure that it was nothing more than self-indulgence. One day the singer was visited by a close friend. He indignantly declared that he would sacrifice many years of friendship if Lysikov did not pull himself together and give up drugs. Then the musician decided it was time to stop. Having gone on a long tour, he stayed away from heroin for two weeks. The first step helped him get off the drug “hook.” “A month later, I realized what hole I was lying at the bottom of,” the singer commented on the past.

Vlad Topalov

Sweet-voiced Vlad Topalov became the hero of girls' dreams as part of the boy band Smash. But in 2004, the group broke up, and the singer was never able to maintain his former popularity and achieve new heights. The reason for this fiasco was drugs. It all started with dabbling in illegal drugs with friends on one of the ordinary evenings. It seemed that trying once was not scary, but the narcotic abyss quickly sucked in the young singer. In one night he took 10-15 ecstasy tablets, and then switched to cocaine.

In 2007, in the “Man and Law” program, Topalov publicly stated that he had been a drug addict for four years. The dangerous addiction led to serious health problems. In 2008, 23-year-old Vlad, whose physical form seemed to be in its prime, suffered kidney failure. Drugs became his passion, and relationships with loved ones reached a crisis. Topalov quarreled with his father to smithereens. The harmful addiction led the musician to the point that he could no longer follow his usual schedule. This was also the reason for the breakup of the super-popular duo.

Now the singer is back on his feet. “There is an opportunity to choose a new life and live it as you always dreamed,” says the current Vlad Topalov optimistically.

So, there are stars who are drug addicts in Russia and abroad. Some emerged victorious from a grueling battle with drugs and were able to remain at the Olympus of fame, while others remained a forgotten celebrity with an irrevocably tarnished reputation.


President Dmitry Medvedev asks Vladimir Putin to criminalize drug use and compulsorily treat drug addicts. The Kremlin press service reports this.

IN In June 2011, the government must submit the relevant documents to the president. We are talking about “the systematic non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as the possibility of applying as punishment for persons who have committed minor drug-related crimes the obligation to undergo a medical and rehabilitation procedure for getting rid of drug addiction,” Medvedev’s order says .

It remains to wish the president to pay attention to those who could be included in the list of drug addicts: there are many interesting characters. Among them: a member of the Public Chamber, an activist of the Young Guard, athletes and musicians.
“Salt” has compiled a list of celebrities who, at one time, could also be sent for compulsory treatment.

Vlad TOPALOV, musician, member of the public council of the Young Guard
Cocaine, ecstasy

— One winter evening (in January 2004), my friends and I were sitting, and I said: “Come on! And what?" And we tried. That's how it all started. I practically don’t remember the first six months. It's like a blackout, when you remember only in pieces, frames.
When I tell this, people usually don’t believe me. People can take two tablets a night. We ate 10-15 per night. Once, over the weekend from Friday to Monday evening, three of us ate 150 tablets.
[After four years] I realized that it’s much cooler to give up drugs, talk about it absolutely sincerely, honestly and be proud that it’s in the past and that you finally have the opportunity to choose a new life and live it the way you’ve always dreamed.

We must pay tribute to the courage of these stars - not every person, especially a public one, will dare to openly talk about their mistakes. But artists like Vlad Topalov are ready not only to discuss their struggle with drug addiction, but also to help others get out.

Dana Borisova

The news about the TV presenter's drug addiction came as a shock to her fans. Borisova has never been distinguished by extravagant behavior and harsh antics, at least in public. As it turned out, there are such devils in the still waters that a couple of months ago Dana’s celebrity friends decided to trick her into sending her to rehabilitation. Until recently, the TV presenter thought that she was participating in the filming of a reality show in Thailand. It turned out that Dana was waiting for a clinic on the island, conversations with a psychologist, yoga and a complete break from the outside world. During periods of calm, Borisova gets in touch and vows to “tie it up.” It happens that Dana panics, and then she secretly calls journalists and reports that she is being held by force. While Borisova’s condition is unstable, her ex-husband is threatening to take full custody of their nine-year-old daughter Polina.

Vlad Topalov

If Dana has yet to overcome her addiction, then her colleague Vlad Topalov has left the dark times behind. In 2009, the musician admitted that after the breakup of the duo Smash! I used drugs regularly for several years. 8 years after coming out, Vlad became a partner in a Moscow rehabilitation center to combat drug addiction, gambling, alcoholism, smoking and other addictions. According to the artist, he invested his own funds in the development of the clinic.


Who would have thought that the crazy and bright Shura, who the audience associated with the eternal carnival, would leave the stage due to serious health problems. For several years, the artist struggled with testicular cancer, undergoing chemotherapy and long rehabilitation. After treatment, the artist weighed 140 kilograms! At the same time, Shura struggled with drug addiction. “There were too many temptations in my life at that time. I was the number one star on the stage and used a lot of “bad” substances. “I myself realized that I needed to get checked,” Shura shared in an interview with Sobesednik.ru. “The doctor examined me from top to bottom and referred me to an oncologist.” The artist cites drug addiction as the cause of cancer: “I took drugs that completely killed my immune system. I no longer ate normal food, I constantly consumed it and went to parties where everyone smiles in your face, and you are slowly dying.” Now Shura’s life is a schedule, proper nutrition and healthy sleep.


After the final breakup with Aiza Anokhina two years ago, the rapper went downhill again. It is known that before his wedding with Isa, the artist was addicted to heroin, and periodically old demons attacked Guf throughout his family life. As the rapper admitted, the love of his wife and the birth of his son helped him come to his senses, but, as it turned out, Guf was unable to leave drugs in the past. In September 2015, after a concert in Krasnoyarsk, the rapper and the Centr group were taken to a local drug treatment clinic and asked to take tests. The artist spent 6 days behind bars, serving an administrative sentence for using prohibited substances. A similar situation occurred in 2014 - then an examination showed that the artist used cocaine and hashish. However, Dolmatov himself took his arrests calmly. “Yes, I am Guf, the whole country knows that I smoke weed. This is bad, illegal, but I am not a systemic heroin addict and do not encourage anyone to use them,” Alexey said after his release from Krasnoyarsk prison. And yet, a year after his arrest, Guf went to Israel for rehabilitation. The artist was visiting a clinic called “Phoenix” near Tel Aviv. Dolmatov was under supervision for a long time and even visited the holy places of Jerusalem. The 37-year-old musician also attended group art therapy and psychodrama classes and met with a psychologist several times a week.

Leva "Bi-2"

While “Russian rap” is serving time for “weed,” “Russian rock” manages to settle the issue with coin. On May 17, at the Moscow Open Arena stadium, where a football match was taking place between the capital’s Spartak and Grozny’s Terek, police detained the lead singer of the Bi-2 group, Leva (Egor Bortnik), after finding him in possession of a joint. As eyewitnesses said, “an hour before the Spartak-Terek match, the musician tried to enter the VIP box. Didn't pass the test. They found a bag of something very similar to marijuana on him.” The artist was taken to the police station and was later given a fine of 3,000 rubles.

Stas Piekha

“He encountered this disgusting thing when he was little,” singer Edita Piekha says about her grandson. - In St. Petersburg they drugged him. I barely managed to pull him out of this environment. She sent him to Moscow to see his mother, and there he, fortunately, lost contact with these people. But I remembered for the rest of my life that drugs are scary. He grew up to be a decent person. I’m proud of him,” admitted Edita Stanislavovna last year. Following the famous grandmother, who decided to make revelations, the musician himself spoke up. “My parents were constantly not at home, there was a black hole inside and a lack of feeling that you were loved. Substances filled this hole,” said Stas. Moreover, during his use, Piekha suffered a heart attack three times and, by his own admission, “miraculously survived.”

Sometimes creative people need a boost - some are looking for inspiration, others find it difficult to survive grueling tours or come to terms with everyone's attention. Alas, not all celebrities are able to achieve this using legal methods.

The editors of the site sadly share with you a selection of cases of celebrity drug addiction with tragic consequences and hopes that these sad examples will serve as a warning against the use of illegal drugs. You might also be interested to know which Russian actors were killed by alcohol.

Death from overdose

Most of the celebrities we'll talk about below died from an overdose of drugs or medications, and in some cases, drugs were indirectly responsible for the death.

Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse began dabbling in recreational drugs even before the release of her debut album Frank in 2003. Such a pastime did not go beyond the scope of a harmless “hobby” until she met her future husband, Blake Filer-Seivel, in 2006. He introduced her to heroin, amphetamine and crack. And away we go...

A year later, Amy’s vision deteriorated, her behavior changed - she began to explode at every little thing, often threatening her boyfriend with suicide. She was soon diagnosed with emphysema. All the lovers’ attempts to “get off the needle” ended in failure.

The ending of this drug epic turned out to be lethal - on July 23, 2011, the 27-year-old singer was found dead in her apartment. The official version was: “Death from alcohol intoxication,” but the police subsequently tracked down the dealer from whom Amy bought 15 grams of heroin and the same number of grams of crack the night before her death.

Kurt Cobain

Nirvana leader Kurt Cobain committed suicide on April 5, 1994. Biographers of the grunge legend believe that he committed suicide due to a prolonged heroin depression.

The musician suffered from stomach pains from his youth. In 1986, he tried heroin for the first time, which helped numb the pain, but led to dire consequences. His “affair with heroin” lasted 9 years; at the end of his life, Kurt Cobain spent about $400 a day on it. He became nervous and suspicious, constantly lashed out at his wife and daughter, and lost interest in music.

One of the most common versions of Cobain's death says that before shooting himself in the head, he injected an incompatible dose of heroin into his vein.

Sid Vicious

The bassist of the punk band Sex Pistols became addicted to drugs because of... his own mother, who was hooked on heroin before he was born. Perhaps the producer could have pulled him out of the abyss of vice, but his acquaintance with drug-addicted fan Nancy Spungen put an end to the life of the rebel musician. Since the beginning of their destructive relationship, there had not been a single rehearsal to which he would not show up high.

On the morning of October 12, 1978, after recovering from the night's libations, he discovered Nancy's body in the bathroom. Someone stabbed the girl with a knife, and, of course, suspicion fell on him, but in the end the musician was released on bail.

On February 1, 1979, Sid, in the company of his mother, came to the apartment of his new girlfriend Michelle Robinson, where he took a dose of heroin before going to bed. The next morning they tried to wake him up, but quickly realized that it was too late. Doctors later determined that someone (perhaps a sympathetic mother) had supplied him with an 80 percent heroin solution instead of the 5 percent he was accustomed to. At the time of his death he was 21 years old.

The love story of these two young drug addicts was told in detail in the 1986 film Sid and Nancy, starring Gary Oldman and Chloe Webb.

Jimi Hendrix

The greatest guitarist in history was found dead in his hotel room on September 18, 1970. He choked on his own vomit, which was caused by nine tablets of a powerful sleeping pill.

Like Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix is ​​a member of the so-called “27 Club,” which posthumously includes rock musicians who died at the age of 27 under strange circumstances.

Marilyn Monroe

36-year-old Marilyn Monroe, the blond sex symbol of the 50s who seduced President Kennedy himself, died of an overdose of sleeping pills. At least that's what the official version says. There are many strange details in her death, which you can read about in detail in this article.

Heath Ledger

The body of 28-year-old actor Heath Ledger was discovered on January 22, 2008 in the apartment of his girlfriend Mary-Kate Olsen. The doctors' verdict was this: a heart attack caused by intoxication from an overdose of medications prescribed by a doctor. Antidepressants, painkillers and sleeping pills, which are harmless in prescription concentrations, in combination (and in increased dosages) provided a lethal effect.

During the search, the police found a rolled-up bill on the table, but found no traces of drugs on it, nor did they find any prohibited substances in the apartment.

Anna Nicole Smith

In the 90s, the name Anna Nicole Smith was known to every American. Playboy Girl of the Year 1993, TV presenter, actress, tabloid regular – her pretty face was strongly associated with the epithet “sex symbol”. In 2007, at 39 years old, she died in the arms of emergency doctors from an overdose of analgesics and antidepressants, to which she became addicted in the last years of her life.

Elvis Presley

Due to the inhuman schedule of filming and performances, Elvis Presley often resorted to sleeping pills and invigorating medications. Already a man over forty, overweight and, alas, deprived of his former glory, he continued to resort to doping.

On August 16, 1977, after a sleepless night spent discussing the details of his future engagement with his beloved Ginger Alden, he took a dose of sleeping pills, but in vain - Morpheus did not want to accept him into his arms. After another dose, he went to the bathroom, where he decided to while away the time by reading a book. That's where they found his lifeless body. It was about 14:00.

An autopsy revealed that the cause of death was a heart attack caused by an overdose of barbiturates. Fans could not come to terms with the death of the King and put forward the hypothesis that he faked his death, and he himself hid from the boring world of show business under a new guise.

Whitney Houston

On February 11, 2012, on the eve of the Grammy Awards, Whitney Houston, the legendary singer and actress, was pulled unconscious from her bathtub. They couldn't pump it out.

According to the official version, three things were to blame for her death: a love of cocaine, hot baths and heart problems. An autopsy showed an extremely high percentage of cocaine in the blood. Most likely, while swimming, Whitney took another dose, which led to a heart attack. Losing consciousness, she choked on water.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's death occurred after an injection of propofol, a powerful intravenous sleeping pill. The fatal injection was given by the King of Pop's attending physician, Conrad Murray. Two years later, he was accused of manslaughter, but June 25, 2009 became a dark day for millions of people around the world.

There are also Russian celebrities on our list.

Vladimir Vysotsky

The medical report on the death of Vladimir Vysotsky states that the actor and bard died from acute heart failure, which was caused by atherosclerosis of the heart. A very vague diagnosis made it possible to hide what was believed to be the true cause of Vysotsky’s death - a destructive addiction to alcohol.

But facts that subsequently emerged, including eyewitness accounts, showed that it was not alcohol, but narcotic drugs that led to the death of the people's idol. Three years before his death, the love of alcohol was replaced by another, more destructive passion - for morphine.

The first injection of morphine was given to him by a doctor who brought the poet out of his drinking bout. A little later, he began to resort to this method from time to time to keep himself in good shape: morphine gave him the inspiration he needed for difficult performances like Hamlet.

The scale of the problem increased by 1978, and after clinical death in the summer of 1979 in Bukhara (at that time he was sold an unknown substance under the guise of morphine), Vysotsky clearly realized: it was time to quit. But it was all in vain - even escaping to a bear corner in France in the company of his beloved Marina Vladi did not help him.

The 1980 Olympics stopped almost all channels for obtaining morphine, which, however, Vysotsky replaced with colossal doses of vodka coupled with cocaine. Such experiments with health could send a young athlete to the next world; Vysotsky was 42 years old at the time of his death - July 25, 1980.

Mikhail Gorshenev

The death of Gorshka, one of the leaders of the folk group “King and the Jester” and, undoubtedly, a cult figure of the Russian underground, occurred on the night of July 18-19, 2013 due to acute heart failure, which was provoked by heroin abuse accompanied by significant amounts of alcohol. When the body was discovered, the deceased had a pack of cigarettes clutched in one hand and an insulin syringe in the other.

In his youth, Mikhail Gorshenev was addicted to heroin; during his life, he suffered clinical death from an overdose eight times. Marriage to Olga Gorsheneva in 2005 saved Mikhail - for the sake of his new lover, he “broke” and abstained from addiction for quite a long time. In 2009, their daughter Sasha was born, who finally changed the musician’s views on bad habits.

But in 2012, Gorshenev suddenly had a nervous breakdown. According to a version widespread in the press, he played a maniacal hairdresser in the rock opera TODD and after the performances he could not get out of the character. The director advised him to drink a glass of vodka after each performance - this is how Mikhail “broke the chain.” Along with alcohol, hard drugs also returned. In just a year, he returned to his original position, and the already middle-aged body was unable to cope with the toxic load.

Life is downhill

Drugs did not kill these celebrities, but they seriously ruined their lives and careers.

Macaulay Culkin

After the meteoric success of the Christmas comedy Home Alone, 10-year-old Macaulay Culkin became the most famous child in Hollywood. And, as often happens, fame and wealth, as well as the excessive ambitions of his parents, led him down a crooked path.

In 2002, he divorced his wife and played the main role in “Club Mania,” a film about rave culture, which, it’s no secret, is closely related to drug use. Maybe he got into character too much - in 2004 he was arrested for possession of marijuana and powerful drugs for which he did not have a prescription. That same year, the actor’s sister died in a car accident, which worsened his depression and dependence on antidepressants.

Little by little, he more or less curbed his love for drugs. But when Mila Kunis left him in 2011, after an 8-year relationship, the actor went on a rampage: oxycodone, cocaine, heroin. By that time, he had already spent the millions he earned during the “sweet baby Macaulay” period; his main source of income came from working as a DJ and very rarely from small roles in second-rate TV series and music videos.

Lindsey Lohan

In the 90s, this charming redhead was adored by both children and adults. Lindsay Lohan had great prospects in cinema, music, and even a personalized Barbie! But in 2005, a turning point came in the life of the young star. Social parties with constant alcohol and cocaine in a matter of time made her the black sheep of Hollywood.

Constant disruption of the filming schedule, drunken brawls, problems with the law, overdoses, rehabilitation and again drugs - this lifestyle could not but affect her appearance. By the age of 30, Lindsay Lohan looked nothing like a world-class star...

Due to her aggressive temper and blatant irresponsibility, self-respecting directors stopped contacting Lindsey. In 2013, she played a cameo in the fifth installment of the comedy Scary Movie for $200,000. The actress reached rock bottom after filming the low-budget drama “The Canyons.” She was promised $100 per day of filming; for this money she agreed to a group sex scene. And yet, the director threatened her with dismissal almost every day due to constant lateness and conflicts with colleagues.

Charlie Sheen

It is likely that the name Charlie Sheen today could be put on a par with Charlie Sheen in his youth and now

In 2009, he beat his wife, threatening to use a knife. After this, the last producers broke their contracts with him, the actor found himself in oblivion, alone with problems with the police and a ruined personal life. To top it all off, in 2015, the actor admitted that he had AIDS.
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famous people who regularly and for a long time took opiates: opium, laudanum (10% opium tincture, equivalent to medium concentration morphine), morphine, heroin. And they lived, nevertheless, a long and fruitful life.
These people were lucky not to meet in their lives any bull-roismans with their pathological hatred of drug addicts.
1. Marcus Aurelius (58) - ancient Roman emperor and philosopher
2. Ovid (58) - ancient Roman poet
3. Francois René de Chateaubriand (83) - French writer and diplomat
4. Charles Dickens (58) - English writer
5. Florence Nightingale (90) - organizer of the British Army Medical Service and the world's first school of Sisters of Charity

6. Jean Cocteau (74) - French poet
7. Samuel Coleridge (62) - English poet
8. Walter Scott (61) - English writer
9. Miles Davis (65) - American musician
10. Serge Ginsbourg (63) - French singer
11. Benjamin Disraeli (76) - multiple Prime Minister of Great Britain, one of the founders of the Conservative Party
12. William Gladstone (88) - multiple Prime Minister of Great Britain, one of the founders of the Liberal Party.
13. William Halstead (70) - founder of American surgery
14. Benjamin Franklin (84) - American scientist and politician, one of the founding fathers of the USA
15. Wilkie Collins (65) - English writer
16. Lewis Carroll (65) - English writer
17. Johann Wolfgang Goethe (82) - German poet and statesman
18. Salvador Dali (84) - Spanish artist
19. Pablo Picasso (91) - Spanish artist
20. George Sand (71) - French writer
21. Hector Berlioz (65) - French composer
22. Otto von Bismarck (83) - politician, unifier of Germany
23. Charles Darwin (73) - English scientist
24. Allen Ginsberg (70) - American poet
25. Ray Charles (73) - American musician
26. Théophile Gautier (61) - French writer
27. Graham Greene (86) - English writer
28. Arthur Conan Doyle (71) - English writer
29. Herman Melville (72) - American writer
30. William Wilberforce (73) - English politician, leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade
31. Jose de San Martin (72) - Argentine general, one of the two, along with Bolivar, liberators of Latin America from Spanish rule.
32. George Crabbe (71) – English poet and scientist
33. Stan Getz (64) - American musician
34. Dennis Hopper (74, alive) - American actor
35. Whoopi Goldberg (55, alive) - American actress
36. Francis Picabia (74) - French artist, writer
37. Max Jacob (67) - French poet, critic
38. Santiago Rusiñol (70) - Spanish artist
39. Herbert Spencer (83 - English philosopher and scientist
40. Edmund Halley (85) - English scientist, naturalist
41. Francoise Sagan (69) - French writer
42. Louis XIV (76) - French Emperor, Sun King
43. Jean-Martin Charcot (67) - French doctor, psychiatrist
44. Pierre de Ronsard (61) - French poet
45. William Pitt the Elder (69) – Minister of War, annexed Canada and India to Great Britain
46. ​​August Schlegel (77) – German critic, poet and translator of Shakespeare
47. Samuel Johnson (75) – English poet, writer, creator of the English dictionary
48. Earl of Wellington (83) - English commander, winner of Napoleon
49. Frederick II (74) – Prussian emperor and commander
50. Voltaire (83) - French philosopher
This list is, of course, incomplete.
1) According to rumors, he had an addiction to opiates, but I was not able to verify this from serious sources: Plato (80), Plotinus (65), Omar Khayyam (73), Jalaluddin Rumi (64), Francesco Petrarca (69), Richard Wagner ( 69), Maria Theresa (63), Catherine II (67), Somerset Maugham (91), Alexandre Dumas (68, there is no complete clarity with opium, but it is known for sure that he used hashish and cocaine), Queen Victoria (81, with opium It’s not completely clear, but I definitely used hashish)
2) Military leaders who did not live to be 55 years old,
as heroes: Marshal of France Moritz of Saxony (54 - killed in a duel), Admiral Horatio Nelson (47 - killed in battle)
so are the villains: Hermann Goering (53 - took poison to avoid the gallows), General Boulanger (54 - shot himself to avoid arrest)
3) Writers famous for their descriptions of drug use: Thomas de Quincey (74), William Burroughs (83), Irvine Welsh (52, alive)
4) Those about whom one can say, “It is visible” and “The sleep of reason gives birth to monsters”: Nostradamus (62), Aleister Crowley (72), Bela Lugosi (73), Francisco de Goya (82).
5) Well, many famous rock musicians of the generation of the 60s - 70s, including, but, to put it mildly, not limited to: John Lennon (40, shot), Paul McCartney (68, alive), Lou Reed (68, alive ), David Bowie (63, alive), Keith Richards (66, alive), Iggy Pop (63, alive), Ozzy Osbourne (61, alive), Jimmy Page (66, alive), Eric Clapton (65, alive), Bob Dylan (69, alive).
