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The highest mountain in the Ural Mountains. Geographical location of the Ural Mountains. The highest peak of the Ural Mountains. The height of the Ural mountains and interesting facts

    The Ural Mountains are located on the continent of EURASIA and the mountain range of these mountains stretches across the entire country of Russia (more than 2,000 km long) from South to North.

    Previously, it was believed that Siberia began in the East of the country, immediately beyond the Ural Mountains, but later Siberia moved further to the East.

    Ural Mountains are located on the Eurasian continent, between the East European Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. These mountains stretch from north to south across Russia and Kazakhstan for 2.5 thousand kilometers.

    The Ural Mountains are relatively low. The highest peak - Mount Narodnaya height 1895 m.

    Along the Ural Mountains (on their eastern slope) there is a conditional border between Europe and Asia.

    I think that any resident of Russia must know for sure that the Ural Mountains are in Russia, even if he lives very far from them - in the Far East, Siberia or Kaliningrad. These are the longest mountains in our country, and probably one of the oldest. The Ural Mountains lie on the continent of Eurasia, and moreover, it is along these mountains that the famous border between the two parts of the world - Europe and Asia - passes. In many places of the Ural Mountains there are even special signs, standing on which a person finds himself with one foot in Asia, and the other in Europe. The most famous city that lies in two parts of the world at once is Magnitogorsk in the Southern Urals.

    The Ural Mountains are located on the territory of Russia and along their eastern slopes there is a border between Europe and Asia.

    And the continent itself is called Eurasia, the largest continent on the planet. The mountains stretch from north to south in a strip from 40 to 150 and more than 2000 kilometers long. A continuation of the Ural Mountains in the south are the Mugodzhary Mountains in Kazakhstan. The Ural Mountains are one of the oldest mountain systems in the world. They are a real treasure trove of minerals, from various minerals to coal, oil and gas. To preserve the unique natural features, several nature reserves have been established here.

    The Ural Mountains stretch approximately 1,500 miles from north to south from the Arctic Ocean to central Russia.

    The Urals are mostly located in Russia, although the southern part reaches into northern Kazakhstan. Located on the continent of Eurasia. and is considered a kind of border between Europe and Asia.

    These mountains are the longest on our territory, so it is logical that they are located in Eurasia, they are located in the northwestern part of Russia. These mountains have a fairly large width; it ranges from one hundred to two hundred kilometers, and if we talk about the length along the meridian, it is 2600 km. The highest point of these mountains is Narodnaya, its height is 1875 m. Thus, they are not very high mountains.

    The Ural Mountains are located on a continent called Eurasia. Moreover, it is the Ural Mountains that are the border between Europe and Asia. It is clear that the border is quite arbitrary, but generally accepted and clearly visible.

    The Ural Mountains are located on the Eurasian continent and divide the continent into European and Asian parts (Russian territory). Their length is more than 2000 km, and their width is from 40 to 150 km. The highest part of the Ural Mountains is Narodnaya Mountain, reaching a height of 1895 meters.

    The Ural Mountains are located on the Eurasian continent in the northern and central parts of the continent.

    The Ural Mountains border the Kara Sea, the Mugodzhary Mountains, the Eastern and Western-Northern Plains.

    The mountains have a greater extent from north to south; the mountains are classified as medium.

    Usually during lessons they call you to the board on which there is a map and ask you to point out the mountains. Pay attention to the half of the map away from Moscow to the east and point out the brown stripe that looks a bit like a vertical line

Scientists have information that the Ural Mountains appeared 600 million years ago. A. Prokonessky first wrote about them in his work “Arismapei”. Unfortunately, the poem itself has not survived to this day. But many scientists of those years referred to it in their works.

A little history

The explorer Ptolemy was the first to map the Ural Mountains. Their detailed description was reflected in his works by the Arab geographer Imaus. In the Russian state, the historian Tatishchev first mentioned the Ural Mountains. He began by describing their geographical location.

The mountain range stretches between the West Siberian and East European Plains. It was Tatishchev who indicated the name of this natural greatness in his geographical report.

After all, he visited the expedition and was sincerely amazed by the richness of the rocks. Communicating with the local population, the scientist borrowed from them the term “Ural Mountains”. Translated from Tatar, the word “Ural” means “stone belt”. The first question that comes to mind is: “What is the height of the Ural Mountains?”

Tatishchev concluded that the highest point is Narodnaya Gora. Its height is 1895 meters. The width of the Ural range as a whole ranges from 40 to 160 kilometers. And the length is recorded to be over 2000 km. It is noteworthy that once the mountain ranges of the Urals were in no way inferior to the Sayans and the Himalayas!

Climate and vegetation

The surroundings of the Ural Range are abundantly covered with coniferous forests, and at an altitude of over 850 meters the forest-tundra originates, and the tundra belt extends even higher. The southern parts of the mountains are covered with a steppe carpet, but their area is small. In the northern zones of the mountains, tundra cover predominates. This is an excellent pasture and range for deer, which is managed by local residents.

As for the climate of the Ural Mountains, it is temperate continental. Winter comes early in these places; snow falls as early as September. It lies throughout the year. Even in July, small layers of snowflakes are visible on the soil. And the height of the Ural Mountains allows the white blanket to lie all year round.

Despite the fact that in summer the air temperature fluctuates up to +34 degrees, it cannot be called hot. Due to constant winds and relatively low temperatures in winter (-56 degrees), the Ural climate is considered harsh.

Water resources and natural resources

A beginner who finds himself in the Urals will be pleasantly surprised by the abundance of local rivers and streams. There are 3,327 lakes alone, located on the plain next to the mountains. Shchuchye Lake is recognized as the deepest body of water in the Urals. Its pit holds about 0.79 cubic meters. kilometers of water. And its depth reaches 136 meters!

Travelers note that in all reservoirs of the Urals the water is clear and striking in its purity. Only after rain does it become cloudy, when its level rises sharply in the pits. The prevailing heights of the Ural Mountains are 1000-1500 meters. These include the Pechora basin, where coal is mined.

The Ural Mountains are also famous for their mineral resources: oil, peat, natural gas. This region is a real storehouse of large reserves of copper, nickel and zinc ores. In addition, natural massifs also store precious metals: silver, gold and platinum placers.

Modern researchers emphasize that the main point of wood extraction is located in the Southern Urals zone. Forest conservation is the main task of the Ural mountain systems. Today, this territory is under protection, since it is here that famous parks and reserves are located: Serpievsky, Ilmensky, Ashinsky.

Birds and animals of the Urals

Perhaps some readers will be confused by the height of the Ural Mountains and will lead to the question: “What is the animal and plant world like in these places?” The most common bird species is kites, followed by tits, which feed on caterpillar pupae and insect eggs.

Also fluttering freely in the mountain forests of the Urals are the common cuckoo, jay, starling, jackdaw, chaffinch and hoopoe. It is curious that a small bird, the kinglet, lives in coniferous forests. Local residents nicknamed her the “Ural hummingbird” due to the fact that her body is smaller than a matchbox. For almost all birds living in these areas, wild berries, fruits and tree seeds are important food. Birds such as the northern pika and black grouse feed on pine needles and seeds.

Endangered species

The average height of the Ural Mountains generally does not exceed 800 meters. This is the lowest part of the massif, which is called the Middle Urals. The number of animals and birds in these places is alarming to experts.

They believe that it is currently difficult to conserve some species. These include: muskrat, European mink, imperial eagle, whooper swan, marsh harrier. Therefore, most of them are listed in the Red Book. More than 6 species of woodpecker and a rare species of white-tailed oran have been recorded in the Ural Mountains area. Birds of prey live in the steppe zones: kite, falcon and hawk.

Various inhabitants

In almost all forests of the Urals you can find foxes and wolves. They mainly hunt roe deer, deer and hares. The tundra, in turn, is rich in stoats and arctic foxes. The agile wolverine loves coniferous broad-leaved forests, while the marten and the formidable brown bear live in the dense taiga.

Some wanderers emphasize that the most common animals live in the Ural Mountains area. However, an interesting animal, the flying squirrel, lives in the coniferous forest. It is about the same size as a regular squirrel. Its fur appears to be yellow with a gray tint.

The unusualness of the animal lies in the structure of its skeleton: in appearance it resembles a large bat. True, without wings. The flying squirrel feeds on various insects and bird eggs. We can talk endlessly about the Ural landscapes. The flora and fauna here are so diverse!

Perhaps inquisitive travelers, in addition to the question: “What is the absolute height of the Ural Mountains?”, will be interested in seeing this place with their own eyes - Narodnaya Gora. It was already mentioned at the beginning of the topic.

The famous hill boasts clean lakes and circus grounds. There are also mysterious glaciers and luxurious alpine meadows on the mountain. It is best not to limit yourself to acquaintance by correspondence, but to actually visit these wonderful places.

The Ural is a unique mountain system, one of the most ancient and picturesque in the world. They are old, very old, dating back to the Devonian period (about 40 million years ago). This massif is like a complex mosaic in which hundreds of types of rocks are mixed. Since the times of the Soviet Union, more than 50 types of minerals and hundreds of minerals, precious and semi-precious stones have been mined here.

But ancient mountains are rarely high. Years wear away their tops, grind rocks, and build up a layer of soil. Therefore, the highest point of the Ural Mountains cannot compete with the Alpine and Tibetan peaks. But still, for the sake of interest, we will compile this list.

The Ural Mountains stretch almost across the entire border of Eurasia, separating two parts of the world from each other. The Ural belt is more than 2,500 kilometers long, and it is conventionally divided into 5 zones:

  1. Southern Urals.
  2. Middle Urals.
  3. Northern Urals.
  4. Subpolar Urals.
  5. Polar Urals.

Some researchers believe that Mugodzhary on the southern side and Pai-Khoi on the northern side should also be added to the system, but still, officially these five zones are considered the Ural Mountains. And each of them has its own highest point.

In fact, this mountain can hardly be called high: only 1640 meters in height. However, all other peaks of the Southern Urals do not even reach this value. It is worth noting that 1640 meters is the height of Big Yamantau. The second peak, Maly Yamantau, is even lower - only 1510 meters.

It is a low, gently sloping mountain, covered with a thick layer of soil, enough for a real forest to grow on it. But the top of the mountain is covered with snow and ice suitable for skiers.

Yamantau is an amazingly beautiful and picturesque mountain that attracts thousands of tourists from all over Russia and even other countries. To travel along it, basic training and equipment is enough. True, the pleasure is spoiled by the fact that local residents have long considered Yamantau a bad mountain, which is even reflected in its name. Adding fuel to the fire of doubt are rumors that Vladimir Putin’s secret bunker was built here. Nobody knows how true they are, but before going here, it’s better to think carefully: “Is it worth it?” Moreover, this is not the only large mountain of the Southern Urals that deserves your attention.

The mountain with such a dissonant name is the highest point of the Middle Urals. True, the numbers are not too impressive: 1119 meters. Earlier we talked about the peaks of the Alps and Tibet, high, sharp, rocky, covered with glaciers. Oslyanka is completely different from them: low, sloping, softly rounded ... From a distance. Close up, it turns out that the slopes are quite steep, there are places where a rocky base comes to the surface. Most of the mountain is covered with meadows and forests, in the cold season it is tightly wrapped in snow.

It is perfect for tourist and hiking routes in the warm season, while in winter it is an expanse for skiers and snowboarders. In summer, you can supplement your tourist routes with river rafting.

By the way, this mountain has nothing to do with donkeys. The origin of its name is not known for certain. Most likely, the word “donkey, donkey” is the basis, that is, a stone on which knives are sharpened. The second version is “oslyad” – a log. There is a third one, which claims that the name of the mountain is associated with the nearby Oslyanka River, but here the connection can be reversed.

It is always extremely interesting to figure out where the names of geographical objects come from, because there are whole stories behind them. Sometimes the connection can be traced immediately, but often you have to figure it out. But in the case of Mount Telposis, it is not even immediately clear where it came from and what it means. The truth lies quite deep. Its original name is Tel-Poz-Iz, which in the Komi language means “mountain of the nest of winds”.

According to legend, it is on this mountain that the local god of the winds lives, so it’s better not to meddle there once again. True, this does not prevent tourists from all over Russia from climbing Telposis in pursuit of beautiful landscapes and thrills. Its height is 1617 meters. Enough to become the first in the Northern Urals.

This peak is the highest point not only of the Subpolar part of the Urals, but of the entire mountain range. Of course, in the same Alps, a peak of 1895 meters would never have made it to such a list, but for the Ural Mountains this is more than enough.

It officially received its name in 1927 during the study of this part of the Urals. The subtlety is that the geologist Aleshkov did not specify in his notes where exactly the emphasis should be placed: NARODNAYA or Narodnaya. Both versions are found in the literature. The second looks quite logical, because at that time many objects received similar names. The first one also has the right to life, because the Naroda River flows next to it. And this word from the Komi language has nothing to do with the people.

The first peak of the northernmost, Polar part of the Urals is Payer. This rock formation stands out sharply against the surrounding landscape. There are several more peaks nearby - Western and Eastern Payer, 1330 and 1217 meters, respectively.

The total length of the Ural belt is more than 2,500 kilometers. Just imagine: 2500 kilometers of picturesque mountains, which have everything: rocks, glaciers, snowfields, caves, forests, meadows, rivers... These are incredibly picturesque and rich mountains, you can spend your whole life here and not see even a small part of their wonders. But that doesn't mean it's not worth trying.

The Ural Mountains are located on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan and are a unique geographical feature that divides the Eurasian continent into two parts.

Direction and extent of the Ural Mountains.

The length of the Ural Mountains is more than 2500 km, they originate from the shores ofArctic Ocean and end in the sultry deserts of Kazakhstan. Due to the fact that the Ural Mountains cross the territory of Russia from north to south, they pass through five geographical zones. They include the expanses of the Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Aktobe, Tyumen and Kustanai regions, as well as the territories of the Perm Territory, the Komi Republic and Bashkortostan.

Minerals of the Ural Mountains.

In the depths of the Urals are hidden countless riches known to the whole world. This includes the famous malachite, and semi-precious stones, colorfully described by Bazhov in his fairy tales, asbestos, platinum, gold and other minerals.

Nature of the Ural Mountains.

This region is famous for its incredible beauty of nature. People come here to look at the amazing mountains, plunge into the clear waters of numerous lakes, go down into caves or raft down the stormy rivers of the Ural Mountains. You can travel through colorful places both measuring the expanses of the Urals with a backpack over your shoulders, and in the comfort of a sightseeing bus or your own car.

Ural mountains in the Sverdlovsk region.

The beauty of these mountains is best seen in natural parks and reserves. Once in the Sverdlovsk region, you definitely need to visit the "Deer Streams". Tourists come here to see the drawings of an ancient man painted on the surface of the Pisanitsa rock, visit the caves and go down to the Big Proval, marveling at the strength of the river that made its way through the Perforated Stone. For visitors, special trails have been laid in the park, observation platforms, cable crossings and places for recreation have been arranged.

Park "Bazhovskie Places".

There is a natural park in the Urals called "Bazhovskie Mesto" where you can go hiking, riding and cycling. Specially designed routes allow you to see picturesque landscapes, visit Lake Talkov Stone and climb Mount Markov Stone. In winter, you can travel here on snowmobiles, and in summer you can go down the mountain rivers in kayaks or kayaks.

Rezhevsky reserve.

Connoisseurs of the natural beauty of semi-precious stones should definitely visit the Rezhevskoy reserve of the Ural Mountains, which includes several unique deposits of ornamental, precious and semi-precious stones. It is possible to make a trip to the places of extraction only if accompanied by an employee of the reserve. The Rezh River flows through its territory, formed by the confluence of the Ayat and Bolshoi Sap rivers. These rivers originate in the Ural Mountains. On the right bank of the river Rezh rises the famous Shaitan stone. The locals consider it a place of mystical power.

Caves of the Urals.

Fans of extreme tourism will be happy to visit the numerous caves of the Urals. The most famous of them are Kungur ice and Shulgan-Tash (Kapova). The ice cave of Kungura stretches for 5.7 km, although only 1.5 km of them are accessible to tourists. On its territory there are about 50 grottoes, more than 60 lakes and many stalactites and stalagmites made of ice. The temperature here is always below zero, so you need to dress accordingly to visit it. To enhance the visual effect, special lighting is used in the cave.

In the Kapova Cave, scientists discovered rock paintings that are more than 14 thousand years old. In total, about 200 works by ancient artists were found in its vastness. In addition, you can visit numerous halls, grottoes and galleries, located on three levels, and admire the underground lakes, in one of which an inattentive visitor risks swimming at the entrance.

Some attractions of the Ural Mountains are best visited in winter. One of these places is located in the Zyuratkul National Park. This is an ice fountain that arose thanks to geologists who once drilled a well in this place. Now a fountain of underground water gushes out of it. In winter, it turns into a bizarre-shaped icicle, reaching a height of 14 m.

Thermal springs of the Urals.

The Urals are also rich in thermal springs, so to undergo healing procedures there is no need to fly abroad, just come to Tyumen. Local thermal springs are rich in microelements that are beneficial to human health, and the water temperature in the source ranges from +36 to +45 0 C, regardless of the time of year. Recreation centers have been built on these waters.

Ust-Kachka, Perm.

Not far from Perm there is the Ust-Kachka health complex, unique in the composition of its mineral waters. In summer, you can ride catamarans or boats here. In winter, ski slopes, ice skating rinks and slides are available to vacationers.

Waterfalls of the Urals.

For the Ural Mountains, waterfalls are not a common occurrence, which makes it all the more interesting to visit such a natural miracle. One of them is the Plakun waterfall, located on the right bank of the Sylva River. Fresh water falls from a height of more than 7 m. Local residents and visitors consider this source holy and gave it the name Ilyinsky.

There is also a man-made waterfall near Yekaterinburg, nicknamed “Rokhotun” for the roar of the water. Its waters fall down from a height of more than 5 m. On a hot summer day, it is pleasant to stand under its streams, cooling off and receiving a free hydromassage.

In the Perm region there is a unique place called the Stone City. This name was given to it by tourists, although among the local population this miracle of nature is called "Devil's Settlement". The stones in this complex are arranged in such a way that the illusion of a real city with streets, squares and avenues is created. You can walk through its labyrinths for hours, and beginners can even get lost. Each stone has its own name, given for its resemblance to some animal. Some tourists climb the tops of the rocks to see the beauty of the green that surrounds the City.

Ridges and cliffs of the Ural Mountains.

Many cliffs of the Ural Range also have their own names, for example, Bear Stone, reminiscent from afar of the gray back of a bear that flashed among the greenery of trees. Climbers use the hundred-meter steep cliff for their training. Unfortunately, it is gradually being destroyed. In the rock, archaeologists discovered a grotto in which there was a site for ancient people.

Not far from Yekaterinburg in the Visimsky Nature Reserve there is an outcrop of rocks. An attentive eye will immediately discern in it the outlines of a man whose head is covered with a cap. They call him Old Man Stone. If you climb to its top, you can admire the panorama of Nizhny Tagil.

Lakes of the Urals.

Among the numerous lakes of the Ural Mountains, there is one that is not inferior in glory to Lake Baikal. This is Lake Turgoyak, fed by radon springs. The water contains almost no mineral salts. Soft water has healing properties. People from all over Russia come here to improve their health.

If you appreciate the virgin beauty of mountain landscapes, untouched by civilization, come to the Urals, to the Ural Mountains: this region will definitely give you a piece of its amazing atmosphere.

From the swampy tundras of the Arctic, completely strewn with cloudberries, to the feather grass steppes of Kazakhstan, a grandiose natural stone structure stretches more than 2,500 kilometers across vast plains covered with taiga - the Ural Mountains. On a map or from a bird's eye view, you can see how they either expand into parallel ridges, or narrow down to a “narrow” strip (only 30 km), sometimes almost get lost among the hills overgrown with centuries-old trees, and suddenly unexpectedly soar into fantastic masses strewn with placers. domes, over the taiga sea. The Ural ridge is a continuous series of changing natural landscapes.

Geography: Ural Mountains

This rock massif with the adjacent territories is usually divided into four parts: Polar, Subpolar, Middle and Southern Urals. Each of them has its own climatic conditions, its own vegetation, its own natural resources. If you look at the Ural Mountains on the map, you can see that they originate in the area of ​​the Arctic Ocean. The first peak is Konstantinov Kamen, its height is only 492 meters. This part of the mountain range is located on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Komi Republic. The Subpolar Urals originates from the Sablya massif and then stretches along the meridian 59° N. w. It consists of two parallel ridges. The territory of the Subpolar Urals ends with a rather high peak (1569 m), which is called Konzhakovsky Stone. The middle part of this monumental natural structure lies between 56 and 59 degrees north latitude. Here the geographical position of the Ural Mountains changes. The meridional strike gives way to a south-southeast direction. The last, fourth, part of the Ural massif originates from Mount Yurma and extends to the southern end of the ridge is the widest and reaches approximately 200 kilometers.

Poetic digression

These gray mountain ranges, smoothed by winds and time, today can no longer impress with either the steepness or height of the slopes, but their stern majesty fills the air with the aroma of eternity. Here, intermountain valleys shelter a huge number of crystal-clear springs and lakes of wonderful turquoise shades. From ancient peaks, emerald streams begin their long run to large lakes and rivers - Pechora, Ob, Kama. The slopes are overgrown with bushes and trees, which, under the piercing wind, frantically cling with their roots to cracks in the dilapidated rocks - a delicate and fragile beauty reveals itself to the traveler’s eyes. The remnants of the virgin forest huddle close to the stern and gloomy stone guards, as if asking them for protection from the man who brings death to the wild.

Natural characteristics of the Southern and Middle Urals

The nature of the southern part of the Ural ridge is soft and welcoming. Mixed taiga covers the slopes. Cozy river valleys are inhabited by the Bashkir people, who gave names to most of the hills and rivers. Including the top of Yaman-Tau, which translated means “bad mountain”. This peak of the Ural Mountains is the highest (1640 m) in these places. The middle part is the lowest of the entire Stone Belt. The abundance of rivers, carrying their waters among the majestic cliffs, enliven the space of wooded parmas (hills), where individual peaks rise above the forest line, sadly overlooking the green sea below. Here, on the high ridges, you can find both mountain tundra and real

Harsh North

Moving further north, the stone wall begins to gain height, the mountains look more and more severe and gloomy. It becomes clear why the locals called them that since ancient times. After all, the name “Ural” arose quite recently, in the 18th century, with the light hand of Tatishchev. And the people have always called and continue to call these mountains the Stone, or the Stone Belt. Even most of the peaks of the Urals retained the memory of this: Kosvinsky, Denezhkin, Konzhakovsky and many other stones. These giants reach the clouds, and the peaks are hidden behind a white curtain. From the description it is clear that the unique geographical position of the Ural Mountains has absorbed various climatic conditions and the beauty of virgin nature cannot be expressed in words, it must be seen with your own eyes.

If you go even further north, you can see the first forests, snowfields and moraine ridges. Where the fast river Shchugor rushes to Pechora, the giant Telpoz-Iz rose, which translated means “nest of the winds.” This is the highest mountain of the Ural Mountains in this part of the Stone Belt, its height is 1617 m. It received its poetic name from the indigenous inhabitants - the Komi-Zyryans. The nest of winds stands out from the general mass with powerful rocky cliffs, strong winds and clouds and the first glaciers almost constantly hanging over the slopes. In the 15th century, the route through the Urals passed along the Shchugor River, and this prominent peak was a landmark for travelers. Russian chronicles eloquently called her the Pillar. In those days, it was mistakenly believed that this was the highest mountain in the Ural Mountains. Further to the north, Sablya Peak (1497 m) is visible; it is clearly visible from the banks of Pechora. In the mid-19th century, this peak also claimed primacy. And only in the 20th century the disputes ended, and it was established for certain that both of them are inferior to the mountain called Narodnaya, discovered in 1927.

The highest peak of the Ural Mountains: the history of discovery

In 1924-1928. In the northern unexplored regions of the Urals, an expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences was carried out under the leadership of B. Gorodkov. In June 1927, one of its detachments (led by geologist A. Aleshko) reached the upper reaches of the Naroda River. The expedition, while surveying the area, discovered a number of peaks that were superior to all previously known in the Stone Belt. The highest point of the Ural Mountains was named Narodnaya in honor of the river near which it is located, and the tenth anniversary of the Soviet people (more on this below). In 1929, A. Aleshkov published a report of his expedition - “Northern Urals (Lyapin Territory).” This was the first publication reporting the highest peak of the Ural ridge. In addition, the author talked about its neighbors: the peaks of Karpinsky (1780 m) and Didkovsky (1750 m). With their discovery, disputes about primacy among the mountain peaks of this region (Sabre, Telpoz-Iz, etc.) were ended once and for all.

Folk or Folk?

Which syllable should be emphasized? Scientists have debated this issue for a long time. Some claimed that the discoverer named it so in honor of the Soviet people. Their opponents argue that this highest mountain of the Ural Mountains takes its name from the River NARODA, which flows at its foot. Naroda translated from the Mansi language means “forest”. It really originates in the forest. Meanwhile, scientists found out that they called it Poengurr. Now it is impossible to find reliable information about what the discoverer of Aleshkov Peak had in mind. In his notes he did not put emphasis and did not explain anything about this. So let’s leave the debate to the scientists, and let’s turn our attention directly to this magnificent peak. The highest mountain of the Ural Mountains allows us to admire an indescribable panorama - the chaos of the mountains, a harsh, majestic and formidable region. Standing at the top of the peak, you understand that nothing has changed here, everything remains the same, like a hundred, two hundred or even a thousand years ago. Time freezes...

Popular tourist route

This highest mountain of the Ural Mountains and its surroundings became of interest to fans of extreme sports only in the late 50s of the last century. With the arrival of tourists here, the appearance of the mountain began to change. Various plaques and memorial signs appeared here. Tourists have a custom of leaving notes at the top. And in 1998, the Orthodox Church installed a worship cross here, on which is written “Save and Preserve.” In 1999, Christians went even further; they organized a religious procession to the highest point of the Urals.

Description of Mount Narodnaya

The slopes of this majestic peak are covered with karas - these are natural bowl-shaped depressions that are filled with ice and clear water. In addition, there are many large stone blocks here. There are snowfields and glaciers. The terrain in this part of the Stone Belt is mountainous, with deep gorges and steep cliffs. Tourists must be very careful to avoid injury. Moreover, the nearest housing is very, very far away. You can climb Narodnaya Peak along the western ridge, but there are very rocky steep slopes and a lot of pits, which makes the ascent very difficult. It is easier to climb the northern slope - along the spurs of the mountain. And the eastern side of the peak consists entirely of steep walls and gorges.


You don't need any climbing equipment to climb this peak. However, to hike in deserted mountainous areas, you should have high-quality sportswear. And in case of insufficient tourist experience, it is best to use the services of an experienced guide. It must be taken into account that the climate of the subpolar Urals is very harsh. The weather here is cold and changeable even in summer. It is believed that the most favorable period for going to this region is July and the first half of August. When going on a trip, it should be borne in mind that the trip will last at least a week. There is no housing here, you will have to spend the night only in tents. Geographically, Mount Narodnaya belongs to the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. If you are not limited in time, then you can visit another point - the top of Managara. She, of course, is lower than Narodnaya, but she can surprise you with her extraordinary beauty.

How to get to Narodnaya Peak?

First you need to travel by rail to the Verkhnyaya Inta station (Komi Republic). Here at the address st. Dzerzhinsky, 27a there is an office of the Yugyd Va National Park. Hikers must register and obtain permission to enter the area. You need to know that the application must be submitted in advance, 10 days before the trip. After completing all the formalities, go to the bus station, from where you will get to the city of Inta. There is a hotel here where you can stay, as it will take some time before you get to the mountain area. To do this, you will need to order a car that will take you to the Zhelannaya industrial base near Lake Bolshoye Balbanty. And from here we walk 17 kilometers to the foot of the mountain along the Balbanyu River. That's it, the rise begins...