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Selena in Aquarius. The influence of cosmic energies is irresistible to humans. Selena, white moon, in Pisces

We read with our daughter about the manifestations of Selena (White Moon)..

At my birth, Selena was in Cancer. I read and smile:)..Nature, taking care of her, gender, harmony in the family, cosmetics, caring for clients, preschool education, and so on, everything coincides. And about the priesthood too, I I've felt this for a long time)

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In a past life, you were the keeper of traditions and the hearth, you could have been an occultist, or you died defending a shrine, guarding tradition. Therefore, at the first level of this life, you receive a reward in the form of good relationships in the family, a good home, good relations with your native people, your homeland. At the second level, you move in the same direction as before, you are again the keeper of traditions, home, and so on. And at the third level you are a person with a purified energy code, you can be a priest, come into contact with dedicated people. A white moon in Cancer very often means a visit to a past life. You will be supported by tradition, your family, ancestors who died long ago, but the truth is, as long as you live in your homeland. If you leave your country, then you lose the support of your ancestors.

Selena in Cancer: Help in matters related to home, parents, family.
At the lowest level - help from parents, a solid, good home, comfort. Obstacles in betrayal of the homeland, in violation of traditions.
At the intermediate level - study of history and traditions. Revival of origins.
At the highest level - knowledge of the origins, deep comprehension of traditions. Priest.

It is very important for you to be the keeper of traditions - ancestral, family, national.

To fulfill your destiny, you must become a good genius at home. When leaving to emigrate, people with Selena in Cancer risk losing not only their homeland, but also the support of their ancestors.

Selena in Cancer is the keeper of the hearth, traditions, and values ​​in a past life. Protection of the family. A good parent, he guarded his territories. Prosperous family, good parents. Protection from dead ancestors. Information comes to them during sleep. Harmony, order in the house. The place of safety is home. Great power is the clan, relatives.

have good genetics and can develop the ability to come into contact with truly church-going people.
Manifesting at a lower level, the White Moon, at least in childhood, protects the warmth of the home, maintains good relations with ancestors and facilitates the path to recognition in the Motherland. However, the entire clan, up to the seventh generation, supports the person as long as the sum of the person’s karmic merits exceeds the sum of the awards he received. As soon as these values ​​are compared, the protection weakens, since the lowest level of manifestation of the White Moon is just an exact retribution according to deserts. The second condition for karmic support is a strong connection with the Motherland. To strengthen his connections with the world of Light, a person with such karma needs to do a lot to protect light traditions - family, national, religious, historical or occult.
Being manifested at an average level, the White Moon inspires a person to be active in maintaining the family, national, cult or religious traditions of his ancestors. The more time and attention such a person devotes to enhancing the traditions of his ancestors, the more fulfilling his own life becomes.
Anyone who has managed to manifest the White Moon at the highest level does not want any rewards for it. He is happy that he has access to holy Springs (in the same way, no one demands rewards for drinking spring water and not swamp rot). The genetic code of such a person is completely cleared.

a very interesting position, in a past life the man was an occultist and keeper of the traditions of his home and homeland. He could have died defending the shrine, this is a symbol of the purified genetic code. Such a person displays the best traits of his ancestors, and in his house he is, as it were, constantly guarded by a guardian angel, and in his homeland as well. The person is given the opportunity to touch the highest source of knowledge. This person could have been a great dedicated priest in a past life, who is now receiving help from deceased ancestors. If he leaves his homeland, then he loses this help. Here is the answer to the question of whether and when you can leave your homeland somewhere.

White Moon in Gemini
In a past life, you were a conductor of light forces, an occult student, you did not condemn anyone, for which you received a pure source of information. At the first level, you receive a reward for the past, that is, you will have good relationships with relatives, good teachers and neighbors. You will be a good student, everything will arrive on time, you will have clean good information and many friends. On the second path, when you move in the same direction, you access high information, study well, are a conductor of new knowledge, unite people and through this develop your abilities. You focus on new acquaintances and play the role of an intermediary. And on the highest third path, when you are a conductor of light forces, you can create a system from scattered scraps of knowledge, that is, you will lead people onto the light path. In this case, you are the highest conductor of occult information and information from traditions.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac.

Selena in Gemini: Help in matters related to information, contacts, relationships with relatives and friends.
At the lowest level - ease of mastering knowledge, protection from gossip and deception. Luck in buying and selling. The obstacle in dishonest enterprises is their publication.
At the average level - respect for loved ones; agile, high intelligence, friendliness in communication; disseminator of objective information.
At the highest level - a conductor of esoteric information, a scientist.

White Moon (Selena) in Gemini

You came into this world to become conductors of true knowledge. Fate protects you from reckless connections and does not allow you to stoop to lies. Your task is to defend the truth in all situations, otherwise you risk losing yourself. If you were born with Selena in Gemini, remember: any statement you make must be absolutely clear, excluding any ambiguity: only in this case will you strengthen your connection with the world of Light.

Selena in Gemini is an excellent guide, mediator. He knew how to convey information correctly. He knew how to provide brotherly help and good relations with relatives. A good student. He will receive a path to correct, true knowledge; the more information he gives, the more he will receive. Will promote harmonious relationships with people.

From June 16 to January 17, 1934, from June 16, 1940 to January 17, 1941, from June 16, 1947 to January 17, 1948, from June 15, 1954 to January 16, 1955, from June 16, 1961 to January 16, 1962, from June 15, 1968 to January 16 1969, from June 15, 1975 to January 16, 1976, from June 15, 1982 to January 16, 1983, from June 15, 1989 to January 16, 1990, from June 15, 1996 to January 16, 1997, from June 14, 2003 to January 15, 2004 The White Moon was in the sign Gemini.
Everyone born at this time is karmically connected with the Unified Information Field of the Cosmos.
Being manifested at a lower level, the White Moon, at least at the beginning of life, does not allow one to descend to deception and lies, frees one from memorizing unnecessary knowledge and facilitates timely access to pure, unclouded sources of information. But when the sum of karmic merits and the sum of the rewards received by him are compared, the beneficial influence of karma will weaken, since this level of manifestation of light karma is just an exact reward to a person according to his merits (measure for measure). In order to strengthen his connections with the world of Light and increase light karma, such a person needs to tirelessly supply those around him with verified information and serve as a conductor of important knowledge. It is necessary to avoid in every possible way a superficial, disrespectful attitude towards speech, because any words sooner or later become deeds. The fact is that the river-river of earthly life is largely determined by the speech-river of the person himself.
Being manifested at an average level, the White Moon in Gemini helps people find the necessary information in a timely manner and maintains interest in learning. The more attention such a person pays to working with true, reliable information, the better his relationships with others become; no one manages to deceive or rob him.
People who have reached the highest level of manifestation of the White Moon have the ability to recreate entire systems of knowledge from scattered scraps of contradictory information.

SELENA in GEMINI, the person was a conductor of light forces, an excellent student of occultists, did not condemn anyone, so he received knowledge from the source. This person could have been a great dedicated priest in a past life, who is now receiving help from deceased ancestors. If he leaves his homeland, then he loses this help. Here is the answer to the question whether and when it is possible to leave your homeland somewhere.

White Moon in Scorpio
In a past life, you could have been a white magician, that is, you well understood the shortcomings of human nature, struggled with your own shortcomings, went through purification, through severe suffering. This situation can also happen if you have become a victim of white magic. Being born with such a white moon is like compensation for being a victim of white magic. At the first level, the white moon does not allow you to fall into sin, does not allow you to develop secret vices, you are turned away from practicing black magic, you are, as it were, saved from the influence of black magicians, sadists, rapists, perverts. At the second level, you continue to do the same as before, that is, fight your shortcomings, work on yourself, purify yourself, reach a higher level, fight evil to the best of your ability. At the third level, when you are guided by light forces, this is a magical initiation, you are a white magician who follows the path of the fight against world evil, has contact with the higher world, carries out initiatives of the upper world and receives help from the dead, from the higher world, has magical protection .

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac.

Selena in Scorpio: Help in extreme situations.
At the lowest level - protection in situations that bring destruction and death. Restraint from committing acts associated with destruction, inciting passions and base instincts.
At the average level - active self-improvement, psychological abilities, mastery of the secrets of the psyche, deep comprehension of personality.
At the highest level - the highest magical abilities. The fight against evil and its elemental manifestations. Management of collective unconscious processes.

White Moon (Selena) in Scorpio

White karma is an innate talent for a psychologist and an opportunity to practice cleansing magic. Since childhood, people with Selena in Scorpio have an aversion to witchcraft. And if a person with such a horoscope listens to the voice of fate, he becomes a true warrior of Light and acquires the gift of directly communicating with the Upper World. Your task is to develop psychological and parapsychological abilities, to come to the aid of those who suffer from mental wounds: then you will receive magical protection and be able to come into contact with the other world.

Selena in Scorpio - in a past life she fought crimes. Fight against evil. Success in white magic. Large inheritance. Karma of people – engaged in self-purification. Good abilities in psychiatry, criminology.

From May 18 to December 16, 1936, 1943, 1950; from May 17 to December 15, 1957, 1964, 1971, 1978, 1985, 1992, 1999, 2006, the White Moon was in the sign of Scorpio. All those born at this time are born psychologists who have the opportunity to practice cleansing magic.
Anyone who shows the influence of the White Moon at the lowest level is given the strongest protection from any vices and sadomasochism; these people have an innate aversion to sexual perversion, black magic and witchcraft. This is the reward for past purification through suffering. However, such protection lasts only as long as the sum of a person’s karmic merits exceeds the sum of the awards he received. As soon as these values ​​are compared, the protection weakens or completely disappears, since this level of manifestation of light karma is just an exact retribution according to its merits. In order to strengthen connections with the world of light and increase light karma, such people need to fully develop their natural gift as a psychologist and actively help others overcome accumulated mental pain.
Being manifested at an average level, the White Moon inspires a person to actively engage in psychology; he often and willingly helps others solve their emotional problems, allows him to “pour out his soul” and “cry into his vest.” The more willing such a person is to help others in solving their psychological problems, the more secrets will be revealed to him.
People who have manifested the White Moon at the highest level are able to communicate even with various organs of their body and maintain them in good condition without any medications. They do not expect any reward for their victories in magical battles, because they perceive any dirt in the world as uncleanness of their own body and do everything in their power to get rid of it.

SELENA in SCORPIO, a person in a past life was a great white magician and had a magical dedication, he rebuilt himself like a Phoenix bird, or in a past life such a person became a victim of a black magician. (One boy is a strong occultist, with a very difficult horoscope, but many working on himself, there are several confirmations that in a past life he was a priest of very high dedication and was killed with a knife in the back in a temple out of envy. In this life, he met with his killer at one point). In real life such a person immediately sees evil, although it is secretly hidden, he never gets dirty on anything, bad people seem to bounce away from him. There is unconscious magical protection, contact with the higher world and help from deceased ancestors.

On January 12, 2018, the White Moon enters the sensual, motherly, caring sign of Cancer. She will stay here until August 15, 2018. Since Cancer cares about the family and home, Selena’s energies will primarily be directed to relationships between relatives and arrangement of everyday life. This is also a good period for settling formalities regarding a person’s connection with his homeland.

General influence of Selena in Cancer

While visiting Cancer, the White Moon shifts its focus to issues related to the parental home, ancestors, and immediate environment. Since it strengthens a person’s connection with his homeland, it can provoke situations where it is important to obey the laws of his country. Selena will also awaken a love for the past. This may make you want to learn more about your ancestors. As a hobby, people can become interested in collecting antiques or focus their attention on archaeology.

After January 12, 2018, many will have an excellent chance to clear the karma of their family. This can be done by sincere concern for all relatives. It is important to pay attention to both infants and elderly people. At this time, family should come first. The White Moon will reward everyone who is devoted to family and knows what mutual respect and loyalty are.

Cancer is strongly associated with the aquatic environment and nature in general. Therefore, it is worth showing love for animals and plants. The reward will be given to those who take care of both their own and others. It is not necessary to get a cat or a dog; it is quite enough to visit an animal shelter and do something useful for them. Rural tourism flourishes at this time.

Positive influence of the White Moon in Cancer

Selena's energies are soft and caring. The White Moon will bring benefits to all who respect its laws. To win Selena's favor, you must:

  • harmonize relationships with relatives belonging to different generations;
  • do something good for the environment;
  • review your diet, make your food more healthy;
  • provide all possible assistance to children and the elderly.

After January 12, 2018, women will benefit from undergoing a gynecological examination. This is also a suitable period for planning pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for small children. If you've been thinking about getting a pet, don't put it off until later. Caring for an animal will only bring joy.

The energies of the White Moon can be directed to home improvement. Cancer loves comfort. Repairs made during this period will create a cozy family nest, in which not only the household members, but also their guests will be warm and joyful. Selena in Cancer fuels interest in her own family. If anyone wanted to create a family tree or write a book about family traditions, now is the time to do it.

Negative influence of Selena in the sign of Cancer

The energies of the White Moon are neutral. What they will bring - benefit or disappointment - depends on the person, on how he uses the opportunities provided. Also, a lot depends on the aspects in the natal chart of the individual. If they are unfavorable, it will be difficult for a person to manage Selena’s energy harmoniously.

The White Moon in Cancer can increase sentimentality and sensitivity. Because of this, a person becomes too vulnerable, attached to family and home. Everyday life comes first; the world outside the home does not exist. Overprotection also awakens. But for those around them, such care is unnecessary, it suffocates them, does not allow them to live and develop normally. If you feel the negative influence of Selena, meditate near the water, or play music with the sound of waves. Meditation will calm you down, help you restore your strength and direct it in the right direction.

@ Muravyova Lyudmila, astrologer

White Moon in Libra
In a past life, you were a bearer of justice, a peacemaker, did not condemn anyone and achieved the highest harmony, that is, you have the karma of a righteous judge. At the first level, you receive a reward for this in the form of a harmonious environment, a good family, you have a good marriage partner, and generally reliable partners in all respects, help from people connected with the law. You will always be judged fairly. At the second level you will move in the same direction, that is, again you will be a righteous judge. And at the third level you have the dedication to judge other people, the ultimate peacemaker, sacrificing yourself for the sake of peace. You are already the final judge, as Libra is ruled by Chiron, who is now also acting Vulcan. And Vulcan is a planet that is associated with cosmic law, but it has not yet manifested itself, so we have not considered it yet. This is not yet a discovered planet. Therefore, it almost never manifests itself in full, and Chiron partially takes over its functions. But just in the highest version, it is the volcano that is the divine judge, the highest cosmic law, super-Jupiter. After all, Jupiter is a social law, and Vulcan is already a law of the cosmic hierarchy. And at the highest level, the White Moon provides such a supreme judge in your person; the cosmic law speaks through you.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac.

Selena in Libra: Help in controversial issues, in relationships with partners.
At the lowest level - victories in court cases, a happy marriage, luck in partner enterprises. An obstacle to fraud, up to and including legal proceedings.
At the average level - honesty in partnerships, a righteous judge.
At the highest level - a judge from the position of supreme justice, a restorer of harmony.

White Moon (Selena) in Libra

You must stand guard over earthly and cosmic laws.

Your main task is to restore the harmony of the surrounding world: for the sake of this, people with Selena in Libra are ready to sacrifice themselves. And their highest reward is the knowledge that their efforts helped restore justice. Fate grants them happiness in family life and protection from unfair condemnation.

To strengthen the connection with the world of Light, a person with Selena’s position must remember: he has no right to judge, his job is to restore justice.

Selena in Libra is a peacemaker, a fair judge. Lucky in marriage, with a partner, with people. Lucky in litigation. Leniency from the law The task is to help restore truth and justice. Good reputation.

From October 17, 1928 to May 18, 1929, from October 17, 1935 to May 18, 1936, from October 17, 1942 to May 18, 1943, from October 17, 1949 to May 18, 1950, from October 16, 1956 to May 17, 1957, from October 16, 1963 to May 17, 1964, from October 16, 1970 to May 17, 1971, from October 16, 1977 to May 17, 1978, from October 16, 1984 to May 17, 1985, from October 16, 1991 to May 17, 1992, from October 16, 1998 to May 17, 1999, from From October 15, 2005 to May 16, 2006, the White Moon was in the sign of Libra.
Everyone born at this time is karmically connected with justice. These people have the opportunity to be true peacemakers, guarding earthly and cosmic laws.
Those who manifest the White Moon at a lower level receive great help from lawyers, personnel department workers, and advocates. This is a karmic reward for the ability to be a reliable and faithful partner, for conscientious and fair judging. For such people, everything goes well in family life, and the marriage partner becomes, in fact, becomes the guardian angel of such a person. In order to strengthen connections with the world of Light and increase their light karma, such people must always firmly stand guard over earthly and cosmic laws, actively bring harmony and beauty into the world, while distinguishing the fine line between clarifying the situation and restoring justice, on the one hand, and judging someone's behavior with another.
Being manifested at an average level, the White Moon gives a person a genuine interest in jurisprudence and inspires fruitful partnerships. The more intense the peacekeeping activity of such a person, the more harmonious his own relationships with others become.
People who have reached the highest level of white moon manifestation are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the world and therefore have the highest dedication to judge others. Restoring justice is the most precious reward in life for them.

SELENA in LIBRA, in a past life a person achieved the highest harmony, now he has the light karma of a high righteous judge and peacemaker. He will receive help from people connected with the law or his wife will be a guardian angel, and his happiness will be through power and justice. Selena here is an indicator of justice, you will always be judged, no matter what the slander may be, fairly, and your opponents will be condemned. Selena here is a sign of contact with other civilizations.