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A dog has a rough nose, reasons for what to do. Dry nose in a dog - causes and treatment of pathology. Why is my nose dry?

Today, there are quite a few different types of diseases, due to which dogs begin to peel off or peel off the skin on the surface of the nose. Modern medicine is making every effort to help pets avoid such a fate, but there is no single factor that would determine what exactly caused the nasal part of their body to become scuffed and how to prevent a sad outcome. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out tests to accurately indicate the disease and show the animal to a specialist at a veterinary clinic.

However, every dog ​​owner should know what can cause such symptoms, how dangerous it can be for the animal itself and its environment, and what options there are for curing this disease at home.

What diseases are the precursors of such a symptom?

A symptom such as a shabby nose can be a manifestation of the following diseases:

  • Fungal infection.
  • Bacterial infection.
  • Burn.
  • Received injury.
  • Allergy.
  • Impaired metabolism.

At their core, they have much in common, but treatment and prevention have many different factors that need to be paid close attention to.

Fungal infection. Treatment of fungal infection

Fungal infection is a fairly common disease in both animals and humans. This disease is curable, however, only if the pet owner reacts to the symptoms in time and, without wasting time, seeks help from doctors. A dog can “catch” such an infection after contact with infectious dogs, or while walking on contaminated grass, where this type of fungus is a common habitat. Also, a pet can become infected with this disease due to its weakened immune system and the latter’s low resistance to various infections. There are quite a lot of factors due to which a dog can be a carrier of a fungal infection, however, their absence absolutely does not guarantee that the pet becomes unconditionally protected.

The fungus spreads quickly and affects almost all areas of the dog's body. It manifests itself in the form of spots that bring incredible discomfort to the animal. This happens because the skin on which the bald spots have formed begins to itch very much.

Treatment should be prescribed directly by a veterinarian after the results of all necessary tests. First of all, you should decide on the medications that your pet will be forced to take. Their use should not stop or weaken this infection, but destroy it once and for all.

If the disease has not had time to gain momentum, and so far only small bald spots have begun to appear on the body, then you can get by using all sorts of solutions or the following ointments: juglone, yam, mycosolone, clotrimazole. However, smearing large areas of skin where hair has fallen is quite dangerous, since the components used to combat fungal bacteria are toxic. In such cases, the dog is washed with special shampoos: imaverol, doctor, nizoral. Only external skin treatment will not be effective if drugs are administered inside the body. Such drugs can be in the form of tablets or injections: fluconazole, griseofulvin, ketoconazole. Simultaneously with such medications, the animal should be given modulators with immunostimulants, which are used to protect the liver.

Bacterial infection. Treatment of bacterial infection

A bacterial infection is dangerous for pets because it can bring a huge number of negative consequences. The reasons for the appearance and manifestation of this disease can be varied:

  • Injury to the skin.
  • Weakening of the body's immune system.
  • Flea and tick attack.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Pre-existing diseases.
  • Living in a polluted environment.

Before starting treatment, it is recommended to visit doctors and take the necessary tests. Antibiotics are generally prescribed, but their effectiveness depends on the location of the injury and the progression of the disease. Compresses are also applied to areas that are most affected by the developing bacterial infection.

If the disease cannot be cured by the above methods, then surgical intervention is used, after which the dog must undergo an additional full course of rehabilitation.

Burn. Treatment of burns

A burn can cause a dog's nose to peel off. There are several types and degrees of burns. So, there can be a solar, chemical, thermal and electrical burn. There are degrees: first, second, third and fourth. Peeling of your pet's skin can occur after a chemical or thermal burn of the third or fourth degree. However, there are different cases in which even a sunburn can have similar consequences.

When treating burns, the degree and type should be determined in order to truly cure the animal and not harm it. First of all, it is necessary to reduce pain and try to stop the inflammatory process. Depending on the severity of the burn, your dog will need to take antibiotics to prevent ulcers from forming on the affected area.

During a chemical burn, the first thing to do is remove the concentration of the substance by rinsing the affected area with plenty of water. This type of burn cannot be treated on your own, so you need to rush to the vet right away.

In case of a thermal burn, you should immediately apply ice or very cold water to the damaged skin. It is strictly forbidden to smear this area with fatty substances, such as creams or oils. It is advisable to cover the wound with a sterile cloth moistened with cold water. And again, without wasting a minute, turn to doctors for help.

Received injury. Treatment of injury

An injury that a dog receives, even completely by accident, can have undesirable consequences and cause the skin on the nose to peel off. Under such circumstances, the first thing you should do is treat the injured area so that bacteria and various types of infections do not settle there. However, you should not treat the skin with an alcohol-containing substance, as this will create pain and can cause inflammation of the already irritated epidermis.

What follows isolate the wound with compresses and lotions, which must be applied every two hours. If the wound does not heal, or there is suspicion of damage to internal organs, you should immediately go to a veterinary clinic.

Allergy. Treatment of an allergic reaction

The manifestation of an allergic reaction can be varied and in completely different places. Since the animal’s body can react completely unpredictably to substances that are safe at first glance, you should be vigilant and provide first aid to your pet. An allergy can leave its mark not only on the internal organs of the animal, it can also affect the appearance of the pet. So, one of the manifestations is peeling of the upper cover of the muzzle.

Self-medication of allergic reactions is categorically not recommended, since to establish the reasons that caused the allergy, you will need to do a considerable number of tests, such as:

  • Mycological and bacteriological cultures.
  • Trichoscopy.
  • Take scrapings.
  • Cytological studies.
  • Nutritional research.

Therefore, if you suspect an allergy, it is best to immediately contact qualified specialists.

Metabolic disease

Metabolic disorders in dogs occur for several reasons. This could be poor nutrition, a lack of vitamins necessary for the body, or ultraviolet radiation. This disease can cause changes and deformations of the skin, both on the face and in other parts of the animal’s body.

To stabilize and normalize metabolism, it is necessary to add the missing vitamins and minerals to the dog’s diet, or put him on a specially formulated diet, thanks to which the intake of a certain amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into the pet’s body will be regulated.

It is very important to respond to a new disease in a timely manner in order to prevent vitamin deficiency, nervous system disorders, obesity, damage to visual acuity, baldness, and such terrible consequences as infertility and paralysis of the limbs.

Any owner knows that if a dog has a dry nose, close attention must be paid to its well-being. Among the many different reasons, there are completely harmless ones. It is necessary to understand what may be associated with dry nose and what measures should be taken.

A dog’s sense of smell is so developed that it can sense not only odors that are elusive to humans, but also the slightest vibrations in the air. The glands located inside and outside the olfactory organ secrete a special secretion. If the pet's body is functioning normally, the skin of the nose is moist and cool. The opposite condition is not always an indicator of any pathology.

There are several completely harmless factors that explain why a dog has a dry nose. . These include:

  • Dream. During this period, metabolic processes slow down, secretory function decreases, so for another 15–20 minutes after waking up, the animal’s nose remains dry and warm.
  • Overwork. During physical exertion, during prolonged active play, the nose dries out.
  • Reaction to windy weather. Animals are very sensitive to weather conditions.
  • Change of teeth in a puppy.
  • Period of hormonal changes (pregnancy, estrus).
  • The first day after birth.
  • Individual features of the structure of the organ and metabolic rate lead to the fact that the animal experiences a dry nose throughout its life.

As a result of the above reasons, the olfactory organ remains dry for a short period of time. When this symptom appears for several hours and additional ones are observed along with it, we can assume the onset of a disease.

When a dog's dry nose is a sign of illness

Other accompanying symptoms indicate a deterioration in the pet’s well-being:

  • Lethargy. The dog strives to retire, hide in a dark place, loses interest in games and entertainment.
  • Aggression. May appear as a result of increased irritability caused by illness.
  • Scratching the muzzle.
  • The fur takes on a tousled appearance.
  • Breathing is difficult, wheezing is heard. Sneezing and coughing begins.
  • Abnormal stool. Eating grass often causes your dog to vomit.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • No appetite. This indicator does not change without a good reason.

If, along with the fact that the dog has a warm and dry nose, any of the listed symptoms are present, it is necessary to show the pet to a doctor. Timely treatment of an existing disease significantly increases the chances of recovery. If the cause of dryness is any pathology, the veterinarian will tell you what to do. He will first establish a diagnosis by conducting the necessary examination. Excessive dryness may indicate various pathologies.


This is one of the most common causes of a dry nose in dogs. Along with this symptom, many others arise. The animal rubs its face with its paws and itches incessantly. Dandruff forms, the skin begins to peel, and the coat becomes too dry. All actions are aimed at identifying the allergen. Its role may include food, pollen from flowering plants, and house dust. Often a bowl made of synthetic materials is an allergen, so it is recommended to replace it with a ceramic or metal one.

It is necessary to exclude the dog from contact with synthetics, woolen fabric, rubber, and polymers. You should not bathe your pet, especially with detergents. You will have to temporarily stop using household chemicals when cleaning your apartment. When walking your dog, you should avoid flowering plants and carefully monitor its condition. Be sure to write down everything that had to be excluded. As soon as an improvement in the dog’s well-being is noticed, the list is presented to the veterinarian. Tests sometimes help determine the allergen.


A disease with this name is often found in dogs, accompanied not only by a dry nose, but also by the appearance of blisters on it - bubbles filled with liquid. When ripe, they burst, leaving behind dried crusts. The accumulation of bubbles prevents the dog from breathing normally. Factors that provoke the development of the disease are the use of certain medications, an infectious disease, and ultraviolet irradiation.

Pemphigus on a dog's nose

The type of pathogen can only be determined based on test results. Depending on this, treatment is prescribed.


A dog's dry nose can be caused by a cold. It is manifested by apathy, drowsiness, wheezing and sneezing. Possible increase in temperature. Even if you manage to alleviate your pet’s condition at home, it must be shown to a veterinarian to prevent the development of pneumonia. Otherwise, serious long-term treatment will be required using antibiotics, IVs and other procedures.

The disease in its advanced stage can lead to the death of the pet. Therefore, it is important to start treatment when the first symptoms appear, without ignoring the dog’s dry nose. Self-medication is unacceptable if pneumonia or bronchitis is suspected. First aid measures to help alleviate the condition:

  • Create a calm environment. The dog needs to be offered tasty food and provided with drink.
  • Maintaining optimal room temperature. It shouldn't be too hot or cold. It is important to ensure that there are no drafts.
  • Reducing walking time to 15 minutes.
  • If your pet has severe chills, you should cover it with a warm blanket or place a heating pad next to it.
  • Combing wool with a brush. As a result of this massage, blood circulation improves and protective forces are activated.

When there is no opportunity to show the dog to a doctor, and wheezing, coughing, and other symptoms intensify, it is necessary to use broad-spectrum antibiotics. Additionally, you will need medications that normalize the intestinal microflora.


Worm infestation is accompanied by constipation, temperature fluctuations, and signs of intoxication. The dog becomes lethargic and loses interest in life. Severe damage leads to bulging of the peritoneum. Therefore, if you find your pet has a dry, warm nose and any of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Once the test results are received, appropriate anthelmintic treatment will be prescribed. Typically, Espirantel, Febantel, and Pyrantel are used for this purpose. Carrying out regular deworming eliminates the possibility of infection with worms.


A warm nose may be a sign of a more serious disease - distemper. The dog has a depressed state, which worsens more and more if measures are not taken. The animal refuses to eat, becomes weaker, and the digestion process is disrupted. Pus accumulates in the eyes, near the nasal passages. The nose dries out, becoming not just warm, but even hot. When walking, the dog staggers, falling on its side. In advanced cases, convulsions and fainting are possible.


A most dangerous disease that can be transmitted to people and other animals. It is classified as incurable. In addition to signs characteristic of many other diseases, rabies is distinguished by the symptom of photophobia. At the initial stage, the dog does not refuse water, but later begins to experience fear of it. A dry and hot nose is one of the first signs of illness. The infected animal must be euthanized.

Other causes of dry nose in dogs

Such a sign is not always a reason to immediately consult a doctor. You just need to know what it means if a dog has a dry nose, and study all the possible causes of this phenomenon. This may be due to injury. Therefore, the animal must be examined, given first aid and taken to a veterinarian. A dog's sense of smell is hundreds of times more sensitive than a human's. The slightest scratch caused by cat claws or branches causes pain in the pet. As a result, the tip of the nose dries out and becomes hot. It is unacceptable to treat the wound with iodine or brilliant green - this can aggravate the pain syndrome.

Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin burns that are not protected by fur. The nose is the first to suffer. The booth must be installed in such a way that the dog has the opportunity to hide from the sun.

In winter, one of the reasons why a dog’s nose is dry and cracked is severe frost and wind. Under the influence of these natural factors, painful cracks form on the nose.

If a dog has a cold and dry nose, this may be a sign of hypothermia, as well as a decrease in body temperature. A similar symptom, combined with pale gums and dull eyes, is a reason to seek veterinary help.

When dry nose is associated with physiological characteristics or climatic conditions, it is enough to lubricate it with Vaseline or vegetable oil. Careful monitoring of your pet will help to detect an incipient disease in time.

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Sometimes, dog owners are faced with a specific problem - excessive dryness of the nose, which can lead to cracks. Since the sense of smell is very important for an animal, the presence of a crack on a dog’s nose can cause serious complications, especially if there is infection in the wounds. It is difficult to determine the causes of this condition, since it can be triggered by various factors.


Dry skin is not always caused by serious illnesses, but the occurrence of cracks against the background of an inflammatory process indicates the presence of serious health problems. This is a kind of signal that appropriate measures need to be taken urgently. If the skin on your dog's nose is cracking , then this can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Heredity and age-related changes. A warm nose is a common occurrence for most puppies, and even normal for breeds with slow metabolisms.
  2. During sleep or immediately after waking up, most domestic dogs have a dry and warm nose. There is nothing strange in this, since the condition is quite normal. It is worth sounding the alarm if, against the background of such a distinctive feature, the animal has lost its appetite, has become lethargic, has an increase in body temperature and other signs of illness.
  3. Fatigue. After playing for a long time, the animal is not able to regulate body functions well, as a result of which its nose may be dry.

These causes of a warm and dry nose are natural and cannot harm the animal's health. However, cracks that occur may indicate such serious diseases as:

  • Result of injury. The lining of the nose is very sensitive and can crack if hit. This causes discomfort and severe pain to the animal, because its sense of smell disappears, not only as a result of cracks in the skin, but also bruises and swelling from the blow;
  • Infection. In turn, it is divided into indirect and direct. If the skin on your dog's nose is cracking , the reason may be a severe cold, a fatal disease such as plague and other infectious diseases. An animal can also carry bacteria and fungi onto its nose if there is an infection in its mouth or body. Infection can occur as a result of excessive curiosity. An animal can dig up sand or earth, a garbage heap, etc. As a result, inflammation and painful cracks appear;
  • Elderly age. As animals age, problems with metabolic processes arise, which can cause tissue disease;
  • Diseases. Liver damage, diabetes mellitus, helminthic infestation, pemphigus, allergic reaction - all these diseases can cause the nose to dry out and, as a result, cracks on it;
  • Avitaminosis. In young children, as a result of a lack of vitamins in the body, cracks in the area of ​​the fingertips may be observed. Something similar happens to a dog's nose;
  • Stress. The animal’s body can react in this way to any unusual situation from its point of view.

Since there are many causes of nasal cracks, only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis. Also, a specialist must prescribe treatment, because using antibiotics can not only be harmful to health, but also completely useless, for example, for mucous membrane fungus or worms.

Cracks on a dog's nose photo

Signs of pathology

If the reason why your dog's nose is cracking is , is pathological, it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Increased dryness of the skin;
  • Peeling;
  • An increase or decrease in body temperature, as well as a local increase in temperature;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Changes in the animal's behavior;
  • Runny nose;
  • The occurrence of regular scratching in the affected area;
  • Vomiting, nausea;
  • Problems with urination and bowel movements.

If the above signs are present, it is recommended to immediately show the animal to a doctor to identify the problem and prescribe timely treatment.

Options for solving the problem

Treatment for this condition should be targeted, directly related to the cause that caused cracks in the nose. Therefore, treatment at home can not only be pointless, but also dangerous for the animal. First of all, you need to identify the cause of the disease, and based on this, the doctor will prescribe medications and procedures.

The dry surface of the nose can be lubricated with Trivit - a vitamin solution, ointments as prescribed by a veterinarian. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of injury and rubbing of this area with a muzzle, which can only aggravate the condition. In addition, the animal must be provided with peace of mind, clean conditions, a balanced diet and adhere to the full course of treatment prescribed by the veterinarian.

Today, there are quite a few different types of diseases, due to which dogs begin to peel off or peel off the skin on the surface of the nose. Modern medicine is making every effort to help pets avoid such a fate, but there is no single factor that would determine what exactly caused the nasal part of their body to become scuffed and how to prevent a sad outcome. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out tests to accurately indicate the disease and show the animal to a specialist at a veterinary clinic.

However, every dog ​​owner should know what can cause such symptoms, how dangerous it can be for the animal itself and its environment, and what options there are for curing this disease at home.

What diseases are the precursors of such a symptom?

A symptom such as a shabby nose can be a manifestation of the following diseases:

  • Fungal infection.
  • Bacterial infection.
  • Burn.
  • Received injury.
  • Allergy.
  • Impaired metabolism.

At their core, they have much in common, but treatment and prevention have many different factors that need to be paid close attention to.

Fungal infection. Treatment of fungal infection

Fungal infection is a fairly common disease in both animals and humans. This disease is curable, however, only if the pet owner reacts to the symptoms in time and, without wasting time, seeks help from doctors. A dog can “catch” such an infection after contact with infectious dogs, or while walking on contaminated grass, where this type of fungus is a common habitat. Also, a pet can become infected with this disease due to its weakened immune system and the latter’s low resistance to various infections. There are quite a lot of factors due to which a dog can be a carrier of a fungal infection, however, their absence absolutely does not guarantee that the pet becomes unconditionally protected.

The fungus spreads quickly and affects almost all areas of the dog's body. It manifests itself in the form of spots that bring incredible discomfort to the animal. This happens because the skin on which the bald spots have formed begins to itch very much.

Treatment should be prescribed directly by a veterinarian after the results of all necessary tests. First of all, you should decide on the medications that your pet will be forced to take. Their use should not stop or weaken this infection, but destroy it once and for all.

If the disease has not had time to gain momentum, and so far only small bald spots have begun to appear on the body, then you can get by using all sorts of solutions or the following ointments: juglone, yam, mycosolone, clotrimazole. However, smearing large areas of skin where hair has fallen is quite dangerous, since the components used to combat fungal bacteria are toxic. In such cases, the dog is washed with special shampoos: imaverol, doctor, nizoral. Only external skin treatment will not be effective if drugs are administered inside the body. Such drugs can be in the form of tablets or injections: fluconazole, griseofulvin, ketoconazole. Simultaneously with such medications, the animal should be given modulators with immunostimulants, which are used to protect the liver.

Bacterial infection. Treatment of bacterial infection

A bacterial infection is dangerous for pets because it can bring a huge number of negative consequences. The reasons for the appearance and manifestation of this disease can be varied:

  • Injury to the skin.
  • Weakening of the body's immune system.
  • Flea and tick attack.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Pre-existing diseases.
  • Living in a polluted environment.

Before starting treatment, it is recommended to visit doctors and take the necessary tests. Antibiotics are generally prescribed, but their effectiveness depends on the location of the injury and the progression of the disease. Compresses are also applied to areas that are most affected by the developing bacterial infection.

If the disease cannot be cured by the above methods, then surgical intervention is used, after which the dog must undergo an additional full course of rehabilitation.

Burn. Treatment of burns

A burn can cause a dog's nose to peel off. There are several types and degrees of burns. So, there can be a solar, chemical, thermal and electrical burn. There are degrees: first, second, third and fourth. Peeling of your pet's skin can occur after a chemical or thermal burn of the third or fourth degree. However, there are different cases in which even a sunburn can have similar consequences.

When treating burns, the degree and type should be determined in order to truly cure the animal and not harm it. First of all, it is necessary to reduce pain and try to stop the inflammatory process. Depending on the severity of the burn, your dog will need to take antibiotics to prevent ulcers from forming on the affected area.

During a chemical burn, the first thing to do is remove the concentration of the substance by rinsing the affected area with plenty of water. This type of burn cannot be treated on your own, so you need to rush to the vet right away.

In case of a thermal burn, you should immediately apply ice or very cold water to the damaged skin. It is strictly forbidden to smear this area with fatty substances, such as creams or oils. It is advisable to cover the wound with a sterile cloth moistened with cold water. And again, without wasting a minute, turn to doctors for help.

Received injury. Treatment of injury

An injury that a dog receives, even completely by accident, can have undesirable consequences and cause the skin on the nose to peel off. Under such circumstances, the first thing you should do is treat the injured area so that bacteria and various types of infections do not settle there. However, you should not treat the skin with an alcohol-containing substance, as this will create pain and can cause inflammation of the already irritated epidermis.

What follows isolate the wound with compresses and lotions, which must be applied every two hours. If the wound does not heal, or there is suspicion of damage to internal organs, you should immediately go to a veterinary clinic.

Allergy. Treatment of an allergic reaction

The manifestation of an allergic reaction can be varied and in completely different places. Since the animal’s body can react completely unpredictably to substances that are safe at first glance, you should be vigilant and provide first aid to your pet. An allergy can leave its mark not only on the internal organs of the animal, it can also affect the appearance of the pet. So, one of the manifestations is peeling of the upper cover of the muzzle.

Self-medication of allergic reactions is categorically not recommended, since to establish the reasons that caused the allergy, you will need to do a considerable number of tests, such as:

  • Mycological and bacteriological cultures.
  • Trichoscopy.
  • Take scrapings.
  • Cytological studies.
  • Nutritional research.

Therefore, if you suspect an allergy, it is best to immediately contact qualified specialists.

Metabolic disease

Metabolic disorders in dogs occur for several reasons. This could be poor nutrition, a lack of vitamins necessary for the body, or ultraviolet radiation. This disease can cause changes and deformations of the skin, both on the face and in other parts of the animal’s body.

To stabilize and normalize metabolism, it is necessary to add the missing vitamins and minerals to the dog’s diet, or put him on a specially formulated diet, thanks to which the intake of a certain amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into the pet’s body will be regulated.

It is very important to respond to a new disease in a timely manner in order to prevent vitamin deficiency, nervous system disorders, obesity, damage to visual acuity, baldness, and such terrible consequences as infertility and paralysis of the limbs.

Sometimes, dog owners are faced with a specific problem - excessive dryness of the nose, which can lead to cracks. Since the sense of smell is very important for an animal, the presence of a crack on a dog’s nose can cause serious complications, especially if there is infection in the wounds. It is difficult to determine the causes of this condition, since it can be triggered by various factors.


Dry skin is not always caused by serious illnesses, but the occurrence of cracks against the background of an inflammatory process indicates the presence of serious health problems. This is a kind of signal that appropriate measures need to be taken urgently. If the skin on your dog's nose is cracking , then this can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Heredity and age-related changes. A warm nose is a common occurrence for most puppies, and even normal for breeds with slow metabolisms.
  2. During sleep or immediately after waking up, most domestic dogs have a dry and warm nose. There is nothing strange in this, since the condition is quite normal. It is worth sounding the alarm if, against the background of such a distinctive feature, the animal has lost its appetite, has become lethargic, has an increase in body temperature and other signs of illness.
  3. Fatigue. After playing for a long time, the animal is not able to regulate body functions well, as a result of which its nose may be dry.

These causes of a warm and dry nose are natural and cannot harm the animal's health. However, cracks that occur may indicate such serious diseases as:

  • Result of injury. The lining of the nose is very sensitive and can crack if hit. This causes discomfort and severe pain to the animal, because its sense of smell disappears, not only as a result of cracks in the skin, but also bruises and swelling from the blow;
  • Infection. In turn, it is divided into indirect and direct. If the skin on your dog's nose is cracking , the reason may be a severe cold, a fatal disease such as plague and other infectious diseases. An animal can also carry bacteria and fungi onto its nose if there is an infection in its mouth or body. Infection can occur as a result of excessive curiosity. An animal can dig up sand or earth, a garbage heap, etc. As a result, inflammation and painful cracks appear;
  • Elderly age. As animals age, problems with metabolic processes arise, which can cause tissue disease;
  • Diseases. Liver damage, diabetes mellitus, helminthic infestation, pemphigus, allergic reaction - all these diseases can cause the nose to dry out and, as a result, cracks on it;
  • Avitaminosis. In young children, as a result of a lack of vitamins in the body, cracks in the area of ​​the fingertips may be observed. Something similar happens to a dog's nose;
  • Stress. The animal’s body can react in this way to any unusual situation from its point of view.

Since there are many causes of nasal cracks, only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis. Also, a specialist must prescribe treatment, because using antibiotics can not only be harmful to health, but also completely useless, for example, for mucous membrane fungus or worms.

Cracks on a dog's nose photo

Signs of pathology

If the reason why your dog's nose is cracking is , is pathological, it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Increased dryness of the skin;
  • Peeling;
  • An increase or decrease in body temperature, as well as a local increase in temperature;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Changes in the animal's behavior;
  • Runny nose;
  • The occurrence of regular scratching in the affected area;
  • Vomiting, nausea;
  • Problems with urination and bowel movements.

If the above signs are present, it is recommended to immediately show the animal to a doctor to identify the problem and prescribe timely treatment.

Options for solving the problem

Treatment for this condition should be targeted, directly related to the cause that caused cracks in the nose. Therefore, treatment at home can not only be pointless, but also dangerous for the animal. First of all, you need to identify the cause of the disease, and based on this, the doctor will prescribe medications and procedures.

The dry surface of the nose can be lubricated with Trivit - a vitamin solution, ointments as prescribed by a veterinarian. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of injury and rubbing of this area with a muzzle, which can only aggravate the condition. In addition, the animal must be provided with peace of mind, clean conditions, a balanced diet and adhere to the full course of treatment prescribed by the veterinarian.

Any owner knows that if a dog has a dry nose, close attention must be paid to its well-being. Among the many different reasons, there are completely harmless ones. It is necessary to understand what may be associated with dry nose and what measures should be taken.

A dog’s sense of smell is so developed that it can sense not only odors that are elusive to humans, but also the slightest vibrations in the air. The glands located inside and outside the olfactory organ secrete a special secretion. If the pet's body is functioning normally, the skin of the nose is moist and cool. The opposite condition is not always an indicator of any pathology.

There are several completely harmless factors that explain why a dog has a dry nose. . These include:

  • Dream. During this period, metabolic processes slow down, secretory function decreases, so for another 15–20 minutes after waking up, the animal’s nose remains dry and warm.
  • Overwork. During physical exertion, during prolonged active play, the nose dries out.
  • Reaction to windy weather. Animals are very sensitive to weather conditions.
  • Change of teeth in a puppy.
  • Period of hormonal changes (pregnancy, estrus).
  • The first day after birth.
  • Individual features of the structure of the organ and metabolic rate lead to the fact that the animal experiences a dry nose throughout its life.

As a result of the above reasons, the olfactory organ remains dry for a short period of time. When this symptom appears for several hours and additional ones are observed along with it, we can assume the onset of a disease.

When a dog's dry nose is a sign of illness

Other accompanying symptoms indicate a deterioration in the pet’s well-being:

  • Lethargy. The dog strives to retire, hide in a dark place, loses interest in games and entertainment.
  • Aggression. May appear as a result of increased irritability caused by illness.
  • Scratching the muzzle.
  • The fur takes on a tousled appearance.
  • Breathing is difficult, wheezing is heard. Sneezing and coughing begins.
  • Abnormal stool. Eating grass often causes your dog to vomit.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • No appetite. This indicator does not change without a good reason.

If, along with the fact that the dog has a warm and dry nose, any of the listed symptoms are present, it is necessary to show the pet to a doctor. Timely treatment of an existing disease significantly increases the chances of recovery. If the cause of dryness is any pathology, the veterinarian will tell you what to do. He will first establish a diagnosis by conducting the necessary examination. Excessive dryness may indicate various pathologies.


This is one of the most common causes of a dry nose in dogs. Along with this symptom, many others arise. The animal rubs its face with its paws and itches incessantly. Dandruff forms, the skin begins to peel, and the coat becomes too dry. All actions are aimed at identifying the allergen. Its role may include food, pollen from flowering plants, and house dust. Often a bowl made of synthetic materials is an allergen, so it is recommended to replace it with a ceramic or metal one.

It is necessary to exclude the dog from contact with synthetics, woolen fabric, rubber, and polymers. You should not bathe your pet, especially with detergents. You will have to temporarily stop using household chemicals when cleaning your apartment. When walking your dog, you should avoid flowering plants and carefully monitor its condition. Be sure to write down everything that had to be excluded. As soon as an improvement in the dog’s well-being is noticed, the list is presented to the veterinarian. Tests sometimes help determine the allergen.


A disease with this name is often found in dogs, accompanied not only by a dry nose, but also by the appearance of blisters on it - bubbles filled with liquid. When ripe, they burst, leaving behind dried crusts. The accumulation of bubbles prevents the dog from breathing normally. Factors that provoke the development of the disease are the use of certain medications, an infectious disease, and ultraviolet irradiation.

Pemphigus on a dog's nose

The type of pathogen can only be determined based on test results. Depending on this, treatment is prescribed.


A dog's dry nose can be caused by a cold. It is manifested by apathy, drowsiness, wheezing and sneezing. Possible increase in temperature. Even if you manage to alleviate your pet’s condition at home, it must be shown to a veterinarian to prevent the development of pneumonia. Otherwise, serious long-term treatment will be required using antibiotics, IVs and other procedures.

The disease in its advanced stage can lead to the death of the pet. Therefore, it is important to start treatment when the first symptoms appear, without ignoring the dog’s dry nose. Self-medication is unacceptable if pneumonia or bronchitis is suspected. First aid measures to help alleviate the condition:

  • Create a calm environment. The dog needs to be offered tasty food and provided with drink.
  • Maintaining optimal room temperature. It shouldn't be too hot or cold. It is important to ensure that there are no drafts.
  • Reducing walking time to 15 minutes.
  • If your pet has severe chills, you should cover it with a warm blanket or place a heating pad next to it.
  • Combing wool with a brush. As a result of this massage, blood circulation improves and protective forces are activated.

When there is no opportunity to show the dog to a doctor, and wheezing, coughing, and other symptoms intensify, it is necessary to use broad-spectrum antibiotics. Additionally, you will need medications that normalize the intestinal microflora.


Worm infestation is accompanied by constipation, temperature fluctuations, and signs of intoxication. The dog becomes lethargic and loses interest in life. Severe damage leads to bulging of the peritoneum. Therefore, if you find your pet has a dry, warm nose and any of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Once the test results are received, appropriate anthelmintic treatment will be prescribed. Typically, Espirantel, Febantel, and Pyrantel are used for this purpose. Carrying out regular deworming eliminates the possibility of infection with worms.


A warm nose may be a sign of a more serious disease - distemper. The dog has a depressed state, which worsens more and more if measures are not taken. The animal refuses to eat, becomes weaker, and the digestion process is disrupted. Pus accumulates in the eyes, near the nasal passages. The nose dries out, becoming not just warm, but even hot. When walking, the dog staggers, falling on its side. In advanced cases, convulsions and fainting are possible.


A most dangerous disease that can be transmitted to people and other animals. It is classified as incurable. In addition to signs characteristic of many other diseases, rabies is distinguished by the symptom of photophobia. At the initial stage, the dog does not refuse water, but later begins to experience fear of it. A dry and hot nose is one of the first signs of illness. The infected animal must be euthanized.

Other causes of dry nose in dogs

Such a sign is not always a reason to immediately consult a doctor. You just need to know what it means if a dog has a dry nose, and study all the possible causes of this phenomenon. This may be due to injury. Therefore, the animal must be examined, given first aid and taken to a veterinarian. A dog's sense of smell is hundreds of times more sensitive than a human's. The slightest scratch caused by cat claws or branches causes pain in the pet. As a result, the tip of the nose dries out and becomes hot. It is unacceptable to treat the wound with iodine or brilliant green - this can aggravate the pain syndrome.

Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin burns that are not protected by fur. The nose is the first to suffer. The booth must be installed in such a way that the dog has the opportunity to hide from the sun.

In winter, one of the reasons why a dog’s nose is dry and cracked is severe frost and wind. Under the influence of these natural factors, painful cracks form on the nose.

If a dog has a cold and dry nose, this may be a sign of hypothermia, as well as a decrease in body temperature. A similar symptom, combined with pale gums and dull eyes, is a reason to seek veterinary help.

When dry nose is associated with physiological characteristics or climatic conditions, it is enough to lubricate it with Vaseline or vegetable oil. Careful monitoring of your pet will help to detect an incipient disease in time.

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Since childhood, everyone remembers that a sign of a healthy dog ​​is a cold and wet nose, and therefore they are often scared if the pet’s nose turns out to be warm and dry. Is this always a cause for concern? Let's try to figure this out.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

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Dry cracked nose

Why is my nose dry?

What to do if your dog has a dry nose?

Your pet cannot tell you how it is feeling, so the owner has to guess about the dog’s health based on other signs. What does it mean if a dog has a dry nose? Is this always a cause for concern?

The nose can become dry or wet due to completely harmless, natural reasons. Therefore, you need to carefully observe your pet and understand whether there are other signs of a painful state of the body:

  • decreased appetite - a healthy dog ​​always has excellent appetite;
  • if your usually playful dog suddenly loses interest in entertainment, becomes lethargic, prefers to lie down and does not respond to his favorite toys - this is also a cause for concern;
  • the desire to hide so that no one will bother you;
  • sometimes dogs behave aggressively during illness, showing irritation at the slightest provocation, just like people;
  • increased or decreased body temperature (normal temperature, depending on the size and age of the dog, is 37.5 - 39 ° C);
  • peeling of the nose, blisters, rash;
  • unsatisfactory condition of the coat - if it looks overdried, disheveled and is very tangled;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, cough, hoarseness are clear indicators that you should immediately go to the doctor.

Why is a dry nose in a dog considered a sign of illness?

Let's first figure out why a wet and cold nose is the norm. The fact is that a dog’s nose is lined both inside and outside with mucous membrane, which secretes moisturizing substances. It is sensitive not only to odors: moisturized skin senses the slightest air movements. This feature helps wild dogs to remain “on guard” even during sleep and sense the approach of an enemy by the movement of air.

Nature dictates that dogs need to keep their noses constantly moist to survive. This provides better susceptibility to odors, protection against bacteria and viruses that can enter the body through the respiratory tract. Therefore, violation of the norm laid down by nature is considered an indicator of an increase in body temperature, and therefore illness. However, there is not always reason to panic when your pet's nose is warm and dry.

In what cases is a warm and dry nose in a dog normal?

It is always necessary to look at the totality of signs, at the dog’s behavior, whether it differs from the usual. Perhaps there are natural physiological reasons for this condition of the mucous membranes:

  • age and personal characteristics: often in puppies and in some breeds there are structural features of the respiratory tract and mucous membrane in which it is passive, which gives a similar effect throughout life;
  • when the dog is sleeping, or has recently woken up: in modern conditions, dogs have lost some abilities and characteristics of their wild ancestors, including the function of the nose to “guard” even in their sleep;
  • stress: when the dog is nervous or scared, a similar effect can be observed for a short time, but you can wait a little, calm the dog, pet it, give it a treat - and soon everything will get better;
  • for pregnant and lactating bitches this is also the norm;
  • overwork: the dog actively walked for a long time, ran, fetched a stick, or traveled with you and was just as exhausted - you just need to give him a rest, and everything will be fine;
  • weather conditions - when it is very hot or, conversely, there is severe frost outside, the four-legged pet’s nose dries out, sometimes even cracks;
  • too dry air in the house - heating and air conditioning systems dry out the air in our homes, and if it is not humidified, then not only your pet will suffer from dry skin.

That is, if your pet looks active and behaves normally, most likely nothing bad is happening, and there is no need to run to the veterinary clinic. But if the nose is not just warm, but hot, then, for sure, we are dealing with a disease.

What does it mean if a dog has a dry nose and lethargy?

If the dog is weak and has no appetite, it is lethargic and does not behave as usual - these are alarming symptoms, and you definitely need to see a doctor about them. And the sooner the better, because lethargy is a common symptom of many diseases.

One of these diseases is worms. Nowadays, domestic dogs are annually “drive away worms” with tablets, and worms are rare in them. Symptoms: lethargy, bloating of the abdomen, problems with recovery, increased or decreased temperature.

Distemper is an acute, rapidly progressing disease. Symptoms: hot dry nose, lethargy, pale mucous membranes, purulent discharge from the nose and eyes, diarrhea or vomiting with foam and blood, refusal of food and water, fainting, convulsions. If such signs appear, consult a doctor immediately!

Rabies is a fatal disease. It is transmitted through saliva and both unvaccinated animals and people can become infected. Main symptoms: hot dry nose, no appetite, but does not refuse water, lethargy, apathy and - especially important! - photophobia. Unfortunately, dogs cannot be cured of rabies - only euthanized. In this situation, the main thing is to keep people safe.

A dog has a dry, cracked nose - what diseases can be suspected?

The most common cause of such problems is allergies. Very often the dog itches, covers its face with its paws, and scratches. The pet's nose cracks and peels, and most often it is dry and cold, rough to the touch.

It is quite difficult to independently diagnose an allergy and find out what exactly it manifested itself to. An exception is if you can clearly link the time between the introduction of new food, the appearance of new household cleaning chemicals in the house, the purchase of new dog dishes - and the manifestation of symptoms. Perhaps these unpleasant symptoms are more pronounced outdoors, then you can suspect an allergy to plants that are currently blooming. However, it is better to undergo an examination to rule out other, more serious diseases. Moreover, peeling skin is also a symptom of lupus.

Another disease that modifies the surface of the skin is pemphigus. This immune disease causes blisters to appear all over the dog's body. Over time, they burst and crusts remain on the skin. Pemphigus can only be confirmed by tests. The doctor selects treatment strictly on an individual basis.

Sometimes owners are worried that the dog's nose is covered with a white coating. This usually happens when the dog is sleeping or after waking up. Sometimes this happens on a long road. This white coating is evidence of dehydration. You need to let the dog drink and, if he is hot, make sure he drinks enough water.

It is worth paying attention if pigmentation changes: these can be either breed characteristics that appear seasonally or with age, or signs of serious immune diseases.

Nasal injuries also occur. In our four-legged friends, this organ is much more sensitive than in people, and injury for a pet is a huge stress. Moreover, wounds and scratches should not be lubricated with alcohol, iodine, brilliant green - these products can burn the mucous membrane and cause new suffering to the pet. If, as a result of the injury, heavy bleeding occurs, or you suspect damage to the nasal cartilage, immediately seek qualified help.

Why does a dog have a dry nose while sleeping - is this always the norm?

When your pet sleeps, his body warms up, including his nose. It will remain like this for some time, and only after at least half an hour can you touch it again: everything should be in order. So, when your dog is sleeping and his nose is warm, there is no reason to worry.

In the wild ancestors of our four-legged pets, the nose remained moist and cool during sleep. This helped even in a dream to feel movements around, to know that an enemy was approaching by the vibrations of the air, to which the wet surface was extremely sensitive. However, nowadays, in comfortable conditions, dogs have largely lost this ability.

As we can see, even the common belief that a healthy dog’s nose should always be cold and wet is not necessarily true. So if your pet’s nose doesn’t feel the same to the touch, this is not yet a reason to panic, but a good reason to take a closer look at your pet.