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The dog crawls with its butt on the floor. The dog rides on its butt: causes and treatment. Behavioral characteristics of dogs

Sometimes dog owners experience their pet rolling around on its butt. What could be the cause of this phenomenon, and what measures should be taken?


Dogs have what are called paranal glands or anal sacs. They are responsible for scent marking and are sometimes used in self-defense. It allows you to mark territory and identify each other when meeting. But most domestic dogs have lost the ability to empty these glands on their own (normally this should happen during defecation). If this does not happen, the anal sacs become clogged and cause discomfort to the pet. When the secretion clogs the glands, the dog experiences discomfort due to inflammatory processes, which interferes with bowel movements and even normal movement. Pets try to get rid of unpleasant discomfort by rolling on the ground so that excess secretion is released from the hole. Sometimes dogs may bite their tail or lick their anal area in hopes of getting rid of these unpleasant sensations.

What to do?

In order to alleviate the pet's condition, the owner should pay attention to cleaning the anal glands. Of course, this activity is not pleasant (since the secretion secreted by these glands has a strong unpleasant odor), but it is necessary for the health of the pet. Due to severe blockage of the anal sacs, many diseases occur. Therefore, in order to protect your dog from diseases, you need to take the procedure of cleaning the paranal glands seriously. There are two ways to empty them.

  1. Independent. It is necessary to press the napkin to the anus and squeeze both sides of the anal area. A secretion with an unpleasant odor should come out of the hole. Cleaning of the paranal glands is usually carried out before bathing the pet.
  2. At the veterinary clinic. If your dog has severe enough inflammation, it is better to consult a veterinarian. He will be able to carry out the procedure correctly without causing discomfort to the pet. In addition, if the owner does not have experience in cleaning anal sacs, he may not be able to do everything painlessly and quickly.
Cleaning the paranal glands is an important procedure for maintaining the health of the dog and improving its well-being. Lack of necessary actions by the owner can lead to the development of various diseases!

It's a funny sight when a dog fidgets on the floor on its butt. An uninitiated person will laugh heartily at such a phenomenon, but not a veterinarian, because this is not easy dog ​​games, this is a sign of a serious problem with the pet’s health.

Why does a dog ride on its butt on the floor?

The dog's owner's first thought is worms, but deworming is carried out, time passes, and the dog still rides on the carpet on its fifth point. This behavior may indicate problems with the anal glands.

One of the reasons for riding on the butt is the presence of worms.

General information

The collection of skin glands that open into the space of the rectum, located near the animal's sphincter, is called the anal sac. The secretions they release have a specific smell. As a rule, the secretion independently exits into the external environment along with fecal matter during natural emptying.

Spontaneous release of secretions can occur during a fight.

However, there is a possibility of spontaneous release when the animal is very excited - fear, fight, during increased pet activity . The disruption of natural processes gets worse if left untreated. First there is a blockage. Outwardly, this is manifested by altered behavior of the dog - nervousness, anxiety, fidgeting on its butt.

Pathology progression

As the pathology progresses, the substance becomes thicker, flakes begin to form, which form a congestion at the exit and interfere with the normal release of secretions.

If the animal is not helped in a timely manner, the process is complicated by inflammation.

If the dog is not helped in time, complications will arise.

Methods for helping with overfilled bags

Anal sacs, also known as paraanal glands, are located near the anus. The substance they secrete has a strong, unpleasant odor. It is with this substance that dogs mark their territory, recognize each other by smell, and distinguish whether there has been someone else in the space entrusted to them.

You can often see while walking how unfamiliar dogs sniff each other’s tails, this is how they get to know each other.

Shifting your butt on the floor may mean that these glands are overcrowded or a more serious illness. You can clear your sinuses yourself and ease your pet’s suffering. To do this, you need to take a napkin, press it to the anus and squeeze on both sides.

For the sinus cleaning procedure, you will need a napkin.

Helping a dog with your own hands

There are cases when the substance is too thick, viscous, has a dough-like consistency and cannot be removed using the external method. In this case, you should use the internal secret removal method. For this you need gloves and Vaseline.

  1. You need to wear gloves, lubricate your index finger with Vaseline, and insert it into the anus.
  2. Using your index finger and thumb, pinch the tubercles near the hole and squeeze.
  3. Squeeze gradually, without hurting the dog, until the secretion is completely eliminated. If everything is done correctly, after a while the itching will go away and the dog will calm down. However, it may happen that the driving on the floor will not stop.
  4. In this case, you should show the dog to the veterinarian. Perhaps the animal is already developing inflammation and requires more serious treatment.

Vaseline will be needed for the internal method of removing secretions.

Anal sinus disease in dogs

The origin of the dysfunction is still a matter of debate among scientists. It is known that the pathological complex includes blockage of the sinuses, sacculitis - an inflammatory process, and neoplasia.

The reasons are:

  • imbalance in the diet;
  • lack of walks;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • imbalance of metabolic processes;
  • increased secretion production;
  • occlusion - narrowing of the duct.

The cause of the pathology may be an imbalance in the diet.


The most characteristic sign of this pathology is an attempt to lick or bite the fur near the hole.

The dog tries to bite and lick itself in a sore spot.

  • Often the dog cannot sit due to pain around the sphincter or move its tail . If sacculitis is diagnosed, there is an increased discharge from the anal sinuses of a sharp-smelling secretion of a thick purulent consistency, possibly with blood.
  • When examining the subcaudal zone, hyperemia, signs of wet dermatitis, and enlarged sinuses are recorded. . If a blockage is detected, there is a pronounced increase in the anal area, without obvious hyperemia, and liquid discharge. The presence of an abscess is manifested by extensive inflammation, increased local temperature, swelling and pain. The presence of an abscess can provoke damage to the rectum.
  • The animal is nervous, cannot sit, whines and shows aggression . Tries to lick the sore spot.
  • In advanced cases apathy and detachment sets in, the pet breathes heavily, tries not to move once again . Doesn't give in to hands, doesn't respond to the owner's call.


An ordinary blockage, not complicated by a pathological process, is eliminated by squeezing out the secretion.

If this measure does not help and the symptoms continue, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis to identify more complex diseases, since frequent mechanical squeezing of the substance can provoke inflammation.

If home treatment does not help, you should contact your veterinarian.


Sacculitis is treated by cleansing the sinuses and rinsing with sterile solutions. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Before surgery, it is recommended to administer a mild sedative to the animal to calm it down. If the lesion is extensive, after cleaning, apply antibacterial agents to the operated area. A bandage is applied, and it is recommended that the dog wear a restraint collar to avoid injury.

Before surgery, the dog is given a sedative.

Closed abscesses

Closed abscesses must first be allowed to mature; hot compresses are used for this.

For a closed abscess, the drug Cephalexin is prescribed.

  1. After this, the abscesses are opened and cleaned.
  2. For rinsing, use saline solution in combination with a light disinfectant. If the need arises due to the extent of the abscess, place drainage for drainage of fluid and pus .
  3. Introduction allowed antibiotic ointments through the duct .
  4. In parallel, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed - cephalexin, amoxicillin, glauronic acid .

Serious complications

If serious complications occur or in advanced cases, removal of the anal sinuses may be necessary. The reason for such a radical solution is a perianal fistula.

Serious complications require surgical intervention.


The basis of prevention in this case is pet hygiene.

  • It is necessary to wash the dog after each outdoor exercise, including the anal area.
  • Regularly carry out deworming, undergo routine examinations, and take all necessary tests.
  • Avoid weakening your immune system.
  • Include the necessary complex of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in the animal’s diet.

Deworming your dog is a preventative measure.

Video about cleaning anal glands in a dog

Riding a dog on its butt temporarily relieves itching, which is a symptom of diseases

The cause of unusual behavior can be any discomfort in the anal area. Moving along the floor or grass with its hind legs raised, the dog tries to get rid of unpleasant sensations and often causes additional injuries to itself. You should not scold or shame your dog - it is important to find the cause of the discomfort as quickly as possible.

If you do not help your pet in time with inflammation of the paraanal glands, then a fistula will mature near the anus, inside which there is secretion, blood and pus

Having noticed the first attempts to scratch the anus area on the floor, you need to examine the dog. If a visual inspection does not reveal a problem, you can feel the area around the anus. The detected tangles are carefully cut off with sharp scissors.

Inflammation of the anal glands can only be eliminated by a doctor. The procedure is simple, and your pet will feel relief immediately after it.

If these measures do not help, it is worth conducting a more in-depth investigation. Internal intestinal problems can be detected in a hospital setting by conducting a series of tests, x-rays or ultrasound.

Prevention: how to prevent “riding on the butt”

If there is an inflammatory process, you will no longer be able to help your pet on your own; you need to urgently contact a veterinarian, otherwise an abscess is possible.

The most reliable remedy is to frequently examine your pet and monitor the condition of its fur. After each walk, you should check to see if there is a foreign object stuck in it: chewing gum, candy, a hook or a piece of tape.

Dogs with long hair need to be brushed daily to prevent tangles from appearing. Special protective overalls that are worn for walks will also help.

If you notice symptoms of intestinal diseases, you should immediately consult a doctor. Anxiety should be caused by the urge to vomit, diarrhea, poor appetite, and general depression. The reason for an urgent visit to the clinic will be itching in the anus, swelling and redness of the skin, and discharge from the anus.

If your dog starts riding on its butt, you need to immediately find the reason. Sometimes the problem can be solved on your own; in difficult cases, you will need the help of a veterinarian. Don’t delay: the earlier the symptoms are detected, the easier it is to help the dog and preserve its health.

Many dog ​​owners watch the picture when the pet sits on its butt and rides on it. One gets the impression that the animal is wiping its butt. Funny? Not really. Do you know why that terrier rides on his butt?

Rolling on the anus indicates that the dog is itching in the anal area.

Watch your pet. In addition to riding on its butt, the toy terrier is characterized by such behavioral features as sharp sitting on the perineum and anus, frequent jumping up from a place and then looking at the tail.

The main reasons why a dog rolls on its butt.

Almost all owners will say with confidence that if a dog rolls around on its butt, then it has worms. Yes, with a helminthic infestation, the toy terrier will do exactly this. But what if the dog doesn’t have worms? What causes itching near the anus and causes a dog to scratch its butt on the carpet?

The reasons that encourage your pet to do this are as follows:

  • blockage of the anal gland.
  • inflammation of the paraanal gland.
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane.
  • helminthic infestation.

To the right and left of the anus (in the lower part) any dog ​​has glands called paraanal glands. These glands secrete secretions. This substance is very thick in consistency and has a strong unpleasant odor. Almost all decorative dog breeds have lost their natural ability to independently release secretions from such anal glands.

The anal glands need regular cleaning, as clogging of these glands leads to inflammation.
A feature of the physiology of the toy terrier is constantly clogged glands and ducts. This happens due to thick secretions from the glands or soft feces. When thick secretion stagnates, its constant accumulation in the glands increases the volume of the anal sac, thins the epithelial lining in it and subsequently ruptures the gland. Fistulas and fistulas form on the skin near the anus.

Having appeared once, the disease becomes chronic.

Try to clean the glands of your toy terrier near the anus yourself. To do this, wearing rubber gloves, use Vaseline to carefully feel the sacs in the lower part of the anus. Using massaging movements, begin squeezing out the secretion from one side and then the other.

Please note that the odor from the secretion is very unpleasant and pungent, so protect your home from getting it on furniture and carpets.

Show your toy to the vet. Based on an analysis of the secretions and condition of the glands, the dog doctor will decide on the method of treatment for your terrier. You can get by with just rinsing. Or you will need to take an antibacterial course. Or the doctor will insist on surgical intervention.
If that terrier does not have worms and everything is in order with the anal glands, but the pet persistently fidgets on its butt, then additional examinations by a dermatologist are required.