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Tablets for all types of herpes. Herpes pills: list of effective drugs. Natural essential oils

Tablets for herpes belong to antiviral drugs, the prescription of which is carried out in the treatment of herpes virus infections of various localizations. Currently, there are a huge number of different drugs for herpes in tablets. Despite the fact that none of them can permanently get rid of Herpes simplex, since the causative agents of the infection are hidden in the nerve cells of the body, the tablets treat the pathology well. They help reduce the duration of the disease and alleviate symptoms.

In addition, tablets against herpes are used not only to eliminate the infection, but also as preventive measures that protect the body from relapse of the disease. The most effective are medicines containing. They significantly increase the human body’s resistance to various viruses and have antiherpes functions. But what medications for herpes should I choose to quickly eliminate the signs of this disease?

How do antiherpetic tablets work?

To prevent exacerbation of the disease, relapses, and protect the body from various dysfunctions that occur in the presence of infection, you should take medicine against herpes. To eliminate this disease, antiviral tablets are used, immuno- and antiherpetic therapy is carried out.

Tablets for herpes relieve painful symptoms well and lead to rapid healing of erosions. Treatment will be more effective if you use drugs that act differently on the virus.

It is better to take the tablets immediately after the initial symptoms of the disease occur. This may prevent it.

If there are frequent relapses, then for the purpose of prevention, the doctor may increase the period of taking medications.

To treat the infection, antiviral drugs and means to strengthen the body's immunity are prescribed. When used in combination with interferons, immunomodulators act much more effectively and contribute to the rapid suppression of Herpes simplex.

Tablet drugs dissolve in the stomach, and the active components of the drug are absorbed into the blood and enter all organs and tissues of the body. Getting into the cells where the virus is located, they destroy its DNA, resulting in the destruction of microorganisms.

Such antiherpes drugs should be taken with extreme caution, since they belong to a type of medicine that has various side effects and contraindications. You should visit your doctor before using them.

For herpes on the lips

Tablets for the treatment of herpes on the lips are in greatest demand. It occurs much more often on this area of ​​the face than on other parts of the body.

There are 4 stages of disease development:

  1. First, at the initial stage, there is itching and slight tingling on the lips, then after 2-3 hours more painful sensations arise.
  2. At the next stage, a small bubble and swelling forms on the lip.
  3. Then, in the third stage, this bubble transforms into a wound, which begins to progress. Infection of adjacent areas of the lips occurs.
  4. During the fourth stage, the wound acquires a crust, and after 2 days its healing begins.

Herpes in the lip area can appear as a result of contact with an infected person, as well as due to stress, a cold, menstruation, pregnancy, after injury, or hypothermia.

If you are not treated with various medications for herpes, it will go away on its own in 2 weeks, but you will feel discomfort throughout this period. When the wound heals, small scars may remain in its place. To prevent this from happening, you should use the necessary medications against the herpes virus.

The use of tablets will help to quickly get rid of the initial signs of the disease and prevent a relapse. There are 2 types of such drugs:

  • agents with immunotherapeutic effects;
  • antiviral tablets.

For genital herpes

Herpes medications are also used when rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitalia. Genital herpes is an insidious and fairly common disease that is very easy to become infected with. Its causative agent is the Herpes simplex virus, which can infect people of any gender and age.

Its danger lies in the fact that the virus leads to a weakening of the protective effect of the immune system, dysfunction of the brain and some internal organs. A patient can be a carrier of the virus for quite a long time and not realize it.

There are primary and recurrent genital herpes. If you start treating the disease in time and take effective medications for primary herpes, then the risk of it becoming chronic will be minimal.

Symptoms of the disease are expressed as follows:

  1. First, the virus is in an incubation period, usually lasting from 3 days to 1 month.
  2. After this, reddish rashes form on the skin, which are very itchy. Also at this time the patient may experience: increased body temperature, headaches, weakness, general malaise.
  3. After just 2 hours, the rash turns into blisters filled with infected fluid.
  4. After 3 days they burst and leave behind painful ulcers. In addition, a person experiences severe itching and burning in the genital area.

Treatment of herpes begins with only after a complete examination of the patient, the doctor, depending on the form of the disease, draws up a plan for the necessary therapeutic procedures. There are no such effective herpes pills that would completely destroy the virus in the body. But modern drugs can keep the infectious agent under control and eliminate the painful manifestations of the disease. The most common drugs for herpes (such as Acyclovir, Valtrex, etc.) can suppress all manifestations of genital herpes.

After completing the prescribed treatment, you should think about preventing the disease:

  • it is important to maintain personal hygiene;
  • do not allow casual sex;
  • strengthen the immune system.

In addition, it is better to vaccinate against the herpes virus. This will prevent recurrence of the disease.

For rashes on the body

Herpetic rashes on the body are called herpes zoster; they are formed when the chickenpox virus enters the body, which affects the spinal cord and nerve nodes. Characteristic blisters appear on the body of a sick person. This type of infection usually develops in older people and in patients with weakened immune systems.

Herpes zoster is much more difficult to tolerate than other types of pathology. In this case, not only the skin is affected, but also the nerve cells. A person also experiences severe pain in the skin areas where there are rashes. This form of the disease is characterized not only by the presence of severe symptoms, but also by the risk of developing dangerous consequences. Therefore, the patient needs to undergo a whole range of treatment procedures.

The main step in therapy is the use of antiherpes drugs (for example, Virolex, etc.). In addition, it will be necessary to treat skin areas affected by the virus with medicinal ointments (Panavir, Depanthenol, etc.).

It is prohibited to use drugs with hormones and glucocorticosteroids in the treatment of herpes zoster.

Therefore, it is necessary that only a doctor prescribes treatment. You should not decide on your own which is the best pill to use. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to your health.

The doctor may prescribe painkillers containing lidocaine or acetaminophen, and antipyretic drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, etc.).

In addition, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the immune system. Immunomodulators may be prescribed.

It should be remembered that complex treatment started on time leads to a speedy recovery. After undergoing therapy, painful sensations may remain on the body, which completely disappear only after 2-3 months. This occurs due to neurological and sensory disorders. If the pathology becomes chronic, the pain may continue for a longer time.

For herpes on the nose

When treating herpes on the nose, medications in tablet form can be used. This form of the disease is manifested by swelling in the area of ​​infection and hyperemia of the skin in the nasal area.

May be observed:

  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • malaise.

The virus completely changes the functioning of cells in the genomic apparatus, as a result of which the infection spreads further and affects more and more healthy cells.

Initial symptoms appear 1 week after contracting the infection. Blisters and swelling form on the nose, and the skin takes on a reddish tint. Then the elements of the rash burst and numerous erosions appear in these areas, which after a few days form one common wound. After another 2 days, a scar will form on it.

Treatment for this type of disease involves the use of antiviral and antihistamine tablets, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

The most common antiherpes pills

Many patients are interested in what is the best remedy to purchase for the treatment of herpes. There are a large number of modern drugs designed to get rid of this dangerous virus. But it should be remembered that they are all chemical and have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them without consulting a doctor.

The most common remedies for herpes in tablet form are:

  1. Acyclovir is a fairly effective antiviral agent designed to eliminate any form of infection. Its active substance acts at the cellular level. This remedy is prescribed for infections of the skin, mucous membranes, chicken pox, and various forms of genital herpes. In addition, its use is effective in preventing relapses of the disease and in the treatment of patients with AIDS and HIV infections. Acyclovir is contraindicated in pregnant women and women during breastfeeding. It should be used with caution in cases of neurological disorders and renal failure.
  2. Valacyclovir - this drug is very similar to Acyclovir. It will help get rid of various types of herpes.
  3. Valtrex - this drug is effective in the treatment of various forms of herpes and relapses of the disease. Side effects can occur from any system and internal organs. Therefore, this medication should be used strictly as prescribed by your doctor.
  4. Herpferon is a combination drug consisting of the active components acyclovir and interferon. Used during exacerbation of the disease. Should not be used for more than two weeks.
  5. Famciclovir is an effective medicine for herpes of the latest generation. Penetrating into the body, the active substance destroys viruses. It is effective in treating infections of any location and form.
  6. Famvir - this drug works well at the cellular level, destroying the replication of viral cells. Effective in treating all forms of the herpes virus, it is not addictive.
  7. Foscarnet - actively destroys viral cells. This drug contains phosphorus, so it is toxic. Should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

In addition, tablets such as Metisazone and Ribamidil are used to treat the virus. They have a different mechanism of action, but have antiviral properties. They are usually prescribed when the patient develops resistance to more effective drugs.

So, the latest generation of herpes pills, such as Famciclovir, help quickly prevent a relapse. When prescribed by a doctor in combination with immunomodulators, they can eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Nine out of ten people are infected with the herpes virus. Despite the abundance of antiherpetic drugs, there is no drug that completely eliminates the virus. However, with the help of medications, you can significantly alleviate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease and prevent relapses.

Anti-herpes tablets should be used in the following cases:

  • with frequent relapses against the background of reduced immunity;
  • for rashes in areas inaccessible for local treatment;
  • those who did not immediately start antiviral therapy.

The tablets act on the virus in all areas from the inside. However, for the best effect, doctors recommend combining their use with the use of ointments. Two types of medications are prescribed: antiviral and immunomodulatory, some combine both properties.

Before taking it, you should consult a doctor, since many of the drugs have contraindications and may not be compatible with each other. The doctor will prescribe medications that are appropriate for each specific case, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Antiviral tablets

Taking this type of medication is aimed at destroying the herpes virus and suppressing its vital activity, that is, reproduction.

Zovirax, Virolex and Acyclovir

Acyclovir is the active ingredient in several medications. One of the most effective remedies for herpesvirus. Acyclovir preparations have almost no contraindications; they are recommended for use even by pregnant women and small children. Medicines such as Zovirax, Herperax, Virolex, Acivir and Acyclovir have proven themselves to be effective and relatively inexpensive.


Tablets from, and. The active ingredient is valacyclovir hydrochloride. It is similar to acyclovir, but has some advantages over it, since it is the latest generation medicine against herpes viruses. It is better absorbed by the body, and you drink it only 2 times a day. The earlier therapy is started, the stronger the effect of the drug.

Valacyclovir is a pill for genital herpes, but sexual contact requires additional protection, since antiviral medicine is not a guarantee against infection of a sexual partner.


These are tablets for herpes on the body, lip, genitals. The active substance is penciclovir. This is a rather expensive drug, but it works great against most viruses. Many of them have already acquired resistance to acyclovir, the most popular antiherpes substance. In addition, certain strains in the body may develop resistance to frequently taken medications. Famphire or Facyclovir act even on such resistant viruses.


Anaferon is a well-advertised but not trustworthy product. It contains only antibodies to human interferon. The effectiveness of homeopathic medicines, in particular Anaferon, is equated by most doctors to the placebo effect.


Alpizarin tablets are a very effective antiviral and antimicrobial agent. Its active substance, mangiferin orne, suppresses the vital activity of the herpes virus and is quickly absorbed from the stomach into the blood. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma is observed within an hour after taking the tablet. Alpizarin is also able to stimulate the body’s synthesis of interferon to fight the virus, which gives it immunostimulating properties.

Immunomodulatory drugs

The main goal of such funds is to help the body independently fight the causative agent of the disease.


A very good and effective remedy that combines the properties of an immunomodulator with an antiviral effect. It is used against genital herpes, herpetic rashes on the lips and body. Isoprinosine suppresses the activity of viruses and also activates the immune system to fight virus particles and cells affected by it.


This is the latest generation immunostimulant, which has undergone serious clinical trials and has no analogues on the Russian market. Its price relative to other drugs is quite reasonable. The active substance aminodihydrophthalazindione promotes the production of interferons in the body, activates macrophage cells that suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora, and stimulates the production of antibodies to various pathogens.


Before taking any medications, you should consult a qualified specialist. All of the drugs listed are sold without a prescription and have almost no contraindications, but their uncontrolled use can lead to dangerous consequences.

Almost all products are prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation. Most of them, due to the dosages in which they are produced, are contraindicated for use in children under 12 years of age. Before treating herpes in children, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

The majority of the world's population is a carrier of the herpes virus. This family of DNA-containing viruses is capable of remaining in a latent state for a long time without manifesting itself in any way.

When immunity decreases, there is a cold or the body is under stress, the infectious agent begins to actively multiply, causing illness. But if a person’s health is in perfect order, then the disease does not occur even with close contact with a sick person, for example, with a kiss. There are many types of herpes that affect different parts of the human body. In total, there are 8 types of viruses that cause disease. Popularly, herpes is better known as a “cold” - a herpetic rash on the lips (type 1). If it spreads to other parts of the body (self-infection), painful blisters can occur in the mouth, eyebrows, under the nails, eyes and groin.

No less often, herpetic blisters appear in the intimate area. This disease is called genital herpes (type 2). Other types of virus are also common: chickenpox, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus. Modern medicine does not have effective drugs that can rid a person of herpes forever.

Therefore, treatment is symptomatic and accelerates the process of remission. Antiviral drugs for herpes are divided into two groups. The first contains virus blockers, the second stimulates the immune system to produce these substances. Medicines to combat an infectious agent block its reproduction, and the immune system helps in this.

  1. Immunomodulators:
    • Galavit. Prescribed as part of complex treatment of herpes, influenza, ARVI and other infectious diseases. It is a dual-action drug: relieves inflammation and stimulates the body's defenses. Galavit alleviates the symptoms of the disease, eliminates inflammatory processes, and promotes rapid recovery. The course of treatment is up to 21 days. It is recommended to take one tablet four times a day. Other dosage forms: powder for injection and suppositories.
    • Isoprinosine. It is used for the treatment of infectious viral diseases: herpetic rashes, measles, cytomegalovirus and human papillomavirus infections, acute respiratory viral infections and others. It has a double effect: it prevents the proliferation of viral agents and improves immunity. The drug is taken based on the dosage for one day: for adults - 50 mg per kilogram of weight, for children - 1 tablet (500 mg) per ten kilograms of weight. In order to prevent and reduce the number of relapses of herpes, prescribe 1 tablet twice a day for one month.
    • Anaferon. It is used for the prevention and complex treatment of viral diseases, including various types of herpes. For treatment purposes, take 1 tablet three times a day until the herpetic rash disappears. Preventive intake - 1 tablet. The course is determined individually and can last up to six months.
  2. Antiviral group of drugs for herpes:
    • Acyclovir. It is successfully used to treat various types of herpes. Interferes with the synthesis of viral DNA. Quickly eliminates rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. Take 1 tablet orally five times a day. In addition to tablet form, it is available in the form of cream and injection solutions.
    • Valtrex. Blocks the reproduction of the viral agent. Suitable for the treatment of herpes of the first (rash on the lips) and second (genital) types. The tablets are taken twice a day for five days.
    • Famvir. It is used for herpes zoster and infections of types 1 and 2. It is most effective at the initial stage of the disease. The recommended dose of the drug is 250 mg twice a day. Course - 1 week.
    • Zovirax. A well-known drug against herpes, based on acyclovir. Available both in tablets and in the form of injections and cream. Administration is similar to Acyclovir tablets.

Other popular antiviral drugs used for herpes: Valaciclovir, Famciclovir, Penciclovir, Foscarnet. A number of drugs are available in the form of a powder for injection. The daily dosage of the active substance for injections and tablets is the same. The antiherpetic vaccine Vitagerpavak is used to prevent and reduce the number of relapses.

The procedure is carried out in a course: 5 injections in the forearm area with an interval of one week.

The herpes virus multiplies inside cells, so using antibiotics to treat the infection is pointless. This is due to the fact that the substances that make up antibacterial drugs are not able to penetrate cells and are effective only against bacteria and fungi. If the doctor prescribed an antibiotic, it means there is a secondary infection: bacterial or fungal.

Antiviral drugs for herpes: topical medications and folk remedies

Many people suffering from the manifestation of the herpes virus prefer topical medications.

These drugs act on the virus at the site of infection and, accordingly, do not have a systemic effect on the body, reducing the likelihood of side effects.

In addition, ointments, creams and gels relieve itching, irritation and promote the regeneration of damaged tissue.

That is why antiviral drugs for herpes are presented in pharmacies in a wider range of products than drugs for oral administration or injection.

Popular ointments, creams and gels:

  • Oxolinic ointment. Widely used for viral skin diseases, including herpes. Application per day - up to five times. The course of treatment is three to five days.
  • Acyclovir. It is used primarily for the treatment of herpetic blisters on the lips. The interval between applying the ointment is four hours. The course is five days.
  • Zovirax. The drug is made on the basis of acyclovir. The application scheme is similar.
  • Panavir. Used for herpes localized on the lips, genitals, eyes and shingles infection. The gel is applied five times a day. The course is ten days.
  • Viru-Merz Serol. Prescribed for chickenpox and herpes zoster. It has drying and antipruritic properties. Can be used up to five times a day.

Rectal suppositories are often prescribed to treat genital herpes. They are quickly absorbed into soft tissues and act on genital herpes faster and safer than systemic drugs. Among the famous candles: Galavit, Viferon, Panavir. During pregnancy, Iodoxine is prescribed. In addition to antiviral drugs for herpes, folk recipes will help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Natural remedies for treating herpes include Kalanchoe juice, aloe, garlic, fir, rose hip and sea buckthorn oils. They treat inflammation, dry out blisters, relieve irritation and itching. To speed up the healing of wounds, you can use ordinary table salt. Propolis tincture will help relieve painful sensations, and lemon juice will dry out the inflamed skin.

Tinctures of echinacea, golden root, and ginseng increase immunity and, therefore, promote rapid recovery from herpes. Among the herbs for preparing infusions and medicinal teas, traditional healers recommend St. John's wort, motherwort, lemon balm, chamomile flowers, juniper fruits, thyme, wormwood, and raspberry leaves. Treatment of herpes will be more effective if it is supplemented with health procedures, taking vitamins C and E, and the microelement zinc.

Tablets for herpes are used when the disease occurs with complications or is generalized. These medications effectively suppress the effects of the virus. Their active component is quickly released, penetrating the nervous system. Thus, herpes medications prevent further spread of the virus and speed up the patient’s recovery. The dosage of medications in tablets is determined by the doctor. To avoid side effects from their action, it is recommended to follow the prescribed rules of administration. Otherwise, drugs for herpes in adults cause disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Herpes is a chronic disease. It cannot be completely cured. Therefore, medications for herpes are selected in such a way as to achieve several goals at once:

  • suppress the activity of herperovirus;
  • restore the immune system;
  • eliminate symptoms of the disease, including skin manifestations.

Also, drugs in tablet form are used to prevent relapses of herpes. In the latter case, the attending physician prescribes the drug in a lower dosage.

All antiherpetic medications must be taken in combination with medications whose action is aimed at restoring immunity. In addition, it is necessary to use drugs to treat herpes at the first manifestations of the pathology. This approach allows you to quickly cope with this problem, avoiding the development of complications. Antiviral treatment in the initial stages of herpes prevents the spread of infection to healthy cells. As a result, the rash is localized in a strictly defined area and quickly disappears.

All drugs that are available in tablets should not be taken for longer than the prescribed period or in excess of the prescribed dosage. The course of treatment averages 1-2 weeks. If necessary, the duration of tablet therapy can be increased.

"Acyclovir" - antiviral tablets proven over the years

These effective herpes pills have a highly targeted effect on the virus. Acyclovir does not affect internal organs, tissues and cells. It is prescribed for various forms of pathology. “Acyclovir” for herpes in tablets is the cheapest and most accessible drug that can quickly eliminate rashes on the body and genitals. The substance in them, penetrating the human body, is integrated into the DNA structure of the virus and prevents its replication.

In addition to the indicated effect of Acyclovir, the medicine allows you to achieve the following results:

  • prevent the development of rashes on the body;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • accelerate the healing of wounds on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • reduce the likelihood of complications (including damage to internal organs);
  • relieve pain.

The manufacturers of Acyclovir recommend treating the symptoms that have arisen for a period determined by the attending physician. Despite the fact that this drug is considered one of the best pills, over time the virus develops resistance (resistance) to it. Therefore, subsequent use of antiviral drugs will not have the desired effect on the body.

“Acyclovir” in a dosage of 800-1000 mg daily is prescribed for herpes simplex, for Zoster infection 2000 mg daily. To prevent the disease, you need to take the drug 3 tablets a day for one week.

Acyclovir tablets are contraindicated:

  • persons with individual intolerance;
  • pregnant women and women during lactation.

Instead of Acyclovir, Valtrex is prescribed. It is recommended:

  • for all types of herperovirus;
  • in case of relapse of the disease;
  • for the prevention of herpetic rashes.

"Valtrex" tablets in the treatment of diseases, unlike "Acyclovir", have a less aggressive effect on the body. However, both drugs achieve similar results. Valtrex contains valacyclovir. After penetration, the component is transformed into acyclovir. Therefore, the effect of this drug is similar to the results that Acyclovir tablets can achieve.

Valtrex causes many side effects. The drug is allowed to be used for one day if an immunodeficiency state is detected.

Zovirax is a reliable and modern antiherpetic drug

Zovirax is often used to treat the herpes virus. It comes in the form of:

  • ointments;
  • injection solutions;
  • tablets;
  • capsules;
  • rectal suppositories.

The latter, when administered to children, have the best effect on the child’s body, suppressing the herperovirus. All of the above drugs against herpes are based on the substance acyclovir. Zovirax is recommended for the treatment of:

  • herpes simplex;
  • herpes zoster;
  • recurrent form of the disease;
  • complicated pathology.

Medicines like Zovirax are prescribed to patients with immunodeficiency to prevent pathology. These effective drugs are taken for one week. For the treatment of herpes of the first or second types, Zovirax is prescribed only in the form of ointments. During the day, the drug must be applied to the problem area up to 5 times.

"Famvir" is a medicine based on Famciclovir, which was developed recently

Famvir is a new generation antiherpetic drug. The medicine package contains 7-40 tablets in various daily dosages:

  • 150 mg;
  • 250 mg;
  • 500 mg.

Famvir is prescribed when modern medications based on acyclovir do not give the desired result. This new remedy is also recommended during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, Famvir effectively suppresses the activity of herperovirus in patients with immunodeficiency.

Regardless of the type of herpes, the drug quickly eliminates the external manifestations of the disease. Famvir is based on famciclovir, a substance that is transformed in the human body into penciclovir. The action of this component does not damage healthy cells.

With the help of Famvir you can get rid of the symptoms of the pathology. The product provides a long-term antiviral effect, reducing the likelihood of relapse by 80%. The newest substances included in the medication accelerate the healing of wounds on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.

Among the disadvantages of Famvir, its high price should be highlighted. The cost of the drug varies between 1-4 thousand rubles. In addition, the medicine has the following contraindications: individual intolerance, age under 18 years.

Tablets or ointments: which is better and more convenient?

The choice between antiviral tablets and ointments, which is better, should be made by a doctor. Drugs produced for local treatment provide relatively quick results. Such medications against herpes eliminate the symptoms of the disease and allow you to achieve a lasting effect for a long time.

Ointments are usually prescribed for exacerbations of pathology. They speed up the healing process of open wounds and prevent secondary infections. Ointments are more often used in the treatment of the disease in pregnant women and children.

Any effective medicine penetrates into the blood. The active components of the drug penetrate the bloodstream into the internal organs, and in pregnant women, through the placenta into the child’s body. As a result, medicinal substances have a negative effect on the development of the fetus or the condition of the liver and kidneys. Therefore, the effectiveness of such treatment often does not justify the consequences it causes.

To avoid complications, herpes therapy is mainly carried out using antiviral ointments. Their components have a local effect on the problem area. The use of these drugs ensures stable remission with minimal damage to internal organs.

It is difficult to decide which medications are more convenient in treating pathology. All agents suppress the activity of herperovirus. But some of them act directly on the DNA of the virus, while other drugs mainly relieve symptoms.

There are many medications used in the treatment of herperovirus infection. The selection of medications should be done by a doctor. So, one medicine can cope with the manifestations of a virus on the lips, but another will not create the desired effect. In addition, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Herpes is a viral disease that affects the mucous membranes and skin. As a rule, this disease is recurrent. affects leukocytes and reduces immunity. Unfortunately, modern medicine has not yet developed methods for removing this virus from the body. The main goal of specialists at this stage is to suppress its reproduction during the period of exacerbation. For this purpose, the most effective for herpes are those containing acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir, penciclovir or allostatin as the active ingredients.

Treatment of herpes

According to statistics, about 95% of people of reproductive age on our planet are affected by the herpes virus. Exacerbation of the disease in such individuals usually occurs 4 times a year. It manifests itself in the appearance of small blisters on the lips, mucous membranes and skin. If rashes appear more often, you should consult a specialist who will prescribe antiviral drugs. Such medications block the DNA synthesis of herpes and thereby suppress its reproduction.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, people in whose blood HSV is detected should take certain preventive measures:

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and cold rooms. Overheating and hypothermia suppress the immune system and provoke the appearance of herpes.
  • Limit the consumption of beer and other alcoholic beverages.
  • Regularly take a course of vitamin therapy.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. Stop smoking.
  • Carry out regular treatment for chronic diseases, as they can provoke the development of pathology.

Ointments for herpes

Ointments are effective antiviral drugs for herpes on the lips. They act directly on the visible manifestations of the disease and allow you to quickly get rid of them.

Let's look at the most popular remedies for eliminating herpes on the lips and skin:

  • "Viru-Merz Serol" - antiviral gel. The main active ingredient is tromantadine. This remedy quickly relieves pain, burning and itching. Effective in the fight against herpes zoster.
  • "Panavir" is an immunomodulating gel with antiviral properties. The main active ingredient is hexose glycoside. The gel acts directly on the site of inflammation, inhibiting the virus there. Can be used for genital and
  • "Bonafton" is an antiviral ointment. The main active ingredient is bromonaphthoquinone.

For rashes on the lips and mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, it is recommended to use auxiliary ointments - “Dexpanthenol”, “Depanthenol”, “Bepanten”. They promote tissue regeneration and accelerate the healing process of crusts.

Herpes pills

Experts say that the most effective antiviral drugs for herpes are tablets. Many people have the opinion that such drugs inhibit HSV, saturating the body with harmful “chemicals”. However, tablets, unlike ointments, affect the activity of the virus, and do not simply eliminate symptoms.

Let's consider the mechanism of action of such medications.

When the tablet enters the human stomach, the main active ingredient of the drug is released. Then it is absorbed into the blood and with its help spreads throughout the body. Special enzymes that are necessary for the reproduction of the pathogen are blocked in the cells.

It is important to take antiviral drugs for herpes in a timely manner. The course of therapy should begin in the prodromal period - before the first visible symptoms appear. In this case, you will be able to avoid the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membranes and body.

You should also remember that these drugs can only be used after consulting a specialist.

Acyclovir-based drugs

Medicines in which acyclovir is the main active ingredient are the most effective antiviral drugs against herpes. This substance belongs to the group of acyclic nucleosides. Acyclovir, entering a cell infected with a virus, is activated and inhibits the reproduction of HSV. This is a non-toxic and absolutely harmless component that can be used to treat herpes at any stage. It is well tolerated by the human body and rarely causes adverse reactions. However, this substance has one significant drawback - the resistance of some patients to its action.

The most effective drugs:

  • "Zovirax". Available in the form of tablets, cream, eye ointment and solution for injection.
  • "Virolex". Available in the form of tablets, eye ointment and cream. It is used for genital herpes, lesions of the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, and chickenpox, including in children under 1 year of age.
  • "Herperax". Available in the form of tablets and ointments.

Other drugs

Let's consider other popular antiviral drugs for herpes ("Cycloferon", "Valacyclovir", "Famvir", "Fenistil Pencivir", "Allomedin").

  • "Cycloferon". having antiviral properties. It is used in the treatment of many diseases, including herpes. Has a wide spectrum of action.
  • "Valacyclovir." New generation drug. Its mechanism of action is similar to acyclovir. Available exclusively in tablet form.
  • "Famvir." An antiviral drug, an effective remedy in the fight against herpes. Well absorbed in the body.
  • "Fenistil Pentsivir." Available in ointment form. It is highly effective in the most advanced stages of the disease.
  • "Allomedin". Available in ointment form. The action of the product is aimed at increasing the natural immunity of the skin of the lips.

Treatment of genital herpes

Genital herpes is a disease that is transmitted through sexual contact. The causative agent is HSV. Statistics show that this disease is the second most common among other sexually transmitted diseases.

The most effective antiviral drugs for genital herpes:

  • "Acyclovir".
  • "Virolex".
  • Famciclovir.
  • "Valacyclovir."