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Blood clots appear during menstruation, similar to the liver: what to do. What do blood clots that look like meat mean during menstruation?

A frightened woman consults with her friends, asking the question: “Why do pieces of meat come out during menstruation?”

The friends' answers are not encouraging. Some explain this by luck, that it is supposedly a polyp or some kind of tumor that has exfoliated. Others say that this happens if there is a pregnancy failure. Such information upsets a woman even more - chronic abortion, especially when using contraceptives, most likely indicates health problems.

How can official medicine explain why pieces of meat come out during menstruation?

Reasons for the release of large pieces

Of course, official medicine does not even consider the version that meat comes out during menstruation and rarely gives answers without a visual examination. The only thing she can explain is that what looks like liver and meat (large pieces) is accumulated coagulated blood and pieces of exfoliated endometrium.

Large pieces come out:

  • With increased or, conversely, if coagulability is reduced.
  • If it's worth
  • For inflammatory diseases of the female organs.
  • During endometriosis.
  • When hormonal imbalances occur in the body.
  • If there is and as a result blood accumulates.

What to do in each situation?

An explanation has been found for why pieces of meat come out during menstruation. What to do in such a situation?

In all cases, you need to contact a gynecologist. If there are no inflammatory diseases and the additional examination (this is the type of examination that gives the optimal picture of the condition of the internal organs) is normal, you will need to consult a hematologist.

If there is adnexitis, the doctor will probably prescribe medications that will help get rid of it.

Endemetriosis is a disease associated with hormonal levels. It can be cured, but it is quite difficult. The gynecologist will prescribe treatment.

If the fact that a piece came out during menstruation is related to the position of the uterus, then you will have to come to terms with it.

If large clots appear

Whatever questions

Regardless of her own condition, a woman should first of all turn to a gynecologist, and not to her friends. The same symptoms may indicate different diseases or even be a variant of the norm. Sometimes, to answer the question of why pieces of meat come out during menstruation, consultation with both an endocrinologist and a vascular surgeon may be required. If such a phenomenon is not associated with inflammation or the location of the uterus, you need to get ready for an examination, which will take a lot of time.

When menstruation is on time and painless, 1 or 2 clots during menstruation should not cause fear.

The consistency of the discharge is not uniform throughout the cycle, the color changes from dark burgundy to scarlet. The clots themselves are light brown, burgundy, even black. Lost energy is quickly restored by the body.

If the bleeding does not stop for a long time after the clot is released, and it continues constantly, this is a reason to consult a doctor, sometimes even without waiting for the cessation of menstruation. There is a possibility that medical intervention may be required. Just the question of why pieces of meat come out during menstruation should not be asked to the doctor. It is necessary to correctly formulate the complaint as follows: “Menstruations come in large pieces, which cause heavy bleeding.”

The color and consistency of menstrual bleeding can change under the influence of various factors. This may include the individual characteristics of a woman’s body, imbalances in hormones, which often occurs as a result of age-related changes, as well as the general level of somatic and physical health. If there are any gynecological pathologies, menstruation may begin with clots.

It is imperative to pay special attention to such changes in discharge, since they may indicate the development of a serious disease. In this case, the woman should immediately go to an appointment with a gynecologist, who will have to examine the patient as completely as possible, make a diagnosis, and prescribe treatment. There may be many answers to the question of why menstruation occurs in clots, so let’s look at the most common reasons.

If we consider what type of discharge during regular bleeding is considered normal, then doctors say that the biological fluid should have a mucous consistency and dark red color. A small amount of coagulated blood, as well as particles of epithelial cells, is considered normal.

Sometimes during menstruation, clots similar to chicken liver come out. This happens when a woman is in one position for a long time, for example, during sedentary work. If their volume is insignificant, and there is no discomfort or severe pain, then you should not worry about your health. It is also normally believed that the duration of the regulation should be 5-6 days, during which the woman loses 80-100 ml of blood.

If the state of health is satisfactory, and the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor, but goes menstruation with clots, the reasons for this may lie in the following:

  • A woman has formed adhesions in the uterine cavity or has scar formations, which impair the outflow of mucus and menstrual bleeding. As a result, the blood sometimes stagnates and coagulates into clots, and is then excreted from the body in the form of small lumps.
  • Clots during menstruation often occur in those girls who have acquired or congenital abnormalities in the structure or location of the reproductive organs. A similar condition is often observed when the cervix is ​​not curved correctly, or when there are partitions in it that lead to the formation of blood clots.
  • Almost always, clots come out during menstruation if the blood has an increased level of viscosity. This happens if a woman drinks little fluid, often eats protein foods, and has pathologies of the liver, blood vessels and kidneys.
  • Brown menstruation with clots occurs in patients who are currently undergoing drug therapy, taking drugs that increase blood clotting. In this case, menstruation lasts fewer days, but there are many clots.
  • An installed intrauterine device can provoke the development of this condition. This contraceptive promotes the formation of blood clots in biological fluid.
  • If there was an early stage of pregnancy, then when asked why pieces of meat come out during menstruation, one can answer that it was spontaneously terminated. This often happens within 1-2 weeks.

Menstruation with blood clots is considered a normal physiological condition if in the previous cycle the woman had an abortion or gynecological curettage. In this case, the reason for the appearance of lumps in the biological fluid is the release of the remains of the fertilized egg.

Often, after such a procedure, regular bleeding becomes more profuse, which is directly related to severe hormonal imbalance, which undoubtedly changes the type and nature of the discharge. It is also considered normal for such menstruation to occur after the onset of sexual activity, as well as on the eve of menopause. This is due to the fact that certain changes occur in the structure of the mucous membranes.


If clots come out during menstruation, it is imperative to figure out why this is happening. After all, there can be many reasons for the development of such a condition, and some of them are associated with the development of diseases. If a woman loses a lot of blood during the cycle, she may develop iron deficiency anemia, in which the level of hemoglobin decreases and the body cells do not receive enough oxygen.

With this type of clot, we can talk about the development of the disease. Source: pomiome.ru

In this case, accompanying symptoms will be observed, including dizziness and pain, loss of physical performance, paleness of the skin, general deterioration of condition, and decreased blood pressure. In this case, the hormonal balance definitely suffers, the production of substances that take an active part in the process of hematopoiesis stops, and menstruation begins in clots.


If a woman notices that she has clots during menstruation that look like liver, then it is imperative to make sure that a pathological process affecting the reproductive or other system is not progressing in the body. It is better to entrust the diagnosis to an experienced specialist.

The following symptoms indicate that brown periods with clots are a sign of the disease:

  • In the middle of the cycle, a girl may also experience brown discharge in copious or insufficient quantities;
  • The break between subsequent discharges is very short, or, on the contrary, too long;
  • The volume of biological fluid that leaves the body during this period exceeds 150 milliliters;
  • The duration of the regulation is eight days, and sometimes longer;
  • The smell coming from the genitals definitely changes, it becomes distinctly unpleasant, sometimes with a sour tint, and an admixture of pus can be observed in the discharge itself;
  • I am worried about pain in the lower abdomen.

Very important o carry out differential diagnosis, especially in situations where menstruation is in pieces like liver. This type of discharge occurs in various diseases of the reproductive system, so it is extremely important to determine exactly what caused it, and only then begin treatment.


If your period comes with clots, what is it, interests every woman. If you ask such a question to a doctor, with a high degree of probability, you can get an answer that will contain information that such discharge is a sign of a disorder in the development of the endometrial layer, which is renewed every cycle.

There are many reasons why menstruation comes in dark-colored clots, and many of them are pathological. It is possible that this condition develops against the background of tissue or vascular damage, or when there are obstacles to the release of secretions. Let's look in more detail at what diseases this happens.

With fibroids and polyps, the nature of the discharge changes. Source: tdmplus.ru

This is due to the fact that the tumor, which is constantly increasing in size, exerts increased negative pressure on the vessels, thereby damaging them and stretching the uterus. And subsequently, if no therapeutic measures are taken, the area where the cervix begins will be blocked, resulting in the formation of blood clots. Characteristic signs include brown discharge with clots, severe pain in the lower abdomen and enlargement.

As a result of such conditions, a woman experiences a thickening of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, it swells, and therefore exfoliates unevenly. As a result, a girl may notice that during menstruation pieces of tissue come out, and there are also dense particles in them. Since the destruction of blood vessels is noted, the volume of excretion increases.

Endometriosis. This pathological condition affects the lining layer of the uterus and is characterized by its growth beyond the organ; it can affect the fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, and abdominal area. Against this background, mucous discharge appears during menstruation, and the cycle becomes irregular.

Polyps in the uterus and cervix. These are pathological neoplasms that appear on the inner walls of the reproductive organs. In the process of rejection of the endometrial layer, in which regular discharge is observed, they can be injured. Therefore, it is possible that when women wonder what kind of clots come out during menstruation, these will be particles of polyps.

When erosive lesions of the cervix are detected, the nature of regular bleeding changes.

Clots during menstruation periodically occur in the vast majority of women. Some of their manifestations do not cause any concern and are the norm for menstruation.

But there are times when the appearance and consistency of clots are alarming, especially if heavy and thick discharge is accompanied by pain symptoms. In this case, their appearance indicates a sign of a violation in the woman’s health.

Since ancient times, women have been interested in everything related to the function of childbirth, and any unusual sensations caused anxiety and excitement: is everything okay?

This is still the case today; women are very careful and careful about their bodies, and they cannot help but worry about such a phenomenon as the presence of blood clots during menstruation.

Causes of clot formation

To understand the reason for this phenomenon, it is necessary to have at least a basic understanding of how the uterus is anatomically structured.

The uterus is a hollow muscular organ in which the fetus develops during pregnancy, consists of three layers: the endometrium - the layer lining the uterus from the inside, the myometrium - the muscular layer itself, and the perimeter - the membrane that covers the uterus.

During the menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens and loosens, which is ready to receive a fertilized egg. And if pregnancy does not occur, then, as one of the scientists poetically put it, “the uterus cries bloody tears,” that is, the endometrium is rejected, accompanied by bleeding. During menstruation, a woman's body loses about a glass of blood. The discharge lasts from 3 to 5 days and its color varies from bright red, dark cherry or brownish and has a specific odor. With heavy discharge, clots ranging in size from 3 mm to 3 cm usually appear, which indicates that the enzymatic system responsible for blood clotting is not coping with its task, and the blood partially coagulates in the vagina. Therefore, most often there is no reason to worry.

If during menstruation clots appear that look like “liver, meat”, have an unpleasant odor, and at the same time you experience a feeling of extreme fatigue, then these may be signs of a serious pathology of the whole body, including the reproductive system - you need to undergo a TVUS and consult a gynecologist . If the clot is dense, oblong and you are sexually active, it may be a miscarriage.

The cause of clots during menstruation is also a miscarriage in early pregnancy, when it is still very difficult to determine. In this case, their color should be gray or slightly yellow. This is a fertilized egg that the body has rejected.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

1. If, in addition to heavy periods with blood clots, you feel general malaise, dizziness, decreased performance, and have pale skin, then you should think about the need to take a blood test and seek medical help. Most likely you have iron deficiency anemia. You should not self-medicate. Iron supplements adequately prescribed by a doctor will cope with the disease in 1-2 months.

2. If you are thinking about having a baby, you stop using birth control, and during your menstrual cycle you experience yellowish-gray bleeding with clots - this may indicate a miscarriage, rejection of the fertilized egg, that is, a miscarriage. In this case, it is also advisable to consult a doctor.

3. Normally, periods occur regularly, last 3-5 days, are moderately painful and moderately heavy. In this case, the appearance of clots is not a cause for concern. But if you are concerned about heavy bleeding with clots and severe pain, then you should consult a gynecologist, get tested and have an ultrasound, because this may indicate hormonal disorders, an inflammatory process, or the presence of a serious disease - endometriosis.

4. Blood clots can be observed in the menstrual fluid of women who are protected from unwanted pregnancy by means of an intrauterine device; they are part of a fertilized egg that leaves the uterine cavity during bleeding.

5. Bend of the uterus, an excess of B vitamins, increased thrombus formation can also cause the appearance of heavy menstrual flow with clots.

6. Heavy menstruation with clots can be observed in women in the postpartum period. This indicates a pathology such as incomplete rejection of the placenta or poor uterine contractions. In any case, you need to see a doctor and receive treatment.

The appearance of blood clots during menstruation can be caused by any reason, even an increase in body temperature due to colds, but if this worries you, then you need to consult a doctor, do tests and an ultrasound, which will help to exclude or, conversely, identify disorders, and get recommendations , treatment, as well as answers to all questions.

Watch the video

You can get more detailed information about normal and pathological vaginal discharge by watching this video:

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Monthly bleeding is normal if it is scarlet or reddish-brown in color, without mucus or foul odor. But it happens that during critical days a woman notices large blood clots on the pad, similar to pieces of raw meat or liver. Their unpleasant appearance and strange consistency make you panic, assuming the worst. Is there really cause for concern? Are we talking about serious pathologies, or is the nature of such phenomena entirely physiological? The attending gynecologist will be able to say for sure why large pieces of meat come out during menstruation after collecting an anamnesis, a vaginal examination and a series of diagnostic examinations.

Differences in discharge at different times of the menstrual cycle

To understand whether vaginal discharge during menstruation is normal, you need to pay attention to its color, smell, consistency at certain points in the cycle:

  • before ovulation, leucorrhoea is usually secreted, similar to mucus, its quantity is scanty, it does not smell at all;
  • in the middle of the cycle, secretions become a little more intense, acquiring a yellowish tint;
  • if fertilization does not occur, exfoliation begins; thin streaks of blood may come out of the vagina, which will intensify as menstruation approaches;
  • immediately on critical days, mucus begins to appear, the smell becomes pronounced, reminiscent of iron;
  • sometimes during menstruation clots that look like meat come out, these are pieces of exfoliated endometrium;
  • after the end of menstrual bleeding, a dark red or dark red smudge remains;
  • upon completion of implantation of the fertilized egg, the internal os of the cervical canal becomes closed, and there is no discharge of any kind.

Regardless of whether pregnancy has occurred or not, a woman may still experience minor light-colored vaginal secretions; these are peculiar traces of cleaning the vaginal flora.

Causes of menstrual discharge with clots

When, during the normal course of menstruation, blood clots appear that look like pieces of meat, pathology is excluded if:

  1. Their number is minimal, and the volume of discharge does not exceed the standard 80–100 ml.
  2. Menstruation is not accompanied by severe pain or unpleasant odor.
  3. Critical days end on time, their duration corresponds.
  4. The phenomenon is present once, during one cycle.

In this case, we are talking about particles of the epithelium of the uterine cavity, the appearance of which in menstrual fluid is due to natural physiological processes occurring in the female body. The reasons may be as follows:

  • The outflow of menstrual blood and mucus is impaired due to the presence of adhesions and scars in the uterine cavity. Stagnant, coagulated liquid is discharged out in the form of large lumps.
  • Using a contraceptive method such as an IUD, which promotes the formation of blood clots. They appear because the spiral is a foreign body that does not always take root in the body. Another reason is the rejection of a fertilized egg.
  • Increased blood viscosity (with kidney disease, liver disease, protein diet, low fluid intake) or impaired blood clotting (after taking coagulants, hormonal drugs).
  • The presence of congenital defects in the structure of the uterus (septum, cervical bend, etc.), in which active formation of blood clots occurs.
  • Staying in a sitting/lying position for a long time, when the discharge accumulates and has time to thicken.

Read also 🗓 Curdled discharge in women

In addition, heavy menstruation with pieces of blood resembling meat is typical for women in labor. These are epithelial excesses that are removed from the uterus in order to completely cleanse it.

Pathological factors

Unfortunately, excessively heavy periods with pieces of meat are not always the norm. Often this is a signal from the body about the development of a serious pathology or gynecological disease. In this case, blood clots are accompanied by additional symptoms. For example, with iron deficiency anemia, a woman feels a loss of strength, dizziness, weakness, and the skin becomes pale.

Among other pathological factors:

  1. Hormonal imbalance, which is the main cause of any menstrual irregularities. As you know, the central nervous system coordinates the reproductive system, which is responsible for producing the required amount of hormones in one or another phase of the cycle. When stress factors are present in a woman’s life, the normal functioning of the nervous system is naturally disrupted, menstruation is delayed, after which clots that look like meat appear in the blood.
  2. Miscarriage. If for a number of reasons the egg fails to attach to the walls of the uterus, pregnancy failure occurs. The frightening discharge in this case is the dead embryo and afterbirth.
  3. Gynecological pathologies: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, endometrial polyposis, ovarian cysts, endometritis, hyperplasia, etc. All of them are characterized by a significant change in the structure of the endometrium, so it is rejected in large pieces.
  4. Oncological formations. Heavy periods with large blood clots, accompanied by severe malaise, may indicate the growth of cancerous tumors in the uterus.
  5. Infections of the genital organs. Inflammatory processes modify the structure of the uterus, affecting the acidity and viscosity of the blood, as a result of which “pieces of meat” are observed in the discharge during menstruation.

In addition, the cause of this phenomenon may be processes that are far from gynecology, including: diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, abnormal metabolism, malfunction of the pituitary gland, etc.

What do clots mean during menstruation?

Sometimes pieces of meat coming out with bloody discharge during menstruation are not a normal physiological mechanism, but are not considered an indicator of the development of serious diseases. Such pathological secretions may indicate the patient’s poor lifestyle and inattention to her own health, since they are often provoked by:

  • an excess of B vitamins in the body;
  • physical overstrain;
  • nervous disorders, strong emotions, stressful situations;
  • past viral infections;
  • self-administration of drugs that cause menstrual bleeding;
  • alcohol abuse, which slows down metabolism and negatively affects the immune system;
  • smoking;
  • obesity.

Read also 🗓 Causes of bleeding between periods

It should be remembered that the appearance of “meat” clots in the blood in small quantities during menstruation is the norm, but if menstruation is excessively heavy, painful, with the smell of rotten meat, an emergency consultation with a doctor is required.

What does an unpleasant smell mean during menstrual periods?

As a standard, they are accompanied by a pronounced iron aroma. Menstruation with an unpleasant smell of rotten meat, accompanied by large blood clots, a priori cannot be considered the norm. Such stench most directly indicates diseases of the reproductive system:

  • endometritis;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • sexually transmitted infections.

Often these two phenomena become an indicator of the development of cancer tumors in the uterus.

What to do

Blood clots that look like pieces of meat during menstruation are an alarming signal. In this case, the situation with menstruation should be discussed with a doctor, and you should go to the hospital as soon as possible. Only a gynecologist can correctly diagnose the causes of this symptom.

First of all, the risks of developing cancer are eliminated, then the patient is examined for other pathologies. For this, in addition to a gynecological examination in a chair, the following are prescribed:

  • hormonal studies;
  • smear from the cervical canal (Papanicolaou method);
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs;
  • a detailed blood test, including determining the degree of its coagulation, the level of hemoglobin, bilirubin, liver enzyme, etc.;
  • hysteroscopy of the uterus;
  • Diagnosis of the endometrium using curettage.

After identifying the cause of such discharge, drug or surgical treatment is prescribed. If conservative therapy is used, vitamins (A, B, C, E), folic acid, hormonal agents and iron supplements may be prescribed. Surgical interventions are aimed at removing the formation that provokes the release of pieces of meat during menstruation (using the curettage method or using hysteroresectoscopy). In particularly advanced cases, the entire uterus is removed.

In addition, it would not be superfluous to follow five simple preventive measures in order to prevent further menstrual irregularities and normalize the number of clots:

  1. Minimize bad habits.
  2. Eliminate stress factors.
  3. Rest more, organize proper sleep.
  4. Have a regular sex life.
  5. Rationalize your diet, including the “right” foods that are useful for replenishing iron and improving blood composition.

When to see a doctor

If during menstrual bleeding there are large pieces of meat in the discharge, and a similar picture is repeated from cycle to cycle, this is already a good reason for an urgent gynecological consultation. Other warning symptoms include:

  • clot size exceeds 3 cm;

It is important for a woman to know what normal periods should be like: how many days they can last, how much blood the body loses in one cycle. And if blood clots suddenly appear during menstruation, similar to liver, is this normal? Many reasons lead to increased bleeding during menstruation. This can be a harmless pathology that is not life-threatening, or serious cancer, as well as an incipient miscarriage or systemic diseases. Blood clots can appear in a woman of any age, but where is the line between normal and pathological?

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Reasons for appearance

Uterine fibroids are the cause of heavy discharge in the form of clots


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  • Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

    Hello! You did not specify for what reasons you were diagnosed with a miscarriage last time. To confirm pregnancy, you need either a histological conclusion from the uterine cavity (if there was curettage to stop bleeding), or a positive test, or a positive blood test for hCG. If none of this was done to you, then the diagnosis is not entirely correct. It’s difficult to say what the reason is now. In addition to pregnancy, uterine fibroids, polyps, endometriosis and other diseases behave this way. The algorithm should be approximately the following:
    1. pregnancy test or blood test for hCG (the latter is better and more informative)
    2. if the bleeding is very heavy and will not stop during conservative hemostatic therapy - curettage of the uterine cavity.
    3. As soon as the discharge becomes less, it is necessary to conduct a pelvic ultrasound to check for polyps, fibroids and clarify the condition of the postoperative scar.
    After such an examination, it will become clearer what is happening to you. In the future, you may need a more in-depth examination for hereditary thrombophilias and other blood diseases. This is the case if your periods are constantly heavy. All the best!