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Living language. Native word - About foreign words. I. S. Turgenev

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Russian classic I.S. Turgenev owns the words: “Take care of the purity of the language like a shrine! Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.” Many will agree that these words are appropriate at the present time. The richness of the Russian language has not disappeared anywhere, but sometimes there is a feeling that the key to the treasury where it is kept has been lost. Over the past 20 years, many foreign words have appeared in the Russian language (manager, merchandiser, reception). Of course, such words hurt the ears and it becomes a little offensive, why couldn’t we Russians find suitable words in our language to designate, for example, the position of manager or distributor? But perhaps there is no reason for alarm as such? Foreign words have been included in the Russian language even before. During the Tatar-Mongol invasion, 12-14 centuries, the Russians adopted elements of clothing, household items, and partly the manner of governing society from the Horde tribes and, as a result, words of Tatar origin entered the Russian language (armyak, caftan, cap, chest, barn, tavern, fist, kat, treasury). But the Russian language did not merge with other (Turkic) languages, was not absorbed by them. Some foreign words did not take root, others changed and became native, ours. Nowadays, rarely does anyone think that such familiar words as kulak and kabak are not originally Russian. Having successfully passed the test of the east, the Russian language in the 18th and 19th centuries. was again subject to significant influence from the European side. It all started with Peter I, who brought everything European into fashion and ordered us to learn from Europe wisely. I immediately remember that in the noble class it was customary to communicate with each other in French. Some representatives of high society knew almost no Russian. The tutors invited to raise noble children were mostly French, and spoke exclusively to their charges in French. This was no longer the penetration of individual foreign words into the Russian language, but real expansion. If French was in use in small talk, in conversations about cultural phenomena, cooking, then German was widespread in scientific circles. And what? This difficult time for the Russian language gave us the geniuses of Russian literature Pushkin (by the way, he widely used foreign words in his works - bolivar, dandy, entrechat), Gogol, Dostoevsky, Turgenev. The 19th century will be called the Golden Age of Russian culture. Once again, the Russian language passed the test with honor, becoming even stronger and richer. Something similar is happening with our language now. This time, English words, mainly of American origin, poured into Russian. In Soviet times, the economy, as we know, was strictly controlled by the state, all institutions were state-owned, but the collapse of the Soviet Union in the country began to develop business at a rapid pace (mainly according to the American model) and immediately acquired numerous American words. Not all of them decorate the Russian language, but I would like to believe that they will not pose a threat to it. The word merchandiser is unlikely to take root in our language, but the word manager has already become familiar to the ear, used in various phrases (sales manager, HR manager). It turns out that there is no threat to the Russian language in the use of foreign words? As long as the people live, there is a national identity, the language will live. But for some reason I feel insulted by my native language when I call the mayor a city manager, a money transfer a tranche, and a cleaning agency a cleaning company. I would like to exclaim, do not use foreign words thoughtlessly! Let's protect the purity of the Russian language!

What Russian language- one of the richest languages ​​in the world, there is no doubt about it. - V. Belinsky

Use a foreign word when there is an equivalent one Russian word, means to insult both common sense and common taste. - V. Belinsky

There is no doubt that the desire to dazzle Russian speech using foreign words unnecessarily, without sufficient reason, is contrary to common sense and common taste; but it does not harm the Russian language or Russian literature, but only those who are obsessed with it. - V. Belinsky

Only by mastering the original material as perfectly as possible, that is, native language, we will be able to master a foreign language as perfectly as possible, but not before. - F. Dostoevsky

Russian language we spoil. We use foreign words unnecessarily. We use them incorrectly. Why say “defects” when you can say shortcomings, or deficiencies, or gaps?.. Isn’t it time for us to declare war on the use of foreign words unnecessarily? - Lenin (“On the purification of the Russian language”)

I do not consider foreign words good and suitable unless they can be replaced by purely Russian or more Russified ones. We must take care of our rich and beautiful language from damage. - N. Leskov

Russian language- a language created for poetry, it is unusually rich and remarkable mainly for the subtlety of its shades. - P. Merimee

True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for your language. - K. Paustovsky

Towards every person to your tongue one can accurately judge not only its cultural level, but also its civic value. - K. Paustovsky

There are no such sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would not be in our language exact expression. - K. Paustovsky

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, O great, mighty, truthful and fluent Russian language! Without you, how can one not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people! - I. Turgenev

How Russian language is beautiful! All the advantages of German without its terrible rudeness. - F. Engels.

A person's morality is visible in his attitude towards word. - L. N. Tolstoy (1828–1910) – writer and educator

Language is a ford across the river of time, it leads us to the home of the departed; but no one who is afraid of deep water will be able to come there. - V. M. Illich-Svitych (1934–1966) – Soviet comparative linguist, employee of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences

Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That's why studying and saving Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but an urgent necessity. - A.I. Kuprin (1870–1938) – writer

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years, countless treasures of human thought and experience accumulate and live forever in the word. - M. A. Sholokhov (1905–1984) – writer and public figure

Russian language It is revealed to the end in its truly magical properties and wealth only to those who deeply love and know their people “to the bone” and feel the hidden charm of our land. - K. G. Paustovsky

Language of the people- the best, never fading and ever-blooming flower of his entire spiritual life. - K. D. Ushinsky (1824–1871) - teacher

Russian language should become a world language. The time will come (and it is not far off) when the Russian language will begin to be studied along all meridians of the globe. - A. N. Tolstoy (1882–1945) – writer and public figure

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language– this is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Handle this powerful tool with respect; in skillful hands it is able to perform miracles! - I. S. Turgenev (1818–1883) – poet, writer, translator

Take care of the purity of your language as a sacred thing! Never use foreign words. Russian language so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us" - I. S. Turgenev

New words of foreign origin are introduced into Russian seal incessantly and often completely unnecessarily, and - what is most offensive of all - these harmful exercises are practiced in the very bodies where the Russian nationality and its characteristics are most passionately advocated. - N. S. Leskov (1831–1895) – writer.

The perception of other people's words, and especially without necessity, is not enrichment, but tongue damage! - A. P. Sumarokov (1717–1777) - writer, poet, playwright

Native language we must be the main basis of both our general education and the education of each of us. - P. A. Vyazemsky (1792–1878) – poet and literary critic

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There is no doubt that the desire to replete Russian speech with foreign words unnecessarily, without sufficient reason, is contrary to common sense and common taste: but it does not harm the Russian language or Russian literature, but only those who are obsessed with it.


To use a foreign word when there is an equivalent Russian word means to insult both common sense and common taste.

Belinsky V. G.


The mixture of Nizhny Novgorod with French was hateful to me by nature...

Dal V.


...the Slavic-Russian language, according to the testimony of foreign aestheticians themselves, is not inferior either to Latin in courage or to Greek in fluency, surpassing all European ones.

Derzhavin G.


New words of foreign origin are introduced into the Russian press incessantly and often completely unnecessarily, and - what is most offensive of all - these harmful exercises are practiced in the very organs where Russian nationality and its characteristics are most passionately advocated.

Leskov N. S.


Treasures of the native word, -

Important minds will notice -

For someone else's babble

We neglected it terribly.

We love

Muses of other people's toys,

Rattles of foreign dialects,

And we don’t read our books...

Pushkin A. S.


Suddenly you begin to be very jealous of the Russian word. You limit foreign words, try to use only Russian-native ones. Why? I attribute this to this reason. Each word in relation to the other lies like a brick in a house. Remove a few bricks and the house will collapse, fall apart. Words inherently seek to express the whole. And if you collect all the words of the language, then they express it, this whole. Words by their nature strive to express this whole. And the writer just needs not to contradict them in their aspirations, but to submit humbly. Words are like the structure of stone. Foreign words do not create this whole (until the people accept them), but destroy it. Every word has a secret dream to express the whole. That's why they strive for each other. They seem to have memories of the past when they were together and then separated. Words with the same root, adopted and born by the people, bring us closer to this whole, while non-root words move us away. And therefore they are anti-pagan. The more words the people have adopted, the closer to the truth. A foreign word slows down this path.

The taller the writer, the closer to home he is. The highest stops: sun, sky, manure, porch, black hole, trough, hay, tram, plane. What other more accurate earthly words are there besides these? The more conventional the word, the weaker it is. But even here there are many beautiful words: spirit, evil, beauty, mercy, faith. The word, like a person, he must have a clan, family, children, grandchildren, ancestors and descendants, brothers, sisters, mothers-in-law, brothers-in-law, brothers-in-law, wives, husbands, nephews, father, mother, grandfather, great-grandfather, godfathers. The larger this gender, the stronger the word. Module is a good word, but how many relatives does it have in Russian? Words live in genera, by birth. Sometimes the memory of ancestors dies. But the spirit of the word is alive, and it lives. And Dahl was right in collecting words from nests.

Sumarokov A.


Why should we introduce other people's words when we... can pronounce our own from the original words.

The perception of other people's words, especially without necessity, is not enrichment, but damage to the language.

"Forever do not disdain the fatherly language,

And don’t introduce anything foreign into it,

But adorn yourself with your own beauty. "

Sumarokov A.


No matter what you say, your native language will always remain native. When you want to speak to your heart’s content, not a single French word comes to mind, but if you want to shine, then it’s a different matter.

Tolstoy L.


Take care of the purity of your language like a shrine! Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and deep that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.

Turgenev I. S.


In essence, for an intelligent person to speak poorly should be considered the same indecency as not being able to read and write, and in the matter of education and upbringing, learning eloquence should be considered inevitable.

Chekhov A.P.


This is not why our people, together with the geniuses of the Russian word - from Pushkin to Chekhov and Gorky - created for us and our descendants a rich, free and strong language, amazing with its sophisticated, flexible, infinitely diverse forms, this is not why this greatest thing has been left to us as a gift. the treasure of our national culture, so that we discard it with contempt and reduce our speech to a few dozen cliched phrases.

Chukovsky K. I.

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! - Without you, how can I not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? - But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

1882. Russian language. Works, vol. X, p. 333.*

* (I. S. Turgenev. Essays. Lenghiz, 1930 - 34. All references, except those specifically stated, are given according to this edition.)

Take care of the purity of your language like a shrine! Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.

One last piece of advice to young writers, one last request...

And my request is the following: take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this property passed on to us by our predecessors<...>Handle this powerful tool with respect; in skillful hands it is able to perform miracles! - Even those who do not like “philosophical abstractions” and “poetic tenderness”, practical people, in whose eyes language is nothing more than a means of expressing thoughts, like a simple lever - even to them I will say: respect, at least , laws of mechanics, extract all possible benefit from every thing! - And then, really, going through other sluggish, vague, powerlessly lengthy rants in magazines, the reader must involuntarily think that it is precisely the lever that you are replacing with primitive supports - that you are returning to the infancy of mechanics itself.

1868 - 1869. Regarding "Fathers and Sons". Works, vol. XI, pp. 468 - 69.

We still have the false opinion that a people's writer who speaks the people's language, imitates Russian jokes, often expresses in his writings an ardent love for his homeland and the deepest contempt for foreigners... But we do not understand the word “folk” that way. . In our eyes, he deserves this name who, whether due to a special gift of nature, or as a result of a troubled and varied life, as if for the second time became Russian, completely imbued with the essence of his people, their language, their way of life.

Tales, fairy tales, and stories of the Cossack Lugansk. Works, vol. XII, p. 104.

But why does he (L. Tolstoy) talk about the need to create some kind of special Russian language? Create a language!! - create a sea. It spread all around in boundless and bottomless waves; our job as writers is to direct some of these waves into our channel, to our mill!

From a letter to A. Fet dated 6/VIII - 1871 2

And what desire did he have to dig up my long-dead poems! But what annoys me most of all is that, according to him, I wrote the stories in French, German, and English! The devil knows what nonsense! I have never written a single line for publication that is not in Russian. - Yes, and how can you write this in a language that is not yours?!

From a letter to A. Toporov dated 24/V - 1875 3

I have never printed a single line in my life that is not in Russian; otherwise I would not be an artist, just rubbish. How is it possible to write in a foreign language - when even in your own, native language, you can barely cope with images, thoughts, etc.!

Do you... think that I could write at least one line in a language other than Russian?! So are you disgracing me?! For me, a person who considers himself a writer and writes in more than one language - moreover, his native language - is a fraud and a pathetic, untalented pig.



Poem by Mr. Benediktov "Three Temptations". That's poetry! This is poetry!.. Eyes - sky, brows - rainbows, vezhdy - clouds, eyelashes - needles, the whole person - vault of heaven, entwined with darkness, from which rain and hail flow and lightning flashes... And in the curls the whole world could drown - it’s a joke, the whole world!.. Twisted, entwined, like fierce snakes, black, like the fetters of envy, like thoughts Satan. Or maybe even... those curls... But it’s better to repeat: it’s not a sin to repeat it!

That black braid, those thick curls. Their waves, their strands and rings are made of resin. If only we could spread them out, it would seem that we could Entangle, surround, entwine the entire globe of the earth, And the whole earth would appear as a blueberry. In deep mourning, covered with hair shirt...

What's it like? What could be stronger, more imaginative, more grandiose?.. But excuse me!.. I feel something strange! I feel within myself a passionate desire, maybe even a calling to sing... what do you think?.., curls! curls, sung by Mr. Benediktov... Of course, the audacity is unheard of, but it’s too late to think about it - I don’t hear anything, I don’t see anything... I’m singing...

Those black curls... when would you cut them off, Criminally encroaching on their indestructibility... Weave a cover over them from expensive threads - In it, bind the wild curls of the vastness - And fluff up that feather bed, in length and width, Through the hot steppes, through the damp wave, Through the mountains and forests, spread it around the world, - All of humanity could fall asleep on them, Blissfully drown in their fragrant fluff, And - proudly close to the supra-stellar ether - See heavenly, captivating dreams About curls, black as the thoughts of Satan, Like envy, about eyes of fire, About the rainbow of eyebrows and pouring peppers...

No! not that, far from that!.. The imagination refuses to invent anything grander than the picture of the whole world, entangled in one woman’s braid, and therefore turned into a blueberry in deep mourning... Where is the new, natural school!.., far from such pictures! ..

That’s what the old rhetorical school is all about!.. In general, it’s worth reading Volume III of “Housewarming” to be convinced of the superiority of the old rhetorical school over the new natural one!

1846. Review of collection. "Housewarming" Works, vol. XII, pp. 64, 65, 66.

Try... to be as simple and clear as possible in the matter of art; your trouble is some kind of confusion of although true, but too small thoughts, some unnecessary wealth of posterior ideas, secondary feelings and hints.

From a letter to K. Leontyev dated 11/II - 1855 6

The other day I had Fet, whom I had never met before. He read me wonderful translations from Horace. Some of the odes were unusually successful, but in vain he uses not only outdated words such as “percy”, etc., but even unprecedented words like: “wind up” (curl), “hooking” (smell), etc. I tried my best to prove to him that “hooting” is just as wild to the ear as, for example, “receiving” (from well-being).

From a letter to S. Aksakov dated 5/VI - 1855. 7

The poem you sent is extremely sweet and flexible, and by not posting it, Mr. K. only proved once again (certainly once again) what an impenetrable oaf he is. This poem, in my opinion, is so good that I decide to point out to you three spots that alone deprive your work of complete impeccability. Namely, in the second verse: “I was looking for a hill” - positively bad, ungraceful and excites comic ideas; - in the 10th verse: “whistled” - the “whistle” was already mentioned in the 3rd verse - this repetition resonates with impotence - while in everything else the colors are so bright; - and finally in the last verse the epithet: “ windy" is not good, like dissonance - it needs real color - and not a word like "frivolous". - I don’t dare advise you, but for my taste - “furious”, “mad” - would be better than this weak “windy”.

Dear Yakov Petrovich, I was just about to answer your first letter when the second one arrived, with two poems. I’ll tell you right away that the first one, where the dead peasant appears, is very remarkable, even amazing - and, in my opinion, requires only a few small corrections, namely:

a) “Convulsions... fever” - and a little lower: “convulsive anger” - unnecessary repetition.

b) The main thing - “And not me... my sigh” - is not good, it has some kind of comic side. Leave the “sigh” - only in verse:

“My heavy sigh of your child,” etc.

“Unforgettable ashes” has something rhetorical and unnatural in the mouth of a man.

In the poem itself, I am still confused by some inaccuracies and unclear images: for example,

"Dropping Tears into the Ocean"

First: what ocean? - It is not the Baltic Sea, not the Gulf of Finland that can be called by this name. - It gives a false impression. - Then: clouds can shed tears, but not ice floes that are half immersed in water. - Then if:

The cold ocean reflects their sick blush all night long...

if this is exactly the case, then we need to imagine it more clearly, otherwise I don’t see any picture - and I can’t even imagine how the ocean “reflects” the blush of the ice floes! Finally:

"They feel sorry for the polar countries... And they are drawn to the south..."

In any case, it should be said: they are sorry - and they are holding out; - otherwise it becomes incongruous, as if I said: “I am sitting on a chair and standing on the floor.” - And why the personification of ice floes? - It has no further use.

Dear friend Yakov Petrovich, I am very glad that you liked my “Relics”; Let's hope that the public will justify your verdict.

I fully approve of your order regarding proofreading. Although the word “smart” in the sense of “mental” is used everywhere in sacred scripture (smart eyes, etc.) and I have heard it more than once in the mouths of ordinary people, but to avoid misunderstanding, I ask you to throw out this epithet. - It’s all the easier to do this because Lukeria says: “a mental, mental sin, father,” leave one epithet: “mental.”

In conversations, you often put into people’s mouths not the words that they should utter in this case, but those that express what you, the author, think about them and which is sometimes completely fair, but not appropriate... Conversations in general are not much long

Let me also say a few words about your language. - To me, as an old wordsmith, he is too careless. - Phrases like the one on page 32, which begins with the words: “To the bourgeois spirit of our time” - excuse the harshness of the expression - are unacceptable. - “The intelligentsia is overshadowed by idealism, which is a reaction to materialism” - can only discourage the reader, especially since the thought that you intended to express is one of the ordinary ones and did not need such equipment.


Be that as it may, Pushkin’s services to Russia are great and worthy of people’s gratitude. He gave the final treatment to our language, which is now recognized even by foreign philologists as almost the first after ancient Greek in its richness, strength, logic and beauty of form.

1880. From a speech read at a public meeting of the society of lovers of Russian literature, regarding the opening of the monument to A. S. Pushkin. Works, vol. XII, p. 235.

Let's return to Pushkin... there is no doubt that he created our poetic, our literary language, and that we and our descendants can only follow the path paved by his genius. From the words we have said above, you could already be convinced that we are not able to share the opinions of those, of course conscientious, people who claim that the real Russian literary language does not exist at all; that it will be given to us by one simple people, together with other saving institutions. We, on the contrary, find in the language created by Pushkin all the conditions for vitality: Russian creativity and Russian sensibility harmoniously merged in this magnificent language, and Pushkin himself was a magnificent Russian artist.

Exactly: Russian!

Ibid., pp. 229 - 230.

The tales of Cossack Lugansky attracted the general attention of readers with their Russian mindset and speech, the amazing wealth of purely Russian sayings and phrases... The style... is purely Russian, a little baggy, a little careless (and we really like this bagginess and carelessness) , but accurate, lively and well-behaved... Sometimes, however, the Cossack jokes around a little, flaunts “words”... but who is not guilty of sin!

Tales, fairy tales and stories of the Cossack Lugansk. Works, vol. XII, p. 105.

I’ll say a few more words about the syllable “Notes” of Mr. A-va. I really like his style. This is real Russian speech, good-natured and direct, flexible and dexterous. There is nothing pretentious and nothing superfluous, nothing tense and nothing sluggish - the freedom and precision of expression are equally remarkable. This book is written with pleasure and is a pleasure to read. I have already noticed more than once how skillfully Mr. A-v can describe (some excerpts were published in the April book of Sovremennik). ...what he sees, he sees clearly, and with a steady hand and a strong brush he paints a harmonious and broad picture. It seems to me that this kind of description is closer to the point and more accurate: there is nothing cunning and sophisticated in nature itself, it never flaunts anything, does not flirt; in her very whims she is good-natured. All poets with true and strong talents did not take a “pose” in the face of nature; they did not try, as they say, to “eavesdrop, spy” on her secrets; in great and simple words they conveyed its simplicity and greatness: it did not irritate them, it inflamed them; but there was nothing painful in this flame.

1853 Notes of a rifle hunter of the Orenburg province. S. A-va. Works, vol. XII, p. 170.

Dear V.P. I am sending you under a parcel post I received today (and read) Minin<...>...written in the most excellent language... The language is exemplary. We haven’t written like that yet.

And Ostrovsky’s “The Voevoda” brought me into awe. No one had written such a nice, tasty, pure Russian language before him! The last act (especially where the warlord runs after his bride to tickle her to death) is bad; but the 2nd and 3rd are perfection! What poetry, in some places, fragrant, like our Russian grove in summer! At least in the amazing scene of "Brownie". Ah, master, master, this bearded man! Books are in his hands too. Now he doesn’t have an “exquisite! small bug,” de la petite bete, as the French say.

From a letter to I. Borisov dated 16/1II - 1865 15

The family of Alexander Ivanovich Herzen sent me a collection of his posthumous works, published in Geneva. He comes across true pearls... In characterizing the people he has encountered, he has no rivals. When he purely “composes,” one feels, despite all the brilliance of the form, a constant tension. His language, insanely irregular, delights me...

From a letter to P. Annenkov dated 18/X - 1870 16

Russian language.

How much is written on it.

What invaluable works were written by Russian writers and poets.

Check out their thoughts on our Great Language.

Take care of the purity of your language like a shrine! Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us. –

I. Turgenev

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language - this is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Handle this powerful tool with respect. AND. I. Turgenev

Any material - and language especially - requires a careful selection of all the best that is in it - clear, precise, colorful, sonorous and further loving development of this best.

M. Gorky

Language is the centuries-old work of the people. V. Dahl.

Language grows along with culture.

Tolstoy A. N.

The richness of language is the richness of thoughts.

Karamzin N. M.

It is safe to say that a person who speaks a good language, a pure, good, rich language, thinks richer than a person who speaks a bad language and a poor language.

Tolstoy A. N.

If a person’s language is sluggish, heavy, confused, powerless, vague, uneducated, then this is probably the mind of this person, for he thinks only through the medium of language.

Herder I.

Language is a tool of thinking... To handle language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly.

Tolstoy A. N.

“There is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, would burst out from under the very heart, would boil and vibrate so much as a well-spoken Russian word.”

N.V. Gogol

The Word is given to people only to bless, thank, unite in justice, wisdom, love. The Word was not given to people in order to weaken or destroy (humiliate) others. His role is to support the falling and raise the fallen, to give light to those who wander in the dark, to show the way to those who are lost along the way.”

(O.M. Aivankhov. Golden rules of daily life)

“...The main character of our language is the extreme ease with which everything is expressed in it - abstract thoughts, internal lyrical feelings, sparkling pranks and amazing passion.”

A. Herzen

Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev

“Indeed, the Slavs long before Christ and the Slavic-Russians actually before Vladimir had a letter, as many ancient writers testify to us and, firstly, that in general they tell about all the Slavs.”

"Russian History"

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

“I noticed here that Mr. Miller missed the best opportunity to praise the Slavic people. For as it is known that the Scythians of Darius of the Persian king, Philip and Alexander of the Macedonian kings, and the Romans themselves were not afraid, but put up great resistances to them and won victories over them, therefore we can easily conclude that the Slavic people were very brave, who overcame the courageous Scythians and expelled them from extensive villages, which he could not have accomplished without great battles and notable victories. It is true that Mr. Miller says: your great-grandfathers were called Slavs from glorious deeds; but in his entire dissertation he tries to show the opposite, for on almost every page the Russians are beaten, robbed successfully, the Scandinavians defeat, ruin, exterminate with fire and sword; The Huns take Kiya with them to war in captivity. This is so wonderful that if Mr. Miller had been able to portray a living calm, he would have made Russia such a poor people, such as no other writer has ever represented the most vile people.

4. The second of the main parts of this dissertation writes about the Slavic people, whom Mr. Miller brought to these places very late, to which the Slavic names of ancient Russian cities show the opposite, so that if the Slavs came to these lands in the 4th century, then these cities should have to have Slavic names before the Slavs arrived in these places, which is by no means possible. That the Slavic people were within the current Russian borders even before the Nativity of Christ can be proven beyond doubt.

5. Mr. Miller does not consider the Varyagov to be the Slavenian people, however, that they came from the Roksolyans, the Slavonic people, and went with the Goths, the Slavs, from the Black Sea to the shores of the Baltic; that they spoke in the Slavonic language, somewhat spoiled by their connection with the old Gemans, and that Rurik and his brothers were related to the Slavonic princes, and for this reason they were called to Russia to take possession, all this can be concluded from this dissertation itself, and from other grounds it can be quite proven.

6. ... “And the Russian translation, which he mostly corrected in his own way, is filled with intolerable errors, which clearly show that he is not such a great connoisseur of the Russian language that he could correct natural Russians, as he boasted about himself in the arrogant in his, however, refuted, preface to Siberian History, which, I think, has almost as many shortcomings as a real dissertation.”

“Remarks and objections to the speech of Academician Miller “The Origin of the People and the Name of the Russian””

Egor Ivanovich Klassen

“...Russian history began from a period when Rus' represented a huge link, a strong people who had already populated several hundred thousand square miles; rich in trade and industry and divided into two main states, besides several small ones...

There is no longer a mythological figure appointed by the ancestor of the people; there are no fairy-tale giants with magical weapons; there is no she-wolf - teacher, Jupiter or Pluto, or any amphibious monster is not placed as forefathers. “The thread of Russian history begins from the period when Russia is already a huge political body, testifying by its enormity and its discord that it existed many centuries before this period.”

"The Ancient History of the Slavs and Slavic-Russians"

“Indeed, the Slavic-Russians, as a people educated earlier than the Romans and Greeks, left behind in all parts of the old world many monuments testifying to their presence there and to their ancient writing, arts and enlightenment. The monuments will remain forever as indisputable evidence; they tell us about the actions of our ancestors in a language that is native to us, constituting the prototype of all Slavic dialects, merging in it as in their common source.”

“New materials for the ancient history of the Slavs in general and the Slavic-Russians before the Rurik time in particular


“Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That’s why studying and preserving the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing better to do, but an urgent necessity.”

A. Kuprin

“To use a foreign word when there is an equivalent Russian word means to insult both common sense and common taste.”

V. Belinsky

“In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how can one not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”

I. Turgenev

“New words of foreign origin are introduced into the Russian press incessantly and often completely unnecessarily, and - what is most offensive of all - these harmful exercises are practiced in the very organs where Russian nationality and its characteristics are most passionately advocated.”

N. Leskov

“Before you is a community - the Russian language!”

N. Gogol

"Russian language! For millennia, the people created this flexible, lush, inexhaustibly rich, intelligent poetic... instrument of their social life, their thoughts, their feelings, their hopes, their anger, their great future... With a wondrous ligature the people wove the invisible network of the Russian language: bright as a rainbow after the spring rain , sharp as arrows, sincere as a song over a cradle, melodious... The dense world, over which he threw the magic net of words, submitted to him like a bridled horse.”

A. Tolstoy

“The heavenly beauty of our tongue will never be trampled upon by cattle.”

M. Lomonosov

“A person’s morality is visible in his attitude to the word.”

L. Tolstoy

“Language is the confession of the people, His soul and way of life are native.”

P. Vyazemsky

“The greatest wealth of a people is its language! Over thousands of years, countless treasures of human thought and experience accumulate and live forever in the word.”

M. Sholokhov

“The language of a people is the best, never fading and ever-blooming flower of their entire spiritual life.”

K. Ushinsky

“Take care of the purity of the language as a sacred thing! Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.”

“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Handle this powerful tool with respect; in skillful hands it is capable of performing miracles.”

I. Turgenev