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The meaning of the name Thomas, character and fate. Full name Thomas: meaning, origin, character and fate

The name Thomas is of Hebrew origin. It was formed from the male name Thomas (from the word “theom”). Its meaning translated into Russian sounds like “twin”.

Name Astrology

  • Libra
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: coral
  • Color: light pink
  • Wood: maple
  • Plant: mistletoe
  • Animal: alligator
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

The energy of the male name Thomas contains such traits as curiosity and tact, a sense of humor and a desire for deep knowledge. He is unhurried, taciturn, and does not like to evaluate people and their actions. Overly cautious, but not at all a coward. He is very hidden and shy, often underestimating his abilities. Does not tolerate talkative people, does not accept flattery, gets lost in a large male company.

As a child, Thomas is distinguished by a calm character, diligence and excellent abilities in the field of natural sciences. It seems that technology and mechanics captivate such a child from the cradle. He can spend hours making or constructing something on his own. Computer science, geometry and physics are easy for him.

His ironic view of many life problems, lack of conflict and goodwill are positively perceived in the team. Foma often has to change jobs in search of income. He does not strive for leadership and is not “sick” of pretentious projects. The guy lives for today, not forgetting that there is tomorrow. Such a man is conservative in his views, altruistic, and knows how to control his behavior.

Sometimes he seems boring. But that's not true. The secret of the name hides the inventor and rationalizer of his life schemes, which he very rarely reveals to others.

Hobby and profession

By nature, Thomas is a researcher. He is interested in everything that may seem unusual, new, special, exceptional, unusual or funny. Success is directly related to the belief in the correctness of what he is doing. A representative of the name achieves success by working as a designer, engineer, architect, builder, programmer. His scientific work in the fields of space research, mechanical engineering and the military industry brings him a sense of satisfaction.

Such a person is never left without work; his knowledge is in demand and necessary. But the assessment of this activity is not always correct, proper and objective.

Love and family

Foma's secretive and calm character always arouses interest among a certain category of women. However, they are the ones who are completely indifferent to him. He marries a girl his parents like. She is endowed with those traits of virtue that this type of man professes. The question of sensual love for a woman remains philosophical for him, far from real life. In love, he is seduced not by sexuality, temperament, ardor, but by kindness, tenderness and reliable support in life's problems.

Foma needs a family for self-affirmation and balance. He happily hands over to his wife the reins of government and household management. A man with this name strives to create a large and large family. It is in children that he tries to realize what he did not have time and was not able to do himself. Such a father knows how to respect their personal space, freedom, creative impulses, and hobbies. He finds a way and opportunity to educate children by personal example.

Forms of the name Thomas

Short form of the name Thomas. Fomka, Fomushka, Tomitsa, Toma, Khomko, Khomka, Khomik, Khomonko, Khomochko, Khomtsyo, Khomus, Tomko, Tomus, Tomunyo. Synonyms for the name Thomas. Fama, Homa, Tamash, Thomas, Tom, Tommaso, Tomas, Toma, Tovmas, Dama, Damal, Thomasen, Tamash, Tumash, Hama, Hamash, Tavas, Tevis.

The name Thomas in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 托馬斯 (Tuōmǎsī). Japanese: トーマス (Tōmasu). Gujarati: થોમસ (Thōmasa). Hindi: थॉमस (Thŏmasa). Ukrainian: Foma. Greek: Θωμάς (Tho̱más). English: Thomas (Thomas).

Origin of the name Thomas

The name Thomas is derived from Thomas, a Greek transcription of an Aramaic name that means "twin." Christians especially venerate the saint - the Apostle Thomas (“Doubting Thomas”), who put his fingers into the wounds of the risen Christ to make sure that his teacher was really in front of him. Before becoming an apostle, Thomas was a fisherman. After his Christ chose him as one of the twelve apostles, Thomas was also called Didymus, which literally means “twin”: due to his external resemblance to Jesus Christ.

The female version of the name Thomas is. In Europe they also use Tomais, Tomai, Tomashka, Tomazina (Tomasin), Tomazia.

Character of Thomas

Foma is kind, affectionate, and always calm. He loves to be completely immersed in his work and does not tolerate being disturbed. He is hardworking and smart: he prefers to figure out everything in the world, from technology to the sphere of feelings, with his own mind, not wanting to take anything for granted. Among men with this name there are many unusually interesting people, those who are the soul of the team. Despite not being so open, Foma is wary of new people and looks at them for a long time.

The mystery of the name Thomas

The boy Foma grows up as a balanced and extremely calm child; he loves to take toys apart, and then put them away, draw, and think about something alone. And the main thing here is not to disturb him.

He is very good-natured, has a wonderful sense of humor, he always has a couple of jokes and funny stories in stock, he often becomes the life of the party. But his indecision often brings him difficulties. He thinks for a very long time before deciding to take any step; Foma likes the very process of “weighing” the pros and cons and reasoning.

His non-conflict nature, kindness and sense of humor help me make many friends.

Foma is a restless person; he tends to travel and change his place of residence several times. Foma loves money, he manages to earn it, but he also spends it quickly enough, despite his indecisiveness.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color: pale pink
Planet: Saturn
Stone-mascot: coral
Plant: maple, mistletoe
Animal: alligator
Basic features: calm, kind, affectionate, indecisive

Additional characteristics of the name Thomas:

Vibration: 92,000 vibrations/s
Self-realization(character) : 95%
Psyche: You shouldn’t argue with Foma, he’s always sure he’s right
Health: Foma can suffer from various ailments in childhood, but with age his health is better

Numerology of the name Thomas

Those with a name number 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. “Eights” are for the most part very strong personalities who prioritize practicality and material gain. They are used to constantly doing business, without rest or breaks. They don’t get anything in life for nothing – they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goals at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. By nature, “Eights” are not inclined to make many friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the “eight” is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Electric, glitter, neon, purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Animals: Electric stingray, electric eel.

The name Thomas as a phrase

F Firth (The meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source)
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
M Think
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Thomas

F - the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, chaotic at first glance, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. The internal inconsistency of views is a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to use supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Energy named after Thomas

The name Thomas evokes a strong association with the evangelical apostle, nicknamed “The Unbeliever.” Among the medieval Gnostics, the image of Thomas became a symbol of comprehension of the secret teachings of Christ not through blind and reckless faith, but through one’s own reason.

First of all, in the energy of the name Thomas, one should note the balance between curiosity, imagination and caution. In addition, one cannot leave aside such energetic traits as depth and the desire for introspection. Usually Foma behaves quite calmly in society; he is a completely independent person who has no desire to become a leader, much less succumb to anyone’s influence. Perhaps he cannot be called an absolute skeptic, however, just like his evangelical namesake, modern Thomas rarely rushes to conclusions. “Measure seven times - cut once” and “hasty is needed when catching fleas” - this is his life credo.

Another trait inherent in the bearers of this name is a penchant for balanced wit, which, by the way, perfectly helps to relieve Thomas’s self-esteem from pain and allows him to feel normal in almost any team. Thomas is quite good-natured, and his certain caution in judging people only adds weight to these judgments. In general, we can expect that Thomas’ life will turn out quite successfully and without unnecessary complications. Non-conflict and a sense of humor will ensure good relationships both at work and in the family, and the ability for in-depth reflection and hard work can bring good results in any profession related to the exact sciences or technology. Perhaps the only thing he will lack for complete happiness is spiritual openness and sincerity of feelings in relationships with loved ones.

Secrets of communicating with Thomas

Typically, Thomas is not a supporter of heated debates and philosophical discussions; he prefers to talk less and do more. By the same principle, he evaluates people, being rather hostile to braggarts and talkers. The easiest way to ruin a relationship with him is to try to get what you want from him with the help of flattery.

Characteristics of the name Thomas according to B. Khigir

Translated from Hebrew - “twin”. Foma grows up as a kind, affectionate and calm boy. Looks like my grandmother (on my mother's side). As a child he loves to draw; completely immersed in his studies, he does not tolerate being disturbed. Little Foma is very hardworking and quick-witted: even if he takes the gifted toy apart piece by piece, he will put it back together exactly. He gets along well with his peers, but he likes the company of adults. Foma has enviable health, rarely gets sick, is skeptical about all kinds of drugs and does not like to go to doctors.

He has golden hands, he tries to do everything in the house himself, he often masters several professions, but prefers not to talk about this. He is generally very reserved when it comes to his life. In addition, Thomas is noted for his great impressionability and compassion, compassion for the sick and weak. These are modest, often shy men; many do not marry for a long time for this reason. They make good husbands: flexible and reliable, allowing the wife, if she wants, to take on the role of leader. Foma's first child, as a rule, is a girl.

Among men with this name there are many interesting people, those who are the soul of the team. They are good storytellers, they know how to receive guests, amuse them with an anecdote and will not be offended by a joke directed at them. Despite such openness, they are wary of new people, look closely at them for a long time, and analyze their words. However, this applies mainly to winter Thomas.

Positive traits of the name

Foma is distinguished by quick wit, good mental abilities, organizational talent and the ability to understand people. He is witty, practical, reasonable.

Negative traits of the name

Foma is spoiled by distrust of others and skepticism. Foma works through too many options, making even the most insignificant decision, which greatly tires his loved ones.

Choosing a profession by name

Thomas may be interested in history, ancient literature and art. He is restless, inclined to travel around the world, and may change his place of residence more than once.

The impact of a name on business

Thomas will be very successful in money matters - at least in certain periods, but it will be difficult for him to keep what he earns, despite his practicality and thrift.

The influence of a name on health

In childhood, Thomas will probably suffer from almost all childhood illnesses, but later he will acquire endurance and will easily cope with ailments. However, constantly being in nervous tension, worrying about little things, he greatly undermines his nervous system.

Psychology of the name

Thomas is confident that he is right and therefore avoids disputes and discussions. You shouldn't force your point of view on him. To win over Thomas, ask him for advice, and he will be happy to work through all possible options with you and help you make difficult choices.

Famous people named Thomas

Thomas (one of the apostles (disciples) of Jesus Christ, called by Christ from among the fishermen; he was called the “twin”, since according to one version he looked similar to Jesus)
Thomas Aquinas otherwise Thomas Aquinas or Thomas Aquinas ((1225 - 1274) philosopher and theologian, systematizer of orthodox scholasticism, church teacher, “prince of philosophers”, founder of Thomism, member of the Dominican Order; since 1879, recognized as the most authoritative Catholic religious philosopher who connected the Christian doctrine (in particular, the ideas of Augustine the Blessed) with the philosophy of Aristotle. Formulated five proofs of the existence of God.)
Thomas (Thomas) Münzer ((1490 - 1525) radical preacher of the Reformation, the spiritual leader of a social movement that preached universal equality based on evangelical ideals and terror against the traditional church and nobility; a powerful uprising of German peasants against the feudal lords was associated with Münzer's movement (German peasant peasantry war of the 16th century))
Thomas Mackenzie ((d.1786) before coming to Russia - Thomas Mackenzie; Russian rear admiral, founder of Sevastopol)
Foma Padura (or Timko Padurra, as he called himself, Polish and Ukrainian poet, one of the representatives of the Polish Ukrainian school (1801 - 1871))
Foma Ivanov ((d. ​​1714) Russian Calvinist of the early 18th century, Moscow barber (in modern terms, a surgeon))
Thomas Malein ((9th century - 10th century) venerable of the Orthodox Church)
Thomas Cantacuzene (Turkish diplomat from the Cantacuzene family, son of Andronikos executed in Phanar in 1595)
Foma Rozanov ((1767 - 1810) Russian writer, a graduate of the Moscow Theological Academy; Rozanov’s main works: “Russian Grammar for Theological Schools” (1808), “A Brief Sacred History for Children” (1806), “Slavic Etymology, or Brief Rules of Slavic grammar" (1810))
Foma Nazarbekov, Tovmas Nazarbekyan (Armenian military leader, major general of the Russian army)
Tomasz Zahn (Foma Karlovich Zahn; poet and member of the Philomath Society, friend of Adam Mickiewicz (1796 - 1851))
Thomas Petondi ((1797 - 1874) Russian architect who built a number of buildings in the cities of Orel and Kazan)
Thomas Becket ((1118 - 1170) in old Russian translations - Thomas Becket or Thomas of Canterbury; sometimes the spelling of the surname Becket is found; one of the key figures in English history of the 12th century, initially chancellor of Henry II, then Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170)
Thomas Winterhalter (Russian architect, worked in St. Petersburg)
Foma Yatskevich ((1824 - 1867) spiritual writer, translator, graduate of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, candidate of theology)
Thomas Naniy ((1769 - 1853) Russian commander of the Napoleonic wars, major general)
Thomas the Slav ((c.760 - 823) leader of one of the largest popular movements of Byzantium (began in 821 - 825); information about him is fragmentary and shrouded in legends)
Tomas (Foma) Štitny ((c.1333 – 1401/1409) Czech writer, creator of the first prose works in the Czech language; predecessor of the Hussite era)
Foma Dyakov ((1865 - 1938) public figure of the Galician-Russian movement, educator, participant in the First Vienna Trial)
Thomas Hollis ((1659 - 1731) British entrepreneur and philanthropist, donated a significant library and a typeface of considerable value to Harvard College for printing in Hebrew and Greek)
Paul Thomas Mann ((1875 - 1955) German writer, essayist, master of the epic novel, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1929))
Thomas Anders (pseudonym, real name - Bernd Weidung; German pop singer, actor and composer, former lead singer of the group "Modern Talking")
Thomas Bellucci (Brazilian professional tennis player)
Thomas More ((1478 - 1535) English thinker, writer; saint of the Catholic Church)
Thomas Christie ((1761 - 1796) English publicist and philosopher)
Thomas Enqvist (former Swedish professional tennis player)
Tommaso Campanella (baptized as Giovanni Domenico, Italian philosopher and writer, one of the first representatives of utopian socialism (1568 - 1639))
Tomaso Rocchi (Italian footballer, forward)
Tommaso Vaillatti (Italian footballer, comes from a Sinti family)
Tommaso Landolfi ((1908 - 1979) Italian writer and translator)
Tomas Berdych (professional Czech tennis player, winner of six ATP tournaments in singles and doubles, finalist of the 2009 Davis Cup as a member of the Czech national team)
Tomasz Sikora (Polish biathlete, silver medalist at the Turin Winter Olympics, 1995 biathlon world champion)
Tomas Masaryk ((1850 - 1937) Czech sociologist and philosopher, public and statesman, one of the leaders of the movement for the independence of Czechoslovakia, and after gaining independence - the first president of the republic (1918 - 1935))
Thomas Seebeck ((1770 - 1831) German physicist)
Thomas Ebendorfer ((1387 - 1464) Austrian historian and professor at the University of Vienna. His main work, "Chronicon Austriae", represents an extremely comprehensive history of Austria for that time from ancient times to 1463. For the history of Austria from 1404 to 1463, this work is necessary and main source.)
Tommaso de Vio ((1469 - 1534) Catholic theologian, general of the Dominican Order (1508), cardinal (1517), prominent representative of Thomism; nicknamed Cajetan after his homeland of Gaeta)
Thomas Hobbes ((1588 - 1679) English materialist philosopher, author of the theory of social contract)
Thomas Carte ((1686 - 1754) English historian)


The male name Foma is quite rare today in Russian-speaking countries, but this does not make it less popular. It is still in demand, and the reason lies in its good significance and excellent promising qualities...

History and origin of the name

There are currently several versions of the meaning and origin of the name Thomas. The main one says about belonging to the ancient Greek culture. Translated from the Greek transcription of the Aramaic name Thomas, it is translated as “twin”. However, this version did not gain much force on the territory of our country...

We associate this name with the Holy Apostle of the same name, who once placed his fingers on the crucified Christ in order to verify the truth of the teacher. Apostle Thomas is one of the twelve apostles.

By the way, there is also a female name, derived from the name form for boys - Thomaida, little known in our area, which gives other character traits to the lady. Abroad, it is considered a derivative of such name forms as Tomais, Thomasina, Tomazia.

The meaning of the name Thomas

This is an Aramaic name, derived from the name Thomas. The question of significance has a rather complex answer, but modern astrologers still agreed on some facts. So, it is believed that meaning of the name Thomas promises a boy calmness and balance from childhood. Affectionate and gentle, constantly doing something useful, adoring independence and appreciating only the attention of his family. His mother is his closest person and best friend. Even as he begins to grow up, he can’t get rid of his mother and looks more and more like a real “mama’s boy.” This trait must be eradicated, otherwise in the future he risks becoming too dependent on outside influence.

Early childhood

In early childhood, a boy named Thomas can be endowed with such traits as calmness, tranquility, kindness and goodwill, optimism, determination, restlessness, honesty, attentiveness and caring, cheerful disposition and generosity. But despite the presence of qualities with which a child should be sociable and friendly, Foma still becomes very unsociable in childhood, at least in most cases. In this boy, such traits as mobility and energy dominate, while friendliness and sociability fade into the background. The meaning and energy of this name are such that in most cases they give rise to a difficult, closed, secretive, and uncommunicative nature. As a result, the boy Fomka will have practically no friends in childhood - his only friend may be his mother, in whom he has more trust than even his father.

The boy, who is protected by the energy of the nominal form Thomas, has a craving for adventure and new impressions, but at the same time he will never do anything that his mother may not approve of. And in general, you may get the impression that this is a real mama's boy. But that's not true...

Even in early childhood, Fomka has his own opinion, personal goals, and pride, and at any moment his desire to be close to his mother can be replaced by a craving for freedom and independence. However, most often this happens, but already in adolescence, and not in deep childhood.


A teenage boy, patronized by the meaning and energy of the name Thomas, may display the traits of an independent, independent, self-sufficient and self-confident leader, a spoiler and an egoist, a narcissistic peacock, which everyone around him usually avoids. But most often this is not the true face of Thomas - usually boys named by this name behave this way on purpose in order to attract everyone's attention to their person. He may show disobedience, may begin to disobey his mother and even neglect her attention, but all this is just an outer shell - in fact, this boy, even in adolescence, will have such a love for his mother that one can only envy. The only thing parents can do is to start treating him like an adult, so that he begins to feel like an adult, so that he gains self-confidence and stops trying to appear to everyone around him as someone he is not.

If his parents manage to make him more confident and decisive, then in the end he will turn into a real leader - the boy named Thomas has the makings in ninety percent of cases. Is it true. There is one “but” - Thomas is strongly influenced by his environment, and even the meaning of this little name and its influence will not prevent the children around Thomas from making him like this. How the environment wants to see him. Parents should try to instill in Thomas such traits with which he can resist the influence of the people around him and gain his own opinion and view of everything that happens around him.

Grown man

The meaning of this nominal form protects the adult Thomas in the same way as it does the teenager, but already promises different traits. So, the first thing to note is his friendliness. Adult Thomas, as they say, is a friend from God - he will never betray a comrade, will never refuse to help a person in need of help, is always ready to help in deed and word, and in general, he knows how to empathize and support, and this is very important. At the same time, adult Foma already makes contact with ease, is very sociable and loves making new acquaintances. But he is fickle in terms of friendship - usually men named after Thomas quickly become bored communicating with the same people, such people need to constantly change their environment and atmosphere.

The meaning can endow Thomas with love of love, passion, sensitivity, excellent imagination, and romance, but these traits are extremely rare in adult men named by this name. For Thomas, the meaning may promise secrecy, because of which such a man will never reveal his true feelings to the people around him.

As for professional activity and career growth, everything is simple. Foma is not one of those people for whom it is important to achieve a goal by any means. No, he achieves everything through honest paths, and will never sacrifice friendship or position in society for the sake of career growth and material wealth. But such people usually still have the makings of a leader and manager - Thomas can easily become a successful and respected person.

Relationships with women

As for Thomas’s relationship with representatives of the fair half of humanity, everything is simple. The meaning of this name promises romance, excellent imagination, attentiveness and caring; he can become an excellent suitor, but too fickle. In adolescence, Foma can show himself to be a real womanizer - he will change girls. Like gloves, throwing them away without a twinge of conscience at even the most inopportune moments.

Character of the name Thomas

The nature of the name Thomas, or rather the bearer of this name, is such that it presupposes the presence of a huge number of qualities that a normal man should possess. These are restraint, tranquility, kindness and generosity, determination, hard work, love of truth, self-sufficiency and self-confidence, emotionality and energy. At his core, he is a unique man, he easily adapts to any environment and is always in good health, his character does not allow him to sow negativity around him, he is always in a positive mood and tries to impose this mood on everyone around him. Probably, it is precisely because he has such a character that he is considered a welcome guest in any company.

At the same time, despite the kindness and goodwill with which Thomas’s character is endowed, such a man can be vindictive and vindictive. He never forgives mistakes, and he will never forgive betrayal. He also hates selfish people with all his heart and tries to avoid such people, regardless of who we are talking about, a loved one or a friend - such is his character.

In general, it should be noted that character depends on many additional factors and is based not only on the characteristics of the name itself. Character can change under the influence of factors such as the zodiac sign, time of year of birth, and, of course, parental upbringing - that is, there is no certainty at this point.

The interaction of the character of Thomas with the seasons

Spring - this season promises different qualities for boys and girls according to different names. For example, in this case, character values ​​are given such as determination, hard work, assertiveness, perseverance and energy. He is active and achieves goals, despite obstacles. He has a cheerful disposition and is always the center of attention. Likes to dominate, but does not want to be a leader.

Summer is the patronage of the summer months over the guy named Thomas, this is a sign of a peace-loving, good-natured, benevolent, fair and honest person, at the same time, a clear leader, with leadership inclinations. At heart he is vulnerable and sentimental, but he hides his feelings and is afraid to reveal them even to a close friend. He is erudite, has a developed imagination, and is pleasant.

Autumn - the patronizing autumn months will give sociability and righteousness. This is a person of the broadest soul, kind and flexible, excluding conflicts and quarrels, and any negativity from life. It’s so easy to get along with someone like that; you’ll never see betrayal or deception. But you shouldn’t count on seriousness in terms of making responsible decisions either; he is afraid of responsibility.

Winter – and being born in winter makes a boy a hardworking, ambitious, diligent and assertive careerist who does not know how to relax and have fun. The main goal is to achieve superiority over others and material wealth. In pursuit of success, he forgets about personal happiness - despite his softness and tenderness, he is deprived of female attention and has been in search of a soul mate for a long time.

The fate of the name Thomas in relationships, love, marriage

The fate of the name Thomas in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in marriage and in family life is such that it suggests the presence of a large number of problems. And all for one simple reason - Foma is not one of those people who give up their goals, he always goes to the very end, and he also does the same in relationships. Even if he sees that nothing good awaits him ahead with the chosen girl, he will still fight to the last, which can sometimes lead to undesirable consequences. But such is his fate...

In adolescence, Thomas’s fate may imply the presence of a huge number of relationships. Foma is loving and, as a teenager, can change girls like gloves. And if he is popular in society, he may also become an egoist - then fate may even turn him into a very cruel seducer. But this is just a theory.

But this same theory assumes that Thomas will become an ideal family man upon reaching maturity. Foma's destiny is to become an excellent husband and father; he may ultimately turn out to be an attentive, caring and faithful spouse. At the same time, you shouldn’t be in the clouds from its charm and romance - all this can end too quickly. Foma quickly cools down, he can instantly stop loving his betrothed, but at the same time the truth will never abandon her or betray her.

Astrological symbolism

  • Talisman stone – Coral.
  • Patron planet – Saturn and Uranus.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Twin" (biblical). In Europe, this name is common in another transcription - Thomas

Energy of the name and character: The name Thomas, since the time of Christ, has become synonymous with skepticism, distrust and doubt. Well, one can only be surprised by the fact that the sound energy of the name has been completely preserved in the Russian sound and amazingly accurately conveys the character of the Evangelical Apostle Thomas, later nicknamed the Unbeliever. It is not for nothing that among the medieval Gnostics the image of this apostle became a symbol of comprehension of the secret teachings of Christ not through blind and reckless faith, but through one’s own reason.

First of all, in the energy of the name Thomas, one should note the balance between curiosity, imagination and caution. In addition, one cannot leave aside such energetic traits as depth and the desire for introspection.

Usually Foma behaves quite calmly in society; he is a completely independent person who has no desire to become a leader, much less succumb to anyone’s influence. Perhaps he cannot be called an absolute skeptic, however, just like his evangelical namesake, modern Thomas rarely rushes to conclusions. “Maybe so, maybe not so. Measure seven times... Haste is good only when catching fleas,” Foma’s calm reasoning is based on approximately this principle.

Another trait inherent in the bearers of this name is a penchant for balanced wit, which, by the way, perfectly helps to relieve Thomas’s self-esteem from pain and allows him to feel normal in almost any team. Thomas is quite good-natured, and his certain caution in judging people only adds weight to these judgments.

In general, we can expect that Thomas’ life will turn out quite successfully and without unnecessary complications. Non-conflict and a sense of humor will ensure good relationships both at work and in the family, and the ability for in-depth reflection and hard work can bring good results in any profession related to the exact sciences or technology. Perhaps the only thing he will lack for complete happiness is spiritual openness and sincerity of feelings in relationships with loved ones.

Communication secrets: Thomas is usually not a supporter of heated debates and philosophical discussions; he prefers to talk less and do more. By the same principle, he evaluates people, being rather hostile to braggarts and talkers. By the way, the easiest way to ruin a relationship with him is to try to get what you want from him with the help of flattery.

The name's trace in history:

Apostle Thomas

One of the twelve New Testament apostles, Thomas, the “unbeliever” or “infidel,” received his nickname because, without seeing the resurrected Teacher with his own eyes, he refused to believe in a miracle. “You believed because you saw me, blessed are those who have not seen and believed,” Christ reproaches him, and for the rest of his life Thomas tries to correct the painful mistake.

According to legend, one day Christ appeared to Thomas in a dream with instructions to go to the king of India, Gondofer, who was looking for an architect to build a palace. Obedient to the Teacher, Thomas created a drawing of a magnificent building for the king. Out of joy, Gondofer, not knowing how to thank the architect, generously rewarded him and, leaving him to supervise the construction, departed on business to another state. Thomas, in the absence of the king, distributed all the jewelry and money intended for the construction of the palace to the poor, and he himself preached the word of God.

Returning, the king in a rage threw the embezzler behind bars, but the king's brother Gad, who had recently died, suddenly resurrected and told an incredible story. According to him, it was as if he had gone to heaven, where he saw a magnificent palace made of gold, silver and gems.

“You will own this splendor,” the angels told him, “if only you reimburse your brother for the money he seems to have wasted.”

Having repented, Gondofer released Thomas from prison and, asking for his forgiveness, was baptized himself, after which he never spared money, helping the poor and disadvantaged.

According to Higir

The biblical name, translated from Hebrew, means: twin.

He is growing up to be a kind, affectionate and calm boy. Looks like my grandmother (on my mother's side). As a child he loves to draw; completely immersed in his studies, he does not tolerate being disturbed. Little Foma is very hardworking and quick-witted: even if he takes the gifted toy apart piece by piece, he will put it back together exactly. He gets along well with his peers, but he prefers the company of adults.

These are modest, often shy men; many do not marry for a long time for this reason. They make good husbands: flexible and reliable, allowing the wife, if she wants, to take on the role of leader. Foma's first child, as a rule, is a girl.

Among men with this name there are many unusually interesting people, those who are the soul of the team. They are good storytellers, they know how to receive guests, amuse them with an anecdote and will not be offended by a joke directed at them. Despite such openness, they are wary of new people, look closely at them for a long time, and analyze their words. However, this applies mainly to “winter” Thomas.

Foma has enviable health, rarely gets sick, is skeptical about all kinds of drugs and does not like to go to doctors.

He has golden hands, he tries to do everything in the house himself, he often masters several professions, but prefers not to talk about this. He is generally very reserved when it comes to his life. In addition, Thomas is noted for his great impressionability and compassion, compassion for the sick and weak.

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Italian philosopher and theologian

Version 1. What does the name Thomas mean?

Thomas - from ancient Hebrew. twin: vernacular Khoma.

Derivatives: Fomka, Fomushka.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Look, Thomas, so that the bag is full.

Fomushka was free to marry a widow.

My name is Thomas, but I live by myself.

Tell someone who doesn’t know Thomas, and I’m his brother.

If you love a joke on Thomas, then love it on yourself.

Doubting Thomas.

Stubborn Thomas.


Foma is an amazingly balanced, serious, calm, patient and kind person. He is attentive to those around him, but does not immediately allow new people to approach him; first he will take a closer look, try to figure out whether the newcomer is trustworthy. He is authoritative among his colleagues; both his subordinates and his superiors listen to his opinion. Infinitely devoted to the cause he serves. Great hard work and perseverance help him independently get to the bottom of the truth, and he is very proud of this. Foma is one of those men who are called “interesting”; women gladly accept his advances.

Version 2. What does the name Thomas mean?

THOMAS - twin (Hebrew).

Name day: May 7 - St. Thomas the Fool, ascetic and monk (VI century). October 19 - Saint Thomas the Apostle.


Planet - Saturn.

Color - pale pink.

Auspicious tree - maple.

The treasured plant is mistletoe.

The patron of the name is the alligator.

The talisman stone is coral.


Foma is kind, affectionate, and always calm. He loves to be completely immersed in his work and does not tolerate being disturbed. He is hardworking and smart: he prefers to figure out everything in the world, from technology to the sphere of feelings, with his own mind, not wanting to take anything for granted. Among men with this name there are many unusually interesting people, those who are the soul of the team. Despite not being so open, Foma is wary of new people and looks at them for a long time.

Name day named after Thomas

January 18, March 5, April 3, April 17, April 30, May 7, July 3, July 13, July 16, July 20, October 19, October 23, November 14, November 28, December 11, December 23,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Thomas

Numerology of the name Thomas

Name number: 8

Number 8 is one of the most mysterious, but its secrets can also be revealed. Eights are strong individuals who set clear goals and always achieve them. They are active, easily get along with people, although sometimes they are too frank and straightforward.

Although Eights seem insensitive to us on the outside, in fact, they love to show their emotions and would like to do this openly, but internal boundaries do not allow them to do this.

The meaning of the letters in the name Thomas

F- perfectly adapt to environmental conditions. Always have lots of great ideas. In their stories they are able to embellish and lie a little. They really love helping people. There's never a dull moment with them. Their life is always filled with many interesting events.

ABOUT- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those with the letter 'O' in their name are hardworking and creative. Professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • F- Firth (the meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source);
  • ABOUT- He (Oh, About)
  • M- Think
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Name Thomas in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Foma in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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