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RV test is positive. What does a positive test result for syphilis mean? RW negative norm

Syphilis is a serious, highly contagious disease. To identify the disease, blood tests (venous and capillary) are used, and in some cases, cerebrospinal fluid is examined. The interpretation of the syphilis test is carried out by the attending physician. The patient can independently see and understand some of the symbols in the analysis, but the final conclusion about the presence or absence of the disease must be made by a qualified doctor. A false positive or false negative test for syphilis is possible.

When to see a doctor

For a long time, syphilis was a dangerous disease that could not be cured. Modern medicine has all the means to completely cure the disease. The earlier the diagnosis is made and the disease is detected, the easier it will be to treat. Syphilis infection occurs not only through sexual contact, but also through sharing the same household items with the patient (toothbrush, towel, kitchen utensils, etc.). Therefore, periodic express blood tests for syphilis are recommended for every person.

When infected, the lymph nodes in the groin area become swollen, ulcers and skin rashes appear in the mouth and genital area. If you notice the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. The examination can be anonymous with a referral from a gynecologist, urologist, proctologist, venereologist or regular therapist. After passing the test, you should contact your doctor for a transcript of the syphilis test.

Purpose of the examination

Often during medical examinations, the doctor may order many laboratory tests, including a test for syphilis. This referral should not be taken as a suspicion of illness. In many areas of public life, a certificate of absence of disease is required.

  • Family planning
  • Registration for the hostel
  • Access to the workplace for healthcare workers, catering staff, etc.
  • Organ or blood donation
  • Patients who are sexually active
  • Presence of clinical symptoms
  • End of treatment for syphilis

As a rule, one of the nonspecific (non-treponemal) tests is prescribed as a primary study. The reliability of such tests is relatively low and the patient may receive a false positive result. In this case, a repeat study will be prescribed using a specific (treponemal) test. A positive or negative test must be reviewed by the attending physician.

Preparing for the test

Before donating blood from a finger or vein for laboratory testing, you must adhere to some rules so that the analysis is as reliable as possible. 8-12 hours before blood sampling you should not consume food, tea or coffee. During the day before visiting the laboratory, it is not recommended to eat spicy, fatty, fried, salty or smoked foods. Antibiotics and other medications can also interfere with the test. All substances taken should be reported to your doctor. He may recommend that you refrain from taking the test for 1 or several weeks. A blood sample can be taken in a private laboratory, a district clinic, or you can call a health professional to your home.

In any case, sterile equipment and disposable gloves are used.

A rapid test for syphilis can be done independently at home. Pharmacies offer special tests with detailed instructions in Russian. The test result is known within 10 minutes. One red stripe on the indicator is a negative test for syphilis, two stripes are positive. The reliability of such tests is not high enough and cannot serve as confirmation of the diagnosis.

How to understand the result of a nonspecific examination

Patients often feel unsure after the test. Donating blood and not being able to decipher syphilis tests yourself is, of course, unpleasant. Deciphering a blood test requires medical education and appropriate qualifications of a doctor, as well as taking into account all factors influencing the result. Can a patient read the results of their syphilis test themselves? After seeing the laboratory report, you can draw simple conclusions, but the doctor must confirm or refute the diagnosis.

The toluidine red test is not prescribed for diagnosis, but to check the effectiveness of treatment of the disease. the study shows how much the number of antibodies has changed compared to the previous analysis. If the number has decreased, then the treatment is successful. The analysis is carried out several times during the treatment as prescribed by the doctor. 3 months after completion of the procedures, control testing is carried out.

Non-treponemal tests (RSKk, RMP and RPR) are often prescribed during medical examinations and as a rapid diagnosis. There are several notation options as a result of research. Deciphering them is quite simple:

  • "-" negative result
  • “+”, “1+”) or “++”, “2+” weakly positive analysis
  • “+++”, “3+” or “++++”, “4+” positive test for syphilis

Either result could be a false positive or false negative for syphilis. In the absence of clinical symptoms and casual sexual contacts, a negative result can be accepted by a doctor as correct. A positive reaction is usually checked using the treponemal test.

Specific Study Results

Treponemal tests are complex and expensive compared to nontreponemal tests. There are several types of tests used to diagnose syphilis: RSCT, RIBT, RIF, RPGA, ELISA and immunoblotting). One of the precise specific studies is RIBT analysis. The test result may be reported by the laboratory as a percentage.

  • 20% corresponds to a negative result (“–”)
  • 21-30% questionable analysis (“++” or “2+”)
  • 31-50% weakly positive (“+++”, “3+”)
  • 51% or more corresponds to a positive result

Immunoblotting is one of the modern and accurate ways to diagnose the disease. Usually prescribed to confirm or refute the results of the first study. The detection of IgG and IgM antibodies in the blood is indicated by stripes. The test results are interpreted in comparison with the non-treponemal test.

If both results are negative, the patient is healthy or the infection is in the first week of development. Both positive results indicate the presence of syphilis or another, possibly autoimmune disease.

A positive immunoblot test after a negative nontreponemal study indicates the presence of syphilis, an autoimmune disease, or cancer.

There may be a positive reaction in pregnant women. A negative immunoblot test after a positive nontreponemal study means the absence of disease.

Reliability of analyzes

There is always a possibility that the test result is incorrect. When interpreting tests for syphilis, special attention should be paid to external factors beyond the control of the patient. The laboratory technician conducting the research or the patient can also make mistakes when they incorrectly prepared for blood sampling or did not provide the doctor with truthful information about themselves. A false positive result is possible under the influence of the following factors:

  • Diabetes of any type
  • Presence of drugs in the blood
  • Alcohol intoxication
  • Infectious diseases (measles, hepatitis, mononucleosis, etc.)
  • Benign or malignant neoplasms
  • Heart diseases
  • Taking antibiotics or recent vaccination
  • Autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.)
  • Pregnancy
  • Eating fatty, spicy or salty foods during the day before blood sampling

Depending on the stage of the disease, some tests may not detect the disease. Thus, the Wasserman reaction (RSKt, and RSKk) is carried out only 3-4 weeks after possible infection with a probability of 100%; in the presence of tertiary syphilis, the reliability will be only 75%. To diagnose the early stages of the disease, it is advisable to use an ELISA test. The assay is an enzyme immunoassay with high sensitivity to antibodies. The reliability of the result is close to 100%; a false positive result in the presence of other diseases is excluded.

Negative test results for sexually transmitted diseases mean that the person is healthy. A questionable test for syphilis will lead to re-examination. If there are factors that could affect the final conclusion, for example, the presence of other diseases, the doctor will change the test parameters. A positive test result for syphilis is not a death sentence or a reason to panic. With the help of medication, the disease can be completely cured. However, it should be remembered that diseases at an early stage are much more treatable.

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A blood test for RW (RW) or Wasserman reaction is a laboratory diagnosis of syphilis. This disease is quite serious, it leads to serious consequences in the absence of timely treatment. At the same time, syphilis in many cases is asymptomatic. At the same time, it is dangerous not only that the disease destroys human organs and systems, but also that the patient himself becomes a source of infection for his sexual partners. Let's look at what this blood test is and how to take a blood test for RV.

What is syphilis

Syphilis is a systemic chronic venereal infectious disease that affects the mucous membranes, skin, bones, internal organs, and nervous system. Its causative agent is the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The main route of infection with syphilis is sexual. Most often, infection occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse. A predisposing factor for infection is the presence of microdamages of the mucous membranes and skin. In some cases, it is possible to become infected with syphilis through household means (through underwear or hygiene items of a sick person).

The complications of syphilis become more serious the longer a person suffers from this disease. In the primary period, the organs of the genitourinary system are mainly affected. In the secondary period, damage to the patient’s joints and bones is observed. The tertiary period of the disease is characterized by irreversible damage to internal organs and body systems.

The essence of the analysis

Blood testing for RV is a specific category of laboratory tests. It consists of a serological blood test. Using this analysis, syphilis can be detected at different stages of development.

Quite often, a simultaneous blood test for RV and HIV is performed. According to the law, mandatory blood tests for RV and HIV are provided for during hospitalization, registering women during pregnancy, for medical personnel, workers in contact with food, and the service sector (cosmetologists, hairdressers). In addition, it is recommended to take a blood test for syphilis after casual sex.

Benefits of analysis

Experts highlight the main advantages of this method of diagnosing syphilis:

  • analysis makes it possible to detect the disease in its latent forms;
  • with its help you can not only confirm primary syphilis, but also determine when the infection occurred;
  • A blood test allows the doctor to monitor the treatment of the disease.

A blood test for RV indicates the presence of Treponema pallidum in the body, the degree of its activity, and the effectiveness of the treatment for syphilis. Also, this study is carried out for the prevention of congenital syphilis in children.

Indications for analysis

In addition to preventive testing, there are certain indications for prescribing a blood test for syphilis:

  • casual sex;
  • the appearance of a rash on mucous tissues and skin;
  • formation of ulcers on the genitals;
  • the appearance of copious discharge from the genitals;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • pain in joints and bones;

Preparing for analysis

  • For testing, blood is taken from the patient's vein. It is recommended to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach. At least 12 hours must pass since the last meal.
  • On the eve of taking a blood test for RV, you must refrain from eating fatty, spicy, salty foods, and alcohol-containing drinks. In addition, it is important to limit physical activity.
  • Two hours before blood sampling, you need to stop smoking.
  • It is not recommended to donate blood for analysis immediately after diagnostic procedures (radiography, fluorography), physiotherapy.
  • Immediately before blood collection, you can only drink clean, still water.

Interpretation of RV blood test

The principle of the Wasserman reaction is based on the fact that antibodies appear in the blood of an infected person, which are produced by the immune system. In laboratory blood tests, the antigen cardiolipin is used. With its help, the causative agents of syphilis, Treponema pallidum, are detected.

The transcript of the blood test for RV contains a negative or positive result.

  • A negative result indicates that there is no infection in the patient's blood. But in some cases, a negative result may be with early primary syphilis or the late tertiary stage of the disease.
  • A positive test result indicates the presence of antibodies to syphilis in the blood, and therefore the disease itself.

Usually the laboratory issues a form with the results of the analysis. If the result is positive, from one to four crosses are placed on this form. What does this interpretation of a blood test for RV mean? The result is deciphered as follows:

  • (+) - the reaction is doubtful;
  • (+) (+) – weakly positive reaction;
  • (+) (+) (+) – the reaction is sharply positive.

If the test result indicates a questionable or weakly positive reaction, as a rule, the patient is sent for a repeat blood test. The fact is that such a reaction does not necessarily indicate syphilis. The possibility of a false positive result is due to the fact that the cardiolipin antigen may be contained in a small amount in the human body. Typically, the immune system does not form antibodies against its own cardiolipin. But sometimes failures occur, and a positive Wasserman reaction appears in a healthy person.

A positive Wasserman reaction in most cases indicates the presence of syphilis in the patient. However, there are cases when the result is positive in the absence of disease. In this case, an additional examination is prescribed.

In what cases is it prescribed

An examination is prescribed when there is a suspicion or it is necessary to exclude the presence of an infectious sexually transmitted disease such as syphilis. The analysis is also prescribed during the treatment of this disease in order to monitor its effectiveness.

Indications for the examination are:

  • presence of symptoms of the disease;
  • casual sexual contacts;
  • drug use;
  • presence of contact, including household contact, with an infected person;
  • control of the treatment;
  • pregnancy at any stage, as well as its termination;
  • swollen lymph nodes accompanied by high fever;
  • donation of blood, sperm, tissues and organs;
  • being in prison and in a psychiatric clinic;
  • work as medical personnel, in trade, in education and in the social sphere;
  • hospitalization, including when accompanying a child;
  • examine children whose mothers are infected.

How is it carried out?

Blood is donated on an empty stomach. The last meal should be no later than 8 hours before the examination. 8 hours before donating blood, you should stop taking fatty foods, alcoholic drinks, and medications. It is prohibited to carry out diagnostics if the patient has been injected with foreign serum. For analysis, 8 ml of venous blood is taken. If the analysis is taken from an infant, then the cranial or jugular vein is used.

The Wasserman blood test is based on the reaction of the immune system to the causative agent of the disease. If a person is infected, then when an artificial protein (cardiolipin antigen) and a binding protein (complement) are added to his blood serum, which contains antibodies to syphilis, a reaction occurs during which a precipitate is formed. The precipitate is formed due to the presence of antibodies that the body has produced to fight the disease.

The absence of sediment means a negative result, the presence of sediment means a positive result. If a small amount of sediment falls, the reaction is considered doubtful. In the case of a positive blood test for RV, the serum is diluted 2 more times to understand in what dilution the reaction occurred. This allows you to determine how many syphilis bacteria are in the body.

Decoding the results

The results of the analysis are deciphered by the attending physician. The result can be negative, positive, controversial. But a positive reaction does not always mean the presence of a disease.

RW negative norm

The norm is complete hemolysis, that is, the destruction of red blood cells. If this happens, then the reaction is negative. When deciphering a blood test when performing a rapid diagnosis of syphilis (EDS), it is necessary to take into account that during the first 2 weeks after infection, RW will be negative. The exception is the hidden secondary period, when the result temporarily goes from positive to negative.

RW positive

A positive reaction is indicated by a “+” sign. The number of advantages may vary - it depends on the degree of likelihood of the disease. In the case of primary infection, the reaction becomes positive in the seventh week of illness. In some patients, RW is positive as early as the fifth week. If syphilis is secondary, then the examination will show the presence of infection immediately.

If the patient has a latent secondary period, then the reaction may turn negative, but then during a relapse a precipitate will form again, indicating the presence of the disease. In the case of a congenital nature of the disease, diagnosis will lead to a positive result.

Diagnostics are also carried out to monitor the treatment being carried out. There are cases when, despite the therapy, the reaction remains positive. This phenomenon is called sero-resistant syphilis. In this case, such diagnostics do not answer the question of eliminating the infection, and they are no longer carried out.

RW false positive

There are situations when a person who does not have a sexually transmitted disease has a positive test result. This happens if for some reason the immune system begins to destroy its own cells. Then, during diagnosis, antibodies characteristic of the disease are detected. This phenomenon is called the false-positive Wasserman reaction.

The reasons for obtaining a false result may be:

  • viral and infectious diseases, including intestinal infections and tuberculosis, including the period after recovery;
  • autoimmune systemic diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • third trimester of pregnancy;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • taking certain medications;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • eating fatty foods before taking the test;
  • period of menstruation.

Thus, when receiving a result indicating the presence of syphilis, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of an unreliable reaction and conduct additional examinations.

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RW blood test - Wasserman reaction: what kind of analysis is it, how to decipher the results, what is the norm

Knowing what a blood test for rw is is necessary to take care of the health of any person, starting from adolescence.

The problem of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, in part, develops from people’s ignorance of methods for diagnosing diseases.

What kind of analysis is this?

Wasserman reaction (RW) or EMF- one of the most effective ways of early diagnosis of syphilis.

The blood test for RV has become the basis for most modern rapid tests.

The test determines the presence of Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of syphilis, in a person’s blood.

The mechanism of action of the analysis is to determine the level of production of antibodies by the body's immune system against the causative agent of the disease.

– one of the most common representatives of sexually transmitted diseases. Methods of transmission of the disease include sexual intercourse, infection through incest and salivary exchange. There is also a possibility of catching treponema through other body secretions.

Syphilis is divided into three stages, the so-called “course”:

  • Primary, the symptoms of which are ulcerative formations in the area that has become infected. Next, the lymph nodes enlarge near the affected area. Ulcerative formation goes away on its own, 3-6 weeks after its occurrence;
  • Secondary, symptoms appear 4-10 weeks after the formation of ulcers. It is expressed in a pale rash distributed throughout the patient’s body, headaches, bodily weakness and increased body temperature. These signs are similar to precursors. Then, in a random order, the lymph nodes enlarge. Symptoms have a wave character, periodically appearing and disappearing.
  • Tertiary. This stage of the disease is expressed in damage to the human nervous system, bone skeleton and internal organs. This stage is reached after several years of absence of proper treatment measures.

A person infected with syphilis may not be aware of the diagnosis for many years. In some cases, syphilis does not develop, but remains in the human body.

As a result, the latter becomes a carrier of a sexually transmitted disease and is unaware of the danger threatening him and his environment.

With this variant of the course of the disease, the rw blood test is the preferred diagnostic method. The advantage of this method is that it can reveal the period of time during which a person is infected with syphilis.

Indications for taking a blood test rw

A person may not be aware of his illness, since symptoms do not appear immediately. Therefore, a blood test is mandatory for a wide range of people. Representatives of this circle are:

  • workers in the field of catering, production and sale of food products;
  • citizens registering with treatment and preventive organizations;
  • people with drug addiction;
  • employees of health and medical organizations;
  • donors of any part of the body;
  • patients with prolonged fever.

Anyone can take a rw blood test at their own request. Analysis for rw is the key to a trusting relationship between sexual partners, as well as a guarantor of long-term happiness.

Mechanism for submission and verification of analysis

Before taking a blood test for rw, you should prepare. Blood for rw is collected only on an empty stomach, or 8 hours after the last meal.

It is prohibited to drink any liquids, excluding clean water, smoke, or take medications 12 hours before the procedure. Analysis for rw is contraindicated in:

  • body temperature is higher than normal;
  • the person has recently had an infectious or viral disease;
  • during ;
  • 2 weeks before a woman gives birth;
  • earlier than 2 weeks after the woman gives birth;
  • the person took an alcoholic drink less than 24 hours ago;
  • child less than 14 days old.

The rw blood test proceeds as follows:

  • blood is collected from the ulnar vein;
  • the minimum blood volume requirement is 9 ml;
  • in newborns, blood is collected from a surgical incision on the heel;
  • at the time of the reaction, the blood storage period should not exceed 48 hours from the moment of collection;
  • The temperature regime for storing blood is strictly in the range of 3-4 °C.

Wasserman reaction technology:

  • Serum is prepared from blood - the blood is kept at certain temperatures in a thermostatic apparatus, rotated at a speed of 1000 rpm, then red blood cells are separated.
  • The serum is divided into 3 test tubes and mixed with special substances and solutions. Treponemal antigen is added to one of the tubes. One test tube remains as a control.
  • The tubes are inserted into a thermostatic apparatus for primary incubation of the possible causative agent of syphilis. After a certain period of time, the blood serum data from all three tubes are compared. The research result is ready.

The principle of decoding the result of RW analysis

Analysis on rw is understandable to anyone. Only the meaning of its symbolic designation should be studied.

The process of hemolysis of red blood cells (destruction of the membrane of red blood cells, as a result of which a red sediment remains at the bottom, the serum itself is transparent and colorless) is the norm for the blood of a healthy person.

A positive rw test is assessed by comparison with a control blood sample.

The result of the reaction to syphilis pathogens is indicated by:

  • “-“ – negative reaction, hemolysis of erythrocytes occurs in the standard mode;
  • “+” or “1+” – indicates a short-term delay in the hemolysis process;
  • “++” or “2+” – weak positive reaction, indicates a partial delay in the process;
  • “+++” or “3+” – positive value, significant delay in hemolysis;
  • “++++” or “4+” is a sharply positive reaction, hemolysis does not occur.
  • “+/-“ is a dubious reaction.

The Wasserman reaction does not show with 100% accuracy the presence or absence of a disease, but most of the results are correct.

A false positive Wasserman reaction occurs when:

The positive and false-positive Wasserman reaction during pregnancy and not only is a kind of impetus for conducting a comprehensive study of the state of the body.

The result of the rw analysis may be erroneous, but during the study the presence or absence of other diseases may be revealed.

If the result is with varying degrees of positivity, you should undergo 2 more studies, similar to the rw blood test, to confirm or refute the presence of syphilis:

  • Immunofluorescence reaction, abbreviated as “RIF”. This procedure determines the presence of treponemas at an early stage of infection. By adding a pathogen to the collected human blood and observing the reaction to illumination, the presence of the disease can be determined. If the contents of the test tube begin to glow, then syphilis is confirmed.
  • Treponema pallidum immobilization reaction, abbreviation “RIBT”. Such a study will accurately distinguish a false-positive result from other types, and will confirm or refute a positive blood test for rv.

When the diagnosis is repeated and the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment measures. This sexually transmitted disease can be cured at the primary stage.

At subsequent stages of the disease, thanks to medications, it is possible to maintain a stable health status and prevent further development of the disease.

A positive Wasserman reaction during pregnancy threatens the transmission of the disease to the unborn child. The development of the fetus is likely to be accompanied by disturbances and complications, and there is a possibility of death of the embryo.

In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences for the newborn, pregnancy proceeds under the strict supervision of a whole group of specialists. Various measures are being taken to prevent transmission of the disease to an infant. The Wasserman reaction during pregnancy is carried out regularly in order to exclude an erroneous result.

Immediately after the birth of the child, doctors visually examine the placenta for the presence of infection sites and assess its density. If the density of placental tissue is low, part of it may remain in the mother's body. This threatens with unpleasant consequences and complications, and also requires urgent cleaning of the reproductive tract.

14 days after birth, the mother and child are subjected to a series of tests to determine the level of health, the presence of diseases and disorders in the development of the baby. During the initial 12 months of life, the child is registered with a venereologist, regularly undergoes blood tests for rw and preventive measures. As they grow older, repeated studies are carried out every few years.

What is a blood test for rw is necessary for every person to know to ensure safe coexistence with carriers of the disease, as well as self-diagnosis for the presence of syphilis.

Syphilis is a difficult diagnosis, but it can be corrected and cured at the primary stage. Therefore, knowledge about the disease and methods for diagnosing it can save the lives of many people.

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Testing for syphilis should be carried out if a person sees a need for it, especially with promiscuous sexual intercourse. Many patients of venereologists are embarrassed to talk about their diseases and problems. Experts also do not always tell all the details due to lack of time. Due to such ignorance, treatment may be delayed. Why do you need a blood test for syphilis and how is it performed?

What is syphilis

Syphilis is a venereal disease. It is caused by a specific bacterium called Treponema pallidum. It has a spiral shape. The bacterium has several antigens; in diagnosis, one is usually used - cardiolipin. The bacterium colonizes the mucous membranes of the genital tract, vaginal secretions, and sperm. Therefore, the disease is transmitted mainly through sexual contact - through unprotected contact. It is extremely rare that contact transmission occurs. The disease also passes from mother to fetus through the placenta, but not always. The disease has several periods of progression.

Knowledge of the features of these periods is necessary for diagnosis:

  1. The incubation period lasts about three weeks - during this time there are no signs of illness, and the bacterium colonizes the mucous membranes.
  2. The seronegative period lasts for a month - the bacteria begins to multiply, but does not show any changes.
  3. Antibodies to treponema begin to appear in the next period - seropositive, which also lasts a month.
  4. Clinical signs visible upon examination appear during the two previous periods and in the secondary period, which lasts several years.
  5. The tertiary period is the most advanced form of the disease, when complications begin to appear.

Thus, syphilis can be diagnosed using a blood test two months after infection.

Diagnosis of the disease

What tests are usually done for syphilis? A person can have a smear test at a venereologist's office. In this case, discharge from the urethra is taken - in men, or vaginal discharge - in women. The most accurate analysis is a blood test. This may require serum or blood itself.

This is observed in cases where there are diseases that damage cells in the same way as treponema. These diseases include autoimmune diseases. Therefore, the antiphospholipid test is only an initial analysis.

What results are possible from this test:

  • a negative result indicates the absence of syphilis or that the person is in the early seronegative period or in the late tertiary period;
  • a positive result requires additional research;
  • a false positive result can be observed during pregnancy, the presence of autoimmune diseases, other STDs, patients with diabetes and tuberculosis, alcoholics and drug addicts, and cancer.

The results of the treponemal test are more indicative.

As a matter of fact, there is not just one analysis – there are several of them. To detect syphilis, blood is tested in several ways. In addition to blood, in the laboratory diagnosis of this disease, another biological material is used that contains the pathogen, spirochete pallidum (syn. - treponema pallidum).

This is a discharge from syphilides (specific ulcerations and rashes on the skin and mucous membranes), with neurosyphilis - cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

All methods for diagnosing syphilis can be divided into direct and indirect. Direct methods are aimed at directly detecting Treponema pallidum. As for indirect ones, they are based on the detection of antibodies to the spirochete. There are antibodies, which means there is the spirochete itself. Indirect methods for diagnosing syphilis are nothing more than serological reactions in which blood serum is used as the test material.

Antibodies are detected when they interact with antigens. To carry out serological reactions, preparations containing a given antigen are used. Depending on the type of this antigen, serological reactions can be treponemal or non-treponemal. An antigen specific for Treponema pallidum is involved in treponemal reactions.

Treponemal reactions include:

  • RSK – reaction of complement fixation with treponemal antigen
  • RPHA - passive hemagglutination reaction
  • ELISA – enzyme immunoassay
  • RIF – immunofluorescence reaction
  • RIBT – Treponema pallidum immobilization reaction

Non-treponemal serological reactions include the complement fixation test with cardiolipin antigen and the microprecipitation test or rapid plasma reagin test.

The cardiolipin antigen used in these reactions is not the spirochete pallidum antigen. This is an extract from bovine heart, similar in structure to the cardiolipin-phospholipid antigen of the cell membrane of spirochetes.

Therefore, antibodies produced when the causative agent of syphilis appears will also react to this antigen.

Wasserman reaction (RW)

When people talk about testing for syphilis, they most often mean this method, the Wasserman reaction. This reaction was developed for the diagnosis of syphilis by the German immunologist Wasserman more than a century ago, at the very beginning of the last century. However, it is still carried out today, albeit with significant changes.

In essence, RW in its current version refers to the RSK. In immunology, complement refers to the system of plasma proteins that form the innate immune system. RW is based on the reaction of antigens with antibodies with the participation of complement. Antibodies to Treponema pallidum are present in the serum of a patient with syphilis. If antigens are added to such serum, the antibodies will react with them.

For RW, ready-made sets of specific and nonspecific antigens are used. Specific antigens were isolated from Treponema pallidum cultures grown on nutrient media.

Nonspecific antigens are represented by bovine heart cardiolipin. Thus, RW can be classified as both treponemal and nontreponemal studies.

The reaction of specific and nonspecific antigens with antibodies of the test serum is not externally visible. Sheep red blood cells are used for its indication.

As part of the hemolytic serum of an immunized rabbit, they are added to the test material. What happens in the end?

If the subject is healthy, then there are no antibodies to treponema in his serum. At the same time, under the influence of complement, sheep erythrocytes are hemolyzed (destroyed), and this is clearly visible in a test tube, the contents of which are uniformly colored without sediment (“varnish blood”).

Thus, hemolysis indicates the absence of antibodies. In this case the reaction is negative.

In patients with syphilis the opposite is true. In them, all the complement is bound during the formation of immune complexes of antigens with antibodies, and, simply put, there is not enough of it to destroy red blood cells.

Therefore, the absence of hemolysis indicates the presence of antibodies to spirochetes, and, accordingly, syphilis. In this case, the reaction is positive and is indicated by a plus sign.

More precisely, there may be several advantages, because the delay in hemolysis has varying degrees of severity:

  • 1 plus – the reaction is questionable
  • 2 pluses – the reaction is weakly positive
  • 3 pluses – positive reaction
  • 4 pluses – the reaction is sharply positive.

In medical slang, the pluses in this case are called crosses, and the result is designated accordingly: +, ++, +++ or ++++.

The RW technique is quite simple, inexpensive, takes little time, and does not require complex laboratory equipment. Therefore, this reaction is resorted to everywhere, and not only in the presence of specific indications (suspicion of syphilis, presence of characteristic symptoms).

It is carried out as a screening method during routine medical examinations, for pregnant women during registration, and for all patients during hospitalization.

Meanwhile, the technique is not without. Firstly, it does not always give a positive result in case of existing syphilis. After all, antibodies are not formed immediately, but after some time.

This period of time when there are no antibodies is called the seronegative period of syphilis, and it lasts 5-8 weeks. from the moment of infection.

And the seropositive period of syphilis begins already at the end of primary syphilis. Secondary syphilis is almost always seropositive, and tertiary complicated syphilis can be seronegative. In this case, this does not mean at all that Treponema pallidum is not in the body. It’s just that the immune system has become exhausted over many years, and antibodies have ceased to be released.

On the other hand, in some cases, even after successful treatment of syphilis, 1-2 crosses in the analysis can persist for many years, and sometimes for life.

Thus, the number of crosses in RW does not depend on the activity of Treponema pallidum and the severity of syphilis. For this purpose, another indicator is used - antibody titer. This is the maximum degree of serum dilution at which a sharply positive reaction occurs.

Another disadvantage of RW is its low specificity with frequent false-positive results when hemolysis is delayed in the absence of syphilis.

Among the reasons for false positive results are other bacterial and viral infections, systemic collagen diseases, pregnancy, alcoholism, drug addiction, medication, dietary errors, and much more. Therefore, it is very important to properly prepare for the analysis.

Stop taking antibiotics 7-10 days before taking blood. During the last 24 hours, you should refrain from eating large, fatty foods and alcohol.

Blood for analysis is taken from a vein on an empty stomach. Negative results in the absence of characteristic clinical manifestations in the form of chancre indicate with a high degree of certainty the absence of syphilis. If at least one of the crosses is present, they resort to other diagnostic methods.

Passive hemagglutination reaction (RPHA)

The passive hemagglutination reaction consists of gluing or agglutination of red blood cells. Treponemal antigens are fixed on the red blood cells used in this reaction. The test serum is then added to this material.

If it contains antibodies, they interact with antigens on red blood cells, which leads to their agglutination. Thus, agglutination indicates a positive RPHA and existing syphilis, and the absence of agglutination and a negative RPHA indicate that the subject is healthy. Here there are also 4 degrees of positive results with different antibody titers.

The sensitivity of RPGA is higher compared to RW. However, this test is negative at the very beginning of the disease, during the first 2-4 weeks, and sometimes 6 weeks. Subsequently, in the secondary and tertiary periods, RPGA is always positive, as with latent syphilis.

Therefore, it can be used to diagnose a disease without clear clinical manifestations. Like other treponemal studies, RPHA remains positive for life, even after complete recovery. Therefore, it cannot be used to assess the adequacy of treatment for syphilis.

It can become negative only in cases where treatment measures began as soon as the patient became ill with syphilis.

RPGA also gives false-positive results in some diseases and pathological conditions. False positives differ from true positive results in that they become negative very quickly, after a few weeks or months.

Moreover, this happens spontaneously, even without specific treatment. RPGA also refers to screening diagnostic methods. If the result is positive, other treponemal tests are performed.

Enzyme immunoassay ELISA

Enzyme immunoassay is also based on the antigen-antibody reaction. Treponemal antigens are fixed on the surface of any solid material.

As a rule, this is polystyrene, from which modern test systems are made, which look like plates with wells. The test serum is added to these wells. If this serum contains antibodies, they form complexes with the antigens of the test systems.

Yellow coloration of the test material indicates the presence of antibodies. The more of these antibodies, the more intense the staining.

Antibodies belong to immunoglobulins (Ig), and are represented by several varieties - IgA, IgM, and IgG. Their number is not the same in different periods of the disease. Therefore, the prevalence of one or another Ig can be used to judge the duration of the disease.

ELISA becomes positive as early as 3 weeks, and can remain so for the rest of life. However, false positive results are also common here, which is a significant drawback.

Among the advantages of ELISA are the availability of the method and the ability to conduct a large number of studies in a relatively short period of time.

Immunofluorescence reaction (RIF)

The immunofluorescence reaction is based on light indication of the antigen-antibody complex. The existing antigen is mixed with the test serum. If antibodies are present, they form immune complexes with antigens.

After this, anti-species rabbit serum containing fluorescein, a substance that glows in ultraviolet light, is added to the diagnostic material. The glow is detected when viewed through a fluorescent microscope.

Depending on the intensity of the glow, the color of which varies from barely noticeable to yellow-green, there are 4 degrees of positive RIF.

The advantages of this method are its specificity and sensitivity. With existing syphilis, RIF gives a positive result at the very beginning of the disease, already by the end of 1 week. infection, even before chancre appears.

False positive results are practically not detected. Disadvantages of this method include technical difficulties and the need for special equipment.

Therefore, RIF is resorted to when the results of other tests that need clarification are positive.

Treponema pallidum immobilization reaction (TPI)

The immobilization reaction of Treponema pallidum is based on the phenomenon of immobilization, immobilization of the pathogen in the presence of the test serum. The serum of a patient with syphilis contains immunoglobulin antibodies, which are called immobilins because of their ability to immobilize spirochetes.

Immobilisins are released much later than other antibodies, and RIBT gives a positive result only after 3 months. after infection.

The method is reliable, highly sensitive, and could be used in case of false positive results in other studies. However, it is technically complex, takes a long time to complete, and requires expensive equipment and specially trained personnel.

Therefore, RIBT, developed in the middle of the last century, is currently not used in clinical practice. It is carried out for research purposes only.

Microreaction of MP precipitation

The precipitation microreaction has another name - the fast plasma reagin test. In response to damaged components of tissue cell membranes or to components of the membranes of the treponemes themselves, the immune system releases antibodies called reagins.

This diagnostic method is based on the detection of these reagins. Charcoal particles are added to a given antigen, which includes cholesterol, cardiolipin and lecithin, for indication.

The antigen is then mixed with the test serum. If it contains reagins, a flocculation reaction occurs with the formation of a flocculent sediment, which is black in color due to the presence of coal particles.

A positive MP result can be observed no earlier than 4-5 weeks later. after infection. As with other serological reactions, there may be different degrees of severity and different titers of reagin antibodies.

Direct research

Convincing evidence of syphilis is the identification of infectious agents under a microscope. In this way, the pathogen is found in 8 out of 10 subjects. A negative result in the 2 remaining patients does not mean that they are not infected.

The study is done at the primary and secondary stages (stages) of the disease, which are characterized by the appearance of skin rashes and syphilomas (ulcerations) on epithelial tissues or mucous membranes. Pathogens that cause venereal disease are found in the discharge from the lesions.

More precisely, a complex test called RIF, an immunofluorescence reaction, can detect treponemas. The sample for research is pre-treated with fluorescent antibodies. Compounds that can glow stick together with bacteria. Examining samples under a microscope, in the event of infection, the laboratory technician sees sparkling pathogens.

The test is used for early diagnosis of the disease. The longer the disease lasts, the lower the sensitivity of research methods. In addition, it falls after treating rashes and ulcers with antiseptics and in patients who have undergone treatment. Occasionally, the test produces false negative and false positive results.

RIT analysis is a highly accurate method for detecting syphilis. When conducting a test, you have to wait a long time for results. Until the infected rabbit shows signs of infection. The test is used very rarely, despite the fact that it is extremely accurate.

Using the polymerase chain reaction for syphilis, the genetic elements of pathogens are determined. The only drawback of PCR is its high cost.

Non-treponemal tests

Such blood tests help identify antibodies that appear in response to cardiolipin, a compound related to the general structure of the membranes of pathogens.

Wasserman reaction (RW or RW)

The most famous test for syphilis is the Wasserman reaction. RV is included in the category of complement fixation reactions (CFRs). New RSC methods have significant differences from traditional RW. But they are designated, as before, by the concept of “Wassermann reaction”.

  • ++++ – maximum positive (hemolysis delayed);
  • +++ – positive (hemolysis is significantly delayed);
  • ++ – weakly positive (hemolysis was partially delayed);
  • + – doubtful (hemolysis was slightly delayed).

With a negative RT, hemolysis was completely achieved in all samples. But in some cases, false positive data is obtained. This happens when cardiolipin enters the cells. Defense mechanisms do not produce markers for “native” cardiolipin.

However, exceptional situations occasionally arise. Positive RW is detected in uninfected people. This is possible if the patient has suffered a serious illness caused by viruses (pneumonia, malaria, tuberculosis, liver and blood pathologies). Positive RV occurs in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the immune system is excessively weakened.

If there is a suspicion that the test result for syphilis is false positive, the patient is examined further. The problem is that this infection cannot be detected using a single clinical laboratory test. Some studies give false indicators, which can be both negative and positive.

A detailed analysis for syphilis helps to obtain reliable data. Thanks to him, a true diagnosis is established: infection is proven or excluded. In addition, the extended test allows you to stop the development of infection and eliminate unnecessary therapy.


When testing for syphilis, the traditional Wasserman reaction is used extremely rarely. Instead, the RSK method is used. The test gives a positive result 2 months after infection. In the secondary form of the disease, it is positive in almost 100% of cases.

The microprecipitation method (MPM) is a study with a mechanism similar to the Wasserman reaction. The technique is easy to implement. It is carried out quickly. To test for syphilis, in this case, blood is drawn from a finger. The technique gives a positive result 30 days after the appearance of syphiloma. Errors during the research are not excluded. False-positive data are obtained against the background of: aggravated infections, pneumonia, heart attack, stroke, intoxication.

The following leads to erroneous tests:

  • tuberculosis;
  • Besnier-Beck-Schaumann disease;
  • rheumatoid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • cirrhosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • mononucleosis.

Having discovered a questionable test for syphilis, treponemal studies are done. They help clarify the diagnosis.

RPR and toluidine red test

The plasma reagin method (RPR) is another analogue of the Wasserman reaction. It is used when necessary:

  • screen asymptomatic individuals;
  • confirm syphilis;
  • examine donated blood.

The toluidine red test, like the RPR, is performed to evaluate the dynamics of drug therapy. Their indicators fall when the disease recedes, and increase when the pathology recurs.

Non-treponemal tests show how much the patient has recovered. Receiving negative results for syphilis indicates that the disease has completely receded. The first examination is done 3 months after the course of therapy.

Treponemal studies

Highly productive tests are carried out using treponemal antigens. They are done when:

  • a positive result was obtained with the RMP method;
  • it is necessary to recognize erroneous data arising from screening tests;
  • Suspect the development of syphilis;
  • it is necessary to diagnose a hidden infection;
  • it is necessary to conduct a retrospective diagnosis.

RIF and RIT tests

In many treated patients, treponemal testing of samples gives positive results for a long time. They cannot be used to judge the degree of effectiveness of treatment. RIT and RIF are ultra-sensitive tests. Thanks to them, reliable data is obtained. These analyzes are labor-intensive; they require considerable time and advanced equipment. They can be carried out by qualified health workers.

When performing a RIF test for syphilis, positive data are obtained 2 months after infection. Negative parameters confirm that the subject is healthy. Positive - suggests that the person is infected.

RIT is performed when the microprecipitation reaction is positive. This blood test for syphilis helps to refute or confirm the presence of infection. The test is ultra-sensitive, it accurately indicates whether the patient is infected or healthy. But the study provides reliable data only 3 months after treponemes enter the body.

Immunoblotting method

Ultra-precise tests include immunoblotting. This blood test is rarely done for syphilis. It is used when examining newborns. It is not suitable for rapid testing. Positive results are obtained with a delay. They are obtained much earlier by the microprecipitation method.


Informative ultra-precise research methods include ELISA and RPGA tests. With their help, rapid diagnostics is carried out. Laboratory technicians do a huge number of such tests. Thanks to them, it is possible to establish an accurate diagnosis.

The RPGA test for syphilis is positive 30 days after the pathogen enters the body. With its help, primary infection is diagnosed when ulcers and rashes appear.

Thanks to it, it is possible to identify advanced, secretly ongoing, as well as congenital forms of pathology. But it is carried out in conjunction with non-treponemal and treponemal tests. Comprehensive diagnostics guarantees the reliability of the results. Triple testing accurately proves the presence or absence of a sexually transmitted infection.

Testing of spinal contents

The diagnosis of neurosyphilis is made after examining the cerebrospinal fluid. This analysis is done:

  • people with a latent form of infection;
  • for symptoms of diseases of the nervous system;
  • asymptomatic, advanced neurosyphilis;
  • recovered patients with positive serological reactions.

The doctor gives a referral for a cerebrospinal fluid test. A puncture is taken from the spinal canal into 2 tubes. The puncture is lubricated with iodine and covered with a sterile napkin. After the procedure, the patient remains in bed for 2 days.

In 1 sample, the amount of protein, cells, and traces of meningitis are determined. In the second sample, antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis are calculated. To do this, they do the following tests: RV, RMP, RIF and RIBT.

Depending on how many violations are detected, there are 4 types of cerebrospinal fluid. Each indicates specific damage to the nervous system. The doctor diagnoses:

  • vascular neurosyphilis;
  • syphilitic meningitis;
  • tabes dorsalis and so on.

In addition, the test results are used to judge the patient’s recovery.

Interpretation of tests is the task of the doctor. Only he is able to draw the right conclusions,, if necessary, prescribe additional examinations, and make an accurate diagnosis. You should not do self-diagnosis in case of dangerous systemic pathology. An error in diagnosis has serious consequences.

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The infection is contagious, its development can result in diseases of the skin, mucous membranes and lymphatic systems.

Scientists have proven that treponema pallidum affects not only the person who is diagnosed with the disease - it affects his heirs. Doctors explain this by saying that the bacterium affects the chromosomes.

Sexually transmitted diseases occur in three stages:

  • Primary – syphilitic ulcers (hard chancre) are formed and the nodes of the lymphatic system become inflamed.
  • Secondary – a rash appears on the skin. There is a high risk of infecting another person.
  • Latent – ​​there are no symptoms, the person remains infectious. If syphilis is diagnosed in a pregnant woman, there is a high chance that the infection will be passed on to the child.

In 30% of patients, doctors diagnose tertiary syphilis. The infection severely affects the bones, brain, important organs and skin. To diagnose a disease, a person needs to donate blood for tests.

How is blood tested for syphilis?

To check a patient for the presence of Treponema pallidum, you need to undergo an external examination, laboratory diagnostics and a blood test for syphilis. A blood test for syphilis allows doctors to detect specific (IgG) and non-specific antibodies (IgM) in it.

Specific antibodies can be detected using the causative agent of syphilis (treponema pallidum). This test for syphilis is called the treponemal test. Doctors detect non-specific antibodies to the material that is released from the destroyed treponema cell. This test for syphilis may be called a non-specific antiphospholipid test, RPR test, or reagin test. These tests in modern medicine are an alternative to the Wasserman reaction.

Doctors use both tests for the presence of Treponema pallidum in the initial diagnosis. They allow you to monitor how the infection responds to treatment.

The treponemal and RPR tests have an important difference - the test result is in a patient who has recovered. A few weeks later, after successful treatment, patients again take a blood test for the presence of Treponema pallidum. The RPR test will be negative, and the treponemal test will be positive, even after complete recovery.

The two tests that we discussed above are not the only ways to test the human body for syphilis. You can check your blood for the presence of syphilis pathogens using tests for:

  • Wasserman reaction;
  • polymerase chain reaction;
  • immunofluorescence reaction;
  • passive agglutination reaction;
  • immunoblotting.

They are widely used for diagnostic measures and monitoring the course of the disease. With a preliminary diagnosis of syphilis, a blood test is taken on an empty stomach. There are situations when, after treatment, a blood test is repeated and it shows a positive result. Doctors call it a questionable test for syphilis.

This begs the question: “How to cleanse the blood after syphilis?” If after the test the result is positive, this does not mean that there are pathogens in the blood. The analysis reacts to its lipid component; in such cases, blood is taken for analysis once every six months. Doctors prescribe certain procedures to cleanse the blood.

When to get tested for syphilis?

Doctors may prescribe a test for syphilis if:

  • the patient suspects that he is sick. Patients are frightened by a rash on the genitals;
  • there are positive test results for syphilis;
  • had intimate intimacy with a patient with syphilis;
  • a person wants to become a donor and needs to donate blood and sperm;
  • the person is in prison;
  • you need to undergo a medical examination before work. This applies to people working in a kindergarten or school, hospital, sanatoriums, cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, etc.;
  • a person takes drugs;
  • The person has been diagnosed with fever of unknown origin or enlarged lymph nodes.

When a woman is pregnant, she needs to take a detailed test for the presence of the syphilis pathogen in her blood three times. The first is taken when a pregnant woman is registered at the antenatal clinic, the second at 31 weeks and the third before giving birth.

If a woman is diagnosed with syphilis during pregnancy, after giving birth the baby is prescribed an examination that will help determine or exclude congenital syphilis.

How to get tested for syphilis?

How is a test for syphilis done and where is blood taken for syphilis?

To determine the presence of Treponema pallidum in the blood, doctors take blood from a vein. There are certain situations when a technician may take blood from a finger or from the spinal cord.

How long does it take to test for syphilis? In terms of time, the analysis for syphilis is prepared in different ways. The result can be obtained in one day, or in a few weeks. It depends on the diagnostic method. It doesn’t matter how long the test for syphilis is done, what matters is what result it shows.

How to prepare for syphilis tests?

Donating blood for syphilis is a crucial moment; the patient’s life depends on the results obtained. The preparation time for taking tests is measured not in days, but in weeks.

  1. We exclude fatty foods 24 hours before taking tests. In this way, patients cleanse the blood of optical phenomena in their blood.
  2. Doctors do not recommend eating for 7 hours before taking tests. Testing for syphilis is valid only on an empty stomach.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke the day before the tests. This may prevent doctors from assessing the reaction.
  4. One week before donating blood, you should not take antibiotics.

After the tests, the doctor prescribes treatment for syphilis. At the end of therapy, the patient needs to have a blood test again to determine how clear the blood is of pathogenic bacteria.

What is the test for syphilis called, how is the test taken and what is the most accurate test for syphilis

These are the most common questions today. Syphilis has many unpleasant symptoms and clinical manifestations. To recognize it, the patient undergoes a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination. A general blood test for syphilis is considered meaningless. He cannot convey the necessary information to doctors.

What tests are taken for syphilis?

  1. Blood from a vein and finger.
  2. Liquor - Doctors take fluid from the spinal cord.
  3. Doctors take material from a hard ulcer, which is formed by treponema pallidum, for analysis.
  4. Certain areas are taken from regional lymph nodes for analysis.

To confirm or exclude a diagnosis of syphilis, a blood test is chosen by the doctor. His choice is based on the period of development of the disease.

Classification of laboratory diagnostic measures for syphilis

When syphilis is in the first stage of development, patients can donate blood for syphilis for bacterioscopic analysis. In this case, doctors identify Treponema pallidum using a microscope. Also, today, doctors often use a serological test. It detects microbial antigens and antibodies that are produced by the body in biological materials.

Doctors do not diagnose syphilis by bacteriological examination; they do not trust a general blood test. Because they do not grow well in a nutrient medium or in artificial conditions.

Methods for diagnosing treponemas are divided into 2 groups.

The direct research method is aimed at detecting the microbe itself. You can detect it using:

  • dark-field microscopy, which helps to identify the pathogen against a dark background;
  • RIT test. The test material is injected into the rabbit;
  • polymerase chain reaction. It allows you to detect a section of the genetic material of a bacterium. This analysis takes the longest to complete.

The indirect research method, as it is also called serological, is based on identifying in detail the antibodies to microbes that are produced in the body in response to infection.

Then appropriate treatment for Cialis is prescribed. In turn, the indirect method is divided into 2 groups:

  1. The non-treponemal group includes:
  • reaction to cardiolipin antigen;
  • rapid plasma reagin test;
  • test with toluidine red;

2. The treponemal group includes:

  • reaction to a compliment with treponemal antigens;
  • reaction to immobilization of pathogens;
  • immunofluorescence reaction;
  • reaction to passive hemagglutination;
  • determination of low molecular weight compounds;
  • determination of specific proteins.

Doctors mainly diagnose syphilis using serological techniques.

Interpretation of a blood test for syphilis

How do doctors interpret and how long is a test for syphilis valid? We will look at one of the most common methods for diagnosing syphilis and its interpretation.

Decoding the test for syphilis using the Wasserman method. This method is used in cases where doctors need urgent tests. If it shows a negative result, then this is not a reason to rejoice. There is such a thing as a false positive result. It is possible that before being tested for syphilis, the patient drank alcohol or fatty foods.

When the analysis shows a positive result, the doctor, after some time, performs an additional examination using a specific test. The intensity of the reaction will help determine the accuracy of the result.

The doctor evaluates the results based on the number of pros and cons.

  • one or two pluses indicate a weakly positive result;
  • three pluses - about the positive;
  • four pluses - about the strongly positive;
  • minus - about the negative.

The doctor also evaluates the resulting antibody titer. If it is in the range from 1:2 - 1:800, then we can confidently say that the patient is developing syphilis.

After how many days is a syphilis test considered valid? The shelf life of the syphilis test is three months.