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What to do if you are the last person on Earth. A world without people: what will remain after us? Life of the last person on Earth: waiting vs. reality

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The last man on the planet is a typical plot for a post-apocalypse. Both world-famous scientists and fans of computer games like Fallout are building a variety of theories about why humanity can leave the Earth and what its only remaining inhabitant will do. Of course, such a scenario is unlikely. So let's think hypothetically.

Bright Side. ru knows what 10 things a person who is left alone on Earth should do first.

1. Stock up on gas cylinders...

In the first days of the absence of people on Earth, most of the cities will remain without light. First, thermal power plants using fossil fuels (gas, diesel, coal) will fail, then wind turbines, nuclear power plants and, finally, hydroelectric power plants.

Left alone on Earth, the last person must stock up not only on candles and matches, kerosene lamps, firewood and other alternative sources of light and heat. Autonomous gas-powered electric generators will be invaluable assistants. Gasoline and diesel devices will serve worse: after 5–10 years, fuel, even stored in tanks, will expire and become useless. But a gas cylinder can last almost half a century.

2. ...and water cans

Without electricity, most utility systems will stop working. Almost immediately, the water supply and sewerage systems will fail. Even if there is still light or the systems do not rely on electricity, without human maintenance they will stop working due to normal weather and natural phenomena. Growing plants, wild animals - it is difficult to imagine how quickly they can regain the territories once conquered from them by humans.

The last person on Earth should not only stock up on bottled water, but also find alternative sources of fresh fresh liquid - artesian wells, geysers, clean natural springs and streams.

3. Select a car

The last inhabitant of the planet will have more than a billion cars of all brands and colors at his disposal. True, most of them will become useless in 5–10 years (do you remember about the shelf life of gasoline and diesel?). Then you will have to give preference to an electric car, which can be recharged from a generator, or a gas car - if you can fill it from a cylinder.

4. Move to the sea

Obviously, in the absence of a person, heating systems will also cease to function. In order not to heat their homes with wood, the last person remaining on Earth will most likely move closer to the equator. (Plus, farming is easier in a warm climate. But more on that later.)

The only inhabitant of the planet will be able to choose any of the 1.5 billion houses built in any of the 2,667,417 cities (although, of course, he will be limited to his continent - unless he knows how to fly an airplane). But not every city will be suitable for habitation.

So, London, Amsterdam or, for example, Chicago are bad options. It is predicted that in the absence of people they will quickly go under water. In general, any cities located below, at or slightly above sea level will not be suitable - as well as settlements for the construction of which river beds were artificially changed (such as Chicago).

Rome or San Francisco are not suitable due to the high fire danger: they have many old buildings. If the lightning rods fail, these cities will most likely burn down in the very first years of the absence of people. No one will put out forest fires anymore, so the last person will not settle in a forest hut or, in general, next to a spruce forest or pine forest.

The ideal choice for the only person on the planet is a strong stone house with a large plot of black soil, located on an open hill, away from forests, close to the sea and sources of fresh water.

5. Learn to shoot

In the absence of humans, wild animals will feel completely safe and begin to take over. The last person will need shooting skills not only for hunting, but also to protect himself and his home. The ability to fish and generally survive in the wild will come in handy - after all, very soon the Earth will become green and wild again.

6. Get chickens...

In the early years of the absence of people, most products will expire. Even canned food will become dangerous to eat in a maximum of 5–10 years, because there will be no one to get medical help in case of poisoning. However, most drugs in closed packages and blisters will remain more or less suitable. The maximum that threatens them is the loss of their healing properties, but they will not become poison. For lack of anything better, that's good.

The only foods that remain safe are sugar, salt and honey. Of course, there is a strategic military reserve with an unlimited shelf life, but it is unknown whether the last man will be able to get to it. Therefore, he will probably switch to subsidiary farming: he will grow vegetables and fruits, take care of livestock for milk, meat and eggs.

7. ...and a parrot

The last person on the planet will inevitably feel lonely. The only living interlocutor for him can be a talking parrot. These birds very accurately imitate human voices, and the last inhabitant of the planet will be able to have at least the illusion of dialogue with him.

In addition, to escape loneliness, he will most likely get a dog. Any of the 847 existing breeds will be at his disposal. Getting doggies means saving their lives: these pets cannot live without humans. But dogs of large breeds go wild and partially adapt to life without people.

8. Visit libraries...

Works of art will help the last person to brighten up his loneliness - without this way of filling his leisure time, he can simply go crazy.

10. Try to find other people

The ISS, on which the disk with the genetic code is stored, will begin to fall in the absence of people, enter the atmosphere and collapse in flaming debris. And other space objects that store human DNA will behave unpredictably without contact with the Earth. Therefore, the only real chance to continue the human race on our planet will appear only if the last inhabitant of the planet finds other people.

If all attempts are in vain, the last person will only have to live and enjoy. He will probably get creative and try to leave a memory of himself in works of art - or simply in the notes of the last representative of the human race for the new, future intelligent inhabitants of planet Earth.

Life of the last person on Earth: waiting vs. reality

  • Expectation: you can visit any boutiques, dress only in luxury, use the most expensive perfumes and cosmetics.

    Reality: I don’t want to dress up luxuriously and for no one.

  • Expectation: You can live in a celebrity’s house and live their life.

    Reality: even in an elite cottage you cannot escape from insomnia - statistically lonely people sleep only 4 hours a day.

  • Expectation: You can travel almost anywhere.

    Reality: houses, roads, the familiar appearance of the planet and way of life are collapsing before our eyes.

  • Expectation: You can behave as you like without being embarrassed by anyone.

    Reality: you need to fight bad habits - 60% of lonely people are susceptible to them.

  • Expectation: the entire heritage of centuries-old human history is at your disposal.

    Reality: It is unlikely that you will live long enough to see all this, because single people rarely live to be 70.

What would you do if you were left alone on Earth?

If an unusual incident happened to you, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you had an unusual dream, you saw a UFO in the sky or became a victim of alien abduction, you can send us your story and it will be published on our website ===> .

Scenarios of an apocalypse on a single planet in the solar system cannot scare even a schoolchild these days. Scientists gloomily predict either climate change as a result of global warming, or a third world war, or complete degeneration.

These pessimistic scenarios are more or less clear and known to us. But what would the world be like if humanity just... disappeared? What will happen if humanity suddenly sinks into oblivion? How long will the remnants of our civilization last on the planet, serving as a monument to people who have passed into oblivion? What will remain after us? The authors decided to fantasize about this topic from a scientific point of view. photo strips "A world without people".

The main question: what will aliens learn about our civilization if they suddenly appear on planet Earth a hundred years after the complete disappearance of the human race? The answer is astonishing: practically nothing. In just a hundred years, most of the evidence of our existence will be washed away by rain, ruffled by wind, destroyed by earthquakes, our cities will become habitats for wild animals, insects and bacteria; ancient ruins will be preserved much better than skyscrapers, and ancient paper books from libraries will be better preserved than electronic ones. So the aliens are more likely to decide that the last intelligent race on Earth were... the Egyptians.

However, this is not exactly a utopia, but rather a scientific forecast made during the filming of the television documentary Life After People.

Gordon Masterton, a consultant for the TV movie, believes that the destruction of evidence of the existence of our civilization will take place according to the following scenario: after the disappearance of people around the world, electric lights will go out. For two weeks, wind turbines will generate energy by inertia, and then the planet will plunge into primeval darkness, which it has not seen since the first fires. In another six months, city streets will become a new jungle for wild animals. After 20 years, the main “city dwellers” are bears and wolves; wooden buildings and structures will begin to rot and collapse (this will happen especially quickly in termite habitats). The steel frames of buildings will also be subject to erosion.

Let's look 50 years ahead. The technically “advanced” civilization of people of the 21st century is losing ground on all fronts: corrosion, the “invasion” of lush vegetation and temperature changes are doing their dirty work - modern buildings are almost completely destroyed. And in another 50 years, all cars will disappear from the face of the earth.

Nature will make its own adjustments to the appearance of familiar cities: constant melting and freezing of water will destroy sidewalks and highways, underground water will flood metro stations, and during thunderstorms, lightning will set dry grass on fire and lead to numerous fires.

The animal world will also change with the disappearance of people: with the heating turned off, cockroaches will freeze and die, rats, accustomed to eating scraps from the human table, will die of hunger; large animals, on the other hand, will thrive. Some hundred years after the disappearance of people, the half-million population of African elephants will increase and reach 10 million individuals. Domesticated animals (goats, sheep, cows) will become easy prey for predators and will disappear as a species if they cannot adapt to new living conditions.

Incredible facts

What people have a great impact on the earth, has long been no secret - the extinction of various animal species, ozone holes and ocean acidification are just a few examples of human influence on the planet.

What will happen to the Earth if suddenly all the people on it disappear?

It's quite easy to imagine a quiet, devastated planet with ruined houses covered in greenery. But actually, It will be a long time before the skyscrapers are covered with vines.

According to American documentarians, the first few weeks without people will be real chaos.

What will happen if there are no people?

* All power plants will be completed first- without humans they will not be able to produce either light or heat. Also, without electricity, large numbers of animals (about 1 billion pigs, 1.5 billion cows and 20 billion chickens) will wander out of their pens and farms in search of food.

* The lives of pets depend on people, so they will have to adapt to the new world and start hunting. Most likely, most pets will starve to death. But for some, everything will end even sadder - they will become food for wild cats and dogs.

Most dogs and cats of certain breeds are not suitable for living in the wild. Their places will be taken by feral cats and dogs of mixed breeds and wolves.

* A person throws out a large amount of garbage, which serves as food for rats and cockroaches. Without garbage, these animals will die out.

* Before the plants reach and cover houses, many houses will burn to the ground. Without firefighters, for example, one lightning bolt striking a wooden roof would be enough to burn not only a house, but an entire village or town.

Today, there are a lot of houses on Earth made using wood, and in 100 years they simply won’t exist.

They will reach the unburned houses termites and various microorganisms.

* Anything made of steel - cars, bridges - will be next. Without regular maintenance (painting, for example), the iron in steel will turn into rust when exposed to oxygen from the air.

Steel buildings in the desert will last much longer because the desert has very low levels of moisture, which accelerates rusting in other places.

* Roads will collapse or turn into rivers, and underground tunnels (metro, sewerage) will be flooded.

* Hurricanes, storms and other weather phenomena. Even though many modern buildings are built to last at least 60 years, with bridges lasting 120 years and dams lasting 250 years, without proper maintenance they will all wear out.

The human world and the natural world

* 40-50 years after people disappear, most houses will collapse. Sidewalks, roads, parking lots and houses that survive fires will be covered with climbing greenery - bushes, vines, large plants and trees.

* In about 50 years, about 80% of the Earth's territory will be covered with forests, and our planet will be completely covered with vegetation in about 200 years.

* All structures created by man will completely disappear from the face of planet Earth in a few thousand years. All of the approximately 430 nuclear power plants will explode, but the consequences of these explosions will not be as horrific as many might think.

* Most of the animals that were oppressed by people will return to their previous level, which was before the rapid development of people.

Invasive species that humans have imported and exported will begin to thrive in their non-native lands. It is possible that even animals that escaped from zoos will begin to reproduce successfully in a new place.

* Only 2-3 weeks after our disappearance, the air on Earth will become much cleaner. But still, the large amount of carbon dioxide that has accumulated in the atmosphere will still have a strong impact on the environment, at least 1,000 years.

After this, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels will normalize, but radioactive material from sources such as nuclear power plants will remain for a very long time.

Human influence on nature

* Even if people suddenly disappear, they will leave behind indelible traces.

Mountains of garbage will remain - chemicals in plastic packaging and some types of rubber that are resistant to the digestive systems of bacteria that break down natural polymers. All this garbage will not break down naturally.

Plastic and rubber waste will eventually end up in the oceans and begin to accumulate in layers. After hundreds of millions of years, this debris will either sink to the bottom and accumulate there, or become integrated into the rock layers and become part of the geological record.

What legacy does man leave to this world when his time comes to an end? Each of us naively believes that his words, photographs, personal belongings and life in general are interesting and important, if not for the whole world, then at least for close people. Is it so?

Editorial today "So simple!" will share the story of our reader, who discovered the truth and realized that very little, almost nothing, remains of a person’s life.

What remains after a person

“In my search for rental housing, I happened to visit an apartment in the capital, which they tried to rent out immediately after the death of the owner. It was a gloomy three-room apartment with a back entrance,- Ksenia begins her story. - The heirs seemed to live far away and didn’t really want to move here. They didn't even bother with cleaning or transporting things. The apartment looked as if the owner had just gone to the store to buy bread..."

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“It seemed to me that now she would come in and ask in the voice of the head teacher: “Young people, what are you doing here?” But of course she didn't come.

I looked at the massive color TV on the nightstand, the skein of floss lying next to it, and the vase with buttons. Nearby there was a sideboard with multi-colored glasses, from which, it seemed, wine was often drunk...

Behind the glass is a photo of a girl in an imported hat and fur coat. Coats and winter boots are neatly folded in the closet. And there are calendars everywhere: tear-off ones here, flip-over calendars there - it’s just a mania. Looks like they were keeping track of time here.”

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“On the kitchen cabinet there is a box of unfinished vitamins - here they planned to live happily ever after. But the medicine boxes are nowhere to be seen - no one was sick.

The owner occupied all three rooms. But she didn’t live alone. There was a subtle feline spirit hovering everywhere, and the hunch was confirmed by jars of kitten shampoo. It was the cats that played the leading roles here, and it seems that they were pushed out all together right behind the coffin.”

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“Small library. Not artificial, the kind that people usually collect when books are selected by color and size, but real, living. These books were read and re-read, and fresh ones were brought in. There is Chinese philosophy, detective stories, and a couple of romance novels.

There was a lot of literature about the apartment owner’s grandfather. These were massive books, and in different languages. Apparently, he was an important public figure, and they expressed gratitude to him for his genius, for his communist activities, and so on. If the apartment had a fireplace, then this waste paper could keep the fire going. At least some benefit..."

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“What is left of this woman? Only an apartment in the capital, renting out which distant relatives can now stop working. It seemed to me that until today I believed in my own immortality. I planned so much, saved, saved money... Now I saw what happens next.”

Indeed, life is a very fickle thing. Today you breathe and enjoy life, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, solving your important matters. And tomorrow you may no longer exist, and then everything that was priceless to you will be unnecessary to your children, grandchildren and other people. After all, they have their own...

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This story once again shows that a person greatly overestimates his importance to the world. Everything material that we value and adore so much is ridiculous and insignificant.

We are trying, putting all our energy and time into this, but they simply won’t need it. for children to have a comfortable life - nothing works either. This is because life cannot be arranged once and for all. You can only live with it, enjoying every day.

Perhaps you should save not money, but good impressions, so that you have something to remember when life begins to decline? What remains after life person? Nothing. Strangers just come, trample your footprints, turn your books into ashes and make coffee in your Turk.

He dreams that people will treat nature more carefully. In the future, he plans to engage in the protection of wild animals, environmental protection and other useful activities that will improve the condition of the planet. Bogdan believes that such work makes more sense than any other! He wants to one day return to Finland, which amazed him with its crystal clear lakes and friendly people. I would also like to come to St. Petersburg for a long time to get to know the city better. Bogdan is an energetic and cheerful football player. Our editor's favorite book, after reading which he began writing articles, is “Martin Eden” by Jack London.