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Dietary chicken broth: a recipe for maintaining beauty and health. Chicken broth recipe for a patient after surgery

If a person is weakened, squeezes out after an injury or surgery, or poisoning, the first thing he is given is chicken broth, which, if consumed correctly, can greatly help in recovery. Let's look at how to cook chicken broth for a patient who is poisoned in order to bring him maximum benefit and not harm him. To do this you need to know some rules.

What are the benefits of chicken broth?

If a person goes, he has severe vomiting, he feels sick, he has diarrhea - he loses a lot of fluid and along with it useful substances such as sodium and potassium. To restore all these components, the patient after poisoning is given IVs that restore lost nutrients and restore the intestinal microflora.

Chicken broth is useful because the product is not fatty, easily digestible, and will not harm the patient’s body. But - when cooking, you need to remove the fat and skin, the most harmful part of the chicken.
In order for the broth to bring maximum benefit, it must be given according to the scheme - on the first day nothing at all, or 50 grams, on the second 100-120 ml, on the third you can add vegetables, on the fourth - meat, well boiled, or better yet, ground .

Chicken broth contains many useful substances in the form of vitamins of almost the entire B group, and the most important for us: A, E, C, D. In addition, the patient will benefit from a whole range of microelements in the form of phosphorus, magnesium, iodine with iron and potassium.

Chicken broth after poisoning is also useful because it contains proteins and amino acids.
Such an excellent composition allows the patient to get back on his feet faster after poisoning and improve his immunity, while it is light and does not put extra stress on the sick body.

When boiled broth can be harmful

Not every broth can be beneficial for a sick person. It is unacceptable to give it in case of poisoning if it is cooked:

With factory-made, precocious chicken stuffed with chemicals;
- if you decide to create soup from cubes that have nothing useful in them, only harm;
- If you are suffering from alcohol poisoning, you should not drink chicken broth. Here you need to drink plenty of fluids, moreover, in the form of clean water, which removes toxins;
- It is unacceptable to add hot spices in the first days of illness.
- on the first day we cook without vegetables and with a minimum of salt.

You need to remember - in severe cases of departure, broth will not help at all, you need to urgently call an ambulance. When treatment has already been prescribed, you can already give chicken broth after poisoning, but starting with the easiest option, which we will discuss below.
By the end of the treatment week, you can already think about what to do for the patient.

Chicken broth, recipe for the sick

It would seem that what wisdom would be to cook a broth: throw the chicken into the water, cook it and give it to the sick person to drink. But no, there are a lot of rules here, and you must adhere to them if you want recovery and not worsening of the disease.

Important steps in preparing medicinal broth:

1. The chicken must be a laying hen raised at home, without the use of chemicals, on grass and normal feed. Not a broiler, in the cultivation of which all sorts of additives are used for their rapid growth, but an ordinary layer that housewives keep for eggs; she can be 2-3 years old, and the quality of the chicken will not suffer from this.
2. How to cook chicken broth for a patient correctly - wash the chicken thoroughly, remove the feathers, legs, head, all the insides - be sure, and rinse thoroughly. By and large, you can safely remove the breast from the chicken; there is no fat from it. Once the patient has recovered a little, after 2-3 days you can cook steamed cutlets from the breast for the second time.
3. If you are thinking about whether chicken broth can be used in case of poisoning, it is definitely necessary, but - we remove the skin and all the fat - there is no need for a load on the sick body in the form of fats. Next, cut the chicken and put it in the pan. Pour in clean water so that all the meat is covered, let it boil, after a couple of minutes we mercilessly drain everything, rinse the chicken, and fill it with clean, always cold water. As soon as it boils, without covering with a lid, turn the heat to the lowest setting and cook, making sure that it boils barely, slightly swaying. This recipe will give you a clear broth that is as healthy as possible.
4. When cooking, it is possible and even advisable to add an onion head to the chicken. By the way, if you do not completely clean it, leave the lower layers, the broth will acquire a golden color. Aesthetics is also, you know, an important matter.
5. On the second day, you can also add carrots, on the third day, if you are wondering how to prepare chicken broth for a patient, you can also add potatoes, and if his health has improved significantly - the same boiled breast that was separated from the chicken on the first day day.
6. How long to cook the broth: the recipe says until the meat is completely cooked and separates freely from the bones.
7. On the first day, serve the broth without anything, in an amount of 50-70 ml, on the second - add crackers (we take white bread, yesterday's bread), on the third - vegetables, and according to the patient's condition - pureed meat.
8. This chicken broth recipe for a sick person in case of poisoning is simply a salvation. If you follow all the above tips, you will receive a healing juice.

Don’t forget, the recovery process may take a week or even longer. You need to carefully monitor the required diet, consult a doctor, and be sure to wash your hands, because the body is weakened and can immediately catch an infection. In addition to the fact that you need to know how to cook the broth correctly, the recipe is correct, you also need to add a non-sweet compote to the menu, it is better to use dried fruits, rice porridge, simply boiled in water, buckwheat (the same method), you can use rice water, which is also allowed in this period envelops the intestines. All these products do not injure the mucous membrane and trigger the healing mechanism.
After the healing process has begun, you can already give.

Chicken broth after poisoning

We have described the broth recipe in detail, now we will give some recommendations received from specialists - nutritionists, doctors and chefs, in preparing chicken broth for a sick person:

The best leg broth;
- you don’t have to remove the foam, it will settle in the process, then strain, and all the useful substances will remain in place;
- cook the broth for about 3 hours, if you throw in vegetables, then after 1.5 hours of cooking, then remove after turning off. They have already given everything useful to Yushka.

Jewish penicillin - this is the name given to the healing chicken broth. Pre-baking the carrots and onions in a dry frying pan will enhance the taste and color.
Do not add sweet peas - it will kill all the flavor of the chicken, only black and bay peas.
Parsley, dill, celery, and parsnips are good for cooking broth.
For the best taste of the broth, add salt at the beginning of cooking.
By the end of the week you can already give.

For those recovering, Masha Zolina talks very interestingly about preparing chicken broth, or rather, even soup, look:

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

After surgery or after another illness, doctors always prescribe a special, low-calorie, gentle diet. It always includes low-fat chicken broth. Today I will tell you how to prepare not only healthy, post-operative, but also delicious chicken broth that can cheer up anyone who is sick. Well, watch how chicken broth is prepared after surgery, see the recipe below. I would like to draw your attention to this one too.

Required Products:

- 1.5-2 liters of water;
- 300 grams of chicken fillet;
- 1 small carrot;
- 1 small onion;
- A couple of sprigs of fresh herbs, for example, dill;
- 1 tsp. salt;
- 1 bay leaf;
- 4-5 black peppercorns.

Recipe with photos step by step:

For the broth I will use lean meat without skin. Chicken fillet, namely breast, is perfect for this. If your breast is on the bone, it’s okay, just remove the skin. I wash the fillet and cut off if there are small areas of fat. There are not many of them, but I even cut them off so that the broth is as clear as possible.

Place the fillet in a pan of cold water. When the water warms up, I add salt, but there should be a little salt, after all, the broth needs to be prepared in a dietary and correct manner.

To make the broth have a pleasant taste, I add some natural spices: a laurel leaf and a pea of ​​allspice.

I peel the carrots, rinse them and add them to the broth so that the color of the broth is not too pale. Carrots will also give the dish a pleasant sweetish taste. I peel the onion and put it in its entirety in the broth so that the taste becomes brighter and richer. After preparing the broth, I simply remove the onion. The chicken breast itself does not add much of a distinct flavor to the broth, but root vegetables will make it a pleasant treat after a procedure such as surgery.

After the broth boils, foam will appear on its surface, which I immediately remove with a slotted spoon. The foam needs to be removed so that the broth is then clear as glass.

I will cook the broth for 30-40 minutes, take out the finished chicken fillet to make it easier to cut it into pieces.

I put chopped chicken and a few pieces of boiled carrots in a plate.

I pour hot broth on top.

I sprinkle with freshly chopped dill to make the broth even tastier.
A wonderful tonic and strengthening dish is ready!
This broth perfectly restores strength both after surgery and after a prolonged cold.

If one of your relatives feels unwell or has a slight cold, then a plate of such miraculous broth will get anyone back on their feet.
Bon Appetite!

Recovery in the postoperative period can be quite difficult and requires a special approach from the patient to his health. To quickly replenish lost strength, you need to eat right, and chicken broth after surgery (you will find the recipe below) is the best remedy.

What exactly is its benefit and how to properly prepare such a dish for a patient - you will learn about all this further from our article.

What are the benefits of chicken broth for a patient after surgery?

Surely you have repeatedly heard that doctors after surgery advise their patient to consume chicken broth. But why is this dish considered a panacea? The fact is that chicken broth is indeed very beneficial for the body, especially weak ones, because its effect is quite global.

Surgery on the intestines, kidneys, removal of appendicitis and many other surgical interventions can lead not only to a decrease in the body’s physical strength, but also to the appearance of a number of other diseases.

For example, your immune system may weaken, and this will further provoke an increased risk of colds. Anemia, diabetes, ulcers, dysbacteriosis and many other diseases can also develop.

To prevent these dangerous consequences, you need to drink chicken broth. Its use will help the operated person with the following:

  • The weakened body will be replenished with important vitamins, amino acids, and most importantly, protein.
  • The intestinal microflora will be restored and the acidity of the stomach will return to normal.
  • The protective (immune) functions of the body will increase, which will allow the body to actively resist various infections.
  • The inflammatory process will pass or significantly decrease.
  • Possessing excellent detoxifying properties and the ability to improve the functioning of the adrenal glands and kidneys together will help cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals.
  • Fights dehydration.
  • Poultry broth is easily absorbed by the body, so it is digested quite quickly and does not burden the stomach.

All these properties will have a beneficial effect on the sick body and will help it to recover physically very quickly: to regain its former strength, energy and return to good health. Therefore, if the doctor prescribes chicken broth, do not be lazy to prepare it, because it is the cheapest and most effective of all medicines.

How to properly make chicken broth for a patient after surgery

There are no particular differences in preparing broth for a sick person from preparing regular broth. In general everything is the same. However, there are some nuances in preparing postoperative broth that should be taken into account so as not to harm your loved one.

Rule #1: Choosing chicken meat

The richness of it will depend on what part of the carcass you use for the broth. For example, chicken wings and legs, as well as other parts of it, which contain quite a lot of dark meat and bones, will make a very rich broth. Because it contains a lot of fat, it is not suitable for people recovering from surgery.

A medium-fat broth can be obtained by cooking in a soup set (it mainly includes cartilage, back, wings and neck). A good broth is made from half or a whole bird carcass. But especially for the postoperative period, a dish made from breast is suitable, since it turns out to be especially light and light.

Keep in mind that chicken meat (any part of it) should not contain subcutaneous fat or skin - they will make the broth greasy.

Rule No. 2: Drain the first water from the chicken

Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase poultry from a trusted person (although this would be ideal). Most of us buy meat in stores or supermarkets, where it comes from large poultry farms. They raise broiler chickens there, which are specially fed so that they grow quickly, and they are also fed antibiotics so that they do not get sick.

And since during cooking the meat gives up most of it to water, all these harmful substances will end up in the broth. Such a remedy will definitely do more harm than good, so drain the first water 10 minutes after boiling (when foam has already appeared).

Rule #3: How long to cook chicken broth

If you are using store-bought poultry, 1-1.5 hours will be enough. Country poultry takes longer to cook - about 2-3 hours. If the chicken is young, then it will cook in 2 hours; a more mature carcass will cook in about 3 hours.

To avoid overcooking the meat, check it with a fork: if it pierces easily, it means it is ready.

How to cook delicious dietary chicken broth: recipe without salt

Most often, postoperative broth is prepared unsalted (according to the diet prescribed by the doctor). To somehow brighten up the taste of the dish, we will add healthy aromatic herbs and some vegetables, not fried in oil.

We will prepare the broth using old and proven technology, because this is what our wise grandmothers did. If you do everything correctly and listen to the tips described, the broth will turn out just right.


  • Whole chicken – 1 pc. weighing up to 1 kg;
  • Parsley and celery (roots) - to taste;
  • Water – 2.5-3 l;
  • Fresh carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Fragrant greens – 1 bunch;
  • Onions – 1 pc.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking chicken broth with vegetables and herbs after surgery

  1. Wash the chicken, cut it up, put it in a pan, fill it with water and put it on high heat. When the liquid in the pan boils, drain the water, rinse the meat, then place it in clean water and put it back on the stove. The chicken should be cooked on low heat for about 1 hour. During cooking, the foam will have to be skimmed off.

The exact cooking time depends on what kind of chicken you buy - broiler or domestic.

  1. The broth should be cooked with vegetables, so we peel the onions and carrots and put them whole in the pan.
  2. We also add celery and parsley roots here. They must first be washed, peeled and cut into small pieces.
  3. When everything is cooked, sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs and, if you want, decorate with an egg. It is advisable to use quail, as it is hypoallergenic, very healthy and easily accepted by the body.

This is the kind of simple, hearty and transparent broth we will get. Despite the lack of salt, the taste will not be neutral. Eating such a treat is a pleasure, unless, of course, you have any contraindications to it.

When should you not eat chicken broth?

No matter how high the benefits of this dish may be, there are nevertheless cases when it is better for people to refuse chicken broth in their diet:

  • low acidity;
  • liver diseases;
  • allergy to chicken meat;
  • pancreatitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • alcohol poisoning.

It is not advisable to give broth to small children. It is difficult to say exactly at what age they can use it, so it is better to first consult with your doctor about this.

In other cases (but only with the doctor’s permission), you really need to drink chicken broth after surgery. We described the recipe for a therapeutic diet step by step above, so use it and never get sick.

Health to you and your loved ones!

To cook chicken broth for a patient, all you need to do is choose high-quality chicken and master the simplest skills of preparing this dish. All chicken broth recipes are quite simple - after all, in this case you just need to cook the bird correctly.

However, there are also some peculiarities regarding cooking time and the addition of certain components. Chicken broth for a patient should not be too fatty - this is the main rule. Especially if it is prepared for those after surgery.

A detailed description of how you can prepare chicken broth to restore a sick person after a cold, surgery and other complications is given below.

Chicken broth is an excellent food for a patient after surgery.

First of all, you need to be especially responsible when choosing the main product from which the broth will be obtained - chicken. It’s good if we know for sure its origin (a trusted manufacturer or a village chicken purchased from friends).

But in most cases, the purchase is made in a regular supermarket. Therefore, we need to arm ourselves with what nature has given - eyes, smell and tactile sensations.

Here are some simple tips on how to choose the right meat for chicken broth, which will help a person recover after surgery:

  • First of all, there is no need to buy poultry in unverified places - from hand, in unfamiliar markets, etc. It is better to purchase it in packaging, with all the relevant marks (manufacturer, GOST, date of manufacture and packaging, expiration date).

  • We immediately discard the option of frozen chicken - in most cases it is better to purchase chilled meat. Firstly, then we don’t overpay for ice, which adds “extra” grams. And most importantly, frozen meat cannot be smelled or touched. Therefore, there is a real risk of encountering low-quality products that have long expired.

  • Of course, first of all we pay attention to the appearance. The surface of the chicken skin should be smooth, without defects. The skin is clean and elastic. The presence of feathers, dents, and scratches is unacceptable.
  • To determine the age of a bird, you can simply look at the color of the skin. In young chickens it is pink, quite a pleasant color. Older chickens have a yellowish color, which is quite normal. This kind of meat takes longer to cook, although it produces a very rich, aromatic broth. We categorically exclude bluish, blackened, green carcasses.
  • Now let's check the freshness of the meat. The date indicated on the package is one thing, our feelings are another matter. Just press on the surface of the skin (the fleshy parts). Fresh meat will instantly “spring back” and no dents will remain. The old will leave a hole.
  • In addition, an old chicken will have rather flabby skin - it will have several folds on the surface, and the color will be very uneven.

  • And one last point. Even if everything looks fine with the chicken, we will definitely smell it. If the smell is fresh, it means your eyes haven’t deceived you. The slightest foreign odors are a reason to reject the carcass.

How to cook chicken broth for a patient after surgery: a classic recipe

This dish is very simple, although it takes quite a long time to prepare:

  1. The average cooking time is at least 1.5-2 hours.
  2. At the same time, the calorie content is only 15 kcal per 100 ml of liquid (essentially 2 g of protein in 100 ml of soup). Moreover, every 100 g of meat itself will provide approximately the same amount of calories - about 120-140 kcal, which is quite normal.

In the classic recipe we will need the following products:


  • chicken – 1 carcass;
  • water – 3 liters;
  • onions and carrots - 1 piece each;
  • greens - 1 sprig (usually dill);
  • chicken eggs - 2-3 pieces (or 4-5 quail eggs);
  • salt - to taste.

We will act like this - first of all, we will decide on the part of the carcass from which we will cook chicken broth for the patient:

  • if a person just needs to regain strength after a debilitating illness, a cold, or after surgery, you can use any part.
  • but if a strict diet is prescribed (for example, for diseases of the digestive system), our option is only breast and maximum wings.
  • At the same time, it is better to remove as much skin from the chicken as possible.

How to cook chicken broth - recipe

Step 1. Cut the skinless chicken into 3-4 large pieces (or divide the carcass into 2 halves) and place in cold water. You can put it in whole - then it will be easier to take out, and cooking will take a little longer. This is an unimportant point.

But the amount of water matters - you need to take 3-3.5 times more water than chicken. For example, a chicken carcass weighs 1.5 kg. Then take a large saucepan and pour 5 liters of water into it at once, because some part will inevitably boil away.

Step 2. Place the pan with the chicken on the fire and first turn on the stove at full power. You need to wait until it boils, then immediately reduce the heat to medium. This is a very important stage, because it largely determines how to cook chicken broth for a sick person, and for healthy people as well.

We monitor the foam all the time and remove it. Also, cook in a saucepan without a lid, because otherwise the water will become too cloudy due to strong boiling.

Step 3. Immediately after boiling, the soup can be salted - first it is better to take a known small amount of salt, for example, a teaspoon. Thanks to this, we will definitely not over-salt our broth. To make the broth have a pleasant taste, you can also add a bay leaf and a couple of peas of allspice.

Step 4. After boiling, the broth will cook for at least 45 minutes, and in the case of old chicken - from 1.5 hours. All this time it should not boil at all.

There should be a very weak, barely noticeable formation of bubbles on the surface of the water (water temperature no more than +80 o C). And again, we constantly remove the foam, especially since after adding salt it will come off more intensively for some time.

Step 5. Meanwhile, thoroughly wash the onions and carrots and remove all contaminated areas. Cut the vegetables in half and fry in a completely dry frying pan until a blackish surface appears.

In the end, the vegetables should look something like this. They don’t look very appetizing, but that’s okay - they are not intended for consumption, but to create the taste and color of our broth.

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to bother with frying, then you can do this. Peel the carrots, rinse, cut into large cubes. Peel the onion and wash it as well. You can also take parsley root - peeled and well washed.

Step 6. Place the vegetables in the broth and cook all together for 15-20 minutes. Taste the broth and add more salt if necessary.

Step 7. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave it on the stove (if necessary, you can cover it with a thick towel). The soup must sit for another half hour, or even more.

Step 8. Meanwhile, boil 2-3 chicken or 4-5 quail eggs. This can be done as you wish, because eggs serve only as an addition to our main recipe. But eggs will provide additional calories without the slightest fat, and they will also add beauty to the finished broth.

Step 9. Everything is almost ready. Now we take the meat out of the pan, remove the vegetables - they have already given up their color and aroma. Be sure to strain the chicken broth through a sieve. This is the general principle of preparing chicken broth according to the classic recipe - both for a patient after surgery and in other cases.

When serving, add some greens and half a boiled egg. If you want to make the dish brighter and more beautiful, also add a few slices of carrots to the plate.

And don’t forget to sprinkle with finely chopped dill. If necessary, the broth can be salted.

Chicken broth for the sick - with herbs and egg

As a result of simple efforts, we get a delicious dish - chicken broth, which has long become a classic. It awakens the appetite and evokes some cozy, homely sensations. And most importantly, it helps a person recover from surgery or illness, giving him new strength for life.

Bon appetit and be healthy!

Chicken broth soup is a classic dish that has been familiar to us since childhood. During the cold season, a fragrant, hot potion will not only satisfy your hunger, but also help you warm up. The dish, at first glance, is very simple, but experienced housewives know special secrets and subtleties. Properly cooked chicken broth is an excellent base for a variety of soups.

How to make chicken broth

The taste and concentration of the broth largely depends on the bird, so try to buy homemade soup chicken - this way the soup will bring maximum benefits. The rich liquid can be obtained from a whole bird or from a piece of meat with bones. You should not cook broth from just chicken fillet. Try to fill the bird only with cold water, and after boiling, skim off the foam and add vegetables.

Chicken Broth Recipes

After reading the recipes, you will not have a question about how to prepare chicken broth. A low-calorie dish can be included in the daily diet. Add seasonings, vegetables, grains and other additives to the broth to your liking. Before cooking, wash the chicken thoroughly under running water and, if necessary, cut into small pieces.


  • Cooking time: 65 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 36 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

If you don't know how to make chicken broth, try this method. The liquid can be used as a base for soup, or consumed as an independent dish. The broth has valuable nutritional properties and is rich in protein. To make the dish even healthier, the first broth is drained during the cooking process. This helps reduce the amount of purine bases.


  • chicken – 1.5 kg;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the whole bird in a pan and add water. Let it cook.
  2. Avoid strong boiling. If foam appears, remove it with a slotted spoon.
  3. Add salt, reduce heat, cover the pan and cook for about an hour.

From chicken breast

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 113 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken breast broth is a low-calorie first course that can be given to children on a diet. Give preference to poultry, then your dish will be richer and acquire a pleasant golden color. You can place the boiled breast in the broth when serving or serve separately. Place fresh herbs on the plate to make the first dish even tastier.


  • chicken breast – 200 g;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • dill – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water over the chicken, add salt, and place the container over medium heat.
  2. When the liquid boils, reduce the temperature and remove the foam. Cook for about an hour.
  3. 10 minutes before the chicken is ready, add the greens.

From legs

  • Cooking time: 95 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 129 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

In the photo we often see a beautiful golden broth made from chicken legs. By following the recipe directions, you too can prepare this dish. Ham broth is an excellent base for soups. Before starting cooking, it is recommended to soak the meat in cold water for an hour. To reduce the amount of fat, remove the skin from the legs.


  • chicken legs – 1 kg;
  • salt – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the bird in a saucepan and add water.
  2. Wait until it boils, remove the foam, add salt.
  3. Cook the legs over low heat for about 90 minutes.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat.

Chicken drumstick

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 80 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken drumsticks are great for making rich, golden broths. You can use the finished meat in other dishes, or divide it into small pieces and leave it in the soup. Take at least 3 legs; any less, the taste will not be strong enough. To remove excess fat and reduce calories, remove the skin before heat treatment.


  • chicken drumstick – 4 pcs.;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • allspice – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Fill the drumstick with water.
  2. Wait for the foam to appear, remove it using a slotted spoon.
  3. Salt the water and add spices.
  4. Let the broth simmer for 1 hour on low.

With potato

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 102 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The recipe for chicken broth with potatoes allows you to prepare a first course that can replace a full meal for lunch. It is better to use starchy varieties of vegetables that cook well. How long to cook chicken for broth depends on the age and size of the bird. Even the most inexperienced housewives can cook delicious soup using this chicken broth recipe.


  • chicken – 1 kg;
  • potatoes – 500 g;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • parsley – 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the chicken in a saucepan, add water.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil, skim off the foam, add salt.
  3. Add potatoes, cook over low heat.
  4. Add parsley to the boiling broth 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

With egg

  • Cooking time: 85 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 151 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

The recipe will make a delicious broth that may become your favorite food. Healthy and natural ingredients will quickly satisfy your hunger. To ensure that your soup does not turn out cloudy, be sure to skim off the foam and reduce the temperature to a minimum. Opt for home-cooked chicken and eggs, especially if you're cooking for a small child.


  • chicken meat – 400 g;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • dill – 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place meat in a saucepan with cold water.
  2. After boiling, remove the foam, reduce the heat and add the whole onion.
  3. After 10 minutes, add vegetables, boiled eggs, and herbs.
  4. After half an hour, turn off the heat.

With vegetables

  • Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 152 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Recipes for the first one, chicken with vegetables, have long won the hearts of many housewives, as it is a simple and very useful drug. How to cook a dish if you don't have time? – you will find the answer to this question in the recipe. Take a variety of vegetables and combine them to get the perfect taste. Depending on the time of year, you can add fresh herbs or a variety of dry seasonings.


  • chicken meat – 500 g;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • celery stalks – 2 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • dill – 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry the onion with carrots, celery until tender, add salt.
  2. Rinse the meat, place it in a saucepan, add prepared vegetables and herbs.
  3. Fill everything with cold water and leave over medium heat until it boils.
  4. Skim off the foam, reduce the gas, and cook until tender.
  5. Disconnect and let sit for an hour.


  • Cooking time: 75 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 181 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Rich broth is a great way to satisfy your hunger. This is a tasty, healthy food that is suitable for adults and children from a very young age. Follow the recipe instructions exactly and you will be able to cook a clear broth. Homemade noodles and cereals will be a great addition. To ensure that the soup turns out rich, do not forget to skim off the foam.


  • chicken – 1 pc.;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • black pepper – 5 pcs.;
  • oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • pasta - to taste;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the whole chicken in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for about an hour.
  2. Then the broth is filtered.
  3. Cut the vegetables and put them in water.
  4. After a couple of minutes, add small pasta and herbs.
  5. After the broth boils, turn off the burner and season.


  • Cooking time: 55 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 179 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Poultry broth is a delicious meat product that perfectly satisfies hunger. Eating chicken soup is allowed even for those on a diet. The cooking process is simple and does not take much time. If you don't have any skills in cooking liquid dishes, try this method. Your family will definitely appreciate the wonderful taste and aroma of the broth.


  • chicken meat – 500 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • parsley - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the ingredients in a cooking container and add water.
  2. Cook over medium heat until boiling, remove foam.
  3. Add salt and herbs.
  4. Cook the first one for another 40 minutes.
