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Where and how to sell shoes: practical recommendations and effective methods. How to open a shoe store

Many entrepreneurs who connect their activities with the sale of shoes claim that they cannot imagine a better business. People always buy these things, much more often than clothes. Shoes wear out faster and another purchase is often more of a necessity than a regular addition to your wardrobe. And if real fashionistas become regular customers, then stable income for the entrepreneur is guaranteed. Women never feel like they have enough of these wardrobe items. Today we’ll talk about how to open a profitable shoe store.

  • Step-by-step plan for opening a shoe store
  • Choosing a place
  • We select the assortment
  • How much can you earn selling shoes at retail?
  • The amount of starting capital required to open a shoe store
  • Purchase of furniture and equipment
  • Preparation of necessary documents
  • Choosing a tax system

Step-by-step plan for opening a shoe store

The key point in running any trade-related business is choosing a reliable supplier. The terms of cooperation must ensure:

  • Quality of the supplied goods;
  • Stability and constancy;
  • Small wholesale deliveries.

This stage of business organization requires special attention when working with Chinese suppliers. Cheap women's, men's and children's shoes from China are in great demand among buyers today. It is aimed mainly at buyers with average incomes and is accessible to the majority of the population.

Choosing a place

You can open a store with goods from China in almost any place with good traffic, where there is retail space:

  1. Pavilion at the city clothing market;
  2. Boutique in a shopping center;
  3. Independent store in a separate non-residential premises.

Each of these options implies a certain amount of money that must be paid for rent. Experts do not advise investing in the first option, even if the sale promises to be high. Clothing markets, as trading platforms, are gradually becoming obsolete. The second two ways to open a store deserve more attention, but also a different amount of money. However, the civilized organization of a retail outlet selling shoes from China will quickly bear fruit. The population has already learned to value comfort and convenience in stores.

We select the assortment

To open a store, you need to choose the right assortment. Experienced entrepreneurs advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. Choose to purchase models that you will never wear yourself;
  2. Price and quality do not always justify each other;
  3. It is better to choose the men's range of products from China from genuine leather, and the women's range from leatherette.

The last statement has been verified by experience. Women do not like to wear the same shoe models from China for several seasons in a row. They prefer cheaper products in order to change them more often.

The average buyer who comes to the store may initially set the goal of buying one good leather product, but in practice, he often buys two or three pairs of shoes from China made from artificial leather for the same money. This fact in no way means that the product is of low quality. On the contrary, if the material of the product is a substitute for genuine leather, then buyers have increased demands on the quality of seams, soles and accessories. The entrepreneur’s task is to open a store that satisfies the tastes and desires of the consumer, and this can only be done if there are reliable and honest suppliers.

How much can you earn selling shoes at retail?

Before starting an activity, you need to make some calculations that can be called economic. It is best, of course, to draw up a business plan, but if an entrepreneur does not have such an opportunity, then it is imperative to calculate the break-even point for your store. We will provide a simple calculation that will help you navigate the prices of goods from China and the markups that the sale of such goods guarantees.

So, in a box there are usually from 6 to 8 pairs of shoes of the same model of the entire size range. Let's assume that there are 6 pairs in a standard package, costing 400 rubles. If you set a markup of 100%, then with the sale of the third pair of products the entrepreneur will already return the cost of the entire box. Subsequent sales will generate net income. One pair that remains unclaimed can be sold at a promotional price, reducing the markup to 50%. Total income from one box is 2200 rubles. We should not forget that from this amount you will need to pay rent for the premises and taxes. Subtracting these expenses will result in net profit. It is usually used to purchase a new batch of goods.

The key to the success of a store that sells goods from China is the constant updating of its assortment. With the money you earn, it is better to buy several new models. It should be noted that even with a 100% markup, shoes still remain affordable for most buyers. You can start a business with a very small amount, but in this case, it will take more time to receive a stable profit, which you can no longer invest in goods, but use for your needs.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that today most buyers prefer to buy things on the Internet. That is why selling shoes on various online resources, for example, on Avito, will become an additional source for increasing sales. This large all-Russian trading platform offers entrepreneurs to open their own online store. For businessmen who do not want to go into the details of building their own website and spend money on it, Avito is a great opportunity to make themselves known to consumers.

A shoe store is a very profitable business, because people buy shoes all year round, be it fur-lined boots for the winter or light sandals for the summer. However, a beginner in this business may face obstacles that he is not even aware of. So how to open a shoe store and succeed in this business?

Studying the market

When you firmly decide to yourself that you want to open a shoe store, the second step for you will be to determine the format of your store: its size, target audience, trade format, type (sports, winter, men's, women's), class (elite, for the middle class or low) and so on. Regardless of which format you choose, you must evaluate the conditions for running a shoe business in your city, and this is exactly what market research is done for.

  • First, study in detail all the shoe stores in your city, namely their location, product range, price category and number of customers.
  • Highlight your strongest competitors.
  • From the information obtained, determine the most profitable areas in your city and note where your competitors are located nearby.
  • It is especially recommended to conduct a short survey of residents of profitable areas: where they prefer to buy shoes, how often and approximately at what price.
  • Select the market segment in which you are going to work: whether your store will be for low-income (constant sales), medium or high-income (premium store) customers. Evaluate the information you have collected for the selected segment.

Now that you have an idea of ​​the demand and competition in the footwear market, you can roughly estimate whether your business will generate income in such conditions. If your answer is “yes,” then you should determine the strategy and direction of business development. And to do this, you need to ask yourself how your shoe store will differ from other stores, that is, how you can attract customers.

Choosing a place

When choosing a location for your store, base it on the results of your market research. The best option is to rent premises in a shopping center. The advantages of such a rental: a constant flow of visitors and reduced costs for repairs and security. Disadvantages: high fees and difficulty in obtaining the lease itself, since usually shopping centers choose well-known brands as tenants, and negotiate a lease in the shopping center as early as possible, even at the stage of construction of the center.

If it is not possible to rent premises in a shopping center, then it is important to ensure that the premises you choose comply with all necessary sanitary standards and fire safety rules.

Also, you should not make the sales area small (less than 50 sq. m.), otherwise this will create inconvenience for customers when trying on shoes. The room should also have a small space for storage where boxes of shoes will be hidden.

We resolve legal issues

To open any business, you first need to register with the tax service as a subject of taxation, whether it be yours or. If you do not plan to work with legal entities and open a chain of stores in the future, then registering an individual entrepreneur will be quite enough.

If you want to open a small enterprise (up to 100 employees), then you are subject to (STS) - 6% of income, or 15% of income minus expenses. Some experts, however, recommend (UTII). For retail trade, UTII is calculated depending on the area of ​​the sales floor and the number of days of business activity in a month as a taxpayer. Both tax systems are accepted on a voluntary basis, and you have the right to choose the most convenient one for your company or combine both.

From the documents, you will also need expert opinions from the SES and fire supervision to be able to conduct trade in a certain premises.

In addition, to trade some types of shoes, additional documents are required. Thus, certification is required for rubber and leather shoes (children's and special ones). For some other types, such as rubber (not counting children's), sports rubber, shoes with artificial leather uppers, and so on, declarations of conformity are required.

We purchase equipment

The most important equipment in your store will be the cash register, which should be sealed and registered with the tax office. In addition to the cash register, you will need the following:

  • racks and podiums for shoes;
  • mirrors;
  • poufs, rugs, spoons for trying on;
  • display cases for other products (creams, brushes, accessories, etc.);
  • counter for cash register;
  • signboard.

We purchase products

Your product range will mainly depend on the results of your market research. As a rule, children's shoes are in greatest demand, followed by women's shoes. People buy men's shoes less often. In addition, your store may sell products such as bags, suitcases, shoe polishes and brushes, hosiery, and so on.

You can purchase products directly from shoe manufacturers. To do this, you should establish business relationships with them. You can also buy shoes on the wholesale market and sell them in your store at retail prices, but this scheme will be less profitable.

We are recruiting employees

A medium-sized self-service store with a sales area of ​​about 50 square meters. m. the following personnel will be required:

Accounting can be maintained by both the administrator and the business owner; or you can use the services of a third party company.

We calculate costs and payback

Before opening a shoe store, you should calculate the initial costs and return on investment. Below are approximate calculations for a small store.

So, let's assume that you rent a separate premises with a sales area of ​​50 square meters. m., located not in a shopping center, but in a place with a constant flow of clients. The price segment is medium, the tax system is UTII.

The average revenue of a small shoe store can be about 1.5 million rubles. To calculate the cost, let's take the average market markup for shoes of 90%. Hence the cost will be 1,052,000 rubles.

Based on the calculation that capital costs will be 4,200,000 rubles, and net profit will be 235,000 rubles, the store will fully pay for itself in about 18 months.

As you may have noticed, the numbers have been averaged and rounded to give you a rough idea of ​​the costs and profitability of a shoe store. Thus, using this information, you can create a shoe store business plan that will help you in the step-by-step implementation of your idea.

There will always be a need for clothes and shoes, and this can be said with great confidence. Despite the crisis in the country and difficult economic times, shoe stores do not cease to exist. Therefore, we cannot ignore such a profitable business idea as opening a shoe store from scratch. In today's article we will share with you the secrets of success in the modern shoe business.

Each of us buys shoes and clothes all the time. Even a family with a small budget spends on average about 30% of their monthly earnings on clothes. People buy new shoes for a variety of reasons. Firstly, this is seasonal; you won’t wear boots in the summer and shoes in the winter. Secondly, this is fashion, many people follow it very carefully and constantly update their wardrobe. In addition, you will have to buy a new pair of shoes if the old one has already been worn out, and in the case of children's shoes, has become too small. Thus, we can draw obvious conclusions that even the most frugal people still have to buy a new pair of shoes or boots from time to time. Therefore, opening a shoe store can be considered an excellent business idea.

How to open a shoe store from scratch?

Surely every aspiring entrepreneur is wondering where to get money and how much does it cost to open a shoe store?

Everyone understands perfectly well that opening your own business from scratch is quite difficult, so there are not so many people trying to start their own business. In the case of a shoe store, a considerable amount of start-up capital is required in order to purchase goods, rent a store and pay employees. But do not despair, because there are no unrealistic tasks, there is only wrong thinking.

Where can I get money?

  1. Bank loan. You can get the necessary amount to open your business from the bank by providing and filling out all the necessary documents. But it is worth noting that this option for receiving money is not very reliable, given all the risks that may arise when organizing your own business. I recommend that you think carefully about everything before deciding to take such an important step.
  2. Help from the state. There is a specially developed program of cash assistance for young entrepreneurs from the state. To receive money, you need to be registered with the employment service as unemployed, draw up a business plan and submit all the necessary documents for the accrual of this state assistance.
  3. Joint opening of a store. If you lack start-up capital, you can find yourself a partner who will invest part of his money in the development of a common business. This way, you will have the necessary amount to start, which will be enough to open a shoe store.

Business registration

In order to start your activity, you need to register your business. To do this, you will need to collect and complete the entire package of documents.

Documents and permits for opening a shoe store:

  • Certificate of state registration of the enterprise (IP or LLC);
  • Registration of the type of activity with the tax service;
  • TIN certificate;
  • Charter of the enterprise, in case of registration of a legal entity (LLC);
  • Space lease agreement or certificate confirming ownership of the premises;
  • The range of goods sold has been agreed upon with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Permits from the fire department to operate the premises;
  • Permits from the sanitary-epidemiological service confirming that the premises and equipment comply with all sanitary standards.

Certificates for goods sold

It is worth noting that every specialized shoe store must have certificates confirming the quality and safety of the products sold. In accordance with legislative norms, the following types of footwear are subject to mandatory certification: rubber and leather, both children's and special ones.

The following footwear is subject to declaration of conformity:

  1. Rubber (except for children);
  2. Sportswear (sneakers, moccasins, etc.);
  3. Yuft and chrome shoes (except for children);
  4. Products with a textile upper (felt), synthetic leather, with the exception of military leather;
  5. Casual shoes with faux leather upper.

Video on the topic

Shoe store format

Before you plunge headlong into business, you need to decide on the format of your outlet, so to speak, choose a direction. Naturally, you can sell children's, women's and men's shoes at the same time, but in this case you will have to sacrifice something, and, as a rule, this is the quality of the goods.

Children's shoe store

Opening a specialized children's shoe store from scratch is an excellent business idea that deserves detailed analysis. To make it more clear to you, I will give you several arguments that will convince you of the profitability of this direction.

Why is it profitable to sell children's shoes?

  1. The child’s feet grow very quickly, so you have to constantly buy a new pair of shoes;
  2. Children's shoes, unlike adult ones, are most often not repaired, but new ones are immediately purchased;
  3. On average, even a small child has much more shoes than an adult: boots, shoes, sandals, slippers, sneakers, shoes, spare shoes, and this is not a complete list.

Thus, we can conclude that even people with average incomes regularly spend a certain amount of money on purchasing children's shoes. It's no secret that adults will often sacrifice themselves, but they will buy the things the baby needs. Therefore, the conclusion is obvious: selling children's shoes is a profitable business.

Women's shoe store

Women's shoes are very popular at any time of the year. Unlike men, ladies will not stop at one pair of shoes or boots and, if possible, will definitely add a new model to their wardrobe. Therefore, opening a women's shoe store is no less profitable than selling children's shoes.

Men's shoe store

If you decide to open a men's shoe store, you should know that the demand for them is much less than for children's or women's. But this does not mean that this area is unprofitable; its only disadvantage is the longer payback period for the business.

Having decided on the format of the outlet, you can begin choosing its location.

Where to open a shoe store?

Attracting customers is the main task of any entrepreneur. What needs to be done to get buyers? That's right, get them interested in profitable promotions, attract their attention with a bright sign and a good location of the outlet.

It is best to open a shoe store in crowded places with high traffic. For example, it is profitable to open a retail outlet in a central or business district by renting space in a large shopping or entertainment center.

Square. If possible, it is advisable to rent an area of ​​at least 40 square meters. m., in order to accommodate a large assortment of goods.

If there is no money to rent a place in the center, then you can open a shoe store at the local market or in a residential area of ​​the city; usually in such places there is quite a lot of traffic. When choosing a location, consider the ability of buyers to pay. Agree, it’s stupid to open a luxury shoe store in a residential area.


The store must be properly equipped so that customers have access to the goods, they feel comfortable moving around the store and trying on the shoes they like.

Necessary equipment:

  • Showcases are a place where product samples will be displayed;
  • Shelves for boxes with shoes;
  • Shelving;
  • Upholstered furniture (sofa, poufs for convenient shoe fitting);
  • Mirrors. They need to be placed at foot level so that the buyer can evaluate the model being tried on from the outside;
  • Equipped seller's place (table, chairs, cash register, computer).

Hired personnel

Depending on the area of ​​the store, select the required number of employees to serve customers.

If you open a small retail outlet, it is enough to hire one or two sales consultants to work in shifts.

If you are opening a large store, then it is additionally worth hiring a manager, a cleaner and a security guard if necessary.

Your profit and retail outlet traffic directly depend on the work of sales consultants. Therefore, be responsible when choosing personnel. A sales consultant must be pleasant in appearance, have excellent knowledge of the product range, be attentive and friendly towards his clients.

Assortment and purchase of goods

As noted above, you can trade either a single type of footwear (for example, children’s) or all of them at the same time. Depending on the chosen direction, decide on the range of products.

Shoes are a product that changes with the seasons. Take this into account and offer your clients current models. In addition, organize sales of winter and summer shoes with discounts - this will attract additional customers.

Products should be purchased only from trusted manufacturers. You shouldn’t be fooled by low prices and buy shoes from dubious brands; it’s better to focus on quality.


A well-developed advertising concept will help you attract customers. Depending on the location of the outlet, advertising costs will vary significantly. For example, in a shopping center, a bright sign with the name of the store and a well-designed display window will be enough. As for a store located in a residential area of ​​the city, it is worth informing customers about it by distributing leaflets with the address of the outlet, as well as by posting advertisements in crowded places.

This article will discuss what a novice entrepreneur who wants to open a shoe store will have to face.


Documents for the right to conduct activities

At the time of starting work, you must have the following documents:

  • certificate of registration of the enterprise with the tax authority;
  • TIN certificate;
  • state registration certificate;
  • charter (for societies);
  • documents for the premises (ownership or lease agreement);
  • store assortment agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • opinion of fire safety experts;
  • conclusion of the SES confirming the compliance of the premises with sanitary standards;
  • waste removal agreement.

If you are going to rent premises in a shopping center, the administration has the right to require additional documents related to business activities from you.

Documents (certificates) for products

Do not forget that rubber (children's and special shoes) and leather (children's and special shoes) and leather (children's and special shoes) shoes are subject to mandatory certification, and declaration of conformity:

  • rubber (except for children);
  • sports (only rubber and rubber-textile);
  • felted (children's);
  • Yufteva (except for special and children's);
  • chrome (except for special and children's);
  • with a top made of textile materials, felt or felt (except for special and children's);
  • with synthetic leather upper (casual, except army);
  • with an upper made of artificial leather (except for army and children's leather).

If your activity involves foreign trade activities (for example, you plan to purchase products from China), then you need to comply with the rules of interaction between counterparties within the customs union. The law on consumer protection should be a reference book for a novice entrepreneur. You should carefully study the rules for trading non-food products, in particular light industry products.

Studying the demand for shoes

If you are going to engage in trade, then you just need to independently conduct marketing research to assess the demand for the product, select the optimal location for the store, and also determine the main vectors of business development. This is the first thing you need to do, best of all on your own.

  • Look, where are the shoe stores located? in your city (or region, if you are going to work in a million-plus region), what is their range, price level, how many buyers are there?
  • Compose map of the most traveled places, pay attention to whether your competitors are in this territory.
  • Conduct a short survey residents of the area, find out where they buy shoes, how often, and how much they are willing to spend on the purchase.

Of course, after a preliminary assessment of all shoe outlets in the city (district), leave in your list only those that correspond to the selected segment. These could be stores:

  • constant sales aimed at people with lower average incomes;
  • mid-price segment;
  • premium.

Study them thoroughly to answer the most important question: can your business survive in such conditions (is there demand for the product, growth prospects, is there a lot of competition)? If the answer is yes, you can move on. Try to calculate market capacity using this method.

Selecting a location

Choose a location for your store based on the results of your marketing research. It is clear that it is better to locate where there are many people; as a last resort, consider remote but actively developing areas. The easiest option is to rent space in a shopping center. True, it is not always easy to “break into” them, especially for small private companies. Shopping centers prefer to work with well-known brands, and the list of tenants, as a rule, is formed at the development stage.

shoe store in a shopping center

Benefits of renting in a shopping center:

  • a constant flow of visitors, which is supported by the shopping center itself (you will have to attract customers yourself to a single store);
  • minimal repair costs (you don’t have to break down walls, install communications, or decorate the entrance area);
  • absence of certain categories of expenses (for example, you can do without a security guard).

There are two disadvantages here - high rent and the need to follow the regulations of the shopping center (for example, work from opening to closing). But if you have the opportunity to be located in a shopping center, take it.

There are no special requirements for the store premises, the main thing is that it complies with fire safety and sanitary standards. The area may vary, but it is not necessary to allocate less than 45-50 sq. m. for a sales area. m, otherwise it will be problematic to organize a fitting. A little less is needed for storage and utility rooms.

Necessary equipment for a shoe store

In your warehouse, you will need shelving to place your goods. Purchase for the sales area:

  • podiums for displaying shoes;
  • hanging shelves (installed on the wall);
  • showcases for placing accompanying goods (accessories, shoe care products, hosiery products);
  • trading systems;
  • mirrors (in sufficient quantity);
  • places for fitting (poufs, rugs, spoons).

Since retail trade involves accepting cash from customers, when working under the OSNO and the simplified tax system, there must be a cash register (sealed and registered with the tax authority).


For trade on 50 sq. m. 2-4 sellers (depending on turnover), 2 cashiers, a merchandiser (part-time purchasing specialist, administrator, senior cashier and, if possible, an accountant) are enough. These people will ensure the continuous operation of the store. To maintain order, you will need a cleaning lady, and the entrepreneur himself can take charge of communicating with the tax office. Other positions, such as security guard-controller, are optional.

Working with customers

You need to work with customers in two main areas: inside the store and outside it. In the first case, this means proper placement of products in the hall, consulting, organizing fittings, and direct sales. The second is to attract clients.

The most attractive pairs that may interest buyers should be placed to the right of the entrance, because... Most people on the sales floor move clockwise. For the same reason, it is advisable to place the door to the store (boutique) on the left. In the foreground, identify only current shoes in accordance with the latest fashion trends and seasonality. The height of the racks should not greatly exceed the height of the average person, so that you can reach any model without assistance.

Products should not be placed chaotically on the sales floor; group them according to different criteria (age, gender, size, season). Provide customers with mandatory fitting areas.

Where to buy products

It is difficult to give any advice regarding the choice of suppliers, because there are a huge number of options, among the priorities: cooperation directly with factories and importing products from abroad. However, you can purchase goods on the market, but this is not always justified.

Organization of shoe trade

Do not rush to purchase products, even if you have formed an assortment. Here you need to act extremely carefully, especially for a young enterprise. The fact is that shoes are a seasonal product. Few people buy boots with fur in the summer and sandals in the winter.

By the way, it is useful to know that while a man wears one pair of shoes, a woman manages to buy two, and a child gets all four. This is, of course, approximately. But among all the boots, the most popular ones will be children's ones - they always use 2 pairs per season. When you open a point selling shoes for adults, you willy-nilly begin to depend on fashion trends. The only exception is commission trading. The ability to quickly respond to changing consumer preferences is the main quality of any successful store.

You shouldn’t fill your warehouse to capacity; as you sell products, buy more, but in small quantities. Remember, shoes come with a 1-month warranty, which starts from the start of the season. For Moscow, for example, the following seasonality limits have been established:

  • winter shoes - from November 1 to March 1;
  • spring - from March 1 to May 1;
  • autumn - from September 1 to November 15;
  • summer - from May 1 to September 1.

According to the law on consumer protection, the buyer, for any reason, within 2 weeks from the date of purchase, has the right to return shoes that have not been worn to the store. In this case, the goods must be exchanged in accordance with the client's wishes (size, color, etc.) with an additional payment, if required. However, this does not mean that the seller is obliged to give money. But if the store cannot offer the product in accordance with the wishes of the buyer, then yes, the shoes must be accepted, and the money spent must be returned.

To summarize, I would like to note that these are the main, but not all, subtleties associated with the shoe retail trade that every novice entrepreneur needs to know. A lot of questions may arise at the stage of organizing document flow, forming an assortment, searching for suppliers, and purchasing products.

Before drawing up a business plan for selling shoes, you need to decide which manufacturer’s products and in what price segment to deal with.

It is better to start trading with inexpensive universal models that reach a large target audience. Over time, you can diversify the model range according to modern trends. Taking into account the growth of shoe sales via the Internet, creating your own website will be a big advantage.



The relevance of this business idea lies in the fact that shoes are one of the essential items. According to research, in Russia, the monthly expenses of one family (of 3 people) on shoes average 3,000 rubles.

The change of seasons forces consumers to regularly exchange winter boots for spring sneakers and summer shoes. As for children, their feet grow very quickly, forcing parents to make purchases every season.

Market description and analysis

  1. The shoe market can be characterized as follows:
  2. The peak of sales is observed in the autumn-spring months.
  3. Since 2016, the footwear market has been trending towards an increase in sales volumes. This is due to an improvement in the well-being of the population and a reduction in the cost of goods.
  4. In 2017, sales increased by 17%. This is partly due to covering needs during the crisis of 2014-2016.
  5. According to research, every adult buys at least 2 pairs of shoes annually. On average, purchases are made every month and a half.
  6. Due to changes in the dollar exchange rate, the cost of some imported products increased by 30%. This resulted in a 25% reduction in consumers of expensive shoe boutiques.
  7. Since 2017, Russia has seen an increase in demand for domestic shoes with an increase in sales volumes by 10%. It is predicted that within 2 years, the share of Russian and imported shoes in percentage terms will look like this: 35 versus 65%. At the same time, there is a reorientation towards universal types of products.
  8. 70% of purchases are made by women aged 18-50 years.
  9. During the crisis, the departure of small shoe businessmen was noted, with the niche being taken over by large chains.

According to BusinessStat forecasts, from 2019 to 2022, sales volumes will increase annually by 1.8-3%. By 2022, the number of pairs sold will be 679.8 million.

  • The largest shoe manufacturers are the following:
  • Technoavia;
  • Ralph Ringer;
  • Yegoryevsk-footwear;
  • Unichel;
  • Bris-Bosphorus;

Yaroslavl RTI plant.

The target audience

  • When opening a store, it is more profitable to focus on the following consumers:
  • women aged 20-50 years;
  • teenagers from 14 to 20 years old (gender does not matter).

Competitive advantages

The following competitive advantages when organizing your own business include:

  • 3-5% discount on the second pair;
  • a gift when purchasing 3 pairs of winter boots for the whole family (for example, an electric dryer);
  • cumulative points system;
  • additional discount or gift during holidays;
  • the ability to order a fitting of 3 pairs of shoes at your home or office;
  • free delivery by courier or carrier when purchasing online.

Advertising campaign

  • printed materials - brochures and business cards;
  • banners in crowded places;
  • product catalog sent to the offices of large companies;
  • advertising on radio and television;
  • development of your own website;
  • Internet Marketing.

The following advertising methods should be used for Internet marketing:

  • contextual advertising;
  • paid clicks;
  • accounts in popular social networks;
  • cooperation with bloggers;
  • own channel on Youtube.

Types and range

A shoe store can be presented exclusively online or as an offline project. Stores differ in what they fill - it can focus on one type of product or several.

Basically the range looks like this:

  • sport shoes;
  • men's;
  • women's;
  • children's;
  • mixed;
  • classical.

The following modern models are distinguished:

  • sleepers;
  • Birkenstocks;
  • shoes;
  • mules;
  • oxfords;
  • brogues;
  • espadrilles;
  • monks;
  • loafers;
  • top siders;
  • ankle boots;
  • boots;
  • sneakers;
  • sneakers.

Based on the material used, shoes are divided into:

  • leather;
  • rubber;
  • felted;
  • textile;
  • synthetic.

Online store

Step-by-step instructions for opening an online store look like this:

  1. Selecting a domain. You need to come up with a name for the online store that will be displayed in the search engine. It should be memorable and consistent with the business idea.
  2. Site development. An entrepreneur can develop it independently or with the assistance of specialists. The main requirement for a website is ease of use and regular optimization. Both the owner and the employee can fill it with information and accept online orders. In the latter case, you will need to pay a salary, which will consist of a salary and a percentage of sales.
  3. Design of an online store. It is important to ensure that the photographs of the goods sold and the general background are in harmony. All sections must be filled out as much as possible (registration certificate number, contact numbers). It is advisable to indicate the size chart and describe the materials from which the products are made.
  4. Agreement with suppliers. You can find shoe manufacturers via the Internet and enter into an agreement with them. According to the agreement, the seller is provided with a discount and high-quality studio photographs. The second option is selling foreign shoes. This could be China or England (the most popular destinations).
  5. Resolving issues with payment and delivery. There can be a lot of options. In order to protect the seller and the client, you can use the Internet integration service. In this case, the client transfers money to the account of, for example, New Mail, which forwards it to the supplier after the customer receives the goods.
  6. Marketing and promotion. Your own website needs to be advertised, just like an offline business. It is better to use Digital marketing, i.e. available types of advertising via the Internet.

The main costs that an online business owner will face include:

  • website development ($500-1000);
  • payment to the site administrator (10,000-25,000 rubles);
  • advertising (from 5000 rubles).

The business can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Review of ways to promote an online shoe store. Taken from the gkhtopograph channel.

Offline business

This type of store organization is more expensive. You will need to invest your own funds or resort to outside help. The main thing is to prepare a high-quality business plan for selling shoes with financial calculations. This will help attract investors. You can enter into an agreement with the franchisor, which is important for large cities.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a shoe store

After drawing up an estimate and approving a business plan, opening a store from scratch includes the following steps:

  1. Decor.
  2. Renting premises.
  3. Redecorating.
  4. Purchase of furniture and equipment.
  5. Purchasing shoes.
  6. Hiring.

Studying the reviews of successful entrepreneurs in this field, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • advertising activities must be started in advance - before opening the store itself;
  • Racks for storing shoes can be purchased used.


The implementation of a business idea includes the following organizational aspects:

  1. To register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need to provide a passport to the Unified Registration Center and fill out an application. It is preferable if the store is not online. In this case, you will need a Charter. Registration can begin online.
  2. After receiving the state registration certificate, you will need to register with the Tax Service.
  3. If there is a premises, it is important to contact the fire department, which will issue a conclusion allowing you to work.

Room and design

The choice of premises should be influenced by the size of the starting capital:

  • if you plan to launch a large project, it is better to rent premises in a shopping and entertainment complex;
  • a small store can be located in the central part of the city or a residential area.

The main thing is cross-country ability and convenient access.

It is better to locate a shoe store near:

  • metro stations or stops;
  • large stores (supermarkets);
  • retail space;
  • railway station.

The area of ​​the sales area should be 30-40 m2. Renting such a premises will cost from 15,000 to 25,000 (in the city center).

The design of the premises must correspond to the products offered. For a shoe store, it is enough to make cosmetic repairs (about 15,000).

Equipment and inventory

Equipment you will need to open a store:

  • shoe racks;
  • seating ottomans;
  • carpets for fitting;
  • shoe spoons;
  • mirrors;
  • table and chairs for staff;
  • cash machine.

Shoe racks Ottoman for visitors Try-on mat Mirror for trying on shoes

You can install an additional stand to sell related products:

  • shoe care products;
  • socks.

The approximate cost of a complete set of new equipment will be 170,000 rubles.


The number of personnel, requirements for the candidate and his responsibilities are given in the table:

Thus, the salary fund per month will be 130,000 rubles.

Financial plan

Calculations were made for a shoe store located near the center of Moscow and include:

  • cost of opening a store;
  • regular expenses;
  • income.

How much does it cost to open a shoe store?

The cost of opening a shoe store is presented in the table:

Thus, the starting investment will be 655,000 rubles.

Regular expenses

The list of regular costs is presented in the table:


On average, 15 pairs of shoes are sold per day at a cost of 500 rubles. The markup can be up to 300% (let's say it is 100%). Thus, the monthly income is 450,000 rubles. Net profit - 60,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

The calendar business plan for selling shoes looks like this:

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months
Market analysis+
Preparation of a business plan+ +
Preparation of a package of documents +
Search and rent premises + +
Redecorating +
Equipment + +
Purchase +
Recruitment + +
Opening +

Thus, it will take 7 months to organize a business.

Risks and payback

Among the risks are the following:

  • theft among sellers;
  • significant increase in the cost of goods;
  • models are out of date in style or do not correspond to fashion;
  • seasonality of business;
  • competitive fight.

The business will pay off in about 10-11 months.