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Eye teeth in children symptoms of temperature for how many days. Symptoms of eye teeth erupting in a child Symptoms of eye teeth erupting in children

When the baby’s first teeth appear, many parents are interested in the question of eye teeth in children and the symptoms of their eruption. The situation around the child’s oral cavity is often fueled by a large number of rumors associated with these teeth.

In today's article we will talk about what they are, how to distinguish them and what to do if a child has a similar problem.

What are these eye teeth?

Eye teeth are the fangs of a child's upper jaw, which are located next to the facial nerve, which affects the entire upper half of a person's face. If such teeth touch this nerve, then very strong pain will appear in the eye area and other parts of the face.

The eruption of eye teeth does not affect the ability to see, although many argue that if their growth is pathological, vision may deteriorate or disappear altogether. Doctors are confident that such rumors are unjustified.


  • the upper canines are larger in size than the lower ones, and their cutting surface is slightly longer;
  • one long root;
  • a fairly acute angle at which the cutting surfaces of the eye tooth meet.


For a more detailed look at this problem, we bring to your attention several photographs.

We will also show you a useful diagram, the eye teeth are fangs.

When do they appear?

Teething is a highly individual process that occurs differently for each child. The norm for the appearance of the upper primary fangs in a baby is 15-23 months from birth, but this sometimes occurs in other periods. There are cases when the eye teeth appear the very first, and sometimes you have to wait a very long time for their appearance.

The upper canines often erupt earlier than the lower canines. This process in a child can be accompanied by serious pain, since the facial nerve is affected.

But such changes can take place completely painlessly. As a rule, before the eye teeth appear, children already have a number of other teeth and they tolerate this process more easily.

Associated symptoms

When eye teeth erupt, characteristic symptoms appear. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: those associated with changes in the oral cavity and in the entire body. In the first case, the following will occur:

  • the gums in the area of ​​eruption will become red and swollen, and inflammatory processes may occur;
  • a child may pull foreign objects into his mouth - this is due both to increased salivation and to the fact that the problem area of ​​the gums itches, hurts and causes all sorts of discomfort.

Throughout the child’s body it can be expressed in the following symptoms:

If you have similar symptoms, it is very important to determine which disease you are dealing with, since other diseases can occur in a similar way. Therefore, it is necessary to show the baby to a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis.

When the upper canines erupt, the condition of the oral cavity is of greatest importance. It is redness and swelling in their area that should be the first signs of a problem.

How to help a child in case of teething?

There are the following options to reduce discomfort for the baby:

  1. Pain-relieving gels – relieve unpleasant symptoms in the shortest possible time (Kamistad, Dentinox). They are applied to the problem area and after a few minutes they begin to act, but before using such products you should consult your doctor.
  2. Massage the gums – massage your child’s gums in the teething area several times a day, using a clean index finger to do this.
  3. Special products to facilitate the process of tooth growth - thanks to their cooling effect, they soothe the surface of the gums and relieve soreness.
  4. Nasal congestion, high fever and conjunctivitis require separate treatment - these symptoms require separate treatment when teething. Drugs must be recommended by a doctor for use by children of the appropriate age.

Any means and medicines you are trying to help your baby with must be certified, otherwise you can harm the child’s weak body while trying to cure him. Remember that even a good specialist will not be able to correctly prescribe the drug in absentia; be sure to show your baby to the doctor.


It often happens that fangs or eye teeth need to be removed, but there must be good reasons for this:

  • growth pathology, which negatively affects the bite;
  • incorrect placement of teeth over the rest of the dentition;
  • parameters of the eye teeth that affect neighboring teeth.

However, there are also options against:

  • extremely weakly susceptible to caries and other diseases due to the peculiarities of their structure;
  • after removal, the chewing load will be distributed to other teeth - this can negatively affect their structure and health;
  • After removal, the patient may experience speech problems.

If you still decide to have it removed, then carefully consult with a dental surgeon, dental therapist and orthodontist before doing so. Dentists, in turn, often recommend trying other methods, for example, you can grind off a certain part of the problem tooth or install braces.

Video: first teeth - the school of Dr. Komarovsky.

Additional questions

Can there be swelling of the eyes after the removal of an eye tooth?

This phenomenon may indeed occur. The fact is that after tooth extraction, swelling often occurs, which can negatively affect the optic nerve, as a result of which swelling appears around the eyes.

Consequences of deletion

After removal of the upper canines, a number of negative consequences may occur: problems with diction, disruption of the functions and structure of neighboring teeth. It is because of this that doctors recommend removing eye teeth only as a last resort.

All parents eagerly await the appearance of their baby's first tooth. Teething is often associated with troubles and worries. Young mothers have many questions: when does the baby’s eye teeth erupt, how many teeth should there be per year, why is it so painful and how can I help my beloved baby? From this article you can learn about the eruption of the first teeth, the symptoms that accompany these processes, as well as ways to solve possible problems.

Why are teeth called eye teeth?

Human eye teeth are fangs, which grow third in the dentition. The official medical interpretation explains this name by the anatomical features of the structure of the upper jaw. In the area where the fangs are located, the facial nerves pass, the main task of which is to transmit impulses from the central nervous system to the facial part of the head. It is this arrangement of nerve fibers that is responsible for the pain of the teething process.

At what age do fangs begin to erupt?

The eruption of the so-called eye teeth usually occurs between 12 and 18 months, but they can begin to bother the baby long before their appearance. Swelling and redness of the gums in the areas where the upper eye teeth will erupt may be observed even before the incisors emerge. The canines grow after the front teeth, then their growth stops and continues after the molars grow.

Usually, at the age of 22-24 months, the child already has upper and lower canines, however, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the timing of the appearance of eye teeth in children can vary significantly. Often, even in twins, the eruption of not only the canines, but also all other teeth occurs at different times.

When does teeth change?

Eye teeth in children also change to permanent ones, like all the others (for more details, see the article: graph, table and timing of tooth growth in children). The replacement of baby teeth with permanent teeth occurs gradually. Human teeth change schedule:

This diagram is considered approximate, since the characteristics of each organism are individual. Sometimes the canines grow even earlier than the incisors. Due to the fact that the growth and change of dentition is determined at the genetic level, it is impossible to predict how long the eye teeth will come out and how long the growth of incisors or molars will take.

Symptoms of teething with photos

The eruption of the upper canines is considered the most difficult period for the baby. The reason that fangs cause anxiety to a child is considered to be their physiological characteristics and location in the dentition. The presence of elongated roots that go deep into the gums, the close location of the facial nerves - these factors influence the painful appearance of the eye teeth.

Symptoms of the eruption of fangs are similar to those of other teeth. Sometimes it is not clear which tooth is coming out. In the photo accompanying the article you can see where a person’s fangs are located. The main signs that the eye teeth are cutting:

More detailed symptoms of teething in children can be seen in the photo accompanying the article.

  • If your baby's immune system is weakened, a slight fever may appear, the throat may become red, or a runny nose may develop. This is why teething is often confused with diseases such as rotavirus or intestinal infection.
  • In some cases, when fangs come out, this is accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, so it is recommended to undergo the necessary tests to definitely rule out the presence of a viral or bacterial infection. Without a pediatrician's prescription, children should not be given antibiotics or antiviral drugs until test results are received.

How to help your baby?

Since children, especially during this period, are trying to get their teeth into everything, you should make sure that the objects that fall into the baby’s hands are safe. During the day, you can try to distract the child with games, and feed him tightly at night.

Medicines for the child

Drug treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms of general malaise:

Traditional methods

Among the traditional methods, compresses using decoctions of medicinal herbs are used to alleviate the condition. To reduce swelling and pain in the gums, cotton swabs soaked in a decoction of oak bark and chamomile are briefly applied up to 7-8 times a day.

To relieve itching, massage the swollen gums. The procedure is performed carefully using the index finger using a silicone fingertip. The massage should be carried out for 1-2 minutes, since longer exposure can damage the mucous membrane or cause pain to the baby.

During the procedure, the finger is dipped in chamomile or clove oil, anesthetic gel, and honey. Sometimes the child himself is given the opportunity to “scratch his teeth” - they are offered a crust of bread, a chilled banana, a terry towel.

Special teethers for children

Many manufacturers of baby products produce a wide range of special teethers. Products are made of silicone, latex, plastic or plastic rubber. Teethers have a convenient shape that helps the child comfortably hold a useful toy in his hand. It is recommended to put the teether in the freezer for 3-5 minutes and use it already cooled.

On sale you can see a wide variety of models - rubberized rattles, rings, attachments for an adult’s finger, pacifiers with cooling gel. You should not purchase teethers that are too small or bulky - the device should fit comfortably in the child’s hand.

In case of severe pain, it is recommended to use an anesthetic gel or ointment, since the syrup will take some time to be absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Suppositories have a prolonged period of action, so they are placed at night so that the child does not suffer pain during sleep.

Children must be given something to chew on, as this is a kind of massage for the gums and prepares them for the appearance of new teeth. From the age of one, you can congratulate your baby in a playful way for each new tooth. During this difficult period, it is difficult for everyone - both mom and dad, and the baby. But parents must help the child - surround the baby with care and provide him with proper care.


Which teeth are called eye teeth?

If we take the gap between the front incisors as a starting point, then the eye teeth are the upper teeth, located third in a row. They received their name to some extent justified, since in the place where the fangs of the upper jaw are located, the optic nerve passes. In addition to being the tallest and sharpest fangs, they also have the longest roots.

Appearance of eye teeth

The development of the dentition begins in the mother's womb. The timing of teething in children differs: it happens that a child is born with a tooth that has already appeared, and sometimes two, while in some children the first teeth appear closer to a year, and sometimes later.

There is a general sequence according to which children’s eye teeth appear at the age of 16–22 months (permanent teeth at 11–12 years), but not all children cut them in exactly this sequence.

Symptoms of eruption of eye teeth in a child

As a rule, teething in children is accompanied by redness and swelling of the gums, which begin to itch and hurt, plus increased salivation and increased body temperature. This leads to the fact that the child becomes whiny, capricious and restless, puts everything in his mouth, sleeps and eats poorly.

In addition to these, the child also develops a number of other symptoms:

  • nasal congestion;
  • diarrhea and indigestion;
  • Sometimes lacrimation and even conjunctivitis occur.

Such symptoms appear due to the fact that the body during this period becomes susceptible to various types of infections. And if, against the background of teething, your child is sick, for example, with an acute respiratory viral infection with a high temperature, this does not mean that no action needs to be taken. You need to do everything that you should do during ARVI: ventilate the room, if possible maintain the temperature in it no higher than 21°C, walk a lot, maintain a drinking regime and, if necessary, bring down the elevated body temperature. All this also applies to other signs: if a child is sick, then he needs to be treated.

Of course, these symptoms do not appear all at once, but only some of them, and sometimes the fangs grow painlessly and almost imperceptibly.

How to help your child with eye teething

You can make this sometimes painful process easier for children with the help of:

  • a teething toy, which must first be cooled in the refrigerator;
  • special gels for children, freely sold in pharmacies and significantly reducing inflammation and pain;
  • Also, in conditions where buying a gel or a special toy is impossible, you can try to massage the baby’s gums yourself with chamomile or clove oil, or just a piece of ice wrapped in a clean cloth;
  • elevated temperature in children (above 38.5) can be brought down with special syrups like Nurofen or Panadol (consult your pediatrician about this first).

Do not under any circumstances try to help your baby with alcohol-containing drugs or reduce the temperature with aspirin!

And remember that if even one of the above symptoms is present, it is advisable to show the child to the doctor. And if the fever or diarrhea does not go away, and the child continues to be sick for 2 or even more days, then a consultation with a pediatrician is simply required.

What could be the reasons for removing the upper canines? In fact there are several of them:

  • improperly developed canines can lead to malocclusion;
  • Too large dimensions of the canine prevent proper development and provoke crooked growth of neighboring teeth;
  • often eye teeth grow on the gums, thus hanging over the jaw and disturbing the aesthetic appearance of the dentition.

Dentists consider the removal of eye teeth to be a last resort and resort to it last, since canines play a very important role in the development and functioning of people:

  • due to their deep-set roots and unique structure, fangs are least susceptible to caries;
  • removal of fangs can negatively affect a person’s speech and diction;
  • in the absence of fangs, their “cutting” function will have to be performed by other teeth, absolutely not adapted for this purpose.

It is believed that even the most modern implant cannot fully replace an extracted eye tooth. In this regard, experts recommend dealing with the discomfort caused by eye teeth in the following ways:

  • grind down the protruding ends of the teeth;
  • use braces, which is especially important for children, since their jaw is not fully formed and many deficiencies are corrected in a short time;
  • to undergo an operation, which, of course, will not be cheap, but the time will be spent significantly less than wearing braces.

Of course, there are situations in which deletion is the only option. However, in any case, the doctor will try to do everything to save the teeth.

Watch a video about children's first teeth:


What is the difference

What teeth are called eye teeth? These are the upper canines, but some people also call them the lower ones. They begin their development even before the child is born, they erupt at different times, in rare cases the child is already born with a tooth, they usually appear around a year or even after 2 years. Dairy most often appear between 16 months and 22, and permanent ones - at 10–12 years, but these are average data. Each person experiences teething differently.

Eye teeth, unlike others, have one very long root, which is slightly compressed on the sides. It has a fairly massive crown, which has 2 cutting edges, they meet at an acute angle. The crown itself is somewhat compacted so that the surface of the tongue and lips meet at the cutting edge. The upper and lower canines differ in size: the upper canine is larger, its cutting edge is longer, and the contact surface is wider. All these features enable the eye teeth to fulfill their intended purpose - to hold food and crush it.

Baby teeth

Teething of any kind in children makes parents nervous. The child’s gums become red, swollen, sore and itchy, the temperature may rise, the child is capricious, sleeps and eats poorly. But when the eye teeth erupt, all these symptoms are supplemented by diarrhea, nasal congestion, lacrimation and even conjunctivitis. These symptoms arise due to the child’s weakened immunity during this period, which leads to the addition of various types of infections. Therefore, if during the teething of the eye teeth the child’s temperature rises and all the signs of ARVI appear, you should not blame everything on the teeth. It is imperative to carry out the treatment prescribed for colds. The same applies to conjunctivitis.

In such a difficult period, the baby needs to be given more attention and affection. All adults know what a toothache is, but it is very difficult for a child during this period. Try to calm the baby down and distract him with something, because crying for a long time may cause the baby to have a fever. Walk more in the fresh air, play with your child. Try to make the painful teething process as less stressful as possible.

But don’t be afraid, it happens that the child does not have all the symptoms, but only some of them, and it may be that the parents and the child himself do not even notice how the fangs have grown.

How to make teething easier for your child

To ensure your baby’s fangs erupt with the least discomfort, you can try the following:

  1. Massage your gums. First, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap, then slowly massage your gums with your index finger for 1–2 minutes, preferably doing this several times a day.
  2. Give your baby teethers with a cooling effect. These devices are filled with distilled water and must be briefly placed in the refrigerator before use.
  3. To relieve pain, lubricate your gums with Kalgel, Dentinox or other pain-relieving gels. Their action begins 2 minutes after application, and the baby will immediately feel relief.
  4. If a child has a stuffy nose when cutting eye teeth, and this is not a cold, then you can drip Nazivin, Quix or Otrivin - children's drops for constricting blood vessels in the nose.
  5. If the temperature is above 38°C, then the child must be given Ibuprofen or Paracetamol, preferably syrup or suppositories.

How long such procedures need to be carried out depends on the child. In each specific case, everything is purely individual, but a consultation with a pediatrician will not be superfluous in any case.

Eye teeth in adults

Sometimes the dentist insists on removing the fang. What is the reason to do this?

  • If the canine is developed incorrectly and disrupts the bite.
  • If the fang is too large, as a result the rest develop incorrectly and grow crookedly.
  • If the eye tooth has grown outside the arch and looks unaesthetic.

But in most cases, doctors are in no hurry to remove the fang, because this tooth is of great importance both for a person’s life and for subsequent age-related prosthetics.

The roots of the fang are long and go deep into the bone, so they suffer less than all other teeth from caries, and this allows them to be preserved intact until old age. In addition, some people's diction deteriorates after removal of fangs. If the fangs are removed, then their function falls on the neighboring teeth, and they are not at all adapted for this. Even the most modern implant does not fully replace a canine tooth.

Based on the above, it is recommended to try not to remove eye teeth, and if they bring discomfort into your life, you can grind off the protruding ends. Braces can help correct your bite. Of course, it happens that it is simply necessary to remove a tooth, but in any case, everything possible must be done to save the fang.


What are these eye teeth?

Eye teeth are the fangs of a child's upper jaw, which are located next to the facial nerve, which affects the entire upper half of a person's face. If such teeth touch this nerve, then very strong pain will appear in the eye area and other parts of the face.

The eruption of eye teeth does not affect the ability to see, although many argue that if their growth is pathological, vision may deteriorate or disappear altogether. Doctors are confident that such rumors are unjustified.


  • the upper canines are larger in size than the lower ones, and their cutting surface is slightly longer;
  • one long root;
  • a fairly acute angle at which the cutting surfaces of the eye tooth meet.


For a more detailed look at this problem, we bring to your attention several photographs.

We will also show you a useful diagram, the eye teeth are fangs.

When do they appear?

Teething is a highly individual process that occurs differently for each child. The norm for the appearance of the upper primary fangs in a baby is 15-23 months from birth, but this sometimes occurs in other periods. There are cases when the eye teeth appear the very first, and sometimes you have to wait a very long time for their appearance.

The upper canines often erupt earlier than the lower canines. This process in a child can be accompanied by serious pain, since the facial nerve is affected.

Associated symptoms

When eye teeth erupt, characteristic symptoms appear. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: those associated with changes in the oral cavity and in the entire body. In the first case, the following will occur:

Throughout the child’s body it can be expressed in the following symptoms:

When the upper canines erupt, the condition of the oral cavity is of greatest importance. It is redness and swelling in their area that should be the first signs of a problem.

How to help a child in case of teething?

There are the following options to reduce discomfort for the baby:

  1. Pain relieving gels - relieve unpleasant symptoms in the shortest possible time (Kamistad, Dentinox). They are applied to the problem area and after a few minutes they begin to act, but before using such products you should consult your doctor.
  2. Massage the gums - massage your child’s gums in the teething area several times a day, using a clean index finger to do this.
  3. Special products to facilitate the process of tooth growth - thanks to their cooling effect, they soothe the surface of the gums and relieve soreness.
  4. Nasal congestion, high fever and conjunctivitis require separate treatment - these symptoms require separate treatment when teething. Drugs must be recommended by a doctor for use by children of the appropriate age.


It often happens that fangs or eye teeth need to be removed, but there must be good reasons for this:

  • growth pathology, which negatively affects the bite;
  • incorrect placement of teeth over the rest of the dentition;
  • parameters of the eye teeth that affect neighboring teeth.

However, there are also options against:

If you still decide to have it removed, then carefully consult with a dental surgeon, dental therapist and orthodontist before doing so. Dentists, in turn, often recommend trying other methods, for example, you can grind off a certain part of the problem tooth or install braces.

Video: first teeth - the school of Dr. Komarovsky.

Additional questions

Can there be swelling of the eyes after the removal of an eye tooth?

This phenomenon may indeed occur. The fact is that after tooth extraction, swelling often occurs, which can negatively affect the optic nerve, as a result of which swelling appears around the eyes.

Consequences of deletion

After removal of the upper canines, a number of negative consequences may occur: problems with diction, disruption of the functions and structure of neighboring teeth. It is because of this that doctors recommend removing eye teeth only as a last resort.


What teeth are called eye teeth?

Eyeteeth is a folk term, not a medical one. In common parlance, this is usually what the upper canines are called, and by analogy with them, the lower ones too.

Probably, the fangs received their special name due to the fact that next to them there are branches of the facial nerve, when irritated, severe pain occurs, spreading to the upper half of the face and radiating into the eyes. That is why, when a child develops baby eye teeth, it is accompanied by excruciating pain and other unpleasant symptoms. And because of this, removing fangs in adults is a very painful procedure that requires serious anesthesia.

Despite their name, eye teeth do not affect vision in any way. Although quite often dental patients express the opinion that if a fang is removed they can easily go blind, such a prejudice has no medical evidence and is erroneous.


The eye teeth or canines are found in pairs on the upper and lower jaws. They occupy an intermediate position between the front and back teeth, adjacent to the lateral incisors and molars (in the primary dentition) or small molars (in the permanent dental set).

The formation of primary eye teeth begins in the second month of embryogenesis. Like other teeth, they originate from the dental lamina of the oral epithelium, but penetrate into the developing bone tissue somewhat deeper than the others. The development of permanent canines and the entire set of molars begins a little later (at about 4 months of intrauterine development), but occurs identically to the formation of baby teeth.

The canines are characterized by the following features that distinguish them from other teeth:

  1. The presence of a single fairly long root, which is somewhat compressed on the sides.
  2. A massive crown with 2 cutting edges converging at an acute angle.
  3. The crown has a somewhat flattened shape, in which the labial and lingual surfaces meet at the cutting edge.
  4. The upper canine is slightly larger than the lower one, it has a longer cutting edge and wider contact surfaces.

Such features in the location and structure of the eye teeth allow them to perform their main function well: holding food and tearing it into pieces.

Eruption of fangs in babies

The baby teeth in the baby’s mouth erupt in a certain order, according to which the eye teeth appear only after all the incisors and first molars. At the same time, the upper canines emerge somewhat earlier (at 16-18 months) than the lower ones (at 18-20 months). This rather late appearance of the eye teeth is explained by their deeper location in the jaw. And for the same reason, their teething is the most unpleasant for the child.

Today we will figure out what teeth are called eye teeth, what is their feature and why they are called that. Despite their name, they are not directly related to the visual system.

This term is more of a popular name, but in medicine it is the upper and, accordingly, lower canines. They received this name due to their proximity to the facial nerve. When they hurt, pain occurs that spreads across the upper half of the face, including the eyes. Therefore, it is always painful to remove them, and when they erupt in children, it can cause the kids a lot of unpleasant sensations.

They are located on the upper and lower jaws. These are paired canines that are adjacent to the lateral molars on one side, and to the small ones on the other. In the embryo, eye teeth begin to form in the second month of intrauterine development. Like the others, they are formed from the dental epithelial plate, however, they penetrate deeper into the bone tissue than others.

The canine structure is no different from other teeth. If we consider the anatomical structure, the teeth are divided into 3 parts. The part that is above the gum is called the crown. The neck begins from it, it is covered by the gums and ends with the root, which, in fact, holds the tooth in the jaw.

The root can be single or have shoots. Since we are talking about a fang, it must be said that it has one root without branches. It itself consists of several tissues, but mainly dentin. In the root part, the dentin is covered by cement, and the crown is covered by enamel. Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body; the tooth needs it for protection.

The nutrition of these teeth, like all others, is provided by the pulp - it is located inside the tooth and consists of blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as nerve cells. A nerve runs through the center and is located in the dental canal.

The anatomy is clearly shown in the video below:

Functions of fangs

Depending on their location and shape, teeth perform different functions. The front ones are needed for biting food and moving it into the oral cavity. Chewable ones are repurposed for grinding food to make the digestion process more comfortable. But the eyes are needed for tearing apart dense food.

They can withstand very heavy loads, since their structure is very dense. They almost never break even under severe physical exertion, unlike the front ones. It is believed that modern humans do not need fangs - they are rudiments. Human nutrition today does not involve tearing off pieces of dense food, as was the case in ancient times.

Oksana Shiyka


Some people are mistaken in believing that if a fang is removed, their vision will be lost. This is not so: there is and cannot be any theoretical, much less practical, evidence for this.

Features of teething

We answered the question: what are eye teeth? Now let's talk about the timing when they begin to erupt. We talked about the first part of the question above, but as for the timing of teething, this is very individual. It happens that one baby acquired eye teeth after the 1st year, and the second has not yet erupted any by the age of 2.

Oksana Shiyka


The upper canine is the first to erupt, and the child experiences severe pain as the facial nerve is irritated. However, you should not expect any inevitable problems - sometimes children’s eye teeth erupt completely painlessly.

The distinctive symptoms of their eruption are a runny nose and lacrimation. It has already been said about the proximity of the facial nerve - it is this that gives such symptoms. Therefore, if a child has a fever, a runny nose and watery eyes, swollen gums and increased salivation, then this is not a cold, but a toothache. At this moment, babies experience itching and pain in the gums, which is relieved a little if pressure is applied to the gums. Therefore, the child puts it into his mouth and chews everything he comes across.

Oksana Shiyka


When fangs erupt, upset bowel movements, poor sleep, lack of appetite and restless behavior may occur. The parents' task is to carefully monitor the baby's condition, since at the moment of teething, immune defenses weaken, and various infectious diseases may arise.

How to help your baby with teething

To ease the suffering of children when teething, it is recommended to buy a silicone teether. It is cooled in the refrigerator and given to the child. Cold and hard silicone massages the gums well and at least slightly relieves discomfort and pain. You can replace it with a dry piece of bread (in this case, we must not forget that children under one year old often choke on pieces of food, so parents should be nearby and closely monitor the baby). Some parents give their children a terry towel to chew on, which also massages the gums well.

You can massage them yourself. To do this, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and massage your gums with your index finger for a couple of minutes. This procedure should be repeated several times a day.

There are various gels and ointments that relieve pain: Kalgel, Kamistad, Dentinox, Cholisal and others.

Kamistad Baby - gel to facilitate teething, reduces pain, irritation and inflammation. Kalgel relieves teething pain in babies. Dentinox ensures a painless and uncomplicated appearance of the first incisors, primary incisors and subsequent molars.

When teething, babies often experience a runny nose. This occurs due to swelling of the mucous membrane, so it is recommended to use Milt or Vibrocil at night so that the child can breathe calmly while sleeping.

If a child wakes up and cries at night from pain, then some parents give him sweet water. When the first teeth have already erupted, this should not be done. Sugar will negatively affect the enamel and new problems will arise. Also, after the first teeth erupt, the baby should be weaned off the pacifier, since sucking on it can lead to abnormal growth of the teeth.

A few facts

Questions about eye fangs arise not only when they begin to erupt in a child, but also later - at a more mature age. Here are the most common questions and their answers:

The symptoms of teething are described in the following video:

Now you know what kind of teeth are called eye teeth and why they are special, however, we must not forget about the importance of all the others. Therefore, from the moment they appear, it is necessary to carefully care for them, as well as the gums - only in this case a beautiful smile and the functionality of the teeth will be preserved until old age.

The eye tooth ensures the process of biting and chewing food properly. Their teething often becomes a test for the baby. The loss of canines in children and adults is extremely undesirable. Proper hygiene and regular visits to the dentist will help avoid problems.

The eye teeth have nothing to do with the organs of vision. These are the upper and lower canines. The name is due to the fact that the facial nerve, or rather its branches, is located near them. During their irritation, the eye tooth can hurt unbearably. The pain radiates to the upper part of the face and eyes. Therefore, the process of eruption of eye milk teeth can be accompanied by severe pain and discomfort.

But in adults, another problem is associated with eye teeth - they are very painful to remove. That’s why dentists perform enhanced anesthesia. The idea that you can lose your vision due to improper canine removal is a common misconception. The eye tooth does not affect vision in any way.

They can cause considerable discomfort and pain during their appearance.

The eye teeth are found in pairs on both jaws. They are localized in the middle. Neighboring the lateral incisors and molars.

The ocular milkworts are formed in the second month of embryonic development. They begin on the dental plate and then penetrate deep into the bone tissue. Permanent canines develop around the 4th month. During this period, it is very important that the expectant mother’s body receives all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the development of teeth.


Fangs have their own distinctive signs:

  1. They have only one root. It is quite deep, flattened on the sides.
  2. There are 2 cutting edges on the massive crown.
  3. The crown is flattened.
  4. The upper canines are slightly larger.

The main task of the fangs is to hold food and tear it into pieces. They cope with this perfectly thanks to their special structure.

Features of appearance

When cutting milk jugs, strict order is maintained. Only when all the incisors and first molars appear, the baby’s fangs begin to emerge. The top ones appear first, and then the bottom ones. They are cut quite late - at 16-20 months. This is due to the fact that they are hidden deep in the jaw.

The eruption of eye teeth is often accompanied by an increase in temperature.

This is why it is difficult for children to cut their eye teeth. They can cause considerable discomfort and pain during their appearance. The upper fang is always slightly larger in size than the lower one, which is why its appearance is especially painful. For parents, this time becomes a difficult test.

During the eruption of fangs, many infants have a fever, they become very irritable, capricious, refuse to eat, and sleep poorly. Due to infection, they may experience diarrhea, but this is quite natural.

You should not confuse the self and the signs of the disease. If the baby’s temperature rises to 39, vomiting, coughing, weakness and drowsiness occur, then these are symptoms of general intoxication in certain diseases. In such cases, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

How to help your baby?

The baby does not need to experience all the pain of teething. Now there are many tools that will help quickly facilitate this process. Pediatricians often prescribe drops (for example, Dantinorm Baby). They last longer, have no side effects and improve the overall condition of the baby.

But gels and ointments cope better with pain relief. They most often contain lidocaine. It relieves pain almost immediately. But these drugs are quickly washed off by saliva, so their effect lasts for a maximum of half an hour.

Children often suffer from a runny nose.

Among the gels, Kamistad, Kalgel, Dentinox are most often used. Their main advantage is speed of action. They have a pronounced analgesic effect, which manifests itself within a few minutes after use. But this effect passes just as quickly.

So, you can use the following pain relief methods:

  1. Lightly massage your gums. Before doing this, you need to wash your hands thoroughly. It is enough to massage the gums in the canine area for a couple of minutes to relieve discomfort. The massage should be repeated 2-3 times a day.
  2. Teethers. There are different types - silicone or cooling. The latter should be placed in the refrigerator to cool slightly before use. Teethers help relieve itching and pain. While the baby gnaws on them, a light massage of the gums occurs.
  3. Gels, ointments and drops.
  4. If your baby has a stuffy nose due to teething, you can use drops for children with a vasoconstrictor effect (Quix, Nazivin).
  5. If the temperature rises (above 38), you need to use antipyretics (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol).

If teething is complicated by fever, the child is restless, eats and sleeps poorly, he should be shown to a pediatrician. He will prescribe the necessary medications and advise how long to take them.

What problems can eye teeth provide for adults?

Eye teeth can cause problems not only for children, but also for adults. Let's consider the main questions:

The eye teeth not only actively participate in biting and chewing food, but also perform an aesthetic function. A beautiful smile without properly positioned fangs will simply be impossible.

a sore subject for many parents. How often can you hear stories from young mothers and fathers about sleepless nights, crying and screams of a child that accompany the growth of baby teeth. This undoubtedly important stage in the baby’s physiological development lasts a very long time, affecting the baby’s well-being. The baby becomes restless and capricious, eats poorly and hardly sleeps, his temperature rises, and skin rashes appear. It is especially difficult for a child when his upper jaw fangs, called eye teeth, are cutting.

Eye teeth eruption in children

The timing of teething is different for all babies. Some toddlers can boast their first teeth as early as 4-5 months, while some children have their first teeth only at 8-9 months. At the same time, pediatricians in most cases reassure parents, explaining that there cannot be a “norm” here. Everything is very individual. Even the order of teething may differ for some children. However, we will still tell you the approximate timing of teething. So, at the age of 6-9 months, children develop central incisors, first in the lower and then in the upper jaw. Behind them, by the age of one year, the upper lateral incisors and lower lateral incisors erupt. At the age of 12-15 months, children erupt their first molars at the top and bottom. And after them, at 16-22 months, children’s eye teeth are cut. These are the fangs of the upper jaw, located exactly in the place where the optic nerve passes. That is why the eruption of eye teeth in children is often accompanied by lacrimation. It is also important to take into account the fact that the optic nerve is responsible for connecting the upper part of the child’s face with the central nervous system. Therefore, the growth of eye teeth is quite painful and painful for both the baby and his parents.

Symptoms of eye teeth in children

The main signs that a child is losing eye teeth are watery eyes and a runny nose. Due to the constant appearance of tears, the child may well develop conjunctivitis. In addition, fever with eye teeth in children is far from uncommon. It can rise up to 38°. The baby's gums become red and swollen, salivation increases, and itching and pain appear in the gums. The child begins to put into his mouth everything that comes into his hands. Often children also have pain in the ears and nose. Frequent symptoms of eye teeth in children are indigestion, diarrhea and loss of appetite. In addition, in a weakened body due to weakened immunity, an infection may additionally develop. Therefore, parents should closely monitor the child’s well-being and general health.

To help the baby cope with such a difficult task as teething and to ease his pain, parents can purchase a special silicone teether, which needs to be cooled a little in the refrigerator and allowed to be chewed by the baby. You can also give children a terry towel, dry bread or a piece of cool banana in their mouths. Parents can give their child a gum massage, during which, in the most painful moments, they can use anesthetic gel, chamomile oil, or even (if the baby is not allergic). You can apply compresses with a decoction to the swollen gums. At the same time, you should absolutely not use any alcohol-containing products to massage your gums. Also, you should not give your child aspirin or analgin. The only medicine that can be used is suppositories or syrup with paracetamol. And then it is advisable to consult a doctor first.

Local pediatricians ask parents to very carefully monitor all the symptoms that arise in the baby during tooth growth. After all, for example, high fever and diarrhea may well be a sign of infection, just like a cough with a runny nose. Therefore, you should not expect that the eye teeth will come out and everything will go away on its own. It is better to show the child to the pediatrician just in case. Perhaps the baby needs additional treatment. And for any digestive disorders, even if diarrhea is actually caused by teething, you must give your baby as much water as possible. Indeed, for young children, dehydration is very dangerous. To make it easier for your child to endure the unpleasant period of teething, take him in your arms more often, caress him, play with him, hug him and try to distract him from the unpleasant sensations. Then the baby will be calmer, and teething will be less painful for him.