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Interesting facts Arab Emirates. UAE: interesting facts about the country and life in the Emirates. Rules of conduct in society

is an amazing country full of oriental exoticism and ultra-modern sights. Having visited at least one of her cities, you will learn a lot of new things, because life there is very different from our everyday life. But just reading about how they live on the shores of the Persian Gulf will be interesting to everyone.

United Arab Emirates - the most interesting facts

So, we bring to your attention the 20 most interesting facts about the country of the UAE:

  1. The first and main thing that a potential tourist should learn is how striking is the contrast between the standard of living in the countries of the Persian Gulf and our native CIS. Thanks to its impressive oil and gas deposits, as well as its favorable location on the route between Europe and the countries of the East, the United Arab Emirates ranks 5th in terms of GDP per capita.
  2. The main religion of the state is Islam. For this reason, there are quite strict rules regarding appearance. In some emirates (for example, in), this is treated more loyally, in others (such as) - on the contrary, with all severity. These requirements apply not only to local residents, but also to tourists.
  3. During Ramadan no one, including foreign guests, out of respect for the local religion, can not eat during the day - the only exception is a few tourist restaurants with tightly curtained windows. And those people who live on top of the tallest skyscraper (it is located in Dubai) have to wait 2 minutes longer before they see that the sun has disappeared below the horizon, and you can start eating.
  4. Production and export of hydrocarbons form the backbone of the UAE economy, and despite this, the country invests a lot in the development and use of solar energy.
  5. The tallest building in the world is right here. It is 828 m high. It has 163 floors. In addition to him, a huge number of others have been built here - most of them in Dubai, along.

  6. Retinal scan is waiting for everyone who enters the country as tourists. The state-of-the-art equipment of the country allows this procedure to be carried out, and thanks to it, the security in the country is at a high level. There are practically no illegal immigrants here.
  7. Refusal of entry awaits those who have an Israeli visa in their passport, confirming that they have previously visited this country.
  8. Climate in the UAE characterized by high temperature and humidity. In summer, 50-degree heat and 90% humidity make being outside almost unbearable. Because of this, absolutely all rooms, up to bus stops, are equipped with air conditioners.
  9. Beach lovers It will be interesting to know such an interesting fact about the UAE: in each emirate, the sand on the coast is of a different color. For example, in it is snow-white, and in Dubai it has an orange tint.
  10. Indigenous people of the UAE is a privileged class. Only 13% of the Arabs live here (the rest of the inhabitants of the UAE are Hindus, Pakistanis, etc.). Many of the aborigines do not work: they simply do not need it, since they receive an allowance from the state in the amount of about $ 2 thousand. Arabs can study at the expense of the state at any university in the world, they have many social guarantees. For example, young families from indigenous people receive 70 thousand dirhams (a wedding gift from the state) and a luxurious villa in addition. And for the birth of their first child, each family receives $50,000. Wealthy Arabs can afford to keep the most unusual pets, such as leopards.

  11. Arab sheikhs are the richest people in the world. They buy golden laptops and hot tubs, keep huge fleets of vehicles and have up to 4 wives. The title of sheikh is given for life.
  12. Founder of the UAE- Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who raised 19 sons. His fortune was estimated at $20 billion.
  13. For women in the Emirates special conditions. They are provided with a separate car in, a special, "female" section on the bus and even a special taxi.
  14. Bribery in the UAE- taboo. If you have any problems with the local police, you should not even try to offer a bribe - this will only increase your problems.
  15. police cars here - these are the same Bentleys, Ferraris and Lamborghinis, which are driven by local residents, most of them very wealthy. It is believed that such cars help the police in the fight against criminals driving the same expensive cars.

  16. Metro in Dubai- automatic, there is no driver in it. In the world, this is the first such experience in the history of the subway.
  17. Address system very different from what we are used to. Each house here has not a number, but its own name.
  18. Some free economic zones located in Dubai, Jebel Ali. There is no need to pay taxes. For this reason, many global companies do business here.
  19. Unusual ATMs can be seen on the streets and in the shops of the UAE - they give out not only paper bills, but also gold bars.
  20. Festival. In the 21st century, the inhabitants of the UAE prefer to ride not on camels, as before, but on modern expensive cars. In order not to forget the traditions, the President of the country established the Camel Festival, which is held in the emirate
  • United Arab Emirates- a unique country, for some 40 years there was only a desert in this territory;
  • The UAE is indeed a rich country. There are 59 thousand dollar millionaires for 5 million people here;
  • The UAE has excellent social security. So, for the birth of a boy, the state makes a gift to the family in the amount of $50,000;
  • Every young family UAE receives from the government a comfortable villa and 70,000 dirhams (about $19,000) for a wedding;
  • The average monthly salary of a civil servant is about $10,000;
  • All these benefits apply only to local residents. 70% of the population of the UAE are workers from South and Southeast Asia who receive $200-300 per month;
  • The UAE is a Muslim country, and there are a lot of prohibitions, especially those related to alcohol. So, in the emirate of Sharzha, a complete ban on alcohol, the use and transportation of which is considered a criminal offense;
  • In the UAE, it is forbidden to photograph government buildings, military installations, mansions, palaces, flags, local women. Men are allowed only with their permission;
  • Emirates is hell for hitchhiker, this is an administrative violation;
  • The government restricts freedom of speech. There is no yellow press in the UAE, they do not write about the personal life of sheikhs;
  • Many sites are blocked in the UAE. According to the Committee for the Supervision of Telecommunications, which controls access to the Internet, there may be harmful information, from the point of view of the Koran, information;

  • Non-Muslim tourists in the UAE are not allowed to visit mosques;
  • Shoes should be removed when entering mosques and houses. Prayers cannot be bypassed in front;
  • Littering is strictly prohibited on the streets. The fine for trash thrown on the street is 500 dirhams, even if you just missed the bin;
  • Fines for traffic violations are huge. Passing a red light will cost $800;
  • There is no traffic police in the United Arab Emirates. All violations are recorded by cameras, and at the end of the year, when passing a technical inspection, the driver is billed;
  • All bus stops in the same Dubai equipped with air conditioning;
  • The coldest months in the UAE are December and January. At this time, the average air temperature during the day is +28, at night +18. The question of where it is warm in winter disappears by itself.
  • One of the favorite sports in the UAE is camel racing. Moreover, now camels are controlled by miniature robots;
  • The UAE loves gold very much. According to statistics, each inhabitant of the Arab Emirates buys 38 grams of gold per year;
  • 5 kilograms of gold jewelry should be presented by an Arab man in case of matchmaking with an Arab woman;
  • Arab men are increasingly marrying foreign women - no need to pay relatives for a bride;
  • In the UAE, people often marry not for love, but at the will of their parents - conservatism and religious customs leave no chance for young people to choose a life partner on their own;
  • The UAE has big problems with water. 30% comes from natural sources, the rest is so-called desalinated water;
  • Most of the emirates will run out of oil very soon. The only exception is the state of Abu Dhabi;
  • In the UAE, only 30 percent of fresh water comes from natural sources or artesian wells. 70 percent of water is desalinated water. Desalination is a very energy-intensive and expensive process; 1 liter of such water costs four times more than natural water. Tap water in the UAE is quite clean, but it is still not recommended to use it without boiling;
  • Many UAE states will run out of oil by 2010. The only exception is the state of Abu Dhabi, which contains 95 percent of the country's total oil reserves. The states of Dubai and Sharjah are preparing in advance for the fact that the petrodollar supply of their economy will soon stop. Trade is successfully developing here (free economic zones are operating), tourism, industry, and even agriculture. Thus, in 2000, revenues from oil production amounted to only 12 percent of the GDP of the Emirate of Dubai;
  • In the mid-1980s, the UAE ruler, Sheikh Zayed, set the goal of reducing the country's dependence on foreign agricultural products. Large investments were attracted to agriculture: agro-farms and poultry farms were built. In air-conditioned greenhouses, 2-3 crops of tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes are harvested here per year. Mangoes, apples, strawberries are grown from fruits. The UAE is famous for its dates. The most fertile areas of the UAE are the Al Ain oasis;
  • The Internet in the UAE has become widespread. Some hotels in the UAE provide access to the World Wide Web directly from the room. For example, hotels JUMEHARAH BEACH HOTEL, HILTON DUBAI JUMEIRAH, LE MERIDIEN MINA SEYAHI in Dubai. However, a department specially created by the UAE authorities blocks access to sites with reprehensible content or photos from the point of view of the Koran;

  • Capital UAEAbu Dhabi- rightly called the "city-park". The imperative “Walk on the lawns!” operates here, exotic trees brought from all over the world grow, luxurious shady gardens turn green. As scientists have established, it is precisely because of the abundance of green spaces in the city that the average air temperature is usually 1-1.5 degrees lower than in the surrounding desert;
  • The coldest months in the UAE are December and January. At this time, the air temperature during the day averages +28, at night +18;
  • Religious customs leave Arab youth almost no opportunity to choose a life partner on their own - everything is decided by parents. This is probably why the percentage of divorces is very high here - (30 percent of marriages);
  • In recent years Emirates faced great problems in the family matter: more and more Arab women remain single. Arab men increasingly prefer to marry foreign women: no need to pay relatives for a bride;
  • In the mosque UAE Gentiles are usually not allowed. The only mosque in the confederation that deviates from this rule is the mosque in the city of Dubai, in the Jumeirah region. The mosque operates the Center for Cultural and Religious Understanding, which was established by Sheikh Maktoum in 1998. Organized visits to the mosque by tourists are held once a week, on Thursdays, from 10:00 am. The same center during Ramadan organizes for those who wish to visit the houses of local residents with participation in a festive meal (by appointment).

The Middle East is getting richer every day. Oil and gold are bearing fruit in the economy of the region, one of the leaders of which is the UAE. The country is actively developing tourism and this is already a very important part of the economy. What do we know about this country? about the Emirates, this is an article that can bring the traveler closer to the Middle Eastern country.

What is emirates? Such an involuntary question appears when people hear the full name of the country - the United Arab Emirates. In fact, everything is simple here, the emirate is the region headed by the emir. In total, there are seven such areas in the country, where the capital is Abu Dhabi, and the main tourist center is Dubai. It is these two regions that make the cash desk from tourism, other emirates bring much less income from tourism.

Until the middle of the twentieth century, the country was quite poor, it was under British control, and its main industry was pearling. Everything changed when large oil deposits were discovered in these lands. The correct approach to black gold ensured the growth of the country's economy, which is developing at a tremendous pace even today.

With alcohol in the country, not everything is simple. It is worth remembering that the main religion of the country is Islam, and its rules are treated strictly here. You should not expect that in every store you will find shelves with alcohol, many do not sell it at all. It is worth noting that alcohol is very expensive here, the price of many drinks can be ten times higher than in Russia. Almost every hotel has its own bar. Drinking in public places is prohibited, for this a fine of almost ten thousand rubles is imposed. The Emirate of Sharjah adheres to the ban on alcohol and it is quite difficult to buy even a bottle of beer there. - the strictest area, there are no skyscrapers, the emirate is considered the spiritual center of the UAE.

Emirate fujairah considered the most beautiful in the country. Tourism is developing rapidly, but in Russia tours to fujairah don't leave as well as in Dubai. But in vain. Fujairah is a beautiful place with amazing views. The emirate goes to the Indian Ocean, and in some places the mountains collide with water. The climate is comfortable, because of the mountains and the ocean there is no sultry heat, and if the thermometer shows a high temperature, then the heat is easier to bear. There are no environmental problems in the emirate, there are many natural attractions and thermal springs. Holidays in Fujairah for many, it is a health resort, in fact, the region is developing in this direction of tourism.

It's interesting that are one of the leaders in the development of solar energy. It is clear that oil is not eternal and it will end sooner or later. The Emirates are making a serious bet on solar energy, investing a lot of money and realizing that it will pay for itself. The UAE with its climate, the place is ideal for the development of solar energy. In ten years, they want to install solar panels on every home in the country.

Girls and men travel separately in transport. In each salon there is a separating barrier, and there are very few places allocated for women, they often stand, while two or three men can sit in a spacious salon on the other side of the barrier. If you see a pink taxi, it is for women and children under 10 years old. The rights were completely given to women. Accordingly, a man should not catch a pink taxi.

United Arab Emirates facilities are being built so quickly, they are investing in them so powerfully that a quarter of all cranes in the world are located in this country. Of course, these are not the most official figures, yet China, which also does not stand still. However, there is a lot of construction here, in the same Dubai on some streets it seems that there is only construction everywhere and where is that city from the picture?

Each emirate has its own direction of tourism. Everyone can be compared, but Abu Dhabi and Dubai are more similar than others. If we are talking about a tourist streak, and not about how Abu Dhabi can be similar to Dubai, because it is 85% of the entire country territorially. They are similar in that both cities are huge cities, where innovative buildings, sports facilities, parks and much more are being actively built. These cities are loved by tourists, but for a beach holiday more people come to Dubai, Abu Dhabi these are more business trips, but still relaxing on the beach, of course, is good here. Sharjah- the spiritual center of the country, the strictest region where the laws of Islam are strictly observed. fujairah- a great place where you can improve your health, where there are mountains and fresh air. Ras Al Khaimah tries to focus on eco-tourism, there is a lot of hiking and since this emirate is covered with vegetation, not sand, the business is gaining popularity: interesting campsites and routes of all this are becoming more and more in the emirate. Umm el Qawwain And Ajman- emirates that do not develop tourism at all, slightly different accents are made here.


Dubai city is ideal for shopping. Shopping centers, branded clothing stores, jewelry and more are presented here in a huge volume. Interestingly, the city lives in a duty-free zone, which means that no taxes are withheld from entrepreneurs. Worth going to gold market is a famous place in Dubai. There is a lot of gold and pearls here, you can lose your mind from its brilliance. Gold prices will pleasantly surprise you, they are quite loyal. It is worth following the sales news, in general, these periods are similar to ours, at the end of the same August, local shopping centers noticeably drop prices.

Dubai is the most loyal emirate. Everything is more accessible here, and the laws are not so strict with foreigners. Here the dress code is softer, there is more beer and freedom in your actions. That's why Russians like to choose more Dubai. Of course, it is worth remembering which country you are in, that you are a guest and you need to follow the rules. The fines are very large, and no one will look at the fact that you are a foreigner. The logic is that by drinking the same beer in a public place, you are setting a bad example and contrary to generally accepted norms.

Dress code is an important part. There are beliefs that only girls need to observe decency in choosing clothes. And if Dubai forgives something else, then in the same Sharjah for open bare shoulders, or shorts, you can get a substantial fine. The same rules apply to men, but what about? Men must also comply with dress code. From that, pack your bags more responsibly.

The local metro is considered the longest railway network in the world, while it is also almost completely automated. Yes, the drivers here do not sit in the cabs, the computer is responsible for everything, which at the moment has never made a mistake. The metro even runs from the airport, for example, the same Dubai, it is very convenient. One train of the subway, capable of carrying 640 people, only five long cars, each 75 meters long. All stations are equipped with elevators, escalators and other necessary things that bring convenience.

The state takes care of its citizens, there are a number of subsidies and benefits for those who have a passport of a UAE citizen. So, for the birth of a son, citizens receive 50 thousand dollars, 10 is put into the account of the child, so that after reaching a certain age he could use these funds. The state also helps to organize a wedding, the newlyweds are transferred 20 thousand dollars for the holiday, plus the state buys a house.

On the streets of the largest cities in the country - Dubai and Abu Dhabi, you can find closed stops that are equipped with air conditioning. The fact is that the UAE is a country with a very hot climate, and these stops are designed to save people from the heat of the sun. There are many parks in the cities, and in general, landscaping. Thus, the air becomes fresher and the heat is easier to bear.

Going to the UAE, it is worth visiting the famous Arab markets. Where bargaining is appropriate. The Arabs are very enterprising, they know the price of their goods, and are willing to bid. Market relations are built, as elsewhere. It is better to come for shopping in the morning, when the sun is still not so hot, and there are fewer people.

For locals, it's par for the course to leave your car unlocked. wildly? Not at all, civilized. Crime in the Emirates at a very low level, here many are in abundance, and the fines for offenses are substantial. For example, for crossing a continuous road - 800 dollars. On the streets of cities you can often see, say, an unclosed Ferrari.

It is curious, but it is only 10% of the indigenous people in the country, they are also citizens of the UAE. Others are workers who are working on the construction of a new country, high skyscrapers, innovative facilities. Basically, Indians, Filipinos, Pakistanis come here to work. The authorities immediately make it clear to the workers that they will not tolerate offenses, and if you come here to work, be kind to work, you will break the law, at best we will deport you. Visitors obediently follow the rules, they pay quite well here, so people hold on to their places.

With the internet, it's not that easy. Most of the social networks we know are banned here, the same youtube is blocked. There is a lot of censorship and, in fact, even though the Internet exists, it is used in the usual way: chatting with someone, watching a video on youtube, there is no such thing. There is also no freedom of speech in the media in the country. All publications are subordinate to the authorities and are strictly controlled.

We recommend the reader an article - where we reveal a lot of useful information, where there is something to learn new about this direction. The UAE is an amazing world that looks simply futuristic in places, and this country certainly deserves to get to know it.

Graduate of 2011 of the Faculty of International Relations of the Far Eastern Federal University

Located in the southern part of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula, Dubai is both a city and an emirate in the UAE (United Arab Emirates). Due to its advantageous strategic position, it has been an important trading center since ancient times. Sophisticated architecture and multiculturalism make the UAE one of the most beautiful tourist hotspots in the world. Below is a list of interesting facts about Dubai and the UAE that you may not know.

Fact number 1. The Persian Gulf was formerly known as the "Pirate Coast". Until 1853, the tribes attacked merchant ships from India. The Al Maktoum dynasty has ruled Dubai since 1833.

Fact number 2. Mohamed Bin Majid, who is considered the first Arab cartographer and navigator, was born in Julfar (the current emirates of Ras al-Kheim and Sharjah) in 1421. He became known in the West after he led Vasco da Gama from Africa to India using Arabic maps that had not been known to Europeans before.

Fact number 3. The United Arab Emirates, despite its name, has an Arab minority (13%), while South Asians (primarily from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) form the largest group.

Fact number 4. Dubai has an area of ​​4114 square kilometers. This is larger in area than Singapore (687 km 2), Hong Kong (1104 km 2) and the Maldives (300 km 2) combined.

Fact number 5. The word Dubai may have come from the word Daba, which means crawl, denoting the process by which the offshore arm of Dubai Creek slowly flows into the interior of the emirate. Another interesting version, expressed by the poet Ahmad Mohammad Obaid, says that Dubai got its name from the word Daba, which is also called locust.

Fact number 6. buildings

Dubai built the first skyscraper - the World Trade Center - in 1979. It remained the only skyscraper until 1991. Currently, there are about 450 single skyscrapers in Dubai.

The Capital Gate tower in Abu Dhabi is 160 meters tall and is recognized as the building with the largest slope in the world. Its slope is four times that of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

The 35-storey building is the main building for the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition.

Dubai holds the record - the tallest residential building in the world is the Princess Tower residence, whose construction was completed in early 2012. It rises to 414 meters.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi is the largest in the country, is located on 22,412 square meters and can accommodate about 41,000 worshipers. The mosque has the largest chandelier in the world - 15 meters high, 10 meters in diameter and weighing over nine tons.

The Palm Jumeirah is the largest artificial island in the world that can be seen from space. Palm Islands are built using land reclamation techniques. If the builders from all the sand that was spent on the construction of Palma built a wall five meters high, it could reach the moon. Palm Island adds 520 kilometers of coastline to the UAE. At the same time, you can get there not only by car, but also by monorail (now the only one in the entire region). However, one of Dubai's most famous creations, The World of the Islands, is sinking back into the ocean.

Dubai asked Disneyland to consider an application to build a resort, but was denied because Dubai is too small. Therefore, Dubai decided to build its own theme park called Dubailand. Once opened, it will be twice the size of Florida Disneyland and is expected to be the largest tourist destination in the world with 200,000 daily visitors. The park has already signed contracts with Marvel Comics, Universal Studios and others.

The success of the UAE as a nation can be illustrated by the tallest building in the world. Burj Khalifa rushes to a height of 828 meters. Designed by Adam Smith, the building took 6 years to build and officially opened on January 4, 2010. Not many people know that in 1956 Frank Lloyd Wright wanted to build a similar building with a height of 1600 m (528 floors) in Chicago. The Burj Khalifa is only half the height of Wright's design.

The fountain at the Burj Khalifa is capable of shooting jets of water 130 meters (that's higher than a 50-story building), making it the most powerful and largest automated fountain in the world. The lights shining from the fountain are visible at an altitude of 35 km.

Fact number 7. Business and Economics

When Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi (KIZAD) officially opened in early 2012, it covered more retail space than the entire island of Singapore. When fully operational, the zone will become the region's largest container port and account for almost 15 percent of the UAE's GDP.

The Dubai Mall has 3.9 million square meters of retail space, making it the largest mall in the world. More steel was used in the construction of the building than in the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Dubai has about 30,000 working cranes. There are a total of 150,000 cranes in the world, which means that Dubai uses about 20% of the world's cranes.

Dubai Duty Free is the world's busiest travel retail outlet, with sales of $1.46 billion (AED5.36 billion) at the end of 2012. Branded perfumes accounted for 15 percent of total sales. Travelers for 10 months in 2012 took with them 1702 tons of sweets, 421 tons of dates and 347 kilograms of caviar.

Oil was discovered in Dubai in 1963, but today oil only makes up about 11% of Dubai's revenue. Tourism and trade make up a larger percentage of the economy. Since July 2012, about 70 percent of the UAE's daily oil production has been sent via pipeline to Fujairah, avoiding a potential bottleneck in the Strait of Hormuz. The pipeline can transport 1,800,000 barrels of oil a day to a storage facility in the Gulf of Oman.

Fact number 8. Money

The UAE has one of the highest per capita numbers of ATMs in urban areas in the world. In 2012, there were 5,000 ATMs located throughout the UAE, up from 2,400 in 2008. By comparison, the Marshall Islands in the Pacific is still waiting for its first ATM.

The Emirates Palace Hotel is home to the first ATM in the UAE - and in the world - that sells gold bars. Since May 2010, the machine has been dispensing the precious metal an average of 150 times a day.

The Golden Phoenix is ​​the world's most expensive cake, priced at $1,000. Decorated with edible 23 carat gold and chocolate leaves, dusted with edible gold dust and served on a 24 carat gold cake stand.

Dubai is the center of the jewelry trade in the Middle East. To uphold its reputation, the longest gold chain was made in the emirate during the 1999 Dubai Shopping Festival. The 22-carat chain was four kilometers long.

Fact number 9. Water-ground-air

The Meydan Hippodrome has the longest grandstand in the world. It was opened in March 2009. The hippodrome cannot go unnoticed as it is 1.6 kilometers long. The Dubai World Cup is the most prestigious equestrian event that takes place at night. The best in the world come to race at Meydan Hippodrome. At the 2012 meeting, the prize pool was $27.25 million.

An amazing fact is that in 1968, only 13 license plates were registered in Dubai. As of 2012, there are over 1,130,000 registered cars in Dubai. Despite the fact that the global auto industry is still going through hard times due to the crisis, companies such as Ford, Volvo, Porsche, Hyundai, BMW and Toyota increased their sales in 2012 from 7% to 40% in the region. By the way, the Dubai police have added Lamborghini, Ferrari and Bentley to their patrol fleet. This allows them to catch riders who disturb the public peace.

The Dubai Metro was opened on the ninth day of the ninth month of the ninth year at 9 p.m. by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The Dubai metro system is the longest automated network in the world. The 75-kilometer network that wraps around the city has 87 autonomous trains on the route - and not a single driver. In trains for passengers, climate control is maintained at 20 degrees Celsius. The trains are recognized as carbon neutral in operation.

The world's largest ship (Dhow) is under development at Al Jaddaf in Dubai. The vessel will be capable of carrying more cargo over long distances and will be more environmentally friendly than any other vessel of its type. It will be the world's first mixed-type vessel with innovative technologies.

The UAE does not just buy planes, but also helps build them. Spare parts and components for the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner are manufactured by the Strata aerospace concern in Al Ain. Fly Emirates operates the largest fleet of the world's largest aircraft, the Airbus A380. The company was the first airline in the world to provide in-flight showers for its passengers. Emirates and Etihad have placed an order for 100 Airbus A380 superjumbo aircraft. This means that the UAE will host the largest number of double-decker aircraft anywhere else in the world. This is one of the reasons why Dubai Airport on January 2, 2013 opened a dedicated and world's first terminal for its A380 aircraft. As of January 2014, Emirates already had 44 of these aircraft in its fleet.

On April 23, 2011, the UAE joined the space race. The country's first satellite was launched into orbit on the European Space Agency's Arianne rocket, launched from French Guiana. The satellite is now in orbit 36,000 km above the Earth and provides enhanced communications services. By 2020, the UAE plans to launch the first 4 satellites created in the Emirates.

Fact number 10. Ecology

Probably the middle of the desert is the last place you expect to see fresh fish. However, at the extreme southern tip of the crescent of the Liwa oasis is a fish farm that, thanks to desalination, produces several types of fish for Abu Dhabi's supermarkets.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the UAE is home to the largest number of date palms on the planet. The count was carried out in 2009, when there were 42 million date palms, at the moment there are many more.

Dugongs remain critically endangered, but the UAE is leading the fight to save sea cows. The UAE has strict laws to protect dugong, including the ban on fishing with drift nets. Sir Bani Yas Island is a protected area for this species.

When Masdar City is fully completed, it will be home to 60,000 people living and working in the greenest place on earth. More than 80 percent of the water will be recycled water, and the city's electricity will come entirely from renewable sources.

Fact number 11. society

While the UAE is one of the safest places on earth, where racial tension between different citizens is considered unheard of, crime does occur and can be just as violent as in more dangerous parts of the world. The main difference is the small number of crimes. There are two main reasons why the crime rate in Dubai and the rest of the UAE is minimal: firstly, the well-coordinated work of law enforcement agencies, and secondly, because the majority of Dubai residents are from the middle class.

The Emirates has a social security program for the local population: free education, free medical care and the right to free housing. However, recently the subsidies have been reduced, but the local population is encouraged to get jobs in the public sector. Those who want to set up a business in the UAE must enlist the support of a local resident who will be the guarantor and own 51% of the shares - regardless of whether he is involved in the business or not, unless you open a company in the free zone. It is constantly mentioned on the Internet that in the UAE for the birth of a child they give $ 50,000. However, this is completely false information. Each family receives from $ 150 (depending on the emirate) per month for each child until he reaches the age of majority. However, if an Emirati marries an Emirati woman, then the state can provide from $18,000 to $30,000 for wedding expenses, as well as provide a hall for the wedding and celebration.

These are just some of the facts about the UAE, which can be listed endlessly. However, you can immediately notice that the Emirates are trying to be the best of the best in any projects. The coherence of work, an integrated business approach, a structured system of legislation - all that makes the country different from other Arab countries of our time. Often this is due to only one fear that can be expressed in the words of the great Founding Father of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid, when asked about the future of Dubai: “My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a camel."

A country that surprisingly harmoniously combines the exotic of the East and ultra-modern sights. You can visit any of the seven independent monarchies united under one flag and find something unique and attractive for tourists in each. In the Emirates, everything is done at a high level, from the airport to the water park. Rest on the shores of the Persian Gulf will be the most unforgettable and exciting. But just reading and learning interesting facts about the UAE will be interesting for everyone.


The main religion in the UAE is Islam. Therefore, the emirates have strict rules regarding appearance, behavior and alcohol consumption. The rules are the same for everyone - both for the indigenous population and for tourists. In some emirates, strict adherence to the rules is more loyal, for example, in Dubai.

During the holy month of Ramadan, even vacationers are not allowed to eat during the day. But in some cities, tourist restaurants still work, where guests of the country can retire and dine behind tightly curtained windows.


One of the world is the United Arab Interesting facts statistics say that for 5 million citizens of the country there are 60 thousand dollar millionaires. The basis of the economy in the Emirates is the production and export of hydrocarbons. Many wealthy citizens live in Dubai, as in this city you can freely conduct your business and not pay taxes. The average monthly salary of a civil servant is about $10,000. Each emirate has its own autonomy, which is so wide that it allows them to independently determine the amount of deductions to the country's budget.

Wealthy sheikhs

Members of the ruling dynasties of the emirates are called sheikhs. They "wear" this title until the end of their lives. called the most gods by people on the planet. They purchase yachts and islands in the UAE. Other interesting facts about life in the country of sheikhs:

  • They have golden laptops, smartphones, hot tubs and other incredibly expensive things.
  • The palaces where sheikhs live with their families are strictly forbidden to be photographed.
  • Sheikhs are educated and intelligent.
  • Their main hobbies are women, expensive cars, gold and horses.
  • The Quran allows sheikhs to have up to four wives.

Arab women

In the Emirates, the representatives of the weaker sex have a special position. Even in the heat, they go out in a black abaya and a black scarf. Until 1996, they wore all the jewelry under their clothes, because at any moment an angry husband could publicly divorce his wife. Then she would have to leave him immediately in what she was wearing. For a divorce in the United Arab Emirates, it is enough to say the word "talaq" 3 times (which means "I'm divorcing you"). But in 1996, a law appeared that protects the rights of a divorced woman. Now the man must leave the house of the rejected wife and provide the former family with everything necessary until the end of his days.

Some more interesting facts about the life of women in the UAE:

  • in all educational institutions, girls study separately from boys;
  • in public transport, special places are reserved for women: in the subway - a carriage, in a bus - a section.
  • Arab women cannot be photographed (you can get into the police for this);
  • an unmarried girl should not kiss or even hold hands with her lover before marriage is registered.

camel racing

In the emirate of Abu Dhabi, the Camel Festival is held, which encourages residents not to forget their traditions. Previously, instead of expensive cars, residents of the Emirates traveled on this beast of burden. In addition to the Festival, annual beauty contests for camels and camel races are held.

Camel racing is a traditional sport of Arab sheikhs. Instead of a rider, the camel is driven by a mechanical jockey.


This is the most famous and richest city in the UAE. Interesting facts about the world capital of luxury, entertainment, business and fashion are as follows:

  • Half a century ago, there was a desert plain on the site of the modern metropolis, and today majestic skyscrapers appear here at the speed of light.
  • In 2009, the construction of the tallest tower in the world, the Burj Khalifa, was completed; it is visible from a distance of 80 km.
  • The indigenous population in Dubai is only 20%. It turns out that practically every passer-by in the city is a foreigner.
  • Despite the fact that the metropolis is one of the hottest places in the world, a ski resort operates on its territory. It is located under the roof. The area of ​​the snow attraction is 22 thousand square meters. An additional positive bonus for tourists is the March of the Penguins. These touching creatures are released several times a day to walk on the snow cover of the complex.

  • In summer, the streets of the city are extremely hot. Even at night the temperature rarely drops below 30 degrees. Therefore, at noon, the streets of Dubai are empty. Residents and guests of the metropolis hide in indoor air-conditioned rooms, of which there are a huge number. Even public transport stops are air conditioned.
  • Dubai is a shopper's paradise. It is here that those who want to make profitable purchases come. Mall of the Emirates is a unique place in the city, where 400 stores are located at once.

artificial islands

Cities in the UAE are rapidly developing and growing, and there are more and more people who want to move to this paradise. Housing prices are constantly creeping up, especially for real estate near the Persian Gulf. But the earth is not rubber and cannot accommodate everyone. Entrepreneurs from the United Emirates have found a unique solution: they began to import land and build artificial islands, on which they build 5-star hotels and residential buildings. This project was called "Palm Islands".

Planning a trip to the Emirates

Everyone who wants to relax in this amazing country is recommended to find out interesting facts about the UAE related to weather conditions:

  • The heat here is year-round, but the hottest is three summer months.
  • In summer, the temperature rises to +50 ° C, even air conditioners do not save you from the heat. In September, the temperature drops a little, but you can’t call it comfortable for rest (+45 ° С).
  • The most favorable months for a trip to the country of sheikhs are October and November. The temperature stays around +30 °C. But at this time, prices rise, as the flow of tourists increases significantly. Therefore, it is better to worry and pre-purchase tours in the UAE.

What to see in the Emirates

You can go sightseeing on your own, or you can book a tour and learn a lot of interesting facts about the country of the UAE. There are many stunning places here that will impress vacationers. Let's talk about some of them.

  • The world's largest flower park - Al Ain Paradise. It covers an area of ​​more than 20,000 m 2 . The design of the park was developed by the best designers and florists of the country. Here you can see hundreds and thousands of luxurious flower beds and baskets with rare and beautiful flowers.
  • And this fact about the UAE is interesting for children. We are talking about the presence in the Emirates of one of the best water parks in the world - Aquaventure. There are pristine blue pools, exciting rides, a variety of water and roller coasters. And in Abu Dhabi you can visit the largest amusement park in the world - Ferrari Park.
  • The sail-shaped hotel "Burj Al Arab" is the hallmark of the country. Gold leaf is included in the interior of the hotel, huge aquariums are located in the halls, high-speed elevators transport guests. This is the most luxurious and expensive hotel on our planet.
  • The artificial archipelago in the shape of the date palm, the national plant of the UAE, always attracts the attention of vacationers.

And now some interesting facts about the UAE for tourists:

  • For a quiet family holiday, it is better to choose Sharjah. A ban on alcoholic beverages has been introduced here, and tours here are much cheaper than other resorts in the emirates.
  • For diving enthusiasts and those who prefer a beach holiday, it is better to go to Fujairah. There are excellent beaches, wonderful weather and excellent conditions for viewing the underwater world.
  • Tourists who want to feel more free and not catch the looks of others are better off choosing the emirate of Ajman as their holiday destination. Here they are loyal to strict Muslim traditions.

What else should a tourist know?

Here are some more interesting facts about life in the country of the UAE, which must be considered when visiting the country:

  • The Emirates is one of the cleanest countries in the world, so for throwing garbage on the street (even if it's just a piece of paper that got past the urn) there is a fine of 500 dirhams (a little more than 8.5 thousand rubles).
  • At the airport, all visitors undergo a retinal scan.
  • In the emirates there is a problem with drinking water. In 70% of cases, this is artificially desalinated water, so it is better to boil it.
  • On the streets of any city in the UAE, you cannot kiss or otherwise show your feelings (even to tourists). Otherwise, you can get a fine. There are even special signs that indicate the prohibition of kissing.
  • Some ATMs in the Emirates give out not only banknotes, but also gold bars.
  • The Emirates have the death penalty. For the distribution and use of drugs can be imprisoned for more than 10 years. But if the addict is ready to improve and agree to treatment, the latter will be paid.
  • There are also heavy fines for violating traffic rules. Accounts come to the violator at the end of the year. The largest fine (from 10 thousand dollars, or 631,592 rubles) is due for a camel knocked down on a highway.
  • Married couples and those wishing to marry are provided with powerful social support. So, the couple is entitled to a villa and 19,000 dollars (1 million 200 thousand rubles), and for the birth of a son, the family receives 50,000 dollars (almost 3 million 158 thousand rubles).
  • Both men and women can enter the army from the age of 18. The troops of the Emirates have a lot of hired soldiers and the most modern military equipment.
  • Education and treatment in any country of the world citizens of the UAE are free of charge at the expense of the state. It also pays utility bills, residents of Arab cities do not even know what it is.

The article contains the most interesting facts about the UAE. But of course, it is better to come to this incredible country and see everything with your own eyes.