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Why does a woman dream about dark grapes? Why do you dream about grapes: basic interpretations of the dream

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What do “grape” dreams mean?

Dreams about grapes are positive. Seeing him in a dream means living a happy and prosperous life in reality. If you ate it in a dream, then you are strong in spirit, difficulties strengthen you, you never lose heart, however, tasteless grapes predict some uncertainty, but you don’t need to give up - you can do anything. Many bunches of grapes hanging on the vine and in the foliage foreshadow an increase in your social status. The grapes given to you in a dream predicts a pleasant acquaintance. Did you crush it in your sleep? This means that you can easily cope with your opponent, a competitor, but if at the same time you collected grape juice and poured it into a container, then a big profit awaits you. For a woman, a good sign is a dream where the vineyard is overgrown with weeds - her hopes are destined to come true. Drinking the juice of this berry or grape wine in a dream means being a happy person in reality. If you were treated to wine, then you will soon need to use the help of a friend. Clothes stained with grapes dream of a shameful act, disgrace. Selling promises a solution to problems. Purchasing is a dream of a happy accident. If you cut it with a knife, then your family environment will be happy and friendly. A basket filled with grapes foreshadows a love adventure.

A good sign for something new is a dream about a grapevine, but if it was withered, then you should postpone your endeavors. If the grapes were heavy and numerous, the vine sagged and broke, then incredible career growth awaits you. To material wealth I had a dream where you made wine from grapes. Tearing grape leaves means worsening relationships with friends through your fault. Have you wanted to pick berries, but you just couldn’t? Such a dream speaks of failures, the culprit of which will be you yourself. Watering grapes in a dream means being able to build a harmonious relationship with your partner.

What were the grapes like in the dream?

Dreaming about red grapes is a symbol of poor health; green grapes warn the dreamer about excessive selfishness, which could soon complicate his life. Black - speaks of your professionalism, you are considered a valuable employee, your superiors are extremely pleased with you. White is a good sign. Dreaming of purple grapes symbolizes material well-being. The small one dreams of minor troubles. Dreaming of ripe grapes brings joy and pleasure. Eating spoiled grapes means lack of self-confidence. Picking rotten berries in a dream means that in reality you will bother in vain. Raisins in a dream foreshadow worries and worries in reality.

A well-groomed vineyard with good vines promises good luck in all matters, but if it is neglected, the berries are rotten, and complete desolation reigns in it, then your plans are not destined to come true. Hiding in the vineyard in a dream means putting your life in danger in reality. To see a dream in which grapes bloom means good health. A vineyard without berries warns you of deception. A walk through the vineyard where you picked bunches of grapes promises a quick fulfillment of your plans, the dreamer’s dreams come true.

Grapes and others...

The person planting grapes in your dream will achieve success and will be able to help you in the future. Was someone picking grapes? Such a dream predicts a profitable acquaintance. Treating someone with it is a disappointment in love affairs. In your dream, someone ate grapes, which means you will soon commit a rash act. You saw that people are crushing him, which means that you will fail in the professional field. An animal that has eaten grapes warns of possible fraud.

According to the dream book, grapes in a dream promise mutual understanding, happiness, success in business, career growth, material well-being, and pleasant events. Why else do you dream about this symbol? He sometimes warns of losses, disappointments, interference, and minor troubles.

What does Enigma and Vanga mean according to the dream books?

If a woman happened to see grapes before some important task or test, it means, says the Enigma dream book, that the dreamer will perform it perfectly.

Did you see grapes in a dream? According to Vanga, this foreshadows family happiness, children of whom the sleeper will be proud.

Was there a ripe bunch of grapes in your night dream? Vanga's comment: positive changes are ahead. And if it is red, a move is possible, which will bring a lot of pleasant moments.

According to Freud, juicy, sweet berries indicate the sleeper's desire for voluptuous pleasures.

Interpretation of Miller and the Islamic dream book

The girl eating grapes, according to Miller’s interpretation, is an excellent omen. She will make your deepest wish come true.

Why dream of driving along the road through vineyards, picking and eating delicious berries? Miller explains: Get a lucrative job and achieve your goals.

The interpretation of the Islamic dream book is very positive: for a man, grapes in a dream promise prosperity and well-being in the house.

The Muslim dream interpreter also reports: a beautiful bunch of grapes in a dream portends success.

What kind of grapes did you dream about?

  • ripe - pleasure, pleasure;
  • immature - a new romantic adventure;
  • small - grief, tears;
  • large - material well-being;
  • sweet - sweet life, pleasant events;
  • dried raisins - losses, decline in business;
  • sour - minor troubles;
  • tasteless - disappointment from a long-awaited event;
  • rotten - sad events.

Did you dream of a large one, with large hands? The dream book promises: very soon a period of luck in business will begin, relationships with loved ones will improve.

Success comes to those who put a lot of effort into it. Therefore, you need not only to set goals, but also to think through the steps to achieve them. You should show more benevolence in your relationships with others.

Wild or cultivated

Why do you dream about wild grapes? Empty efforts and temporary disappointments lie ahead. Get ready to overcome them.

A cultivated vineyard in a dream means the best - successful endeavors, harmony with family, stability. Were the grapes hanging above? To achieve a goal you need to put in a lot of work.

A climbing vine in a dream promises good luck in business, successful endeavors, and for the sick - recovery.

Well maintained or not

Are the bushes well-groomed, with lush leaves? Luck, happiness, good health are ahead. A young vine promises good relationships with family.

Grape bushes with beautiful bunches of berries - according to the dream book, your wildest dreams will come true. If you smelled them, now is a great time to enter into an alliance.

Have the leaves withered or withered here and there? Be careful: you may make a mistake. Think about your actions.

What do variety and color mean in a dream:

  • yellow - you often show excessive softness;
  • blue - establish useful contacts;
  • red - be careful: you may find yourself in a dangerous situation;
  • dark - possible deterioration in health;
  • green - strengthen your wealth with hard work;
  • white - someone can take advantage of your gullibility;
  • kishmish - do not pay attention to annoying disappointments.

Why else do you dream of blue grapes? They mean pleasant changes in the workplace, career advancement, and a significant increase in salary.

If black grapes were present in the dream, the dreamer will have difficulties in reality. But he will be able to overcome them, this will strengthen his character.

Have you seen grapes with other fruits?

In a night dream, did you see a basket of fruits and grapes on the table? The dream book tells you: if they are sweet, there is joy ahead. Sour? There will be grief and resentment.

Did you dream about grapes and plums? This is an omen of good luck in romantic matters. Meet a good person and develop a strong relationship.

Did you feast on grapes and pears? You will meet a modest, hardworking, kind person who will become a reliable friend and will always support you.

Why do you dream about planting and caring?

Why do you dream of planting grapes? You will have to work hard, but your efforts will definitely be crowned with success, bringing good results. And some important matter will finally get off the ground.

For a young man (girl) who is going to enroll in training, planting grapes in a night dream and seeing the first growing leaves is an excellent sign. Fate will give you a happy chance.

Trimming a vine in a dream means trouble, empty troubles. The dream book says: unsuccessful efforts will cause disappointment. However, this stage will not last long.

See how the grape shoots grow

Did you see how the sprout quickly began to grow after planting and stretched upward? There will be a delay in business, but if you show determination and hard work, you will achieve your goal.

Did the cultivated vineyard grow rapidly? Your creative efforts will be rewarded with excellent results. You will achieve much more than you originally thought.

Are the shoots dry? Serious difficulties and interference will arise in business. It is necessary to mobilize all the strength, perseverance and perseverance to overcome them.

Harvesting from branches

For a girl, plucking bunches of grapes from the branches is, according to the dream book, a sign that you will carry out your plans, despite their complexity.

Harvesting in a night dream promises: you will soon restore your relationship with your lover.

Why does a man dream of tearing brushes from a vine? A fruitful business trip awaits you in reality. Possible promotion at work.

Did you see a rich harvest in a dream? You will achieve a high position in life and be able to help others. The time has come to enjoy the results that have been achieved and worked hard for a long time. You can take a break before new tasks.

What they did with him:

  • chose - doubts about the correctness of your decision;
  • bought - bright events, fun holidays;
  • harvested - a useful acquaintance;
  • ate - a successful marriage for a woman;
  • painted - get high pay for your work;
  • treated a person of the opposite sex - the partner will disappoint;
  • given - several lovers, trouble.

Also, buying grapes means that you will only have enough money for the bare necessities. The plot also suggests that you have to pay for pleasure.

Did you sell it in your dream? The dream book explains: if you do not act rashly, then things will get better very quickly.

Why do you dream about receiving grapes as a gift? You can count on your friend's help in difficult times. He will not spare anything for you.

Washed and pressed

Did you wash the grapes? Misunderstandings, discord in the family, and frequent quarrels due to disagreements will begin. Try to find a compromise with your family, respect the position of other family members.

To crush them is a victory over rivals and ill-wishers. Collecting juice in large jugs means considerable profit lies ahead. Drinking grape juice means luck is nearby, just extend your hand.

Often success depends only on our efforts. If favorable circumstances arise, there is no need to think twice. After all, results can be achieved when you act quickly and decisively. But you need to think carefully about your steps.

Giving to someone

Did you dream of giving someone juicy brushes? The dream foretells unpleasant news if the grapes were dark, and easy communication if they were light.

Treat your friends to sweet grapes - according to the dream book, you attach too much importance to the sexual side of life.

Feeding your partner grapes in a dream means trouble in love or at work. Misunderstandings with colleagues are possible.


To steal from someone else's vineyard means you will have to endure shame. The dreamer will have to blush for his unseemly act.

Why do you dream that a bunch of grapes were stolen? You are unhappy with your life and current events. It's probably time to end an old relationship or move to a new stage of life.

Grapes in a dream are a symbol of wealth, prosperity, happiness, fertility and success in love. For men, seeing or eating grapes in a dream means joy and benefit from communicating with a woman, unless they are sour. Unripe grapes in your dream means that you must think carefully if you want to make an important decision and not make a mistake.

Seeing grapes without berries in a dream means losses. Seeing the grape harvest in a dream predicts great success, mutual love and the fulfillment of a cherished desire. A vine in a dream is a very happy omen.

A dream in which you see grapevines foretells you wealth, high income, happiness and the fulfillment of desires, unless they are dried out and without leaves, which portends losses through theft. Seeing grape clusters with ripe red grapes in a dream means fear; If you are presented with a bunch of grapes, then a new acquaintance awaits you. In all other cases, seeing brushes with ripe grapes in a dream is a harbinger of success in business.

Picking bunches of grapes in a dream is a sign of strengthening your position in society and wealth. Such a dream often predicts an unusual lucky event that will bring you great luck. Cutting them off is good luck. Eating grapes from a bunch foretells women that they will have many admirers. Treating yourself to grapes in a dream means sadness. Seeing grapes being crushed in a dream means great success in business, which, however, will be given to you through hard work.

Collecting grapes in a dream in order to make wine from them is a sign that you are taking the right step towards success, which, however, will not come soon. Picking black grapes in a dream means losses, and white grapes means wealth. Eating ripe grapes in a dream means joy and profit, unless they are sour.

Eating white or green ripe grapes means profit and winnings, while eating red and black ones means that profit or winnings will not be obtained in a completely honest way. Crushing grapes in a dream means victory over your enemies. Seeing raisins in a dream is a sign that your business is not going well. Treating them is a sign of heartache.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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I dreamed about grapes. The dream book says, Dreams in which there is a grape theme most often carry a positive prognosis for the dreamer. It symbolizes wealth and fertility, so when it appears in a dream, it becomes a harbinger of something favorable. Naturally, there are some nuances that you should pay attention to in order to correctly interpret your own dream and understand why you dream of grapes.

Pick or eat grapes

This is a symbol of the intoxicating feeling of love. The dream says that you will be able to realize your desires in the love and sexual spheres. If the dreamer does not have an amorous relationship, then the dream indicates the appearance of a love partner in life in the very near future.

If the general atmosphere of the dream has a negative connotation, then the dream may indicate an insignificant reward for hard and tedious work.


Beautiful clusters that are surrounded by lush foliage indicate that a person will be able to occupy a significant position in society, thereby achieving respect in society. For girls and women, it promises fulfillment of desires.

Lots of grapes.

If there are a lot of grapes, this indicates great joy and financial well-being. For young people and girls who have not yet found their happiness in love, his appearance promises a sensual relationship that will culminate in a magnificent wedding. The larger the berries in such a dream, the faster things will go uphill.

Sour berries.

The dream book interprets sour or tasteless grapes as a symbol of disgust. Negative emotions in reality will directly affect the dreamer’s personal life, although they can be received under different circumstances. Seeing grapes in a dream, the taste of which is unpleasant, can indicate an insult caused by a loved one or even a partner’s betrayal. Also, such dreams can represent aversion to intimacy with someone.

Admiring grapes in a dream

Why do we dream of grapes that the dreamer admires with pleasure? This definitely predicts that a woman will have more than one admirer.


I dreamed of grapes growing in large quantities in the garden. This speaks of love pleasures. However, the dreamer should avoid love affairs, because the vine is a symbol of deception and falsehood. If a person sees someone from his environment in this garden, then this character is the source of danger. Be careful with him.

Berry color

Why dream of grapes that are not yet ripe? Such a dream indicates that the dreamer is not yet ready to move to a new level and change anything in his life. This can be both the spiritual aspect and the material side of life. A person should better understand his own feelings and work on himself in order to move on.

Seeing grapes in a dream, the ripe berries of which are green, symbolizes a certain routine into which the dreamer will have to get bogged down. His life was no longer filled with joyful and happy moments. Having seen green berries, you should try to change the situation around you: meet with friends, do some interesting thing. That is, do anything to get positive emotions.

I dreamed of black grapes - a harbinger of material losses. In a dream, grapes with dark berries can be a harbinger of mental anguish and torment of the dreamer himself.

Why do you dream about white grapes? This is always a sign of innocence and purity of thoughts. The dream is a harbinger of complete moral satisfaction from any work done and peace of mind.

Red grapes in a dream can warn of minor health problems, such as an impending cold. According to other sources, the dream indicates the dreamer’s excessive selfishness and disregard for the opinions of other people.

Blue grapes in a dream indicate new useful acquaintances that can bring significant profits.

Eating grapes in a dream

In a dream, grapes that a man eats are a sign of intimate pleasures. However, if you have to eat rotten berries, then a new intimate partner can cause many problems in life. If a man eats green fruits, then this indicates that he is in too much of a hurry, trying to take the love relationship to a new stage. Such pressure can scare away the beloved and the relationship will end, in fact, without ever beginning. For a woman who eats berries in her sleep, there is no need to fear a lack of admirers. If she treats someone with berries, then this indicates separation from her loved one.


If you have to steal ripe grapes in a dream, this indicates dissatisfaction in your personal life.


Good sign. In reality, you can safely start a new project and implement fresh ideas. Everything that is started is doomed to success.

The main thing is to regard any dream as clues from your own subconscious, and not as a guide to action. And then, through your own efforts, it will be possible to correct some events in reality.


Often dreams seem to us like riddles, unopened letters sent from above that will help us sort out problems and lift the veil of secrecy over the future. For example, grapes are considered a symbol of joy, wealth and prosperity. But why could he be dreaming? What awaits the person who has dreamed of a bunch? Answers to these questions can be found in popular dream books.

  • The famous seer Vanga considered green, lush grape plantations a good sign that predicted a prosperous period.
  • The culinary dream book is convinced that a bunch of grapes in night dreams is a symbol of the fulfillment of a cherished dream.
  • Persian dream book Taflisi: ripe, juicy grapes are good.
  • Miller's dream book is sure that if the berries seem tasteless to the sleeping person, it means that he will have doubts about the business he has begun. However, soon everything will become clear and he will understand that his worries were in vain.
  • The dream book of health does not give such a rosy interpretation. According to the authors, grapes in a dream mean tears. If the dreamer received a bunch as a gift, it means that in reality he will meet a person who will bring him a lot of pain in the future.
  • The category of “positive” includes vision and the modern dream book. The interpreter believes that grapes prophesy success in the professional sphere and stable well-being in life. This dream will be especially pleasant for entrepreneurs, since it promises them good benefits.

    Grapes are a symbol of joy and prosperity

  • Women's dream book: eating grapes in a dream means serious problems. Fortunately, they will not allow the dreamer to become despondent, but will only strengthen her spirit.
  • Hasse's dream book does not give an unambiguous interpretation. The author believes that if you dreamed of bunches of ripe berries, it means that the sleeper need not worry about his children - nothing bad will happen to them. Seeing a vine without fruit has a less optimistic interpretation. According to the dream book, this image foreshadows a lie that the dreamer will soon have to face.
  • Eastern dream book: grapevines bending under the weight of grapes - to public recognition. Rotten or unripe berries - to sad events.
  • The Slavic dream book warns: grapes in a dream mean tears, but if the sleeper eats the fruits, it means that his financial situation will soon stabilize.
  • The gypsy dream book does not consider sunny berries a good sign and is sure that they prophesy tears and troubles.
  • Grishina's dream book interprets a similar dream as the approach of a celebration at which the dreamer will be the center of attention.
  • Small raisins in a dream - to unpleasant worries and losses.

    The interpretation of the image largely depends on the gender of the dreamer, for example, if you dreamed of berries:

  • woman, then you don’t have to worry about the future. A happy period awaits the dreamer. Relationships with your spouse will improve;
  • For an unmarried lady, the vision prophesies an acquaintance with an interesting young man with whom she will have a good time. Unfortunately, this relationship cannot have a future;
  • For a girl, grapes promise changes in her personal life. The vision in which the fruits were on the vine is considered especially pleasant. This dream prophesies an early successful marriage. If the dreamer was in a grape garden and saw trees with black grapes, it means that in reality someone is plotting against her;
  • For men, grapes in their night dreams promise a romantic date with a pleasant woman, which will end in intimacy. If a young man tastes the grapes and finds them sour, it means that the long-awaited date will be overshadowed by some unpleasant events;
  • For students, bunches of grapes promise successful exams.
  • Unripe grapes may indicate the dreamer’s inability to solve his problems independently

    Many interpreters consider grapes to be a symbol of motherhood. Therefore, if a pregnant woman dreams of bunches of ripe berries, it means that the birth will be easy and prosperous.

    Description of grapes

    As practice has shown, the appearance, color and size of a dreamed image can radically change the interpretation of a dream. This must be taken into account when interpreting.

    Ripe, rotten, large, small, sour or sweet grapes

  • Ripe berries predict a happy life for the dreamer. Luck and happiness will not leave him for a long time. Moreover, success will accompany you in any area of ​​life.
  • Rotten fruits often symbolize two-faced friends with whom the dreamer has recently become very close. This dream can also predict troubles in your personal life.
  • Unripe grapes are a sign that it is typical for the sleeper to start a new business without finishing the old one. However, such an attitude towards life will never lead him to success.
  • Large berries promise pleasant events, small ones promise empty troubles and disappointments.
  • Sweet, juicy grapes symbolize unexpected profits and good news.
  • Sour berries dream of minor difficulties that the dreamer will quickly overcome.
  • Blue grapes indicate the dreamer's health status

    A rapidly growing vine symbolizes rapid advancement up the career ladder.

    Grape variety: blue, white, green, black, red

    If you see green grapes, but the sleeper knows that they are ripe, it means that the time has come to change your life, which has become too ordinary and boring. After this vision, it is recommended to change the environment, for example: meet with friends or go on a trip. The main thing is to give yourself pleasant emotions.

    Black berries are considered an unfavorable symbol. In most cases, the sleeper needs to prepare for financial failures. In addition, the unpleasant events that happened will make him experience severe mental anguish. The feeling of helplessness and hopelessness will add to the worries.

    Blue fruits in a dream are explained by experts in two ways. The main role is played by the emotions experienced by the dreamer. For example, if the berry did not look very appetizing or he simply did not like it, it means that a deterioration in his health will not be long in coming. The sleeping person should be examined as quickly as possible in order to identify the disease at an early stage. If the blue grapes were tasty, then nothing bad will happen, a slight malaise will soon pass.

    White grapes indicate innocence and purity of thoughts. Most often, girls dream of this image on the eve of their wedding. Red fruits indicate the selfishness of the dreamer, who has completely stopped taking into account the opinions of other people.

    Kishmish in a dream promises worries and grief

    Actions in a dream: buy, sell, steal, etc.

  • Watching the vineyard from afar is a sign of pleasant events that will not happen soon.
  • Picking berries in a dream means a profitable business or a meeting that will radically change the dreamer’s life.
  • Feasting on grapes means that the sleeper will successfully complete the work he has begun and make a good profit.
  • Planting means a new business to which you will need to devote all your strength.
  • If the sleeping person comes to the market and cannot decide which grapes to choose, it means that in reality he doubts the correctness of his decision.
  • The purchase promises a meeting with the right person. Sale - portends deliverance from melancholy and loneliness.
  • Stealing ripe berries means losing a valuable item.
  • Trampling grapes means that the authorities do not like the dreamer and will do everything possible to get rid of his company.
  • If a sleeping person waters a grape tree in a dream, it means that in reality he is a very hardworking and persistent person who will achieve a lot in his life.
  • Feeding a child with ripe fruits means great family happiness.
  • The bowl of berries that the dreamer carries in his hands symbolizes new love adventures that will be pleasant to remember after many years.
  • Walking through the vineyard is a sign of pleasure in life.
  • Riding a horse past means a wish will come true.
  • Red grapes indicate the dreamer's selfishness

    Wash bunches of grapes - to quarrels in the family.

    Bunch, vine or vineyard

    Bunches of grapes indicate that the sleeper will achieve a high position in society. And this will happen very soon. A huge number of grapes lying on a golden plate is a sign of financial stability and prosperity in life.

    Dreaming of a vine or tree symbolizes a new love affair. If the vine entwines another tree, it means that the dreamer will be deceived. Perhaps one of your close friends or relatives will begin to weave intrigues. A dried vine warns the dreamer of inevitable losses or troubles with money.

    The dreamer’s penchant for adventure is indicated by a dream in which he saw a vineyard with a large number of bushes. If in your night dreams you happen to see your enemy walking through a grape garden, it means that this person is trying to harm the dreamer and is already putting his plan into action.

    The vine tree dreams of a new love affair

    Other interesting interpretations

  • A whole carload of ripe grapes is a great blessing.
  • If the dreamer received grapes as a gift from a deceased person, it means that in reality he should not make rash decisions, since this could negatively affect his future.
  • A tree without berries indicates deception.
  • Grape wine made by the dreamer himself indicates a high status that the dreamer can achieve without much difficulty.
  • Fragrant, amber juice from grapes - for a happy marriage.
  • If a sleeping person picks leaves from a tree, it means that in reality he does not value good treatment and will soon pay for it.
  • Video: grapes according to Miller’s dream book

    As a rule, grapes in a dream do not predict unpleasant events. Most often, this image promises the dreamer family happiness, joy and wealth. Well, the sleeper will easily survive some of the unpleasant moments that interpreters talk about, because the main thing is to believe in yourself and your strengths. Have a nice sleep!