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How to change resolution in games on PC. How to change screen resolution? Visual instructions

As a rule, computer games automatically detect what kind of hardware is installed on your computer and set the screen resolution accordingly. But sometimes, for some reason, the detection does not work correctly, and the resolution specified by the game turns out to be less than the maximum possible. In this case, we will tell you how to change the screen resolution in the game in this article.

Changing resolution in games

Of course, each specific game has its own nuances, but usually the screen parameters are configured for all games in the same section. To change the game resolution, launch it and find the “Settings” item (“Settings” or “Options” for English-language games) on the start screen.

In the settings, you most likely need the “Display” section (“Display” for English-language games). Open it and find the item “Resolution” (in English “Resolution”). Use the slider or drop-down list to select the desired resolution. Here you can disable full-screen mode, if the game provides such an option.

After this, you will most likely need to click the “Apply” button, although some games may not have one. After this, the new settings will be applied automatically. Most often there is no need to restart the game - the new resolution takes effect immediately.

How to change resolution in configuration files

In some cases, you can also change the screen resolution without starting the game. To do this, find the folder with the working game files in the “C:\Program Files” directory (or “C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common” if the game is installed from Steam). In the game folder, look for a file called “gamename.ini” or “gamename.cfg”. Open it with Notepad, find the “Resolution” item and set the necessary parameters in it, and then save the file.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that many modern games have a number of configuration files, and it is not always possible to immediately figure out which of them contains the resolution. Therefore, it is easier and more reliable to change the resolution directly in the game itself.

Section with graphics settings. You can rewrite it permission from the selected one to the required one (for example, from 1024x768 to 1920x1080). After that, close the file, saving the changes.


If you change settings during gameplay, the game may automatically reload the level and you will start from the last saved moment. Therefore, it is better to change the resolution before playing directly.

Helpful advice

To view and change additional settings related to resolution in games, go to the settings of your video card driver.


  • how to change game time
  • How to change screen resolution without turning on the game
  • How to set resolution to 1024600

Screen resolution is one of the most important indicators that determine the comfort of working at a computer. Resolution is measured in the number of dots (pixels) and determines both the clarity and quality of the picture, and the number of objects that can be placed on the operating system desktop.

The higher the resolution, the greater the number of vertical and horizontal points available to the system for constructing an image, which means the greater the clarity and detail, and the less tired the eye will be when looking at it. On the other hand, for liquid crystal displays, a resolution other than the optimal one will dramatically degrade image quality.

  1. To change the screen resolution in Windows 7, open the Start menu, find Control Panel and open it.

  2. Among the many that allow you to customize various aspects of the operation of the operating system and software, find Screen. Double-clicking on it will open the capabilities and video card configuration utility.

  3. On the left side of the window that opens there is an item called “Setting screen resolution”. Click on it and the “Customize Screens” window will open. Depending on the configuration of the connected monitors, different information may be presented here. The “Screen” drop-down list allows you to select which of the available screens you want to make settings for. You can also select by simply clicking on the monitor image with a large number 1 or 2 on it. The next drop-down list is precisely the “Resolution” list, which allows you to change the screen resolution. Notice that one of the lines is marked "recommended". This is the physical resolution of the matrix, and to obtain optimal image quality it is better to set this exact resolution, even if the video card allows you to increase it.

  4. The Find and Define buttons help you detect an additional monitor that is not shown in the list of screens. Remember that for the system to detect the monitor, it must be connected to or and its power must be turned on.

  5. After changing the screen resolution, click “Ok” or “Apply”. The system will give you the opportunity to evaluate the changes made and, if necessary, return to the original settings.

The file resolution displays the appearance of the file's contents. Sometimes it is necessary to replace one permission with another. For example, when saving files using the Opera Internet browser, archives with the .rar extension are replaced by .txt or .htm. Viewing such files ends in failure - a browser or text editor opens, which displays not the contents of the archive, but text consisting of many squiggles.

You will need

  • Internet browser and explorer (My Computer).


If you downloaded an archive and changed it to .htm or .txt, then it can only be opened by an archiver program (WinRar). There is also a way to open these - extensions.

To do this, open "Explorer (My)" - then the "Tools" menu - then the "Properties" item. In the newly opened window, go to the "File Types" tab. Click the "Advanced" button. Another window will open, select "Always display extension", click "OK".

After these steps, all file names will display the extension separated by a dot (NoName.htm). Changing extensions has become very easy. Right-click on the file - “Rename”, replace the extension you need. The same action can be performed if you intermittently click on the file name 2 times or press "F2". After these steps, a dialog box will appear that will inform you that “After changing the extension, the file may appear...”. Click "Yes" if you agree, otherwise click "No".

Be careful when changing the file extension, because you may mistakenly change the extension of system files, which will lead to undesirable consequences in the operation of your operating system. Replacing the extension and video files will make these files unreadable. To convert this type of file, use specialized programs.

Video on the topic


1. Open the document whose extension you want to change. 2. Execute the command File - Save As... select the file location and enter the document name, if necessary. 3. Change the File Type to the desired one: 4. Save the document.

Helpful advice

How to change the file extension. First, let's figure out why it is necessary to change the file extension and what it is. In simple terms, we can say that an extension is a designation of a file type. There are a lot of types and we won’t get into the weeds. Let's look at one example: It happens that the Opera browser downloads rar archives as a text document in the form of various crap and saves it all with the HTM extension or possibly another web extension.


  • how to change the extension of a file

How often do the default settings of programs and games cause discomfort? Almost all the time. This is especially noticeable in games, when the settings A do not match the resolution of your monitor. This interferes with normal play, has a bad effect on vision and spoils the overall impression of the game. But anyone can correct this unpleasant moment and take care of their health and comfort.


Developers, when creating a game and preparing it for release, set average values ​​in the settings and controls. Unfortunately, few users change these settings, thinking that the developers have taken care of everything and it is no longer possible to do better.

First, find out permission your his . Find the box from it too. You must keep all this from the moment of purchase. The documents or the box itself indicate the correct permission your monitor. It is for him that everything should be configured. If yours is wrong, correct this for your own benefit.

You will need

  • Installed operating system Windows 2000 or higher.


Proceed to setting up property settings screen. In the "Properties: Screen" dialog, click on the tab labeled "Options".

Change permission screen. On the Options tab of the Display Properties dialog, find the Resolution controls. screen". To quickly jump to this group, you can press the key combination Alt + P. Move the movable part of the slider of the "Resolution" group screen" to select resolution screen. Moving the slider will make a change underneath it. The text describes the resolution parameters expressed in pixels. Select the desired resolution value. Click the "Apply" button. Permission screen will .

Confirm or cancel your changes. After clicking the "Apply" button, the "Parameters" dialog will be displayed with a message about changing the parameters. It will display a countdown number, after which the display settings will return to their previous values. If selected at the previous stage permission or monitor, the image on the screen may be distorted or missing. In this case, just wait fifteen seconds. Changes made will be discarded. If you need to save your selection permission, click the "Yes" button in the displayed dialog.


Avoid setting high resolutions when working with older monitors. Some older monitor models may be damaged when they are placed in a non-standard operating mode.

Helpful advice

Consult the documentation for the monitor you are using to find out its optimal resolution.


  • There is no screen resolution in the settings

There are many different options for changing the resolution of images. Since this requires one of the graphic editors, it is easiest to use the one that is at hand. Let's look at a way to change the resolution using the Paint graphic editor, which is installed on any computer with the Windows operating system.


Add to the Paint editor. To do this, click the menu button in the quick panel

Sometimes automatic system configuration gives incorrect parameters for opening windows.

This happens not only in browsers or images, but also in games or even the operating system .

How can I change the screen resolution without affecting the performance of applications? Let's figure it out.

What is it for?

After installing a game or a pirated version of the OS, the image size may not match the monitor size.

When we change the screen resolution, we sort of adjust the image to the required size.

This must be done. First of all, for ease of use.

Screen resolution also affects how quickly data loads.

By changing the resolution, the user changes the quality of desktop icons and images.

If the quality is lowered, the device may perform faster, but pixels may be visible.

Also, if the parameters are set incorrectly, the screen may be smaller or larger than the monitor.

Some monitors are more elongated in width than others, so it is impossible to name a suitable extension for all devices.

Advice. On computers, the resolution is most often 1920x1080 or 1280x1024, or 1024x768. On laptops this is 1366x768 or 1280x720. The optimal width and height of the image are specified in the instructions or on the official website.

How to change the screen resolution in the game

When the game resolution does not match the monitor, it may not even start. If you manage to load the menu, the job is almost done.

After launching, under no circumstances should you start using the program if it does not fit the size of your monitor.

Figure 3 monitors with different diagonal sizes

To change the resolution inside the game, we offer the user the following instructions:

  • Go to the settings menu.
  • If you are not familiar with the menu in advance, you will have to look for screen resolution settings.
  • Select the required resolution and save.

Most often, the program shows how the game will look at a given resolution.

Important! If the parameters are set incorrectly, problems may occur the next time you start.

If the user does not know the screen resolution, it is necessary to find it in the instructions or on the Internet.

After the specified settings, it is better to restart the game. Usually the screen size changes immediately or the program restarts automatically; if this does not happen, then manually it will only take a couple of minutes.

Advice. If the game slows down, you can lower the resolution. This must be done a certain number of times. That is, at 3200x1800 you can reduce it to 2560x1440, while the ratio remains the same 16:9.

How to change screen resolution without entering the game

There are no 100% identical instructions for all installers, but the method of change is approximately the same.

First you need to find the folder where the settings files are located. Most often these files are called "Config" or "UserProfile". The name must be related to the installation of the game.

These files are located in the folder with the game itself, or in its installer. The settings file format is XML, so if you try to open it, a browser window pops up.

To avoid this, the file must be opened in a text editor. By right-clicking, go to “Open with” and select “Notepad” from the list provided.

A file with commands that seem unclear at first glance will open on the desktop. Don't worry. "Resolution" in English "Resolution". In order not to waste time, copy this word into the “text search”. You will instantly go to the part of the program where it is written and highlighted in blue.

There may be several results. Most likely it will be “Resolution” and something else or just a word.

Upon successful completion of the search, we proceed to changing the resolution itself.

Next to “Resolution” the width and length of the intended screen are written. We change it to the data from your monitor or less. If the screen is 1366x768, enter it or a multiple of it. After saving the file, the game will launch at the user-selected resolution and leave these settings as default.

Some games have a special settings launcher. Game name and Launcher. Having opened it, the user goes to the settings without entering the game itself. After saving, they also go into the game and remain until the next change.

2 Go to the "Properties" function.

3 A window will open in which you need to select “Options”.

4 In this part of the settings there is “screen resolution”.

5 The slider (in the lower left corner) will help you select a higher or lower screen resolution. The data will be displayed below the slider. You can also set the required scale yourself.

6 When you finish the settings, click “OK” to save the changes.

Before saving, a version of the screen will be shown, that is, how it will look on the monitor after saving. If you are not satisfied with the option, just cancel the save.

You may not be able to find the optimal resolution right away, but after a few tries you will be able to. To speed up your search, it is better to find possible screen sizes on the Internet.

Often players need to change the resolution in the game without entering the game. How to do this is a difficult question, but there are several answers. The solutions are relevant for players who cannot launch their game at all or it partially loads without displaying the image (Stalker, Frostpunk). There will be separate options for Steam, so your favorite Dota 2 and CS:GO and PUBG can be configured without problems.

We tried to collect all the common options that will be practically applicable for all modern games. So, how can you change the resolution without starting the game - general solutions.

If in your case, when you try to start the game you receive notifications “Input Not Supported”, “Non-optimal mode” or "Out of range". If this is why you want to change the game resolution without logging in, then first try the tips indicated in ours, where you will need to work with the PnP video driver plugin. Also try first opening windowed mode for the game client via ALT+ENTER (with the game running).

For NVIDIA owners

Video cards always have their own software settings. The Nvidia client allows you to change the resolutions of any software installed on your PC. To do this, you will need to install the Nvidia Geforce Experience application. All the tools for correcting the operation of the video card are collected here. One of the points is permission. You need to download the program from the official NVidia source - their website.

Despite the great functionality of Nvidia Geforce Experience, some games block its operation. This is especially true in the latest versions. Don't be surprised if you can't change the settings.

“Properties” will restore graphics functionality

Often players catch a bug: the game loads partially or only with one black square. It is impossible to get into the menu, so we eliminate the incorrect loading through the shortcut properties.

  • You will need a mouse and a game shortcut. Right-click on it. Select the first item from below "Properties".
  • By default you will be kicked out to "Label". Let's mingle to the right “Compatibility”. The second window will tell you to use a screen resolution of 640x480. Place a check mark next to it and agree to make changes (OK).
Changing game resolution via Shortcut Properties

Such parameters will not suit the gamer at all. Changing from 640x480 to something else will result in the game loading - this is a universal way to get around any graphical problems. Visit the settings, set your screen resolution. Although some games where graphics are not important will look quite decent. Definitely suitable for smartphone lovers.

Correcting game files

Any game in its directories contains the following files: .ini and .cfg. Only the endings are indicated, not the full title. The player needs to scroll through all the folders himself to find the required formats: there is no one place to place them. To change the resolution of already found .ini/.cfg, transfer them to notepad - open them in text format.

  • We scroll through the text again until the current resolution flashes: 1920, 1080, etc. Sometimes they are marked with iSize W or H symbols. Having calculated the necessary data, we change them according to the new requirements. After entering the parameters, save the resulting text.

Duplicating the file will help protect yourself from errors. Save it before making changes. If you make a mistake, delete the new document and replace it with the old one.

Changing the resolution without entering the game via Steam

We solve problems with Dota 2 and CS:GO through Steam. First, let's visit the library with installed content. Using RMB with the mouse, we will visit the Properties category of the game that we are going to fix.

  • Now it is important to correctly enter the proposed combination into Set Launch Options(set launch parameters). The slightest mistake will completely deprive you of the correct resolution.
  • We write the following -w xxxx -h xxxx (leave the hyphens). Instead of x - our parameters: 1920 and the like. W is horizontal and H is vertical. Below is a visual screenshot
  • There is no need to restart Steam. We don't set anything in the game parameters. Just enjoying the good resolution.

Configuring launch options for Dota2

All these tips should help you change the resolution of the game without logging into it. I repeat once again - first read our previous material (from the first point) and update your video drivers. When changing through the config file, be careful and duplicate everything in order to avoid problems.