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What is a waking dream called? Waking dream (hypnagogic hallucinations or Lhermitte's syndrome). How to get into a lucid dream - information for a beginner

How to get into a lucid dream? It's not that difficult, the main thing is the desire to master the skill. Below are exercises that will help you become aware of your dreams.

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How to get into a lucid dream - information for a beginner

If a person already knows what a conscious dream is, what opportunities and dangers it offers, you can begin exercises that will teach you to become aware of night travel. To try to get into a meaningful dream for the first time, you need to know the rules.

The main condition for learning to dream lucidly is the desire and regularity of training. If you have a desire to learn and a willingness to spend time achieving your goal without expecting immediate results, you should start practicing. When to Expect Success - unknown, the skill is developed individually.

It is imperative, regardless of the chosen technique, to maintain dream diary. In the morning, after waking up, you need to write down everything you saw at night. Experts who study lucid dreams believe that it is worth starting a dream diary several days before starting the practice. You need to write down all your dreams - both ordinary and lucid. The notes will be useful in the future and will strengthen your memory.

People who play video games are more likely to be aware of themselves while they sleep. If a person is interested in how to induce a lucid dream, it is worth adding relaxation while playing your favorite game to your schedule. Scientists have found that one hour of video game play a week promotes meaningful dreaming. Meditations are also useful. Taking B vitamins increases the likelihood of lucid dreaming.

How to Enter a Lucid Dream - Reality Check

Entering a meaningful dream: where to start? One simple way is the reality check method, based on developing a waking habit that will also manifest itself in a dream. Every few hours it is necessary to perform a reality check, looking at what appears differently in dreams than in reality.

The most common option is to look at your hands. If a person does this in real life, he must definitely do it at night. In a dream, hands change shape and length, and the number of fingers may also change.

You need to pinch or close your nose to see if you can breathe. If there is no shortage of air, it means the person is sleeping. Another option is to look at any text or watch, then turn away and look again. In a dream, the text or time will change, the inscriptions will blur, become incoherent and unclear.

The main thing at this stage is to avoid strong emotions that contribute to awakening. It is necessary to calm down and continue to study the new reality and its possibilities.

Lucid dreaming - how to learn using the mnemonic method

Reality testing is not the only way to learn. Mnemonic method involves the use of a phrase learned and memorized to the point of mechanical repetition, which includes understanding in a dream and contributes to the development of such a habit as awareness of oneself at night.

How to learn to dream meaningful dreams using memory? Before falling asleep, you need to repeat:

I will be aware that I am dreaming.

The phrase can be anything, but the meaning must correspond to the purpose - a short sentence is suitable. Before you go to bed, you need to perform a reality check - these two methods are combined and enhance each other's effectiveness.

How to become aware of yourself in a dream - looking for signs of sleep

If someone who wants to have lucid dreams already keeps a dream diary, but still wonders how to become aware of themselves in a dream, the notes will help. You need to re-read the diary and find what you dream about most often at night. You should remember these signs of sleep, noting them as something that makes it possible to separate fantasy from reality.

This helps to enter a lucid dream. It doesn’t matter whether the sign of sleep is a change in the color of your favorite sofa in the house or an increase in the number of tails on your cat.

If you don’t have a dream diary, you should definitely try this method. Memorizing the signs of a dream is combined with any other methods of dream awareness.

How to induce daydreams or sleep paralysis

How to awaken a waking dream (sleep paralysis)? This phenomenon is associated with awareness in a dream and access to the astral and subtle worlds. The person is conscious, however, he cannot move until the dream comes to an end; hallucinations are also possible. People periodically suffer from sleep paralysis without wanting to cause it. The condition is safe if not combined with other disorders.

The first condition for increasing the likelihood of sleep paralysis is lack of sleep and lack of routine. It is necessary to combine waking sleep with short-term rest during the day or evening. The best period is from 19:00 to 22:00. It is necessary to sleep on your back - this body position increases the likelihood of waking sleep. You should repeat any word, concentrating on it and not be distracted. You can count silently to stay conscious.

Another option is to set your alarm so you can sleep for 4-6 hours. Then you need to wake up for 15-30 minutes, read or watch a movie to engage your brain. Then go back to bed and try to sleep. If sleep does not come, you need to take a comfortable position.

How to induce a lucid dream using timely awakening

You can try going to bed a few minutes after the person wakes up. For example, after keeping a dream diary every morning. How will this help induce meaningful dreaming? This way you can understand when lucid dreams most often occur. The goal is to wake up in REM sleep and then fall asleep. Here you need to guess: outside the laboratory, it is impossible to calculate the sleep phase on your own, unless you ask someone to observe eye movements while the person is sleeping.

Another option is to try waking up during the night. You need to set the alarm to ring in 4, 5, 6 or 7 hours. So the probability of “getting” into the REM sleep phase will be higher. It is believed that after this time the REM sleep phase becomes prolonged. If a person had a dream before waking up, when he goes back to sleep, he needs to imagine the continuation of the dream.

After getting up on the alarm clock, you need to bring your body into an active, wakeful state: have a snack or just move around. According to research, you need to stay awake from several minutes to an hour - the time will have to be selected individually, by trial and error.

Turns out to be an assistant light alarm clock or a special device for dream awareness - “dream alarm clock”. It is not necessary to wake up if you do not want to try the interrupted sleep technique. Light stimulation during REM sleep produces positive results.

How to get out of a lucid dream

If you have an understanding of how to enter meaningful dreams, but you cannot control what is happening in dreams, you should learn how to get out of dreams into reality. This will help if the plot has involuntarily changed: interesting adventures have turned into a nightmare. Coming out of a lucid dream is easier than entering, but there is a problem - false awakenings.

Any hallucinations associated with sleep are parasomnia. Parasomnias are unwanted events that occur during sleep. In addition to hallucinations, these include grinding teeth, sleepwalking, sleep-talking, etc. Hallucinations in sleep are imaginary, but very realistic events. Most of them are visual, but there are also sound (even musical), gustatory, olfactory, tactile and even associated with the sensation of movement. Hallucinations can be confused with both dreams and reality.

Hypnagogic hallucinations or daydreams

Hypnagogic hallucinations are visual illusions that usually appear in the evening before falling asleep, when the eyes are already closed. Often this period is called half-sleep and is located between wakefulness and sleep. Therefore, they are closer to the type of pseudohallucinations than to true hallucinations, since they do not have a connection with the real situation. The phenomenon is also typical for healthy people. This condition occurs infrequently and lasts from several seconds to several minutes. This condition can also occur when you don’t get enough sleep. How long does a person need to stay awake for hallucinations to appear? Sometimes they begin to appear on the second or third day without sleep.

Otherwise, this type of hallucination is called Lhermitte syndrome. In common parlance you can also find such a definition as a waking dream. There is no clear definition of the concept of waking sleep and often outsiders understand by it completely different phenomena: hallucinations that occur during sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations before falling asleep or after waking up, as well as lucid dreams and even daydreams. However, it is more correct to use the concept of waking sleep specifically in relation to hypnogagic hallucinations. This type of hallucination was first described in 1922 by the French neurologist J. J. Lhermitte.

The phenomenon can be observed in both children and adults. Some adults see them from time to time throughout their lives. Sleep researchers believe that everyone has hallucinated at least once in their life before falling asleep. During the period of remission, there may be no visions for several months, and sometimes even years. Visions are vivid, so often a person who has experienced this state can remember this all his life.

Visual hallucinations

Hypnogagic hallucinations can be multiple, single, scene-like, and sometimes kaleidoscopic. Visual images (most often these are moving, reduced-sized people and animals) are characterized by mobility, kaleidoscopicity, and quickly change their shape, size, and location in space. Those suffering from hallucinations act as contemplatives who lack a sense of fear. A person retains a critical attitude towards visible images. A person can simultaneously perceive the real world along with dream-like experiences mixed with it (for example, visual images echo real voices or noises breaking into a dream).

In ordinary dreams, the person himself is a participant in the events taking place, while this is not typical for hypnagogic hallucinations. It’s as if a person is watching a movie that the brain is showing to him. The person does not tense up, but calmly reacts to what is happening. This is an uncharacteristic state of sleep. Besides all this, a person is interested in what he sees. The observed pictures during such visions are quite definite, detailed, and there is no blur in them.

Simultaneously or separately with visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations may also occur when falling asleep. A person can hear voices before going to sleep, uttering individual words or coherent phrases filled with semantic content, individual tones, short musical passages. Phrases are heard clearly and loudly.

Hypnagogic hallucinations in healthy people are physiological and functional. Such night voices in the head arise against the background of an existing external stimulus and are perceived together with it, without merging, as happens with illusions. For example, in the sound of a ticking clock or the sound of rain, the patient can hear the voices of people. Dominant hallucinations indicate the presence of mental trauma, which caused parosomnia. For example, someone who has lost a loved one hears their voice.

If auditory hallucinations begin to communicate with the sleeping person, talk to him, demand an answer - this may be a symptom of a serious illness and you need to consult a doctor. Hypnagogic hallucinations can appear in acute intoxication and infectious psychoses, as well as in schizophrenia in a state of exacerbation. In this case, dark, frightening figures or their individual fragments are often seen: eyes or heads, for example.

Less common, but also occurring, is such a hallucination during awakening. If hallucinations occur while going to sleep, they are called hypnagogic, if during awakening, they are called hypnopompic. However, in the specialized literature, the term common to both conditions is usually used - hypnagogic hallucinations.

Who experiences hypnagogic hallucinations?

Hallucinations before falling asleep are quite common. More often they occur during puberty and in young people. For most, the frequency of episodes decreases as they get older. However, in older people, hypnagogic hallucinations may appear along with other manifestations of insomnia. Hallucinations at night are common in patients suffering from narcolepsy. The following factors are the most common causes of their occurrence:

  • taking narcotic and toxic drugs;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • anxiety and stress;
  • insomnia;
  • emotional disturbances.

The syndrome occurs as a result of irritation of the reticular formation of the midbrain. Sometimes short-term hallucinations at night can occur in patients with epilepsy. Hallucinations often occur due to lack of sleep. Sometimes migraine attacks can cause Lhermitte syndrome. Also, hypnagogic hallucinations are observed with local damage to the brain stem in the area of ​​the third ventricle and cerebral peduncles as a result of hemorrhage, tumor, and with superior basilar syndrome. Also, the pathology may have an inflammatory-intoxicating etiology.

Hypnagogic hallucinations in children

Particular attention should be paid if you see that your child is experiencing hallucinations before bedtime. This can be evidenced by his story that yesterday before going to bed he saw his aunt, who said something or the dog came. The child’s psyche is still very immature, so it can produce such pictures if the child is emotionally overloaded after an active day. This is usually evidence of stress or emotional overstrain. For example, such hallucinations or waking dreams are known when, having experienced the death and funeral of a grandfather or grandmother, a child sees them before going to bed.

Since hypnagogic hallucinations can frighten a child, the child’s psyche should be protected from the influence of stress and emotional overstrain. Otherwise, sleep pathologies can lead to insomnia, bedwetting, and the child asking to go to bed with his parents at night.

What to do with Lhermitte syndrome

If hypnagogic hallucinations do not cause any discomfort and occur rarely, then you can simply forget about them. If they cause increased anxiety, interrupt sleep, and then experience daytime sleepiness, then you should consult a doctor to establish a routine and get recommendations for restoring healthy sleep.

What you can do on your own to restore your sleep and rest patterns:

  • go to bed at the same time;
  • before going to bed, avoid strong emotional impressions;
  • do not abuse alcohol and smoking, avoid drugs;
  • before going to bed, take a walk in the fresh air;
  • do not overload the stomach before bedtime;
  • arrange your sleeping area correctly: ventilate the room before going to bed, remove all light irritants, buy a comfortable mattress and an orthopedic pillow.

What is a waking dream

The phenomenon of a waking dream is well described by Jack London in the novel Straitjacket. Agronomy professor Darrel Standing, sentenced to death, is subjected to regular torture in a straitjacket, with the help of which he eventually learns to travel through time and the world in a transformation between a sleepy state and reality.

There are many practitioners who try to practice this state. A waking dream is the line between reality and sleep, when the body seems to be already asleep, but the brain still gives all the signals characteristic of wakefulness. The state in a dream and in reality differs in that in a dream the brain is already completely asleep. How to induce a waking dream?

To avoid headaches after waking up, you need to learn some safety rules:

  • do not set an alarm clock with a sharp sound;
  • It’s better to be woken up by soft, gradually increasing volume music or a friend with a light touch;
  • for the first time try to fall into a waking sleep for 2 minutes and then gradually increase the time of waking sleep to half an hour;
  • Try not to let anything bother you during this time.

How to induce a waking dream

  1. Turn on a night light so you don't get disoriented when you wake up.
  2. Take a lying position on the floor. You can lay foam or a blanket. You need to lie on your back, stretch out your arms, and close your eyes.
  3. Breathe exactly 3 seconds per inhalation and exhalation. Slowly increase the length of your inhalation/exhalation until you feel dizzy and see black spots before your eyes.
  4. Try not to think about anything, imagine a peaceful landscape, the chirping of birds, the sound of a waterfall.
  5. Do not move under any circumstances. At some point you will feel immersed in a state between sleep and reality.
  6. Now open your eyes. From this point on, have your observer friend begin counting the time.
  7. Now you will find yourself in the unreal space of your subconscious, your mind will wander in the labyrinths of the subconscious.
  8. After waking up, you don’t need to get up suddenly. Adapt a little to reality.

This is a very interesting and unusual experiment.

Dreams accompany a person throughout his life; it is only natural that he wants his dreams to be pleasant. However, few people know that nightmares can be avoided by taking control of the dream world. After all, there are various techniques that will make it possible to induce a prophetic dream or a waking dream; Moreover, you can control what happens in your sleep.

How to induce a waking dream?

Somnologists call a waking dream a phenomenon called sleep paralysis. It represents the shutdown of motor activity during sleep. In some cases, the inability to move occurs before a person falls asleep or immediately after waking up. This state does not last long, only a few minutes. Sleep paralysis is often accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations. For this reason it is called a waking dream.

In this state, people feel inexplicable fear and terrible helplessness for just a few moments. They may hear noises or strange voices, see ghosts, or feel someone's presence.

This condition can be induced artificially. To do this, a person must be in a stressful state for a long period and rarely sleep. You can also induce a waking dream in the following way: lie on your back, do not move and resist sleep. In half an hour the desired state will occur. Since anyone can induce a waking dream, you should not fall into it often, as it can turn into an uncontrollable habit.

How to induce a lucid dream?

In the last few years, many people have become interested in the practice of lucid dreaming. However, not everyone knows what it is and how to induce a lucid dream. The meaning of such a dream is that a person is sleeping, but at the same time can control the plot of his dream. Moreover, he can create any reality in a dream and live it the way he wants. You can invite any person into your dream, be it a relative or a pop star. In the world of dreams there are no restrictions or prohibitions.

The danger of lucid dreaming is that a person begins to like to control his dream and finds it difficult to put up with the restrictions of the real world. Soon he may lose contact with the world, which means his mind will not be able to distinguish between two realities - true and imaginary.

The Art of Sleep Management

There are several ways to learn to manage your dreams. The first of them is related to the comprehension of relaxation practices. In this case, meditation will help, because the state of relaxation is very close to sleep. However, the brain is awake, which means that any situation can be simulated and controlled.

The second option involves keeping records of your dreams in a special diary. Absolutely all dreams should be written down there. This is necessary to understand the difference between reality and the world of dreams. After all, often a person, being in a dream, does not know about it and takes everything for everyday reality. Over time, you will be able to find the distinctive features, and you will be able to understand this, being in the world of dreams. To make your work easier, you need to ask yourself as often as possible: “Am I sleeping?” This way you will be able to understand what reality you are in now.

The famous esotericist Carlos Castaneda advises looking at your palms in a dream, then you will be able to get an answer to your cherished question. After all, in a dream a person cannot see the lines on them; this way, you can understand what reality you are in and quickly take action.

How to induce a prophetic dream?

There is an opinion that in a dream a person can see future events, so many people wonder how to cause a prophetic dream. Some people have a gift and can see such dreams, but most often a person has to work hard for insight to come to him.

A prophetic dream will help trigger a special ritual. Magicians recommend spending it in the last days of the waxing moon. You should only go to bed alone. Before going to bed, it is recommended to relax by taking a bath with aromatic oils. Then light a candle and scroll through your head the question to which you need an answer. As soon as you feel your eyes begin to close, go to bed.

This night you should see a prophetic dream. In the morning, do not rush to get up, try to remember your dream in detail. You can even write it down in a notepad. It may not be possible to induce a prophetic dream the first time, but with practice, you will be able to achieve what you want.

Also, to induce a prophetic dream, you can try to carry out the following ritual: before going to bed, pour water into a transparent glass glass, light a candle, and, looking at the flame through the water of the candle, repeat in a whisper: “Dream, give an answer to the question (ask a question of interest).” Repeat this phrase 12 times. After that, drink the water to the bottom and go to bed. The answer to the question should come in a dream.

Lie on your back (best when you are very tired), hands at your sides, eyes closed. Remain absolutely still and try not to sleep. The brain will begin to send signals, and the body will begin to fall asleep. If you have a desire to scratch, turn on your side or blink - IGNORE all this and after about half an hour you will feel a heaviness on your chest, maybe even start hearing strange sounds. This is how sleep paralysis occurs. If you open your eyes at this time, you can see hallucinations (dream with your eyes open), but you will not be able to move, since the body is already asleep. You can close your eyes and fall asleep in earnest, and you will be able to control your sleep - a lucid dream. © From here
I know from myself that if I do this, I will immediately fall asleep for real. I sometimes fall asleep at the dentist and hairdresser... Not much, but I doze

Myths about sleep

At a press conference on the eve of the WHO event, a Russian somnologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, academician of the Moscow Academy of Sciences, Professor Yakov Levin refuted 11 myths about sleep.

Myth one: the brain rests during sleep. In fact, the brain works with the same tension as during wakefulness: it analyzes past events, checks the condition of internal organs and draws up possible scenarios for the development of events in the future. Thus, only the muscles rest, but the point of sleep is not at all to give them rest. Its main function is to allow the brain to do all the work mentioned above.

Myth two: prophetic dreams exist. The professor claims that this is complete nonsense. This, by the way, is exactly the case when science requires sacrifices - when he recently said this on the set of a TV show, the ladies present in the studio almost beat him to death with hefty dream books. In fact, a person sees in a dream possible scenarios that the brain processes. He immediately forgets most of them. How prophetic the dream turns out to be depends solely on the analytical abilities of the dreamer: “Someone already guesses from the first page of the detective story who the killer is. And someone needs to read the book to the end.” Therefore, janitors rarely have “prophetic” dreams, but mathematicians often do.

Myth three: there are people who never sleep at all. They say that there are a lot of such sleepless people among yogis. In fact, science does not know a single such person in the entire history of observations.

Myth four: there are people who suddenly fall asleep and then cannot wake up for many years. If those who do not sleep, according to myths, live somewhere in Tibet, then those who sleep for 20 years live mainly in Russian villages. “People from remote villages constantly call our center to tell us that they have some grandmother who has been sleeping in deep sleep for several years. We start asking questions - how does your grandmother go to the toilet, how does she eat? They say: “With our help.” What kind of dream is this? - said Yakov Levin.

Myth number five: You can sleep well on the weekend. In reality, an extra hour of sleep on a weekend does more harm than good. Sleeping is of little harm, but even more harmful is being out of schedule. “If you don't get enough sleep and get up at 6 a.m., then at least make sure you get up at that time every day—not earlier or later,” warns Levine. You won't be able to get enough sleep for a few days ahead, just like you won't be able to eat enough food. The body will use up the resulting boost of energy on the first Sunday - you will simply go to bed later than usual. “Several years ago, Americans noticed that on Monday morning the number of accidents on the road was several times higher than on other days. We started to find out what the reason was. It turned out that on weekends Americans slept longer on average by 1 hour 20 minutes and went to bed an hour later,” said the somnologist. Because of this, the life cycle was disrupted, health deteriorated and attention on the road decreased.

Myth six: if you work every three days, you can get enough sleep in three days. Science has proven that if a person does not sleep for at least one day, significant damage will be caused to the body: all biochemical indicators change, including brain biochemistry. These indicators are restored on the second or third day, but complete recovery of the body still does not occur - in the USA they examined people who, due to their work, did not sleep 24 hours a week for six months. It turned out that they are five times more likely to develop diabetes, hypertension and two dozen other diseases.

Myth seventh: that sleepwalkers walk in their sleep. They say they can go out the window instead of the door or play the piano, and some even have sex, after which they do not want to recognize the children conceived in an unconscious state. All these facts are truly proven by science. However, “sleepwalking” is an extremely rare phenomenon. Most sleepwalkers do not walk anywhere in their sleep - they simply sit on the bed and, after sitting for a while, lie down again.

Myth eight: the dreaming phase alternates with a phase when we see nothing at all. Previously, it was believed that a person sees dreams only in the rapid phase of sleep. It has now been proven that the slow phase is also accompanied by dreams. But that’s why it’s slow, to slow everything down - if in the fast phase we see a full-fledged movie, then in the slow phase we see pictures and photographs.

Myth number nine: all sleeping pills are harmful. Modern drugs, unlike old ones, are harmless, the professor assures. You just need to not confuse old drugs with new ones - after all, no one has canceled the production of outdated drugs either. For Russians, by the way, sleep disorders are an everyday matter: “We live in a country of turmoil, and we have the right to bad sleep,” Levin noted to Yakov.

Myth tenth: without sleep, a person dies on the fifth day. Indeed, if you don’t let an animal, such as a rat, sleep, then it will die on the fifth or sixth day. But man is not like that. After five days he does not die - he begins to sleep with his eyes open. “You can continue to keep him awake, wake him up - he will walk, talk, answer your questions, do some work, but at the same time do all this in his sleep,” said the somnologist. After awakening, such a person, like a sleepwalker, will remember absolutely nothing.

Myth eleven: women sleep longer than men.“A huge amount of research has been conducted on this topic,” said Yakov Levin. - Some studies have proven that women actually sleep longer than men by 15–20 minutes. Other studies gave completely the opposite result - it turned out that it was men who slept longer, and by the same 15–20 minutes. “As a result, scientists agreed that men and women have the same sleep duration.” Only pregnant women sleep longer.

Moreover, different genders have different attitudes towards sleep. A man usually feels like he slept well; a woman, on the contrary, often declares: “Oh! I slept so badly!” However, studies show that the quality of sleep is approximately the same for both.

It has been proven that sanguine people sleep the longest - 8–9 hours. They are so impressionable that as soon as they watch a porno movie before going to bed or experience some other emotional shock, the duration of the rapid sleep phase, during which the brain digests the information received, immediately increases. Well, melancholic people sleep the least - most often 6 hours are enough for them to get enough sleep. ©


Who among the people did not want to check, test their psyche for strength and try to become a Superman? This is interesting because the human brain is still not fully understood. It contains an amazing world with amazing secrets and riddles, and no one has the opportunity to know the limit of their capabilities. Spiritual practices, among which daydreams are known, have become very popular in this matter. They talk a lot about it, but few know the rules and are able to experience it.

What is a waking dream?

This is a pleasant action. In it you will see yourself in unusual places that you would not be able to visit in ordinary life. Do crazy things, because no one will know about it. Enjoy popularity, complete unfinished business and see people with whom you cannot communicate in the present time. But this is not similar to trance, although people confuse these concepts.

Unlike the usual dreams that we have at night when we sleep, waking dreams do not occur when the brain is disconnected from reality. This is where the difference lies. When sleeping in reality, the eyes remain open and the body is relaxed to such an extent that the surrounding environment is unimportant to it. But at the same time, we are aware of the reality of what is happening and at the same time we see hallucinations. Thoughts at such moments are not controlled by the brain, so strange people and impossible phenomena sometimes appear in dreams.

Almost all people who tried this phenomenon on themselves were dissatisfied with the result. They experienced, and after completing the session they felt tired and nervous, and experienced a headache. After waking up, some fell asleep again, but now for almost a day. These people do not want to return to dream experiences. But there are also those who are interested in conducting this experiment on themselves. No one can guess in advance what you will experience during your waking dream. But that's what makes it more interesting.

Habitual dreams are considered strange and unreal compared to waking dreams because sleeping people do not control their brains and thoughts, thereby allowing dreams to develop in any direction.

Children also have dreams that are incomprehensible to adults. For example, dreams about an invisible friend or that the child is a daughter or son in a royal family. Such children think that they actually live with adoptive parents, while the real ones at this moment attend balls and rule the country.

Therefore, you can notice that in waking dreams our needs, wants and everything we dream about are expressed. But night dreams also express fears and dangers. Therefore, waking dreams are sometimes called daydreams.

Safety regulations

Before inducing a waking dream, you must master safety precautions.

The brain will be unusual in working in this mode, and in order to prevent it from “breaking down” from high load, you should choose the right moment to awaken.
You should not take an alarm clock: it can drive you crazy with a sharp and loud sound - this is without exaggeration!
The best option is to have an assistant gently wake you up by touching you on your arm or shoulder.
This should be done a couple of minutes after falling asleep. Don't worry, this is enough time for the first time.
After a certain number of sessions, you will gradually increase the experiment time, but no more than 30 minutes. If the time increases, there is a risk of nervous and mental exhaustion.
Arrange the session so that nothing interferes with the process. In a turbulent environment, nothing can be done. Warn your family and friends about the severity of the experience. It would be even better to lock yourself in a room with an assistant.
If you have a major event coming up the next day, you might want to consider skipping the experience. After the session, you will be in such a state that it will become impossible to concentrate and strain your brain.

How to induce a waking dream?

The first stage is preparatory.

The first thing to do is take a lying position. Do not lie down on the bed, otherwise your body will think that you are getting ready for bed and will fall asleep. It is better to lie on the floor; for comfort, spread a blanket or blanket.
Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body, close your eyes and relax.
Have an assistant turn off the bright lights and turn on the lamp. You should see the space around you, but not be blinded by the electric light.
You need to breathe evenly, without sudden sighs. Make each inhalation and exhalation last three seconds. Slowly increase this interval, but do not allow oxygen levels in the body to drop. You will feel dizzy and see black spots running before your eyes. Don't be alarmed, this is just due to the large amount of air in the lungs.
Get your thoughts out of your head, try not to think about anything. Or at least not think about serious problems. Imagine a peaceful landscape, the sound of a waterfall or waves, the chirping of birds and mountain peaks. It doesn’t matter what, but there should be a calm picture in your head.
Do not move under any circumstances, even if this desire cannot be tolerated. You will feel discomfort, but it will pass soon. When this happens, you will feel so much relaxation that you will feel light and airy. It is at this moment that you will fall into a waking dream.

The second stage is sleep itself.

It's time to open your eyes. The assistant needs to turn on the stopwatch, and then begin to carefully count the time. At this time, you will realize that you are in a space that the subconscious has come up with.
It will be great if at this moment you understand that what is happening is unreal. It will be possible to control your waking dream. You will be able to summon the desired objects, determine the further development of events and do things that are impossible in reality.
But most often it happens differently. Hallucinations take control of the plot, problems and worries burst into sleep, and the mind wanders into the labyrinths of the subconscious.
If this happens, you will lie in this state for a long time and wake up. In such cases, we need an assistant.
The assistant needs to wake you up a couple of minutes after the start of the experiment, but if he detects signs of anxiety in your behavior, he should do this earlier.

The third stage - awakening

After you wake up from sleep, you don't need to get up immediately. Lie down for a while and try to come to your senses.
For the future, it will be useful to remember the details of the visions. With this you can understand your desires and internal problems.
If a waking dream disturbs you, it would be a good idea to go to a specialist so that he can explain the meaning to you. Or try to find out for yourself, because only you will understand your inner world.

A waking dream is not only an interesting experiment. In some ways it has more benefits than regular sleep. For example, the surge of energy after waking sleep is much greater than after a night's sleep. And the fact that in such a dream we can do anything without consequences in real life makes you more confident. But there is no need to replace real life, friends and loved ones with virtual dreams. You should understand the difference between these concepts.

March 31, 2014, 12:28