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How to communicate with a Taurus man. Be sincere, decent and honest. How you can interest a Taurus and how to behave with him

If your soulmate was born between April 21 and May 20, then you are a typical Taurus. Individuals of this sign are distinguished by practicality and a desire for home comfort. Moreover, the young lady will create comfort herself, but the man is quite lazy in everyday life, and will demand everyday feats from you, while lying on the sofa. Another characteristic sign of Taurus is boundless sensuality. He will try to awaken it in you, but not immediately, but only when he gains complete confidence in your feelings. When it will be? Hard to tell! Rushing him, much less trying to find out anything, is strictly not recommended.

How to communicate with a Taurus man?

Guys - Taurus are incredibly jealous. You should not try to intrigue him with stories about previous novels - this can only push him away. It’s better to demonstrate your economic spirit, show that you are ready to listen to his plans ad infinitum, while supporting him in all endeavors, and, most importantly!, prove that you are thrifty. This is wrong? You'll have to change your habits. Or make money from them yourself.

Think in advance about how to communicate with a Taurus man in bed. Your task is to make him believe that before meeting him, who is so wonderful, you have never experienced anything like this. Be gentle, feminine and romantic - for games in the S&M style, it’s better to look for Scorpio; in this regard, melancholic Taurus is not an option. But he will prove to you that you are interesting to him as a person: the potency of this guy directly depends on the feelings that his partner awakens in him.

How to communicate with a Taurus woman?

Young ladies - Heifers know how to present themselves, always look impressive and know what they want from this life in general and from you in particular. Thrifty men are better off passing by: only a Lioness can surpass a Taurus girl in her desire for luxury. She loves beauty and is very sensitive to smells - if you are not sure whether she will like your cologne, it is better to limit yourself to a high-quality deodorant. A stormy onslaught can only push such a lady away, so before communicating with a Taurus woman, keep in mind: she, like no one else, knows a lot about sophisticated flirting and dialogues with delightful half-hints. A romantic knight, caring and generous - this is the type of ideal man who will make her forget her usual prudence. In return, she will give you divinely sensual caresses and amazing cherry pie.

Both representatives of this sign are extremely stubborn, so when communicating with them it is better not to bring matters to an open confrontation - they will argue purely out of principle. But they are able to appreciate calm and logical arguments. Arm yourself with them!

If your soulmate was born between April 21 and May 20, then you are a typical Taurus. Individuals of this sign are distinguished by practicality and a desire for home comfort. Moreover, the young lady will create comfort herself, but the man is quite lazy in everyday life, and will demand everyday feats from you, while lying on the sofa. Another characteristic sign of Taurus is boundless sensuality. He will try to awaken it in you, but not immediately, but only when he gains complete confidence in your feelings. When it will be? Hard to tell! Rushing him, much less trying to find out anything, is strictly not recommended.

Taurus guys are incredibly jealous. You should not try to intrigue him with stories about previous novels - this can only push him away. It’s better to demonstrate your economic spirit, show that you are ready to listen to his plans ad infinitum, while supporting him in all his endeavors, and, most importantly!, prove that you are thrifty. This is wrong? You'll have to change your habits. Or make money from them yourself.

Young ladies - Heifers know how to present themselves, always look spectacular and know what they want from this life in general and from you in particular. Thrifty men are better off passing by: only a Lioness can surpass a Taurus girl in her desire for luxury. She loves beauty and is very sensitive to smells - if you are not sure whether she will like your cologne, it is better to limit yourself to a high-quality deodorant. A stormy onslaught can only push such a lady away, so before communicating with a Taurus woman, keep in mind: she, like no one else, knows a lot about sophisticated flirting and dialogues with delightful half-hints. A romantic knight, caring and generous - this is the type of ideal man who will make her forget her usual prudence. In return, she will give you divinely sensual caresses and amazing cherry pie.

How to communicate with a Taurus?
If your soulmate was born between April 21 and May 20, then you are a typical Taurus. Individuals of this sign are distinguished by practicality and a desire for home comfort. Moreover, the young lady will create a cozy...

Taurus man: how to win, how to communicate with him

For reasons unknown to science, many women like men born under the zodiac sign of Taurus. However, many women do not know how to approach such men and do not know how to win the Taurus they like. Next, we will tell you not only how to attract him, but also how to keep him near you. Let’s say right away that with these men everything is not as clear as women would like, some dote on them, others scold them, no matter what the light is. So, as they say, at your own peril and risk.

Taurus men, if you believe the rumors floating around them, prefer women who combine tenderness, softness, grace, and femininity. What? Are you missing anything from this not-so-impressive list? Is that all? Don't worry! And there will be a “bull” for you, the main thing is to look well. Or, alternatively, develop these qualities in yourself. At worst, pretend that you are what he wants you to be.

If you describe a Taurus man in three words, you’ll get something like this – “conservatism and leadership.” Therefore, you should not take on the burden of being a leader in a relationship; most likely he will not appreciate it. These men also love predictability, balance and compliance in women. It is unlikely that he will like a woman who is guided by momentary impulses and whims, whose behavior cannot be predicted. Stability and predictability are paramount.

There is no clear recipe for conquering a Taurus man, and there never will be - everything is too individual in this matter. It depends not only on the man, but also on the woman. Therefore, we have given only general features and directions in which you should try to move on the path to the heart of your Taurus. Study his habits, habits, tastes, manners, in this case you are more likely to make him fall in love with you.

However, it is not enough to meet some of the above-described expectations of these men; you also need to communicate with them in a special way, which we will tell you about later.

Whatever one may say, when communicating with him, he will constantly evaluate you and try to understand your essence, your inner world. You shouldn’t be too impulsive when communicating with a Taurus man, most likely this will scare him away, and if you have just started your acquaintance with him, then it probably won’t lead to anything more interesting to you. However, being too calm is also not an option, otherwise you will become some kind of phlegm with a poker face. And then guess what you are thinking about. This is very unnerving and frightening, so it is better to find a middle ground in communicating with such a man. If you can’t find this fine line at all, then try to smoothly alternate between mild impulsiveness and moderate calm and watch the reaction. Next, based on the reaction I receive, I adjust my style of communication with this person.

When you first meet, you shouldn’t try to get into his inner world and be too intrusive. As a rule, a Taurus man is a man of few words and does not like to talk about anything. Instead, he will prefer to immediately hear what you need from him. However, don’t jump right off the bat, don’t immediately demand a diamond ring on your ring finger and three children in a country house on the shore of the Rublyovsky Ocean and a carriage the size of a Belaz. Everything has its time.

Despite the fact that such a man himself is silent, he is attracted to energetic and cheerful women. Therefore, if you are not like that, then you will either have to become like that, or charm with some other one of your countless qualities. The Taurus man is extremely inert; in order for him to show any activity, he will need to be thoroughly stirred up. Try to praise his clothing style, musical taste, preferences as often as possible, he will appreciate it, and you will charm him. Such a man can and knows how to look after beautifully.

He prefers to communicate mainly about material things. Talking about “high things”, as a rule, is not typical for them. Therefore, we recommend talking to a Taurus man about cars, houses, in general, about everything that is at least somehow assessable and has real value.

The Taurus man does not know how and will not tolerate lies. He hates it when people hide things from him. So, it’s better to tell the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth, no matter what it is. On the contrary, he appreciates genuine sincerity in communication, and will also appreciate it if you remain yourself in communication with him. Therefore, away with fictitious roles and masks from your face!

If you want to marry a Taurus man, then remember once and for all: he will be in charge in the house. At least that's what he will think.

It is difficult to imagine a normal relationship between a woman and a Taurus man without one important and pleasant component for both of you - sex. In this area of ​​​​relationships, a woman will be able to conquer him if she plays the role of herself. As quotes on the Internet say, “other roles are already taken,” so this is your trump card - use it. A Taurus man really values ​​such qualities in his chosen one as: devotion, fidelity, honesty, sincerity. And thanks to some courage in bed, you can awaken the true nature of such a man. So, it’s in your best interests not to be a log in bed, remember! If you can conquer him on this field, he is yours forever.

But no matter how well everything goes for you, sooner or later you will quarrel. And if you want to maintain this relationship, then you will need to put up with your man.

Here, it’s probably better to describe step by step how to do it correctly:

Step 1. Show initiative - come first. He will appreciate it.

Step 2. As a rule, it is enough for them to hear a declaration of love and a sincere apology, this will conquer them and the resentment will go away. Unless, of course, you betrayed him and cheated on him. He will never forgive or forget betrayal.

Step 3. Give a pleasant surprise. For example, with your lips. Yes, yes, we are talking about a blowjob, which can turn into sex. He will be simply in seventh heaven.

Well, in general, that’s all, you are forgiven, everyone is satisfied and happy. We can say that making peace with a Taurus man is quite a simple task - use it.

However, if sucking his penis is already unbearable, and scandals are happening more and more often and you can’t stand it anymore, then you should think about breaking up. Therefore, read on.

Taurus loves when it is warm, comfortable, full and good. They hate changes, especially drastic ones and especially those that cause inconvenience.

The issue of parting is interesting and complex, but if you still have a problem and it’s unbearable to be with him, and you can’t cut the rope of the relationship, then you can sharpen an ax with which a Taurus man will cut this very rope. To break up with a Taurus man, you need to behave exactly the opposite: he loves stability - rearrange the furniture once a week, stop preparing dinners for him, throw out old things and buy new ones, as a last resort, we repeat, as a last resort - flirt with other men in front of him.

Dramatically change your clothing style: something catchy, bright and provocative is better. Make him go out more often in a new guise so that other men will drool over you. If he refuses, hands to feet and forward to the clubs.

And after a while, after several major scandals, you will still break up with him. If you are married to a Taurus man, you will have to comply with such a mandatory procedure as divorce proceedings or, simply, divorce. Well, this will be the topic of a separate article.

It's no secret that many women like to read horoscopes before starting to build a relationship with any man. This, in fact, is not at all surprising. After all, a horoscope can help us navigate a situation and make the right decision. But it will be no less useful to study the description of your chosen one. It is this information that can help you build harmonious relationships and avoid making ridiculous mistakes.

How can you interest a Taurus and how to behave with him?

If you are interested in a person born under the sign of Taurus, then forget what you knew about dating before. Banal techniques and phrases only irritate Taurus men and women. It is simply impossible for a man to behave with a Taurus guy the same way as with everyone else. Men of this sign like bright individuality, unconventional thoughts and elegance. Style in everything should be your motto if you want to really interest a Taurus.

A woman’s appearance is not the least important thing for such men. But they do not look, first of all, at the parameters of your body and the correctness of your facial features. They are interested in how you can present yourself, what style of clothing you prefer. Therefore, bright accessories and unusual details of the outfit should be your choice. Under no circumstances try to appear more intriguing. Nothing makes such an intellectual Taurus laugh more than falsehood and false secrets. Every girl has her own uniqueness, find a feature that sets you apart from others. Don't try to copy someone.

Behaving correctly with a Taurus man on the first date is also not as easy as it seems at first glance. Firstly, forget about pretense, it will only make these guys laugh and irritate. Secondly, no haste or seizing the initiative. Taurus men love to behave like conquerors, so with him you must be a woman, weak and fragile. And finally, no hackneyed topics for conversation. Representatives of this sign value intelligence, for them the ability to find and maintain an interesting topic for conversation, which is not easy to do when communicating with Taurus, because they themselves are often quite educated. No less important than how you behave with him in bed.

It is better to prepare very carefully for your first date with a representative of this sign. Think about everything - clothes, a topic for conversation. Be prepared to be asked in detail about your interests and preferences. Taurus men value a woman's personality. Therefore, it will be important for them to immediately understand what you are interested in, where you study or work, and what is most important to you. If your first date goes well, then you can expect that the guy of this sign will call you quickly enough. Therefore, if more than 3 days pass and there is still no call, then “alas and ah,” unfortunately, you should not wait for the continuation of the relationship.

How can you not behave with a Taurus man?

Do not under any circumstances try to win such a man. Unless you want to show him once and for all that he will never be able to like you, forget about calling or texting first. The initiative in development should belong only to the Taurus man.

Also, don't try to show him that you completely share his views and interests if you don't. Such a man values ​​individuality much higher than thriftiness, or the coincidence of points of view. Representatives of this zodiac sign prefer to communicate with those who build their lives independently and are guided only by their own principles.

Taurus men are deservedly in demand in the marriage market. After all, they have secured an excellent reputation for themselves as spouses, which makes them a desirable prey for any woman. To attract the attention of such a valuable specimen as a husband and father, you need to know how to behave with him, how to become the one and only for him. We will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about what qualities the stars and planets endowed this enviable groom. After which it will not be difficult for you to find a common language with a Taurus man and imperceptibly entangle him in your love networks.

Don't test his patience

If you've ever interacted with a Taurus guy before, you've probably noticed how calm, measured, and patient he is. This is a pronounced distinctive feature of representatives of this zodiac sign among men of other zodiac constellations. Taurus is very friendly in character, good-natured and peaceful. His condescension towards other people's shortcomings can last for a very long time. He will be restrained in expressing his dissatisfaction for a long time, but his patience should not be tested. At the very moment when you overflow his cup of patience, you doom yourself to an unpleasant meeting with a man who can explain to you in very harsh terms that you have stepped over the line of what is permitted.

At such moments, the most correct thing you can do is to remain silent and let him let off all the steam. Talking with a Taurus man and contradicting him is useless in any situation, and in case of conflict it is also unwise. You should behave calmly at such a hot moment, but without defending your point of view. This can be done when your angry Taurus calms down and regains his lost peace of mind. The most important thing is that he will definitely notice your reasonable and far-sighted behavior and appreciate it very highly.

Be sincere, decent and honest

It is natural for a Taurus man to behave in such a way that the people around him will sing the praises of his responsibility and decency. But he will demand a similar attitude towards himself from those around him. He behaves sincerely both in the work team, and in a narrow family circle, and in the company of friends. If he feels that you are holding a stone in your bosom, taking advantage of his decency, trying to get some benefit from your communication with him, or trying to manipulate him, then he will draw a line under such a relationship.

Behave naturally and openly with him from the very first minute of your acquaintance, and then you have every chance that you will move from just communication to friendly communication, which in turn will smoothly flow into a love relationship. Men of this sign play with an open visor: he will not fool you and try to have a short affair with you. If he behaves with you like a fan and shows obvious signs of attention, then you can be sure of the seriousness of his feelings. Do not doubt that this will not be an easy romance, but a long and lasting relationship.

Calm, just calm

Taurus men give the impression of being very even people. Indeed, their temperament is not characterized by impetuosity and harshness, or changes in mood. They do not tend to behave unpredictably or contradictoryly. They also value evenness of character in the fair sex and will not be happy if you are inconsistent, fickle or hysterical. Despite how often we hear the opinion that opposites attract, this rule does not apply here. Calm and balanced in their essence, Taurus will not approve of the eccentricity and uneven reactions of even the most charming lady.

You will have a better chance of attracting the attention of an imperturbable Taurus if, even in moments of stressful situations, you maintain composure, common sense and the ability to reason calmly. Most importantly, don’t forget to demonstrate this to him. He will certainly appreciate your behavior as the most advantageous and will find it pleasant to communicate with such a balanced person. And for you, the prospect of communicating with a person who emanates a wave of calm and confidence is probably more satisfying than with a person who can be enraged by a minor incident.

Golden Taurus

Men of this sign love and know how to make money. Money gives them a feeling of stability, security and peace of mind. They prefer to spend it not on all sorts of entertainment, but on serious matters. This includes, for example, home improvement, creating coziness and comfort in it. For these conservatives and owners, the house is the embodiment and personification of harmony, where no unexpected changes or shocks will touch either him or his family. If you have to discuss your own future nest with a Taurus guy, then rely on his opinion about what it should be. You can't go wrong.

For a young lady who plans to connect her future life with a representative of this sign, the following thing should be carefully understood: Taurus expects from his chosen one that she will be a real mistress in their joint home. He will make every effort to provide his family with a comfortable existence, but will disapprove of unnecessary spending. You will live in abundance, but without unnecessary luxury. Therefore, from the very beginning of your acquaintance, let him know that you know the value of money and know how to spend it wisely. Be sure to voice that you admire men who know how to earn money for the benefit of their family. From such words, the Taurus man will be in seventh heaven - after all, he met such an understanding lady with whom it is difficult not to fall in love.

Marriage ties and family idyll

Taurus take a very responsible approach to the issue of creating a family. For them, the idyll of family happiness looks something like this: he is the husband, head of the family, breadwinner and protector; she is a charming housewife, for whom family values ​​are a priority rather than career heights; a child, or preferably at least a couple. When he looks at you, he wants to see a woman in front of him who was not only able to attract his attention with her appearance. In addition to your attractive outer shell, you must contain a whole set of personal qualities that can convince him that you are his ideal wife and mother of his future children. In fact, this is not such an impossible task.

If you are a good housewife, dream of becoming a wife and mother, want to take care of your husband and understand that family is not only your rights, but also your responsibility, then you will really make a good couple with a Taurus guy. Chat with him on topics far from building your career and visiting entertainment venues. Tell us that your mother taught you all the intricacies of cooking and housekeeping, and your dad always takes care of his ladies. Don't be afraid to seem boring - this is a grateful listener. He's more likely to lose interest if you talk about how you spent your entire salary on Sunday shopping than if you talk about how you and your parents renovated your apartment.

Taurus is interested in all girls, but for a serious relationship he will choose not a lover of idle entertainment and not a girl focused on career exploits. Therefore, you just need to instill in him the impression of yourself as a girl whose family is a priority. Then your dream of charming and becoming his chosen one will come true.

The Taurus man is very serious and thorough. You won’t be able to attract his attention to yourself right away: you need to try very hard. When you first meet, it is not recommended to be very intrusive and get into his soul. A man needs time to take a closer look, think and casually make inquiries about you from mutual friends.

In all respects, the Taurus man is very reserved and taciturn, and his leisurely manner inspires a feeling of confidence and reliability. He harnesses for a long time, but he will go quickly, and this applies to all his affairs. In relationships with the opposite sex, it is usually difficult for him to take the first step, so sometimes he needs help. They say opposites attract. Taurus prefers ladies who are cheerful and witty, although his humor is somewhat rude, with a slight touch of “darkness”.

A Taurus man chooses his chosen one, focusing more on appearance. Smart conversations and verbiage do not interest him at all. Since this is an earth sign, the carnal is of great importance to him, so before communicating with a Taurus man, pay attention to your appearance - is everything in order with cosmetics and wardrobe.

In conversation, Taurus does not like beating around the bush. You need to say right away what you need from him. Moreover, phrases must be stated concisely and preferably without emotional overtones. This will earn you the respect of a Taurus man.

Despite his reticence, Taurus knows how to give beautiful care. Since he is also a gourmet, he will most likely take you on a date to a restaurant with good cuisine or arrange a candlelit dinner at home.

The secrets of communicating with a Taurus indicate that, although he himself is slow and silent, he is attracted to energetic and cheerful people. The Taurus man is very difficult to lift. To make him more active, you need to stir him up a little.

Among the topics of conversation, he is usually interested in purely material aspects of life. Reflections on a “tall” Taurus man, as a rule, not typical. But this is logical for an earth sign. You can talk with a Taurus about collections, cars and the expensive fishing rod he purchased - about everything related to the material world. And even more often praise your Taurus chosen one - his clothing style, car, impeccable taste and preferences.

If you are planning to marry a Taurus man, then you need to understand one simple thing: he and only he will command in the family, but behind a strong-willed Taurus man you will feel like behind a stone wall.