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What are the symptoms when kidney stones pass? Removing stones and reducing pain due to urolithiasis Urgent measures when a stone passes

To distinguish kidney pain from pain in other organs, it is important to know how the kidneys hurt. If your kidneys hurt and the pain symptom increases, you should under no circumstances expect the problem to go away and self-medicate. For diseased kidneys, it is important to identify the root cause of the discomfort and only then begin drug treatment. What dangerous diseases cause pain in the kidneys, what type of pain can cause pain, and which doctor should you contact if a problem occurs?

The first signs of discomfort

The first signs of diseased kidneys are cloudy urine, discomfort when trying to urinate, and the development of pain in the kidney area. Acute pain in the kidneys is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, swelling, and the patient develops all manifestations of intoxication: nausea, weakness, general deterioration of health. If the symptoms increase, you need to contact a nephrologist. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by diseases:

  • inflammation of the kidney tissue, diseases such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the urethra, inflammation caused by stone formation may develop;
  • congenital kidney diseases, in which the normal outflow of urine is disrupted, and inflammatory diseases often recur due to stagnant processes;
  • the development of an oncological or benign neoplasm that disrupts the functioning of a paired organ;
  • other diseases of the abdominal organs that provoke impaired renal activity and lead to pathology.

If severe pain and accompanying symptoms increase, a person’s health worsens and problems with urination occur, an urgent need to go to the hospital, as such manifestations can lead to serious complications.

General symptoms

At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a nephrologist.

Symptoms associated with kidney problems most often appear against the background of inflammation of the paired organ, and the patient is most often concerned about:

  1. Sharp, piercing pain in the transverse region. If an infectious inflammation develops, then, in addition to pain, fever, fever, deterioration in general health, and renal failure are of concern.
  2. Pain in the kidney is accompanied by difficulty urinating, and the urine becomes uncharacteristic in color and has a bad odor. In case of kidney diseases of an infectious nature, impurities of purulent and bloody inclusions can be seen in the urine. Such inclusions can also be observed during the development of a cancerous tumor, when it grows in size, injuring neighboring tissues and causing internal blood loss.
  3. When the kidneys are inflamed, the patient is also concerned about intoxication of the body - headaches and dizziness, nausea, decreased appetite, and decreased volume of urine excreted.
  4. With a high temperature and problems with urination, severe thirst is felt, while the consistency of the urine becomes viscous and a foul odor is felt.
  5. With the development of renal failure, blood pressure increases and swelling of the body develops.

Symptoms of kidney disease depending on the disorder

For nephrolithiasis

Violation of water metabolism leads to serious diseases.

The root cause of the development of the disease, which can cause kidney pain, is a violation of water metabolism in the body and infection of the urinary tract and kidney tissue. At the initial stage of development, kidney stones do not bother the patient in any way, but as the tumor grows, the kidney tissues begin to become inflamed, and when they move, the person feels severe pain in the kidneys. In order to identify the problem, you need to contact a nephrologist, who, based on these study results, will help you choose adequate treatment. For small tumors, surgical intervention is not required and the stones can be crushed using a laser. But if the deposit is large and threatens a person’s life, then it is removed using abdominal surgery.

For glomerulonephritis

With glomerulonephritis, inflammation affects the renal tubules and glomeruli; if the disease is not treated on time, the inflammation spreads to the tissues of the paired organ, and an acute form of the disease develops. The patient is bothered by aching pain, which is felt even at night, interfering with sleep. When urinating, a burning sensation and pain are felt, and the body temperature rises. If the disease is not treated on time, the manifestation of the disease worsens and blood pressure rises.


Inflammation of the kidneys causes fever.

Inflammation of the tissues of the paired organ, or pyelonephritis, causes discomfort in the kidney area, pain when urinating, increased body temperature, chills and fever. In the acute form, pronounced symptoms are disturbing, and in the chronic course, the symptoms are less pronounced, but in case of relapse, the symptoms worsen. If you experience constant pain in the kidney area and all manifestations of inflammation are present, you should immediately go to the hospital for medical help.

For polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic disease of the paired organ develops during the intrauterine development of the fetus and the formation of all vital functions and systems. In this case, both organs are affected by the pathology; the cysts are small at first, but as the disease progresses they become large, disrupt the functionality of the organs, and provoke kidney failure. With this disease, cysts gradually appear on the tissues of the pancreas, liver, and lungs.

If a child is born with such a pathology, then the symptoms are pronounced, and uremia develops, due to which the baby can die. In an adult, the symptoms are mild at first, but the pain constantly increases, the kidneys lose their important functions, and if not treated in a timely manner, there is a high risk of death. If a patient is diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease, he should be under the supervision of a doctor at all times; only in this case will it be possible to avoid severe and life-threatening consequences. If the disease is not treated promptly, high blood pressure can lead to death.

Throbbing pain in the kidney area may be a sign of the development of renal failure; urine becomes concentrated, it contains a high content of toxic impurities that poison the body, affecting the tissues of the brain, liver, and kidneys. If the level of toxins is low, then at first the kidneys ache, and during exacerbation, renal colic bothers them. Kidney failure leads to an increase in blood pressure, disruption of water metabolism in the body, which in severe cases causes the death of the patient. The acute course of the disease is treated in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Types of pain due to kidney problems

Pulling manifestations

Nagging renal pain during inflammation is always a concern, even when a person is at rest. If the symptoms worsen and other manifestations bother you, you should consult a doctor. Treatment is based on taking antibacterial drugs, keeping to bed and drinking water. However, if after 3-4 days the symptoms do not go away and the condition worsens, you need to go to the hospital for a more detailed examination.

Kidney stones are one of the most common forms of urolithiasis, in which salt stones, the actual stones, form in the kidneys. Kidney stones, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in the form of attacks of renal colic, pyuria (pus in the urine), hematuria (blood in the urine) and lower back pain, can be eliminated both through conservative therapy, the effect of which allows them to dissolve, and through surgical intervention, in which stones are removed surgically.

general description

Kidney stones are the result of quite complex physical and chemical processes; in short, the essence of their appearance can be defined in such a way that they are based on the gradual crystallization of salts in the urine and their subsequent precipitation. The sizes of kidney stones can be very different, ranging from a few millimeters, which defines them as sand in the kidneys, to tens of centimeters. The shape may also differ; the traditional options are flat, angular or round kidney stones, although there are also so-called “special” varieties of stones, which we will discuss in more detail below. The mass of the stone can reach a weight of one kilogram.

On average, urolithiasis (as a general definition for diseases in which stones form in the urinary system) is diagnosed in about 0.5-5.3% of the adult population (depending on the specific territorial location and some other factors). Among all diseases that generally affect the genitourinary tract, urolithiasis is detected in 1/3 of cases.

Kidney stones in men are detected almost three times more often than kidney stones in women. However, it is in the latter that stones most often form in a particularly complex form, in which the stones cover the entire area of ​​the pyelocaliceal system in the kidney; this pathology has a specific definition - coral nephrolithiasis.

As for age-related predisposition, kidney stones are detected in patients of any age, because kidney stones in children are not a rare diagnosis, just like kidney stones in adults. In children, however, stones appear less frequently; this is predominantly a disease of people of working age - patients from 20 to 60 years old. Basically, urolithiasis and kidney stones in particular, manifest themselves in a severe and persistent form of the course, often the condition of patients worsens.

Basically, one kidney is affected, although statistics indicate that, on average, in 15-30% of cases, stones form simultaneously in both kidneys, which determines such a pathology as bilateral urolithiasis. Stones can be either single or multiple, and in the latter version their total number can even reach 5000.

Kidney stones: causes

At the moment, there is no single reason that would explain the appearance of urolithiasis and kidney stones in particular, but this, as with other diseases, does not exclude the possibility of identifying predisposing factors for the development of this type of pathology.

The main mechanism provoking the development of the disease can be identified as congenital. Its essence lies in the fact that with an initially minor disturbance in metabolic processes, insoluble salts begin to form, and it is they, as is clear, that become the basis for the subsequent formation of stones. The chemical structure of stones may differ, however, if there is a congenital predisposition to the development of urolithiasis and kidney stones, these diseases can develop even in the absence of predisposing factors in the form of specific bases that form stones. We will talk about such basic elements that make up stones in the section on types of stones below.

There are certain metabolic disorders that contribute to the formation of kidney stones (urinary stones), these include the following:

  • increased levels of uric acid in the blood - hyperuricemia;
  • increased levels of uric acid in the urine – hyperuricuria;
  • increased levels of phosphate salts in the urine - hyperphosphaturia;
  • increased levels of calcium salts in the urine - hypercalciuria;
  • increased levels of oxalate salts in the urine.

The listed shifts in metabolic processes are attributed by many authors to the influence of exogenous factors (i.e., factors acting from the external environment), but the influence of endogenous factors (the internal environment of the body) is not excluded; in frequent cases, both types of factors are interconnected.

Let's highlight exogenous factors, provoking the development of urolithiasis:

  • features of climatic conditions;
  • features of drinking and eating regimes;
  • soil characteristics (its geological structure);
  • features of flora, chemical composition of water;
  • features of living conditions (sedentary lifestyle, monotony);
  • features of working conditions (for example, work in hot workshops, hazardous production, heavy physical labor).

Let us highlight separately the specified factor regarding food and drinking regimes. In particular, they mean the calorie content of food consumed, excessive amounts in the diet of food saturated with ascorbic and oxalic acids, calcium, salts, and protein. This also includes a deficiency in the body of vitamins A and B.

TO endogenous reasons development of urolithiasis and kidney stones include the following:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hyperactivity of certain enzymes in the body, their deficiency or absence;
  • infectious diseases of the urinary tract;
  • infectious diseases of a general type (furunculosis, salpingoophoritis, osteomyelitis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • liver diseases, diseases of the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract;
  • suffering from illnesses or severe injuries that cause a long period of immobilization (bed rest, limited mobility).

An undeniable role is played by local changes affecting the urinary tract, which may be associated with actual developmental anomalies and other features that impair their functionality.

Kidney stones: types of stones, features of the process of their formation

Going into the specifics of the stone formation process, which, as already noted, is based on complex physicochemical processes, we can highlight that this is accompanied by the development of disturbances in the colloid balance, as well as pathological changes affecting the renal parenchyma (the outer surface of the kidneys).

The combination of a certain type of conditions leads to the fact that a group of molecules begins to transform into an elementary cell. Such a cell is called a micelle, and it is this cell that later becomes the nucleus for the subsequent formation of the calculus. The material through which this nucleus subsequently grows includes fibrin threads, foreign bodies in urine, cellular detritus, and amorphous sediments. The process of stone formation is directly determined by the degree of ratio and concentration of salts in the urine, as well as the degree of pH in it, the quantitative and qualitative composition of urinary colloids.

Basically, the process of stone formation affects the renal papillae. Initially, microliths are formed in the collecting ducts, but most of them are not retained in the kidneys, because they are naturally washed out by urine. However, if the chemical properties of the urine change under the influence of certain factors, in which, for example, the pH level shifts, etc., then this leads to the activation of crystallization processes. Because of them, microliths begin to linger in the tubules, which, in turn, is accompanied by their encrustation into the papillae. In the future, the stone can either grow in the kidney or go down to the urinary tract.

Depending on the characteristics of the chemical composition of stones, their types are distinguished. Thus, kidney stones can be cystine, phosphate, oxalate, protein, xanthine, carbonate, cholesterol, urate.

Cystine stones They basically contain sulfur compounds of the cystine amino acid. Such stones have a soft consistency, they have a round shape and a smooth surface, and the color is yellow-white.

Phosphate stones They basically contain calcium salts that are part of phosphoric acid. Such stones have a soft consistency, the surface is either somewhat rough or smooth, they are easy to crumble, and the color is grayish-white. The formation of such stones is caused by the alkaline composition of urine; their growth occurs quite rapidly, especially if there is a concomitant infection - pyelonephritis.

Oxalate stones They basically contain calcium salts, which are part of oxalic acid. Oxylate stones have a dense structure, an uneven and, one might say, prickly surface. The formation of such stones is accompanied by an alkaline or acidic reaction of urine.

Protein stones are formed mainly due to fibrin, salts and bacterial admixtures. Protein kidney stones have a flat shape and soft consistency, they are small in size, and their color is white.

Carbonate rocks are formed due to the precipitation of calcium salts in the composition of carbonate acid. Such stones can have different shapes, they are soft and smooth, and the color is light.

Cholesterol stones are formed in the kidneys quite rarely, the basis of their composition is cholesterol. The consistency of such stones is soft, easy to crumble, and the color is black.

Urate stones are formed due to crystals of salts that make up uric acid. Their structure is quite dense, their surface is either finely dotted or smooth. The formation of such stones is caused by an acidic reaction in the urine.

A mixed composition of kidney stones, in contrast to the considered variants of a homogeneous type, are formed infrequently (a variant of such stones is coral stones (coral nephrolithiasis)).

Kidney stones: symptoms

As we have already noted, kidney stones in each specific case differ in shape, size and composition. Some stones are comparable in size to sand, which, in fact, defines them as sand in the kidneys; the presence of such stones is not felt, while other stones, on the contrary, can have significant sizes, reaching a diameter of about 5 centimeters or more, which is manifested in the corresponding discomfort and symptoms. In most cases, a person is unaware of the presence of the disease, and this lasts until the stones begin to change their position, moving along the urinary tract. Already in this case, even if the stone is small in size, the pain accompanying the change in its position becomes very strong.

There are certain signs that indicate kidney stones; identifying them in the early stages allows you to begin treatment at a more effective stage. Let us consider the features of the main manifestations accompanying the disease of interest to us.

  • Lower back pain

The pain is dull in nature, and with gradual progression of the disease it becomes debilitating. Such pain can appear on one side or on both sides. As a sign that allows you to distinguish pain from urolithiasis, it can be noted that pain intensifies when changing body position from one to another, as well as during physical activity.

  • Spread of pain to neighboring organs

A change in pain is noted when the stone, having left the kidney, ends up in the ureter. In this case, the localization of pain is noted in the groin, genitals and generally in the lower abdomen. This pain is explained by the fact that the effect of the muscle walls is so intense when pushing the stone out that the stone, in the process of forcing it out with its own sharp angles, injures the walls, due to which the pain is supplemented by the indicated areas of localization.

  • Renal colic (attacks)

Attacks of renal colic are a companion to urolithiasis due to kidney stones. It is characterized by the appearance of very strong cramping pain, noted from the lower back. This pain, either subsiding or appearing again, can last for a period of several days. The appearance of pain is caused by the fact that peristalsis of the urinary tract increases, which is accompanied by spasm. The reason that provoked this phenomenon is blockage of the ureter with a stone. Factors that can cause an attack of renal colic include long walking, various types of physical activity (including heavy lifting), jolting driving, etc.

Initially, the pain appears from the lower back, just under the ribs, and then gradually spreads to the sides of the abdomen and to the groin area. The spread of pain in men with renal colic is often accompanied by its localization in the testicles and penis, while renal colic in women is accompanied by the appearance of such a symptom as pain in the labia.

An attack of renal colic is accompanied by the fact that a person cannot find a comfortable position for himself; he can walk from corner to corner. The identification of such a feature of pain is not accidental - such specificity makes it possible to eliminate errors in determining the patient’s condition, which, when similar pain appears, can be confused, for example, with appendicitis, in which, on the contrary, there is a desire to occupy a stationary position. In frequent cases, an attack of renal colic is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, sweating, fever, bloating, pain and increased urination. The end of renal colic is the end of the pathological process itself, in which the stone reaches the bladder.

The considered picture of colic characterizes the manifestation of the disease with small stones. If the stones are larger in size, due to which they clog the renal pelvis, then in this case the attacks of colic have a slightly different specificity. In this case, the pain appears in a weak form, the pain is aching and dull in nature, it is concentrated, again, in the lumbar region.

The duration of the attack is about several hours, although a pattern of its manifestation is also possible in which interruptions occur that prolong the attack for up to a day. The frequency of an attack in this case can be several times a month, or once over a period of several years. The end of an attack is often accompanied by the appearance of sand or small stones in the urine; the urine itself is excreted with blood (which is caused by damage to the walls of the urinary tract by the stone).

  • Increased urination

Kidney stone disease is accompanied by the appearance of differences in urination in comparison with its characteristics in a healthy person, in particular, as is clear from the name of the paragraph, we are talking about the frequency of its manifestation. The urge to urinate when the stone is concentrated on the side of the lower part of the ureter in some cases may generally be causeless. The rapid advancement of the stone along the ureter leads to a strong and frequent urge to urinate, these urges are always associated with pain.

  • Painful urination

Pain when urinating is a specific symptom, the appearance of which suggests the presence of stones in the bladder or ureter. In some cases, urination may be accompanied by an intermittent stream. The passage of stones during urination, along with pain, is accompanied by a burning sensation. The presence of particularly large stones in severe forms of the disease leads to the fact that patients can urinate only in a lying position.

  • Cloudy urine

Urine, even if we are talking about comparing its specifics between a healthy and a sick person, is in any case characterized by the presence of some turbidity, which is caused by the presence of mucus and epithelial cells. Meanwhile, in a sick person, cloudiness of the urine occurs under the influence of an increased amount of epithelium, salt, leukocytes and red blood cells. Kidney stones are characterized by the appearance of dark and thick urine at the very beginning of urination; it may also contain sediment and blood, which causes the urine to turn reddish.

  • Blood in urine

Blood in the urine is usually observed after suffering severe attacks of pain or when exposed to external factors that play a role in the appearance of symptoms of kidney stones (physical activity, etc.). This symptom indicates that the movement of the stone has caused damage to the urinary tract. In any case, this symptom cannot be ignored; its appearance, along with other symptoms, requires an appropriate examination.

  • Fever

An elevated temperature is evidence of a complication of urolithiasis due to kidney stones; pyelonephritis can be designated as one of the options - the development of this complication is characterized by temperature (38-39°C). In addition, elevated temperature is also a companion to the condition of renal colic.

  • High blood pressure

High blood pressure also quite often accompanies pathology in the form of kidney stones. Changes in pressure are associated with the development of complications, mainly calculous pyelonephritis. Similar to other symptoms, high blood pressure also accompanies attacks of renal colic.

  • Urinary retention

Without exaggeration, this symptom can be described as a dangerous manifestation of kidney stones; its appearance indicates blockage of the urinary tract with stones. Urinary retention for several days causes the development of uremia, which, in turn, causes death. Uremia in particular means a state of acute (in this case, in others perhaps chronic) self-poisoning of the body against the background of renal failure, accompanied by the accumulation of toxic products that occurs in the blood as a result of nitrogen metabolism, as well as due to disturbances in osmotic and acid-base balance. The main manifestations of the development of uremia include headache, diarrhea, itching of the skin, vomiting, convulsions, development of coma, etc.

Returning to the symptom of urinary retention, we can indicate that it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen (by the nature of its manifestation, such pain is bursting). An imperative urge to urinate also appears - an irresistible and sudden urge, characterized by the inability to control the process of emptying. In this case, spontaneous emptying of the bladder is excluded. Patients may also experience chills and fever. Breathing becomes shallow and cold sweat may appear. The main way to eliminate this manifestation is to install a catheter.

Coral nephrolithiasis (coral kidney stones): symptoms

We designate coral stones as a separate and, one might say, special form, which is due to some differences in their formation and the mechanism of subsequent development and manifestations. Of course, the difference between kidney stones of this type and others requires the use of other treatment methods. First of all, it is important to point out that coral stones are formed against the background of inferior kidney function, their previous appearance, as well as against the background of violations of the constancy of internal environmental conditions relevant to the body.

As one can assume even from the name, coral stones are characterized by their special shape, which is similar to the pyelocaliceal system. Such stones occupy the entire space of the pelvis; moreover, the processes of the stones penetrate into the cups, and thickenings form at their ends. As for the composition of coral stones, they usually contain carbonate apatites.

Coral stones form in both children and adults, although they are detected less frequently in men than in women. One of the reasons for this type of stone formation is the increased activity inherent in the parathyroid glands. This activity can be determined by identifying its typical signs, which include an increased level of calcium in the blood, a decreased level of phosphorus in it, as well as increased excretion of calcium in the urine. What is noteworthy is that it is the latter factor that contributes to the rapid formation of kidney stones, often in the form of bilateral damage with a subsequent predisposition to their reappearance.

When considering other cases, the influence of infections can be traced, especially bacteria, which have the ability to produce a special type of enzyme, urease, due to which urine is capable of alkalinization. An alkaline environment, in turn, is an ideal environment for the crystallization of phosphates. Of the noted influence from bacteria, the Proteus bacteria, which often act as the causative agent of a disease such as pyelonephritis, especially in pregnant women, should be highlighted. Meanwhile, even those bacteria that, in principle, do not produce urease, can also cause the appearance of kidney stones, because due to the fact that they can accumulate calcium, this feature determines the basis for the formation of stones.

Disruption of urine outflow, as well as infection, in women is usually caused by actual physiological changes that the urinary system undergoes during pregnancy. The connection between the gestational form of pyelonephritis (that is, pyelonephritis that develops during pregnancy) and coral kidney stones is scientifically substantiated and proven.

Also, the inflammatory process and infection are predisposing factors to the development of urinary stasis in the pyelocaliceal system, also affecting the work performed by the nephrons. Because of this, kidney functions associated with the release of certain substances in the urine (phosphates, urea, calcium, citric acid) are subject to disruption, and this, again, leads to the formation of stones.

Following the formation of coral stones, due to which already existing disturbances associated with the processes of urination and the course of pyelonephritis, gross forms of functional changes also begin to develop in the kidney tissues. Against the background of infection activity, the kidney tissue begins to melt - pyonephrosis develops. Gradually, due to pathological changes, provided that the course of the disease is favorable and with low activity of pyelonephritis, renal failure begins to gradually develop due to impaired nephron function.

In this form, the disease as a whole develops gradually, during its course there is a latent period and an initial period - the precursors of the period in which the manifestations of the disease are pronounced. Accordingly, the course of the latent period is accompanied by a course in which there are no special signs of kidney stones, as well as pathological processes accompanying this. However, nonspecific symptoms may occur that are more consistent with chronic pyelonephritis, in particular increased fatigue and weakness, chills in the evening, and headaches.

At the initial stage of the disease, during which the process of stone formation ends, symptoms may occur in the form of slight dull soreness localized in the lumbar region; in some cases, when taking urine tests, mild changes of a nonspecific type may be noted. Identification of stones of this type at the initial stage, if at all, occurs by chance, based on the results of plain radiography.

As for the period of pronounced manifestation of symptoms, it is characterized by the constancy of pain in the lumbar region. With coral stones, renal colic is an atypical manifestation, therefore it develops rarely and only under the condition that the ureter is blocked due to the impact of a small stone. During the active stage of pyelonephritis, fever, weakness and increased fatigue, and general malaise periodically appear. When tested, red blood cells are detected in the urine. This stage is also accompanied by the addition of a symptom in the form of high blood pressure to the overall picture of the disease. If a detailed diagnosis is carried out during the manifestation of this stage, then it is possible to determine the initial signs indicating renal failure.

Subsequently, the symptoms of the development of chronic renal failure acquire a more distinct form. Here the final period of the disease is already taking place; symptoms are especially pronounced here in the form of dry mouth and severe thirst, increased fatigue and weakness, urination problems, pain in the lumbar region and mild fever.

Symptoms of passing kidney stones

Similar to the acute form of the disease, the passage of kidney stones is provoked mainly by significant physical exertion and any actions in which the body is in a state of shaking due to factors affecting it (jumping, riding, running, etc.).

The ureter is the narrowest place in the urinary system; its diameter is about 5-8 millimeters. However, due to its inherent elasticity, it is possible for a stone to pass through it within a diameter of 1 centimeter. Considering that kidney stones are often irregularly shaped with sharp edges, an attempt to pass through the ureter becomes the cause of its injury, which is accompanied by severe pain that suddenly appears in the back (on the side on which the diseased kidney is located), pain in the lower abdomen, and also soreness extending to the genitals and thighs.

The passage of stones is also accompanied by an increase in all the symptoms that accompany the disease as a whole. There is also frequent urination, accompanied by a burning sensation, nausea with vomiting, and in some cases, loose stools. In addition to these symptoms, the appearance of chills and fever can be noted. If a stone causes blockage of the outflow of urine, problems with urination may occur, including complete cessation.


A specialist can recognize kidney stones based on the patient’s general medical history (medical history), symptoms typical for the manifestation of renal colic, as well as on the basis of instrumental and laboratory research methods.

The leading method for determining the presence of kidney stones is an x-ray. The majority of stones are detected during a diagnostic procedure such as survey urography. However, this method is not very suitable for identifying urate and protein stones due to the fact that the rays are not blocked by stones, which, accordingly, does not create shadows in obtaining overview urograms (these results are the principle of the procedure, on the basis of which it is allowed in other cases to obtain adequate result). In this case, stones are identified using pyelography and excretory urography. Excretory urography also allows you to obtain information regarding morphological and functional changes relevant to the condition of the urinary tract and kidneys; through this method, the area of ​​​​concentration of stones (ureter, calyx or pelvis), their size and shape are determined.

Additional methods used to diagnose kidney stones include CT or MRI, radioisotope nephroscintigraphy.


Treatment of kidney stones can be based on two main principles of influencing them: conservative treatment or surgical treatment.

Conservative therapy used only in cases where the stones are small. For this purpose, drugs are used, due to which the stones simply dissolve. However, they can only be used on the basis of a doctor’s recommendation, followed by a comprehensive examination. Diet is one of the main components of conservative treatment. Based on the composition of the stones and the characteristics of their structure, it is determined which products are subject to exclusion. The complicated course of the disease (concomitant pyelonephritis, for example) determines the need for antibiotics.

Surgical therapy is required in cases where conservative therapy does not produce appropriate results. Some time ago, this type of exposure involved an open operation, which subsequently ended with the removal of the affected organ itself. Nowadays, open surgery to remove a kidney stone is a rare phenomenon; such an intervention is used only when the stone is significant in size or when renal failure develops.

Before the operation, medications are prescribed to ensure improved blood microcirculation; in addition, antibiotics and antioxidants are prescribed. In situations in which the ureter is blocked by a stone, treatment accompanying the movement of the stone begins with the removal of urine from the kidney. This effect is a kind of surgical intervention, it is carried out under local anesthesia, the possibility of significant blood loss, as well as the development of complications, is not excluded.

If symptoms appear that indicate the possible presence of kidney stones, you should consult a nephrologist.

Symptoms of kidney stones appear in men, statistically, more often than in women. They feel nauseous and their blood pressure rises. In this case, stones in the right kidney are more common than in the left. How to understand that urolithiasis has appeared in men? What causes it, and what is the treatment?

Reasons for education

In men and women, stones in most cases are deposited in the right kidney, less often in both. No specific cause of the disease has been identified. However, researchers have an assumption that the main provoking factor is genetic predisposition. If among a person’s relatives there have been cases of kidney stones, then they will also begin to deposit with a high degree of probability.

The congenital mechanism of the pathology is as follows. Even with minor metabolic disorders, insoluble salts are deposited in the body. These subsequently form stones. However, this requires the action of exogenous and endogenous factors.

Internal causes are metabolic disorders, which include high concentrations in urine:

  1. Uric acid.
  2. Phosphates.
  3. Oxalates.
  4. Calcium salts.

Elevated levels of uric acid are also observed in the blood. In this case, disturbances in metabolic processes are provoked by the following external reasons:

  • unfavorable climate;
  • poor nutrition;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • poor water quality;
  • features of the flora.

An indirect factor for the formation of stones in women is often sedentary work, while in men the disease is more often provoked by employment in hazardous work.

Separately, unbalanced nutrition is identified as the cause of deposits in the kidneys, namely excessive consumption of foods containing vitamin C, calcium, oxalic acid, proteins, salts and deficiency of vitamins A and B.

In addition, the causes of pathology may lie in concomitant diseases:

  • biliary tract;
  • genitourinary system;
  • infectious;
  • gastrointestinal;
  • liver;
  • immune;
  • severe injuries with limited mobility.

If cystitis is identified as a common cause of urolithiasis in women, prostatitis often becomes such a pathology in men.


When kidney stones are diagnosed, the symptoms of the disease are already pronounced, and they are similar in men and women. The main signs of pathology are:

  • dull pain in the lower back (on the right or left side);
  • renal colic;
  • painful urination;
  • blood in urine;
  • cloudy urine;
  • elevated temperature (up to 40 degrees);
  • high blood pressure;
  • swelling.

Back pain can occur on both sides of the spine, as well as only on the right or left. Their character depends on where the stone is located. Acute intense sensations occur with complete obstruction of the ureter. When the urinary tract is partially blocked from the right or left kidney, aching pain appears that comes in waves.

When the stone is located at the top of the ureter, pain is felt in the lower back or on the side under the ribs. It can be acute or dull, with attacks lasting from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Signs of urolithiasis are usually associated with exercise, excessive fluid intake, or taking a diuretic. The pain gradually moves down the ureter, down to the abdomen, then to the perineum, inner thigh, reaching the scrotum. At the same time, the man feels a frequent urge to go to the toilet. These symptoms are observed in both the right and left kidneys.

After renal colic, the urine becomes cloudy and contains blood. These are characteristic signs of urolithiasis, which sometimes signal that the stone has begun to pass. In this case, the urine acquires sediment and a sharp, unpleasant odor.

However, renal colic can be caused by other diseases, including appendicitis, strangulated hernia, pancreatitis, and in women they sometimes occur during ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to get diagnosed by a specialist.

Signs of urolithiasis also often include malaise, in which a person is plagued by nausea and vomiting. In this case, pyelonephritis is often diagnosed. When the stone begins to pass, chills and a very high temperature are added, and the pressure remains elevated.

In general, it is not difficult to detect signs of kidney stones, but asymptomatic disease can also occur. In this case, high fever and nausea can be considered by the patient as manifestations of poisoning, and high blood pressure can be an attack of hypertension.

However, stones are not always dangerous, no matter whether they are located in the right or left kidney. If the stone is small, a person can live with it all his life without experiencing pain or other unpleasant sensations.

Complications and consequences

Although there are more men than women among people with kidney stones, the pathology is milder in the stronger sex. They also have fewer complications. At the same time, salts in the urine of women are detected more often during diagnosis, and stones in their bodies form more complex forms. However, the disease itself is quite serious, so prevention will not hurt both.

The following complications are identified that lead to untreated kidney stones:

  1. Pyelonephritis.
  2. Hydronephrosis.
  3. Urosepsis.
  4. Kidney failure.

The listed consequences can develop asymptomatically in both men and women. Some of them threaten the patient's life. In particular, pyelonephritis can develop into purulent inflammation, and with hydronephrosis, swelling of the kidney develops, which is quickly complicated by renal failure.


If you suspect kidney stones, you should make an appointment with a urologist. He will be able to make an accurate diagnosis based on the results of a comprehensive examination, which consists of the following stages:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • initial examination;
  • Ultrasound of the right and left kidneys and ureters;
  • urography.

Additional diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Nephroscintigraphy.
  2. Urine culture.

MRI - multislice computed tomography. This method allows you to examine the calculus, determine its volume and the condition of nearby tissues. It is possible to make a 3D reconstruction.

Nephroscintigraphy is used to study dysfunction of the right and left kidneys.

Based on the results of urine culture, the degree of sensitivity to antibiotics and the presence of infections are revealed, and the extent of inflammation is assessed.


Treatment of kidney stones is easier in men than in women. However, it is better to start it at an early stage, immediately after diagnosis, in order to prevent complications. There are various means and methods of combating pathology, among them:

  • medications;
  • open operations;
  • extracorporeal lithotripsy;
  • nephrolithotripsy through the skin;
  • endoscopic procedures.

Until recently, open surgery was most often performed for kidney stones. However, now experts prefer to treat the disease using minimally invasive methods, and surgery is used only in extreme cases when other methods are ineffective.

Treatment of kidney stones is carried out comprehensively. The selection of specific methods depends on where the stones are localized - in the right kidney, the left, or both at the same time, as well as on the volume, density of deposits, the structure of the ureters and the presence or absence of concomitant pathologies. How exactly to treat the disease is determined by the urologist based on the diagnostic results. He also selects the appropriate medications.

To eliminate kidney stones, different groups of medications are used, including:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Painkillers.
  3. Antispasmodics.
  4. Means for dissolving and passing stones.
  5. Dietary supplements.

If a patient experiences stomach pain, antibiotics and painkillers should be avoided, as such treatment will worsen gastrointestinal problems.

Drugs for the passage of stones are prescribed when the size of the stone is less than 5 mm. As it increases, its movement can cause blockage of the ureter, which will cause renal colic.

To dissolve stones, drugs such as Cyston and Fitolysin are prescribed. Additionally, dietary supplements are used. Such medications are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the ureter and kidneys, as well as destroying deposits and stimulating their elimination naturally. This process takes a long time, but ends in success.

Treatment aimed at dissolving stones depends directly on their composition, and universal remedies simply do not exist. Each medication affects a specific type of formation - acidic or alkaline. In particular, potassium citrate dissolves calcium deposits, sodium bicarbonate dissolves urate deposits, and urease inhibitors dissolve struvite deposits. Thiazides and orthophosphates are used to regulate the composition of urine.

If kidney stone disease does not have complications, its treatment is carried out using drugs that include herbs:

  • St. John's wort;
  • birch leaves;
  • horsetail;
  • rue;
  • half fell;
  • bearberry;
  • Dill seeds.

Treatment with natural remedies eliminates the risk of side effects and is safe for the body. Even pregnant women and children are allowed to take such medications.

An important rule that should accompany the treatment of kidney stones is control by a qualified specialist. Self-prescribing medications is dangerous and can lead to complications. As a result, the course of the disease will only worsen.


Signs of kidney stones are quite acute and painful. In this regard, disease prevention becomes important. It includes the following simple activities:

  1. Drink herbal teas.
  2. Take medications to break down salts.
  3. Treat inflammation of the ureters.
  4. Avoid hypothermia.

Prevention of the disease also involves contacting a urologist for any back pain. If urolithiasis is diagnosed early, its treatment will be significantly easier.

The appearance of symptoms of kidney stones in men indicates an exacerbation of the disease and requires going to the hospital. Otherwise, severe pathologies of the paired organ may develop. Treatment with modern medications shows high effectiveness, and disease prevention is recommended to prevent relapses.

Urolithiasis is very common today. Not only men, but also women suffer from this problem. However, the weaker sex gets sick more often. This is a common disease of the body's urinary system. Stones can be found not only in the kidneys, but also in the ureter and bladder.

Kidney stones affect women aged 20 to 50 years. There are a number of factors causing this disease. These include poor nutrition, metabolic disorders in the body, thyroid disease, fractured limbs, which causes the reflux of potassium salts. Another reason may be a local factor - changes in the kidney itself or the urinary system, which can lead to pyelonephritis.

Symptoms of kidney stones

If you have pain in the kidney area, you need to determine what kind of pain it is. There are several types of pain due to kidney stones:

  • acute;
  • dull;
  • periodic;
  • cramping.

If you have the latter type of pain, then immediately consult a doctor, as this is a sign of renal colic.

What are the signs of kidney stones? If you have kidney stones, the symptoms in women are as follows:

  1. There may be blood in the urine.
  2. The urine may contain pus.
  3. Frequent urination, and when doing so there is a sharp pain.
  4. Dry mouth.
  5. Increased body temperature, which causes chills.

The way to recognize kidney stones at the first stage can be done using a simple urine and blood test. And if protein or salt crystals are found in the urine, the doctor will prescribe an x-ray or ultrasound. If stones are not detected using the above devices, then urography is prescribed. This is a more complex type of research that requires special preparation for it.

There are several types of stones:

  1. Calcium stones. They have a solid structure and do not dissolve.
  2. Struvite stones. They arise from bacteria, which is why they are called infectious. Treatment method is surgery.
  3. Urate stones. The cause is gout.
  4. Cystine stones. They arise due to metabolic disorders.

Stones can also be distinguished by size:

  • small ones are those that measure up to 3 mm;
  • medium stones include stones from 3 to 10 mm;
  • Stones over 10 mm are considered large.

How to treat pyelonephritis?

There are two types of treatment for stones: traditional (or medical) and traditional medicine.

Although medicine has made great strides forward, the methods for treating kidney stones can be counted on one hand. There are three types of treatment.

Abdominal surgery is prescribed as a last resort when the patient cannot be treated. One must agree to this type of operation in the most hopeless situation. After surgery, relapses and even death may occur. It is prescribed if the stone is very large, there is purulent pyelonephritis in combination with a kidney stone, obesity, or spinal curvature.

Endoscopic surgery is the performance of special manipulations using endoscopes. In this type of surgery, several small incisions are made instead of a single cut. The advantage of this type is an easy recovery period.

When crushing stones, one puncture is made, and with the help of technology, the stone is crushed. Also, now you can grind it using a laser; you don’t even need to make an incision for this. This type is the most popular.

In the treatment of this disease, you can also use alternative medicine recipes.

Most popular recipes:

  1. Eat watermelons in unlimited quantities and preferably eat them with black bread.
  2. Take decoctions of rosehip, barberry, and knotweed.
  3. An infusion of half-palm herb helps very well.

You can try taking oats and pouring boiling water over them for 12 hours, then rub them through a sieve. Use in the morning as porridge.

The main method of proper treatment is diet, thanks to which you will direct your body to recovery. We must remember that it is necessary to exclude salty, peppery, fried, and sour foods from the diet.

If you find a lot of phosphates, then you need to eat steamed fish, cereal dishes, and foods rich in vitamin C.

If urates are present, only dairy products and soups are allowed. If oscalates are present, boiled chicken and fish, pasta, vegetables, and sweets are allowed. A diet will always be prescribed by a doctor, so try to listen to his recommendations and advice.

The main thing is to see a doctor in time.

As soon as you feel that a weak or sharp pain has appeared in the lumbar region, and when urinating - a pain in the genitals (just do not confuse it with cystitis), then immediately consult a doctor.

Only a doctor will correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

Hydronephrosis of the kidneys

Hydronephrosis of the kidney (or dropsy) is a pathology that occurs quite often. Its share among people in the age category from 0 to 80 is three percent. Among the fertile population, women are more likely to suffer from hydronephrosis, but among the elderly, men predominate. What is hydronephrosis? It is an expansion of the renal collecting system, which occurs as a result of high pressure on the kidney walls with fluid. This increased volume of fluid accumulates in the kidney due to changes in the normal drainage of fluid from the kidney system.


A distinction is made between congenital, when the pathology occurs inside the mother’s body, and acquired, when hydronephrosis occurs as a result of the disease.

In addition, renal hydronephrosis is classified according to degrees:

  • hydronephrosis of the 1st degree is characterized by expansion of the kidney structures, but without changes in its functioning;
  • hydronephrosis of the 2nd degree, in addition to severe dilation, also has renal dysfunction up to 20%;
  • For grade 3 hydronephrosis, the impairment is less than 80%, while the entire kidney is filled with fluid in huge quantities.


There are causes of hydronephrosis, leading to congenital hydronephrosis, and causes of acquired hydronephrosis.

Congenital hydronephrosis can be caused by:

  • obstruction of the urinary tract;
  • incorrect location of the ureter;
  • taking medications.

As for the acquired type of the disease, its cause may be:

  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • oncology of the reproductive and urinary systems;
  • spinal cord injuries that alter the normal flow of urine.

Clinical picture

At the very beginning of the disease, the symptoms of kidney hydronephrosis are very scanty and may be completely absent. Sometimes there may be a tingling sensation, a feeling of heaviness in the area where the organ is located, and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urination. As a result of an increase in the volume of fluid in the lumbar region, there is constant pulling pain. Common signs of kidney hydronephrosis are also flatulence, arterial hypertension, nausea, and fatigue. When an infectious process occurs, a temperature appears.

The symptoms of hydronephrosis have some features depending on the location of the process.

Hydronephrosis of the right kidney: clinical features

Hydronephrosis on the right is very similar in its general manifestations to left-sided hydronephrosis. A characteristic feature of it will be the spread of pain to the entire lumbar region. Most often, right-sided hydronephrosis occurs in older people, as well as in alcoholics.

Hydronephrosis of the left kidney

It most often occurs when the kidney's outflow tract is blocked by a stone. If the stone gets into the urinary canal, then bilateral hydronephrosis develops.

The left-sided process hurts in the lower back on the left, the pain radiates to the left leg. Characteristically, there is a violation of changes in the outflow of urine; it may acquire a cloudy color, or may acquire a pinkish tint (if the stone injures the mucous membrane of organs).


Hydrocele of the kidney may not manifest itself for a long time, up to the development of stage 3. That is why, at the slightest change in urine, you need to do an extensive examination of the genitourinary system. The urine may contain leukocytes, bacteria, blood impurities, and it may also change its color and transparency. The doctor must prescribe a general blood test and biochemistry.

Ultrasound of the kidney, bladder and ureters is a traditional and very effective method for diagnosing the disease. Recently, magnetic resonance imaging has become widespread. They also use an x-ray method using contrast.

Treatment of kidney hydronephrosis

There are surgical treatment and treatment of hydronephrosis without surgery. Conservative treatment for hydronephrosis is carried out in order to eliminate the symptoms of the disease before using surgical intervention, i.e. it is a preparation for surgical treatment. It involves the use of antibacterial drugs to prevent infection. Typically, drugs such as ofloxacin and amoxicillin are used. But antibiotics are prescribed only after urine culture has been performed to determine the presence of bacteria and their sensitivity to the drug.

If blood pressure rises as a result of illness, the doctor prescribes antihypertensive drugs. Their selection is very difficult, because With renal hydronephrosis, uncontrolled hypertension very often develops.

To improve blood flow in the kidneys, Trental is prescribed, a drug that helps normalize blood circulation.

Due to a disruption in the normal excretion of urine, urea in the blood may be increased, then it becomes necessary to take sorbents. Belosorb, hofitol, polyphepan have proven themselves well. Surgery for hydronephrosis consists of eliminating the cause of the disturbance in urine flow. If these are stones, then they are crushed using ultrasound or laser.

For malignant tumors, removal of the tumor followed by chemotherapy is used.

Most often, the operation is performed using the traditional method of surgical treatment - laparoscopy. Laparoscopic plastic surgery differs in that the doctor gains access to the operated area through several small incisions into which an endoscope is inserted. Abdominal surgeries are more traumatic and therefore are used less frequently.


The diet for kidney hydronephrosis has the following rules:

  • limiting water intake to 1.5 liters per day;
  • reduce salt intake to a minimum;
  • From your menu you need to exclude fried and spicy foods, as well as cocoa products, coffee, meat and fish dishes, and legumes;
  • increase the amount of fruit consumed;
  • an alternative to meat and fish is chicken protein;
  • food must be steamed.

Prevention measures

It is a well-known saying that a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. The main measures to prevent the disease are:

  • maintaining proper nutrition with the exception of “food waste”;
  • timely treatment of any infections of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • wearing clothes appropriate for the weather (do not get too cold);
  • regular preventive monitoring by a urologist and gynecologist (for women).

Complications of hydrocele of the kidney

This disease is dangerous because, against the background of a disturbance in the flow of urine, all metabolic components accumulate in the body, poisoning it. Kidney rupture may also occur if a large amount of fluid accumulates in it. The contents of the kidney enter the retroperitoneal space, causing uremia.

Against the background of stagnation of urine, the formation of urolithiasis is possible. The most dangerous and sometimes irreversible result of this pathology is renal failure.

Folk wrestling recipes

There is, of course, treatment with folk remedies. It can cure the disease at its initial manifestations. Pumpkin is used with success, its fruit stem is especially valuable. It is ground in a coffee grinder, pour a tablespoon of the resulting powder with half a liter of boiled water, and then leave for about 3-4 hours. Drink half a glass of this decoction five times a day. Pumpkin juice is taken in the same way; it is important that it is freshly prepared.

Bean flaps are also good for treating dropsy. Three tablespoons of the leaves need to be ground, pour a liter of boiling water, and keep in a water bath for about an hour and a half. This infusion is consumed half a glass 7 times a day.

Parsley is used in the form of seeds and rhizomes. The parts of the plant are crushed, then they need to be poured with boiling water (100 ml of water per tablespoon). Take the infusion one sip before meals three times a day.

It is also possible to use a herbal collection; it should be taken for no more than three months. It is also recommended to change the composition of the collection. The break between each course is about two weeks. One fee – one course. All herbs must be ground as finely as possible. Store in a dry place. Below are examples of fees for the treatment of hydronephrosis.

1) Birch leaves, juniper berries, dried dandelion rhizomes are taken in equal volumes (two tablespoons of each), pour a glass of hot water, leave for two hours and take half a glass three times a day.

2) Burdock rhizome, chamomile, wormwood in the amount of one hundred grams, and rose hips in the amount of two hundred grams, the recipe is the same as for the first collection.


Hydronephrosis is a serious disease with unpredictable consequences. The outcome of the disease is influenced by the promptness of contacting a doctor and the timeliness of the start of the treatment process.

Kidney disease is so common that almost everyone has experienced it.

If there is pain in the lower back, lower back or side, then the person thinks that he has pain in the kidney organ. But this is not always true.

This pain syndrome can also occur with other diseases of the internal organs. This article will discuss exactly what kind of pain arises from kidney pain.

What are kidneys?

Kidneys are an important organ of our body. The proper functioning of all other systems depends on its operation. If the kidney organ fails, the person feels pain and discomfort. Various diseases arise.

The main purpose of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood. They operate continuously and distill about 200 liters of plasma per day. There are two kidneys in the human body. One is located on the right, the other on the left. The internal organ has a complex structure and plays a huge role in the functioning of the body.

Various symptoms, including pain, indicate problems in the functioning of the kidney organ. Based on the tests and what pain is present with kidney pain, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

Causes of kidney pain

Depending on the pain associated with kidney pain, the causes of the disease are determined.

Pain in the internal organ can occur due to an inflammatory process that affects the glomerular apparatus (glomerulonephritis). Appear if the pyelocaliceal part of the kidneys becomes inflamed (pyelonephritis). The occurrence of a foreign stone indicates urolithiasis, which is accompanied by renal colic.

Pain in the kidneys occurs due to cysts and various formations that have arisen in the cavity of the renal organ. Nephroptosis and disruption of the renal system caused by renal failure cause negative sensations.

Pain in the kidney can be caused by injury, a large volume of fluid taken in a short period of time, heavy physical activity, or pregnancy.

Common symptoms of kidney disease

What kind of pain in the kidneys indicates a pathology in the body? This is pain in the upper part of the lower back, under the ribs. It is in this area that the paired organ is located. The nature of kidney pain depends on the diagnosis. Painful sensations can be pulling, sharp, aching and stabbing. They differ in the strength of their manifestation. They are permanent and temporary.

The pain is often accompanied by fever, heat and poor health. Patients experience dizziness, nausea and headaches. Lost appetite. The volume of urine excreted decreases. Temperature and pressure rise. Swelling occurs. Frequent and difficult urination. Urine acquires an uncharacteristic color and a pungent odor. It contains blood or pus. The consistency of urine becomes viscous.

Until the patient is examined by a nephrologist, one should not say that the kidneys hurt, because there are other organs next to them, the disruption of which can cause a similar picture.

Symptoms of kidney diseases

And now we will talk about what kind of kidney pain indicates a particular ailment.

Urolithiasis disease

Kidney pain is acute. This is due to kidney stones that damage the lining of the urinary system. During attacks, renal colic is observed with stabbing, severe and constant pain. Localized in the lower back and side.


Infectious lesion of the renal system. Accompanied by a dull and aching pain in the right or left side. The pain is minor, but causes some discomfort to the patient. In addition to pain, the patient experiences fever, nausea, and swelling.


A disease with an inflammatory process affecting the renal glomeruli and tubules. The pain is sharp and piercing. They occur in the area where the kidneys are located, on both sides. The patient feels lethargic, weak and gets tired quickly. Swelling and blood appear in the urine.

Atherosclerosis of the renal arteries

Develops together with atherosclerosis. Cholesterol plaques form in the renal arteries, preventing blood from circulating fully. The pain is periodic and aching in nature.

Kidney cyst

Its occurrence is accompanied by mild pain in the back and lower back. The cyst interferes with the full flow of urine.

Benign tumors

This is an adenoma, hamartoma or oncocytoma. Their appearance is asymptomatic, but when they reach large sizes, they put pressure on the kidneys and interfere with the full functioning of the organ. Causes aching, pulling pain in the lower back or side.

Kidney cancer

Occurs when a malignant tumor appears. Dull and nagging pain occurs in the area where the organ is located. Quite weak, they are not immediately noticed. As the tumor grows, the pain intensifies.


The disease is associated with stagnation of urine. It occurs due to a narrowing of the passage through which urine passes from the renal pelvis to the ureter. Characterized by severe aching or stabbing pain in the lumbar region.

Vesicoureteral reflux

A disease in which urine from the bladder is thrown back into the ureter. Develops against the background of acute pyelonephritis. It is characterized by aching pain in the kidney area, increased body temperature, swelling, and weakness.

Kidney failure

There is a throbbing severe pain in the kidney area. The urine becomes thick and has an unpleasant odor. The disease is accompanied by increased blood pressure and disruptions in water metabolism in the body.

Kidney tuberculosis

The pain is stabbing in nature. It is constantly present, which causes insomnia. Pus and blood appear in the urine.

Characteristics of pain in the kidney area

What kind of kidney pain occurs with diseases of the kidney organ? It can be different:

  • Pulling. It speaks of inflammation and is permanent (pyelonephritis).
  • Aching and pressing. Indicates an inflammatory process and serious kidney diseases (tuberculosis, cancer). Constantly present.
  • Pressing. Occurs during inflammation of a paired organ, development and formation of a tumor. As the disease progresses, the pain intensifies. It becomes sharp and pronounced.
  • Sharp. Talks about urolithiasis. Alternates with stabbing, which indicates the movement of stones along the urinary tract. May go to the right leg.
  • Spicy. Indicates the presence of kidney stones. It radiates to the leg or groin.
  • Stitching and throbbing. Indicates an inflammatory process, the presence of stones or a malignant tumor.

Depending on what kind of kidney pain a person has, the doctor determines the diagnosis. To clarify it, he prescribes a series of tests and additional examination.

Stones in the kidneys

Urolithiasis is perhaps the most common disease of the kidney organ. What kind of pain does the patient experience with kidney stones? Pain in this case is not constant, but periodic. The pain is strong and sharp. Occurs due to:

  • stone damage to the mucous membrane of the organ;
  • failure to pass urine;
  • increased pressure in the renal pelvis;
  • inflammatory process;
  • spasm of the ureter at the location of the stone.

Attacks of urolithiasis are manifested by renal colic. This is a strong unbearable stabbing pain in the kidney area. In addition, there is an increased body temperature, poor health, bloody urine appears, and its outflow becomes difficult.

Treatment of this disease is carried out in a hospital. Patients are prescribed antispasmodics and painkillers. If necessary, stones are removed.

Kidney injuries

What symptoms of pain in the kidneys occur in diseases were written above. But pain in the kidneys also occurs when the organ is injured. Moreover, their strength does not always characterize the severity of the damage.

  • Mild kidney injuries occur from a blow to the lower back or from a fall on the back. The pain in this case is mild. The state of human health suffers slightly. In some cases, blood may appear in the urine.
  • Moderate injuries include kidney rupture. It occurs inside the organ. May involve the renal calyces and pelvis. The pain associated with this injury is not severe, but acute. The victim feels unwell. His blood pressure drops, weakness and lethargy are observed. Swelling and bruising appear at the site of injury, and there is blood in the urine.
  • Severe damage. In this case, not only the insides of the kidney are ruptured, but also the organ itself. With such an injury, the pain is severe and acute. Localized in the lumbar region. Accompanied by internal bleeding, a sharp drop in pressure, and loss of consciousness.

What kind of pain with kidney disease occurs during pregnancy?

Very often, kidney pain occurs in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the body works in an enhanced mode during this period, and the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the organs surrounding it.

Painful sensations of a pulling nature indicate diseases of the urinary system. Dull and aching pain indicates pyelonephritis. Acute, strong and prickly pain occurs with urolithiasis. Glomerulonephritis is indicated by acute pain in the lower back.

During pregnancy, if you experience pain in the kidney area, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Establish the correct diagnosis and begin timely treatment.

Diseases of other organs with pain in the renal area

Pain in the area of ​​the kidney organ can also occur with diseases of other organs. Pain in the lower back is caused by lumbar osteochondrosis. The pain radiates to the leg. Muscle weakness, tingling and numbness of the limbs are observed.

Severe and acute pain occurs when there is a hernia in the spine. Such symptoms occur with injuries to the spine, ribs, spinal cord, liver and spleen. In this case, the symptoms are mixed, and the diagnosis is established after a thorough examination of the patient.

Pain in the kidney area occurs with acute appendicitis and is accompanied by a number of negative symptoms. Pain occurs at the location of the kidneys due to prostate pathology. Here there is a disturbance in the outflow of urine, problems with potency arise, and the pain radiates to the perineum.


Which doctor should I contact for kidney pain? This question is asked by almost everyone who has encountered this problem for the first time. To diagnose the disease, you can contact a therapist, urologist or nephrologist. But only a nephrologist is considered a specialist in kidney diseases.

The patient is examined by palpating the abdomen and pelvis. Pain is felt when pressing on the affected area. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis, according to Nechiporenko and for the nutrient medium;
  • Zimnitsky's test;
  • a picture of the urinary system;
  • excretory urography;
  • CT or MRI.

After the examination, treatment is prescribed, which is influenced by the diagnosis and severity of the disease.

Therapy for kidney disease

Kidney treatment is carried out using conservative and surgical methods. In the first case, the disease is fought through the use of medications and diet. In the second, surgical intervention is performed. Indications for it include injuries to the kidney organ and serious diseases such as tumors, cysts, and urolithiasis. If surgical treatment does not produce results, then renal organ transplantation is resorted to.

What medications are used for kidney pain?

If pain occurs in the kidney area, complex treatment is prescribed, which includes:

  • antispasmodics;
  • analgesics;
  • antibiotics;
  • herbal preparations;
  • diuretics.

When pain occurs, painkillers are used first. They are divided into three groups. The first includes antipyretics. They relieve pain and lower body temperature. The second group includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They not only relieve pain, but also relieve fever and have an anti-inflammatory effect. If the pain is severe, narcotic painkillers are prescribed.

What painkiller should you take for kidney pain? Only a doctor can answer this question, based on the severity of the disease and diagnosis.

Herbs for kidney pain

Sometimes medicinal plants are used to relieve discomfort. What herbs are most effective for kidney pain? There are many plant uroseptics. Among them:

  • Dandelion. Has diuretic properties. Improves blood circulation.
  • Celery seeds. Cleanse the kidneys. They have antifungal properties.
  • Corn silk. Reduce pain when urinating and eliminate inflammation.
  • Parsley. Diuretic. Relieves pain and inflammation.
  • Plantain. Characterized by antibacterial action. Is a diuretic.
  • Cabbage. Removes toxins. Relieves the inflammatory process.
  • Blooming Sally. Antiseptic. Removes spasm, inflammation, pain.
  • Nettle. It has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Herbal remedies should be used only in combination with the main treatment and cannot replace drug therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Urolithiasis is a common and extremely insidious pathology. Its chronic course is often complicated by attacks of renal colic, which cause the patient intense excruciating pain. Let's try to figure out what causes pain from kidney stones, and what consequences they carry. Read about the causes, characteristics and emergency measures during an attack of renal colic in our review.

Causes of pain in urolithiasis

Urolithiasis (urolithiasis, urolithiasis) is a disease accompanied by the formation of stones in the lumen of the renal calyces and pelvis. Kidney stones are the result of rather complex biochemical processes. Their formation is associated with crystallization and subsequent deposition of salts that make up urine on the walls of the phlebotomy.

In this case, the stone can have different sizes - from 0.5-1 mm (in this case they talk about sand in the kidneys) to tens of centimeters. Huge stones lead to significant disruption of the kidneys, but small stones can also cause a lot of discomfort to the patient.

Pain is a frequent companion to urolithiasis, and with this pathology there are several options for its development. It is important to understand that the intensity and frequency of unpleasant sensations depends on:

  • localization;
  • forms;
  • nature of the surface;
  • sizes;
  • quantities;
  • stone mobility.

Small stones with a smooth surface, which are attached to the wall of the jaw and do not interfere with the outflow of urine, may not cause discomfort to the patient for a long time. Large stones that compress the kidney tissue cause constant dull aching pain in the lower back.

Often, urolithiasis is complicated by an attack of renal colic - acute intense pain in the lower back. This condition is associated with the movement of small stones with sharp edges from the kidney into the ureter.

Mechanical and chemical irritation of the wall of a hollow muscular organ causes its reflex spasm and a sharp disruption of the outflow of urine. This leads to an increase in pressure inside the kidney, overstretching of the walls of the pelvis and calyces, and then the fibrous capsule of the organ. Irritation of the nerve endings located in the perinephric region causes the patient to experience an attack of severe, often unbearable, excruciating pain.

Symptoms of renal colic

According to statistics, the incidence of urolithiasis among the adult population of the planet ranges from 0.5 to 5.3%. Among all pathologies of the excretory system, urolithiasis ranks third in prevalence.

Kidney stones are more often diagnosed in men than in women. Despite this, among the fair half of humanity, severe forms of the disease, complicated by renal colic, are more common. There are frequent cases of urolithiasis developing in childhood.

In addition to intense pain, which is cramping in nature and localized in the lumbar region in the area of ​​​​the projection of the kidneys, spreading to the groin, external genitalia and thighs, an attack of renal colic is accompanied by:

  • nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • tension of the abdominal wall muscles on the affected side;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature up to 40° C, fever, shaking chills;
  • disturbance (sometimes complete cessation) of urination;
  • cloudiness, change in color of urine: an admixture of bright scarlet blood may appear in it;
  • increased blood pressure.

During renal colic, patients behave restlessly, scream in pain, rush around in bed, trying to take a position that alleviates their suffering. The attack will continue until the stone leaves the body naturally or is surgically removed.

First aid during an attack

The main question that worries a person facing renal colic is “How to relieve pain?” The onset of an attack is an indication to immediately call an ambulance. It is almost impossible to cope with this dangerous complication on your own.

What can you do at home?

While the ambulance is traveling, you can try to alleviate the patient’s condition. First aid for illness includes taking painkillers and antispasmodics, which are in your home medicine cabinet:

  • analgesics (Ketanol, Nimesila);
  • antipyretics from the NSAID group (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol);
  • antispasmodics (No-shpy, Papaverine).

Dry heat relieves muscle tension and reduces pain. However, heating pads or other warming products should be used with caution and only after consulting a doctor.

Medical care for patients with renal colic

After the doctors arrive and the specialist assesses the general condition of the patient, emergency measures are taken to reduce pain and restore the impaired outflow of urine.

Injections are used with:

  • narcotic/non-narcotic analgesics – Pantopon, Promedol;
  • antispasmodics - No-shpa, Platyfillin.

If the measures taken are ineffective or the patient’s general condition is severe, he is hospitalized in the urological or surgical department of the hospital. Specialized assistance is provided in stages:

Diagnostics To confirm the diagnosis and determine the location of the stone, an examination is carried out - ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract, radiography of the abdominal cavity. Purpose of blockades

To facilitate the movement of the stone along the ureter and its evacuation in a natural way, blockades are prescribed:

  • according to Larin-Epstein (introduction of a 0.5% novocaine solution into the round ligament of the uterus in females and the spermatic cord in males);
  • according to Shkolnikov (intrapelvic injection of the drug).
Catheterization of the ureter to restore urine passage

If these measures are ineffective, renal colic can be stopped only through surgery - surgical removal of the stone and drainage of the urinary tract.

Further inpatient treatment is aimed at preventing infectious complications and removing salts and other stones from the kidneys. Patients with urolithiasis are prescribed a diet limiting heavy protein foods and salt, and it is recommended to drink enough fluids throughout the day.

For preventive purposes the following are prescribed:

  • herbal remedies based on horsetail, bearberry, lingonberry leaves;
  • uroseptics (Canephron, Urolesan, Fitolysin).

Concomitant inflammatory changes in the renal tissue (for example, pyelonephritis) are an indication for a course of antibiotic therapy, the use of antispasmodics to restore the impaired outflow of urine and prevent the deposition of uric salts in the cavity of the joint.

Prevention measures: how to prevent the development of an attack in the future

The main preventive measure for the development of repeated attacks of renal colic is to follow a fortified diet, drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily, and regular kidney examinations. You should not put off visiting a doctor if you are periodically bothered by mild dull or aching pain in the lower back. Perhaps this is a consequence of the formation of new stones in the kidneys. This process significantly increases the risk of recurrent renal colic.