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What kind of business to open in a garage production. Clay jugs and dishes. Useful video: ideas for mini production in the garage

Production in the garage: ideas from Europe and China attract attention primarily because they promise a fairly high profitability of production in small areas with minimal investment.

The different ideological and cultural traditions of the peoples inhabiting China and the Europeans also determined slightly different views on production that can be organized in a garage. If it is traditional for Europeans to offer a completely finished product, then for the Chinese there is nothing unusual in the fact that personal production is simply one of the links in a large chain of product creation. This ideological feature was used by Mao Tse Tung when, during the Great Leap Forward, smelting of metal from ore in primitive blast furnaces was organized in many farmsteads. Of course, the metal turned out to be of poor quality, but quite suitable for further processing in industrial plants.

If we compare the business ideas offered to the population in China and in Europe, one detail immediately catches the eye. If in the European mass media the description of a business idea generally begins with a description of the advantages of the product, the ease of its manufacture, and so on, then in the Chinese the first place is always the requirement - first find someone who will buy your product at a decent price, and then create production. If your product does not find demand, do not waste time - look for someone who needs premises with small areas and unskilled workers. When you find it, the time will come to set up your business.

The market for mini-production ideas in small garage-type spaces in China is more extensive. The reason is less stringent legislation. For example, in China you can install equipment for the production of cigarettes, which are then delivered to large factories, where they are already packaged into packs. Sanitary standards of the Russian Federation make it impossible to open such a business in Russia.

For example, a mini-business producing lighters is profitable. However, the strict fire safety requirements established in Russia for this type of production make independent production of such products unprofitable.

The idea of ​​making castings can be borrowed from the Chinese experience. In Russia, such mini-production is common only in relation to the production of fishing weights. In China, private manufacturers enter into contracts with enterprises to supply small parts.

In the article you can get acquainted with some of the most cost-effective options for using garage space from the experience of European and Chinese businessmen who have developed their business.

The advantage of organizing production in a garage

Organizing your own production using the space of your personal garage can become not only a source of additional funds for the family budget, but over time it can grow into a big business. Such production has a number of advantages:

  • you can use inexpensive equipment - mini machines;
  • a small production volume allows you to quickly rebuild clusters of the production process and respond sensitively to changing market demands;
  • at the initial stages of activity, you can postpone registration, saving on this, postponing legalization until you are confident in the demand for the business and create a database of information about customers;
  • practice ideas for increasing competitiveness without high costs;

When starting to think about ideas for using your garage for business purposes, you should first of all pay attention to its size. As a rule, modern garages are 25 mᵌ. In this space it will be necessary not only to place equipment, but also to provide space for storing finished products.

When considering what kind of business to organize in a garage, you should also take into account that the specifics of the structure will not make it possible to organize some of its types, even extremely profitable ones. So, for example, no matter how excellent the garage space is, the sanitary and epidemiological service will never give permission for the production of food group goods in the garage.

This idea originated and was put into practice in Europe, where more than one and a half billion such pallets are used annually. Pallets intended for storing and transporting goods must have great strength. Even small defects lead to the rejection of these products. Since you have to pay for disposal, in European countries it is not difficult to find used pallets.

Pallets are divided into four groups by size:

  • 1000x1200x145 millimeters;
  • euro 800x1200x145 millimeters;
  • lightweight 800x1200x145 millimeters;
  • non-standard.

Within each group there is a division according to the color and quality of the wood from which they are made.

Thus, by basing production on the use of pallet material, you immediately save on cutting processes to fit parts. At your disposal are ready-made elements of future products. If you have a designer's imagination, the range is almost limitless. You can make garden furniture, furniture for bedrooms, for the kitchen, for the living room.

Making toothpicks

This idea of ​​using a garage space originated in China. Toothpicks are one of those everyday items that people use all the time, so this group of products is always in demand.

Organizing such production will not require significant costs. The main ones are the purchase of equipment. As the experience of those who organized the production of toothpicks in their garage shows, all costs are recouped within a calendar year. At the same time, the production process itself is extremely simple and does not require special knowledge and skills.

Cost reduction in such production can also be achieved through the use of wood, which is wasted at wood processing enterprises and can be obtained for free or for a completely symbolic price.

Chinese lanterns

Another idea for organizing production in a garage that came from China is the production of flying lanterns.

Investments in this business are minimal, no special qualifications are needed to perform the work, the product is quite in demand, especially in the days leading up to the holidays.

The increase in sales will be facilitated by the conclusion of contracts with companies that organize weddings and other celebrations.

The main costs are the purchase of special paper impregnated with a fire-retardant solution. In appearance it is similar to tracing paper, but it is somewhat thinner and more durable. Impregnation with this solution reduces the vapor permeability of the paper, making it more resistant to fire and moisture resistant. If you use such paper, you can guarantee consumers the ability to launch flashlights even in light rain.

The color range of such paper is simply huge, so there is no point in listing it. The main requirement applies to its weight - it should not exceed 25 grams/m².

Chinese lanterns come in several forms. The simplest flashlights to manufacture are those that have a rectangular shape. Round shapes will require special paper cutting.

There are no special requirements for the wire from which the frame is made. Traditional bamboo can also be used as a frame material.

In the manufacture of burners, which are fixed in the center of the bottom of the flashlight, rags soaked in paraffin or wax are most often used.

You can increase the number of sales by showing customers how beautiful it looks to launch not one, but several flashlights. Since such goods are usually bought on the eve of any celebrations, people willingly buy several products.

Production of coatings for garden paths

The idea of ​​producing coverings for garden and park paths in small spaces originated in Europe. When thinking about developing such a business in your garage, you need to start from the presence or absence of free access to water supply. When producing tiles based on cement mixtures, you will need not only special equipment, but also a fairly large amount of water, both for preparing the material itself and for washing the equipment.

If access to water is limited, but you are convinced of the high demand for such products, you should not abandon the idea. Today, mini-equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles is produced for small industries. Compared to traditional ones, they have a number of advantages:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • a large selection of shapes, as well as colors, which are determined by the added piments;
  • accuracy of the geometry of the tile contours;
  • high frost resistance - the tiles can withstand 300 annual summer-winter cycles;
  • greater strength, GOST imposes strength requirements for paving surfaces of 400 kg/m², for polymer sand tiles the minimum strength is 500 kg/m².

In Europe, small spaces similar to a car garage are also used to produce coverings for garden paths, which are made from wood. The shape of such tiles can be completely different and depend only on your imagination or the imagination of the customer.

When considering the organization of such production, it should be taken into account that very good ventilation will be required; it would be best to install forced exhaust. In the process of preparing such tiles, the wood is treated with heated drying oil and antiseptic solutions. And if there is a need to decoratively artificially age the wood, then treatment with vitriol will be required. But by installing such equipment, you will significantly expand the range of tiles offered, both in shape, texture and color range.

When searching for future customers, you should not limit yourself to gardening and dacha partnerships and landscape companies that equip the territories of cottages. Wooden paths are also widely used in the design of large and small parks.

Production of building materials - ideas from Europe

If you have access to running water in your garage, you can take advantage of very cost-effective ideas for the production of building materials.

Lego brick production

Bricks of this type are becoming increasingly popular, and therefore in demand, both among builders and customers. The design features greatly simplify the work of masons, reduce construction time, and the use of various pigments allows us to offer bricks of absolutely any color.

To organize such production, any garage space that would preferably be insulated is suitable.

Lego bricks have gained such enormous popularity among those building individual houses that Chinese businessmen have specially developed technological mini-machines for the production of such building materials.

Machines for the production of Lego bricks can be purchased both manual and automatic. You can find a manual machine that costs about 100,000 rubles. These costs can be reduced - the design of the machine is quite simple. If you don’t have a welding machine, you can invite a professional welder - in any case, doing it yourself will help save your initial capital. The productivity of such a manual machine will be sufficient to provide building materials for the construction of one one-story house. The productivity of the automatic machine is 4,500 pieces of bricks in eight hours (shift).

The raw materials used are:

  • screening of limestone rocks (about 90% of the composition);
  • Portland cement (10% of the composition);
  • water;
  • pigments for coloring bricks.

The cost of producing 1 brick is about four rubles.

The introduction of such a business has some peculiarities. First of all, they are related to the seasonality of individual construction.

When planning a business for the production of Lego bricks, you need to take care of the place where it is stored so as not to stop production in the autumn-winter months. There is absolutely no need to use premises for storage. Products can be safely stored outdoors. But to attract the buyer with a “European” appearance, it is better to cover the cubed bricks with inexpensive plastic film.

There are a lot of opportunities to sell products. This:

  • construction stores where you can display product samples;
  • construction markets;
  • construction companies;
  • wholesale resellers;
  • individual developers.

Manual stamping of metal parts

This type of business is quite widespread in China, where the traditional idea of ​​individual labor activity is as a separate link in the technological chain.

Organizing manual stamping of metal products will not require large financial costs. The peculiarity of such a business is strict planning. Although manufactured products can be sold through stores, at the first stage you need to find a customer who will need your product. By collecting information on what prices wholesalers supply similar products at and reducing them slightly, it is quite easy to find buyers among builders, door installers, and so on.

Hand presses can also be used to produce various crafts, furniture parts, garden buildings, and so on.

The advantages of such production:

  • low cost of equipment;
  • low price for raw materials, the choice of which can be provided to customers;
  • small area for organizing production;
  • convenience - you can work practically without leaving your home if it is a built-in garage;
  • quite high profitability.

Those who are looking for mini-production options in small areas are often offered ideas for organizing home soap making. However, although the profitability of such a business is quite high, it will be difficult for you to compete with industrial manufacturers of similar products, since they are certified, and this is an expensive procedure. As an option, you can consider home-made so-called “individual soap” - products that are made specifically for a specific hotel, company, soap for children in the form of toys, cakes, and so on.

Production of product groups for animals

Business ideas for the production of goods for pets are very common in various materials devoted to how to make quick money at low financial costs.

High-quality scratching posts are quite in demand among cat owners. You can easily fill this market niche if you offer consumers, that is, cat owners, scratching posts whose cords are made of high-quality material and do not quickly fray under the claws of users.

Such products can be stationary or portable. Scratching posts are very popular, they are an element of an entire gaming complex.

Shelter houses for cats to relax are also in demand. There are quite a lot of them on the market. The success of such a business depends on how well thought out your products are in terms of convenience for pets, how much they can save living space and how original they will look.

When deciding to use your garage to organize such a workshop, first of all you should evaluate the purchasing power of the population in the place, city where you live. First of all, it should be taken into account that the great demand for goods for pets in Europe gained its right to life only after the standard of living of people, and primarily pensioners, became quite high. This also applies to ideas for the production of bird cages, aquariums, and clothing for animals.

In large cities, where there are fairly large pet markets and shops, quite a good profit can be brought by using a garage for breeding aquarium fish or as a workshop for making various aquarium products. When deciding to choose this path in business, carefully study the aquarium forums - there you will find a lot of useful information about improving the standard products that stores offer. This way, you will be able to offer a product that most closely meets the needs of customers, while the costs will be minimal.

In Southern China, growing aquarium fish in small spaces is quite widespread. One goldfish lays up to 5,000 eggs; half of the fry survive with proper care. If you are interested in such a business, please note that although goldfish and their variations do not require high standards of aquarium keeping, since they are essentially crucian carp, the room temperature should not fall below 17˚C. The use of fluidized bed filters will make it possible to contain a larger number of fish in the same volume as their competitors who use standard biofilters offered in stores.

Production of food group goods in a garage

In Russia, you can use the ideas of using a garage to grow food, namely mushrooms.

This is a fairly highly profitable business that does not require large investments.

When calculating the area for planting mushroom mycelium, do not forget that the bags in which you grow mushrooms can be placed on racks, using the entire space of the garage.

In the garage you can grow not only the usual champignons and oyster mushrooms, but also forest lamellar mushrooms (chanterelles, honey mushrooms), and medicinal mushrooms (Chinese imperial mushroom).

Setting up such a business will require, first of all, not equipment, but some alterations. Mushrooms are quite demanding in terms of living conditions. The garage will need to be completed so that there are no drafts and there is sufficient ventilation - the carbon dioxide content should not exceed certain indicators specific to different types of mushrooms.

If it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature, the garage may have to be insulated.

It is necessary to maintain a certain humidity. This can be achieved using sprayers or simply placing cuvettes with water.

If all conditions are met, an average of 20 kilograms of mushrooms are collected from one square meter of area. The crop growing cycle is 2-3 months.

There are a lot of ideas on how to use your spare garage so that it starts generating income. Guidance when choosing - do you have a real buyer? Labor skills are not the main thing. It is not the Gods who burn the pots and everything can be learned.

Mini production in a garage: overview of the advantages and disadvantages of small enterprises + 5 popular directions for mini production + 7 stages of building a business in a garage + 3 working business ideas.

The popularity of small home businesses today is very high, which is caused by the wide range of possibilities of a modern person. People every now and then give up boring and low-paid jobs in favor of organizing their own business, albeit small, but steadily generating income.

It’s easy to start an entrepreneurial career – just organize a mini-production in your garage.

In this article we will analyze why such a business idea is good and how it can be implemented.

What is mini production and what are its advantages?

Mini production is something like a small business. But if business is a very broad concept, implying various types of entrepreneurial activities, then the name “production” speaks for itself and implies the production of something, and not just its sale.

In short, if you are going to become an organizer of production facilities, then you will inevitably have to produce something, that is, create something.

In this case, the prefix “mini” indicates that your enterprise will have:

  • A small area.
  • Not large scale production.
  • Small working team.

This means that it is quite possible to organize such a business even in your garage.

How relevant is this, you ask?

Small productions are now enjoying great success:

  • Firstly, each home business is special and produces unique products, which are now very competitive in the market.
  • Secondly, the organization of small production facilities is possible in a variety of areas, which is certainly beneficial for the entrepreneur and useful for the consumer.

Mini productions can be easily implemented in the following areas:

  1. Printing and production of advertising products: printing business cards, booklets, posters, production of banners and other outdoor advertising. This also includes photo printing and logos on clothing and decorative items.
  2. Sewing and repairing textiles, such as curtains and various home textiles. With a well-equipped garage, you can even open a tailoring shop.
  3. Manufacturing and repair of furniture: creating furniture according to individual sketches, manufacturing small-sized cabinet interior objects, repairing and reupholstering upholstered furniture products.
  4. Production of souvenirs: handmade soap and candles, decorative pendants, boxes, photo frames, knitted decor.
  5. Production of forged products: fences, fences, decorative elements.

This list of areas for implementing private small productions can be continued for quite a long time. In fact, in almost every industry you can find a suitable one.

But not only this fact makes mini-productions so popular. They have many other advantages.

Let's look at their main pros and cons:

Relatively low starting capital.
Quick payback with proper business management.
Save on renting premises if you have your own garage.
The ability to accept individual orders, which means a constant flow of consumers and the absence of “stale” products.
The ability to work right at home and plan your own work schedule.
It will take time to prepare the garage for organizing production, and there will also be significant material costs if the premises are in poor condition.

If things take a turn for the worse, it will simply be impossible to immediately convert a small enterprise into large-scale production.

Having analyzed that mini-productions actually have many positive features, let’s move on to another important question: “How to create an enterprise in your garage?”

Where to start a mini production in the garage?

You should approach the implementation of home production in the garage in the same way as you would open any other small business.

To implement a business idea to create an enterprise in a garage, you will need to go through 7 main stages.

Stage 1. Analyze the market and demand of the target audience.

First of all, you need to know what the residents of your city or region need. After all, you must admit that in a city where there are 5 curtain sewing studios and not a single furniture manufacturing enterprise, planning a 6th sewing workshop is somewhat unreasonable.

To do this, they carry out so-called monitoring or market analysis in order to understand which enterprises are lacking and what their target audience is: women, men or people of retirement age. They also analyze the presence of competitors in the market and their supply.

If you already have a clear business idea, you can skip this step. If you have not yet fully decided, then, having studied the sales market, proceed to the search for ideas.

Stage 2. Form a business idea.

When choosing the direction of your mini production in the garage, start from the following:

  • Your skills and interests, hobbies.
  • Education.
  • Experience.

It is important that you love what you do and are good at it. Don't forget about market demand.

Step 3. Make a business plan and find premises (in case you don’t have your own garage).

The ideal option, of course, is when you live in a private house and have your own garage with all the utility rooms. But if you don’t have one, that’s not a problem, you can rent it.

Find the required area in advance to get an idea of ​​how much money you will need to start. Indicate all material issues and a rough plan for the development of your business in the business plan. If you are not sure that you can handle it yourself, involve familiar lawyers and economists.

Step 4. Register as an entrepreneur.

In order to legally organize your own mini-production in a garage, you must go through the state registration procedure. After it, you will legally pay taxes for the activities performed.

This is not difficult to do. Prepare a package of documentation and submit an application to the Federal Tax Service at your place of registration.

Detailed information can be found on the official website of the Federal Tax Service: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/ip/interest/reg_ip/petition

Stage 5. Set up the premises and obtain the necessary permits.

As soon as you register, start your entrepreneurial activity.

First of all, organize the selected room, that is, arrange the garage according to the chosen direction of production. After this, obtain permits for this activity from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire inspection.

Stage 6. Purchase materials, equipment and hire workers.

When you put your production area in order, feel free to buy the necessary materials, raw materials, equipment and set up the production process.

Also hire workers if you need them. However, at first you can often cope alone, especially considering that we are discussing garage production.

Stage 7. Launch your mini production.

Put your business process into action and popularize it, that is, advertise and gain consumers.

As you can see, organizing a business right in the garage is not very difficult, but you need to approach the implementation of such a plan responsibly. Think carefully about what you will do and how promising it will be in the place where you live. Only in this case will you be guaranteed success.

Now let’s discuss a few popular manufacturing business ideas that can be implemented in the garage and will be profitable anytime and anywhere.

Mini production in the garage: TOP 3 ideas

The options below for a garage manufacturing business are among the most popular and quickly pay for themselves. Let's consider all the nuances of their implementation.

Mini production idea No. 1. Production of paints.

Paint production is probably one of the most profitable business ideas in the field of small business. Why paints? Because this material is needed by everyone, everywhere. Such a mini-enterprise will be profitable both in a metropolis and in a small village.

The idea can pay for itself extremely quickly, but it has a small drawback - you will need some. On the other hand, literally anyone can organize such a mini-production, since they do not need to have extensive specific knowledge in this area.

a) What colors are best to start with?

Enamels are in great demand on the market today, but to start building a business it is still better to choose water-dispersed paints. We explain why: their cost is lower and the technological process is simpler. In addition, this type of material is in demand among the population.

b) What equipment will be needed and what is the amount of start-up capital?

To begin implementing such a mini-production in the garage, you will need the following elements:

Dissolver-mixer (for paint production)Up to 200 thousand rubles.
Raw materials (bases and pigments)Up to 120 thousand rubles.
Packaging materialsUp to 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the minimum amount of initial capital to open such a production will be from 300 thousand rubles, provided that you do not need to spend money on renting a garage.

If you don’t have your own premises, then add rental costs to the amount.

Do not forget that the garage where you are going to implement a mini-production must have good ventilation, as well as water and electricity supply.

c) How long will it take for such an idea to pay off?

According to experts in this field, the average payback of this production with proper business management and good advertising is no more than 3 months.

As for the paint production process itself, it is very simple and consists of two stages:

  1. Production of pigments.
  2. Their mixing and packaging of products.

The equipment for the production of paints is small and represents a simple production line.

Selling manufactured products is also easy:

  • Prepare small business cards and leave them in public places and local stores.
  • Agree on the sale of products in construction hypermarkets.
  • Create a colorful sign and portfolio of your color range.
  • Agree on cooperation with contractors involved in repairs.
  • Tell us about your business and offer your products to your friends, acquaintances, and neighbors.

Mini production idea No. 2. Sewing home textiles and furniture covers.

Another interesting idea for organizing a mini garage production that can generate a solid income.

Why not curtains, but covers? Because sewing curtains is a very narrow specialization that requires imagination, and even better, education in the field of design. The production of home textiles and covers mainly requires only the ability to sew such products.

This is the only drawback of this idea: you need to know how to use a sewing machine, make patterns, etc. But today this is not a big problem. If you are very interested in this area, you can take a sewing course and within a couple of months begin organizing production.

To implement this mini-production, in addition to the premises (garage), you will also need tools and materials:

Cutting tableFrom 12 thousand rubles.
Sewing machineFrom 45 thousand rubles.
Fabric setFrom 5 thousand rubles.
ScissorsFrom 2 thousand rubles.
Consumables (threads, needles)From 2 thousand rubles.

All this will require start-up capital, and it will amount to approximately 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Its amount depends on what fabrics you will use, and whether you have equipment and premises.

What can be produced so that it is competitive in the market?

  • Furniture covers – for home furnishings and car seats. Both are very popular, since furniture is expensive, and its owners are trying to prolong its life as much as possible. And for families with small children, this is generally an indispensable attribute.
  • Tablecloths and napkins– are not difficult to produce and are necessary in the kitchen of every housewife.
  • Pillows and bedspreads– decorative textile elements made in the desired color and style are in great demand.

Despite the fact that the market is now overflowing with various decorative elements, including textile ones, your mini production can still become very profitable. Small enterprises in this area are especially good because they allow the consumer to interact with the manufacturer in each case, as a result of which both benefit.

You can sell such a product in different ways:

  1. Create an extensive portfolio with samples of various types of work performed and agree on its placement in furniture showrooms, local souvenir shops, shops, etc.
  2. Sell ​​products in the same furniture stores.

But all the above methods should be additional. The main sales channel for the products of such a mini garage production is the Internet. You can create pages on social networks where you will post examples of your work and accept orders.

The most positive thing about this implementation option is that you can sell your products directly abroad. Such mini-productions are very popular there.

And you won’t have to spend money on the site itself. You can do it yourself using one of the free platforms:

  • https://ru.wix.com
  • http://www.setup.ru
  • https://www.ucoz.ru

In a word, sewing covers is a promising idea for mini-production in the garage, taking into account the fact that the payback period for the money invested will be approximately six months.

TOP 9 small business ideas for production
in the garage.

What kind of production can be opened in a garage?
Ideas from Europe and China.

Mini production idea No. 3. Making wooden toys.

is a product that is truly needed everywhere and at all times. And especially now, when store shelves are filled with low-quality plastic products, there is a demand for wooden products.

Wood has long been recognized as an excellent choice for children's games, because... it is an environmentally friendly material, and there are plenty of opportunities to work with it.

By organizing a mini-production in your garage for the production of children's toys, you can create any types of them:

  • Wooden constructors.
  • Cubes, pyramids, sorters.
  • Trains with removable parts.

In addition, if you live outside the city, it will be very promising to realize the production of wooden frames for children's sandboxes. To build such a structure, you need a minimum of money and effort, and you can even sell them in bulk for arranging playgrounds.

Residents of a metropolis can also consider an additional way to make money from such production - making busy boards (these are wooden planks with attached locks, doors, and zippers). They are very popular all over the world among parents and do not require any special skills to make - just a little imagination.

The starting capital for such a mini-production will range from 50-200 thousand rubles. , depending on what products you will produce. Such an enterprise will pay for itself in about one year.

To start production with a small starting capital, first make simple toys - pyramids and cubes.

To create them you will need some tools:

Type of equipmentSamplePrice
DesktopFrom 15 thousand rubles.
ChiselFrom 250 rub.
Wood hacksawFrom 300 rub.
Hand plane From 1000 rub.
Woodworking MachineFrom 16 thousand rubles.

The latter come in 4 types: milling, drilling, grinding, edge banding. Such woodworking machines are usually called highly specialized.

Many people today want to start developing their own business. They don't always have a lot of capital for this. A profitable and financially safe way is to work in your own garage. When opening such a business, you need to know about all sorts of nuances and opportunities.

Growing mushrooms and vegetables

This type of business requires a fairly large premises. It’s even better if seedlings are grown in the garage, and in the future the products will be planted in greenhouses or beds.

Today people willingly buy such goods from private entrepreneurs because:

  • Vegetables and mushrooms do not contain GMOs.
  • The cost during the season is significantly lower than in stores.
  • The products have excellent taste.

Quite strict requirements are imposed on entrepreneurs if they grow mushrooms. So, for fertilizer, compost must be purchased from farmers. Today they are especially popular.

You can consider one of the following product sales options:

  1. Piece sales, that is, work with individuals.
  2. Supply of goods to stores for further sale (products must be certified).
  3. Sale of goods to restaurants, cafes and other public catering establishments.

When working with individuals, as a rule, UTII is used, in other cases you can use OSN or simplified tax system.

Initial costs are small - about 20 thousand rubles. This includes the purchase of seeds, land, fertilizers, and containers for growing.

Breeding birds and animals

There are many options in this type of business.

The main directions are:

  • and animals for their further consumption by clients (this could be rabbits, pigs).
  • Raising purebred animals (usually cats and dogs).
  • Raising animals that act as pets for buyers (this also includes cats and dogs, hamsters, chinchillas, parrots).

The disadvantage of such entrepreneurship is that the invested funds do not pay off immediately. After all, animals need to grow up. They also need constant care (food, drink, changing feeders, cleaning the room).

Animals must have cages specially equipped for them. They need to be purchased or made independently. A considerable part of the expenses will go towards feeding the pets. They will need to be washed and vaccinated. The size of the investment will depend on the number of animals. But this is at least 30–40 thousand rubles.

As for the taxation system, much will depend on the type of sale of animals (piece sales to individuals, sales to meat factories, for example, sales to pet stores). An entrepreneur can choose UTII or simplified tax system.

This type of business will require considerable investment from the entrepreneur. To work you will need quite expensive equipment.

The auto repair shop can provide all or part of the following services:

  1. Diagnostics.
  2. Adjustment.
  3. Tire service.
  4. Repair.
  5. Washing.

To do this you will need:

  • Diagnostic stand.
  • Lift.
  • Balancing machine.
  • Tire changer.
  • Press.
  • Welding machine.

And this is not counting the many small tools that will also be needed to carry out the activity.

The initial costs will be at least 100 thousand rubles, and this is subject to the provision of only part of the listed services. Of course, you can get by with small jobs, but then the level of demand and income will be much lower.

The difficulty will be finding qualified employees. The start-up enterprise does not have a high level of income, so it will be necessary to develop it in order to attract responsible employees.

The location of the service is also important. It is better to be located near major highways and parking lots. Thus, not only regular customers will contact the workshop, but also people who have had a breakdown while driving near the service center.

Production of upholstered and cabinet furniture

This type of business is quite in demand today. The advantage is a lower price than large furniture suppliers. The most profitable option is to work with ready-made raw materials. If we are talking about cabinet furniture, then you need to find suppliers of chipboard and MDF boards. Any furniture production will also require fittings, coatings, and paints.

When choosing between upholstered and cabinet furniture, you need to remember that the first accounts for 17% of the domestic market, and the rest is cabinet furniture.

It is better to start your business with the production of upholstered furniture, since in this area the costs will be much lower. Subsequently, it will be possible to open another workshop.

To produce cabinet furniture you will definitely need:

  • Computerized machines (at the initial stage, you can do without them and work with cutting manually).
  • Milling machine.
  • Lathe.
  • Small tool.

You will need at least 60 thousand rubles to purchase tools and equipment for the workplace.

You can work with clients according to one of the following schemes:

  1. Sell ​​furniture in your own premises (usually to individuals).
  2. Conclude contracts with large stores and supply goods for sale to them.
  3. Establish contact with hotels, government agencies, and companies that need large supplies of furniture.

Depending on the chosen scheme, you can use OSN, simplified tax system or UTII.

Printed mini-publishing house

Printing mini-production is in great demand today.

Its services are used by:

  • Small businesses.
  • State organizations.
  • Universities, schools.
  • Companies involved in sales (for printing price tags, price lists).
  • Catering establishments and production units.

You can work in several directions, which will determine the list of necessary equipment.

Equipment is usually divided into the following groups:

  1. Risographs (usually used for black and white printing).
  2. Color copiers.
  3. Offset machines (business cards are printed on them).

In the latter case, you will also need a cutting machine to give the desired shape to the paper, equipment for binding and folding.

Minimum investment size: 30–40 thousand rubles.

A significant disadvantage of this type of business is that there are a large number of large competing companies in the industry. It will be difficult to promote your own company to attract clients. And yet, by investing a relatively small amount of money, an entrepreneur can soon become the owner of a profitable production.

There are many options.

Here are the most popular ones:

  • Dry car wash.
  • Manual car wash.
  • Automated car wash.

The first allows you to make a profit very quickly. At the same time, the initial costs will be quite small (20–30 thousand rubles). This variety is not so popular among car owners today, but it can be used even in the cold season.

Manual car washing is also inexpensive. 40–50 thousand rubles are enough for work. We will have to develop a drainage system and pipe water into the garage. Subsequently, the level of income will be high due to the use of labor and inexpensive materials.

An automated car wash is an expensive proposition. Initial costs are at least 200–300 thousand rubles. The advantage is that there is no need to attract many workers. At the first stages, a businessman himself can coordinate the work of a car wash, and only then hire an employee.

A significant disadvantage of the last two varieties is the seasonality of the business. During the cold season, car enthusiasts are much less likely to go to salons to wash their cars. Therefore, during this time you will have to look for alternative types of business. For example, you can combine a car wash with a workshop.

Making clay pots and sculptures

People are increasingly choosing handmade products, pushing into the background things that are stamped in thousands in factories. That is why making things from clay is in great demand today.

The greatest interest is shown in the following types of products:

  • Dishes.
  • Works of art.

To work you will need special tools:

  1. Potter's wheel.
  2. Clay.
  3. Special grids for creating shapes.
  4. Paints, if you plan to paint products.

You can try making a pottery wheel yourself. In general, the initial costs will be 15–20 thousand rubles.

One of the most difficult stages will be finding a master. Pottery is a complex craft that not everyone can master. You need to approach personnel selection very responsibly, because the level of demand and customer returns for new products will directly depend on this.

Products made from polymer clay are in particular demand. It is also advantageous to use because the products do not require subsequent firing.

There are several ways to work in this area:

  • Manufacturing of goods to order.
  • Sales of products to stores selling handmade goods.
  • Direct sales (for example, via the Internet).

Sewing clothes, curtains, covers and other things

This business format is suitable for people who know how to sew. Another option is to hire a professional seamstress. In the second case, the employee will take most of the profit. Today, the niches of sewing clothes for pets - cats, dogs - are actively developing.

The initial investment will be about 50 thousand rubles. The bulk of them will be used to purchase equipment.

To work you will need:

  1. Sewing machine.
  2. Overlock.
  3. Special scissors.
  4. Materials (threads, buttons, zippers, locks, fabrics and trim elements).

You can work according to the following schemes:

  • Make goods to order.
  • Sew products for sale.
  • Combine the first two options.

It is very important to find clients at the initial stage, so part of the costs will go to advertising your own studio.

An important feature: tailoring is included in the list of household services, so if an organization works only with individuals, then UTII must be chosen as a form of taxation.

Seasonal storage of tires, bicycles, snowboards, skis and other things

The idea of ​​seasonal storage is gaining popularity. Today, many people do not have their own garages or space in their apartments to keep tires, bicycles and other equipment at home. It is much more convenient to rent them out for a while. The most popular type is tire storage.

Working in this area does not require large investments. If an entrepreneur has his own garage, then all he needs to do is install an alarm and equip storage areas. 10–15 thousand rubles will be enough for this.

The most promising location is near parking lots, ski resorts (if we are talking about storing skis and snowboards), and bicycle routes.

This business cannot be called very profitable. To get more bang for your buck, you can additionally arrange equipment rental or tire service.

There is no need to promote such a business if you choose the right place to work. People will seek services themselves.

Organization of trade

This type of business is highly profitable and very attractive.

There are several options here:

  1. Sales of independently produced products.
  2. Resale of goods.
  3. Organization of joint purchases.

The first option has a serious drawback - a limitation in sales volumes, because it will no longer be possible to sell more than you have.

For the resale of goods, the garage space can be used to store goods. Purchases can be made via the Internet, for example. Here the income will be equal to the difference between the sales and purchase prices. An increase in sales volumes will mean an increase in profits. You can sell through your own website.

Organizing joint purchases is especially popular today. Income is the organizational fee minus expenses. As a rule, it is 10–15% of the total cost of goods. The point of the work is to find people who are ready to purchase products via the Internet at a price lower than in stores. Such work can bring 20–30 thousand rubles in profit, and sometimes much more.

Each of the presented models has its own characteristics and difficulties. For a business to be successful, you need to approach your work carefully and study the legislation. The most important thing is to love what you do, then it will definitely bear fruit.

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