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Ovulation calculator. Numerology of the day: how to calculate your lucky date

In any business, the main component of success is careful planning. But how to plan the right time? You can choose a favorable day intuitively, you can act logically, or you can turn to esoteric knowledge.

Astrologers believe that each day of the week is patronized by a certain celestial body. Based on this, you can determine the day most favorable for a particular activity. Perhaps the work of esotericists in this area will also be useful to you. Monday, patronized by the capricious, feminine and changeable Moon, is considered a difficult, restless day. Any activity started on Monday can turn into a disaster, or it can result in great success. Moreover, regardless of the efforts of the “doer”. So people who start something on Monday act at their own peril and risk.

But Tuesday is the day of hot, warlike Mars. It is on Tuesday that you should start everything related to achievement, which requires active and quick actions, pressure and even aggressiveness. Any physical work that requires dexterity and strength will also go like clockwork on Tuesday.

Mercury, the messenger of the gods in winged sandals, patronizes the environment. And therefore Wednesday is a favorable day for everything related to information, commerce, transactions, travel and research.

Thursday is Jupiter's day. And Jupiter loves the shine of gold, the shine of crowns and happy smiles. On this day, you can resolve all issues related to government agencies, finance, taxes and banking. Officials will most likely meet you halfway, and a trip to higher authorities or financial organizations will bring the desired result. Friday is the day most suitable for casting a love spell. And all because she is patronized by the planet Venus, the goddess of love, harmony and fertility. Friday favors love marriages, and any work on this day will be pleasant and fruitful.

Saturday in the astrological sense is not a day off. The fact is that Saturn, the guardian of time, a connoisseur of order and strict discipline, became her patron. Saturday is a great day for scrupulously counting losses and gains, summing up any operations.

And finally, Sunday. It is under the jurisdiction of the Sun itself, which gives this day carefree, bright and warm energy. The sun favors everything related to creativity, as well as family values. By devoting Sunday to your children, your home or your favorite hobby, you will certainly receive pleasure and a huge charge of positivity.

An ovulation calculator is one of the ways to determine the most favorable days for conceiving a child. After all, conceiving a child, even for a completely healthy couple, is not always easy; if you don’t “get” on a favorable day, then pregnancy will not occur. Some people are luckier and pregnancy occurs quickly, while others have to wait several months. Our ovulation and conception calculator will help you calculate that exact time.

But keep in mind that the results obtained may not be entirely reliable. The female body is very mysterious, and sometimes phenomena that are not entirely clear to medicine occur in it. For example, ovulation can occur towards the end of the menstrual cycle or vice versa in the first third (whereas it should be exactly in the middle). There are often stories on the Internet from women who claim that they became pregnant on days that were absolutely safe in terms of the likelihood of conception. So, an online ovulation calculator should not be considered as an independent means of contraception. It is useful as an additional remedy for some categories of women.

As you know, today the most effective and efficient means of contraception are combined hormonal pills and the Mirena spiral. But, unfortunately, hormonal contraceptives have many contraindications and side effects. And not all healthy women are recommended to take them... For example, if a woman has only one healthy sexual partner, but sex life is not regular - 1-2 times a month, or even less often, then you can use safer methods - spermicides, and on dangerous days, as a supplement, also condoms. Dangerous days can be determined by doing some calculations. You need to know the length of your menstrual cycle. Moreover, if it is irregular, then you must first calculate the average value, taking the last 6-12 months as a basis. Next, we calculate exactly the middle of the cycle. This way we get the approximate day of ovulation. We add a week before and a week after - the so-called dangerous time. Thus, half of the month is “dangerous” for a woman, and half is relatively “safe”. If you don’t want to count on paper and trust software calculations more, our ovulation calculator is at your service - you can calculate favorable and unfavorable days for conception right now by entering some data.

Now about something more pleasant - about planning a pregnancy using an online calendar. Here mistakes are no longer so scary, even if they happen. Using the program presented on this page, you can calculate the days most likely for pregnancy. It turns out there are already 9 of these days, or even more! But with frequent sexual intercourse, the number of viable sperm becomes smaller, which means the chances of conception are lower. Better to save your energy. Therefore, we not only use an online ovulation calculator, but also practice the good old method - measuring basal temperature. If financial possibilities allow, we buy tests to determine ovulation. The onset of ovulation is indicated by an increased (above 37 degrees) basal temperature (taking into account possible factors other than pregnancy that could give such a reaction) and a positive ovulation test. You can also confirm the release of an egg from the ovary using an ultrasound examination. There are also subjective signs, such as increased sexual desire, pain in the lower abdomen or from the ovary and fallopian tube involved in the process, the appearance of transparent, rather profuse vaginal discharge.

If you only had part of the evidence of ovulation, but conception did not occur, do not worry. According to statistics, a very small number of couples succeed in getting pregnant in the first 1-3 months of trying. And doctors generally say that you need to start worrying if pregnancy does not occur for more than 10-12 months of sexual activity without contraception. The fact is that that most favorable day does not happen every menstrual cycle - so, calculating an ovulation calculator is only half the battle. To achieve quick results, psychologists recommend simply relaxing and stopping counting and calculating things, making love in certain positions and according to the clock, etc. Stress has too negative an effect on our body. So if you're in a rush to become parents, just go on vacation and enjoy each other's company! And the printed ovulation and conception calculator will then become for you one of the pleasant reminders associated with the period of planning a baby.

One of the deciding factors for women planning a pregnancy is their menstrual cycle. Timing your partner to have sex on certain days of your menstrual cycle around ovulation can significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant. Before calculating the most favorable days for conception, you need to better know the features of your cycle and learn how to properly track it.


Part 1

Understanding the Menstrual Cycle

    Identify the key stages of your menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle consists of several stages, but this does not mean that you can conceive a child throughout the entire cycle. It is a myth that a woman can become pregnant at any stage of her menstrual cycle. The truth is that you can only get pregnant on the most fertile days, before and after ovulation. Ovulation occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube before being fertilized by a sperm. The phases of the menstrual cycle are as follows:

    Determine favorable days for conception. This is the period of your menstrual cycle when you are more likely to become pregnant after intercourse. For most women, the favorable period for conception lasts about six days.

    • Remember that sexual intercourse on favorable days does not guarantee pregnancy 100%. But your chances of getting pregnant will increase significantly if you have sexual intercourse within 5 days before ovulation and 24 hours after it. Healthy young couples typically have a 20-37% chance of getting pregnant using this system.
  1. Determine whether you have a regular menstrual cycle. Every woman has a different menstrual cycle, which can change due to external factors such as stress. The best way to determine whether your cycle is regular, that is, how closely each subsequent cycle coincides with the previous one, is to track its duration over three to four months.

    • Mark the first day of your period on a calendar. Label it “Day One.” Then count down the days until your next menstrual cycle. Remember that the average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but it can also last from 21 to 35 days.
    • Do this for three to four months. Note the difference in the duration of each cycle.
  2. Pay attention to the irregularity of the cycle. You may have an irregular cycle if, after three to four months of tracking your menstrual cycle, you do not notice any consistency. This happens to many women and can be explained by a number of factors, such as sudden weight loss, increased physical activity, stress or serious health problems. Check with your doctor if you have an irregular period to find out if you have any serious medical conditions. Women with irregular cycles can still determine their best days to conceive, it just takes more time and effort than for women with regular cycles.

    Part 2

    Determining favorable days for conception
    1. Use the length of your menstrual cycle to determine the most favorable days for conception. If you have regular periods, you can determine your fertile days by tracking the length of your menstrual cycle. The most favorable days for conception will be the six days before and during ovulation. But the most favorable days will be the three days before and during ovulation. Use the length of the menstrual cycle to determine the most favorable period for conception by counting 14 days from the total duration of the menstrual cycle:

    2. Check your body temperature or use an ovulation tracking kit if you have an irregular menstrual cycle. If you have an irregular cycle or think your cycle is irregular, use other methods to track your ovulation days:

      • Monitor your body temperature. During ovulation, body temperature rises. Check for heat shift by taking your temperature at the same time every morning. Most women experience a half degree deviation in body temperature 24–48 hours after ovulation. You can use a regular thermometer or buy a special thermometer to determine your basal body temperature.
      • Buy a kit to determine your ovulation period. Look for a kit at your local pharmacy. Although this is a more expensive method than taking your temperature, it will help you more accurately determine your ovulation period. This kit will test your urine and determine the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in it. You will need to urinate on the test sticks to determine when your levels of this hormone rise. This is a sign that one of your ovaries is ready to release an egg, or that you are about to ovulate.
      • Observe changes in the mucus secreted by the cervix. Before ovulation, your body will begin to release large amounts of thin, clear mucus produced by the cervix. This substance helps the sperm enter the egg. Just before ovulation begins, you will notice mucus on your underwear or around your vagina. It will be transparent, viscous and slippery, like the white of a raw egg. You can collect a sample of cervical mucus by lightly rubbing the vaginal opening with a piece of tissue or a clean finger. If you checked for discharge during one day and did not notice mucus, most likely this is not the most favorable period for conception.
    3. Enter into an intimate relationship during the most favorable period for conception. Most doctors recommend having sex with your partner every day or every other day for five days before ovulation, as well as for the day after. Although sperm live in a woman's body for five days, the lifespan of an egg is usually between 12 and 24 hours, so intercourse before, during and after ovulation will increase your chances of getting pregnant.

      • Focus on having sex during your fertile period, or three to five days before ovulation. Don't wait until you ovulate, because by the time the sperm enters your body, the egg will no longer be ready to be fertilized.
      • If you're under 35 and have had sex on your fertile days in the last 12 months but haven't gotten pregnant, or if you're over 35 and have been tracking your fertile days for six months with no results, talk to with your doctor to evaluate your fertility. You and your partner can get a fertility test to determine if you have any health problems that might make it difficult for you to get pregnant.

A pregnancy can be considered favorable if it occurs in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of both partners, at the most appropriate and successful time, which proceeds systematically and without deviations, and as a result is crowned with the birth of a healthy and strong baby. Any married couple who longs for a new addition to their family cannot help but dream of such a pregnancy. And in order for the pregnancy to be favorable, each of the couples makes every effort.

There are so-called for pregnancy - a short period of time in the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle, the most successful for conceiving a baby. On average, this period is several days - from 6 to 8: a mature egg is ready for fertilization from one to three days, and sperm remain active for two to three days. Having calculated in a suitable way what time the days favorable for pregnancy fall, the couple should have sex every day at this time. There are several methods by which favorable days for conception are determined: this is the method of basal body temperature, the method of studying cervical mucus. Thus, the calendar method involves tracking the menstrual cycle by day; basal temperature method - measuring this very temperature and drawing up an appropriate chart; method of researching secretions - tracking the moisture and elasticity of secretions.

As for the ideal age for a successful pregnancy: it is believed that it should be 20-25 years for the expectant mother and 25-30 years for the expectant father. At 20-25 years old, a woman’s body is most prepared for bearing and giving birth to a baby - right now all its systems are working at full capacity, and therefore are able to provide the baby with everything necessary. A man, in turn, is also in the prime of his life: before the age of 30, the male reproductive system produces three times more sperm than upon reaching the age of 40. In addition, such a couple is psychologically more prepared for the birth of a child. And yet, pregnancy, even at this ideal age for its occurrence, will only be favorable if it becomes planned. You should take appropriate tests, avoid stress and colds, and 2 months before pregnancy - lead the healthiest possible lifestyle: eliminate bad habits, eat rationally and get enough sleep. Thus, the chances of conceiving a healthy and resilient baby increase significantly.

If we talk about the time of year most suitable for bearing a baby: many experts agree that the best time for a favorable pregnancy is when the first trimester falls in autumn, and childbirth occurs in spring-summer. In this case, during the first three months of pregnancy there is a time of year when there is an abundance of natural vitamins, the weather is no longer hot and stuffy, but the cold has not yet set in. Therefore, the expectant mother will receive all the necessary nutrients from natural products, and will also have the opportunity to enjoy walks in the fresh air, which she now so needs. The second trimester will occur in the winter months: this period of pregnancy is considered the calmest and most invulnerable, and therefore even if a pregnant woman catches a cold, it will not be as dangerous as in the first and third trimester. And finally, the last trimester will occur in spring and early summer, which is characterized by the return of warm days. At first, they will give the pregnant woman the opportunity to spend more time in the fresh air, and later mother and baby will enjoy walks together. The shortage, which is common at this time of year, can always be compensated for with special vitamin complexes for pregnant women. It is also convenient that as the weather warms up, it will be possible to gradually get rid of warm clothes, which are so annoying when you have a big belly that has already grown.

In general, a favorable pregnancy is one that the spouses desired and planned. It is a favorable pregnancy that makes it possible, in most cases, to bear a child without any complications, and then raise him in love and joy.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

Every day is unique. It carries new discoveries, emotions, feelings, success or defeat. But is it possible to predict which day promises to be the most successful for your business? Of course you can. Numerology provides all the answers to these questions. Simple calculations are within the power of each of you.

Any number, day of the week, or year always carries a charge of a certain energy. If you learn to calculate dates, you will always be on top.

Lucky days are called lucky days. Find your lucky number. This does not require complex mathematical calculations, all you need is a calculator and your attentiveness. Create your own successful year calendar. Your life will change if you follow it, because it’s so easy to live when you know that today promises to be successful.

Number Science Helps You Every Day

Numerology is the science of numbers. She is precise, mystical, amazing, but never wrong. Of course, for this you need to be able to count well. All calculations are very simple - addition, subtraction and, very rarely, multiplication. So, it’s not difficult to calculate everything you need. How can numerology help?

  • Determining a good day for a wedding, important event, moving, buying an apartment, etc.;
  • calculation of a person's destiny number;
  • making a forecast for the next year, day of the week.

Every day carries a certain energy. It may coincide with yours, then the effect of energetic harmony occurs. On such days of the week everything always goes well. It turns out that you have projects that you have been working on for a long time, purchases bring a lot of benefits, and a wedding or the birth of a child is a great happiness for you.

On other days of the year, any work falls out of hand. Such a date should be marked with a black marker on your calendar - do not start business, do not make appointments. Just wait out this unpleasant moment in some quiet place. It’s good that there aren’t so many of these days, otherwise it wouldn’t be easy for people.

It's all about the energy of the heavenly bodies. On a certain day, Venus, Mars, the Moon and the Sun occupy a special position relative to your zodiac constellation. This generates a release of energy that can harm you or help you. It all also depends on your personal code - the number that forms your date of birth.

How to calculate a lucky day

First of all, it is necessary to calculate the “vibrating” value of the number. Each date contains the day, month and year - it's simple and understandable to everyone. For example, the date is December 12, 2015. How would you describe this day? To answer this question, let's simplify the number:


The day will pass under the sign of the number 7, it can be easily found in the description. But advanced numerologists don’t stop there. What will this day be like for you personally? This is also easy to calculate. Let's remember the value 7, and now determine your personal code. Let's assume a person was born on August 14, 1989. Its number is calculated in the same way:


Now we have two values ​​- some date in the future and the person's personal code. Let's add them up, and the result will determine the situation:

All that remains is to look at the table of values.

Simple calculations will save you from troubles

Number meanings from 1 to 9

A day for action. A very good date to start something. Feel free to schedule important things for this day.

It's best to think things through. You can make a lot of mistakes on this day if you are not careful. It starts out sunny, but rain or even snow can come suddenly. In any season.

Number 3 hints that you need to listen to yourself. Show your intuition, try to feel for yourself what to do. It's a day for the sixth sense.

Did the calculation give you the number 4? This means that you will need to try hard. On this day, do physical labor, it will bring success.

Try not to go on adventures. If 5 is the number of your day, then there may be financial losses for those who take money too lightly.

A harmonious day for all endeavors. Plan all the most important things for the day with the six. Make sure you do the calculations correctly just in case.

It makes sense to work alone. This is how inspiration will come to you. Rely only on your own strengths, then you will achieve success. Internal concentration number.

The date “8” is very good for realizing old ideas. It is on this day that you will achieve what you have been dreaming about for many years.

Using numerological calculations, choose the best day for your wedding

I can't think of a better day to work on myself. Read, study, work, go for a run. Save this day for yourself.

Lucky day for a wedding

This is how successful days are determined for many events. One of the most important is the wedding. For this solemn, happy day, not only the weather outside is important, but also in the house. Numerology gives a simple recipe for you and your partner on how to choose the best day. You need to start with the pair forecast.

Step One: Bride and Groom Code Compatibility

  • 06.1988 - date of birth of the bride.
  • 04.1980 - date of birth of the groom.

1+1+6+1+9+8+8 = 7,

1+3+4+1+9+8 = 8,

Now we just add the values, it turns out 7+8=15=6. Great, this is a very harmonious date. They have good compatibility, because six is ​​the number of harmony. The calculation was correct, so we can move on and give them the perfect wedding day.

Step two: ideal day of the month

Now they need to choose a month. A lot depends on the choice of month, because it affects the result. For example, they want to get married in the summer, in August. August - 08.2015. Numerology is an exact science, sometimes painstaking. It is necessary to calculate the best dates from August 2015. Here the calculation is carried out for each day: 08/1/2015, 08/2/2015…08/31/2015.

Let’s immediately determine the day of the month and year:

The sum of the numbers in the pair is 6. Let’s add these two values: 16+6=22 or 4.

Now you need to add the number 4 to all the days of the month in turn:

Let's write all the values ​​in the table, simplifying the numbers. I learned a table with values ​​from 1 to 9. The best day for a wedding will be the one that passes under the sign of six. There are 4 such days in August. A good day will be “one”. There are only three of them. Eight is also suitable, especially if you have been planning a wedding for a long time. Now the couple has 11 most suitable days when they can schedule a celebration. All that remains is to choose and invite guests.

1 5 2 (11) 6 3 (21) 7 4 (31) 8
2 6 3 (12) 7 4 (22) 8
3 7 4 (13) 8 5 (23) 9
4 8 5 (14) 9 6 (24) 1
5 9 6 (15) 1 7 (25) 2
6 1 7 (16) 2 8 (26) 3
7 2 8 (17) 3 9 (27) 4
8 3 9 (18) 4 1 (28) 4
9 4 1 (19) 5 2 (29) 6
1 (10) 5 2 (20) 6 3 (30) 7

The calculation takes no more than 10-15 minutes, and you have an ideal day that suits both, and even promises an excellent future for the union. Numerology works wonders. In the same way, you can calculate any event in your life.

Your life will be successful if you believe in yourself. You shouldn’t drive yourself into a prison of good and bad dates. Every day numerology is just advice on how you can carry out important things more successfully. Any day of the year can be successful, the main thing is to believe in yourself. Of course, using a numerological calendar is very useful. Plan for really important events ahead of time. The current year always gives you many good days when everything works out.

It is best to start calculating your lucky day at the end of the month. Then you have time to think about everything, think about what things need to be planned first.

Be sure to check your calculations well; if you don’t trust yourself to count mentally, then use a calculator. This is an exact science, everything must be correct, otherwise an error of one will be fatal to the plans.

Today is a unique day, which means enjoy it. If you get a result for today that says this day will not be your lucky day, then do not despair. Spend it with your family, watch your favorite movie. Let the troubles be everyday, not dangerous. This way you will save yourself from problems and your loved ones from worries.

Do not impose your method of counting days on your family or friends. Firstly, they don’t disclose their Luck to everyone. Secondly, they have the right not to believe that numerology is capable of such miracles. Improve yourself, learn, you will definitely succeed.