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Corporate culture as an important aspect of company management. Management and corporate culture using the example of McDonald's enterprise report

Development of activities to maintain the corporate image of McDonald's LLC

Planning activities to improve the corporate image of McDonald's LLC

Since the task of improving the corporate image of the company cannot be effectively resolved without first improving the overall management system and organization of personnel activities, the following sequence is proposed in the implementation of recommendations for improving the corporate image of McDonald's LLC:

It is recommended to start improving the corporate culture of a company from the management level. Conduct a series of comprehensive classes (with elements of a business game) for heads of structural divisions in order to develop:

  • · a common understanding of the role and place of structural units, heads of various management levels in the overall management system and organization of the management cycle;
  • · awareness by managers of the need for a clearer division of powers and areas of responsibility between them;
  • · an integrated approach to organizing functional interaction between management levels.

Within the framework of the created working group, the PR manager needs to individually determine with each manager the required volume, nature and desired timing for receiving initial management and production information from other structural divisions.

Summarize the data obtained and, during joint group working meetings, clarify with managers the level and nature of the so-called mutual claims.

Develop a realistic management algorithm for organizing interaction between structural units and within them with a clear indication of the order in which mutual information is presented over time.

During the analysis of the corporate structure of McDonald's LLC, set out in Chapter 2, it became clear that this enterprise is faced with the task of adapting its products to new market requirements.

1. Development of a new plan for marketing and PR activities with the possibility of implementing it in Nizhny Novgorod.

To improve the corporate image of McDonald's LLC, it is proposed to hold a corporate holiday.

Holiday is an exclusive product. It cannot be repeated twice, it cannot be rehearsed, and it is completely impossible to predict what might happen during it. So, if in a theater the actors first rehearse each play, then arrange a premiere show, and only after that they begin to present it to the public (and from the beginning of the season to its end, the quality of the performance improves), then the holiday is a one-time event, and something needs to be corrected later impossible. That is, everything should go brightly, emotionally, without overlaps, in accordance with the script. But as is usually the case, you have to act in unforeseen circumstances, and they are not always favorable. Improvisation and the ability to find a way out of the most dead-end situations are qualities necessary for all members of the team of holiday organizers. An instant change of tactics, a change in the scenario, the emergence of unforeseen difficulties and problems that require immediate solutions - this is a normal situation when holding a holiday. The possibility of such a turn of events should always be taken into account when planning a corporate holiday.

The organizers will include: Human Resources Department and Advertising and PR Department. The head of the Human Resources Department should be appointed as the main responsible person.

I. Brief summary of the essence of the project: what should be done and how - holding events dedicated to the birthday of Ronald McDonald.

  • 1. Project competition “Sandwich Monument”
  • 2. Grand opening of the monument
  • 3. Children's drawing competition “My family and I at McDonald's”
  • 4. Promotion “Transportable cheeseburger”
  • 5. Photo competition for the best photo of gatherings at a McDonald's restaurant.
  • 6. Win-win lottery.

II.Complex of media coverage:

  • 1. Distribution of press releases
  • 2. Creating a promotional video
  • 3. Press conference.
  • 4. Production of advertising and information materials: flyers, catalogues, promotional materials (posters, stickers)

III. Scheme of design work:

This includes the following activities:

  • 1. Promotion “Transportable cheeseburger”
  • 2. Announcement and holding of the “Sandwich Monument” project competition.
  • 3. Announcing and holding a children's drawing competition “My family and I at McDonald's.”
  • 4. Announcing and holding a photo competition for the best photo of gatherings at a McDonald's restaurant.
  • 5. Distribution of press releases.
  • 6. Creation of a promotional video.
  • 7. Production of advertising and information materials: flyers, catalogues, promotional materials (posters, stickers).
  • 8. Production of corporate souvenir and promotional products with the company logo (fountain pens, notepads, plastic bags).
  • 2. Stage:
  • 1. Ceremonial summing up of the results of the “Sandwich Monument” project competition - opening of the Monument. Winner's reward ceremony.
  • 2. Solemn summing up of the results of the children's drawing competition “My family and I at McDonald's.” Winner's reward ceremony.
  • 3. Summing up the results of the photo competition. Winner's reward ceremony.
  • 4. Distribution of advertising and information materials: flyers, catalogs, promotional materials (posters, stickers).
  • 5. Distribution of corporate souvenir and promotional products with the company logo (fountain pens, notepads, plastic bags).
  • 6. Demonstration of a commercial.
  • 7. Conducting a win-win lottery.
  • 8. Press conference.

IV. Summarizing. The results of the project can be assessed both quantitatively: the total mass of newspaper material, the overall audience coverage, and qualitatively: the level of representation of event participants, the representativeness and nature of reviews of the events held and the company as a whole.

The objectives of special PR campaigns come down to two important points: ensuring the constant presence of a commercial structure in the information field and additionally attracting the attention of journalists and wide target audiences to the company, its products or services.

Empirical indicators for assessing project outcomes:

  • 1. Coverage - the scale of dissemination of information about the complex of events dedicated to the birthday of Ronald McDonald.
  • 2. Number and tone of media materials.
  • 3. Reaching audiences.
  • 4. Fame - change in knowledge about the McDonald's restaurant.
  • 5. Attitude - improving the opinion of the McDonald's restaurant.
  • 6. Feedback - purchases made at McDonald's restaurant.

Project effectiveness

V. The effectiveness of our project can be assessed and measured by indicators such as:

  • · receipt of messages sent to them by target groups;
  • · drawing attention to these messages;
  • · Memorizing messages.

The main results of the project boil down to changes in opinions, attitudes and behavior of our target audience.

Measuring outcomes will include the use of methods such as media content analysis, online analysis, event evaluation, and public opinion polls.

In the proposed project we will use special events. Let's talk about this in more detail. So, special PR events represent a large group of PR actions that are actively used in cases of active maintenance of a corporate image. Therefore, we will initiate these events ourselves.

The objectives of the planned special PR campaigns boil down to two important points: ensuring the constant presence of a commercial structure in the information field and additionally attracting the attention of journalists and wide target audiences to the McDonald's restaurant and its goods and services.

The developed project includes a whole arsenal of special events, varying depending on the specifics of the target audience or product, and the required scale of actions.

The “highlight” of the project, capable of attracting the attention of a wide audience and the close attention of journalists, will be the “Monument to a Sandwich” project competition and the “Transportable Cheeseburger” campaign.

For the target audience, in order to stimulate interest in the McDonald's restaurant through special promotions, a number of prizes (video camera, photo camera, discount coupons for lunch at the restaurant) will be used during the project. Issues of active interaction with target audiences will be resolved through competitions - the “Monument to a Sandwich” project competition, the “My family and I at McDonald’s” children’s drawing competition, a photo competition for the best photo of gatherings at a McDonald’s restaurant, and the “Transportable Cheeseburger” campaign.

The plan for a set of events dedicated to Ronald McDonald's birthday will include a number of related events:

  • · surveying target groups to identify opinions or interest in the McDonald's restaurant;
  • · exclusive media interviews;
  • · distribution of advertising and information materials: brochures, flyers, catalogs, promotional materials (calendars, posters, stickers);
  • · distribution of corporate souvenir and promotional products with the company logo (fountain pens, notepads, plastic bags).

Let us describe in more detail the activities included in the schedule.

  • 1. It is necessary to prepare and distribute press releases and invitations to a press conference to a pre-compiled mailing list. The list of invitees should be drawn up from the point of view of inviting friendly journalists.
  • 2. It is necessary to develop a script for a TV commercial. Ensure that advertising is produced efficiently and in a timely manner.
  • 3. The advertising manager needs to negotiate with PA “Video International-Nizhny Novgorod” about the time of release of advertisements, determine the frequency of advertising releases, and the release time.
  • 4. Agree with the advertising departments of the newspapers “Komsomolskaya Pravda-Nizhny Novgorod” and “Nizhny Novgorod News”. Determine the area of ​​the advertisement.
  • 5. Develop regulations on held competitions, decide on the method of informing those wishing to participate in competitions, the competition commission, and the place where competition works will be accepted.
  • 6. Carefully prepare promotions, lotteries, prizes, presentation and promotional materials for the event.
  • 2. Improving work in the field of personnel management.

Since a survey of McDonald's restaurant visitors revealed an unsatisfactory level of professional competence of staff, we will propose measures to improve work in the field of personnel management.

Draft corporate training program for McDonald's LLC employees

The program draft, developed by PR and communication managers, includes the following active forms and methods of working with personnel:

  • 1. Individual conversations between the manager and staff on the issue of developing the organization’s image.
  • 2. Mentoring.
  • 3. Trainings.
  • 4. Consultations with leading experts.
  • 5. Lectures, seminars.

The goal of the program: to increase the level of corporate culture of the enterprise.

  • 1. Study of the theoretical foundations of the formation of corporate culture.
  • 2. Group cohesion.
  • 3. Formation of group work skills.

Time: training is carried out over 3 days. Each lesson lasts 6-8 hours. The training period is August 2014. The training will be conducted with managers of McDonald's in Nizhny Novgorod.

The training will be conducted by a professional training company in Nizhny Novgorod - Avangard LLC. The cost of classes with one group will be 20 thousand rubles, in total classes will be held with 3 groups.

Progress of the training:

Lesson 1: Introduction to training.

Lesson objectives:

  • 1) creating favorable conditions for the work of the training group: familiarizing participants with the basic principles of the training, adopting the rules of the group;
  • 2) mastering an active communication style;
  • 3) study of the theoretical foundations of the concept of “Corporate culture”

Lesson No. 1

Progress of the lesson

Introduction to training

Rules for working in a group

Exercise in twos: “Take a napkin”

Purpose: acquaintance of participants

Exercise: “I hope - I fear”

Goal: identifying expectations from the training

Group discussion: “What is corporate culture?”

Lecture: “Fundamentals of the formation of organizational culture”

Exercise: Introduction to Basics

Goal: to find out what is needed to create a positive organizational culture and image of the organization


Coffee pause

Exercise: “Flying cats”

Purpose: activation of participants, warming up after the break

Mini-lecture: “How to achieve a positive corporate culture”

Exercise: “Mission and Goals”

Purpose: Define the mission and goals of the organization

Mini-lecture: “Options for developing a company’s corporate culture”

Exercise: “Development of measures to improve the corporate climate and the level of the company’s corporate culture”


Group discussion: “What improves the corporate culture of an enterprise”

Exercise: "System"

Goal: to develop a system that promotes the formation of a positive corporate culture


Mini-lecture: “Attachment”

Exercise: “You and I are now connected by one rope”

Goal: determine what employees are attached to


Experience Line

Lesson 2: Teambuilding as a means of shaping the image of the organization

  • 1. Develop the skills necessary to work effectively in a team.
  • 2. Team building.

Lesson No. 2

Progress of the lesson

Warm-up exercise: “Greeting”

Discussion of the results of the previous day of work

Game: "Team Relations"

Goal: to identify group cohesion


Group discussion: “What is a team?”

Coffee pause

Lecture: “Team”

Exercise: “Are we a team?”

Goal: to identify the employee’s attitude towards the team in which he works

Group discussion: “How to form team relationships?”


Warm-up: “Houses are looking for people”

Purpose: warming up after the break

Strategy game: "Farmers"

Goal: team building, joint activities


Coffee pause

Exercise: “Group drawing”

Goal: completion of the training day, team work together


Experience Line

Lesson 3: Maintaining the company's image.

  • 1. Assessing the company's image.
  • 2. Improving the unified service model.
  • 3. Telephone etiquette
  • 4. Improving the rules of communication with the client.

Lesson No. 3

Progress of the lesson

Exercise: “Greetings”

Goal: creating a friendly environment in the group

Reflection on the previous day of work

Group discussion: “What is a company’s image”

Mini-lecture: “Company image and its components”

Exercise: “Creating an external image of a company”

Goal: analysis and development of the company’s external image


Coffee pause

Exercise: “Playing Lotto”

Purpose: warming up the group

Mini-lecture: “Organization goals”

Exercise: “My goals and the goals of the organization”

Goal: comparison of the employee’s own goals with the company’s goals


Mini-lecture: “Communication with the client”

Exercise: “Rules of communication with a client”

Goal: development of uniform rules...

  • 4. The theme of the competition work is “Monument to the Sandwich.”
  • 5. Works can be submitted to the competition in the form of drawings, models, drawings and other visually readable form, so that they can be easily used to make, transport and install a symbolic monument to the sandwich.
  • 6. Competition entries will be accepted within a month by mail, e-mail and can be brought in person to the address of the McDonald's restaurant.
  • 7. The results of the competition will be summed up by the competition commission and solemnly announced on the opening day of the monument - the day of the event to celebrate the birthday of Ronald McDonald in Nizhny Novgorod.

The opening of the monument is the second stage of the competition, which will take place directly on the day of Ronald McDonald's birthday celebration in Nizhny Novgorod on Gorky Square - July 17, 2014. At this stage of the event, the results of the competition will be summed up, the monument will be inaugurated and the winners will be awarded.

The results of the competition will be summed up as follows:

1. First place will go to the winner of the competition - the one based on whose sketch the “Sandwich Monument” will be made and installed.

The winner will receive a video camera.

Also, the expert commission will allocate 2 incentive places - second and third:

  • · for second place the winner will receive a free lunch at McDonald's restaurant;
  • · for third place - 50% discount on lunch at McDonald's restaurant.
  • 2. All participants in the competition will receive a 15% discount coupon for lunch at McDonald's for a month.

The regulations for the other two competitions will have a similar structure.

The "Transportable Cheeseburger" promotion will take place from July 14 to July 17, 2014. The meaning of the promotion will be to transport a cheeseburger tied with a ribbon on a vehicle with the logo of the McDonald's restaurant along the streets of Nizhny Novgorod, thus attracting attention to the McDonald's fast food restaurant.

The photo competition will consist of two parts - the preparatory part, in which regulations on the competition will be developed, methods and terms for posting information about the competition will be determined, the principle of forming the competition commission, its composition, the method and place of receiving the works of the competitors will be described. The duration of the first stage is according to the plan and the schedule of planned events - 06/18/14 - 07/13/14. Those responsible for the preparation and implementation of this event are the PR manager and advertising manager.

A child from 5 to 18 years old can participate in the photo competition.

Summing up the results and ceremonial awarding of the winners is the second stage of the competition, which will take place directly on the day of the solemn celebration of Ronald McDonald's birthday.

The winners (1-3rd place) will receive soft toys, tickets to children's amusement parks, educational games as a prize, and support groups - their parents - will receive 20% discount coupons for lunch at a restaurant for a month.

Additionally, each of those present at the birthday celebration will receive presentation products (flyers, catalog, price list, poster, stickers, fountain pen, notepad, plastic bag with advertising symbols of the McDonald's restaurant).

Media coverage of the planned event will take place through the following events:

  • · distribution of press releases;
  • · commercials;
  • · holding a press conference.

In the block of creating advertising in the press and on television. It is necessary to order from an advertising agency the production of a commercial on TV and an advertisement in a newspaper to attract the attention of buyers of the target segment with information about the McDonald's restaurant and to invite everyone to the event celebrating Ronald McDonald's birthday in Nizhny Novgorod. This block also includes ordering airtime on the Volga and Seti-NN TV channels. It is necessary to determine at what time and with what frequency the advertisement will be published. It is necessary to agree on the time and period of advertising in the newspapers “Nizhny Novgorod News” and “Komsomolskaya Pravda-Nizhny Novgorod” and determine the format of the ad.

At the end of this process, a few days before the event, the PR manager needs to call the invited journalists to confirm their presence at the press conference.

For the press, in order to provide journalists with basic information about the organization and the event, it will be necessary to prepare an information package. It will help journalists use information about our company when preparing articles and messages.

The press package will have the following content:

  • 1. Press release.
  • 2. Detailed information about the McDonald's restaurant.
  • 3. Information about competitions held and details of winners.
  • 4. Booklets, flyers, catalogs of the McDonald's restaurant.

All the described events will contribute to the successful promotion of the McDonald's restaurant in Nizhny Novgorod.

The result of the activities carried out will be:

  • 1. Increase awareness and awareness of McDonald's restaurant and its products and services.
  • 2. Assessing the attitude of potential customers towards the McDonald's restaurant.
  • 3. Studying the perception of the quality of services provided, prices, assortment.
  • 4. Motivating customers to make a purchase at a McDonald's restaurant.
  • 5. Assessment of the level of satisfaction from cooperation (based on reviews from real clients).

So, as an action plan to maintain the corporate image of McDonald's LLC, the following was proposed:

  • 1. Development of a new plan for marketing and PR activities.
  • 2. Improving work in the field of personnel management.

And in the end, a budget of 363.45 thousand rubles was distributed, allocated for the planned events.

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Today, the McDonald's fast food chain is perhaps the most recognizable in the world, since thousands of these establishments operate in dozens of countries. The company has developed its own signature style of serving food, which has appealed to millions of visitors. Many of us love to come here after work or on weekends to socialize with friends or family.

But few people know that there are real secrets of McDonald's that only employees know about. In this article we will try to reveal them. Believe me, after reading this information, you will change your opinion about this restaurant chain forever. So, we describe 20 secrets of McDonald's that you had no idea about.

Your own “Bible”

We had no idea that in the usual “Poppies” it was so strong that they even introduced their own “Bible”. Of course, it does not talk about any religious beliefs, but only gives detailed instructions on how personnel should act in certain situations. The size of such instructions is not quite familiar to us - it is about 750 pages of text, which literally describes every action of the employee. It applies, in particular, to cashiers, kitchen cooks, cleaners, and so on.

The fast and smooth operation of McDonald's requires that such a set of rules exist. As a result, each employee works like a cog in one big mechanism, which is what restaurant managers strive for.

Again, the presence of step-by-step rules makes it possible not to think about how to get out of this or that situation - just refer to the document.

Artificial smell and taste of products

In order to extend the shelf life of the ingredients that are added to the same cheeseburgers (and not only), McDonald's delivers them frozen. Only during the cooking process are onions, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes heated, which leads to their transition to a normal state (as we eat them). True, few people think about the fact that frozen vegetables, after defrosting them, lose their smells and tastes. How do you think customers are deceived in such a way that they do not feel it? After all, you must admit, if the food was tasteless, no one would take it.

The solution is obvious - adding artificial colors and flavors. With the right ratio and the right cooking technology, even defrosted potatoes acquire an incredibly seductive smell, which is what we feel when we order something here. In addition, the aroma of food, felt directly on the sales floor, is also created artificially. Or do you think that McDonald's food smells so strong that its smell remains even in the halls?

Order and cleanliness

The management of the restaurant chain pays a significant role to cleanliness. If you take a closer look at the employees of the establishment, you will notice that the cleaners wash the floor almost constantly. Although, if you think logically, there is little sense in driving a rag while a dozen visitors will immediately pass behind it.

In fact, such “preventive” cleanings are carried out so often in order to let the client understand: everything is perfectly clean here, we are monitoring it. Perhaps these are not such secrets of McDonald's, but you probably never thought about it before.

Another thing is when someone drops drinks or food on the floor. Then the cleaner comes immediately and eliminates the consequences of the incident.

By the way, if you lose your food in this way (dropped a Coke, for example), the seller is obliged to give you a new portion. So don't hesitate to ask if it happened near the cash register.

In general, as you understand, McDonald’s operating hours require staff to regularly carry out cleaning procedures for the premises. For example, before sitting down at a table, you may be asked to wait until it is wiped down.

Freshness of sandwiches

Since the place of operation of the domestic McDonald's chain is Russia (despite the fact that the company comes from the USA), there are some nuances here with the freshness of cheeseburgers and other sandwiches. In particular, few people know that the shelf life (that is, the period during which it is recommended to consume the product) of hamburgers, “cheeses” and others is only 20 minutes. Those products that exceed this period have to be thrown away.

However, some managers manipulate time by changing timers (by extending them).

Let's hope that such secrets of McDonald's are not so common in our country, and this is just a myth, but nevertheless. The advice former chain employees give is to ask for a “custom” burger, which is likely to be out of stock at the moment. Then the kitchen will be forced to make a new portion for you, which will definitely be fresh. To do this, ask for a cheeseburger (for example) without cucumber, onion or ketchup. Believe me, in general its taste will change little - but there will be a guarantee that it was just picked for you.

Power of Habit

Did you know that the taste of McDonald's food is not changed specifically to encourage visitors to come back again? based on the force of habit. The first McDonald's in the 1970s offered customers the same cheeseburgers, Big Macs and Gums as today. Moreover, the taste of all these dishes is the same all over the world, regardless of where the products for their preparation are produced. For this reason, we all know what potatoes, cheeseburgers, salads, etc. taste like. Even the sauces at McDonald's have had similar recipes for many years now.

Uncomfortable furniture

You probably also didn’t notice that McDonald’s uses such uncomfortable furniture. But take a closer look - and this is really so. Tables and chairs, sofas - all of this is made in such a style that it will be difficult to sit on them for a long time. In addition, as you can see, there is always little space in the premises of Mak. We are not talking about landing positions (which, by the way, are usually enough), no. This refers to the space for walking through the hall - it’s really not enough. And when someone passes by, most often it happens too close to those sitting.

If you believe in the secrets of McDonald's, then this was done specifically in order to reduce the time a person spends in the restaurant. The administrators resorted to such measures for the reason that many visitors come to the hall, buy small “potatoes”, and sit for several hours, enjoying free Wi-Fi.

Cold drinks

Have you noticed that cold drinks (“Cola”, “Sprite”, “Fanta”, juices) are 1.5-2 times cheaper than coffee or tea? Do you think it's all about cost? Not really - at least look at how much the same “Cola” costs in a store relative to coffee and tea in small cafes “on the go”. In fact, the opposite happens. So why is everything like this at Mac?

There is a theory according to which a person’s appetite allows him to indulge in a cold drink, while after a hot drink, on the contrary, the feeling of hunger disappears. The restaurant owners set prices for Cola lower so that, having bought it, the client would also want to buy a cheeseburger or potatoes in the future.

Refusal of “not”

The secrets of McDonald's from a former employee, which are periodically published, include one more rule - you had no idea about it. This is a prohibition on saying “no”. Even in questions from the cashier, you will not hear this particle, which on a psychological level inclines a person to refuse. You are more likely to be asked: “Do you want sauce for your potatoes?”, rather than “Would you like sauce?” A small thing, but it also probably plays a significant role.

Always “more”

Many of the foods and drinks at the fast food restaurant chain we are discussing are served in different portions. Of course, the client can order any of them, but often does not specify which one he wants. At the same time, the cashier does not ask, but silently accepts the order. What portion do they bring to the client?

That's right, the bigger one. Firstly, it brings more benefits to the restaurant, and secondly, it saves time in line. If the cashier asked the buyer again, and he also considered his choice, the sales process would drag on for an extra minute. Therefore, those who do not specify always receive more.

Cashier girls and uniforms

A little-known fact, but until the 70s, only guys worked at the McDonald's chain. And now at McDonald’s Russia (as well as the whole world) allows representatives of both sexes behind the counter. Why is that?

The company noticed that girls behind the counter often lead to a delay in the queue for a simple reason - male clients start flirting with them. This is especially true for pretty girls, who attract more visitors, which means they slow down the sales process even more. What to do in this situation?

Firstly, it is impossible to refuse to hire representatives of the fair sex. This would cause a lot of protests and would be classified as discrimination. Therefore, girls need to be hired, this is inevitable. Secondly, you can hire less beautiful employees or make them so. There is a theory that jobs at McDonald’s are given to less attractive girls, but it’s hard to believe in it, because the concept of beauty is purely subjective, and you can still meet beautiful cashiers in the Mac chain. Therefore, obviously, a uniform allows you to combat delays in queues. Please note - it is specially made in such a way as to hide the figure of its owner and make the latter less attractive. The same applies to men - their McDonald's uniform also clearly does not show them in the best light. Due to this, sales are accelerated here.

Location in crowded places

Perhaps this is again not entirely a secret - but all McDonald's are located in such a way that it is impossible to pass by them. Note: each restaurant is located on the most crowded intersections and boulevards along which potential visitors go from work or from university, school, and so on. The more active the place, the greater the chances that another Mac will open here.

Joy for children

Very often parents don’t want to go to McDonald’s, but their children bring them here. Yes, the guys don’t realize the harm from such food, and they like it here - of course, it’s impossible to do without begging and tears. And in order to encourage children to ask their parents to visit Mak, the owners of the chain hold special promotions and events for young visitors. For example, this is the organization of various birthday parties; distribution of toys in a special children's menu; balloons for each visitor under 6 years of age with the McDonald's logo. All this allows us to say that here they are trying in every possible way to give joy to children in every possible way.

Meal replacement

We have already mentioned that if you spill or drop something near the cash register, you are required to return the portion. The same applies to another case - if you found some hair or something else in the sandwich that is not related to the product according to the recipe. Some people take advantage of this to eat some and get a new portion for free.

Medium potato

Another point from our 20 McDonald's secrets that concerns potatoes is portions. We all know (and it is indicated on the menu) that there are three different servings - small, medium and large. But visitors do not realize that the amount of potatoes in large and medium portions is the same, the only difference is in cost and packaging. It’s just an envelope that comes with a large portion, which is correspondingly larger.

Ice cream “Rozhok”

The most affordable (and delicious) ice cream “Rozhok”, if you noticed, is always offered with a void at the bottom. It turns out that the placement of the ice cream itself in relation to the glass is somewhat illogical - it looks large on top, but the lower part is empty. This is done, of course, to visually enlarge the entire product. But employees cannot pour the mixture to the very bottom - the machines are designed that way, and there is a ban on filling the void in the glass. Thus, the restaurant saves a lot.

Additional questions and free glasses

Are you also annoyed by the questions that the cashier asks every time after your order? In particular, they ask you whether you would like to try a pie or a muffin? To opt out, you can add the phrase “all” to the end of your order in advance. And then the cashier will not ask unnecessary questions and thus waste your extra time.

Every McDonald's will give you free cups. This can be used, say, to come here with your drink and just sit with friends without ordering anything. Remember that you will not be allowed in with alcohol!

Last visitor

We all know that “Maki” works until the last visitor. At the same time, in the last half hour before the finish line, the doors of the restaurants are closed to the entrance. This way, no one will come in anymore - but the last guests will be able to finish their portions.

This, of course, does not apply to those establishments that stopped operating by decision of Rospotrebnadzor in the summer of 2014. In general, the closed McDonald's became a symbol of the government's fight against American business in Russia - but, of course, such measures did not have a real effect, since Russian entrepreneurs suffered.

The Mystery of Sauces

There is a myth that addictive substances are added to McDonald's sauces. It is for this reason that they are supposedly so tasty.

In fact, there is still something secret about them - after all, even many employees do not know what they are made of. Therefore, if you do not want to risk your health, we recommend that you refuse to purchase them. Maybe you can try it occasionally, but obviously you shouldn’t get carried away. It's really difficult to explain why they are so delicious. But even long-term work at McDonald's will not give you a guarantee that you will know what is included in their composition.


Considering the food preparation technology at McDonald's, we can confidently say that all the food here is higher in calories than homemade food. At least one menu consisting of a small sandwich, potatoes and cola will provide your body with more than 60% of your daily calories! At the same time, you will feel hungry after it no later than after a simple meal. It turns out that you will want to eat more, but in fact you will consume more.

The most important differences between each company, undoubtedly, are its individual corporate culture and image in the market. Corporate culture of an international company(corporateculture) - this is the socio-psychological component of the organization, its spiritual and ideological content. In its content, it represents the system of values, opinions and norms of behavior prevailing in the organization. It is assumed that the company's employees know how to act in order to achieve the organization's goals. In other words, any company professes certain common values ​​that are supported by employees. Thus, the top management of companies is carried out not only by setting goals and objectives for employees, a system of rewards and punishments, but also through “leadership from within,” i.e. management that forces all participants to internalize certain common norms and values, cultivating the values ​​of the corporate culture.

Corporate culture is reflected in various aspects of a company's leadership style. These include:

Style of attitude towards employees, the process of their hiring, dismissal and promotion;

The style of relations between employees, in particular, between managers and subordinates, which largely shapes the moral atmosphere;

Decision making style;

Problem and change management style;

The style of interaction between company departments;

Style of relationship with components of the external environment;

Attitude to the history of the company and its traditions;

Employees' attitude to the company's mission, goals and values.

There are three levels of corporate culture:

- first (top) level - visible objects, cultural artifacts: manner of dress, rules of behavior, physical symbols, organizational ceremonies, location of offices. All this can be seen, heard, understood by observing the behavior of company employees;

- second level - the common values ​​and beliefs expressed in the words and deeds of company employees, consciously shared and cultivated by members of the organization, manifested in their stories, language, and symbols used;

Some values ​​become so deeply ingrained in corporate culture that employees simply stop noticing them. These basic, underlying assumptions and beliefs are the essence of corporate culture - third level. It is they who guide employees in their behavior and decisions, and on a subconscious level.

Currently, companies clearly articulate a set of corporate values ​​inherent in them. This is how they try to demonstrate the face of the company. Companies openly proclaim their slogans, slogans, and cultural values ​​and encourage employees to be guided by a set of these values ​​in their activities.

Corporate culture is based on a variety of phenomena. The impetus for its appearance in nascent companies usually comes from their founders. For example, the motto of the founder of the company McDonalds Ray Kroc - "Quality, service, cleanliness, pride" - is still the credo of this international giant. A set of corporate values ​​can be formulated at a certain stage of the company’s development, when management realizes the need and importance of having its own corporate culture. However, throughout the life of the company, elements of corporate culture change. This is usually due to two main factors: changes in the external environment and internal changes in the company (company growth, diversification of activities, changes in the employee motivation system, etc.). Example with a company McDonalds confirms this trend. When a corporation McDonalds was in its infancy, its founders had clear ideas about corporate values. During the period of company growth and changes in the competitive environment, they searched for new employees and selected like-minded people. Through personnel selection, the company's management tried to strengthen the corporate culture. When planning to introduce any changes (in the area of ​​remuneration of company employees or methods of customer service), the company's management checks its actions against the credo. At the same time, realizing the need to develop a corporate culture that is adequate to modern trends, management McDonalds encourages employees who try to develop components of the corporate culture.

An example of a forced change in corporate values ​​is the company IBM. The main slogan of the company - “Every person is unique” - was proclaimed by its founder Thomas Whitson Sr., and then actively supported by his successors. The company's activities were based on three basic rules.

1. Individuals deserve respect.

2. The buyer receives cultural and qualified service.

3. Constantly improve and improve activities and strive for higher performance.

Over a sufficiently long period of time, during which IBM guided by these and other values, the company developed a culture that was characterized as self-respect transformed into complacency. That is, the company's culture was partially outdated, which negatively affected its performance. Experts who conducted a study of the influence of corporate values ​​on the overall performance of the company gave IBM is the most low score - 1 point. Then the guide IBM changed its position and announced to employees a change in lifestyle in the company. The general manager of the American branch of the company was replaced, whose work methods no longer suited the management. By that time IBM was is so large and has already gone through so many reorganizations that many employees did not even know which of the newly formed independent companies they belonged to.

One of the successful measures aimed at transforming cultural values ​​was the introduction of progressive wages at all levels of the hierarchy. If previously this form of payment covered (not counting the marketing department) no more than 100 managers, then in 1992 - already 1.5 thousand employees. In 1992, $200 million was allocated to motivate employees at all levels. If an independently operating branch located in the United States exceeded the plan, each employee could receive up to a 3% bonus on top of their salary. For the old company culture IBM this was a revolutionary step.

Among the external changes in cultural values, one can note the refusal of managers IBM from the traditional strict corporate clothing (blue suit, white shirt and dark tie), which at one time gave rise to the second name of the company, “Big Blue” (BigBlue). Today's branch managers allow themselves to appear at a trade show in a sweater with the company logo.

The corporate culture of any company emphasizes the importance of the functions performed by each employee, encourages their participation in the life of the company, and the attention of management to each employee. For example, purchasing specialists are required to understand the needs of customers: they all have to work on the sales floor once a week. The CEO must lead a policy of daily experimentation and change. Practices of employee empowerment, continuous improvement and profit sharing perfectly complement the culture of 100% commitment, which is easily adopted by customers.

The experience of an American company is interesting MaryKayCosmetic. Its unique philosophy is based on the Golden Rule, which company founder Mary Kay borrowed from the Bible: “Treat people the way you would like to be treated.” This involves an honest approach to your work, clients and colleagues. The Golden Rule is the main life principle of the company, defining relationships within the company. In addition, the company has a set of rules for managers and a “Ladder of Success”, which provides enormous opportunities to make a career.

When talking about corporate culture, it is impossible to ignore the experience of Japanese companies. Almost all Japanese companies have a strong corporate culture based on the principles of the Japanese management style. This includes a system of lifelong employment, and various methods of establishing and developing human relationships in the company (the method of informal business communication between company managers and subordinates, the “friendly pat on the shoulder” method, the “frank conversations on the shop floor” method, the “joint leisure time” method, “ congratulations to the employee on his birthday,” etc.).

In Japanese companies, the corporate spirit is very strong. For example, every morning the entire company staff Hitachi performs an anthem glorifying the company. The main motto (mission) of the company “Harmony above all,” proclaimed by its creator Odaira, has not lost its relevance and is still in effect today. In addition, the company's employees have a uniform uniform; there are even requirements for hair length.

The main initially proclaimed principle of the corporate culture of a Japanese company Matsushita reads: « Matsushita produces qualified people first, and then products.” This means not only employees of the highest echelons, but all employees of the company. Respect for people is the main principle of management in the company. This principle is implemented through a system of lifelong employment, systematic training of company employees and the involvement of employees in management. Management style in the company Matsushita was formed under the influence of the personality of its founder K. Matsushita.

There are many examples of corporate cultures, each of which will be interesting and unique. It is important to determine how correctly the principles of corporate culture are defined in a particular company and how they influence its performance indicators. When assessing the degree of influence of corporate culture on an organization’s activities, three main factors are taken into account:

1) focus - indicates how corporate culture influences the organization’s achievement of its goals: helps or hinders;

2) latitude - indicates the spread of the idea of ​​corporate culture among staff;

3) force - characterizes the degree to which staff accept the ideas and values ​​of the corporate culture.

Only a corporate culture that supports its goals, embraces a wide range of employees and finds a warm response in their hearts has a positive impact on a company. In such a company, the corporate culture connects people and stimulates them to common achievements that cannot be achieved with the help of structural connections alone. All other combinations of these factors indicate an insignificant, and sometimes even harmful, influence of corporate culture on the organization.

The weakness of corporate culture is its relative constancy, which makes the company vulnerable in situations where it is necessary to make changes to basic regulations.

Recognition of this shortcoming led to the emergence of the concept self-studying organization. Self-discovery is the process by which management teams change the company's overall thinking patterns, markets, and competitors. The company is undergoing a continuous process of self-study, which allows it, after going through one circle: “behavior that ensures success -> crisis -> updated management system”, move to the next stage with a new style of behavior that also ensures success.

As you know, the success of a company is determined by effective management.

Corporate culture is a significant competitive advantage of an international company. Internal culture must meet the requirements of both the external environment and the company's strategy. When this alignment is achieved, fully engaged employees create an efficient company.

Another important problem in the formation of corporate culture is its compliance with the company's new strategies. In modern conditions, companies often update strategies. They are forced to do this, first of all, by the external environment. In such a situation, it is very important that the corporate culture does not slow down the development of the company.

Cultural values ​​reflect what was done in the past, which means they do not always correspond to the modern needs of the company and environmental conditions. Such differences in cultural values ​​are usually called cultural gap.

Very often, the basic principles of corporate culture and beliefs are introduced into the minds of the company’s personnel through special training events, with the help of intra-company behavior patterns, rituals and history that form an integral part of the majority of the company. Of course, changing them is not so easy. But the company's new strategy requires it. For example, a new strategy may provide for a more risky behavior of the company in the market than was previously envisaged, an increase in the degree of responsibility of employees for decisions made and the development of initiative. Therefore, in order to adapt the company’s culture to the changed strategy, they very often invite outside managers from other companies, who carry out the transformation.

A company's strategy can also be influenced by the way it is adopted. For example, a collective way of developing strategy facilitates the process of adapting corporate culture
to a new strategy, since the company team managed to realize the fidelity of the chosen strategy and the need for its implementation.

At the same time, very often intra-company culture and values ​​become so ingrained in the company that managers, denying market realities, adhere to the existing strategy, even when the company begins to lose its position in the market. Such a company is forced out of the market.

Organizational culture:

1) a system of symbolic intermediaries that guide and limit the activity of organization members;

2) a set of basic ideas shared by the majority of members of the organization or its active core, which serve as a means of internal regulation and programming of the organizational behavior of individuals or groups at the symbolic level.

Let's consider the organizational structure of McDonald's according to the method proposed by Edgard Schein; he proposed to consider organizational culture at three levels: “superficial” or “symbolic”, “subsurface” and “deep”.

1. Surface level.

The most superficial level, according to Shane, is the level of artifacts, which includes all those phenomena that can be seen, heard and felt when entering a new group with an unfamiliar culture. Artifacts include the visible products of a group, such as the architecture of its material environment, its language, technology and products, its artistic productions and style embodied in clothing, manner of communication, emotional atmosphere, description of accepted values, external rituals and ceremonies, and so on. For the purposes of cultural analysis, this level also includes the visible behavior of the group and related organizational processes. A characteristic feature of this level of culture is that it is easy to observe.

2. Subsurface level

The second level is the proclaimed values. Proclaimed values ​​refer to the statements and actions of organizational members that reflect shared values ​​and beliefs. Proclaimed values ​​are set by company management as part of a strategy or for some other reason.

3. Deep level

The last level is basic representations. Core beliefs are the basis of an organization's culture, which its members may not realize and consider immutable. It is this basis that determines the behavior of people in the organization and the adoption of certain decisions. These beliefs, or assumptions, are the “deep” level of the organization’s culture. They are not overtly expressed in artifacts and, more importantly, cannot be described even by organizational members. These ideas are on the subconscious level of employees and are taken for granted. Basic concepts relate to fundamental aspects of existence, which may be: the nature of time and space; the nature of man and human activity; the nature of truth and ways of obtaining it; correct relationships between the individual and the group; the relative importance of work, family and self-development; men and women finding their true roles and the nature of family.

The McDonald's company was founded in 1940 by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald (the first restaurant opened in San Bernardino, California), and in 1948, for the first time in the world, it formulated the principles of the “fast food” concept. In 1954, Ray Kroc acquired the right to act as the exclusive franchising agent from the McDonald brothers. In 1955, Kroc registered McDonald's System, Inc. (in 1960 it was renamed McDonald's Corporation). In 1961, all rights to the company were completely purchased by Kroc.

McDonald's employees are required to wear a uniform. Also for women there are a number of comments regarding appearance; they are prohibited from:

Wear your hair down

Long or painted nails

Highlight your eyes with makeup and apply bright makeup

Wear rings or earrings (you can only wear a wedding ring and earrings without stones)

Use long-lasting perfume

There are practically no places in McDonald's where you can completely relax and eat with pleasure (read "eat for a long time"). On the contrary, the tables are arranged so that you feel the presence of other people all the time. They will constantly walk behind you, touch you with their sleeves, and drinks from their trays will threaten to spill on your head. As a result, you will subconsciously speed up and eat your Happy Meals twice as fast.

Most McDonald's use hard furniture, and many European restaurants have standing room only at high bar tables.

Fast, energetic music is played in the halls - it “spurs” customers to eat quickly and give way to others.

Each cashier has a deadline - exactly 60 seconds are allotted for an order from one visitor.

In many American chain restaurants, a visitor only has half an hour to eat - after the deadline has expired, the security guard may hurry you up.

A large number of young people visit McDonalds for the free wireless Internet. To prevent restaurants from becoming crowded with crowds of students with laptops, all sockets in the halls are turned off - you can surf Facebook only when the battery is charged.

Sellers are prohibited from using the word “not” in a conversation with a buyer - yes, yes, this is a manifestation of the Same Law of Marketing. All phrases are memorized and do not contain negation.

If the visitor does not specify the serving size, he is given the largest one by default.

The main source of income for McDonald's all over the world comes from... drinks! They are highly overpriced compared to other places, even mediocre coffee costs more at Mac's than at Starbucks.

Restaurant employees are instructed to constantly pick up a mop and clean, clean, clean. Network marketers have discovered that the sight of a person with a mop and rag not only does not cause rejection, but on the contrary, it creates the impression of cleanliness and quality.

All employees involved in the kitchen are constantly changing in order to reduce the likelihood of errors from monotonous work.