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Material (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Card file of riddles about a person and parts of the body. Material (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Card file of riddles about a person and parts of the body Riddle about internal

Riddles "The human body"

Two brothers across the road.

And they don't see each other. (Eyes).

I am the support of the body,

I help walk, run, jump (Skeleton).

We are attached to the bones

we need to move together. (Muscles).

I cover the body from above

Protect and breathe

I sweat outside

I control body temperature (Skin).

Two air petals

slightly pinkish,

Doing important work

They help us breathe. (Lungs).

Here is a mountain, and near the mountain

Two deep holes.

Air roams in these burrows.

It comes in, it goes out (Nose).

Day and night it knocks

It's like it's set up.

It will be bad if

If it weren't for him,

Wouldn't say anything.

He is always at work

When we speak,

And resting

When we are silent. (Language).

Five brothers have one job.

With two mothers

Five sons each

One name for all.

I have workers

Hunters help in everything,

They do not live behind the wall -

Day and night with me;

A whole dozen

Faithful kids.

Your helpers - look -

Ten friendly brothers

How nice it is to live when they

Work is not afraid. (Fingers).

All their lives they walk in distillation,

And they can't overtake each other.

We stand on them and dance.

Well, if we tell them

They run us.

Tell me, what are their names? (Legs).

If it weren't for him,

Wouldn't say anything.

Always in your mouth

And you won't swallow it.

He is always at work

When we speak,

And resting

When we are silent. (Language).

Hanging bag small:

Either full or empty.

Wagons run into it,

Food and liquids are brought.

Boiling work all day

We are not too lazy to help him.

Prepares food, feeds us,

And what is not necessary is thrown out. (Stomach).

The water runs along the river, it is very red.

Boats are sailing along it, oxygen, food is being brought to us,

They protect against microbes, and help as much as they can. (Blood).

Day and night it knocks

It's like it's set up.

It will be bad if

This knock will stop. (Heart).

Two beans are hanging

Waste substances pass through

And help remove them. (Kidneys).

He remembers everything

Watch, listen, talk,

Seeing helps.

It controls the work of our entire body. (Brain).

We tied all the parts of the body,

They called us thin cobwebs. (Nerves).

One head has two brothers

They sit on opposite sides

But they don’t see or say anything (Ears).

Proverbs and sayings about the human body, about health.

Although the eye sees, the tooth is numb.

An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.

Whoever has aching bones, he does not care for a visit.

Bone and veins - they have all the power.

If there were bones, there would be meat on the bones.

Strong in body - rich in deeds.

Health is more valuable than wealth.

A bird is red with a feather, a man with a mind.

The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.

It's not enough to want, you have to be able to.

Strength breaks everything, and the mind breaks strength.

The tongue is chattering, it interferes with the hands.

The tongue is soft - whatever it wants, it murmurs.

The tongue is sharper than the sword.

Rather than screaming in vain, it is better to be silent.

They get sick from laziness, they get healthy from work.

God would give health, but we will find happiness.

You will be healthy - you will get everything.

Health can not be bought - his mind gives.

Health is weak, and the spirit is not a hero.

Not happy with a sick and golden bed.

Whoever hurts, he talks about it.

He was frail as a child, and rotten as an adult.

The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous.

Our story today is about the origin of the names of some organs of the human body.

Muscle. This word is related to the word mouse. Scientists believe that the contracting biceps resembled a mouse running under the skin. In ancient Greek, mės meant both "muscle" and "mouse". Perhaps under the influence of the Greek word from the Latin word mus "mouse" the diminutive musculus "muscle" was formed. The Russian mouse-muscle pair also formed.

Lungs. This organ got its name for a simple reason - it is really light. If, when cutting the carcass of an animal, the insides are washed in a vessel with water, then the heart and liver, for example, sink to the bottom, the lungs float to the surface.

Liver. It comes from the verb oven. The Lithuanian word kêpenos (plural) is similarly formed from kepù, kèpti "bake, oven". Various arguments have been put forward to explain this origin of the word. Interestingly, according to doctors, the liver has the highest temperature of all human organs.

Stomach. Mysterious word. It is found only in some Slavic languages. In principle, the word stomach correlates quite well with the word acorn (the problem is only in stress - it would be expected rather than a stomach, but a stomach). However, this transition of meaning cannot be explained. It is sometimes assumed that the stomach was originally called an organ extracted from the body of a bird or fish, and indeed similar in shape to an acorn.

Shoulder blade. The name of this bone is given because of its shape: it really resembles a shoulder blade. Names given in the form are not uncommon. For example, the Latin name for the fibula - fibula - means "fastener". The Latin fibula clasp was shaped like a safety pin. The connected tibia and tibia have a similar shape.

Collarbone. And this bone is named so because of the shape. Its Latin name, clavicula, is a diminutive of clavis, "key". The most common design of antique locks was that, after closing the door, it was possible to push the internal deadbolt with the help of a belt threaded through a special hole. The locks were opened with a "key" - a curved stick of the right size, often with a branching at the end.

Artery. This word is a trace of an ancient mistake. In dead animals, the study of which the ancient Greeks basically comprehended anatomy, all the blood flows into the veins, and the arteries remain empty. Therefore, Aristotle believed that there is air in the arteries. The name of these vessels comes from the Greek words aēr "air" and tēréō "I save". Even the fact that when arteries are injured, blood flows out of them with force, could not shake the convictions of Greek scientists. The physician and anatomist Erasistratus (III century BC) explained this phenomenon as follows. Veins and arteries, in his opinion, are connected through the so-called anastomoses (fistulas). The anastomoses are usually closed, and air and blood flow through the vessels separately. When an artery is injured, the air immediately leaves from there, the anastomoses open, and the void in the artery is filled with blood from a neighboring vein. Only the Roman physician Galen, who lived in the 2nd century AD, was able to prove that blood flows in the arteries.

Eye. Once the word eye meant in Russian a round stone or a ball, and the word eye was used to designate an eye, which has survived to this day in Russian and in poetic speech, mainly in proverbs and sayings.

Riddles about a person and parts of the body are riddles about ourselves, about what is closest to us. Often in these riddles a comparison is used with a family or with nature: fingers are ten brothers, eyes are two lakes. Good comparison tips for young children, right?

Riddles about body parts will help kids form an idea of ​​their own body. The very process of guessing and solving can be turned into an interesting game: stomping, clapping and singing. You can choose very simple puzzles for the smallest and more difficult for older kids. After all, the main thing is that they were interested.

There are two stakes
On the stakes - a barrel,
On the barrel - a bump,
On a hummock is a dense forest.
Answer: ( Human)

Brother and brother live across the path,
And they don't see each other.
Answer: ( Eyes)

White Swan,
Wasn't on the platter
Not destroyed by a knife
And everyone ate it.
Answer: ( Breast)

At night, two windows close themselves,
And with the sunrise they open themselves.
Answer: ( Eyelids and eyes)

Between two luminaries I am in the middle.
Answer: ( Nose)

Here is a mountain, and near the mountain -
Two deep holes.
Air roams in these burrows:
It comes in, it goes out.
Answer: ( Nose)

Vanka - potatoes,
Petka has a duck.
Answer: ( Nose)

People always have
There are always ships.
Answer: ( Nose)

Smooth field, white meadow,
Not a blade of grass, not a blade of grass,
Yes, there is a hole in the middle.
Answer: ( Stomach)

red doors
In my cave.
white beasts
They sit at the door.
Both meat and bread -
All my booty
I gladly
I give to white animals.
Answer: ( Mouth, teeth)

The barn is full
White sheep.
Answer: ( Mouth and teeth)

Thirty-two thresh
And one turns.
Answer: ( tongue and teeth)

White strongmen
Chopping kalachi,
And the red talker
Puts up new ones.
Answer: ( teeth, tongue)

Olya gnaws nucleoli,
Shells fall.
And for this you need
Our Ole
Answer: ( teeth)

On the red hills
Thirty white horses.
towards each other
Rush quickly.
Their ranks will converge,
And become humble
Until new ventures.
Answer: ( Teeth)

full trough
Geese-swans are washed.
Answer: ( Teeth)

When we eat, they work
When we don't eat, they rest.
Answer: ( Teeth)

Always in your mouth
And you won't swallow it.
Answer: ( Language)

If it weren't for him,
Wouldn't say anything.
Answer: ( Language)

Sharp as a razor.
Sweet as honey.
And find a friend
And he will find an enemy.
Answer: ( Language)

One speaks, two look, two listen.
Answer: ( Tongue, eyes and ears)

What's the most important thing for dinner?
Answer: ( Mouth)

Under the mountain is a hole
And in the hole - a detachment,
brave warriors,
Smooth and white.
Answer: ( Mouth)

Two beautiful neighbors
Trying to meet
chat, laugh,
Whisper about your
But the mountain is in their way -
Don't jump over, don't go around.
Answer: ( Cheeks)

Five brothers:
Years equal,
Growth is different.
Answer: ( Fingers)

Five brothers are inseparable
They are never bored together.
They work with a pen
Saw, spoon, axe.
Answer: ( Fingers)

Four brothers are walking towards the elder.
“Hello, big boy,” they say.
- Hello, Vaska-pointer,
Grishka orphan
Yes, little Timoshka!
Answer: ( Fingers)

With two mothers
Five sons each
And one name for all.
Answer: ( Hand and fingers)

salty raindrop
Blurred the path
Running down the hill
What is it, tell me?
Answer: ( A tear)

Salty water
Born from fire.
Answer: ( A tear)

Alyoshka has a shock,
Alenka has a wave.
Answer: ( Hair)

They do not sow, they do not plant - they grow themselves.
Answer: ( Hair)

I've been wearing them for many years
I don't know how to count them.
Answer: ( Hair)

Huge pitchfork
The wheat was captured
Went through the wheat
Wheat in braids.
Answer: ( Hair and comb)

Blooms on the face
Grows with joy.
Answer: ( Smile)

Scattered grains of sand
On the cheeks of Marina.
Answer: ( Freckles)

Olya listens in the forest
How the cuckoos cry.
And for this you need
Our Ole
Answer: ( Ears)

There are two brothers
velvet kaftans,
red outfits,
live nearby,
That will converge
They will disperse
Hug warmly -
Fight hard.
Answer: ( Lips)

Olya takes berries
Two, three things.
And for this you need
Our Ole
Answer: ( Pens)

In the nest is an egg
On the egg is a bird
bird egg
Wing covers,
From wind and rain
Answer: ( Eyelids)

They've been chasing each other all their lives
but they can't overtake.
Answer: ( Legs)

Two sister sisters
Look like each other
They run side by side
One is there, the other is here.
Answer: ( Legs)

Antip argued with Ivan,
Which of them is the most important
One forward, then the other way around.
While they go, they quarrel,
And make up - stop.
Answer: ( Legs)

Day and night it knocks
It's like it's set up.
It will be bad if
This knock will stop.
Answer: ( Heart)

One touches the other
Cotton comes out.
Answer: ( Palm)

Between a hole and a rock
The small river runs
On her way
The field is clean.
Answer: ( Mustache)

Two brothers apart
Miss each other
And come together -
They get angry and frowning.
Answer: ( Brows)

two sisters,
two eagles
They sit above the nests
They look angrily
The feathers are ruffled
Guest won't come
Answer: ( Brows)

steep rock
Has grown into slopes,
Above the steep forest
Has risen to heaven.
Answer: ( Forehead)

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 71 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities

on the physical development of children

Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

For preschool children

senior caregiver

Teslenko Tatiana Alexandrovna

Saint Petersburg


Card file of riddles about a person and parts of the body.

A card file of riddles about a person and body parts are riddles about ourselves, about what is closest to us. Often in these riddles a comparison is used with a family or with nature: fingers are ten brothers, eyes are two lakes. Good comparison tips for young children, right?
Riddles about body parts will help kids form an idea of ​​their own body. The very process of guessing and solving can be turned into an interesting game: stomping, clapping and singing. You can choose very simple puzzles for the smallest and more difficult for older kids.

On earth he is smarter than everyone,

That's why it's the strongest.(Human )

There are two stakes
On the stakes - a barrel,
On the barrel - a bump,
On a hummock - a dense forest. ( Human )

And my grandmother has

And grandpa has

And mom has

And dad has

And my daughter has

And the granddaughter has

And the horse has

And the dog has

To know him

You have to say it out loud. ( Name )

You are given

And people are using it. ( Name )

Brother and brother live across the path,
And they don't see each other. ( Eyes )

In the nest is an egg,
On the egg is a bird
bird egg
Wing covers,
From wind and rain
Guards. ( eyelids)

At night, two windows close themselves,
And with the sunrise they open themselves. ( Eyelids and eyes )
Between the two luminaries in the middle he is alone. (
Nose )
Here is a mountain, and near the mountain -
Two deep holes.
In these burrows the air roams
It comes in, it goes out. (
Nose )
Vanka - potatoes,
Petka has a duck. (
Nose )
People always have
There are always ships. (
Nose )

Every face has

Two beautiful lakes.

There is a mountain between them.

Call them kids! ( eyes and nose)

Smooth field, white meadow,
Not a blade of grass, not a blade of grass,
Yes, there is a hole in the middle. ( Stomach )
red doors
In my cave.
white beasts
They sit at the door.
Both meat and bread -
All my booty
I gladly
I give to white animals. (
Mouth, teeth )
The barn is full
White sheep. (
Mouth and teeth )
Thirty-two thresh
And one turns. (
tongue and teeth )
White strongmen
Chopping kalachi,
And the red talker
Puts new ones. (
teeth, tongue )
Olya gnaws nucleoli,
Shells fall.
And for this you need
Our Olya: (
Teeth )
When we eat, they work
When we don't eat, they rest.(
Teeth )
Always in your mouth
But you won’t swallow it. (
Language )
If it weren't for him,
I wouldn't say anything.
Language )
Sharp as a razor.
Sweet as honey.
And find a friend
And he will find an enemy. (
Language )
One speaks, two look, two listen.
Tongue, eyes and ears)
What's the most important thing for dinner? (
Mouth )
Under the mountain - a hole,
And in the hole - a detachment,
brave warriors,
Smooth and white.(
Mouth )
Two beautiful neighbors
Trying to meet
chat, laugh,
Whisper about your
But the mountain is in their way -
Do not climb over, do not bypass. (
Cheeks )
Five brothers:
Years equal,
Growth different. (
Fingers )
Five brothers are inseparable
They are never bored together.
They work with a pen
Saw, spoon, ax. (
Fingers )
Four brothers are walking towards the elder.
“Hello, big boy,” they say.
- Hello, Vaska-pointer,
Bear - middle,
Grishka orphan,
Yes, little Timoshka! (
Fingers )
With two mothers
Five sons each
And one name for all. (
hand and fingers)

Your helpers, take a look -

A dozen friendly brothers

How nice it is to live when they

Work is not afraid. ( Fingers )

salty raindrop
Blurred the path
Running down the hill
What is it, tell me? ( A tear )
Salty water
From the fire will be born. (
A tear )
Alyoshka has a shock,
Alenka has a wave. (
Hair )
They are not sown, they are not planted

They grow up on their own. ( Hair )
I've been wearing them for many years
And I don’t know their count. (
Hair )
Huge pitchfork
The wheat was captured
Went through the wheat
Wheat in braids. (
Hair and comb)
Blooms on the face
Grows with joy.(
Smile )
Scattered grains of sand
On the cheeks of Marina. (
Freckles )
Olya listens in the forest
How the cuckoos cry.
And for this you need
Our Olya (
Ears )
There are two brothers
velvet kaftans,
red outfits,
live nearby,
That will converge
They will disperse
Warmly embrace -
They will fight hard. (
Lips )
Olya takes berries
Two, three things.
And for this you need
Our Olya (
Pens )
They've been chasing each other all their lives
But they can’t overtake. (
Legs )
Two sister sisters
Look like each other
They run side by side
One is there, the other is here.(
Legs )
Antip argued with Ivan,
Which of them is the most important
One forward, then the other way around.
While they go, they quarrel,
And reconcile - stop.
(Legs )
Day and night it knocks
It's like it's set up.
It will be bad if
This knock will stop. (
Heart )
One touches the other
Cotton comes out. (
Palm )
Between a hole and a rock
The small river runs
On her way
The field is clean. (
Mustache )
Two brothers apart
Miss each other
And come together -
They get angry and frowning. (
Brows )
two sisters,
two eagles
They sit above the nests
They look angrily
The feathers are ruffled
Guest won't come
Brows )
steep rock
Has grown into slopes,
Above the steep forest
Has risen to heaven. (
Forehead )

A selection of poems, nursery rhymes, riddles on the topic "What do I know about myself"

The material was prepared by Nadezhda Viktorovna Pikalova, teacher of the first qualification category of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution "Combined Kindergarten No. 201", Orenburg.

This material was collected as part of the project "What I know about myself", the purpose of which was to form the prerequisites for a conscious attitude to their health in children of primary preschool age.

Theme 1: "Here I am"

M. Efremov "The human body"

What is our body?

What can it do?

Smile and laugh

Jump, run, play...

Our ears hear sounds.

Our nose breathes air.

Roth can tell.

Eyes can see.

Legs can run fast.

Hands can do everything.

Fingers grab tight

And they squeeze it tight.

To have a healthy body

We need to recharge.

We raise our hands: "Oh!",

Let's take a deep breath!

Leaning left and right...

What a flexible body!

And in the palms together: "Clap!"

And do not frown a beautiful forehead!


And they smiled at each other.

How do we skillfully

That slim, strong body!

"Know Your Body" by K. A. Parms

You must know your body

Know and love.

The very first thing -

Live in peace with him.

Make him strong

Make it fast.

Make it, make it clean

Every cell of the body

Need to understand.

use skillfully

And guard.

Time will pass, you will become big.

You will always be slim and young

And you can do your life's work.

nursery rhymes

Dot, dot,

two hooks,

Nose, mouth,


Sticks, sticks


Here comes the man.

Oh okay, okay, okay

We are not afraid of water

We cleanly wash ourselves - that's it!

We smile at mom - like that!

Ah, water, water, water!

Let's always be clean!

Spray to the right, spray to the left!

Our body has become wet!

fluffy towel

Let's wipe the hands very quickly!

Good morning, eyes!

You woke up? Yes!

Good morning ears!

You woke up? Yes!

Good morning, pens!

You woke up? Yes!

Good morning feet!

You woke up? Yes!

Good morning sunshine!

We woke up!

Riddles on the theme "The human body"

There are two stakes

Barrel on stakes

There is a bump on the barrel,

And on a hummock there is a dense forest. (Human)

Two stilts, two waves,

Two watched, one nodded. (Human)

The potty is smart

Seven holes in it. (human head)

Topic 2: "My pens"

N. Knushevitskaya "Hands"

Our pens are capable of everything,

The offender will be answered with a thrashing,

The ship will be made of wood chips

A strong hut will be erected in the forest.

Turning the leaves without haste,

Pluck colored russula

And they dig up a soft bed,

To plant sweet peas.

On the river under a cheerful squeal

Will raise a myriad of sprays.

And even droplets from the cloud

Our pens will be able to catch!

Y. Ostrovsky "Yes-yes-yes!"

We clap our hands -

Yes Yes Yes Yes!

We stamp our feet -

Yes Yes Yes Yes!

Let's wave our hands -

Yes Yes Yes Yes!

Let's dance with our feet -

Yes Yes Yes Yes!

S. Volkov "Hands can get everything ..."

Pens can reach everything

Can be held in hands

And a toy, and a blade of grass,

And a heavy chair in the back.

You can swing your arms

You can play with cubes

Draw, dig sand,

Break off a piece of bread

Cat petting, hugging

Or help your mom.

V. Lunin "Themselves and themselves"

Nothing ever comes out by itself.

The letter itself does not come to our house.

The grain itself is not able to grind.

Cloth itself cannot become a costume.

It doesn't know how to make jam.

The poem itself will not be written.

We have to do it ourselves

With your head and with your hands!

Riddles on the theme "Hands"

The five brothers are inseparable.

They are never bored together.

They work with a pen

Saw, spoon, axe. (fingers)

I have workers

Hunters help in everything.

They do not live behind the wall -

Day and night with me:

There are ten of them - faithful guys! (fingers)

Five brothers -

Years equal,

Growth is different. (fingers)

Your helpers - look -

A dozen friendly brothers

How nice it is to live when they

Work is not afraid.

And like a good boy

Every one is obedient... (finger)

E. Moshkovskaya "My hands"

When One said:

“You are the left, I am the right.

You are always guilty

I am right! I'm right!"

Then One remarked:

“And you have a scratch!” -

And laughed merrily.

And, indignantly ardently,

Another told her

I told her, crying,

Sobbing bitterly bitterly:

“And how many of them do you have!”

C. Genet "Man's Hands"

People, just take a look around:

All our life -

The work of our hands.

Villages, bridges, cities and houses -

All our hands!

All our hands!

Smart hands are the basis of success,

Hands are the face of a person.

Hands! They talk about a lot

The eye only sees, but the hands create!

Nursery rhymes:

Dance your hands once,

There will be a pie for you tomorrow!

Oh, you are my masters,

Quick hands - sisters!

Let's wash our little hands

Little Nastenka,

Back and tummy

Face and mouth -

What a clean

Dear daughter!

new gloves,

Warm, fluffy!

My grandmother knitted them for me,

gave and said:

“Now the granddaughter

Don't get cold hands!"

N. Sakonskaya "My finger"

Masha put on a mitten:

Oh, where am I doing my finger?

Missing finger!

Didn't make it to my house.

Masha took off her mitten:

Look, I found it!

Seek, seek and find!

Hello, finger, how are you?

Five fingers on your hand

Call by name sumey.

First finger - lateral -

It's called BIG.

The second finger is a diligent pointer

No wonder they call it INDICATIVE.

Your third finger is just in the middle,

Therefore MIDDLE is given its name.

The fourth finger is called UNNAMED,

He is reckless and stubborn.

Just like in a family, the younger brother is a favorite,

According to the account, he is the fifth, called the LITTLE FINGER.