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Small worms in cats. Flatworms in cats: what kind of parasites they can be and how to treat them. Diagnosis of worms in cats

Ugh, what disgusting!

Well, my kitty is a pet, she can’t have these creatures!

Fragments or whole worms may be present in the feces or on the fur around the anus. The animal “rides” on its butt. The general condition worsens, the appetite changes, and hair loss is observed. There may be alternating diarrhea and constipation, vomiting. Symptoms of worm infestation are often similar to those of other diseases, so you should consult a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis.

If you suspect worms, you can submit a stool sample for analysis. It must be delivered to the laboratory no later than 12 hours after defecation in a glass or plastic jar and stored in the refrigerator until examination. But a single negative test result does not 100% exclude the presence of helminths, since they or their eggs may not get into the sample you took.

What to do? Of course, take it out!

For prevention (even for the most “domestic” animal), anthelmintics are given twice a year. If there is a high risk of infection, deworming can be done once every three months. It is necessary to remove worms 10-14 days before vaccination.

The anthelmintic should be given twice with a period of 10-14 days. A single dose destroys only the adult, but not the eggs. In 10-12 days, new worms hatch from the eggs, and repeated administration will destroy them. If after this the animal still shows signs of infestation, you should consult a doctor. Some drugs destroy all phases of helminth development at once, so they are given once (Milbemax, Profender).

Pregnant animals are prescribed in the last third of pregnancy, lactating animals - 2-3 weeks after birth, only those drugs that have appropriate indications in the instructions (for example, Milbemax), otherwise they can harm the health of the offspring. It would be correct to drive away worms 10-14 days before mating. If this has not been done, kittens should be wormed no earlier than 21 days after birth. Unfortunately, infection of kittens with worms can even occur in utero, during childbirth and breastfeeding.

How to remove worms?

There are a great many remedies for worms. Veterinary anthelmintic drugs can be in the form of tablets (prazicide, canikquantel, milbemax, drontal, etc.), pastes (dirofen), suspensions (prazicide, dirofen), drops on the withers (profender, leopard spot-on, prazicide complex). If you find it difficult to give your pet a pill, you can give it a drink or treat it with special drops by squeezing the contents of a pipette between the shoulder blades, after first spreading the fur (in a place inaccessible to licking by the cat’s tongue).

Pay attention to what type of animal the drug is intended for, at what age it can be used, and for what weight the dose is calculated. Read the instructions especially carefully if your cat is pregnant or nursing kittens(!). Modern products are designed for all types of worms (round and tape). They must be given strictly by weight(!), so the animal should be weighed and the dose strictly observed!

Tapeworms are hermaphrodites, meaning they reproduce and fertilize eggs themselves. The body of a tapeworm is made up of segments, each of which breaks off when the eggs are ready to move into the body of an intermediate host. Tapeworms are record holders in size; some of their species grow from 1.5 to 20 m in length.

What do tapeworm egg larvae look like?

Once inside the host's body, the worm's head clings to the intestinal wall and begins to drink blood. Within 20–60 days, the worm matures and becomes sexually mature. Afterwards, it begins to form new segments, each of which is a reservoir for eggs. After fertilization, the eggs mature. When the time comes for the eggs to molt, the last segment of the worm's body breaks off and exits into the external environment.

The eggs of tapeworms have a peculiarity - they move due to the flat muscles that make up the membrane of the segment. The active behavior of the eggs attracts the attention of intermediate carriers. Once the segment has been swallowed by the intermediate carrier, the muscle is digested and the eggs are released. After molting, the eggs turn into larvae and grow in the body of the intermediate host.

Flatworms or flukes in cats

Note! Flatworms have a symmetrical shape, the length of the worm ranges from 2 to 15 mm, the width barely reaches 2 mm. Body color ranges from white to pinkish.

This is incredible! One sexually mature female roundworm can reproduce up to 800 eggs per day.

In what cases can you see worms in a cat?

If you suspect your pet has worms but can't find them, you'll have more success if you know where to look. Microscopic types of worms that live in the organs or muscles of a cat cannot be detected at home.

  • Apathy, decreased activity, restless sleep.
  • Vitamin deficiency, weight loss due to normal nutrition, perversion or a sharp decrease in appetite.
  • Active secretion of saliva and hyperactive functioning of the mucous membranes.
  • Anemia of the mucous membranes.
  • Anemia.
  • Alternating diarrhea and.
  • Diarrhea with large amounts of mucus and blood.
  • Noticeable deterioration in the quality of wool and skin.
  • Bloated abdomen, pain in the peritoneum or hypochondrium.

In most cases, if you see worms coming out of a cat’s body, the infestation has already reached a critical level, and the animal needs emergency help.

Sign of infestation - eggs and worms in feces, at the place of sleep, on fur

Almost all worms take time to mature, ranges from 3 to 60 days. When the worms become adults and sexually mature, they begin to reproduce eggs (multiply), constantly “increasing” the symptoms of the infestation.

Experience shows that most owners manage to detect tapeworm eggs. The most common tapeworm that affects cats is the cucumber tapeworm.

Important! Certain types of flukes infect the respiratory organs, including the lungs.

Many inexperienced owners are shocked when they see what comes out of their pets after taking the medicine.

Many owners do not understand why inspect feces after deworming? The problem is that in case of critical infestation, anthelmintic measures, although necessary, can lead to a sharp deterioration in health. For example, if the worms come up with a lot of green mucus, this may indicate a necrotic or inflammatory process.

How to treat worms in a cat

How to treat worms in a cat so as not to cause even more harm? The best way to prevent problems is regular prevention. If a cat receives anthelmintic drugs once every 3-4 months, the helminthic infestation will not reach critical proportions and the health of the animal will not be threatened.

What should you do if you picked up a kitten on the street, bought it at a poultry market, or want to give an anthelmintic to a cat with an unknown medical history? Naturally, it is best to consult a veterinarian who will examine the animal and determine its current condition.

  • Under three weeks of age.
  • Over 12 years of age.
  • Has chronic kidney or liver disease.
  • Dehydrated or exhausted.
  • Sick or recovering from an illness.
  • Pregnant or nursing kittens.

Anthelmintic drugs are divided according to the type of dosage form:

In case of critical helminthic infestation, after 2–4 hours (depending on the active ingredients of the drug), the cat is given adsorbents. After another 30–40 minutes, a laxative is given. This approach reduces the therapeutic effectiveness of anthelmintic drugs, but helps prevent intestinal blockage and a sharp increase in intoxication.

This type of worm inhabits the cat's intestines. Invasion occurs through the oral cavity. Larvae and mature individuals feed on blood. The main signs of infection are persistent thirst, vomiting, diarrhea with bloody discharge, barking cough, lethargy and loss of appetite.


The most common type of infestation in cats. Easily transmitted from animal to person if personal hygiene rules are not observed. These are round worms that taper towards the end of the tail. There are ten-centimeter individuals. Found in animal feces or vomit. The disease is manifested by chronic stool disorder, poor appetite, vomiting, and decreased motor activity.

If a kitten becomes infected, it will have a characteristic appearance: tousled fur, thinness with a bloated tummy and increased appetite.

The habitat of roundworms is the gastrointestinal tract, but some species can settle in the bile ducts and pancreas.

Some individuals of this species reach a length of fifteen centimeters. The main danger with this lesion is that worms are able to colonize all the internal organs of the cat and, in the absence of anthelmintic therapy, severe diseases can develop, ultimately leading to death. This disease has no characteristic symptoms, especially in the initial stage.

However, the animal still develops digestive problems (constipation or diarrhea), weight loss, dandruff, lymph nodes may become enlarged, and the animal becomes more susceptible to allergies, which manifests itself in the form of hives and itching.

To prevent helminthiasis, veterinarians recommend following the following rules:

If you follow these simple rules, you will make life much easier for your pet and yourself. Remember that almost all helminths live in the human body, and not all of them can be diagnosed and treated 100%. Take care of yourself and your pet!

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The first signs of helminths in cats may be the following:

  • Weight loss;
  • Poor appetite;
  • Rapid fatigue and other signs indicating the animal’s ill health.

Depending on the shape and size, method of feeding and reproduction, helminths are classified into three main categories:

  • flukes;
  • tape;
  • roundworms.

You should know the enemy by sight, so it’s worth getting to know him better. Types of worms in cats with photos and names:

In some cases, the temperature rises. Standard types of medications in this case are ineffective, so complex therapy is used to treat the cat.

  • Metastases in internal organs and even the brain;
  • Liver tumor.

The source of infection is eaten rodents.

Cucumber tapeworm

The most common uninvited guest in an animal's body is the cucumber tapeworm. Therefore, in the majority of cases, a person picks up these worms. They do not always pose a serious danger, but in any case the body receives some damage from their presence. After infection, a person may notice the following symptoms:

  • Stomach upset;
  • Headache;
  • Impaired appetite.




In general, cestodes are the most dangerous worms in cats for humans. Penetrating into the body, they quickly develop vigorous activity:

  • Reproduce;
  • Distributed throughout the body;
  • They poison the body.

The bottom line is that you can get infected from cats, and in some cases this leads to serious health and even life problems. But the pet, in turn, can also suffer from worms that came to it from a person. Therefore, you should not neglect the minimum requirements for prevention:

  • Hygiene monitoring;
  • High-quality prepared food;
  • Use of anthelmintics.

Symptoms of worms in cats and kittens

The degree of manifestation of symptoms characterizing the presence of worms in cats depends on various factors:

  • Degree of damage;
  • Type of worm;
  • Features of the animal's body.

How to identify worms in cats? Basically, when worms are just beginning to settle inside a pet, signs of their presence may not be noticed, or they may be mild. The most common symptoms and signs of worms in cats include:

  • Bloated belly;
  • Premature birth in cats;
  • Blood in stool;
  • Purulent discharge from the nose and eyes;
  • Itching in the anus (the cat constantly rubs and licks the affected area);
  • Hair loss and dullness;
  • Yellowness on the mucous membranes;
  • Coughing attacks (especially with roundworms);
  • Gastrointestinal disorder;
  • Signs of intoxication.

Kittens may additionally exhibit symptoms of anemia and developmental delays.

It should be noted that the symptoms of worms in cats are in some cases similar to the signs characteristic of infectious and viral diseases. Carrying out deworming in this case is extremely contraindicated, as this can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, if any illness manifests itself, it is better to undergo laboratory and clinical tests to confirm the nature of the cat’s disease.

Treatment of worms in cats

How to remove worms from cats? At the first dangerous symptoms of helminth infection, it is necessary to urgently carry out a deworming procedure. It is worth considering that for this procedure it is necessary to use drugs specially developed for the animal body and the use of drugs produced for humans is unacceptable in this case. If this factor is not taken into account, the consequences can be unpredictable.

Dewormers for cats

What should you give your cat for worms? If you study various anthelmintic drugs in detail, you can draw a logical conclusion: deworming tablets for cats are divided into only two categories. In the first case, these are narrow-profile drugs that can cure an animal of one specific problem. Secondly, the medicine contains different components that can fight different types of unwanted travel companions. Such drugs are called complex, with a wide spectrum of action.

It is also worth noting that some medications are produced in the form of drops and suspensions, which makes it easier to administer the drug to a sick pet and facilitates accurate dosing of the drug.

You can now see the current price of anti-worm medications and buy them right here:

Top medicines

Leaders are everywhere, and this point is not spared by anthelmintic drugs for worms for cats. The following funds made it into the top three.


The drug Drontal received first place for a reason. It is this type of tablets for deworming in cats that has received the most positive reviews from pet owners. They appreciate the quality of the drug and its effectiveness. Also, an additional advantage is the price of Drontal - it is the most acceptable for this market segment.

The main components of the drug are praziquantel and pyrantel. They are the ones who successfully deal with round and tape helminths. For an adult cat weighing four kg, one tablet is enough to get the required dose of medicine.


What makes the medicine so popular is its multitasking properties. The drug is produced for both adult cats and small kittens. Although for babies under 6 weeks of age, it is still better to choose something else. Also, you should not give Milbemax to pregnant cats. The predominant number of reviews about this product are positive, which allows the product to take an honorable place in the list of the best deworming medications for the cat family.


Dirofen is one of the complex drugs. It is produced in the form of tablets and paste suspensions. The product contains pumpkin oil, which has a beneficial effect on the healing of the animal’s intestines and the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract after injury. The cost of the drug depends on the type of medicine, but in any case the price is quite reasonable. Most often, Dirofen is used to treat cestodosis and nematodosis in cats and kittens. This product has proven itself due to its speed and high level of efficiency.

What if the cat is pregnant?

How to give a cat an anti-worming tablet?

  1. The tablet should be crushed. The resulting powder should be mixed with your pet’s favorite liquid food. You can treat the “little patient” with the prepared treat.
  2. The cat is seated on your lap so that its back is to the person. Now, if the animal tries to back away, it will have nowhere to retreat. Then the pet will need to unclench its jaws and put the dewormer in its mouth. After this, holding the animal’s mouth closed, you need to start stroking the cat’s throat. This will cause a swallowing reflex and as a result the animal will receive the necessary dose of the medicinal drug.
  3. The thoroughly crushed tablet must be mixed with water. There should be little water, since the entire resulting mixture will need to be injected into the cat’s mouth using a syringe (without a needle, of course). As in the previous case, after administering the medicine you will need to close the animal’s mouth and induce a swallowing reflex.

For those who don’t want to invent anything, anti-worm drops, as well as pastes and suspensions are available for sale. But if we take drops as an example, they are recommended to be used only for preventive purposes, since they have a less pronounced therapeutic effect. For complete treatment, especially in advanced cases, it is better to use tablets.

How to give a cat an anti-worming tablet - watch the instructions in the video:

Prevention of worms

Preventive deworming in kittens and cats should be carried out at least four times a year. And for pets walking outside, the schedule can be tightened. Compliance with hygiene and cleanliness standards. Several rules for preventing worms in cats:

  1. Something as simple as washing your hands after handling animals is a good way to prevent accidental infection.
  2. Also, don't let the cat touch your face and especially your lips. This also applies to kissing a pet.
  3. The cat's litter box should be changed frequently. It won't hurt to wash and disinfect it from time to time either.
  4. It is better not to give your cat raw foods, especially meat and fish.
  5. If there are several cats in the house, deworming medications will need to be given to everyone, and this should be done at the same time.

Compliance with simple prevention methods greatly reduces the risk of infection of a cat and, as a result, a person.

If you still have questions about the treatment of worms in cats, write in the comments, we will try to answer!

Also, a furry pet can receive these uninvited guests as a “gift” if you feed it raw fish, milk or meat, from flies and food that has already been in the trash. The excrement of another animal, particles of which could get on your shoes, can also cause illness in your four-legged friend. There are frequent cases of infection of kittens from a carrier cat through milk.

Doctors are often asked the question: can you get worms from a cat? Yes, you can - in the same way as from a person, and simply by receiving them “from the street”. Most often this occurs as a result of ordinary non-compliance with personal hygiene measures, animal food hygiene and neglect of regular preventive treatments for your pets.

Both humans and animals in such cases are equal potential sources of infection for each other.

What are the types of worms in cats?

Important! If your animal suddenly develops vomiting or loses weight, this is a reason to get tested, including a stool test for the presence of helminths.

  1. Trematodes or flukes. They occur much less frequently than the two previous types and cause damage to the liver and pancreas with corresponding symptoms requiring laboratory tests.

The most common helminthiases and their symptoms


Routes of infection, carriers: Small crustaceans of fresh water bodies, raw fish, rodents. Fleas and lice eaters.

Description of symptoms: Dulling of fur, loss of appetite. Constipation and diarrhea, vomiting containing blood. Without treatment - anemia and convulsions.

A drug: Fenasal, Praziquantel, Fenalidon, etc.

  • Dipylidiasis. A grayish helminth, 20-30 centimeters in length. Lives in the intestines.

Description of symptoms: Decreased appetite, rumbling in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, loose stools.

A drug: Skoloban, Fenasal, Praziquantel, etc.

  • Alveococcosis. Small worms are 1-4 mm. They live in the intestines.

Description of symptoms: It has been going on hidden for a long time. In later stages, it manifests itself with hepatopulmonary symptoms and leads to death in humans and animals.

A drug: Filixan, Cetovex, fenasal.


Routes of infection, carriers: Enter the body through the skin or esophagus.

Description of symptoms:

A drug: Pyrantel and drugs based on it. Fembendazole, Febantel.

  • Toxascariasis. Roundworms usually reach a length of 3 to 5 cm. They live in the intestines, sometimes in the gall bladder, liver and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Description of symptoms: Decreased appetite and activity. Loose stools, vomiting. The animal drinks a lot. Anemia, cough.

A drug: Pyrantel, Fembendazole, Ditrazine.


Routes of infection, carriers: Shellfish, fish from rivers when eaten and from coastal vegetation.

Description of symptoms: Cough, loss of appetite. Increase in temperature (not always). Vomiting with foam, loose stools.

A drug: Praziquantel.

  • Opisthorchiasis. A helminth about 0.5 cm long that lives in the liver and destroys its tissue.

Description of symptoms: Painful stomach, loss of appetite with episodes of bulimia, vomiting with bile, loose stools. Body temperature is increased

Treatment: complex, individual.

Note! The described symptoms are not absolute signs of each specific type of helminthiasis and depend on the severity and duration of the disease, as well as on many other factors! If the infection is latent, its signs may not appear at all, which does not mean that the animal does not need treatment.

General signs of helminthic infestation

  • Loose stools.
  • Constipation.
  • Alternating loose stools and episodes of difficulty defecating.
  • Vomiting - sometimes even with blood and worms.
  • In feces and on the fur around the anus there are fragments of helminths or whole individuals.
  • “Riding” on the butt caused by itching.
  • Stool mixed with bloody and mucous components.
  • Bloated belly.
  • Loss of body weight.
  • Decreased appetite or uncontrollable bouts of binge eating.
  • Cough.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Pathological molting.
  • Growth retardation in kittens.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Icterus (yellowness) of the mucous membranes, sometimes their pale color (with anemia).
  • Convulsive syndrome and paralysis of the hind legs.
  • Spontaneous abortion of embryos or untimely birth.

Important! If you find any of these signs in your animal, do not try to treat it yourself! After all, if the problem is not worms, but some other infectious process is taking place, then you can harm your little friend by deworming him. For a diagnosis, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

When submitting stool to the laboratory, do not forget that it cannot be stored for more than 8-12 hours (and only in the refrigerator). Otherwise, the analysis will be uninformative.

How to treat

Anthelmintic veterinary drugs also have contraindications, so to prescribe them, at least for the first time, contact a veterinary clinic, where they will help you choose the right drug.

Important! You should not purchase medications from unverified “street” stalls, where there is a high probability of purchasing a counterfeit product. Do not use human medications, you will not be able to dose them correctly, and not all of them are suitable for treating an animal.

Be very careful when choosing the dosage, it will depend not only on the weight, but also on the age of your furry companion, as well as on his state of health.

Carefully read the instructions for the drug before using it and strictly follow the recommendations of your veterinarian to prevent the development of intoxication in your cat, especially if it is a kitten.

We wish you and your pet health!