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Mikhail Abdurakhmanovich Eskindarov. Eskindarov Mikhail Abdurakhmanovich: biography, features of activity and interesting facts

The Financial University has an anniversary accounting department. In a year, the university will be a hundred years old. On the eve of the anniversary, it was ten years since the rector’s post was held by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Mikhail Eskindarov.

Mikhail Abdurakhmanovich, the university was founded almost 100 years ago. Do you have a monopoly on producing finance ministers? Over the years, has there been at least one minister who was not your graduate?

In preparation for the anniversary, as is customary in Russia, we remember our history. In December 1917, the People's Commissariat of Finance decided to create the country's first specialized financial university. Classes began on March 2, 1919, so we celebrate the anniversary in March. We have something to be proud of: among the graduates of the university there are 7 ministers of finance, heads of the largest financial and credit institutions in the country.

The first to name is Arseny Zverev, who headed the ministry for almost 22 years, of which he worked with Stalin for almost 15 years and survived - this is already a feat. The extraordinary Boris Fedorov, who passed away very early, was one of the first ministers of finance of the new Russia. Professor of the Department of Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation at our university - former Minister of Finance. Now he holds a ministerial post - the dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of our university. Anton Germanovich regularly speaks to students and teachers, provides opportunities for teachers and students to undergo internships and practical training at the Ministry of Finance.

The structure of finances is a political issue, isn't it? How have the financial system and your graduates adapted to changes in the system and political situation?

Finance is the core of the entire economy. And the state of the economy determines the policy of any state. Simply put: the state pursues the policy that the budget allows it. The financial system also includes the banking system, and commercial banks in our country did not appear 25 years ago, as many people think, they existed from the first days of Soviet power and were called Soviet foreign banks.

For example, the Moscow People's Bank in London, opened by Tsarist Russia, and in 1919 transformed into a Soviet bank. The bank's branches operated in Paris, Berlin, Tehran, Harbin, Beirut, Frankfurt, and Singapore. Our graduates worked in all these banks.

Many of them headed the Moscow People's Bank and its branches. Among others, I will name Yuri Ponomarev, Alexey Dushatin, Alexander Semikoz, Igor Suvorov, Vladimir Malinin, Evgeny Grevtsev, Ilya Lomakin, Yuri Poletaev.

When a crisis occurred in the branch of the Moscow People's Bank in Singapore in 1977 and the bank lost almost $200 million, it was Viktor Gerashchenko who was sent to the rescue.

Despite the Iron Curtain, the USSR had close economic relations with countries of the West and East. On behalf of the Soviet Government, our foreign banks carried out operations with securities, gold and other precious metals. They say (I have no reliable information) that these banks were also used for illegal transactions...

- Did you finance the export of the revolution?

I have not specifically studied this issue. But I fully admit that the Soviet government had its own interests in those regions where the banks were located.

- These banks were the legal successors of the Russian Empire?

No, only the Moscow People's Bank in London, which was created in 1911 in Moscow, opened its branch in London in 1915, and the Soviet government preserved and developed it.

- How did the bank manage to avoid persecution of defrauded European depositors? The same French victimsemprunt russe, the tsarist loan of 1906, under which Russia owed France 12 billion francs in gold, did they really not try to repay their debts through a bank in London?

This is a reason for a separate investigation. A Soviet bank was also opened in Paris, and it now continues to operate, albeit as part of the VTB group. The French bank was also headed by our graduates. Now we are forming a list of our graduates-employees of foreign banks of the USSR in order to invite them to the celebration of the centenary of our university.

Your university is the first specialized financial university in the history of Russia. What special things do your graduates know and do?

We have historically trained specialists who know not only Russian reality, but also the finances of other countries and the activities of foreign banks. Therefore, in the 90s, it was easier for our graduates than others to create banks and insurance companies; they already had knowledge and experience. The value of our university was well understood in the Kremlin: on October 8, 1992, by decree of President B. Yeltsin, the State Financial Academy was transformed into the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. From that moment on, from a small university on Kibalchicha Street, we have grown into a huge educational and scientific complex with pre-university training, bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, doctoral and many scientific departments.

- You have 19 faculties and 35 branches, as it is written on the website, how do you manage to keep track of everything?

The website is late, the number of branches has already been reduced to 28. We react harshly when a branch does not meet the monitoring criteria of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In such cases, we transfer our branches to local universities. For example, on the basis of our branch and several universities in Arkhangelsk, the Arctic Federal University was created.

In Voronezh, the branch became part of the local university. The Yakut branch was transferred to local authorities - running the university from Moscow is both ineffective and expensive.

Many regions persistently ask us to maintain branches. But there are problems: the demographic situation in the central regions is such that the number of applicants is declining, and in some cities - such as Bryansk, Kursk, Smolensk, Yaroslavl - there are dozens of branches of other universities. There is no desire to accept poorly prepared applicants for study, and it is difficult to develop branches. But we will solve this problem too.

- Why did you do this? Why does the Financial University need so many branches?

Our branches have a long history: several years ago, the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics joined the university with a network of branches throughout Russia. These are not home-made ones, excuse the expression, created to pump out money, these are universities with a history of 40 years and older.

To finish with branches: annually the Ministry of Education and Science monitors the activities of universities and branches. Are monitoring indicators fair? It’s hard to say: each branch should earn at least 50 thousand rubles per scientific and pedagogical worker. But in most regions this is very difficult. Including because, unfortunately, our business has not yet learned to invest money in science, in research and development, in R&D. Secondly, where our teachers could apply their knowledge, unfortunately, they do not turn to their services. As a result, many of our branches earn less than the ministry requires.

- Do universities generally have to make money, in your opinion?

The question is complex. There are different higher education systems. In Russia, universities existed in parallel with the Academy of Sciences, and there were also branch research institutes. Universities in Russia were mainly engaged in educational activities according to the plans of the departments, and, to the extent possible, they attracted employees of the Academy of Sciences and industry research institutes for educational and scientific work, and they themselves were engaged in this work.

The Anglo-Saxon countries have a different system. Universities were created, first of all, as scientific centers that were also engaged in pedagogical activities. Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Chicago, Pennsylvania and many other universities have traditionally been, first and foremost, scientific centers. In these countries there are no Academies of Sciences, as in our case.

When we began the reform of the Academy of Sciences, the idea arose to transform universities into scientific centers that also conduct the educational process. But the initiators of this process forgot about one little thing. In Western universities, especially in the USA, the education system is designed for students to work independently. The student's classroom load is no more than 10-12 hours per week. The rest of the time there is independent work under the guidance (or without) of a professor. The professor advises by email, can invite the student to his place, and demand a report. Our workload is still 24-26 hours a week. Accordingly, the teacher’s workload is up to 900 hours per year. But we also want the teacher, after lectures and other training sessions, to be actively engaged with students, involving them in the scientific process, and to be engaged in scientific work himself. In addition, the material and technical base of our universities is not designed for serious scientific research. What happened? We have virtually eliminated industrial science, and have not resolved the issue of funding university science. And without funding...

- Neither science, nor education?

Of course, there are wonderful research centers at universities - Moscow State University, MEPhI, MIPT, MSTU. N.E. Bauman, Tomsk universities, but these are exceptions. To demand from our universities today that they do the same work as American ones is, at a minimum, not serious. Compare, for example, the budgets of Harvard and Moscow State University - it’s ridiculous. The Harvard University endowment fund alone today is $29 billion.

- MSU, as indicated on its website, has an endowment fund of 110 million rubles, that is, about $1 million 800,000.

Harvard can invite top-tier scientists to conduct serious scientific research. Among its graduates are 150 Nobel Prize laureates. And to demand from our universities that five of them enter the top hundred best universities in the world is fantastic. In any case, in the next 10, 20 years, or maybe more, not a single Russian university will be included in the hundred. Of course, we have a historically strong school of mathematics and programming. But the whole university, no matter how much we want, will not enter - the system is different.

Does your alumni circle help the Financial University? Did Mikhail Prokhorov take part in the creation of the endowment?

Our endowment is the first university endowment in Russia, created in 2006. initiated the creation of the fund. And other graduates picked up his idea: the Chairman of Vnesheconombank of that period, the Chairman of the Board of Sberbank, the Chairman of the Board of Vozrozhdenie Bank and me - the five of us became the founders of the endowment fund. Today the fund has about 360 million rubles, income on average is about 15-20 million rubles. We use this money for the development of science, for internal grants for teachers and researchers, and support student scientific activities.

In Russia there is not the same powerful need to engage in charity as, for example, in America. The endowments of universities in the United States are formed by successful graduates. In first place is Harvard with its 29 billion endowment fund, followed by the endowments of Yale University and Stanford University with tens of billions. Russian universities still have a lot to do to ensure that our graduates strive to help their educational institutions. They certainly help: they provide financial support, give master classes, give lectures, invite graduates to work and internships, and give orders for scientific research. But our scale, of course, is very modest. I cherish the hope that one day Russian universities will have communities like Harvard’s.

Our task is to make sure that families grow at universities. So that students find their other half, and so that they perceive the university as a family. So that they can come after graduation, talk about their successes, problems, and find support. So far we do not have enough capabilities to create this system. But if such a family environment appears, the endowments of Russian universities will begin to actively replenish.

An endowment is a special financial instrument. The donor does not give money forever - he can withdraw it from the fund at any time. But in Russia there is still no civic consciousness that allows donation. And the second reason is taxes. In America, for example, the expenses of philanthropists are deducted from taxes. This is not the case here - the legislation does not provide for such an exemption. Therefore, the state also needs to exempt donors from taxes if we want to support universities, theaters, and museums with endowments.

- If a person plans to work in the banking and financial sector in Russia, does he need to study in Russia?

From time to time, my friends, including our graduates, give advice about their children’s education: “Here I have the opportunity to send my child to study in America, Great Britain, Germany.” To this I always answer this way: “If you want your son or daughter to live and work in Russia, then, of course, you need to study in Russia. Complete your base and bachelor's degree here. A master's degree or MBA can be obtained abroad. The student must understand economic reality. Despite the fact that we once took, for example, the American financial market system, our reality is still different. It has many features and should be studied here.

A huge amount of work awaits our graduates in creating a real financial sector that would allow them to influence the economy as a whole.

Today, the financial system is 90% the banking system, and 10% are other segments that still do not work well in our country. Our banks use, at best, 10-12 products, while Western banks use dozens of instruments. Once the Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire, Yegor Fratsevich Kankrin, said: “I see my services to the fatherland not in what I did, but in what I did not allow to be done.” Unfortunately, many of his followers place more emphasis on what was “not allowed.” There are few proposals to develop the economy, the financial sector, or increase budgetary and non-budgetary investments. Investments, both public and private, are being reduced. We are not talking about foreign investment at all. But there is no real mechanism for reindustrialization or at least industry development yet.

- Is there a line in the university charter that it can only be headed by a graduate?

Of course not. But you know, that would be great. The structure that I called family can only appear if there is a bearer of traditions. If you start creating history anew every time, you won’t get any family. Of course, the Ministry of Justice will not register such a charter, but the idea is good.

Rector of the Financial University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Independent member of the Boards of Directors of a number of large industrial associations and banks, member of leading state and public organizations. Chairman of the editorial board of the international theoretical and scientific-practical journal "Bulletin of the Financial University", member of the editorial board of a number of scientific journals. Born on November 15, 1951. In 1976 he graduated from the Financial University (Moscow Financial Institute) with a degree in Finance and Credit, in 1981 he completed graduate school at the Moscow Financial Institute, and in 2000 he became a Doctor of Economic Sciences. Professional activity at the Moscow Financial Institute (since 1992 - Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, since 2010 - Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation): since 1976 - graduate student, since 1981 - deputy dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics, 1982-1984 - Head of the Human Resources Department, 1984-1987 - Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, 1987-1991 - Head of a group of Soviet teachers at the University of Aden (Yemen), 1991-2002 - Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs of the IFI, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and at the same time Professor Department of World Economy and International Monetary Relations, 2002-2006 - First Vice-Rector of the Financial University (Finance Academy), 2006 - Rector of the Financial University. M.A. Eskindarov is an academician of the Academy of Management and Market and other public academies of sciences; he has published more than 200 scientific papers, monographs, textbooks and articles in scientific journals. Awards, honorary diplomas and titles: Order of Friendship (1996); Badge "Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia" (1997); Commemorative medal for the 850th anniversary of the founding of Moscow (1997); laureate of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education (2000); winner of the "Best Manager of 2001" award in the field of education; laureate of the "Financier of the Year" program (2002); Honored Worker of Science and Education of the Republic of Kalmykia (2001); Honored Scientist of the Republic of Ingushetia (2004); Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (2009), Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education (2010); medal "Patriot of Russia" (2010); Order of Friendship of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2011).

15. The Academy was headed by Alla Georgievna Gryaznova. In 1959, she graduated with honors from the MFI. While studying at the institute, she actively participated in student research work and public life, was elected secretary of the institute's Komsomol committee, and after graduating from the Moscow Philharmonic Institute she became the second secretary of the Komsomol district committee. However, her life interests focused on teaching and scientific work. She entered graduate school and in 1964 defended her PhD thesis ahead of schedule. Her teacher and supervisor was M.S. Atlas. In 1975, she defended her doctoral dissertation and was appointed vice-rector for scientific work and international relations. In this position A.G. Gryaznova led the work on a strategy for the transition to the development of research topics of national economic importance. Under her leadership, fundamental research began on the objective laws of saving time, production efficiency and labor productivity, cost and money circulation; applied research of financial, credit, cost levers for increasing production efficiency, identifying reserves for economic growth. She managed to unite the efforts of all departments around the profile of the institute. This allowed the institute to declare itself as the country's leading university in the field of economics and finance. The authority of the institute abroad grew. A number of international agreements were concluded with universities and financial and banking structures of other countries, and the number of citizens of foreign countries who expressed a desire to study at the Moscow Financial Institute and its graduate school increased significantly. The logical result of these processes was the transformation of the institute into the State Financial Academy, and then in 1992 into the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. After this A.G. Gryaznova continued to update the structure of the university and the system of training specialists for a market economy, which had to meet the radical changes in the economic life of Russia. under the leadership of A.G. Gryaznova published a fundamental three-volume work “The Banking System of Russia”, the first textbook in Russia “Business Valuation”. A.G. Gryaznova proposed a new strategic plan for the development of the Financial Academy, providing for the practical implementation of the university’s new mission. It consisted of training world-class specialists for the financial and banking sector, economic and management structures in the public and business sectors of Russia and countries of the world, capable of effectively acting for the benefit of their Fatherland in the context of the globalization of the world economy and the emergence of a “knowledge economy”. The goal of the Financial Academy was to become a major innovative research center, comparable in level and quality of fundamental and applied scientific research to leading universities in the world. In 2006 A.G. Gryaznova left her post as rector of the Financial Academy and became the first president of our university. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor M.A. was elected to the position of rector. Eskindarov.

5. Ozerov Ivan Khristoforovich (1869–1942)– an outstanding scientist-economist and public figure. From the peasants of the Kostroma province. Graduated from Moscow University. Before the revolution, a large entrepreneur, a member of the boards of a number of industrial and banking joint-stock enterprises, had a large fortune. Since 1898, he headed the department of financial law at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. Teacher D.P. Bogolepova. In 1909 he was elected a member of the State Council from the Academy of Sciences and Universities. Author of the textbook “Fundamentals of Financial Science”. In the 1920s employee of Narkomfin. In the 1920s was a professor at MFEI and MPEI. Ozerov died of hunger in 1942 in besieged Leningrad. In 1991 he was rehabilitated.


Yurovsky Leonid Naumovich (1884–1938)- an outstanding economist and statesman. He graduated from the economics department of the Polytechnic Institute in St. Petersburg and the University of Munich, and took an economics course at the University of Berlin. Until 1917, he was a private associate professor at St. Petersburg University and taught at the Moscow Commercial Institute. In the summer of 1917, he was elected dean of the historical and philological faculty of Saratov University. In 1922–1928 - Head of the Currency Administration, member of the board of the People's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR. In the 1920s - Member of the Board of the USSR Industrial Bank. Since 1926, professor at MPEI. In 1927–1930 – Dean of the Faculty of Finance, MPEI. In 1930 - professor at the Moscow Faculty of Economics and Economics. He was not a member of the Bolshevik Party. Author of scientific monographs on the problems of monetary policy of the Soviet state in the 1920s. In 1930 he was repressed and was imprisoned together with N.D. Kondratiev in the Suzdal political isolator, transformed into the Suzdal Special Purpose Prison (STON). After his term of imprisonment, he was disqualified and made a living by rewriting scores. In 1938 he was arrested for the second time, and on September 17, 1938, on the day of sentencing, he was executed.

In 1987 he was rehabilitated.

Kondratiev Nikolai Dmitrievich (1892–1938)– Soviet economist, creator of the concept of long waves of economic conditions (“Kondratieff cycles”). Graduated from the economics department of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. Among his teachers was M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky. In 1915

remained at the department to prepare for the professorship. In 1917 N.D. Kondratyev became secretary of A.F. Kerensky for Agriculture, then Deputy Minister of Food in the last Provisional Government. In 1919, he left the Socialist Revolutionary Party, moved away from politics and focused on scientific activities. In 1920, he became director of the Market Research Institute under the People's Commissariat of Finance, and taught at MPEI and the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. In 1925 he published the work “Large Cycles of Conjuncture.” He was a member of many foreign economic and statistical societies, was personally acquainted or corresponded with W. Mitchell, A.S. Kuznets, I. Fisher, J. Keynes. In 1920 and 1922, Kondratiev was arrested on political charges. In 1928, “Kondratievism” was declared the ideology of the restoration of capitalism. In 1929, Kondratiev was fired from the Market Research Institute.

In 1930, he was arrested in the case of the Labor Peasant Party and sentenced to eight years in prison in the Suzdal political prison. In 1938, a seriously ill scientist was sentenced to death. In 1987 he was posthumously rehabilitated. Taught classes at the faculties of finance and industry.

Rector of the federal state educational budgetary institution of higher professional education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation", Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Date and place of birth: November 15, 1951, the village of Beslenei, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region, Stavropol Territory (Karachay-Cherkess Republic).

Family status: Married, has two adult sons.


1971-1976 - Moscow Financial Institute (MFI), now the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" (Financial University), Faculty of Credit and Economics

  • Specialty: finance and credit
  • Qualification: economist
1976 - 1981 - Postgraduate study at the IFI in the department of "Political Economy"

Academic degrees and titles

1981 - Candidate of Economic Sciences
1988 - Associate Professor
1998 - professor
2000 - Doctor of Economics

Professional activity

Moscow Financial Institute, since 1992 - Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, since 2010 - Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (assistant - senior lecturer - associate professor - professor).
1981-1982 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics;
1982-1984 - head of the personnel department;
1984-1987 - Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations;
1987-1991 - head of a group of Soviet teachers at the University of Aden (People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, currently the Yemen Arab Republic);
1991-2002 - Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs;
2002-2006 - first vice-rector;
since 2006 - rector.

As the rector and chairman of the Academic Council of the Financial University - one of the leading economic educational and scientific centers in Russia - he leads the process of its transition to a level education system (in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration), directs the activities of the teaching staff and the entire team on the path of innovative development, transforming the university into a modern research university, its integration into the European and world educational and scientific space. As the chairman of the All-Russian Educational and Methodological Association (UMA) for a group of economic specialties, he does a lot of work to coordinate the scientific and pedagogical activities of over 700 higher educational institutions included in the UMO, where specialists in financial and economic profiles are trained.

Research activities

M.A. Eskindarov is a prominent economist. The range of his scientific interests has expanded over the years and now includes problems of labor and production efficiency, the formation and development of financial and industrial groups, corporate governance, economic problems of global development, problems of higher education in Russia and in the world. Chairman of dissertation councils in the specialties "World Economy" and "Economics and Management of the National Economy". Provides scientific supervision of graduate students' dissertations and scientific advisor to doctoral students. Chairman of the editorial board of the international theoretical and scientific-practical journal "Bulletin of the Financial University", member of the editorial board of a number of scientific journals. Author of more than 200 scientific publications - monographs, textbooks, articles created over the past 30 years, both personally and in co-authorship - with a total volume of over 310 pp, including:

  • World economy at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. Training manual (1995);
  • Financial and industrial groups: foreign experience and problems of formation in Russia (1995, 1996);
  • How to ensure capital growth: reproductive fundamentals of a company's economy. Training manual (1996);
  • Economic fundamentals of a company's life (Is it possible to avoid bankruptcy?) (1996);
  • Financial and industrial groups: foreign experience and Russian realities (1996);
  • Conceptual foundations of a multi-level system of higher education in Russia: analysis of domestic and foreign experience (1997);
  • Capital of financial and industrial corporate structures: theory and practice (1998);
  • Financial and Industrial Groups (1998);
  • Russian financial industrial groups: problems of interaction between capital and power (1998);
  • Russian financial and industrial groups: problems and prospects for development in crisis conditions (1998);
  • Formation of corporate structures in the modern Russian economy (1999);
  • Modern foreign economic activity. Training manual (2000);
  • Development of corporate structures in the modern Russian economy (2000);
  • Globalization of the world economy and crisis management. Parts 1, 2, 3 (2002);
  • Intellectual capital is a factor in the economic development of modern Russia (2002);
  • Estimation of the value of an enterprise (business). Textbook (2003);
  • The economic system is the basis for the rational reproduction of capital (2003);
  • International economic relations. Textbook for distance learning (2003);
  • World economy. Textbook for distance learning (2003);
  • Financial and industrial groups in the modern economy. Training manual (2004);
  • Modern corporate strategies and technologies in Russia. Issues I and II (2005, 2006)
  • State regulation of the sphere of higher professional education in the context of changes in the organizational and legal forms of educational institutions (2006);
  • Political science. Textbook. (2007);
  • Corporate social responsibility: managerial aspect. Monograph (2008);
  • Microeconomics: a practical approach (Managerial Economics). Textbook (2008);
  • "Risks of the financial crisis in Russia: factors, scenarios and counteraction policies." National report (2008).
  • Theoretical and methodological problems of the innovative education system at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Monograph (2008).
Membership in government and public organizations
  • Member of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation
  • Member of the Subcommittee on Corporate Governance of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
  • Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
  • Member of the Presidium of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
  • Member of the Russian Union of Rectors
  • Member of the Presidium of the Moscow Council of Rectors
  • Member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
  • Independent member of the Board of Directors of a number of companies and banks
  • Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS)
  • Chairman of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to carry out the examination of certification cases for the assignment of academic titles for compliance with the requirements established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Awards and honorary titles

Has a number of awards and honorary titles. Among them:
1996 - Order of Friendship;
1997 - Badge "Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia";
1997 - Commemorative medal for the 850th anniversary of the founding of Moscow;
2000 - Laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of education;
2001 - Winner of the "Best Manager of 2001" award in the field of education;
2001 - Honored Worker of Science and Education of the Republic of Kalmykia;
2002-2007 - Honored Scientist of the Republic of Ingushetia; Honored Scientist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic; Honored Scientist of the CBD; Honored Scientist of the Republic of Buryatia;
2009 - Honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation";
2009 - Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2009 - Honorary Doctor of the Kazakh Economic University named after. T. Ryskulova;
2010 - Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education;
2010 - medal "Patriot of Russia";
2011 - Order of Friendship of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Independent member of the boards of directors of a number of large industrial associations and banks. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, author of more than 300 scientific works, monographs, textbooks and articles in scientific journals. Recently Mr. Eskindarov received the honorary Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2014).

Mikhail Abdurakhmanovich, hello. First of all, I would like to thank you for agreeing to meet and talk. You were born in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. How do you remember your childhood? What do you remember?

My roots are Caucasian. I was born in a wonderful point on the globe - Karachay-Cherkessia. Nowadays the word Arkhyz is heard more and more often. In this area, with the help of my friends, the construction of a huge tourist complex began. I really hope that over time many Russian ski lovers will come with pleasure to this area where I spent my childhood.

As far as I know, there is even a street named after you.

It's immodest to talk about this. This is not my merit, but rather that of my fellow villagers, who at the meeting decided to name the street after Eskindarov, probably for some merit. They believe that I, one of the few who came to Moscow, have achieved certain successes, but I, to the best of my ability and ability, help them in resolving some issues. My comrades and I erected a monument to the Circassian mothers, who sheltered dozens of children in their village during the war. Perhaps that is why the street was named after Eskindarov. What can I say, my children are proud.

Do you remember how you earned your first money?

“I won’t say the exact month and year, but, unlike the city kids, we worked almost from the moment we started walking. In the Circassian villages, everyone had a lot of cows and other animals that had to be walked and grazed. Here, each yard took turns grazing the community’s livestock, and I remember how, from the age of 8-10, we drove sheep and horses. But we really started working somewhere after the 7th grade - as combine operator assistants. In my youth I boasted about this until a certain politician began to boast about the same thing, and since then I have stopped doing it. This is one of the best memories of my life, when early in the morning you go to the field, the grain is falling, there is a layer of dirt and dust on your face, but we were so happy. When I had already entered the institute here, after the 1st year of study, I asked to take the exams ahead of schedule and left to work as a combine operator.

How do you feel about cinema and which recent film would you call trendy?

I wouldn't single out any particular film. There are many films that I love, mainly Soviet films. I like some of Nikita Mikhalkov's films, but I can say that I didn't like it. I didn’t like his last film “Burnt by the Sun 2”, the historical untruth was there, because I was hoping to see the tragedy of the beginning of the war, but it didn’t turn out very well. But I consider a film like “Hot Snow” a wonderful film and even use quotes from it. Well, of course, I take great pleasure in watching films with the participation of my beloved daughter-in-law, Alena Velikanova, who gave birth to me a wonderful grandson.

You read a lot and have probably noticed new trends in literature. What do you remember and what would you recommend?

I grew up reading books and, fortunately, my children are the same, they read with great pleasure. My books are, first of all, scientific literature. I have a special place in my office for books that I will read first on Saturday or Sunday. I advise everyone to read the book “Black Swan”, written by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. This book is very interesting - philosophical, extraordinary.

You have perfectly mastered the art of planning, subordinating time to your own interests, and have been teaching this to others for more than thirty years. What, in your opinion, is the main achievement of the Financial University and what is its mission?

As with any university, the mission is to prepare specialists who will be competitive not only in the profession, but also in life. It is very important, I tell the students, to find friends here in order to become a team in the future. “Team spirit and quality” is the motto of our university. As paradoxical as it may seem to you, every time I turn to first-year students: “Look at your friends, among them is your future bride or groom, do not forget that the mission of the university is to find here the person with whom you are in life move on."

Blitz survey:

1. What are your main qualities?

Absolute dedication to work.

2. What is your main weakness?

Oh, there are so many of them, I don’t even know. Perhaps I devoted too little time to the children.

3. What is your favorite activity?

A good lamp, a good book and a soft sofa, well, not counting work, of course.

4. If not yourself, then who would you like to become?

Military intelligence, counterintelligence.

5. What are your favorite literary characters?

The hero of the Italian resistance of the 19th century, Gadfly, the hero of the novel of the same name by Ethel Lilian Voynich. I sometimes signed with the pseudonym “Gadfly” instead of the surname Eskindarov.

6. What heroes of our time are there in your life today?

There are many heroes, and they are different. For example, my first dean of the faculty, Professor Nikolsky, is already 92 years old. He is a hero, he took part in the war and worked all his life, and our work is stressful. A hero, I believe, is not a name, but someone who works conscientiously in his place and achieves success.

7. What do you hate most?

Laziness and lack of purpose in life.

8. What is your current state of mind?

Always combative. Always in a good mood. Always in good shape. I believe that my internal state should not interest anyone.

9. What is your favorite saying?

A sense of proportion is the valor of the gods.

Interviewed by Artur Tsvetkov

Mikhail Abdurakhmanovich Eskindarov (Mukhadin Abdurakhmanovich Eskindarov; genus. November 15, Besleney village, Karachay-Cherkessia) - rector of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics (2000), professor (1998), corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education (2012), academician of the Russian Academy of Education (2016). Independent member of the Boards of Directors of a number of large industrial associations and banks.


In 1976 he graduated from the Faculty of Credit and Economics of the Moscow Financial Institute (since 1992, the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, since 2010, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) and received the qualification of “economist”. From 1976 to 1981 he studied at the graduate school of the same institute.

Professional activity

  • 1981-82 - Assistant at the Department of Political Economy of the Moscow Financial Institute
  • Since 1981 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Moscow Financial Institute, assistant, senior lecturer at the Department of Political Economy.
  • 1982-1984 - Head of HR Department
  • 1984-1987 - Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations
  • 1987-1991 - leader of a group of Soviet teachers at the University of Aden (Yemen)
  • 1991-2002 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and at the same time Professor of the Department of World Economy and International Monetary Relations
  • 2002-2006 - first vice-rector of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • 2006 - Rector of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, since 2010 - Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Achievements, research work

Prof. M. Eskindarov initiated and led the process of transforming the university into a multidisciplinary university and modernizing the content of its educational and scientific activities, as well as its structure. In particular, on the initiative of prof. M. Eskindarova established the International Faculty of Finance with the teaching of all disciplines in English, with the goal of exporting educational services, new faculties and departments were formed, training of specialists in many new areas of personnel training was opened, a number of research institutes and centers were created. Prof. M. Eskindarov heads the Academic Council of the Financial University. Along with this, he is the chairman of dissertation councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialties: “World Economy” and “Economics and Management of the National Economy: Economics of Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Management.” Prof. M. Eskindarov is the author of about 500 scientific works, monographs, textbooks and articles in scientific journals. Among the publications of recent years:

  • World Economy on the Threshold of the 21st Century (1995);
  • Economic fundamentals of the functioning of a company (1996);
  • Conceptual foundations of the higher education system in Russia. Analysis of Russian and foreign experience (1997);
  • Financial and Industrial Groups (1998);
  • Capital of financial and corporate structures (1998);
  • Development of corporate relations in modern Russia (1999);
  • The economic system is the basis for the rational reproduction of capital (2003);
  • Business valuation. Textbook (2006);
  • State regulation of the sphere of higher professional education in the context of changes in the organizational and legal forms of educational institutions (2006);
  • Collection of articles, interviews and speeches (2006-2007) (2007);
  • National report “Risks of the financial crisis in Russia: factors, scenarios and counteraction policies” (2008);
  • Theoretical and methodological problems of the innovative education system at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (2008);
  • The role of finance in ensuring Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. (2010);
  • Russian economy in 2009-2011: trends, analysis, forecast: Analytical report (2010);
  • Modern corporate strategies and technologies in Russia (2010-2011);
  • Foreign economic activity (2011);
  • The teacher is the main figure in the implementation of the innovative education system (2011);
  • Financial University: past, present, future (2011);
  • Points of convergence of economic development strategies of APEC and SCO member states during the transition to multipolarity (2013).

Awards, honorary diplomas and titles

  • Badge “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation” (1997);
  • Honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation” (2009);
  • Medal “In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow” (1997);
  • Laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2000);
  • Winner of the “Best Manager of 2001” award in the field of education;
  • Laureate of the “Financier of the Year” program (2002);
  • Honored Scientist of Kalmykia, Ingushetia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Buryatia;
  • Honorary Doctor of the Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov (2009);
  • Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education (2010);
  • Medal "Patriot of Russia" (2010);
  • Certificate of Honor of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (2011);
  • Order of Friendship of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2011);
  • Doctor Honoris Causa (2011) of the Economic Academy. D. A. Tsenova, Svishtov, Republic of Bulgaria;
  • Honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Republic of Adygea” (2012);
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2014).

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Excerpt characterizing Eskindarov, Mikhail Abdurakhmanovich

- Believe, prince, that a mother’s heart will never forget what you did for us.
“I’m glad that I could do something pleasant for you, my dear Anna Mikhailovna,” said Prince Vasily, straightening his frill and in his gesture and voice showing here, in Moscow, before the patronized Anna Mikhailovna, even greater importance than in St. Petersburg, at Annette’s evening Scherer.
“Try to serve well and be worthy,” he added, turning sternly to Boris. - I'm glad... Are you here on vacation? – he dictated in his dispassionate tone.
“I’m waiting for an order, your Excellency, to go to a new destination,” answered Boris, showing neither annoyance at the prince’s harsh tone, nor a desire to engage in conversation, but so calmly and respectfully that the prince looked at him intently.
- Do you live with your mother?
“I live with Countess Rostova,” said Boris, adding again: “Your Excellency.”
“This is the Ilya Rostov who married Nathalie Shinshina,” said Anna Mikhailovna.
“I know, I know,” said Prince Vasily in his monotonous voice. – Je n"ai jamais pu concevoir, comment Nathalieie s"est decidee a epouser cet ours mal – leche l Un personnage completement stupide et ridicule.Et joueur a ce qu"on dit. [I could never understand how Natalie decided to come out marry this dirty bear. A completely stupid and funny person, and a player, they say.]
“Mais tres brave homme, mon prince,” Anna Mikhailovna remarked, smiling touchingly, as if she knew that Count Rostov deserved such an opinion, but asked to have pity on the poor old man. – What do the doctors say? - asked the princess, after a short silence and again expressing great sadness on her tear-stained face.
“There is little hope,” said the prince.
“And I really wanted to thank my uncle again for all his good deeds to both me and Bora.” C"est son filleuil, [This is his godson," she added in such a tone, as if this news should have greatly pleased Prince Vasily.
Prince Vasily thought and winced. Anna Mikhailovna realized that he was afraid to find in her a rival in the will of Count Bezukhy. She hastened to reassure him.
“If it weren’t for my true love and devotion to my uncle,” she said, pronouncing this word with particular confidence and carelessness: “I know his character, noble, direct, but he has only the princesses with him... They are still young...” She bowed her head and she added in a whisper: “Did he fulfill his last duty, prince?” How precious are these last minutes! After all, it can’t be worse; it needs to be cooked if it is that bad. We women, Prince,” she smiled tenderly, “always know how to say these things.” It is necessary to see him. No matter how hard it was for me, I was already used to suffering.
The prince apparently understood, and understood, as he did at the evening at Annette Scherer’s, that it was difficult to get rid of Anna Mikhailovna.
“Wouldn’t this meeting be difficult for him, here Anna Mikhailovna,” he said. - Let's wait until evening, the doctors promised a crisis.
“But you can’t wait, Prince, at these moments.” Pensez, il va du salut de son ame... Ah! c"est terrible, les devoirs d"un chretien... [Think, it’s about saving his soul! Oh! this is terrible, the duty of a Christian...]
A door opened from the inner rooms, and one of the count's princesses, the count's nieces, entered, with a gloomy and cold face and a strikingly disproportionate long waist to her legs.
Prince Vasily turned to her.
- Well, what is he?
- All the same. And as you wish, this noise... - said the princess, looking around Anna Mikhailovna as if she were a stranger.
“Ah, chere, je ne vous reconnaissais pas, [Ah, dear, I didn’t recognize you,” Anna Mikhailovna said with a happy smile, walking up to the count’s niece with a light amble. “Je viens d"arriver et je suis a vous pour vous aider a soigner mon oncle. J'imagine, combien vous avez souffert, [I came to help you follow your uncle. I can imagine how you suffered," she added, with participation rolling my eyes.
The princess did not answer anything, did not even smile, and immediately left. Anna Mikhailovna took off her gloves and, in the position she had won, sat down on a chair, inviting Prince Vasily to sit next to her.
- Boris! “- she said to her son and smiled, “I’ll go to the count, to my uncle, and you go to Pierre, mon ami, in the meantime, and don’t forget to give him the invitation from the Rostovs.” They call him to dinner. I think he won't go? - she turned to the prince.
“On the contrary,” said the prince, apparently out of sorts. – Je serais tres content si vous me debarrassez de ce jeune homme... [I would be very glad if you saved me from this young man...] Sits here. The Count never asked about him.
He shrugged. The waiter led the young man down and up another staircase to Pyotr Kirillovich.

Pierre never had time to choose a career for himself in St. Petersburg and, indeed, was exiled to Moscow for rioting. The story told by Count Rostov was true. Pierre participated in tying up the policeman with the bear. He arrived a few days ago and stayed, as always, at his father's house. Although he assumed that his story was already known in Moscow, and that the ladies surrounding his father, who were always unkind to him, would take advantage of this opportunity to irritate the count, he still went after his father’s half on the day of his arrival. Entering the drawing room, the usual abode of the princesses, he greeted the ladies who were sitting at the embroidery frame and behind a book, which one of them was reading aloud. There were three of them. The eldest, clean, long-waisted, stern girl, the same one who came out to Anna Mikhailovna, was reading; the younger ones, both ruddy and pretty, differing from each other only in that one had a mole above her lip, which made her very beautiful, were sewing in a hoop. Pierre was greeted as if he were dead or plagued. The eldest princess interrupted her reading and silently looked at him with frightened eyes; the youngest, without a mole, assumed exactly the same expression; the smallest one, with a mole, of a cheerful and giggling character, bent over the embroidery frame to hide a smile, probably caused by the upcoming scene, the funnyness of which she foresaw. She pulled the hair down and bent down, as if she was sorting out the patterns and could hardly restrain herself from laughing.
“Bonjour, ma cousine,” said Pierre. – Vous ne me hesonnaissez pas? [Hello, cousin. Don't you recognize me?]
“I recognize you too well, too well.”
– How is the count’s health? Can I see him? – Pierre asked awkwardly, as always, but not embarrassed.
– The Count is suffering both physically and morally, and it seems that you took care to cause him more moral suffering.
-Can I see the count? - Pierre repeated.
- Hm!.. If you want to kill him, completely kill him, then you can see. Olga, go and see if the broth is ready for uncle, it’s time soon,” she added, showing Pierre that they were busy and busy calming his father down, while he was obviously busy only upsetting him.