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We must value and care for animals. Do you need to take care of animals? Everything that is done for the sake of animals and their welfare is worth it

Why is it important to protect the animals of the earth? There are many wonders in the world, and one of them is the animal kingdom. Most people think that there are a lot of wild animals in the world, but the truth is that their numbers are constantly declining, and if nothing is done, many species may be in danger of becoming extinct, or even worse, completely extinct.

Animals are constantly under threat, but many never think about it seriously. Fortunately, today there are more and more programs to conserve the earth's animals. These programs also motivate and increase public awareness about proper management of natural resources.

Why is it important to protect the animals of the earth?

Biodiversity is essential for a healthy and functional ecosystem and this directly affects human life. If wildlife is removed from its natural habitat, the delicate balance of the ecosystem will be disrupted, leading to disastrous results. For example, if a species becomes extinct, the food chain will be disrupted and all species will be affected. If one animal species disappears, the next one will gradually disappear. For this reason and many others, we must protect the animals of the earth.

Conservation of earth's animals

Conservation of earth's animals and wildlife‒ this is an attempt to protect endangered species of both animals and plants, as well as their natural habitats. The main goal is to ensure the conservation of their habitats and avoid imbalances. Additionally, wildlife conservation aims to raise awareness about the importance of animals and wildlife.

Over the years, human activity has exacerbated and accelerated the extinction of many animal species. Therefore, there are now government bureaus and organizations that help create various wildlife conservation areas. Protecting the animals of the earth, we not only ensure their survival, but also support the diversity of ecosystems. As a result, this will help improve the ecological health of the Earth.

Why is it necessary to protect the animals of the earth? Because there is much to be learned from animals, which have been of great benefit to the human race for a long time. For example, many drugs have been derived from chemicals produced by animals. These medications are then used to treat various diseases such as heart disease, all kinds of disorders and many others. In fact, based on statistics, more than 25% of drug prescriptions dispensed annually contain animal chemicals. Man receives basic food products from animals.

Unfortunately, many wild animals have disappeared due to human activity. When we conserve and protect the natural habitats of wildlife species, we enrich our planet. By doing this, we also help maintain the integrity of key watersheds and provide clean, fresh water.

Today, there are conservation programs for the earth's animals that allow animals to roam freely in their natural habitat. Some of these programs also allow animals to interact with humans. Such communication educates people and raises awareness about the importance of protecting these wildlife species.

These are just some of the reasons why is it important to preserve and protect the animals of the earth. People are obliged to care not only about animals or birds, we must protect everything that is around us if we want our planet to prosper and future generations to be able to continue to enjoy the wonderful gifts of nature. Everyone must realize that we are an integral part of nature, that by harming it, we, first of all, harm ourselves.

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Every year there are more and more homeless animals on our land, especially in cities. People mostly get purebred dogs and cats, but “mongrel” animals are forced to live on the street.

We often hear the expression “a dog is man’s most faithful friend.” Many good films have been made about dogs about friendship between man and dog and devotion. Dogs also help us as guides for the blind, serve in the police and border troops, participate in scientific laboratories as experimental animals, etc.

Cats are also important for humans, because they protect our homes from mice and rats. It has long been proven that cats are able to heal people.

I think that people should think about, take care of and love not only their pets, but also take care of homeless animals.

For several months, I watched from the window of my house as a lonely old woman in the neighboring yard fed stray cats. As soon as she appears and starts calling them, they immediately run to her from the entire gateway. After they eat, they gratefully caress her at her feet. Looking at her, I also wanted to take care of homeless cats. For more than a year now, I have been feeding the cats in my yard, buying food with the money my parents give me, and making beds with soft bedding out of a box for them. Now, when they see me, they run from all the cracks and basements. I am especially pleased that other residents of our house began to feed them. Previously, these animals looked pitiful, their fur was in tatters, skinny, but now they are cheerful, their fur is smooth and shiny.

I would like there to be more shelters and hotels for homeless animals in my city, so that there would be more volunteers who would treat them and try to place them in a good family. If the state allocated more money for the construction of shelters and veterinary clinics for homeless animals, then adults would not have to fear that stray dogs would bite or attack a child. Then all the children realized that adults cared about “our little brothers” and in the future they themselves also showed concern for them. After all, the ruthless catching and shooting of animals only breeds anger, cruelty and inability to care for their neighbors in children. Each species has its place in the ecosystem and the destruction of dogs or cats leads to its destruction.

I respect people who can shelter a stray cat and dog. I am absolutely convinced that each of us can help stray animals. And I urge you, in the Year of Ecology, let us all be responsible, merciful, not lose our pets, not drive them out into the street, but be a loving owner! Animals are very cute creatures, they need help, because without our participation it is difficult for them to live!

Man's furry and feathered friends cannot always survive in the wild without help. It is our direct responsibility to protect and care for them.

Everything that is done for the sake of animals and their welfare is worth it!

However, it is very easy to become a wildlife rescuer if you have the financial means. But what about those who have limited resources? Uli Sharboni from Bogor, Indonesia, has proven that even if you don't have money, you can do incredible good. When a cat in his neighborhood needed help, he began looking for “angels” - and soon found them!

One day, Uli noticed MURlyka on the street in his village, who had been hit by a car, and he decided to help her. The man rode a scooter for three hours through a winding hillside to get the injured animal to the vet.

However, he heard bad news from the doctor. The cat's injuries were too severe and treatment was prohibitively expensive. According to the veterinarian, the purr had practically no chance of survival.

But Uli was not going to give up!

At that point, all the man could do was feed the cats and look after them. But among the homeless there were seriously ill and wounded people. They required specialized care that Uli could not provide.

Then he decided to attract people's attention using the Internet. Uli's pleas touched the hearts of people in Germany, Great Britain and the United States. Thanks to their generosity, Uli was able to pay for the cat's surgery, and then begin treating other furbabies!

As a result, many animals from his village received medical care, and some were even sterilized. The man called noble people “angels.”

Uli says he is inspired by the experiences passed down to him by his grandparents. The man's ancestors always showed incredible kindness towards stray cats and other animals.

“There is no one else in my area to help them. Their lives depend on us. I feel very sorry for them because they have no choice,” Uli said in an interview.

“Angels” helped the man a lot, because he is the father of five children and works three jobs. Helping animals took up a lot of his time, so he needed support.

The first to respond to the cry for help was Kristen Connelly, who lived in Oxanard, California. She accidentally came across Uli's Facebook page.

“He has such an amazing interest in cats. I thought, I really need to help this person,” Kristen said. She sent Uli a friend request on Facebook and asked how she could support him.

Then Kristen contacted Daniel Langer, Trish Delahaye and Cher Callaway - all of them are big animal lovers, and the girl hoped for their assistance.

“The four of us decided that we would do everything possible for Uli,” Kristen said. They started a website called “GoFundMe” and soon raised enough money to support animals in Bogor.

“Once he had a financial footing, he no longer had to feed the cats scraps on the streets or at the local market. Now he had the opportunity to build a whole shelter for cats,” commented Kristen.

Fortunately, Uli had experience in construction - he had already built a school in the village. Using materials that he found in local landfills, the man built a real “cat city” with multi-story houses!

The animal shelter has become a place of hope for the hungry, sick and otherwise suffering MURLYK throughout the village. “His neighbors no longer throw their cats into the street or landfill; they bring them to him,” Kristen continued.

Soon local volunteers were found who began to help Uli, although he did not ask them or pay any money. The man became an example for others and showed what it means to truly love animals.

It is truly amazing to see how Uli cares for stray cats. I can’t even believe that he managed to get incredible support from people who live far beyond Indonesia!