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Doesn't upload to youtube. What to do if the video does not show on YouTube

YouTube has long become a part of the daily life of any user. But it may happen that it stops working. In this case, it’s worth figuring out exactly why it doesn’t work in order to eliminate it. These could be various blockages, malfunctions of the software or the computer itself, or maybe something more serious. Let's look at all the reasons why YouTube may not work and how to solve them.

Main reasons

YouTube is a huge video resource, the number of users of which has long exceeded tens of millions, and some of them sooner or later encounter various malfunctions. It’s quite difficult to determine what happened to YouTube offhand. The reasons for these malfunctions can be completely different. YouTube for video playback uses a helper module for the Adobe Flash Player browser, if there are any problems with it, the videos may not load.

To access the Internet, all users use different browsers and it may happen that because of it the user will not have access to his favorite resource.

In the modern era of the Internet, you can find a large number of viruses on the Internet that harm your computer and can block various resources, including YouTube.

Users get access to the Internet, which is provided to them by the provider. It happens that for some reason the provider blocks certain resources, which may include YouTube.

As mentioned above, YouTube is a huge resource and has problems from the server sideYouTube extremely unlikely, but they should not be ruled out.

Problems with Flash player

If you can access the YouTube website without any problems, but nothing happens when you open a video, most likely there is a problem with the Flash player. Usually, if there is a problem with Flash, then instead of a video there will be a window notifying about this. But even if there is no notification window, it is still worth updating the Flash player:

  1. Go to adobe.com
  2. Left in the window select operating system, which is installed and the kernel under which the Flash player is installed, if this did not happen automatically. (If you use Yandex.Browser, select one that has Chromium)
  3. In the window in the middle uncheck two boxes(unless of course you want to install an additional antivirus).
  4. Press the button " Download" in the lower right corner.
  5. After downloading, run and install the file.
  6. To restart a computer.

Browser problems

If the situation has not changed after updating the Flash player, there may be a problem with the browser itself. Every browser has a cache, and from time to time it becomes clogged and prevents stable operation. This may be the reason why YouTube does not work in popular browsers, including Yandex Browser.

Clearing the cache is done in approximately the same way in all browsers, let's look at an example:

  1. Press the button " Clear browsing history»

In modern browsers, users often use various extensions. They may conflict with each other or directly with the content of the YouTube video hosting site. Therefore, they should also be disabled; this can be done as follows.

In the browser Opera follows:

For browser GoogleChrome the procedure is like this:

IN Mozilla Firefox follows:

  1. Next to each extension, click the “Disable” button
  2. Restart the browser.

For Yandex browser follows:

  1. Near each extension, set the slider to “ Turned off»
  2. Restart the browser.

Checking the firewall and antivirus

There are cases when the Windows Firewall, for some reason, blocks access to other resources. To make sure that the problem is in Windows Defender, you should disable it for a while and try to access YouTube. To disable it you need to do the following:

If an antivirus is installed on your computer, it often takes on the “responsibilities” of the standard Windows firewall. An antivirus can also block access to a resource for various reasons. Therefore, in order to finally make sure that it can block access, the antivirus also needs to be disabled. All antiviruses are disabled in a similar way. In the lower right corner of the panel you need find the antivirus icon, by right-clicking on it, select “Exit” or “Disable protection” depending on the installed program. After completing the manipulations, try to access the site.

Checking your computer for viruses

Every computer that is connected to the network is susceptible to virus attacks. Viruses can penetrate a computer, despite the fact that an antivirus is already installed on the PC. Hackers are constantly developing more and more new viruses that can bypass antivirus software. Therefore, there is a possibility that the computer is infected with viruses that block access to the video resource. To check your computer for viruses, you can use already installed software.

If you do not have an antivirus on your PC, you can download Dr.Web CureIt. This utility is a one-time antivirus that, after downloading, starts, scans your computer for viruses using the latest antivirus databases and is removed after scanning, leaving no garbage in the system.

The second step of checking will be the hosts file, which can be found along the path Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Before this, you need to enable the display of hidden files. You need to open the file using Notepad and delete all the text, then restart the computer.

Problems on the provider side

If after all the manipulations done, access to the video service is still not available and Youtube does not work on the computer, you should call your provider and find out if everything is ok on their part. There are times when providers, for their own reasons, add YouTube to the blocked list. By calling technical support and explaining the whole situation, you can get information about the problem.

Problems with YouTube servers

YouTube has powerful servers on which the site is based, but it happens that even they fail. If this happens, then there is nothing to do but wait a little. To find out why YouTube is not working today, you can check the official Twitter or ask your friends if it works for them.

Common mistakes

YouTube's multimillion-dollar audience sometimes encounters various errors. The most common one is “Error 404” when following a link or when playing a video. Below we will discuss the most common errors and ways to solve them.

Error 404

The reasons for the 404 error are varied, but there are not many of them. Let's look at each in order.

The first and most important thing is wrong link. If you go to YouTube via a link from some third-party resource, check whether the link to the video is correct. Check that the URL is spelled correctly in your browser's address bar. If you know the name of the video, you can search on YouTube.

The second reason for this error may lie in direct server side problems, in this case you will need to wait until everything is eliminated.

The third reason is software incompatibility with the site. Old and outdated browsers do not support some technologies that modern YouTube uses and thus can cause crashes and 404 errors.

Doesn't show video

Often the problem when a YouTube video does not play is solved by updating the Flash player. How to do this was written above. But users using the Opera browser may encounter incorrect browser settings. In order to check your browser settings you need to simultaneously pressAlt+P On the left side of the screen, select the “Sites” tab and check that all markers are exactly the same as in the screenshot below.

Opera also has a “Turbo” mode, which uses traffic compression, thereby speeding up the opening of pages, but does not affect video playback on YouTube. This mode is suitable for those who have slow Internet; for everyone else it should be disabled. This can be done in the settings, in the “Browser” section.

The site doesn't load

The problem above discussed the situation when the video does not load, but what to do if the site itself does not open?

First, you should check the stability of your Internet connection; to do this, you can go to various resources that measure speed, for example speedtest or 2ip. If the speed exceeds 5 Mb/s, then the site should load without any problems. Maybe something is blocking it; the solutions to this problem were described above.

Video is not added

A fairly common problem for YouTube channel owners is when the video does not load for one reason or another. If an error appears, then you should clarify what video formats the video hosting supports.

Supported formats:MOV,MPEG4,AVI,WMV,MPEGPS,FLV,3GPP,WebM.

But if the video is in a format that YouTube supports, but it still won’t load, you can try this convert to another format There are a lot of video conversion programs on the Internet.

The video has disappeared

It is possible that when you click on a link to a video, you see the picture “Video is blocked” or “Page not found.” This situation may arise if a video is blocked due to the presence of copyright content in it and the lack of copyright to this content. Maybe the owner of the video himself has limited access to the video for one reason or another and it is no longer available to a wide audience. Or the video was deleted altogether.

YouTube doesn't work on phone

Now almost every person has a smartphone. Many people prefer to watch YouTube on their smartphone while on the road to or from work. Watching YouTube on your smartphone helps pass the time in line or on a long trip. But it happens that YouTube stops working on the phone, this may be a consequence of a number of reasons.

Not high quality updates– the first reason why an application may stop working. Developers are human beings and they tend to make mistakes. This may be incorrectly written code or the application’s compatibility with a certain version of Android has not been calculated. Fortunately, such malfunctions are eliminated very quickly.

clogged application cache– the second reason that may interfere with YouTube. To fix it on your phone, you need to go to “” or “Application Manager” (the names may change, it depends on the device and version of Android).

Find the YouTube application there, select it and click the “Clear cache” button, then restart the device and enjoy watching the video.

You can also watch the video:

Problems with TV operation

Modern TVs with “Smart” technology have free access to the most popular video service. But if for some reason YouTube stops launching or simply disappears from the application bar, you should do the following:

  1. Open app store
  2. Enter YouTube in the search bar
  3. Press the button " Install" or " Update» if YouTube is already installed.
  4. Launch YouTube from the application tray.

So, today we will deal with a common situation where Youtube does not work. What to do in this case? There can be many reasons for this behavior. We will look at each of them, after which we will try to figure out how we can return everything to its previous course. So let's get started with today's problem.

Engineering works

The first reason why you may experience problems with a popular video site is due to technical work or updates. In this case, YouTube does not work not only for you, but for all users in general.

As a rule, it is customary to warn about such things in advance. You can check the news on the Internet to see if everything is ok with the site. If you have been notified of preventive work, you will have to be patient and wait until all the manipulations come to an end. Only then will you be able to fully use the hosting.

Fortunately, prevention and updates are not a very common occurrence. In this case, the waiting time for the site to resume operation may be no more than a few hours. The administration always tries to bring its resource back to life as quickly as possible.

No program

YouTube is a video hosting service that requires a special program to operate. In principle, like any other multimedia files, videos cannot be displayed on a computer without a so-called Flash player.

You may notice that the absence of this application does not entail particularly pleasant consequences for the modern user - you will not be able to view pictures or download a movie. Don't be surprised if your YouTube videos don't work on your brand new computer. Simply download the required “player”, install it and restart the browser. After these steps, the problem will disappear by itself. True, there are a number of exceptions. Now we will find out why YouTube does not load on the computer.

Hacker attack

It may also happen that our current video hosting will simply be attacked by hackers. In other words, they will try to hack it. As a result, the site will stop working for some time.

In order to understand what exactly is the reason for the hacker “attack”, you can use the special service “Current YouTube Problems”. Here you can see information about the events that occurred related to the system failure.

Unfortunately, nothing depends on the users here. All we can do is just sit and wait for YouTube to be returned to us. As a rule, they try to bring video hosting back to life in the first hour. Usually the attempts are successful. A little patience and everything will return to normal.

Browser problem

Now that the hacker attacks are behind us, you can use the site to its full potential. Or... not really. Sometimes users experience problems where YouTube does not work in a certain browser.

What to do in this situation? Just change the program you are using to access the Internet to a new one. Sometimes updating your existing browser can help. True, in most cases it is necessary to completely change this program.

This kind of problem can occur even due to minor glitches in the system. For example, power surges (lights out in the apartment) or incorrect emergency shutdown of the computer. It can be very difficult to predict the behavior of installed applications. So don’t worry about how to set up YouTube in a broken browser. Just download the analogue, install it and enjoy life further. True, if this does not solve your problem, then you should think carefully about what else could be the matter.

No access

Quite often, users wonder why YouTube won’t load when one video works for them and another doesn’t. The thing is that hosting channels have so-called privacy settings.

They are the ones who can block access to strangers. True, then the system will give you a corresponding message about the reason why playing the video has become impossible.

In this case, you have no choice but to search for videos in the public domain. Or subscribe to the channel and receive permission to watch the video. Not the best option if, for example, you are just having fun and watching funny and short “gags”. But in the case when access to important information is restricted, you can subscribe to another user’s channel.


YouTube also does not work for some users due to viruses in the operating system. Some computer infections can block access to certain resources or addresses.

Just 6-7 years ago, viruses blocking access to websites sowed panic among users. Now this is not a problem. Even a novice user knows how to deal with this kind of problem.

First, you will have to thoroughly clean your computer of viruses. An antivirus program will help you with this. Update the database, run a deep scan, and then just wait for the results. Heal everything you can. Remove “unruly” objects. But that is not all.

Now you need to find a file called host in the Windows folder. It is in it that all prohibitions on sites are prescribed. It is located in the etc folder, which is located in drivers. But where can you find this place? Of course, in System32. Open "Host" with notepad. After this, erase everything that was written in this file. Save the changes. If this is not possible, simply delete this file from your computer. This is done by holding shift and del. Restart your computer and try watching a video. Happened? Then all that remains is to adjust the YouTube quality during playback (if it does not suit you), and then safely download movies and videos.

Not enough space

True, among all the problems that can arise with YouTube, as a rule, there is one interesting “little thing”. We are talking about a banal shortage of free space on drive C.

This problem arises due to the fact that modern users completely forget about caring for the operating system. Because of this, it begins to accumulate temporary files that are not erased on their own when the computer is restarted. At one point, your photos, videos, and music stop loading. As a result, YouTube does not work. More precisely, it seems to be functioning, but cannot download this or that video for you.

In this case, there is nothing left but to try to free up space on your computer. For example, by cleaning the operating system registry. A special free utility called CCleaner will help you in this matter. Just one click and you will start analyzing the state of your computer. One more click - and literally in a matter of seconds several gigabytes will be freed up in the operating system. And even more. After you put things in order on your computer, everything will return to normal.

Video hosting sites have become an integral part of the life of a modern person; they have everything you need: music, entertainment videos, educational videos and much more. The user experiences severe inconvenience when YouTube does not work in the Yandex browser, since he immediately loses access to relevant and useful information from the network, but there is a solution to this problem. First of all, it is important to determine why YouTube does not work in the Yandex browser, and then begin to combat the problem.

How to determine the reason why YouTube does not show in the Yandex browser?

Diagnostic measures will help to identify the primary source of the malfunction. Conventionally, all reasons can be divided into several main groups:

  • Browser malfunctions: cache clog, incorrect cookies, system memory full, extension failures, outdated version, configuration problems;
  • Failures in the Windows system: virus activity, incorrect settings of configuration files, incorrect changes in the network connection;
  • Problems on the provider's side: low speed, high ping, limited traffic, incorrect filtering settings, blocking of certain services;
  • Violation of operational stability on the part of YouTube: technical work on the service, DDOS attack on servers, YouTube update;
  • Physical problems with the equipment: insufficient processor power, video card or RAM, less often - not enough free space on the hard drive.

YouTube not working due to Yandex browser?

You need to check whether YouTube does not load only in the Yandex browser or whether the same phenomenon is observed in others. If the situation occurs in all browsers (it is enough to check in 2-3 browsers), work should be continued in this direction.

YouTube does not open in Yandex browser due to a system failure

It is usually quite simple to determine that the reason lies in a violation of the stability of Windows. Users complain about various deviations in system stability:

  • Frequent freezes, severe decrease in operating speed;
  • It is not possible to use certain Windows features;
  • System errors appear periodically;
  • Crashes not only with YouTube, but also on other services. Sometimes the problem occurs in relation to all resources, not just video hosting sites or a specific site.

There are other manifestations in the form of system malfunction, they are not even always visible to the average user (improper distribution of system resources, user access is limited), but the above changes in the operation of Windows occur most often. The best solution is to reinstall the Windows operating system.

How to check a provider?

The next potential reason why YouTube does not show in the Yandex browser lies in the low quality of service from the provider or special conditions of the tariff plan. Until now, some users use access to a network with limited traffic, which is especially true for the mobile Internet. Other operators offer a deceptive unlimited: high speed only until a certain traffic is exhausted, and then the speed decreases to a level at which it is impossible to download videos.

Initially, you should check your connection speed via speedtest.net.

If the speed is lower than stated or a high ping is shown, you should call the operator and ask about the reason for the violation.

YouTube service disruption

The simplest problem, since it does not require any action from the user to resolve it. Usually, developers independently indicate why YouTube does not work well in Yandex and other browsers. The problem may be reported via a pop-up window, an on-screen message, or a news feed. We just need to wait for the service debugging work to complete.

PC hardware can't handle the load

Often YouTube does not work well in the Yandex browser due to lack of computer power.

Responsible for processing the program:

You can find out why YouTube does not open in the Yandex browser by various manifestations; a problem with hardware is characterized by an increase in noise from the cooler in the system unit. A laptop or desktop PC accelerates the fan speed, which indicates overheating.

How to resume YouTube if it stops working in the Yandex browser?

Browser problems

Violations in the functioning of the browser are common, but most problems are solved in a few clicks. Before you begin, you should clarify why YouTube does not start, and check whether this problem occurs only in the Yandex browser or in others the same situation occurs.

If the YouTube player does not work exclusively in the Yandex browser, let's proceed to the solution:

  • Incorrect settings. The browser has numerous hidden settings; it is extremely difficult for an inexperienced user to find the problem. To avoid troubleshooting, it is better to reset your browser settings. We restore the original parameters:
  • Disable HTML5 and switch to Adobe Flash Player. Older versions of the browser do not have full built-in support for the HTML5 player. For such users, an error or black screen is often shown. All you need to do is install Flash Player. For users of the new version, you must first disable work with HTML. To switch between players, it is convenient to use the Flash-HTML5 for YouTube extension, but Disable Youtube HTML5 Player is also suitable;
  • Sound check. The banal reason for the absence of music in the video is that the sound is turned off, we check the sound activity on the tab, in the volume mixer and in the system.
  • Supports major programming languages. Yandex browser does not show YouTube, like many other services, when JavaScript support is disabled. Checking that JS is enabled:

Troubleshooting system failures

Let's look at the methods for restoring Windows functionality one by one:

  1. Virus removal. Download an antivirus scanner, for example, Dr.Web. We launch a system scan, it is better to select a deep scan. If the scanner detects viruses, then we get rid of them. We do not recommend using the previously installed standard antivirus. If it lets a virus into the system, the chances of detecting malicious code in the future are low.
  2. Checking the hosts file settings:
  3. Incorrect connection settings are corrected for each provider individually. The problem is characterized by the inability to access any servers. You need to use the operator's instructions and check the installed DNS. Instead, you can set the public DNS address from Google - Let's look at an example if the settings are obtained from the provider's DHCP server:
  4. Resetting the DNS cache is an additional measure, since the cache file may contain incorrect DNS addresses, then it becomes obvious why YouTube does not load in the Yandex browser. To reset the cache, you need to:
  5. Removing unwanted programs. Some applications have negative effects on your browser. Some programs are classified as viral (various utilities for displaying advertising, blocking access, encrypting files), and the other part are protective (Internet protection, firewalls, parental controls). In the first case, it is enough to remove the virus; doing this manually takes a long time; it is better to use Malwarebytes, but analogues will also work. You can check for a problem with your antivirus by temporarily disabling it; all programs have a deactivation function for 5 or 10 minutes. Then we simply add YouTube to the exceptions.

Youtube does not work in Yandex browser due to provider

Not much depends on the user here, but something can be done:

  • Contact technical support. Before contacting, you should check the speed of your Internet connection several times, choosing different servers for receiving traffic. Sometimes high speed is shown when accessing servers within the country, but it drops significantly when choosing foreign data centers. We also pay attention to the ping; normally its value should not exceed 30 ms, preferably 10-20. With the received data, we call the operator and find out the cause of the failures;
  • The resource is blocked. Just turn on any VPN or proxy, and YouTube will start working. If YouTube does not load in the Yandex browser for this reason, you can install extensions Hola, friGate, Zenmate.

Technical problems

If pictures on YouTube are not displayed in the Yandex browser or the content does not appear at all, there is a risk of undergoing technical work on the service. The problem can manifest itself in different ways: lags, slow loading, no player, black screen, etc. First of all, when going to the main page where the error is shown, we check the serviceability of the service on another device or watch the news of the resource.

If YouTube stops working in Yandex Browser due to a technical failure, there is nothing left to do but wait for the service to be restored. It is extremely rare that developers do not know that there is a problem, but you can additionally leave a ticket with the support team.

YouTube does not load in Yandex browser on a weak computer

Obviously, the Yandex browser does not work with YouTube and other video hosting sites if there is insufficient power to process video. The problem is common to all browsers.

How to play a YouTube video on an old computer:

  • Reducing the video quality. There is a special extension called Magic Actions for YouTube, which can be found at the link. The plugin is multifunctional, but we are interested in setting the standard playback quality. For this:
  • We remove all “heavy” applications. Using resource-intensive antiviruses on an outdated PC is ineffective, just like other programs. To find out where most of the resources are spent, we conduct an analysis:

  • There is not enough disk space. The entire system will freeze severely if there is less than 5-10 GB of hard drive space left. The more RAM installed, the more space you need to install. Approximately, you can calculate 1 part of RAM to 2 parts of HDD, that is, with 8 GB of RAM, at least 16 GB of memory should remain on the system partition of the disk. As an alternative, you can set the system image to be recorded during hibernation to another drive. Ways to free up space:

All violations can be resolved by the user independently. If YouTube does not work in the Yandex browser or does not display individual elements, you should immediately pay attention to possible problems with the service, then to the browser itself, then look for a problem in the system or PC.

Youtube (YouTube) is the most popular video hosting site, where users can not only view and comment on videos they like or, on the contrary, dislike, but also post their own videos, share found videos via social networks, etc. Youtube is very simple and easy to use, which is what makes it not just the most popular video hosting site, but also the third most visited site in the world.

Videos on Youtube, unlike many other video hosting sites, very rarely freeze and slow down, but bugs still happen: sometimes the video does not open, and sometimes the site itself does not open. Let's figure out why YouTube may not open and how to solve this problem.

The site itself does not load

If you cannot access the site itself, with 99% probability we can say that this fact is due to one of the following reasons:


In connection with the entry into force of the law “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” in Russia, a network provider or administrator can block resources according to the register of prohibited sites.

Most often this situation occurs in schools. The administration of educational institutions either initially asks the provider to connect a package with limited access, or the network administrator (usually a computer science teacher) himself blocks access to certain sites. Since Youtube is a free resource and a variety of videos can be posted on it, including those containing scenes of violence and cruelty, this video hosting site is often included in the list of prohibited resources.

Is it possible to bypass blacklists? Sometimes yes, the easiest way to solve this problem is to use a so-called anonymizer site, for example, HideMe.ru - a proven site with a very simple and understandable interface.

Anonymizers change your IP and thereby allow you to gain access to resources prohibited for your real IP. You can read more about bypassing blacklists.


Viruses on your PC can cause a lot of problems, and the inability to access the site is one of them. To check if a virus is to blame, go to the following path: Windows\System32\drivers\etc and check the hosts file in the destination folder. What should it be like? Either empty or filled, but (!) each line must begin with a # sign. If any of the lines does not begin with this symbol, it means that you have a virus that can, for example, redirect you to another resource when you try to access Youtube. Remove this line and everything should be fine.

Resource is prohibited

If your browser has an additional program installed to block unwanted resources, which you can manage yourself, check to see if Youtube is accidentally on this list. Settings for additional programs are located in the browser settings section under a name such as “Add-ons” or “Extensions”.

Technical reasons

Sometimes Youtube may not work due to a server crash, hacker attack, or some other technical reason. In such a situation, you cannot do anything, just wait a while, rest assured, the resource developers will try to fix the problem as soon as possible.

Video won't load

If your site itself loads but the video does not play, the most likely reasons are:

Problems with Adobe Flash Player

Either you do not have Adobe Flash Player installed or it is not updated. The problem can be solved easily - just download the latest version of the player (for example, from here) and install it.

Browser problems

Perhaps the problem lies in your browser settings - there are some plugin or update conflicts, the cache is full, etc. Try using a different browser - maybe everything will work in it.

Problems with video

Today in Russia they have begun to monitor copyright more closely, and therefore many videos are deleted at the request of the copyright holder. In this case, unfortunately, nothing can be done, the video has been deleted, but you can try to find it on other resources.

There may be several reasons why a video does not load on YouTube. And today in our post-New Year material we will look at several. In 90% of cases this will solve your problems.

The first is viruses on your computer, they clog the network channel so much that there is not enough of it for YouTube. or maybe they changed your DNS addresses altogether. The second is your browser with an old version or a set of extensions and plugins. And the third is low Internet speed or unstable. Of course, there may be other reasons that are very rare, such as technical work. But today we will consider only three reasons, the most popular.

The first thing to do when YouTube is loading slowly

To clear cookies and site cache, press the keyboard shortcut CTRL+F5- this will cause the page to reload.

Try running this same video in an alternative browser

- “Play” with the video settings (change the video speed, make it full screen, change the quality). Perhaps resending the settings to the server will resolve your problem, which means the failure would be isolated.

Clear your entire browser of temporary files (cookies, cache files). In Firefox Menu-Settings-Privacy and Security. In Opera and Google Chrome, click CTRL+H and Clear history.

Sometimes it happens that the problem lies on the side of extensions that do not allow video content to work correctly. Disable all plugins and extensions that you have installed.

The simplest, fastest and most effective thing is to reset all settings.

Viral activity

Many viruses (I will call all malicious code) “work” to change the settings of your browser. Such viruses have become especially active recently. It is urgent to check your entire computer for malicious code. Let's do the following right now:

Let's delete all temporary files. To do this, click on the button Start choose Execute and drive in %temp% and everything you see in the folder must be deleted.

Now you need to download the antivirus scanner MalwareBytes, AdwCleaner

You should also download and install CCleaner or another cleaner where there is an option Cleanups and Registry

It is also worth checking the DNS entries, they should be yours; you can find the data in the network settings.

Browser version

Sometimes a common problem of the inability to display videos is the old version of the browser. The latest versions of browsers support HTML5 (a new technology that is now used on YouTube hosting). There is also a conflict between HTML5 technology and Adobe Flash Player, so Adobe Flash Player will need to be disabled. Don’t forget about the availability of the necessary codecs to play content.

If videos load slowly

First, you should make sure that you have a stable Internet connection speed. Sometimes this happens purely for technical reasons. The icon that appears on your desktop does not mean that you have a stable connection. Let's check:

1. There are many services for checking the speed of your Internet connection. But the site will introduce you to the most interesting ones: speed test and Internet mometr. On the Yandex service, the first indicator should be taken into account - it is the main one. If you have small numbers, i.e. If the connection speed is low, you should reboot your router, computer, or contact your ISP.

2. Now we will check the stability of your Internet connection. Let's open a command line and type in ping google.ru -t

The response time should be in the range of 30-100 ms - these are good indicators. If the message “Waiting interval exceeded” appears, you will need to restart the network (router) again or call your operator.

With a good Internet connection, YouTube launches quite quickly, but even if your Internet is not that fast, the channel still tries to adapt to you. Let me give you a simple example: if your speed is 10 Mb/s then the video resolution will be 1080p, if 5-6 Mb/s then 720p and if 1-1.5 Mb/s then 360-480p. Again, if downloading is still slow at a low resolution, you need to check your connection.

Something like a conclusion

All of the above will help you solve the problem and answer the question: What to do if YouTube does not load the video? The last thing you should check is Adobe Flash Piyer activity. I would like to note right away that this problem is most often encountered by Windows XP users due to the lack of support for codecs and most browsers. There is only one thing - find your browser.