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Write a letter to a loved one in prison sample. Regular and email letters to your beloved husband in prison: examples of how to do without censors

If you want a romantic man, write letters to prison. As it turns out, prisoners are the most touching men in the world. And they rethought their lives, and they repent of what they did, and they are still waiting for love. In general, no matter what, a tub of romance will definitely pour out on you. True, it is not a fact that the matter will be limited only to romance.

There is a site called Svidanok.net - prisoners from all over the country leave their detailed profiles there in order to find a girlfriend or even a wife. Those suffering in love fill out forms in detail, indicating everything: name, place of imprisonment, biography and expiration date. There are also a lot of Karelian prisoners on the site: you flip through the pages under their intensely sad gaze and involuntarily shudder from the contents of the questionnaires.

Typically, almost every one has a catchy and touching title. Just listen: “To love or not to love? That is the question”, “There are two types of people: those who are going to do something and those who do”, “Many of us free, handsome young people die without loving...”, “For you, the only, beloved, I will turn I am the mountains of the Ural ranges”, “In heaven angels fight, but on earth I suffer”, “I am writing from a place where there are no brides, and guys walk under escort... and are waiting for their dream.”

There are laconic statements: “You won’t regret it!”, “Lonesome Dove”, “Who has it easy now?” There are almost slogans after which women probably shed a tear and grab a pen: “Let’s light the fires of love!”, “Don’t look for the bad in the good, but look for the good in the bad,” “You are a woman and you’re right, you’re in our abysses.” image of a deity." Well, everything is clear: prisoners are still manipulators. They know what and how to put pressure on so that single women want to save them. But whatever else they want!

“I have finally found meaning in life,” writes one of the “brides” on the forum. “And even if they think you and I are crazy, I don’t care.” Yes, maybe we really are not ourselves! But I found you, my love, and I will wait for you these four years, no matter what!” Another girl’s lines also contain a challenge to society: “Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone admits it. I know that Kolya and I will succeed.”

Koli, meanwhile, puts forward specific demands for their “free” girlfriends. Some limit themselves to the standard “sweet, gentle, caring”, others are strict: “My future girlfriend should not drink, smoke or behave cheekily.” And some are even dreamers: “I imagine my future girlfriend like Varya from the TV series “Interns” that airs on TNT.”

And only a few of them speak openly about their guilt. Most often, romantics complain: “I stepped on a slippery slope,” “I once got involved with bad company,” “Fate tripped me up,” and so on. The reasons for being in prison, as a rule, are also kept silent, limiting themselves to the short: “I want to say that I am not in prison for murder or rape.” Well, that being said, thank you.

The most interesting thing is that even in these situations, the “saviors” manage to suffer. You can read so many stories on the forum for beloved prisoners! It turns out that prisoners lead almost full-fledged personal lives: they not only meet and get married (according to statistics, on average in Russia there are more than ten thousand marriages with prisoners every year), but they manage to leave their “betrothed” and sometimes even cheat:

“I’ve known my boyfriend for six months. I recently went to a “short” meeting: they wanted to talk and discuss how to sign. Everything was serious for us, at least until yesterday. No call from him, nothing! And then his friends and girlfriends came out of the network - and let me write, talk about his women and so on. I’m in shock, my hair is standing on end.”

Of course, sad as it may be, sometimes innocent people are in prison. Yes, I also want to believe in fairy tales. Like in “Station for Two”: winter, blizzard, he with an accordion, she with cutlets, pies and female affection. But how often do such happy endings happen in life? And don’t our women overestimate their own strengths? I want to believe that they are doing well. More precisely, despite the fact that everything is bad, they still feel good. Or is this just extreme desperation?

For a snack, here are a few “chain letters” for women (spelling and punctuation preserved):

Chursinov 82

Until I was thirty, I had no intention of connecting my life with a specific girl, much less having children, because I believed that I was not ready for this. And now, when I find myself in prison and with a considerable sentence, and also having matured, I am beginning to doubt the correctness of the decision made earlier, since I believe that it would be easier to start a family in freedom than from here, and now, perhaps, I can not to have time, because the years are passing, but there is also a plus - the deadline also does not stand still. Therefore, I am still trying to find my soul mate and am waiting for a letter from a serious girl (under 25 years old), who understands, knows how to wait, who knows how to support in difficult times, and who was also able to become a faithful wife and a good, caring mother for our unborn child, devoting herself us.

Odintsov 79

He went to prison for a serious crime, while serving his sentence, he lost close relatives: mother, aunt, uncle, grandmother. There are only two sisters left - my own and my cousin. He was released on parole in 2001 and remained free for almost 3 years, and now he was again sent to prison for a particularly serious crime. I am now 33 years old, I smoke, I am calm, kind, I love children, I am economical. I would like to find a soul mate who is 30-40 years old, kind, sympathetic, and homely. Children are not a hindrance. I want to love and be loved. Place of residence does not matter, since I am not looking for material gain, I want to love and take care of my family. If there is someone who is not afraid of such a period and will wait, then I will reciprocate.

Nogtev 73

The fact that I am not young is evidenced by the date of my birth, but I am full of strength and energy. My height is 166 cm, weight 62 kg. I love sports, and from music I like retro 80s, what is played mainly on car radios. Sometimes I write poetry, but only when I’m in a good mood and when I want to please my loved one. I like to give gifts, anything except flowers - even if it’s March 8, there won’t be flowers (I’ll explain why in personal correspondence). I don’t like betrayal, neither on my part, be it my wife or friend, nor in relation to me. I consider such actions to be devoid of ethical standards of behavior. To betray someone means to overstep oneself, and I cannot do that. Accordingly, I don’t communicate with such people. Just brought up in old traditions. As a child, my favorite books were about partisans and underground fighters of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars.

If you haven't seen your boyfriend for a long time, then writing to your loved one while apart in your own words will help rekindle your feelings. With its help you can brighten up even a long separation. This is a way of maintaining the fire of love since ancient times.

How to start a letter to your loved one when you are apart?

The beginning of your message could go something like this.

My dear... I am writing you my news. Read it to the very end, and try to understand me and my entire inner world...

I don’t know where to start... this whole situation and my silence on the phone pushed me to this message. I won’t look for an excuse or any excuses, I just want to try to explain to you what’s going on inside me.

My dear, you are my boyfriend, and I hope that you will remain so. Because at the slightest hint or phrase about breaking up, I get all shaken up. I can’t imagine myself now without you, without your kisses.

I can't imagine myself without your smile. Especially when you start talking about love or words that are very pleasant to me, when I start to get embarrassed, such moments remain with me forever, and your smile is also special. And our walks, although always with some adventures and misunderstandings, are memorable. And personally, I really like to remember them.

Romantic continuation of the letter in your own words

We have a lot of pleasant moments to remember. I would like to list them all. But this will take a lot of time. I’m not even talking about the photos on the wall in my apartment... I can’t even raise my hand to take them off after I saw the look on your face when you first noticed them.

My friends really like you. And every time they ask about you. I don't always tell you this. But it is so. They are always interested in how we are doing... And now, remembering all this, I understand that you are a dear person to me. You are like a member of my family to me.

Today I looked at your photos three times and guess what? Yes, you are an incredibly handsome guy! I don’t understand at all why I’m so lucky with you? You are so cute, just so cute. Your eyes are big, your lips are tender...

I have never known anyone like you, and I probably never will. I value you very much and appreciate you! I don’t know what’s happening to me now, why I’m behaving this way. But I really regret it, I’m incredibly ashamed of myself. It’s a shame when you say that you’re bored with me, it’s a shame when I deceive you, and it’s not even a shame in front of you, but in front of yourself...

And then I think, what an idiot I am for doing this... I guess I thought that you wouldn’t get away from me, that you would always be there. But today I felt like an electric shock. Yes, you can leave me at any moment without explanation, and you will be absolutely right. And no one will blame you for this. My dear, I don’t want to lose you! I love you madly! You may not believe me, but I can prove that this is exactly the case! And you will definitely trust me, you will see.

We're coming to an end

The result of a letter to a beloved guy during separation may be a mention of difficulties and overcoming them. For example, you could write the following text:

Unfortunately, we are far from each other now, but I will definitely wait for you! Every day I remembered, and will remember you. If I somehow miss you, I will never forgive myself. You always think about us, not about yourself, but about us. You don’t see yourself and me separately, for you there is only us, and I really like it.

Yes, it takes a long time for me to get it, sometimes too long, but it will definitely get there. And we won’t be bored anymore, I don’t want this everyday life, and this is not because you told me, but because I want it myself.

I want you to feel happy when you see me. I want you to always smile with all your teeth next to me. I will try to make you the happiest!

Sample letter to prison

oh, let me write? :) As if on behalf of the girl)) Well, more precisely, I wrote to him exactly. As a template. But I still think everyone should write on their own behalf.

but the template will still turn out somehow disgusting)) And it’s boring to receive 10 identical letters with spaces for names.

It’s been a long time since I wrote to anyone for the first time. I decided to write to you exactly when I was copying your letters into electronic form. (I can write when I have read your letters.)

then be sure that you have not been forgotten. and soon everything will be more organized and we will raise the rest of the guys.

Well, the end is like number, signature, that’s all. and again something like take care of yourself and all that.

I got 6 notebook pages. Plus she enclosed an envelope and promised to send a photo in a follow-up letter (if necessary).

and just in case, I wrote my address in block letters in the letter, because sometimes it’s not very clear on the envelope)) And even more so with my tired handwriting.

Letter to a loved one in prison

Hi all! In this article I will tell you how to correctly write a letter to a loved one in prison. I hope that after you study all my advice, your letter will be able to reach your addressee without problems.

Before I start telling you tips, I want to tell you that you have the right to write letters to your loved one in prison without restrictions. This means that you can write and send as many letters as you see fit.

1 tip. Write letters without swearing. All letters are checked by employees and if obscenities are found in your letter, then the letter will probably not be able to reach your loved one.

Tip 2. Try to write the letter carefully so that the handwriting is clear. If employees cannot read it, then it is also unlikely that the letter will reach the addressee.

Tip 3 If after writing a letter you remember that you forgot to write something, then write the forgotten information at the end of the letter under the heading By script or P.S..

Tip 4 Don’t forget to send your loved one your photos in a letter. If you have a child, then naturally include his photo. I think your loved one will be very pleased to see you with your child and see how you have changed in appearance.

Tip 5 After you write a letter to your loved one in prison and decide what you will put in the envelope, you will need to write a list of attachments at the end of the letter. This must be done, because not all employees can transfer attachments from the letter. Some may appropriate someone else's property for themselves.

» Marry a prisoner

My beloved one goes to jail.

My dear, this is the first time I am writing you a letter in prison. How are you doing, my dear, I know it’s stupid to ask, but still. Every day I replay in my memory different moments from our life, every day one small story of history. And it’s easier for me to live in memories, so I understand that you are always mentally next to me.

Baby, you know very well that soon this will all end, and you and I can start building our future together, looking in the same direction. After all, there is no life without obstacles and love without obstacles, you understand. If feelings pass all tests, this means that they are so strong that no adversity will destroy them.

Maga, I have more than once recalled our meeting with you, as I remember now that I was going to a meeting with a guy I knew and by chance, when I went into the shopping center I saw you and was stunned, how beautiful you were, you were in all black and I I was dressed all in black))) I also feel romantic))) I was happy that it was you who I met, I remember everything, everything. From that day on, I lived only for you, all I did was wait to meet you, my dear, I was so proud that you were my man, exactly the Maga about whom everyone talks with such admiration and delight, everyone wanted to be closer to you, even people you didn’t know said that they were close to you. I don’t know how to describe to you all my inner feelings and emotions. I agree, I was stupid and didn’t fully appreciate my happiness, didn’t value you until the end, so that I could hug you and never let you go. when on February 24 you called me and said that you had been imprisoned, I blamed myself and still blame myself, because if I had been with you, everything could have been different. Forgive me for not saving you from this. If you were around, I would do everything differently. Every time I close my eyes, I lose the opportunity to see the light of the sun. But this is the only opportunity to be closer to you, to imagine you, all those happy moments of my life when we were so good and fun with you, it was kind of crazy)))

How difficult these memories are for me... And how happy I was to see you. But you and I must make a small sacrifice in order to then feel the great happiness that fate has prepared for us. It’s so painful to see your eyes, realizing that this tender gaze and sad smile will not soon illuminate your face before my eyes......

I am ready to kiss every cell of your body, step by step, and give you more and more pleasure with every moment. Darling, you know how much I love you madly and am ready to wait forever! We will get through this stage in our lives together and soon we will forget about it like a bad dream, I promise you that. There will be only the best and most pleasant things ahead.

When you are free, we can together enjoy the gentle and still uncertain rays of the sun and listen to the trembling rustle of fresh grass. She will whisper to us that all the most difficult trials are behind us, and only happiness awaits us ahead. In the meantime, my dear, know and always remember that I love you madly and miss you. And I am happy that I have such a harmful, but loved person like you.

Everything is fine with me, but when you were with me, it was better, then I absolutely didn’t care what was happening around me, because you, my dear and beloved, were nearby. Maga, if you want, I will write you letters every day, I have enough words, they are all swirling in the hurricane of my thoughts. I even talk to you sometimes when I'm on my own. No, I'm not crazy, I just feel you. I am so pleased to feel your presence nearby, at least just mentally. But I feel your love, care and affection... I remember your hands, your fingers slid over my skin as if on expensive silk. She trembled under your warm palms, which gave me incredible sensations, as if you and I had been in paradise. All my tenderness, love and affection is directed only at you, I don’t need anyone else in the whole world. Only you and our love mean the most to me now.

After all, everything is not always good, life always throws us some challenges that we must, simply must, find the strength to fight. The path to true happiness is always strewn with nettles. Everyone has different trials and problems, but our test consists only of time and patience. But when there is a common cherished goal, then going towards it is much easier.

Next New Year, I will wish that you will soon be next to me... But wishes come true, and this is destined to come true, I know for sure. How I dreamed and waited all last New Year waiting for your call, I so wanted to be with you, but I already had a presentiment of something. We ourselves are the architects of our own luck, so why not enjoy every day now, as it makes the meeting closer with every moment that comes?!

You can’t imagine how much I already miss you, the fact that I constantly see you in my dreams is already a given. But when you wake up and realize that it’s all just a dream, you become so sad. I miss your apartment so much. I really want to go there. Look out the window on the balcony and shoot))) Hug you and lie down to watch your favorite films, just closing my eyes I imagine all this, but I really want it for real.

Still, all my thoughts and desires return to you and about you. I love to indulge in memories of our meetings and walks. What a wonderful summer I had.

Don't cry, just don't cry. You don’t like it when I whine, but why do tears treacherously flow down my cheeks? Nothing will help me forget. You won’t come not because you want to, not because you’ve fallen out of love, but circumstances just happened that way. How often do we tell ourselves that everything that happens is for the better! Nonsense? What's for the best? I miss you so much. I miss you so much. there is a whole world, but you are not around and everything else no longer matters.

It’s scary to imagine how your days and nights pass, dear, if I could do something, somehow make your situation easier. I want to know everything about you, in detail. How I want to touch your prickly cheek with my lips, hug you as tightly as I can. I know we will be together soon, very soon. Just hold on, I believe in you, you are so strong. I need you like air, every day I look for your eyes in those passing by. You are my HERO, the strongest, the bravest, the bravest, the most worthy, the most stubborn and unique))) Feelings are even stronger in separation, more anxious, sweeter. It’s not too soon for our bodies to touch each other, but I’m strong, I can stand everything, just you support me, your words, your smile give me so much energy and strength that it’s enough for half a year) I will pray for us. When I imagine that you are reading my letter, my hands begin to tremble, but I write. I only ask you one thing: call more often, don’t forget about me. How I want to hug you tenderly and passionately, as before, and if not us, then who will fuck this world?))) come back quickly, I desperately need you! It is necessary for every cat to have a C.O.T., a she-wolf wolf, the lioness has a beloved lion, the only one, unique, irreplaceable by anyone, and you are dearer than all relatives.

And even if you had a fight, let’s not say such terrible words that you usually say to me, because your words are like bullets, even the most faithful and loving person will get tired of waiting if he constantly feels coldness and indifference towards him. Don’t offend the person who I’m ready to move mountains for your smile.

I know what you do at night: you figure out how you and I will be together))) I only see you in my dreams, I dream about you. Every meeting with you can turn my whole life around, believe me, I try without snot and be stronger, but I remember our old times)))) how I miss this, to the point of tears. And every new day goes nowhere. Sometimes I don’t know how to relieve my pain, I’ll probably write a book in which you will come back to me and we will always be happy when you break my ribs from strong hugs))) oh I agree)) ) I understand every day that I won’t find anyone dearer than you, so out of anger sometimes I want to scream at the globe, damn it, tell the whole world to go to hell, because I don’t need it without you.

How I love your smile, Your smile is more precious than anything. It gives me goosebumps. When I think about you, I smile. It’s so nice when there are moments in our lives, remembering which brings a smile to our face. Lately I’ve been smiling all the time.. It’ll all be over soon, you know? In a few years, or maybe even less, with new strength, we will live a new day. POWER is when a wheelchair user smiles in the eyes of those who despise and hate him. When I watched your video, you smiled at them, looking into their eyes, and it struck me to the core. Every time, you are the reason for my pride. You taught me a lot, honey, only with you I understood. What real feelings are, but I didn’t want to be right for you. I wanted to be real with you. I’m sorry for everything. But there were those moments with you that I will not forget. What can one person give to another except a drop of warmth? And what could be more than this? This is exactly what I received, every word you said is for the rest of my life, I keep it in my heart, being with you was an honor for me, but I want to be your woman. Forever.

Whatever it is, I don’t want to lose you, give me the opportunity to just be with you. It doesn’t matter in what capacity, I will be happy that I will even have the opportunity to hear your voice. But I want some certainty that you don’t give me and it’s not fair to me. Your eyes have an interesting feature - you start speaking when your lips haven’t moved yet, but I don’t see them and can’t read what you want to tell me))) I’m so kind to you and I want to be with you, but I have to pull everything from you, you upset me and I would really like to hear your opinion, because I don’t want and can’t share you with someone, it’s better to leave if you will never be only mine. You know my character very well, you know how stubborn and rebellious I was, I constantly fought with you))) But now, when my beloved is having a hard time at heart, I just want to be your support and support and I don’t need anything else, Doge. As one smart person said: You have to love her, at least simply because she chose you out of four billion men!))))) But in order to tolerate my shitty character, you need to really love me)

There are people who really want to say thank you, at least for the fact that they exist. Thank you to your family for being like us. Thank you for being near. Even if, dear, you are far away, you are close, you are in my heart. Every day I love you even more and stronger. I send you the most tender kisses. I adore you, my dear. Distance makes it clear how dear a person is to you and how hard it is without him. I hope my lines warmed you at least a little. Thanks to all those worthy and decent people who support you there.

I love you more than life itself. God bless you.

Suna hyo dukya eza Mokhmad.

A beautiful letter to a loved one in separation - touching words

Is your loved one far away? Are you really bored and can't find a place for yourself? Share your feelings - write a touching letter to your beloved man, and our website will help you with this.

I'm waiting for your return

Darling, I feel so lonely without you. There is emptiness and indifference to everything that happens around me in my soul. Your love is the most precious thing in my life, and now I understand this especially clearly. You are my joy, my soul, my light and my air. Sometimes it seems to me that not only you, but everyone around you knows about this, because my feelings for you simply cannot be ignored. When you are near, my eyes glow with happiness, my voice is gentle and mysterious, and this delight cannot be hidden. I'm waiting for your return and thinking only about you. I will always be only yours!

Letter to my beloved husband in separation


Farewell, dear brothers!

You are sacrificed by fate,

They drive you to your graves alive,

How they persecuted everyone for the right fight.

How hard it is to drag out life in captivity,

We feel it deeply

And the same fate, the same share

Will befall us by the will of fate.

But neither prison, nor even executions

They will not break the spirit of protest in us:

Dear same one without fear

Let's go take revenge, friends, for you.

"Forward!". London, 1877. T. 5, unsigned. “Lute: Collection. free Russian songs and poems", 5th ed. E. L. Kaspovich. Leipzig, 1879.

Free Russian poetry of the 18th-19th centuries. Will join. article, comp. entry notes, preparation text and notes S. A. Racer. L. Sov. writer, 1988 (Poet's book. Large series)

The poem was published among the materials of the “trial of 50,” but its author was not the defendant, but a person who was free and addressed the convicts.

What people writing letters need to know
to “places not so distant”?

First of all, you need to understand that:
- there are two stages in the life of a prisoner: staying in a pre-trial detention center (prison) and staying in a zone;
- prisoners always need your support, they are people like us and they have the same interests and needs as all people;
- correspondence between relatives and friends with the prisoner helps him resist the pressure of the system and protects him from complete isolation;
-all letters addressed to prisoners are required to be read by a censor;
- it’s better not to write letters at all than to have any intention of expressing grievances or, especially, conflict;
- You should always be direct and honest in correspondence.
In order for letters to be more likely to reach their addressee and not cause him harm, you should know some features of correspondence.

And so, we write a letter to the pre-trial detention center (prison)

In accordance with the Internal Regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2005 N 189, suspects and accused persons in pre-trial detention centers are allowed to send and receive letters and telegrams without limiting their number. Sending and receiving telegrams and letters by suspected and accused persons is carried out at their expense through the administration of the pre-trial detention center. Upon written application of the suspect or accused, he is given the opportunity to send letters to his minor children without indicating the details of the pre-trial detention center.

Correspondence between suspects and accused is subject to censorship. Consequently, the censor decides whether a particular prisoner will receive the letter or not, depending on what is written in the letter. Therefore, if possible, you should try to write ordinary, philistine, informational letters. There is no point in “tinkering” with the circumstances of a criminal case, much less writing about unknown circumstances of the criminal case in which the prisoner is involved (if there are any, of course) or activities that may fall under the criminal code. Because the prisoner has not yet been sentenced, then everything that is written in such letters can be used against him. Therefore, relatives, friends, witnesses or accomplices who remained free and were not brought to justice should write carefully so as not to write anything unnecessary.
It should be remembered that through operational officers reading letters, a lot becomes known to investigators, prosecutors, accomplices at large (especially if they “turned in” the prisoner), etc. Consequently, such information (most often) can play a negative role in sentencing and interfere with the prisoner. You should also not write about means of communication that are prohibited in prison (mobile phone numbers, etc.).

You are allowed to put photographs, drawings, and poems in envelopes with letters. The main criterion for investment is compliance with the norms of the Criminal Code. And no erotica. It is important to know the following. If you need to put something in an envelope, then to be completely sure that the addressee will receive the contents, you should indicate a list of the contents at the end of the letter. All correspondence of suspects and accused is registered in a special journal indicating the date of its receipt and departure. Suspects and accused persons purchase postal supplies (envelopes, stamps, telegram forms) at the store (stall) of the pre-trial detention center. Considering that in places of deprivation of liberty they are worth their weight in gold, it is imperative to include clean envelopes with stamps in letters...

We write a letter to the “zone”

The procedure for correspondence with prisoners is regulated by the Internal Rules of Correctional Institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2005 N 205. This procedure does not have any significant features compared to the procedure for correspondence with suspects and accused. You can only pay attention to the following.

Correspondence received and sent by convicts is also subject to censorship by the administration of the correctional institution. Correspondence of the convicted person with the court, the prosecutor's office, a higher body of the penal system, as well as with the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, the Commissioner for Human Rights in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a public monitoring commission created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the European Court of Rights person is not subject to censorship.
Receipt and sending by convicts at their own expense of letters and telegrams without restrictions is carried out only through the administration of the correctional institution.

When corresponding, however, you should pay attention to this convention. Among prisoners, the “zones” are divided into “black” (formally, power is in the hands of the thieves) and “red zones” (in which power belongs to the authorities of the institution). As the prisoners themselves say, “the black zone is like writing on it!” In such "zones" there is a "black (thieves') passage." Absolutely everything goes in the letters. The administration knows that inside the “zone” there are not only mobile phones, but also drugs and currency, but turns a blind eye to this.

When writing letters to a person serving a sentence in the “red zone,” you must remember that it is prohibited to express your extremist views (if any) or use abnormal language. Therefore, this may make it difficult for the recipient to receive the letter, or the letter may simply be thrown into the trash. Is it worth mentioning in the letter any names/nicknames or circumstances, including those related to the criminal case (even those that are not known to the investigation)? - then this no longer matters much, since the person has already been convicted and practically cannot influence the term.

Write letters to prisoners/convicts, they need your support...

Based on materials from the site zavolu.info


Do not mention in the letter the circumstances of the criminal case in which the prisoner is involved, which are unknown to the investigation. This information, transmitted by operational employees to investigators or prosecutors, can be used against him and may well play a negative role in sentencing. If a person has already been convicted, this rule can be ignored, since it is no longer possible to influence the verdict.

Try to make the letter a regular informational one, providing simple, everyday information, listing events that happened to loved ones over a certain period of time. When discussing political events, write in general terms without specifying your thoughts. Study in a veiled way so that you have some freedom in expressing your thoughts.

Do not express your extremist views in the letter if they exist, try not to use obscene words, because, despite the fact that the attitude towards them differs in different correctional institutions, it is better not to take unnecessary risks and make the path of the letter to the addressee easier.

Do not write about prohibited mobile phones. When sending your contact numbers in a letter, be sure to include a note that the prisoner will call you when he has money from the prison. Thus, you will remove suspicion from him that he is breaking the rules by using a mobile phone.

Attach photographs to letters that do not contain erotica or pornography, while observing the norms of the Criminal Code. Please indicate the list of attachments so that everything reaches the recipient safe and sound. Don't forget to include blank, stamped envelopes. To avoid their seizure by strangers, immediately write your return address on them.

Send letters first class to speed up their delivery to the recipient. You can also include a couple of rods and a payphone card in the letter. Make sure that the weight of the letter does not exceed the permissible 100 grams. Write the index, the region in which the colony is located, its number, the detachment number, the last name, first name and patronymic of the prisoner, as well as the year of his birth.

There are many different ways to congratulate a person on the Day birth: say in person, compose and perform a song, give some gifts, make a pleasant surprise, etc., or you can just write letter.


Whatever congratulation you write, the main thing is that all the words spoken are from the heart and soul. Unfortunately, when sending a letter you can hardly feel all the emotions that arise during personal communication. But you can always do exactly what letter It will remain in your memory for a long time, and you will want to re-read it again.

Try to write as many kind words as possible (but only if they are appropriate). Even if you do not communicate very closely with a person, he will still be pleased with any kind word said to him.

You can wish for a lot: health, love, good friends, money, etc. That is, a standard set of phrases that are written most often. Naturally, this will be nice to hear, but... such a congratulation is not something special, it will soon simply be forgotten. But on the other hand, if you remember Day and sent letter Congratulations, then that’s already good.