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A very good reference from a former place of work. Service characteristic

Today, when applying for a job, you have to participate in a competition. The fight for a prestigious position is an indicator of the quality of the chosen position.

Places with a huge turnover, where they accept without any questions, should in themselves arouse suspicion. Why does half the workforce leave there at once?

What could serve as a strong argument in favor of your candidacy? Education, work experience and personal sympathy are the three pillars on which the success of the event rests.

To withstand competition, these qualities are sometimes not enough. Many employers look at an employee from a different angle: education today does not guarantee skills and knowledge.

Corruption has reached this area as well. Each enterprise has its own experience.

All that remains is to evoke personal sympathy. But a professional employee making a decision about the appointment of personnel will not be guided by personal sympathy.

Many bosses are of the opinion: “Let him at least be a maniac, as long as he knows how to sell our product.”

There remains one small but significant document: a letter of reference from a previous place of work.

A small document, which is not required everywhere today, will become a powerful argument in favor of your candidacy.

An employee cannot falsify a document, because all they have to do is dial a number and call their previous place of work.

A couple of minutes of personal conversation with your boss will help determine whether the document is genuine. Fake - instant failure.

It would be great to have a unified registration system for all organizations and able-bodied people, similar to a social network, where each employee would have characteristics in accordance with their abilities.

But bosses would not rush to write about the slightest miscalculation, since employees could write a response review, which would affect the number of people willing to work in the organization.

An honest and open characteristics site for workers and managers.

For now we can limit ourselves to writing. Remember one golden rule: when leaving a job, ask your boss to write a reference for you.

Just don’t do this if you have had conflicts; you don’t need negative feedback about your ability to work and communicate.

Sample document:

This profile is suitable for any organization; it contains complete data about the employee.

You may notice the repetition of the phrase: “He doesn’t smoke and doesn’t drink.” It's too much. Service information is also optional.

A few words about drawing up characteristics - criteria:

  • The document does not have a uniform form; it is drawn up on the basis of the data that the employer wishes to disclose.
  • It is important to indicate in the document what is not reflected in official documents. These are the personal qualities of the employee, his labor exploits.
  • You can enter information about your merits and ability to cope with difficult situations.
  • There is no need to over-praise; the “brilliant characteristics” seem dubious.
  • There is no need to include negative traits in the description, since each person has his own shortcomings, and the goal is to show the employee’s strengths and help the person.
  • If, for the sake of honesty, you want to mention the negative aspects, do it in a friendly manner: call a bore a pedant, a bully - an energetic and enterprising person.
  • Provide basic information: name, length of service at your company, date. A seal is a must; without it, your document is Filka’s letter.

Here is another sample characteristic:

How to write for an internship student

Interns are another niche. Young people taking their first steps towards their life’s work.

For them, the first characteristic is an important leaf that will open doors to the future or make them doubt the correctness of their choice.

Important! Dear employers, if you have accumulated many complaints about the quality of work and behavior of an intern, express this to him personally.

Students come to internships precisely to hear criticism.

Don’t be afraid to express all your complaints, but in a gentle form, so that overly sensitive individuals do not change their minds about going in the chosen direction.

Observe how a person reacts to criticism, how he follows instructions, and corrects mistakes. Try to make the description rosy, do not forget to describe all the advantages.

Write down little things, this information will be useful to you when writing characteristics.

Keep a notebook where each employee has their own sheet. Write there everything you notice about the person. This way you will create the most accurate document.

Example characteristics for an intern:

Examples of good characteristics

Let's try to write a good description for an employee.

Step-by-step instructions for managers:

  1. Name of organization, full data.
  2. Document name: characteristics.
  3. Employee data.
  4. Start with how long the employee has worked.
  5. Describe how you handled your job.
  6. Please note that there were no complaints.
  7. Describe how you interacted with others.
  8. Add a personal opinion about character: after all, the document was created to give a description of a person’s character, on which other qualities depend.
  9. Write about your achievements.
  10. Complete the document with a signature and seal.

What words of praise to use to more accurately express your approval of the employee’s performance:

  • Skillful hands.
  • Without bad habbits.
  • Conscientious.
  • Honest.
  • Communicative.
  • Trouble-free.
  • Enterprising.
  • With a creative streak.
  • Stress-resistant.
  • Hardy.
  • With a wonderful sense of humor, good-natured.
  • Polite.
  • Hardworking.

Example of a good characteristic:

This characteristic will help the employee in the future, when applying for a job, and will be an excellent help in the resume.

This is also proof that the boss approves and appreciates his qualities, which is important to the person and pleasant on a personal level. We all need approval.

Even behind the wall of professional relationships, everyone is first and foremost a person, and then a salesperson, lawyer or manager.

Useful video

There are no rules in the legislation of the Russian Federation that directly provide for the obligation of a citizen to provide a reference from his neighbors. At the same time, in all branches of law (not only civil and criminal, but also labor, administrative, etc.), law enforcement and government agencies are recommended to thoroughly study the identity of the person in respect of whom a certain legal issue is being resolved.

In this regard, there are often situations when it is desirable to provide complete characterizing material, including an assessment made by third parties. Sometimes positive information about a person's lifestyle plays a decisive role even in the most difficult life problems.

Characteristics from neighbors in criminal law

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation obliges the court to investigate data about the defendant. In every case there are always:

  • information from the Information Center of the Internal Affairs Directorate regarding the criminal prosecution of the defendant;
  • certificates from psychoneurological and narcological dispensaries, which indicate whether the person is registered, with what diagnosis, etc.;
  • character reference from the local police commissioner at your place of residence.

Let us note that this list of documents cannot always fully “tell” about the defendant. Often, the district police officer simply cannot provide information on a particular person living in the supervised area. Lack of awareness of the police officer can occur when a citizen does not live for a long time at the place of registration, when the nature of his work is traveling, etc. Usually, local police officers pay attention to “problem” people who have been seen in fights, have a criminal record, etc., while they know nothing about other citizens.

If the documents available in the case file about a person do not contain sufficient information, the lawyer or the defendant, on their own initiative, may provide the court with any other information about the person, including a description of the place of residence from neighbors, an example of which may be as follows:

To the Leninsky District Court of Moscow
Petrova P.P., Volkova I.I., Vlasova A.A.,
living in building 1 on the street. Lenin, Moscow

Characteristics of Ivanova I.I., born in 1984,
residing at the address: Moscow, st. Lenina, 1, apt. 1

We, the undersigned, are neighbors of I.I. Ivanov. at the entrance. We confirm that Ivanov I.I. has lived at this address since 2005. During his stay Ivanov I.I. has proven itself exclusively on the positive side.

Ivanov I.I. always takes an active part in public works to improve the house and the surrounding area, is on friendly terms with all residents, and has had no conflicts with anyone.

Ivanov I.I. lives with his wife, has two children, the family is very friendly and hospitable. He has not been found to abuse alcoholic beverages and has no bad habits.

Petrov P.P., born in 1976, (Moscow, Lenin St., 1, apt. 2), _____ (signature).
Volkov I.I., born in 1980, (Moscow, Lenin St., 1, apt. 3)______ (signature).
Vlasova A.A., born in 1979, (Moscow, Lenin St., 1, apt. 4)______ (signature).

Characteristics from neighbors in criminal procedural law

Characteristic information about the accused can be provided to the investigator before the case goes to court. Let us note that at the stage of preliminary investigation this is especially important when choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention or house arrest. Judicial practice knows cases where positive reviews from neighbors significantly influenced the decision on whether to keep a citizen in custody or not.

An example of a characteristic is almost the same as we have already given. At the same time, in order to choose a written undertaking not to leave the place of detention, one can focus on the presence of stable family ties and family relationships with the accused. Since only the court decides on the application of coercive measures such as house arrest or detention to the accused, the description should be addressed to the court:

To the Izmailovsky District Court of Moscow
Generalova M.P., Verina A.I., Nosova I.K.,
living in building 2 on the street. Mayakovsky, Moscow

Characteristics of Rudneva R.R., born in 1990,
residing at the address: Moscow, st. Mayakovskogo, 2, apt. 1

We, the undersigned, are neighbors of R.R. Rudnev. at the entrance. We confirm that Rudnev R.R. has lived at the specified address since birth (since 1990). During his stay Rudnev R.R. established himself as a caring husband, father and son.

Rudnev R.R. has a dependent elderly mother, Rudneva I.O., born in 1945, who has been paralyzed since 2010. All this time, her son Rudnev R.R. takes care of her, provides her with medicines and care. Rudnev R.R. - the only son of Rudneva I.O., there is no one else to look after her.

In addition, he is dependent on his young son, born in 2012, whom the accused is raising alone, since his wife died suddenly in 2014.

Rudnev R.R. leads a healthy lifestyle, when he has not been seen in dubious companies, other housing besides the apartment. 1 d.2 on the street. He doesn't have Mayakovsky. He has been working for the same company as an accountant for many years.

Generalov M.P., born in 1970, (Moscow, Mayakovskogo str., 2, apt. 2), _____ (signature).
Verina A.I., born in 1980, (Moscow, Mayakovskogo str., 2, apt. 3)______ (signature).
Nosova I.K., born in 1973, (Moscow, Mayakovskogo str., 2, apt. 4)______ (signature).

The Criminal Procedure Code provides for the possibility of applying a preventive measure in the form of a personal guarantee. This implies taking responsibility for the accused - that is, ensuring his proper behavior, timely appearance before law enforcement agencies, etc.

Neighbors can also take on such an obligation; in this case, you need to write a corresponding petition to the investigator or interrogating officer, similar in form to the sample description provided. The last lines must indicate that the citizens who signed are ready to bail the accused. It would be fair to note that personal guarantee as a preventive measure is very, very rare in practice.

Characteristics of a person serving a sentence

A positive reference from neighbors is extremely important for a convicted person who wants to get rid of his criminal record or shorten his suspended sentence. In addition to other requirements (such as serving half of the sentence), in order to have a criminal record expunged, you must prove your early correction. The opinion of neighbors in this case plays a special role for regulatory authorities, since it contributes to the formation of an objective assessment of the convict’s lifestyle. Information about impeccable behavior, confirmed by residents of the house, may be needed when:

  • the convicted person has already served his sentence (it can be anything, including imprisonment) and in accordance with Art. 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation applies for early removal of a criminal record (characteristics are submitted to the court);
  • the convict is serving compulsory, correctional labor or a suspended sentence (characterizing documents are provided to the penal inspection where he is registered).

Since in these cases there must be evidence of correction, in the neighbor's description it is important to focus on a conscientious attitude to work, participation in public events, charity - in a word, to present the facts of gratuitous benefit to society.

Characteristics from neighbors in civil law

In civil cases, information about a person is most often provided when considering claims for adoption, establishment of guardianship, restoration of parental rights, etc. In this regard, it is advisable to write in the characteristics positive qualities associated with raising children:

In the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow
Lyubimova L.D., Maly V.N., Nekrasova N.G.,
living in building 3 on the street. Tsvetnaya, Moscow

Characteristics of Repina O.L., born in 1987,
residing at the address: Moscow, st. Tsvetnaya, 3, apt. 1

We are neighbors of Repin O.L. and we can confirm that Repin O.L. is an excellent family man who takes care of his own and neighbors’ children and actively participates in their upbringing.

So, Repin O.L. a football team was created in the yard, a club called “Young Footballers” was organized on its own, where Repin O.L. is a volunteer trainer. Activities of Repin O.L. contributes to the suppression of child crime, shapes the personality of our children, increases the authority of sports and a healthy lifestyle. We consider Repin O.L. a person worth looking up to.

Repin O.L. there are three children whom he teaches to work, is engaged in their additional education, and personally takes part in resolving all issues that arise during training in educational institutions.

Repin O.L. has no bad habits, spends all his free time from work with children.

Lyubimov L.D., born in 1970, (Moscow, Tsvetnaya St., 3, apt. 2), _____ (signature).
Maloy V.N., born in 1974, (Moscow, Tsvetnaya str., 3, apt. 3)______ (signature).
Nekrasov N.G., born in 1978, (Moscow, Tsvetnaya str., 3, apt. 4)______ (signature).

Characteristic references from neighbors for employment

When applying for a job, people are rarely asked to provide personal characteristics. At the same time, if the job is of a social nature and requires special communication skills, then the employer may insist on providing the candidate’s personal qualities, confirmed by neighbors.

In addition, in some cases, when challenging unjustified dismissal, an employee may well provide a written opinion from his neighbors as evidence of his law-abiding behavior.

Legal consequences for neighbors who characterize a person

You need to understand that everything that is written in the characteristics can be verified at any time by the court, prosecutor's office or other law enforcement agencies. In addition, all those neighbors who signed the document can be summoned to court and questioned as witnesses. For those who were asked to confirm the positive qualities of a neighbor:

  1. Specify the purpose of obtaining information about the resident.
  2. If you are asked to indicate specific qualities of a neighbor, write only those in which you are confident.
  3. Do not sign a blank sheet, confirm only the information already indicated, and not future information, by carefully reading the text.
  4. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to provide explanations for the information provided if required. By virtue of the law, a witness does not have the right to refuse to testify, otherwise criminal liability may arise.

Negative feedback from neighbors

Sometimes neighbors initiate a collective appeal to the police regarding violations of public order, the creation of brothels, or acts of hooliganism by individual citizens living in a common house. In this case, in addition to the application itself, you can provide the relevant characterizing data on the violator:

To the district commissioner of Police Department No. 10
in the Leninsky district of Moskvyzhitley
house No. 27 on Zelenaya street, Moscow.

per tenant sq. 1 house No. 27 on the street. Green Moscow
Borisova N.N., born in 1989

We inform you that we are neighbors of N.N. Borisov, who has been living at the above address since 2014. During his stay Borisov N.N. has proven itself to be extremely negative. This tenant leads an antisocial lifestyle, does not work anywhere, drinks alcohol with other people in entrance No. 2 of the specified building, smokes on the landing.

Borisov N.N. has been repeatedly seen lying drunk in an elevator, making it difficult for other people, including the elderly, to use the elevator.

Borisov N.N. participates in the damage of public property, paints the doors and walls of the entrances of the specified house.

He does not respond to numerous comments from people living in the house.

Sazonov N.L., born in 1971, (Moscow, Zelenaya St., 27, apt. 2), _____ (signature).
Popov P.S., born in 1966, (Moscow, Zelenaya st., 27, apt. 3)______ (signature).
Solovyov O.Z., born in 1958, (Moscow, Zelenaya st., 27, apt. 4)______ (signature).

When writing characteristics, I usually use the comments of Elena Borisova (Personnel Mix 2001). They were written for personnel certification, these comments are used in particular by Moscow Business School trainers in the MBA Start program, but when writing characteristics they are very convenient:

About the volume of work.

Positive feedback. The employee performs a large amount of work, always meets deadlines, and at the same time manages to attend all meetings, prepare required reports in a timely manner and get acquainted with the reports received by him. The volume of work he performs demonstrates his high professionalism and dedication to the company.

Negative review. The employee is actively involved in various projects and devotes a lot of time and effort to them. Unfortunately, efforts do not always lead to the real measurable results that the manager expects from him. A number of important tasks (examples) were not given sufficient attention. A lack of organization and an inability to set goals and prioritize seem to hinder completion of tasks. Apparently, in order to increase operational efficiency, an employee is recommended to try to understand and understand how the work process is organized in the company.

About the ability to analyze and make decisions.

Positive feedback. The employee is distinguished by the ability to analyze facts, collect the necessary information and, based on this, make informed decisions. The employee demonstrates the ability to consider different options and make the right decision. He learns quickly and knows how to look “at the root” of a question and separate the important from the unimportant. Even if the manager does not always agree with his decisions, he always treats them with respect. Colleagues rely on the employee's ability to analyze situations and make decisions and often turn to him for advice.

Negative review. Some of the employee's decisions and recommendations are not sufficiently supported by analysis and evidence. The manager repeatedly returned his proposals for revision because they were not substantiated, although the employee had the opportunity to collect the necessary information. In the future, the employee is recommended to become better acquainted with the work of the company and, before expressing his point of view, to work through all the options and present documents and proposals in a format acceptable to management and colleagues.

About the ability to plan and organize.

Positive feedback. The employee knows how to plan his work and set goals. Sets priorities correctly. Rarely leaves things to the last minute. Attentive not only to the task as a whole, but also to the details of the work. As soon as a decision is made in the organization (even if the decision is made in another department), the employee evaluates the possible consequences, clarifies the details and modifies his work plans in accordance with the new requirements. Often his questions and comments turn out to be useful not only for him, but for the entire organization.

Negative review. The employee still has a lot of work to do on planning and organization skills. Since he rarely plans his work for the future, he often fails to complete the work in a timely manner or does not complete the work with the proper quality. Forgets to promptly warn colleagues about what information he expects from them. As a result, due to his poor planning, colleagues and subordinates are forced to stay late after the end of the working day. Due to the inability to plan and concentrate on the most important tasks, an employee cannot complete several projects at the same time.

About the ability to control emotions.

Positive feedback. The employee works well not only in normal situations, but also in stressful situations, and always maintains optimism, self-control and a positive attitude towards work and colleagues. No one has ever seen him “lose his temper.” When things go wrong, he maintains his composure and reassures those around him with his behavior. His maturity and ability to control emotions is one of the reasons why colleagues are eager to work with him on projects.

Negative review. When something bothers an employee, instead of discussing the situation with colleagues and management, he withdraws into himself and isolates himself from others. At the same time, his manner of communication at work changes. This creates a nervous atmosphere in the team. If his problems are of a work-related nature, the manager should probably discuss with him the importance of open information and develop constructive methods for discussing controversial issues.


He has been working as a chief accountant since 2001.

Education ____________-graduated from ___________________

In 2005, he began working as a chief accountant in __________________.

In 2007, he received the qualification of a Professional accountant - financial manager, financial consultant (expert).

In the same year, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Director - Financial Manager __________________ with the functions of the chief accountant of the enterprise.

Participates in all _________________ professional development activities.

During his work at _______________, the company was repeatedly audited by tax and other authorities. Based on the results of the inspections, no sanctions were imposed on the company for violations of accounting and reporting.

Based on the results of her work, she was repeatedly awarded. And in 2008, by decision of the meeting of founders, she was included in the founders of _____________

In connection with the transition to the New Chart of Accounts and the introduction of tax accounting at the enterprise, he developed an accounting program that combined accounting, tax and management accounting at the enterprise.

He proved himself to be an excellent organizer and professional specialist.

For an employee of the company "___________" LLC
Romanov Nikolai Alexandrovich

Romanov Nikolay Aleksandrovich, born in 1970, has a higher education in the specialty “aircraft communications equipment”, which is confirmed by a state diploma issued by MSTU. Bauman. After graduating from university, he served a year in the army with the rank of lieutenant in the signal forces.
Widower (since 2005), raising a twelve-year-old son. Before joining LLC "________", he changed three places of work - Research Institute of Precision Instruments (1990-1996), OJSC Rostelecom (1996-2001), Central Design Bureau of Heavy Engineering (2001-2005). During his work in these organizations, he mastered additional specialties - “junior researcher”, “specialist in the calculation of radio relay routes”, “expert in the calculation of electromagnetic compatibility”. Characteristics from previous places of work are positive. I quit my last job of my own free will due to moving to a new place of residence.
He started working at ____________ LLC on October 1, 2005 after a five-month break in his work experience. Completed retraining as a sales consultant for communications equipment to corporate clients. Successfully passed the qualification exam “BP2000: Siemens BMI”. In 2007, he was retrained as a quality management system auditor. Certified by Det Norske Veritas as an ISO 9000 auditor.
An extrovert, sociable in a team, open to communication, polite, principled. An excellent organizer - the captain of the district's orienteering team. Professional training meets the requirements. Based on the results of the certification, he was appointed to the position of head of the quality department. We train quickly. In communication, although he is open, he always fiercely defends his opinion, even if it turns out to be wrong, he admits it with great difficulty. Motivated to solve complex problems and receive recognition. Able to make independent decisions and take responsibility for them. Has no bad habits.
She loves her son, spends vacations and all her free time with him. He seems to be a promising specialist, included in the personnel reserve with a possible further appointment to the position of Deputy Director for Development.
The character reference was issued for submission to the Basmanny Court of Moscow.

General Director ____________ G.L. Nedviga

Deputy General Director for Human Resources ____________ I.R. Chupilko


For the super-chief manager for steaming products to the population of Slavic Toilets LLC, Bestolkovkin Balbes Nedoumych.

Bestolkovkin Balbes Nedoumych has been working at the Slavic Toilets company since April 1, 1900. Married, has twenty-eight children. His responsibilities include steaming products to the population, as well as servicing the plumbing equipment of the company and partners. Has a higher education in plumbing. During his work, he proved himself to be a competent specialist, capable of solving the tasks assigned to him, showing a responsible and creative approach to solving various problems, and choosing the most optimal and high-quality solution. The relationship with the company’s staff is good, he has no disciplinary sanctions, and has not violated labor discipline. For heroism demonstrated, he was rewarded with a cash bonus and gratitude.

Director of LLC "Slavic Toilets"
Semi-evil P.B.

An employee profile is a special type of document. Despite the fact that there is no single approved sample for its preparation, the importance of this “paper” is undeniable.

In general, a characteristic, if we talk about the specific definition of the concept, is a document reflecting the enterprise management’s assessment of its employee, a kind of analysis of the employee from the point of view of the effectiveness of his professional activities and the adequacy of his personal qualities.

Characteristics of an employee from the place of work can be either positive or negative.

A positive reference from a place of work is a document containing an assessment of the employee’s best business skills, his extensive professional potential, and reveals his worthy sides as an individual.

Negative reference for an employee– this is a negative “review” about the business and personal qualities of an employee, reflecting his failure as a specialist and certain character traits that are a barrier to building high-quality and effective activities.

An example of a characteristics form for subsequent filling:

Sample positive reference for an employee

"F. I.O. has 25-years of experience. During his time working at the enterprise, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist who knows how to competently and rationally approach the solution of assigned tasks. He implements all assigned projects with maximum efficiency and absolute dedication. Including complex and labor-intensive ones.

I. O. is distinguished by such qualities as activity, rare determination, responsibility for every task performed, and dedication to the task. As well as a talent for mentoring young professionals, the desire to always come to the aid of colleagues.

His professional baggage includes many awards, including diplomas from the relevant ministry and letters of gratitude from the management of the enterprise.”

What is a primary document, how to properly maintain and store primary documentation in the accounting department, you can read

An example of a negative characteristic for an employee

"F. I. O. has been working at the company for 2 years. Despite some positive qualities, he can be characterized as an employee with low professional potential.

This is expressed in failure to meet deadlines for completing assignments, insufficient quality of work, indiscipline and disorganization.

Repeatedly subjected to disciplinary sanctions. Has a number of reprimands.

Treats colleagues with disdain and is unable to establish contact. Not ready to provide assistance to new employees, although this is part of his direct responsibilities.

Ignores proposals to participate in the public life of the enterprise.”

Step-by-step instructions for independently calculating the profitability of an enterprise with examples are contained

Sample characteristics of an employee for submission to the court.

The biggest challenge

It lies in the fact that there are no clear rules and strict regulations for writing characteristics. Documents of this type are compiled in any form.

And the personnel officer or manager who is faced with the task of writing such a “review” needs to show maximum diplomacy and objectivity in order to write a worthy text.

Before writing a description, it would be correct to talk with the colleagues of the employee for whom the “paper” is being written, with his immediate supervisor. And imagine yourself in the role of a psychologist and diplomat who thoughtfully and correctly approach the solution of any issue.

Based on the information received from employees, and armed with your best qualities as a “psychologist and diplomat,” you can begin to compile a profile. Moreover, remember the “golden rules” of writing it: objectivity, accuracy, impartiality.

How to write a correct job description? What should be included in the specification? The answers to these and other questions are contained in the following video:

A job description is a document that is used to provide in different places and situations. Knowing the peculiarities of its preparation will help in situations where you need to check how correctly it was drawn up for you. Also, such information will be useful if you need to draw up a reference yourself and then have it approved by the employer. In our article we will talk about all the design features of this document.

○ What is a job description?

A job description is a description of the personal and professional qualities of an employee.

The peculiarity of this document is that there is no established form; it is filled out voluntarily by the employer. However, it often happens that they approach this task formally, resulting in a standard document that raises doubts about the validity of the specified facts.

But since this document is required in many cases, you need to know how it should be drawn up, so that in case of non-compliance with the standards, require a new characteristic.

○ Why is the characteristic required?

This document may be required in many cases, for example:

  • When applying for a loan from a bank.
  • When applying for a job.
  • When transferred to another department.
  • In case of problems with law enforcement agencies (for example, when returning rights after deprivation).
  • In a trial where a positive characterization can help justify or reduce the sentence, etc.

○ Types of characteristics.

There are different types of this document, differing in content. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Positive and negative.

Characteristics of an employee can be either positive or negative. In the first case, the best qualities of a person are described - personal and professional. Most often compiled when:

  • Entering a new job or educational institution.
  • Promotion.
  • Transfer to another department.
  • Payment of remuneration.
  • Submission for an award.
  • Applying for a loan.

A negative characteristic is the opposite and indicates business qualities and personal traits that interfere with the effective implementation of work activities. A similar characteristic is drawn up in the following cases:

  • Disciplinary action.
  • Referral to law enforcement agencies or judicial authorities.
  • Presentation to banking structures.

This document may have a negative impact on the employee’s future career.

Assessing the quality of work.

This type of characteristic is important when an employee gets another job. It increases his chances of getting a vacancy, provided that the document indicates the positive qualities of the employee.

In this case, the employee’s personal qualities are not specified; the emphasis is on his professional achievements.

Internal and external.

The characteristics are also divided according to the place of provision. It may be needed within the organization (when transferred to another department, nominated for an award, issued a disciplinary sanction, etc.).

The employer encourages employees who conscientiously perform their job duties (declares gratitude, gives a bonus, awards a valuable gift, a certificate of honor, nominates them for the title of the best in the profession).
(Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Also, the document can be presented outside the enterprise (at a bank, law enforcement agencies, court, etc.). A characteristic can either help or hinder an employee.

○ How to write a characteristic?

Despite the absence of a set form, there are certain requirements for the preparation of this document.

Rules for document preparation.

The specification must include the following information:

  • Title of the document.
  • Full name of the employee.
  • Position without reduction.
  • Age of the employee (optional).
  • Start of work in this position.
  • Achievements in professional activities (gratitude, awards, if any).
  • Information about advanced training and taking additional courses.
  • Data on penalties applied (if any).
  • Information about the employee’s professional skills and abilities.
  • Description of personal qualities.
  • Date of preparation.
  • Signature of the head and seal of the organization.

Primary requirements.

The specification is drawn up in printed form on standard A4 paper. Standards of business ethics and the Russian language are used. It is important that the information provided is reliable.

Despite the absence of punishment for providing an incorrect description, the employer may encounter certain problems when sending such a document to law enforcement agencies, banking institutions or courts.

Sample characteristics from the place of work.

This document can be submitted to various authorities. Compiled directly by the employer or HR department employee. It is allowed to be executed by the employee himself, provided that the document is subsequently approved by his superiors.

An example of such a characteristic can be found here.