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Dangerous! The most powerful, fast-acting and strong sleeping pills. Sleeping pills in the form of drops

What sleeping pills can you buy at a pharmacy without a prescription to get rid of insomnia? Here is a list of over-the-counter sleeping pills and their advantages and disadvantages.

Nowadays, when all city residents are endlessly in a hurry to get somewhere, many of them begin to complain about deteriorating health conditions associated with the rhythm of life and increased psychological and emotional stress. Of course, problems with the cardiovascular system come first, but nervous diseases also cause no less concern. One such disorder is insomnia. You can fight it. Some strong sleeping pills can be easily obtained without a prescription in regular pharmacies or ordered online.

If a person was unable to get enough sleep the night before, then his performance is significantly reduced; he is sometimes unable to make adequate decisions, solve production problems, perform work involving significant physical activity, or drive vehicles. The problem of insomnia is one of the most acute in modern society. It is not always possible to fight it on your own. Drinking an increased dose of alcohol in the evening is not an option, it will not even be considered. You can buy something completely harmless at the pharmacy. sleeping pills without prescription for sound sleep.


There are many reasons for insomnia and they are individual for each person, although they are not unique. Most note emotional and mental overstrain, stress, overwork, lack of rest, circulatory disorders, neurological diseases, constant pain in patients with chronic diseases, for example, cancer patients.

Other reasons include excessive consumption of coffee and strong tea, energy drinks, overexertion, which can be associated with both everyday problems and scandals in the family, watching horror films, reading an interesting book before bed and many other phenomena and actions.

In most cases, it is quite difficult to pinpoint the cause. But the methods of dealing with insomnia are almost always the same. Not everyone wants to practice evening walks or make it a rule to drink a mug of warm milk with honey before going to bed. Belief in the power of pharmacology defeats common sense! And most of them rush to the pharmacy the next day to buy sleeping pills.

Classification of sleeping pills

All sleeping pills can be divided into strong and weak acting. Potent drugs for sound sleep cause a significant change in the psychological and emotional state, cause euphoria, and disturbances in the structure of sleep. In terms of their effect, they can be equated to soft drugs. Just like drugs, they are highly addictive, form dependence, and in case of overdose they are deadly (especially when taken simultaneously with alcohol). Therefore, they are sold strictly according to prescription.

List of over-the-counter sleeping pills

Over-the-counter sleeping pills include very common and widely available drugs - Corvalol and Valocordin.

They contain phenobarbital dissolved in alcohol. It is phenobarbital that has sedative and hypnotic effects. The disadvantages include the fact that in the event of an accidental or deliberate overdose, it causes a strong inhibitory effect on the psyche, which cannot recover for a long time. But this is rare and more often people suffering from chronic alcoholism come to this state and have tried to use any pharmacological drugs containing alcohol during the period of abstinence (severe hangover).

Herbal sleeping pills

Natural-based drugs are the most harmless, accessible and inexpensive:

— Valerian and motherwort, tinctures. Sedative effect;

— Persen is a whole complex of herbs that cause a sedative effect;

— Dormiplant - tablets based on extracts of valerian and lemon balm. Sedative effect;

- Novo-Passit. Pills. Sedative effect.

All these drugs are freely available and can be found in almost any pharmacy. Another plus is that medications are very inexpensive and available to any pensioner. The disadvantage is a weak sedative effect and, as a result, a low hypnotic effect. Many people complain that it is not always possible to overcome insomnia and achieve sound sleep with their help.

Homeopathic remedies

This category includes the “Calm” and “Nevoheel” tablets. The drugs are generally available, do not cause inhibition, are harmless, but no clear sedative effect is observed. Some people get help, some don't.

Strong over-the-counter insomnia medications for sound sleep


Belongs to the group of histamine receptor blockers. It helps well both at the stage of falling asleep and during night sleep. Despite the good effect, side effects should also be taken into account: daytime sleepiness, attention problems, lethargy, dry mouth, feeling “broken”. It is not recommended for use by people who, due to their duties, are subject to increased demands to make quick decisions when possible, to maintain attention - transport drivers, military personnel, doctors, dispatchers of potentially hazardous industrial facilities, etc.

It is necessary to prescribe the medicine very carefully to elderly patients, especially those suffering from kidney and liver diseases, and men with prostate adenoma.


The situation is similar to the state of affairs in relation to donormil: on the one hand, over-the-counter release is prohibited, on the other hand, it is not included in the federal list of quantitative records. Considering that this drug is very dangerous, many local Regional Health Departments, on their own initiative, made appropriate additions to the federal list, adding phenazepam (donormil less often). According to reviews, phenazepam has an excellent hypnotic effect and allows you to sleep soundly throughout the night.

Melatonin facilitates the process of falling asleep, after which it is quickly completely metabolized and the stage of natural, full sleep begins. A person wakes up well rested without feeling any side effects.

There is pure melatonin, it comes from the world of sports and is not as expensive as melaxen.

Advances and forecasts in the treatment of sleep disorders

In the first stages, it is worth trying taking herbal medicines (valerian, motherwort, persen). If there is no effect, you can switch to melaxen, which will certainly produce a better effect than herbal or homeopathic medicines. In order to start using donormil or phenazepam, you must first consult with a therapist or neurologist.

Children under 12 years of age who are characterized by increased excitability, anxiety, and sleep disturbances can be safely prescribed herbal preparations.

Now let's move on to the most powerful sleeping pills.

What is the most powerful sleeping pill?

Over-the-counter sleeping pills usually do not have serious side effects and can be used by people of all age groups.

There are several groups of sleeping pills:

  1. Barbiturates (Barbamil, Chloral hydrate, Phenobarbital) – derivatives of barbituric acid

A representative of this group is Chloral hydrate .

Chloral hydrate

It has a good hypnotic and sedative effect, and also has analgesic and anticonvulsant effects. As a strong hypnotic, Chloral hydrate is used due to its rapid absorption and effective sedative and hypnotic effects. At the same time, sleep in its cyclicity and duration (from 5 to 7 hours) is close to physiological, and occurs in 15-20 minutes.

For adult patients, Chloral hydrate is prescribed in the form of enemas or orally in large dilutions together with enveloping drugs.

It must be taken into account that Chloral hydrate can cause vomiting or a decrease in blood pressure, and with its prolonged use, addiction can develop (chloralomania).

It is not used for inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract (esophagitis, gastritis, colitis, proctitis), ulcerative-necrotic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, alcohol addiction. Chloral hydrate is prescribed with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for chronic fatigue syndrome.

  1. Benzodiazepine derivatives (Nizatrepam, Triazolam, Flunitrazepam)

How to get “special” sleeping pills?

And now a few words about sleeping pills, which will definitely not be sold to you without a prescription. In reality, getting them is not that difficult. You just need to put in a little effort and it will take a little of your time. In fact, all this is done quite easily. You can read about how to do this.

Fast-acting sleeping pills help fight insomnia and cope with the frantic pace of modern life, associated with an abundance of information and daily stressful situations. All sleeping pills affect the central nervous system, providing a sedative effect and blocking the production of neurotransmitters, which are responsible for transmitting impulses between nerve cells. As a result, the process of falling asleep is facilitated, sleep comes faster, and its depth and duration are at a sufficient level, which allows a person to get adequate rest.

Benefits of sleeping pills in the form of drops

The main goal of any drug with a hypnotic effect is to initiate inhibition processes in the nervous system while simultaneously suppressing excitatory factors. Medicines cope with this task in different ways. Some of them have a short effect and affect only excitation processes, without affecting inhibitory functions. Such medications are necessary for those who have great difficulty falling asleep, but sleep soundly and do not complain about the quality of sleep.

Other drugs help if a person sleeps poorly, wakes up several times during the night and gets up completely “broken” in the morning. In this case, long-acting sleeping pills will help, which not only eliminate excitation of the nervous system, but also enhance inhibition processes, ensuring healthy and deep sleep.

Medicines are produced in a variety of dosage forms (tablets, capsules, tinctures, drops). Today we will talk about drugs in the form of drops, because compared to other drugs they have significant advantages:

  • They are characterized by a high degree of bioavailability. This means that after oral administration, the active substances are very quickly absorbed and enter the bloodstream, providing the necessary therapeutic effect.
  • The bottle with drops is very convenient to use; you can take it with you without fear that the medicine will spill, even if the bottle is upside down.
  • Liquid forms of sleeping pills are convenient in dosing, since each bottle of the drug is equipped with a special dispenser cap that allows you to count the required number of drops.

Good to knowPotent sleeping pills are sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. These include medications based on barbiturates (ethamine or phenobarbital). They must be used strictly according to the instructions, avoiding overdose. Many of them have serious contraindications, for example, the strong sleeping pill Oniria drops, which is based on zolpidem.

Sleeping pills without a prescription

But there is also an extensive group of drugs with a mild hypnotic effect that can be purchased without a prescription. They make it easier to fall asleep with simple sleep disorders, have a calming effect on the nervous system and do not cause dangerous side reactions. The best and safest remedy for combating insomnia in drops can be recommended by your doctor or pharmacist. Over-the-counter sleeping pills do not have a strong effect, so they are allowed to be sold freely. The most popular drops for insomnia are:

  • Valocordin - Doxylmine.
  • Notta;
  • Melatonin;
  • Barboval.

A strong sleeping pill for sleep in drops, which is available only by prescription - these are the drugs Phenobarbital, Oniria, Grandim.

When is sleeping pills prescribed?

Indications for the use of sleeping pills are conditions such as:

  • increased excitability, irritability, neurosis-like states;
  • sleep disorders associated with difficulty falling asleep or disturbances in sleep phases and night awakenings;
  • functional disorders of the autonomic and nervous system;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.

When prescribing sleeping pills, be sure to take into account possible contraindications. For most drugs, these are conditions such as pregnancy, lactation, alcohol or drug addiction, myasthenia gravis, liver and kidney diseases, and individual intolerance to drug components. Side effects develop mainly when using sleeping pills based on a potent substance - phenobarbital and they are expressed in allergic reactions, a drop in blood pressure, and heart rhythm disturbances.

The best sleeping pills in drops

Valocordin (Corvalol)

A combined phenobarbital-based drug that provides a sedative and mild hypnotic effect. Taking drops helps reduce nervous system excitation, speeds up falling asleep, and relieves heart pain caused by nervous tension.

In addition to phenobarbital, the drops contain peppermint oil, which has an antispasmodic effect, as well as the substance ethyl bromizovalerate, which enhances the hypnotic and sedative effect of the drug. Many people do not like the characteristic smell of phenobarbital-based drugs, which, with frequent use, remains in the room for a long time.

Valocordin should be used as a sleeping pill half an hour before bedtime in a volume of 30 drops, after dissolving them in a small amount of liquid. You should not take drops as a sleeping pill continuously, nor should you exceed the indicated dosage. Long-term use of Valocordin causes constant drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, depressive mood, contributes to the occurrence of symptoms of rhinitis and conjunctivitis, as well as impaired coordination of movements.

This drug, as well as its analogue Corvalol, becomes addictive with long-term use. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired hypnotic effect, the dosage has to be increased, and this threatens the development of side effects. Another disadvantage is that when you try to stop taking phenobarbital-based medications, withdrawal syndrome occurs.

Drops with phenobarbital are contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with liver and kidney diseases and individual intolerance to the components. Valocordin can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription, its cost is from 110 rubles.

Valocordin - Doxylamine

The main active ingredient of the drug is doxylamine succinate, the auxiliary ingredient is peppermint oil. The components of the drug are dissolved in an ethanol base. Drops are used for sleep disorders in adults (difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings at night).

The medicine is taken 30 minutes before bedtime in a volume of 25 ml. This medication has quite a few contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, childhood, glaucoma, prostate and lung diseases. Taking drops can cause adverse reactions such as dry mouth, apathy, urination problems, and constipation. Sleeping pills should not be used simultaneously with antidepressants, tranquilizers, barbiturates or opioid analgesics. The cost of drops is from 200 rubles.


This drug is recommended for use in cases of increased irritability and nervousness, accompanied by heart pain and sleep disturbances. The composition of the drops is almost identical to the previous drugs, only in addition to phenobarbital and bromoisovaleric acid ester, validol is also added to it.

The combined agent provides sedative, hypnotic and antispasmodic effects. Compared to Corvalol, this drug has a milder effect, reduces the excitability of the nervous system and enhances inhibition processes in neurons of subcortical structures and the cerebral cortex.

In addition to its hypnotic effect, taking the drug will help lower blood pressure in hypertension and prevent vasospasm. Validol in the composition of the medication has a vasodilating effect and normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, eliminates intestinal spasms and flatulence.

To combat insomnia, drops should be taken before going to bed (25 drops), dissolving them in a small volume of water or dripping on a piece of sugar and placing it under the tongue. Possible side effects include increased drowsiness, dizziness, and allergic reactions.

In case of overdose, there is a risk of a sharp drop in blood pressure and depression of the nervous system. Long-term use of the drug causes dizziness, loss of coordination, apathy and depression. In addition, it is possible that drug dependence on Barboval may occur, which, after stopping taking it, manifests itself as withdrawal syndrome. The average price of the drug is from 80 rubles.


These are drops for insomnia based on a synthetic analogue of the sleep hormone - melatonin. Sleeping pills in tasteless and odorless drops have the best reviews from consumers, since they have few contraindications and no toxic effects on the body. The absence of adverse reactions, as well as the addictive effect, contribute to its popularity among the population.

Drops that supply the body with a sleep hormone substitute are highly effective and act within 30 minutes after administration. The drug improves the quality of sleep, relieves insomnia and helps adjust the body's biorhythms in the correct way, providing healthy and deep sleep lasting up to 8 hours. Taking Melatonin helps to cope with strong psycho-emotional arousal and initiate inhibition processes in the nervous system.

This remedy has few contraindications. These are pregnancy, lactation, childhood, diabetes and individual intolerance to components. Side effects from taking the drops are rare, including allergic reactions, difficulty waking up in the morning, daytime sleepiness, headache or stomach discomfort. Drops are taken before bedtime (20 minutes before) in the dosage specified in the instructions for the drug. It should be borne in mind that melatonin is not combined with smoking and drinking alcohol.

Nott's sleeping pills

This is a homeopathic medicine in drops used for sleep disorders. It looks like a clear, odorless, yellowish liquid. The preparation is based on extracts from oats, coffee tree, chamomile, supplemented with zinc and phosphorus. This is a completely safe remedy that can be used even in children.

Indications for its use are increased nervous excitability, irritability, unreasonable anxiety, accompanied by autonomic disorders and insomnia. In children, Nott's drops are recommended for restlessness, attention disorders, increased fatigue and psycho-emotional excitability.

The drug has no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to the components. Children under 12 years of age are usually prescribed three doses of Notta in a volume of 5 drops; for adults this dose is doubled (10 drops). The question of using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is decided by the doctor on an individual basis. This is an over-the-counter product that can be bought at a pharmacy at a price of 150 rubles.

Zelenin drops

This is another inexpensive and completely safe combined herbal remedy with a sedative and mild hypnotic effect. It contains only natural ingredients - valerian extract, belladonna extract, lily of the valley tincture and menthol.

The drug helps well with irritability, emotional overexcitation and insomnia, has a calming effect, reduces excitability, and helps cope with manifestations of bradycardia and cardioneurosis.

But this remedy has quite a few contraindications. Drops should not be taken for certain heart pathologies, glaucoma, atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, or hypersensitivity. Side effects may include allergic reactions, heartburn, stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation), nausea, heartburn, headaches or arrhythmia.

In case of overdose, dilated pupils, dry mouth, attacks of tachycardia, and dizziness are noted. Therefore, it is better to take this remedy on the recommendation of a doctor and in strict accordance with the instructions. The cost of drops is from 75 rubles.

Sleeping drops Bayubai

This is a children's sleeping pill, which is used for disturbances in the process of falling asleep and sleep disorders associated with the period of adaptation to a new team, neurological and autonomic abnormalities. The drug is created on the basis of natural plant components - motherwort and hawthorn extract. That is why it is safe for children and can be used for children aged 5 years and older.

The action of the drops is aimed at normalizing sleep phases, eliminating irritability, excitability, and facilitating the process of falling asleep. The drug is often prescribed for dermatitis, when the child is bothered by constant skin itching. Taking it has a calming and relaxing effect and helps the child fall asleep faster.

To achieve a prolonged sedative effect, it is enough to give your baby 10-15 drops of “Bai Bai” before bedtime. Before use, the bottle must be shaken and the recommended dosage must be strictly followed, since the drug is alcohol-based. The price of children's drops is from 140 rubles.


Drops for insomnia based on a strong component - zolpidem. They are used for disorders such as difficulty falling asleep or waking up at night and too early. The sleeping pill looks like a clear, light yellow solution. It has a powerful sedative, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effect.

Significantly shortens the period required to fall asleep and normalizes sleep phases, improving its quality, depth and duration. This drug has enough contraindications and side effects, so it is only available from pharmacies with a prescription.

Drops are prohibited for use in case of liver and respiratory failure, apnea syndrome, during pregnancy and lactation, in persons suffering from alcoholism or mental illness. You are allowed to take no more than 25 drops of the drug per day. This should be done immediately before going to bed, having previously dissolved the required dose in water. The average course of treatment ranges from 5 days to two weeks, sometimes the doctor can extend it to 4 weeks.

The drug should be taken strictly according to the instructions, otherwise adverse reactions from the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory and visual systems are possible. In case of accidental overdose, you should immediately seek medical help, otherwise dangerous complications associated with depression of the nervous system are possible.

Good to know It should be understood that long-term and unsystematic use of the drug is dangerous to health, as it can be addictive and provoke drug dependence. Do not forget about the toxic effect of sleeping pills on the body. So, it is better to use completely safe and inexpensive products to treat insomnia, which are available in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription.

Treating sleep disorders is not an easy task and requires close attention from doctors. The fact is that insomnia can be caused not only by stress or nervous tension, but also indicate the development of serious diseases.

Therefore, before you start taking sleeping pills, you need to undergo an examination and find out the cause of this condition. And only after that take medications that will help restore healthy sleep and put the nervous system in order.

A person should spend a third of his life sleeping - a lot. After a full sleep, the charge of vigor and performance lasts for a long time. At the same time, intermittent, superficial sleep and poor sleep can become a real torment, especially on the eve of an important day.

The most powerful sleeping pills are limited-release drugs and require a prescription to purchase. Such drugs, for example, include old and well-known barbiturates: etaminal - sodium, barbamyl, phenobarbital. To purchase such modern and mildly active drugs as Imovan (zopiclone) and zolpidem, you also need a prescription.

At the same time, there is a large group of over-the-counter drugs that have a hypnotic effect. They are commercially available because their psychoactive inhibitory effect on the central nervous system is much lower, and an overdose does not cause serious side effects. However, they can help you fall asleep in most cases of mild sleep disorders.

We present these drugs in descending order of hypnotic effect.


Photo: img.zzweb.ru

Cost 650 rubles (0.003 g No. 24)

In humans, melatonin regulates sleep-wake cycles and is the “sleep hormone.” Its task is to cause a drowsiness effect, which increases the chances of falling asleep. In addition, melatonin has a moderate sedative (calming) effect.

Advantages: an overdose of the drug is impossible due to its very rapid disintegration. Good sleep continues after the drug is eliminated from the body, so sleep can be considered physiological. Melaxen works on the “done and gone” principle. The medicine does not change the course of the natural cycle and structure of sleep, does not cause nightmares, and does not affect awakening. After using the drug there is no feeling of drowsiness, you can drive a car.


  • manifestations of allergic reactions and the occurrence of peripheral edema are possible;
  • relatively high cost.

Conclusions: The drug can be recommended for mild and moderate forms of insomnia, in the complex treatment of functional disorders accompanied by sleep disturbances, and also as a means for more rapid adaptation to rapid changes in time zones.

From reviews of Melaxen: “I had absolutely no side effects, I had a healthy and strong, normal sleep, in the morning there was not a bit of drowsiness, and at night I saw beautiful colorful dreams. I took it one tablet 30 minutes before bedtime. After I drank it the whole package, no addiction developed. One of the best remedies for insomnia, I recommend it!"


( doxylamine succinate, 15 mg effervescent and regular tablets). Also released under the name Sungmil.

Photo: otravlen.ru

Cost 350 rubles (30 tablets).

Prescription drug.

It is a blocker of H1 histamine receptors, and, essentially, an antihistamine. But it is not intended for the treatment of allergic diseases, but is used only for sleep disorders and insomnia. This is one of the best sleeping pills for relieving attacks of insomnia in young, healthy people who do not need to drive a car the next day.

Advantages: an effervescent tablet has a rapid effect, the drug reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and increases sleep time.

Flaws: the drug has side effects characteristic of antihistamines: dry mouth, difficulty waking up, possible drowsiness during the day. In addition, the drug is not indicated for patients with impaired renal function of urine outflow, as well as with breathing disorders during sleep.

From reviews of Donormil:“The medicine turned out to be wonderful. I didn’t read the instructions and on the first day I took two tablets at once. Ten minutes later I was already asleep. Having slept all night, I felt drowsy for the first half of the day. The next night I took one tablet, according to the instructions. I fell asleep half an hour later, sleep was calm, awakening was cheerful."

Corvalol (Valocordin)

Contains phenobarbital (tablets - 7.5 mg, 1.826 g per 100 ml).

Photo: irecommend.ru

Photo: www.farmshop.ru

Cost of drops (50 ml) - 40 tablets (No. 20) - 150

Corvalol (valocordin) is the only over-the-counter drug containing the barbiturate phenobarbital. This immediately puts this drug on a par with more serious competitors, and its low cost makes it very attractive to a wide segment of the population. It is recommended to take from 10 to 40 drops per dose.

Advantages: the drug has a characteristic odor; valerian and mint potentiate the effect of phenobarbital. Can be used as a distraction for pain in the heart area instead of validol; drops can be used in different, individual dosages. The drug has a mild antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of internal organs and is indicated for tachycardia (palpitations) and psychomotor agitation.


  • The characteristic smell of the medicine can permeate an entire apartment with frequent use.
  • Many people have a prejudice that Corvalol is a “medicine for the poor” - this is completely untrue.
  • Not recommended during breastfeeding.

From reviews:“Corvalol is the best sleeping pill. I’ve been taking it all my life. Both my mother and grandmother. In addition to helping with insomnia and palpitations, I apply it to my face in the summer - the medicine wonderfully repels mosquitoes, and does not contain terrible chemicals. A solid five!”

Novo - Passit

Herbal preparation (valerian, lemon balm, elderberry, passionflower, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, guaifenzin). Available in tablet and syrup form.

Photo: novo-passit.com

The cost of tablets No. 30 is 600 rubles, syrup (200 ml) is 330 rubles.

Combined herbal preparation with a pronounced sedative effect. Guaifenzine has an additional anti-anxiety effect, which in total allows the drug to be used for the treatment of sleep disorders.

Advantages: has a quick effect. For insomnia disorders, it is recommended to use syrup, which acts even faster. The drug can be used without a course of treatment: the effect of the first dose is quite pronounced.


  • Daytime drowsiness and a feeling of depression may develop, especially with an overdose.
  • Contraindicated for children.
  • Not recommended for use in patients with chronic alcoholism.

From reviews of Novo-Passit:“It’s very good that the drug is of natural origin. A pleasant surprise was that in addition to improving sleep, Novo-Passit helped eliminate anxiety, some kind of nervousness, and alleviated headaches caused by sitting at the computer.”

Persen - Forte

Combined drug (melissa, mint, valerian).

Photo: europharma.kz

The cost of a package of 20 capsules is 350 rubles.

The drug has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, insomnia is mentioned in the indications. Has a mild antispasmodic effect. Unlike Novo-Passit, it does not contain guaifenzine, and unlike Corvalol, it does not have an intrusive odor.

Advantages: The “night” variety of Persen is specially designed for night use. It helps well to fall asleep if insomnia is caused by nervous excitability, that is, a changed mood background.

Flaws: There is no liquid dosage form. Usually the liquid form has the desired effect faster. The drug is not recommended for people with biliary tract diseases, as well as for children under 12 years of age. Long-term use may cause constipation.

From reviews of Persen:“It seems to me that only a course of treatment has a good effect, and a one-time dose does not improve sleep. But if you drink it for at least a week, your mood becomes even and it becomes easier to fall asleep.”


(herbal infusions for brewing in the form of filter bags)

Photo: www.piluli.ru

The cost of packaging (20 filter bags) is 50 rubles.

Phytosedan is available in several varieties of preparations (No. 2, No. 3), which differ in slight changes in the recipe. The basis of the composition is herbs: motherwort, thyme, oregano, sweet clover and valerian. One package is poured with boiling water, left for 15 minutes, then drunk at night.

Advantages: has a mild, natural effect, makes it easier to fall asleep, is able to eliminate spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, and is used in the complex therapy of vegetative-vascular dystonia


  • Not indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The infusion is prepared immediately before use, can be stored for no more than a day, and is best consumed warm, which, unlike tablets, is more difficult.

From reviews of Fitosedan:"The herbs for 50 rubles turned out to be much more effective than many expensive products. I bought it at the pharmacy and brewed it. It is a little bitter, but has a pleasant, calm smell. Already on the second day of use I realized that it does its job perfectly: it does not cause fatigue during the day, but sleep comes softly and easily."


Photo: otravlenym.ru

Cost No. 50 - 49 rubles.

Glycine is a simple amino acid; its role is to regulate inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. The effect of glycine is complex and complex: it should be used not only for sleep disorders. To improve sleep, it is absorbed under the tongue, since absorption into the sublingual vessels avoids passage through the liver portal system, which accelerates the effect.

Advantages: Since glycine (aminoacetic acid) is found in sufficient quantities in the human body, an overdose of glycine is hardly possible until serious complications occur. In addition, the drug has an anti-anxiety effect and simultaneously improves memory and memorization processes. It is used in therapy, neurology, and is widely prescribed to school-age children.

Flaws: the special hypnotic effect of glycine has not been studied separately. The effect of the drug is reduced to restoring the imbalance between the transmitters of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system.

From reviews of Glycine:“I started using glycine on the advice of friends during a session, as I had previously abused coffee in order to memorize a large amount of information. I began to have breakdowns, memory impairment, irritability and poor sleep. A week after starting to take glycine, I managed to get rid of all the unpleasant sensations. My sleep improved. and memory."

What you need to know:

This list of the best remedies for insomnia that can be bought without a prescription is far from complete. Everyone can add new agents or swap them, since the effectiveness of the drug is largely determined by individual reaction.

Many "doubles" are not listed. So, the drug " Dormiplant"just like the described "Persen" contains lemon balm, mint and valerian. Homeopathic medicines are not described, since they do not have a detectable effective dose, and cannot be considered from the point of view of evidence-based medicine.

In conclusion, attention should be paid to situations in which insomnia becomes a symptom of dangerous diseases. Thus, insomnia may indicate the following health problems:

  • hyperthyroidism. Low-grade fever, weight loss, short temper and irritability occur;
  • stress, depression. Such insomnia can be persistent and chronic;
  • sleep apnea;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • vascular diseases of the brain, consequences of strokes, dementia.

If you are unable to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of a sleep disorder within a few days, then you should not look for more potent drugs, but you should definitely consult a doctor.

Attention! There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required