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Why do British cats snore? Cat snoring: what to do if your cat snores, wheezes or grunts. What diseases in cats are associated with snoring?

Few people can stop laughing at a YouTube video of a cat snoring in its sleep. But it's not funny at all when your cat snores, especially if it happens at 4 am. Snoring in cats is not as common as in dogs. It is usually caused by upper airway obstruction. The cause of snoring may be the presence of fluid in the nasopharynx, which interferes with the normal passage of air. In animals, as in people, snoring can be harmless, but sometimes it indicates the presence of health problems.

Are certain cats predisposed to snoring?

Those with a flattened muzzle (for example) are predisposed to a condition called brachycephalic airway syndrome, which can cause snoring. By and large, any breed of cat that has an unusually shaped muzzle is prone to snoring. The thing is that in such animals, deformation of the muzzle leads to the development of narrower nostrils and the presence of a softer and elongated palate. Most often, snoring is absolutely harmless, but in some cases even surgical intervention may be necessary, without which the animal will not be able to breathe normally. Obesity can also contribute to snoring in your pet. Therefore, there is another reason to keep the animal on a diet.

When should you seek help?

If snoring does not create a real problem for the cat, then, in principle, nothing needs to be done. But if your animal has difficulty breathing, tries to breathe through its mouth, or stretches its neck while breathing, you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Other indicators of problems may include nasal discharge (from one or both nostrils), swelling on the face, sneezing, coughing, or a change in voice. The veterinarian will perform a thorough examination and, in some cases, may prescribe an x-ray. A thorough examination of the throat and nasopharynx may be used to pinpoint the problem. This procedure is performed using anesthesia.

Causes of snoring in cats

In addition to brachycephalic airway syndrome, snoring can be caused by the following reasons: a foreign body in the throat or nasopharynx, polyps, inflammation, trauma, paralysis of the larynx.

Methods for treating snoring in cats

Method treating snoring in cats will largely depend on its root cause. That is why it is impossible to say exactly how a particular animal will be treated. Everything will depend on the results of preliminary diagnostics. Fortunately, snoring is not dangerous in most cases. Sometimes it is enough to use special ear swabs. But this problem should not be neglected; if you suspect any illness, consult a doctor.

Some strange sounds wake you up at night. It turns out that your cat is snoring. I feel sorry for the little animal and myself. What to do in such cases?

Why does a cat snore through its nose and sniffles like a human when it sleeps, but there is no snot?

There are breeds of cats and dogs that are prone to snoring. These are animals with a shortened nose, for example, Persians or exotics. They snore or sniff slightly during sleep - this is a natural phenomenon. Sniffling can also be a sign of illness.

What to do if a cat becomes electrified and why does this happen?

A cat's fur can become electrified by dry indoor air. In winter, it is necessary to humidify the air in the apartment so that it is about 50–60%. Static electricity in wool can occur when it comes into contact with the owner's synthetic clothing or furniture upholstery. You can spray your clothes (but not your cat) with antistatic agent.

Why does a cat constantly snore and is it dangerous, how can I help?

Diseases that may cause a cat to snore:
- helminthic infestations;
- asthma;
- polyps in the nose;
- excess weight;
- hyperplasia of the soft palate;
- heart failure;
- urolithiasis disease;
- brain injuries.

It is necessary to observe the animal in order to know what to tell the veterinarian. How does a cat snore - through its nose or mouth, while inhaling or exhaling, what kind of appetite and behavior. A veterinarian will examine the animal and be able to prescribe treatment. An x-ray of the nose may be needed if snoring is caused by polyps or a deviated septum.

The cat snores when inhaling and when breathing, what to do and how to treat it, is it normal or bad?

Snoring or wheezing while inhaling may indicate bronchospasm. This condition occurs during an asthma attack. If the cat previously suffered from allergies that were not treated, asthma is a logical continuation of the disease in a more severe form. This disease is life-threatening; the animal can simply suffocate while sleeping. It is necessary for the doctor to prescribe a treatment for the cat that will definitely help.

A cat snores after anesthesia, what to do?

After anesthesia, the animal may feel unwell - refuse to eat, snore through its nose. Usually the condition returns to normal within a day. There is no need to disturb the cat, forcefully pour water into it, it may vomit. If the snoring does not go away within the next few days, take your cat to the vet.

Cat snores after sterilization

Snoring can be caused by various reasons, one of which is heart failure. Therefore, the operation is recommended for animals at a young age. There is a danger of urolithiasis due to changes in metabolism in the body. One of the symptoms of this disease is snoring.

After sterilization, the animal is transferred to specialized industrial feed intended for sterilized animals.

This serves to prevent the occurrence of kidney disease. It is necessary to monitor the weight of the animal; after sterilization, a tendency towards obesity appears - this is also one of the reasons for snoring in a cat.

Approximately 5 minutes to read

Anna Alexandrova, somnologist, neurologist, 9 years of experience, highest category

Snoring is not always a serious problem; sometimes it is an acceptable disruption in the body. But if it is severe snoring, then it is better to consult a doctor immediately. The reasons are always almost the same. Most often it’s excess weight, less often it’s physiological features, and even less often it’s problems with the nasopharynx and hormonal imbalances.

Snoring is a problem not only for people, but also for pets. Don’t think that if a cat snores, it’s a harmless symptom. Even healthy cats can snore and cause inconvenience to their owners. The pets themselves suffer greatly from snoring. But why does it arise?

Let's find out what are the causes and types of snoring in cats, whether they are dangerous and how you can help your pet recover.

Most often, a cat snores in its sleep and this is quite logical, in some cases it is even normal. It is important to remember that snoring is a symptom of a disease, and not a pathology itself.

The reason for its appearance may be:

  • If inflammation is not treated in time, it can become complicated and cause snoring.
  • When an animal is droopy, it may develop bronchitis or pneumonia, which cause problems in the respiratory system. One of the symptoms of this pathology is snoring.
  • If there is a foreign body in the nasopharynx or throat. This problem needs to be solved quickly, with the help of a specialist.
  • A concussion due to a strong blow can cause snoring. Even minor impacts to the head can lead to a concussion.
  • Excess weight or obesity in cats can be a major cause of snoring.
  • All kinds of injuries.
  • Heart problems.

In some types of cats, snoring is normal because they have shortened sinuses. These breeds include Scots, Persians, Britons or other cats with a flattened face. Therefore, sometimes you can’t do anything about snoring and you need to get used to it.

To understand whether snoring in cats is normal, you need to find out what type of snoring your pet has. This is very important to do, as there are four types of snoring that help determine the cause of its occurrence. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Dry snoring

The owner can easily determine whether the cat is snoring dry or not. This can be understood during exhalation, but if you use special equipment, then everything is clear during inhalation. If a cat sniffles when he sleeps, this indicates that the bronchi or trachea have narrowed.

Wet snoring

Wet or bubbly snoring is very audible even from a distance. This sound can be heard both during inhalation and exhalation.

Crackling snoring

If the cat's alveoli are stuck together, then you can hear crackling snoring. You can hear this type of snoring during exhalation.

Other types of snoring in cats

Another type of snoring is stridor or inspiratory whistling. This type of snoring resembles a whistling or hissing sound. It appears due to a narrowing of the space of the upper respiratory tract.

When you notice that your cat is snoring or grunting, then you need to urgently contact a veterinarian and find out the reason so that complications do not appear. Additional symptoms may indicate complications. These include:

  1. Sneezing or coughing
  2. Voice change
  3. Shortness of breath during sleep,
  4. Poor appetite
  5. lethargy,
  6. Diarrhea,
  7. Hot nose,
  8. Fluid comes out of the nose
  9. The cat breathes through its mouth.

All these symptoms clearly indicate that urgent specialist help is needed. Don't wait until your cat's condition gets worse.

Cat breeds and snoring

Snoring in humans is a problem, but this is not to say that a healthy cat should not snore. There are breeds of cats with short and flat faces for which snoring is a common occurrence. Persian and Himalayan cats will always snore. Even a British cat with a short nose can snore. However, before you adopt such a kitten, you need to show it to the veterinarian and make sure that it does not have problems with the respiratory system.

Snoring in ordinary cats can be caused by excess weight and if you get rid of this problem, then the snoring will disappear. Excess fat around the neck prevents the cat from breathing normally. In this case, snoring is not life-threatening for the animal, but to make its life easier, it is better to help the cat lose weight.

Sometimes snoring is normal in ordinary cats, but in order not to risk the life of the animal, it is better to take it to a specialist.

All other types of cats should not snore, so if you notice this symptom in your pet, then you need to find out the cause of snoring and begin treatment.

Eating and snoring. Is there anything in common between them?

Diet is directly related to the occurrence of snoring. Obesity is one of the causes of snoring, so this point needs special attention. If the cat is overweight, it is very difficult for him to breathe, so he begins to snore. If you have learned that nutrition is the main method of treating snoring, then consider a few points.

It is important not to put your pet on a strict diet, as this can harm its health. Reduce food portions gradually so that the cat’s body is not in shock. Let's give the cat healthy and varied food. After a while, the cat will acquire a normal shape and the snoring will disappear on its own.

I have been a veterinarian for a long time, unfortunately, many do not understand that snoring is a serious problem in cats that leads to complications. If you start treating the cause of snoring in time, then your pet will not experience the side effects of snoring. A common cause of sniffling is excess weight, so, dear owners, do not overfeed your cat, but make sure that he eats healthy food in a balanced amount.

Many owners do not know that cats have no sense of proportion and if you give them a lot of food, they will immediately eat it. Give your pet small portions of food to prevent him from gaining excess weight. Do not forget that nutrition greatly affects the health of animals, so you should not feed your pet just anything.

The first thing to do when your cat sniffles is to see a specialist. Timely treatment will protect your pet from bad consequences. Do not treat your cat without knowing the cause of its snoring.

If your cat is overweight, then get her to exercise. Arouse her hunting instinct so that she moves a lot. Buy her toys or let her out into the fresh air to hunt.

Sometimes surgery may be necessary to remove foreign bodies that are preventing your cat from breathing normally. If this is not done on time, then due to a lack of oxygen, malfunctions will begin to occur in the cat’s body.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how to treat snoring in cats, since this is due to the individual characteristics of the pet, the causes of snoring and many other factors.

Is it necessary to treat snoring?

Before starting treatment, you need to consult a veterinarian and find out what is the cause of the sniffling. If snoring is normal for your cat, then you will have to get used to it. Normal snoring does not cause discomfort to the pet and does not disturb its owner.

The sight of a sleeping cat, snoring sweetly in its sleep, certainly evokes affection. Looking at this picture, you can forget about all those doubts that overwhelmed you when you wondered whether it was worth having such a pet in your home - you can read more about the advantages and disadvantages of keeping a cat in the house here. Of course, it’s worth it, if only to watch him sleep sweetly. However, listen to your cat's breathing while sleeping. Sweet snoring, snoring - all this, in fact, may indicate that the animal has serious health problems, and in our publication today we will tell you about When should you start worrying about your cat snoring?

Cat snoring while sleeping

If your cat snores while sleeping, this is due to difficulty breathing. No veterinarian will regard snoring itself as an independent disease. But snoring should definitely be considered as a symptom that is characteristic of a number of diseases. True, this does not apply to all cat breeds. So, if in your house there lives a representative of a breed with a shortened muzzle - the so-called brachycephalic, then for such cats snoring during sleep is a common occurrence, due to the physiological characteristics of the pet’s body and the structure of its body - narrow nasal passages. Therefore, you shouldn’t be nervous about this; rather, it’s time to get used to the noisy “orchestra” nearby. If your cat begins to snore, and you have recently noticed her lethargy, she has a hot and dry nose (a sign of high body temperature - read more about), she also sneezes (find out the causes of sneezing in cats), she has diarrhea, poor appetite (more about) - then this is already a cause for concern, and in this case you are advised, the sooner the better, to consult a veterinarian.

How does a cat snore?

Cats, when they are getting ready for bed, before they close their eyes and relax, must make sure that they are completely safe and there is nothing nearby that could threaten them. If a cat is anxious, it will never fall asleep. If she falls asleep, then her muscles completely relax, and during sleep the animal’s chest changes its position slightly, as a result of this (subject to concomitant causes of snoring, which we will discuss below), the animal’s respiratory processes become difficult, and during breathing, it begins to make sounds that we take for snoring, whistling, sniffling...

In fact, it is very important to observe a sleeping cat and determine whether it snores through its nose or mouth, snores when it inhales, or when the animal exhales... All this will subsequently help make the diagnosis easier for your veterinarian, who will examine the cat. He is unlikely to be able to wait until she falls asleep within the walls of the veterinary clinic, and this is where your observations will come in handy. So be observant...

Types of snoring in cats

Well, we have already established that snoring is a breathing noise of a pathological nature that can occur during sleep in an animal. In turn, such snoring or wheezing is of the following type:

Wet snoring from a cat

Wet or bubbly snoring can be heard both when the animal inhales and exhales. In order to hear such a wheeze, there is no need for special equipment, and it is clearly audible, even if you are at a distance from the animal.

Cat's rattling snoring

Crackling or crepitating snoring is heard during the expiratory phase and occurs when the alveoli, which have stuck together, straighten.

Dry snoring in a cat

It can be clearly heard during the exhalation phase, and if special equipment is used, it can also be detected during the animal’s inhalation. This type of dry snoring occurs as a result of narrowing of the trachea or bronchi.

Inspiratory snoring

Inspiratory snoring or stridor is breathing accompanied by additional noises, hissing and whistling. As a rule, the result of such an “orchestra” is a significant narrowing of the space in the upper respiratory tract of the animal.

Snoring as a symptom of a disease

Now that we have established the dangers of snoring during sleep in cats, and learned to distinguish between different types of snoring, let's move on directly to what what diseases can be accompanied by snoring during sleep as one of the symptoms. So, this could be an infection with worms (more about and other characteristic symptoms for these diseases)…

As you can see, snoring may indicate the presence of various diseases in the animal’s body. Therefore, in order not to engage in self-medication, as a result of which you will only waste time, we recommend that if you notice that your cat has recently begun to snore often in its sleep, seek advice from a specialist. Only a veterinarian will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an adequate course of treatment, as a result of which snoring, as a symptom of the underlying disease, will also disappear.

When a kitten, cat or cat sniffles, but does not show signs of pain, behaves naturally, plays, and does not lose appetite, it is worth conducting an accessible examination of the animal:

  1. 1. If the pet’s mucous membrane has a healthy pinkish color, the body does not lack oxygen.
  2. 2. The absence of nasal discharge excludes colds.
  3. 3. Light pressure along the entire length of the back will help determine the presence (absence) of areas of pain.

Hoarse breathing can be caused by a deviated nasal septum or obesity, which is no more dangerous for a cat than for a person.

If your pet is wheezing, scratching, or sneezing, the disorder may be caused by an allergic reaction. This condition develops in pets due to:

  • household chemicals;
  • synthetic materials (flooring, wall decoration);
  • stern;
  • mineral toilet filler.

In this case, it is necessary to isolate the animal from the allergen. Antihistamines can be used, but should not be overused.

In short-faced exotic cats, snoring is caused by physical features, that is, a short nose. Exotics and their crossbreeds are also characterized by a heart muscle defect.