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Why does a cat shit on the bed and what to do? The main reasons why a cat shits on the bed, and the right steps to stop dirty tricks Why an adult cat started shitting on the bed

Some kittens choose your favorite sofa or bed for their toilet. However, weaning them off this bad habit is quite easy.


What to do if a kitten pees and poops on the sofa and bed? As you know, cats love to walk big and small in silence. So this silence needs to be broken. For example, lay aluminum foil on a sofa or bed. Having stepped on the rustling foil and become frightened, the animal is unlikely to jump there again. Another way is to lay a sheet, sealed on one side with double-sided tape. Believe me, animals really don't like it when their paws get stuck. Especially before such a responsible matter.

If you have a cat and you want to keep him in an apartment or at home without letting him go outside, the question will arise: his. The article at the link shows cases when you can do without surgery.

Useful video:


Marina 08/28/2009 15:11
There is such a remedy, it’s called antigadin, it’s good to use in conjunction with “My Place”.

Nastya 05/28/2010 18:25
I think this method with foil will work because my kittens are shy!

Katya 11/16/2012 08:46
It's cruel to scare a kitten. We put the potty, crib and bowl next to each other and he doesn't pee anywhere except in the potty. and we love him and he only pees in the pot. and you need to gradually move the pot further and further and that’s it - the problem is solved. tested by experts.

Olya 10/11/2016 05:40
Kittens are different and have different characters! And when he constantly shits in your bed, then you need to take effective measures!

Julia 06/30/2010 11:18
This ANTIGADE does not help! We piss on the bed, but she still pees

Yuri 01/09/2016 19:58
Buy Biovax. price 70 rub. helped us.

Elena 07.12.2016 02:42
I completely agree, all these means are pumping out money!!!

leopard 08/12/2010 06:57
So we also adopted a kitten. he pees on both the sofa and the bed: like: we slept today with the doors closed, and he was alone in the corridor, crying, of course, won’t he really stop what he’s doing? although, when I watch him, he goes to the box where we made a place to rest and laid a towel. and the tray next to it is dry. I'll leave the towel in the tray now. :like:

Alicia 01/12/2017 18:33
I have the same problem, I took 2 kittens from the street and cured them, but they go either to the bed or to their basket, the potty is in the corner, large and spacious but empty, I don’t know what to do. I had a cat before, not any kind at all. problems, the first time I understood how it worked, but here it is...
If you have already solved this problem, please share how? I will be very grateful. Since I don’t really want to take the kittens back outside

Samira 07/14/2017 11:00
this is always the case if you take it from the street: bad: Find a place without carpets, put a tray and put it after eating, sleeping, while playing. It helped me personally: love:

Yulia 08/22/2017 09:00
Buy prize oil at the pharmacy and spray it on the places where he pees, they don’t like it, or any citrus peels.

Ekaterina 01/05/2011 11:47
My kitten is only 2.5 months old. This morning she, the asshole, climbed onto my bed and, looking me in the eyes, peed right on the blanket!!! I'm shocked! This has never happened before!! So what's now?? Tell me please :ups:

Anastasia 09.16.2015 23:03
I have the same thing - a 2.5 month old kitten, a girl... pees anywhere when I’m not there, and when I come home - only in the tray. Yes, when I’m just not in the room, she’s alone, sometimes she also pees anywhere... I don’t know what to do!!!

Julia 03/02/2017 09:35
Perhaps this is a protest, the food was not delivered on time, the tray was not washed, or they were simply offended.

Katie 01/11/2011 14:29
So my little wretch, he’s 2.5 months old, designated my favorite bed as his place to defecate, and with such an asshole, smart mordulence he did his business on my blanket that at first you won’t even understand whether he’s just sitting or pondering scoundrel! Well, I took over his upbringing, I think it’s not too late to retrain him, I isolated him in the kitchen and I keep an eye on his every pee and poop, if he sits down in the wrong place. I immediately put him behind the skibot and on the potty. when a kitten wants to go to the toilet, he starts to worry and run around, saying, I’ll pee myself, I’ll pee myself now. It’s moments like these that I catch him. I praise him when he does everything right. I don’t allow him into other rooms, only in the punishment cell in the kitchen. When things get better with the toilet, he will be able to move around the apartment freely. I bought him some litter, removed the grill from the tray, and he seems to like it so far. I wish everyone good luck in their cat affairs!!

Taisichka 03.12.2011 23:27
and I have a 3-month-old kitten, he used to walk near the chair or directly on it, but I moved the chair and moved the tray there and now everything is fine.

Dasha 03/04/2011 23:51
My Kesha is 2.5 months old. We took him when he was a month old and immediately trained him to use the tray, showing him that he needed to dig for litter with his paw. I was even surprised that he understood so quickly what they wanted from him. For the entire 1.5 months I did pee-pee and poop only in the tray. He was a neat guy. And this night he climbed onto my bed and went down on the blanket. I was shocked! During the day I was left alone at home, the tray was clean. When I returned home, I saw that he had done things in the tray, as expected. And late in the evening he pooped on the blanket again! I have no idea how to explain this!!!

Olya 05/01/2011 00:18
Our Kolobok is 2.5 months old. The asshole, if you don’t watch it, shits in our bed (pees... it was like he pooped). oh, the joy of life! :like:

Anastasia 05.25.2011 09:04
My husband and I adopted a kitten, he is 1.5. the first time he went to the litter box, and now he comes to our bed. what to do?

Anita 10/24/2015 08:56
and my pussy is shitting. They say that kittens don't like the smell of lemon and orange. spray and I think the [air freshener] will go away.

Marina 05/25/2011 10:12
He pees and poops on the bed, it’s terrible, we bought antigasin and my place, while I’ve been using it for 2 days, it doesn’t help
I should try laying oilcloth or foil on the sofa or even covering it in the kitchen...

Alice 06/15/2011 07:20
Mine has weaned himself off this bad habit. Now he only goes to his place.

Yana 08.11.2012 23:52
How did you achieve this?

Julia 12/26/2012 11:41
Please tell me how you weaned him off?

Irina 07/08/2011 14:30
What to do if the cat is 1 year and 2 months old, is also pregnant and pees on the sofa, not always of course, but still. They smeared it with everything: lemon, Vanish, nothing helps. The first time I marked the sofa was when I was in heat. I don’t want to scare her either; she’ll get scared and give birth ahead of time. Tell me, what else can be done?

Exhausted by Alba! 09/01/2011 05:52
Irina, what did your cat give birth to? Does he still go to the sofa?

Exhausted by Alba! 09/01/2011 05:47
We also found ourselves in this situation. He goes to the sofa and that’s it! And she washed it, and sprayed it with perfume, even smeared it with an asterisk, and she sat right on what she had smeared and blew. It’s okay that the sofa is made up during the day, but when the bed sheets are turned at night, it’s terrible. I tried to close the door in the hall, it fits in the corridor, but doesn’t go into the tray. I have no idea what to do. I'll have to stay up all night.

Kuzka's mother 04.12.2015 09:58
Can I find another place for the tray? And take wood filler. As for the bed, I’ll try to leave the tape on.

Natasha 09/06/2011 11:16
That’s right, I was also watching the ass all night today. During the day she goes perfectly to the litter box, and in the morning she has already peed twice on my bed. These are the joys of life.

Tanyusha Makarenko 09/08/2011 23:54
By the way, I was thinking about foil. I have a 2-month-old half-breed kitten (British + Persian), who also seems to go to the potty, but still comes to our bed from time to time. It’s scary to put the foil on, I wake up at night from the noise (mostly he manages to do it at night). So who will give good advice?

Kirill 09.10.2011 20:46
And we immediately taught our cat that the toilet is outside, even though we live in an apartment. When he feels bad, maybe at 3 a.m., he will wake him up to be let out. This is what strict education means! 😎

Elena 10/17/2012 19:46
and then worms, and fleas, and different microbes. This is just additional hassle.

not exhausted by Alba 09.14.2011 13:59
We've finally weaned ourselves off the couch! They put a small rag in the tray, since he likes to use it so much for bedding. I waited for her when she wanted to go to the toilet, and put her in the tray on a rag. She liked it, apparently! She would go and then sometimes sit on the bed again and put her in the tray again. Now she goes there herself. No to the bed! In the corridor, it used to go down when it had already gone into the tray several times. We have to watch. And yet, we didn’t let her sleep in the evening, we played games, fooled her so that she could sleep better at night. That’s it, now I’m used to going to the place.

Love 09.21.2011 23:59
Guys, please help me, I got myself a kitten, a mongrel mixed with some purebred, I don’t know exactly which one. Now she (the cat) is 3 months old, at first she sometimes peed on my bed, then I potty trained her, but now there’s a problem: when I come home from work and change her toilet, she, a little pest, shits on my bed, what should I do?

not exhausted by Alba 09.24.2011 14:02
Love! Don’t wash the pot too much, you want the smell to remain! Let him finally get used to it! Sit her there more often. I have a cat of the same age, sometimes she gets lost or just doesn’t want to go there, she sniffs in another place, I sit her down, she goes away.

Exhausted by kittens 10.24.2011 19:02
I got myself a kitten, he is 2 months old, he goes behind the sofa and not in the litter box. I washed it with bleach several times, but she still goes behind the sofa. Tell me, please, what to do? Thank you in advance.

Katya) 06/20/2012 18:11
You can't use bleach, cats crawl on it!

Radmir 05.10.2012 23:52
Yes, you can’t use bleach... mine is in the tray in the kitchen, the bastard, he pissed - he’s already exhausted, he has no strength!

Olga 11/17/2013 19:36
make a barricade so that she can’t get behind the sofa.

Svetlana 02/14/2015 02:01
I once watched a program by Kuklachev, a cat lover told me that the place where the kitten shits needs to be wiped with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. I had a problem too... now everything is ok! I isolated the kitten from the rooms, only the kitchen and the corridor. I wiped the places where I wrote with potassium permanganate!

Katya@ 06.26.2017 05:08
And if this place is a bed, potassium permanganate is not allowed. What to do?

Yana 07/25/2015 00:42
Sprinkle ground red pepper behind the sofa. He'll unlearn it right away.

Asya 10.26.2011 15:04
We had the same situation! I peed on the bed and on the sofa! When you see him settling down on the sofa, quickly grab him and drag him to his toilet! At first he will try to get out, but you stubbornly push him there! We used such ordeals to toilet train the cat! It took a while, though! And here’s one more thing: it’s better for a kitten to have a toilet with some kind of litter, otherwise kids just don’t really like the net!

Anna 22.11.2011 16:23
Hello! We adopted two kittens, 2.5 months old, boys. For two days everything was fine, they called the veterinarian, he vaccinated them, looked at them, and said that everything was fine. Two days later, one of the kittens began to shit on the sofa in her husband’s place and also goes into the litter box. My husband scolds me and doesn’t help, tell me what to do? Thank you.

Julia 30.11.2011 18:47
nothing helps, today, while I’m at home all day, I put the sofa cushions in the place where I go and sprayed with anti-gas. I think I walked around and sniffed and sniffed, but I couldn’t make up my mind, I’ll go to work tomorrow, I’ll do the same, we’ll see.

Olga 12/11/2011 19:31
Hi all. I have a problem. I adopted a cat 3 days ago, she is such an infection, she pees on my bed at night. And during the day I put her in a tray, she walks. But expect trouble at night. I do not know what to do. Is he really going to do his dark deeds in my bed at night? Help?

Yanika 02/06/2012 13:38
Hello! Our fleeting happiness turned into my irritability and hatred of the little creature! Three days ago we brought a kitten. The breeder assured us that the kittens were accustomed to an empty tray. BUT... But this is not the point, but the fact that he shits on the bed and goes about big business there while we sleep, also catches the moment when he is not in the field of vision, and again does his job, or, what else worse, he pretends to be asleep and does the job!!! We, in turn, bought a tray and wood filler (we poured a little, after all, they told us that he goes in empty), put him there, showed him, but on the first day he did not eat or pee, but in the morning he lay down on the pillow and with such a look, they say, I’m just lying there and cheating! I blew it so well that it even drank down to the mattress, they forgave me, I collected what I could with a cotton pad and put it in the tray! But... that was not the case, I lay with my sister and shit in another place on the same bed! They collected his feces and put him back in the tray. Access to this room has been closed. The problem was not solved... He cheated in our room, however, for the music system, but here it was easier, I absorbed everything into paper and put it in the tray again! In the morning he was rushing about, I see he wants something, I closed the doors to all the rooms and sat on guard, showing him his tray for the hundredth time. I went, HURRAY!!! She praised him for his merits. At lunchtime she was on guard again. I looked, planted it, went myself, HURRAY! BUT... at night he shit in our bed (without making a sound, my husband put everything away, threw it out into the corridor, everyone left in the morning, I put everything away from the filled tray, but didn’t wash it, went to the kitchen, I came - there was a puddle on the bed! Now I’m waiting for another ... We are shocked, this is the first time this has happened to me, I had cats and kittens as a child, but never something like this!!! TELL US WHAT SHOULD WE DO???

Olga 05/24/2012 09:48
Apparently, your kittens were trained to go to the toilet on (the diaper). Some breeders do such a stupid thing, so the kittens in the new home only go to the bed. take a rag and blot the place where the kitten peed or tear it off from the place where the kitten went (if you don’t mind the bedding) and put it in the tray in the place with the rag, tear up some newspaper. When cleaning the tray, do not throw away the cloth at first, after a week you will throw it away, and tear up more newspapers. helped me.

Yanika 02/08/2012 22:27
A week has passed since the cat appeared in our apartment. If I didn’t receive any advice, I had to act in the following ways. The first was isolating him in a room where there is no upholstered furniture, no place to crawl under, and other things that he likes. This place became the corridor! At first he yelled, I put him to bed every night, came in to stroke him and left him on the bed, no matter how much he didn’t want it! We covered the mirror, which he really liked and distracted him from this matter, with a newspaper. 2. When I let him walk around the apartment, it’s only under close gaze. I note that for him this is joy and he looks incredibly happy! 3. When he begins to show interest in his previous places, I clap loudly, then make a “scat” sound, and if he doesn’t move away, hit his butt with a newspaper! It works effectively, now they have already begun to understand that even just clapping your hands the command CANNOT work. And he flies to his potty meowing. He's been going to the toilet for several days now, though not without our help! We will continue to do so, I think it’s too early to give up. Good luck to everyone in this difficult task!

Lera N. 02/08/2012 22:54
Yanika, we taught our cat in a similar way. After about 2 weeks, he went where he needed to go without our participation. You will succeed!

Yanika 02/11/2012 22:04
Lera N., ours needed less! He’s already walking around the apartment at full speed, we don’t restrict him in anything, he goes wherever he’s supposed to! Now we have another task - how and in what ways to move the tray to the toilet? ?) As they say, so that his affairs are not in a visible place. We are already two months old today. :love: Makes us happy.

Marina 03/05/2012 23:32
Every day, simply move the tray 5 centimeters in the direction you want to place the tray. the cat will not pay attention to such a minute rearrangement of the tray; you should not immediately move the tray to the right place, the cat simply will not be able to find it. Good luck with your studies!

Yanika 03/16/2012 21:18
HIIIIII... already tested, but he moves it to its original place himself. Even when I clean the tray, he watches him. and when I put it away to wash... it doesn’t find a place for itself.

Natalia 02.11.2012 20:34
Yanika, hello! I’m reading your story and the beginning is very reminiscent of my situation at the moment. I adopted a 2.1 month old British cat. And the breeder assured me that their kittens were litter box trained, and I saw how one kitten went into the litter box on its own, but I took, apparently, the most naughty one. His favorite place to go to the toilet is in bed. This week I have been washing blankets, mattresses, etc. every day. I no longer have the strength. :ups: . Wash morning and evening. If I manage to close it in the bathroom, then Filka does her business in the tray, but I can’t constantly control it and continue to wash it. I tried to isolate him for one night, but it became a pity. He has two trays: in the room and in the bathroom (the door is open). I think I will isolate him from bed. I’ll also cover the top of the bed with oilcloth for repairs. And I will wait...

Marina 11/12/2012 18:02
We adopted a 2 month old kitten. from the shelter two weeks ago. The first day everything was fine, and then the nightmare began... they started treating him for fleas and worms (everything was done at the veterinary clinic, without doing anything on their own), he became toxic, now we can’t leave the clinic, every day for 10 days now They give him 5-6 injections, they took him to IVs three times, we feed him with a syringe (without a needle) and give him something to drink... horror, in general. So he went to the tray all the time, both big and small, and now he started to go to the bed. This is the second day now, two or three times consistently. We can’t punish or beat him, he’s so miserable, the catheter is sticking out in his paw, they torment him with injections, where else can we punish him... in general, it’s terrible. We wash the mattress with everything we can, and have already treated it with Hastisept, and Vanish, and Duhala perfume, but it looks purple in general. We are suffering so much with him, we take turns sleeping at night and are on duty to give him drops for this toxicity, and he also started going to bed. the doctor says that his body is still weakened, that it will pass, he went to the sheets, and then sleeps in the same puddle, I’m tired of washing him so that he doesn’t stink... I’ll shoot myself soon...

Delayla 04/30/2012 13:19
Girls, hello! My pussy (she is 3 months old) also goes into the litter tray when she is in the kitchen and balcony. But if she’s in the room, that’s it, pipe! On the carpet or sofa! Rarely does he go to his potty.
I have no idea what to do! Should I put another potty in the hall? Why doesn't she go to the balcony every time? ?)

Marie 06/04/2012 07:51
Help me please. My cat is 4 months old, he goes to the litter box regularly. But as soon as I wash the bed linen and make it clean, he will shit right in the bed the very first night. Is he marking his territory like that? he is not neutered, and we will not neuter him. But what about always sleeping in a dirty bed? or wake up every time in a huge puddle? What to do?

Igor 07.10.2013 15:21
Cover your bed with plastic wrap. Treat the bed, and just changing the linen will not help - after all, at least a few drops have probably leaked under the sheet, treat that area too. My kitten began to go to the litter box on his own, but when he became older than a year, he began to misbehave. Over the past week, he has already “visited” my bed six times (where he sleeps during the day, by the way!), and once he sat down right in front of me, for which he was scolded with a not at all kind obscenity. I don’t know what will happen next. Either he will lose the habit, or he will have to remove the film cover from his bed for the rest of his life before going to bed. Generally speaking, those who adopt a cat need to understand that this is an “eternal child”, that it can eat the “wrong thing”, and get into the “wrong place”, etc., etc.

Svetlana 06/16/2012 13:58
I have a problem, I picked up a kitten from a girl on the street about 1.5 months old. the first time she shit on the sofa, then on me, but oh well, I think the first time is okay. I started training her to use the litter box for 3 days and already began to run on her own, and before that she went to the sofa (at one time, when my little son was little, he peed on the sofa and blanket, now my son is 1.5 years old). Well, I think, just to be sure, I bought a toilet trainer, sprayed it in there and that’s it, the cat stopped going there on her own... she shits on the bed and that’s it... I don’t know what to do... lemon and vinegar don’t help, I put it in the pot and it goes away. sometimes he gets mad, runs around, doesn’t go to the litter box, even though the door to the bathroom is open. True, my son cuddles the cat, I don’t allow it... My husband began to educate me - he poked his nose where he did it or wanted to do it and locked it in the toilet for a couple of minutes... I don’t know if it will help or not. I'm afraid that she will shit in retaliation (this happened when I had a cat as a child and did this, and she would shit around the apartment, but not on the sofa).

Maria 07/30/2012 21:34
We are going to adopt a kitten. One friend said that the cat would cry a lot the first night. I'm afraid that I won't be able to resist and will take it to bed, but many people say that after that they start to ponder there!!! Now I’m afraid.. Please tell me, is it worth taking a kitten into your bed on the first night in a new home???

Dana 08/21/2012 21:32
The day before yesterday we adopted a female kitten, 1.5 months old. When I put her in the tray, she pees, yesterday she found the tray herself. But all the time only in a small way, she hasn’t pooped for 3 days now... The tummy is big, they advise me to massage (counterclockwise) - I do it, to no avail... And today I peed on the sofa, but before that I put it in the tray - she crawled out of it... This could it happen again??? How can she poop???

Nastya 12/14/2014 10:33
Sour cream is a mild laxative. It helped my kitten.

Alena 05/31/2015 22:31
Following advice from the forums, I dripped 5 drops of Vaseline oil from a pipette, because... my peach was in pain and crying, couldn’t go big for the third day. I left in half an hour. We dealt with the constipation, all that remains is to learn how to use the litter box, which I have not been able to achieve for three days... My favorite place is the bed, or any corners and places except the litter box! Today I moved him into the kitchen, came home, the tray was dry, not a single puddle. Apparently, he went to where he sleeps... What to do now?

Nadezhda 09.13.2012 10:07
My kitten is a month old, she hasn’t pooped for 4 days, I read on the Internet that you need to give Vaseline or castor oil, a little - 1-2 ml. helped!

Natasha 10/18/2012 10:34
I have a cat and her son is a cat. For 2 months I started peeing on the bed. Could it be because of the cat? Is she aiming? Does that mean it needs to be returned urgently? and I'm sorry. This was not the case before the kitten.

Ksenia 08.11.2012 12:18
The method with double-sided tape turned out to be effective!!! Our 2-month-old miracle has adapted to pee on blankets. For the first week I rewashed my laundry every day, then I got tired of it... I armed myself with tape: I pulled all the blankets up and down, washed everything with the addition of vinegar. I dripped Lavender oil onto the bed. True, it was unusual to sleep the first night, but, most importantly, you need to let the cat onto the blankets so that it sticks. Ours didn’t even climb onto the blankets for a week after that and peed where he needed to.

Catherine 11/16/2012 00:14
Girls! I'm shocked.. My Sphynx (girl) began to pee on the bed. I'll try double-sided tape and oils + filler. The breeder's diaper did us harm. Thank you.

Snezha 11/19/2012 17:25
We adopted a kitten, he is 1.5 months old, male. He’s been living with us for 5 days, for the first 2 days he went to the litter box, now he’s found a new place in the baby’s bed, and sprayed soap and cologne, it doesn’t help when he’s scolded, he started going to the litter box during the day, and at night he climbs into the baby’s bed and pissing. The tray was put away in a secluded place, he doesn’t like it, they put it in the corner of the room. still shitting in the child’s bed, what should I do, please help. :bad:

Zeus 12/19/2012 20:59
My pussy also got into the habit of peeing on blankets and rugs. At first she walked on a cloth like a little girl, then I put the cloth in the tray. I went to the tray. Poop and pee. And now he’s pissing on the plush blanket and warm blankets, so what should I do now, stuff the blanket in the tray!?

Ksenia 03/18/2013 22:01
And mine always goes to pee in the hallway instead of the tray, so I put some garlic there, let’s see if it helps. I think one hundred percent will dare!

Zhanna 05/19/2013 19:47
my cat (7 months old) went perfectly into a tray with sawdust (wood filler), but, frankly speaking, it’s inconvenient: there’s sawdust all over the toilet, you have to clean it up all the time, but most importantly, it goes “in a big way,” and is immediately all smeared in its “ good” (the breed is gluttonous). They began to get used to the toilet gradually, everything seemed fine, but then there was a “surprise” - she made a big pile of her own on the bed!!! She was punished, beaten a little, found out all my obscene stock, etc., it didn’t help... (although she continued to go to the toilet “little by little”). The websites recommend putting foil (double-sided tape) on the bed, but I covered the bed with plastic wrap. Now, when he wants to go to the toilet, he screams and rushes between the bed and the toilet, but chooses the toilet!!!

Larisa 10/16/2017 15:47
But I don’t understand how you put foil on the bed. How do you sleep on it or cover yourself with it?

MATILDA591 06/03/2013 12:09
GOOD DAY EVERYONE! We gave our daughter a kitten, a Scottish Fold girl. Adorable, sweet, playful, we sat her in the litter box, bought bowls, loved her, and caressed her, but it just so happened that they turned off the heating and, of course, took Leska to bed! This may not be correct for the purpose of education, but it is humane. There are tiles in the kitchen, so while she eats, her paws are cold. In general, She wet on the bed. We don’t know what to do, and we don’t know how to improve the situation. Advice about covering the bed with oilcloth, I don’t know, it’s one-room apartment, the doors are only the entrance and to the toilet room, and in the room there is only a double bed and an ottoman. And How? I can’t imagine wrapping everything in film, but how can we live ourselves?

Svetlana 09/02/2013 10:10
I have the same story... I adopted a sweetheart kitten for 1.5 months. The first few days she did everything in a pot with wood filler, but then her grandson came to visit and starting in the evening she first pooped on the bed and now for two days in a row she has been walking on my bed for two days in a row. I locked her in the bathroom at night, let her out in the morning, and she immediately climbed onto the bed and made a huge puddle. As a result, one bedspread needs to be dry cleaned, I will wash two bedspreads this evening... I don’t know what to do... but I know for sure that this is not a life with such surprises...

Zhanna 01/05/2014 11:23
And I have a cat Simone (2 months old), Scottish Fold breed, sweetheart. But she pees on the bed when she flirts. When she plays, she doesn’t notice anyone around, so sometimes you have to carry her on a tray so that she doesn’t accidentally pee...

Tatyana 05/03/2014 20:37
At least you have kittens, there is hope to wean them, and there is a discount for kittens for being “young,” but I have TROUBLE. My cat is 7.7 years old, 6 of which have been neutered, he has never pooped on a bed before, and for the last two weeks he has either been in the litter box or more often in the bed. I scolded him, even beat him, I’m afraid my husband will kill him or throw him out in my absence, but I love my cat very much, and he won’t survive on the street, he’s afraid of the street. What should I do? And most of all, the question that worries me is WHY DID HE START SHITING IN THE BED? After all, he’s not small anymore. Even when he was little, he didn’t do this (he was a month old when I took him). Help with advice!

Vika 04/04/2015 01:42
Kidney or bladder problem

Daria 11/12/2015 10:22
Kidneys of course! He shows that he is in pain.

Alina 08/08/2014 10:57
the cat is 2 years old. Smart, handsome, adored by the whole family, even my husband, who has come to terms with his cat allergy. He was castrated when he was one year old. On weekends we take him to the dacha, where he runs around and enjoys life, catching mice and moles. A month ago, my husband and I allowed ourselves a two-week vacation at sea (for 2 years). The cat stayed at home with his eldest daughter, who, in turn, could not resist pampering him and playing with him. Everything is fine, if not a call one day; Semyon (the cat) pooped on the bed in the bedroom! I started to panic, because I know very well that this is the beginning of the problem. We arrived home 2 days later. I laid out the sofa in the living room. I went to bed... and then... I covered myself with a blanket, which was still warm from pissing. It got worse... every day, consistently 2 times a day, I started peeing on the bed in the morning and on the sofa at night. We immediately went to the doctor to rule out illness. The doctor gave a diagnosis - He has a problem with his head, not with his health. At home I covered everything with disposable diapers. While they are lying, he does not shit... but the pot is dry. It turned out that I found a place on the balcony in a large pot with a palm tree. 2 weeks have passed since everything was covered with diapers. I thought I had come to my senses. I took it off. In the morning I went into the living room - there was a puddle on the sofa. What to do, tell me!

Svetlana 08/27/2014 15:17
Our Kitty is very old. She is 19 years old. All her life she went to pee in her litter box, but just about a year ago she started peeing on the sofa from time to time. Why? How can you wean yourself off this? Despite everything, I love her very much. :love:

Sergey 09.29.2014 19:26
Here’s a question: I have a kitten, he’s two and a half months old. he shit on the bed right on the sheet and left a very strong stench there afterwards. Tell yourself, how can I remove the stench and stain on the sheet? waiting for an answer.

Olga 05/22/2015 16:09
wash the sheets in bleach powder.

Marina 10.21.2014 13:37
Kitten is 1.5 months old. He tends to sit in a chair when I'm not at home. When with me, he goes exclusively to the litter box. I do not know what to do. Tell.

Tatyana 02/16/2015 21:31
I have a serious case... My cat is 7 years old, he always went to the toilet in the litter box, six months ago he shit on the bed... Since then we have been tormented with him. In our presence he goes to the litter box, and when no one is home he goes to bed. I can’t wrap my head around how this can be allowed to happen, but we can’t put him anywhere... It’s a pity... Why did this happen? What went through his head?

Artos 10/28/2015 10:20
Have you changed the tray twice? Try changing his tray as an option. My cat lived for 17 years, periodically I changed it, not every month, but about once every year and a half for sure. And since you have had him for so long, as they wrote here, you can put his face in a place, protect him for a while from his usual diet, sofas, etc. in places of rest and other things... Also, in any case, you must have a leader, whom he listens or fears the most, let it influence him. Good luck

Vladimir 02/17/2015 07:33
It’s the same problem, he goes into the litter box, but you have to change it often, if you miss it, he’ll pee on the sofa in the nursery. When I leave, I close the rooms. At night he went to open the door - he asked, while he was going to drink water, he just jumped to the little guy with his wife and quietly pissed on the blanket. And the big one is strictly in the tray and the small one, but no, sometimes it slips through and pisses.

Natalya Schastlivtseva 07/18/2015 10:45
I also have a problem: we adopted a kitten, he is 2 months old, he went to the litter box and pee-pee and poop, but in the morning he took it and pissed on the bed. Either in the tray or on the bed. What to do, help, I ask you.

Anna 01.10.2015 06:57
We picked up a cat on the street, I’m not a fan in general, but it was a real shame. I lived in the hallway of the house, access to the rooms was closed. I started peeing in the corner near the front door, and I put the tray there too. There were no problems for 2 weeks, they even started letting him into the rooms. But today I woke up because something burned my leg!!! This Creature sat and pissed right next to me on the bed!!! Previously it was filled with crystals, and last time it was filled with stones! Maybe because of this?

Irina 10/22/2015 03:41
We also had an unpleasant story. took home a Scot for 1.5 months. On the third day, he peed on the bed in the blanket while my husband and I were still fast asleep, and so on for two nights in a row. My shock knew no bounds, I was very upset, I turned the entire Internet up and down to get rid of the problem and I will say yes!! We did this, the kitten, pah-pah, goes to the tray in the bathroom, and lavender oil helped us. As I read one piece of advice on the Internet, cats cannot stand this smell. We bought it at the pharmacy. I dripped all over the bed, and the kitten didn’t come to our bed for five days. I diligently carried him on the tray for another three days, after which he began to walk on his own. the main thing is patience and in no case offend, do not poke with his muzzle, teach, carry and in a couple of days he will shut up on his own. Remember: that he is still small, he can be retrained. By the way, now the cat plays on the bed, but no longer sleeps or craps in our house. discouraged. By the way, I tell you, I didn’t wash the blanket. I read that it will be even worse, everything will stink, and not the small piece that has been described. The blanket is large, and apparently the smell has been removed, in any case, the cat runs all over it and doesn’t sniff, but I only smell the bay leaf on that piece and pharmaceutical iodine mixed with lavender oil. still better than cat urine. I took a whole bag of regular bay leaves and boiled them in water for about half a liter for about five minutes. I left it until it cooled, after which I poured the leaf water into a spray bottle and sprayed it on the described area throughout the day, alternating with an iodine solution. Six to eight drops of iodine per cup of water. And the smell, thank God, disappeared. and then a couple of days later, before tucking the blanket into the duvet cover, I dropped a couple of drops of lavender into that place, and voila. Everything is fine. I hope it helps you too. It’s that simple, the main thing is not to panic and not get too upset. Patience to you.

Andrey 01/11/2016 18:51
I have a 1.5 Scottish cat. I was so happy when they showed me the tray with the gel-silicone filler! But a few days later it turned out to be a disaster - the synthetic blanket turned out to be hopelessly stained... Well, okay, who doesn’t happen to it - I washed it, tore several clotheslines, but hung it up - it’s been drying for two weeks now in such and such frosts. After 3-4 days she blew it onto the ironing board - she was scolded and not allowed on the ironing board and ottoman. A couple of days later I chewed through the USB mouse and bought a wireless one with a laser pointer. But then I put it on a bedspread for 2 months (and the synthetic synthetic material is still drying - most likely I’ll have to take it to the dry cleaner). And then the nerves gave way: at five in the morning the cat was placed in the bathroom (there is a tray (I have never heard such “meows” from her)), the scratching post and the house were sent to the corridor and access to the rooms was prohibited. As a result: the cat goes wherever it needs to in my presence, I leave it in the hallway in the house at night. Out of harm's way. So joy, of course, from Kylie, full of pants. But the main thing is to be mentally prepared for surprises. 😉

Ksenia 02/05/2016 11:30
When our cat was little, we trained him hard, showed him the litter box, and he still went wherever he wanted. We guessed that he goes to the toilet based on the smell. This means you need to remove the smell. We tried all the folk remedies and were disappointed, nothing helped. I haven’t found DuftaPet odor eliminator online yet. The smell disappeared, and the kitten began to go to the tray.

Maria 02/06/2016 12:10
Same problem. A pug dog and a young exotic cat lived in our house and were friends and made us happy. The cat is only a year old; we got him after the death of our old man, our beloved Persian. Never had any problems. On the very first day, the cat was shown his tray with silicate-helium filler, he, however, played with the granules, but by the evening he went where he needed to and that’s it, the issue with the toilet of the new pet was closed. There have always been cats in our house. My first cat appeared when I was 8. After that: life is not the same without a cat. I mean, what is a kitten, we were ready. And that tulle turns into tulle, and that wool is like a seasoning, although we comb it out, and broken flowerpots, and scratched furniture, although there are a lot of scratching posts. We struggle with any tasks that our furry pets pose to us. But in January, the residents of our building threw out a kitten. Scots Straight. The boys immediately said whose hands it was and, in principle, there was a slight showdown between the neighbors in the entrance. But the grandmother motivated her action by the fact that they paid so much money, bought it for their granddaughter, they were assured that the kitten goes to the wood filler, but in the end the kitten goes anywhere but to the litter box. It turned out that at the time of these events the kitten was 7 weeks old. It is clear that he is still very small and most likely the problem is that he was weaned from the cat early (in a month) and the kitten is not taught to go to the toilet. It's -20 outside, the pleading eyes of the son and the frightened eyes of the kitten child did their job. The kitten ended up with us. The problem of adjusting with an older cat is another problem. Since we were not ready for the appearance of a kitten, we had to urgently come up with a toilet for it. The litter we use with our older cat was immediately accepted as a toy, and he had no intention of using it. I peed for the first time in a shoebox that had been pulled out to pack the contents into it. But the shoes were left without a box, and part of the box went into the small tray. Then there was bed. Okay, I washed it and rinsed it in a solution of vinegar and iodine. Moreover, in such cold weather we were left without a Sentapon blanket - it was drying out. We recommended wood filler. But while it was there, they picked up newspapers for him. I think I understand. We bought, forgive this disgusting thing, a wood filler, which retains the smell for three days at best, it is inconvenient to change it and this filler creates debris all over the toilet and the adjacent rooms. We saw how the older cat used his paw to push the small one onto the tray. We were surprised and delighted by this turn. And everything seems to be fine, he goes to the tray, and at night he always goes to bed. And you can’t close the doors tightly; ours are always slightly open, because the cat and dog move freely around the apartment. Locked in the bathroom. He created such a scandal that the whole house heard it. So these two still sang along with him. Glued with double-sided tape. They scared away the older cat, but this idiot stuck and played. I bought lavender oil. The pug and the cat are sneezing, but this one is sleeping. Moreover, the older cat is offended and does not talk to anyone. Yesterday evening I ate, they checked - I went to the toilet, made bed, immediately jumped in and spat. And I have no strength anymore. And I understand that we are already starting to hate this kitten, although he is cute. I never liked the British and Scots, and now I understand that my disgust for this breed is growing. I also don’t want to give it away to people and throw it away. And in the end they might throw you out onto the street. But I have no more strength, everything is already drying up. I don’t even know which dry cleaner to take the mattress to. Now we will experiment with bay leaves. In the meantime, he is prohibited from entering the rooms. The dog and cat are launched, and the small one is thrown into the corridor and the doors are closed. He sits sad and yells. Well, for now the son is at home, but from Monday they go to school and are at home themselves. In general, they regretted it on their own.

Sveta 04/13/2016 19:46
The day before yesterday we adopted a 1 month old kitten. Constantly on the bed. I'm afraid that at night she goes straight to the bed. During the day I close the room, isolating it from the “toilet”. The tray is generally in the bathroom, where the doors are always open. Although this afternoon she went to the kitchen, near the bowls of food. I put the tray there. Today I noticed that she sits and does her business right on the bed. :bad: I don't know what to do. Please tell me.

Lera 05/31/2016 14:04
A week ago we adopted a cat, 1.5 months old. She initially fell on the bed to pee, cleaned with soda and washed everything in the house. If you take it to the tray on time, then he does his business there, but otherwise...
Today I pooped on the bed, I don’t know what to do anymore. I treated everything with baking soda, then vinegar, and lemon on top. I put a piece of lemon next to it. So she brazenly sniffed that place, walked around it and settled on the other side. I took it to the tray, went there, and buried everything. I’ll try to treat the bed with a lemon solution, maybe it will discourage the desire to go to the bed.

Svetlana 07/07/2016 16:21
I would advise you one good remedy - Dufta. I’ve only been using it recently, but it’s much better than any peroxides, lemon juice, etc. There is no mixed smell of solvent with urine afterwards, as is usually the case with folk remedies. Dufta doesn't smell like anything anymore.

Alena 08/24/2016 01:46
Baking soda and vinegar are the best

Olga 11/30/2016 07:42
My cat shits in my bed, I'll have to try this method.

Natalya 12/17/2016 20:27
I just recently stopped my kitten from peeing on the sofa! A YouTube video helped me. I acted like this. A kitten with a tray, food bowls, a toy, and a bed is locked in the toilet. A piece of paper or cloth with the smell of his urine is placed in the tray. For about 3 days, all life happens there, and I sat there with him (played, ate, sat on the tray). When no one is home and at night he sits there. When I come home from work, I let him run around in a limited space: toilet, kitchen, corridor (the rooms are closed). All games are closer to the toilet. If he starts to sit down, I drag him to the tray. The places of the pissos are washed with Doctor Popper (lavender), then lavender oil was dripped onto these places, and where it tries to sit down, orange peels were placed there. After about 2 weeks of captivity, he remembered the tray well. We opened the toilet, he began to live in a larger space: kitchen, corridor, toilet. He began to go to one of the rooms under strict supervision, play there, run, and when trying to sit down, run into the tray. He was expelled for the night. In this mode for another 2 weeks. Then the second room was opened. It's been 1.5 months since we've had the kitten, he's now 3 months old. I can say with confidence that everything worked out. Patience and success to everyone!

Natalya 12/30/2016 13:17
My cat gave birth to kittens. Everyone was litter box trained. We walked clearly. The girl understood everything right away. We never put on diapers. Tray with mesh. When I gave the girl to the family, a disaster began. The hostess screamed that she was peeing on the bed and curtains. Not a single cat or kitten has done this before. The most offensive thing is that I was accused of deception.

Tamara 02/10/2017 15:20
We recently adopted a kitten, a cross between a Maine Coon and a common breed. They immediately began to teach him to go underground (we have a private house) at first everything was fine, but after 2 weeks the end of the world began, for the most part he still goes underground, but he began to pee on the sofa. that we just don’t do everything to no avail. It is impossible to enter the hall due to the porridge smells. for some reason it is very smelly. This is my first time encountering this and I don’t know what to do.

Zhmen 02/22/2017 07:16
I locked my scoundrel in the toilet for several days, gave up the litter and trained him to use the tray

Camilla 06/22/2017 11:25
My brother picked up a cat from the street, the cat immediately understood and remembered where to pee and poop. So, one will understand, but the other will not. If we get lucky.

Irina 09.14.2017 22:38
Our kitten shits on the bed! He's been living with us for a week now, but he can't get used to the litter box. I will try Natalia's method 2016-12-17 20:27:16.

Anyone who owns cats will confirm that these creatures can be very vindictive and capricious. In some cases, a cat's love develops into hatred and disobedience, which turn a calm and measured life into a real nightmare.

And such “dirty tricks” include the appearance of puddles and piles on the bed.

When the bed begins to become a cat's litter box, it is important to understand why the cat shits on the bed and take appropriate measures in time.

A sudden change in the location of the toilet can be for many reasons, and it does not always indicate a hidden resentment towards the owners.

According to veterinarians and experienced felinologists, the most common reasons for this behavior are:

  1. Poor potty cleaning. Cats are very demanding about the cleanliness of their litter box; the absence of the smell of their own feces is also important for them. This behavior has a genetic predisposition. It is important for feral cats to carefully bury their excrement so that a predator cannot track its presence. That is why, if a cat pees on the bed, you must immediately check the litter box for cleanliness.
  2. Lack of filler or its sudden replacement. Quite often, cats, having discovered a different mixture or even emptiness in the tray, refuse to go into it and choose the owner’s bed as a new toilet.
  3. Health problems. Often, such behavior can indicate the presence of serious health problems. If a cat pees on the bed, it is worth checking its health for the presence of urolithiasis, and if feces are detected, for intestinal diseases. Unpleasant and painful sensations during the processes of defecation and urination may lead to a search for a softer and more comfortable place for the toilet.
  4. Stressful situations. The appearance of a new pet, the birth of a child, a change of environment and many other situations can lead to psycho-emotional overstrain of the animal. Often such changes are accompanied by inappropriate behavior.
  5. Lack of attention and boredom. If the cat begins to “go” to the bed, the reason for this may be boredom and lack of communication. If an animal is alone all day and does not receive proper attention in the evening, this behavior simply serves as a reminder of itself and attracting attention to its person.
  6. Mating season. A surge of hormones changes the animal's behavior. A male cat may begin to shit on a person’s bed, thereby marking its own territory.
  7. Jealousy. If a new pet appears in the house, this leads to a reduction in attention to the existing cat. The animal can quickly find a way out of this situation by organizing a toilet on the owner’s bed, because in this case, the new kitten will most likely be to blame. This kind of revenge is often observed in houses where several animals live.
  8. Old age. Animals in old age can lose their skills, and the presence of chronic diseases is added here.

What to do?

Whatever the reasons for the animal peeing on the bed, they need to be eliminated. Unscrupulous owners will simply get rid of the cat by throwing it out onto the street or giving it to another family, more humane owners will begin to raise it or limit its access to the bedroom, and only a few will begin to look for the true reason.

It is the latter option that should be taken if the cat behaves inappropriately.

What to do:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to exclude dirt in the tray or change the filler. If the behavior is associated precisely with these factors, then it will be enough to monitor cleanliness more carefully or return the usual filler.
  2. Visit your veterinarian, especially if your cat has decreased activity, decreased appetite, or other changes. Perhaps the reason for this behavior lies in something completely different, but it is important not to waste time and rule out health problems.
  3. Install several trays with different types of filler. Perhaps the cat likes only a certain of them, and which one you will need to find out.
  4. If the reason was the appearance of a new animal in the house, then time will help to wean it off going to bed. Owners can help animals speed up the adaptation period if they isolate them from each other for a short time, and also create their own personal space for each of them.
  5. Pay more attention to the cat, play with it and show your love. Having gained confidence and realized the importance for the owners, the animal will lose interest in its antics.

In parallel with eliminating the causes, additional measures can be taken:

  1. Cats do not like the smell of lavender, so it is worth purchasing a bed linen softener with this scent.
  2. Buy a special spray. It is usually sold in every pet store. They process the places where there was a “surprise”. Cats don’t like its smell, so they will quickly forget the way to bed.
  3. Treat your favorite areas with ammonia, vinegar or lemon juice. Animals do not like strong odors and act as a deterrent.
  4. It is necessary to take action as early as possible, before the cat develops a clear understanding of the bed as a toilet.

How to prevent this behavior?

To minimize the risk of toileting in the wrong places, the following measures must be observed:

In order for life with a cat to be cozy and comfortable, it is important to realize that it is a member of the family and therefore also requires attention, affection and kindness.

Every owner of an animal such as a cat, at one point or another in their life, is faced with the fact that there is not a single more capricious and vindictive creature in the world than, for example, cats. Their hatred and love can often take on a rather strange form, which as a result turns the life of the owner into a real hell.

In the old days, it was recommended to periodically monitor the behavior of cats so that upcoming events could be predicted, taking into account existing signs. Indeed, according to this kind of superstition, cats themselves can feel various changes in relation to, for example, changes in weather conditions or the arrival of some guests in the house.

Such manifestations most often today include the appearance of heaps or puddles on the owner’s bed, which, as a rule, remain as a result of the revenge of this amazing animal. So, what does the sign mean in which the cat is the main character and why does it act this way towards its own owner? So, why do cats, over time, begin to shit on the bed, and, perhaps most importantly, why absolutely no measures taken have any effect on this behavior of cats? After all, quite often, or in other words, almost always, all measures taken to combat this phenomenon end in nothing, and the cats themselves continue to spoil bed linen, mattresses and blankets.

Of course, there are plenty of signs that explain this phenomenon in the modern world. They can have both a positive character and, accordingly, foreshadow negative events. Among them, it is worth highlighting one of the most positive signs associated with the dirty tricks of such an animal as a cat. So, if a cat shits, the omen, as a rule, implies an immediate improvement in the financial situation. In other words, such an unpleasant phenomenon can ultimately lead to profit. At the same time, the most popular sign is when new owners of premises in a recently acquired apartment or house let a cat in for the first time. As a result, you need to pay attention to where she will find her bed. In principle, to predict subsequent changes in the future and indicate the role of the gods, people have used the behavior of animals since ancient times. That is why, in ancient states, various animals, as a rule, were treated with great attention. After all, they believed that during the period of saying one or another prayer, a spirit would inhabit nearby animals. At the same time, in the old days, animals could serve under the guise of a kind of oracle, which could give a signal as a negative or affirmative answer. In principle, an animal such as a cat, in this understanding, was a special prophetic creature that was capable of predicting the future. For example, if a cat shits on the bed, the sign portends an improvement in financial affairs, although some peoples of the world associate quite negative consequences with this phenomenon, for example, illness or approaching death.

Quite often, such animals could foreshadow an approaching disease or the emergence of an unpleasant situation, thus, the sign of a cat pooping on the bed can portend both an improvement in the situation in a person’s life, and, accordingly, on the contrary, a deterioration. Some experts believe that if you periodically observe the behavior of this amazing animal, you can ultimately get an answer to a question regarding the future of a particular person. After all, it’s probably not in vain that cats at any period in the life of mankind have been associated with mysterious and incredible forces, and their eyes have been called a kind of gateway to another world. Today, the Russian-speaking population associates this type of animal with a huge number of all kinds of folk signs, which for the most part are intertwined with the superstitions of other peoples of the world. For example, probably in almost most countries on the planet there are superstitions about cats. So, for example, if a cat shits on the bed, the sign implies an improvement in business or simply an animal’s resentment towards a person.

A huge number of sailors, even today, believe that if cats are present on the ship, then this is all a harbinger of good luck. In this regard, the team will be able to avoid such a phenomenon as a storm, and the weather itself will not exhibit various vagaries during the journey. At the same time, in exactly the same way, the English sailor was able to predict changes in weather conditions precisely by the behavior of the animal. Although at the same time, some peoples believed that if a cat pooped on the bed, the omen implied dire consequences. In other words, such a superstition at that time was considered very bad. At the same time, there is no need to be so upset, because it is quite possible that the cat, using this rather non-standard method, is simply trying to express its own resentment towards its owner.

As for other signs associated with such capricious animals as cats, then, for example, in China, the cat was the keeper of wealth. Although at the same time, if it is not theirs, but someone else’s animal that appears in the family, then this all implies an omen of impending poverty in people’s lives. Moreover, in some countries it was believed that if a cat, for one reason or another, shits on the bed, then this event can only mean that it will soon change its own place of residence to a more favorable environment for it.

Regardless of all of the above, it is also worth noting that cats often shit on the bed due to the fact that they are overwhelmed with sincere human feelings, for example, such as jealousy, lack of attention in their direction, or sadness.

Thus, no matter what the meaning of this or that sign, it is worth saying that cats, both in the old days and today, are most often associated with some positive aspects, although the possibility of negative situations cannot be ruled out here either.

Nobody likes it when a cat starts defecating outside the litter box, but many can more or less endure such tricks, wipe up the puddles and hope that this is a temporary phenomenon. But there is one urination spot that is usually the last straw for owners. Almost no one remains indifferent when a cat begins to urinate in the owner's bed. Most often, owners take this cat behavior as a personal insult or revenge. They believe that the cat is doing this on purpose to cause them maximum inconvenience. It can be very difficult to explain to them that this behavior is not related to revenge or the harmful nature of the cat, and that it is not directed against them personally.

Well, we’ll exclude the tags right away, right? We have castrated cats. This article is written about castrated people, at least. So - if not, then you should first see a castrologist.

Anxiety-related behavior.

It is very common when a cat chooses the bed to urinate that the behavior is related to anxiety. This concern can be caused by many factors in the environment, but before you start working on finding one specific factor or several that is causing your cat to pee on the bed, there are a few other important things you should check for.

Time to visit the vet.
Regardless of where your cat started urinating, if the area is outside the litter box, then the first imperative step is to visit your veterinarian and have the urine tested. The veterinarian will examine the animal and may order some additional tests to make sure that the problem is not in the cat's health. Even if you are convinced that it is a behavioral problem, do not under any circumstances begin behavior modification without consulting your veterinarian, because you certainly do not want your cat to experience pain and suffering if you are still mistaken about the causes. In addition, this is a very common problem for cats suffering from cystitis or urolithiasis; they avoid going to the litter box as they associate it with the pain they experience when urinating.

Make sure the problem is not with the tray or litter.
A thorough inspection of the tray should be done. Let's start with cleanliness. How often do you clean the litter box? You should shake the litter at least twice a day. Some cats will not go to the litter box even if they have only peed once or if the litter box smells a little. When I consult with my clients, I shock many of them with the news that cleaning the litter box every two to three days is not the norm. Imagine if your toilet smelled like a village toilet with a hole in the boards and a cesspool, and your neighbor had a clean and pleasant one, and even freely accessible. That wouldn't be nice, would it? Which toilet would you go to?

For cats, the need for a clean litter box is rooted in their survival instinct. To go to the toilet, they move away from their nest and then bury the excrement so that it does not attract the attention of predators. Domestic cats retain this same instinct. They see a dirty, smelly litter box as a neon sign to attract predators. The litter box needs to be cleaned and shaken twice a day, and the entire litter in the tray needs to be changed at least once a month (this is if you have one cat and a clumping litter) or at least once every two weeks if the litter is absorbent. Then the tray should be washed with baking soda or another disinfectant that is not harmful to cats.

Look at the size of the tray itself. Make sure it is the right size for your cat. The tray must be at least as long as the entire cat without a tail; she must fit completely in it, standing on all fours. I know people who have a very small litter box in their home because they don't want it to be visible and ruin the decor. Naturally, there are problems with the cat's toilet. Don't skimp by buying a small tray that can be hidden discreetly in the corner. Your cat should be able to sit comfortably in the litter box. Ideally, the litter box should be 1 ½ times the length of your cat without the tail.

Another important thing to check is whether you have provided enough litter boxes for your cat. You should have one litter box more than the number of cats in the house.
Check the placement of the tray or trays. Maybe your cat doesn't like the location of the litter box, she tolerated it as long as she could, and at one point something bothered her so much near the litter box that she finally stopped using it. Is it possible that the tray is in a noisy, unprotected area? Or is it hidden so remotely that you need a GPS to find it? Perhaps you recently moved the litter box? Cats don't like sudden changes. The tray should be located in a quiet but easily accessible place. In a house where several cats live, litter boxes should be placed throughout the house so that on the way to the toilet one cat does not cross the territory and path of another cat.

What type of tray are you using? If the litter box has a lid, then it may be what is bothering the cat. Some cats feel too cramped in a closed litter box. Lids also trap more odor inside the litter box, which can be overwhelming to your cat's sensitive nose. In a household with many cats, a covered litter box can provide an easy ambush location because the cat in the litter box has no escape route.
Check if you have changed the filler in the tray? Try creating one with fine clumping litter and observe the cat for a week, perhaps its behavior will change after that.

So, all the above reasons are swept aside, the cat continues to urinate on the bed. Let's start with behavior modification.

There are a number of reasons why a cat may choose its owners' bed to urinate, such as:

Advantage of a high location.
This is especially true in multi-cat households or when the cat feels threatened. This could also be the case when the cat is being bothered by dogs. The height of the bed provides a visual advantage, the cat can easily see the approach of the enemy. Since most beds are placed with their backs to the wall, your cat can sit on the pillow with her back to the headboard without worrying about being ambushed. She can urinate on the bed and keep an eye out for any danger around so she can escape in time. From a cat's point of view, a bed fits the bill of a litter box because it is soft and absorbent, and when the safety element is added, it becomes an ideal place for a cat who is wary of being attacked to urinate.

Absence of owners.
Since the bed is an area where the scent of its beloved owners is concentrated, a cat may urinate in this area if a human family member's work schedule has changed dramatically or he is away from home longer than usual (for example, on a business trip). There is an opinion that this is a way to call the owner home, although, rather, it is a self-soothing behavior that relieves fear and anxiety from separation. A cat finds comfort when it mixes its scent with that of its absent owner.

If you have a significant other with whom you share a bed, or if the cat has problems communicating with one of the owners, then it may defecate on that person's side in the bed. This mixing of scents may be a process to calm the cat, but it may also be an attempt to convey information about yourself in order to make friends.

Attractive material.
Sometimes the reason simply comes down to the fact that a particular blanket or blanket is very attractive to the cat, its texture is pleasant to the paws, especially if the cat is not happy with the tray provided by the owners. Bedding can be the perfect softness or texture for peeing. From the cat's point of view, they may be much more suitable for the litter box requirements - soft, absorbent and clean - than an owner-provided litter box.

Unexpected changes.
If you move to a new home, your cat may have problems identifying the litter box. The owners' bed is a source of familiar and soothing smells. Even renovations or simply rearranging furniture can lead to a cat choosing the bed to urinate. If a cat does not feel safe in the house (perhaps due to the addition of another cat), it may choose the master bedroom as the safest place to stay. She will be afraid to walk past the new cat to the litter box and then the owners' soft bed becomes an ideal place for the toilet.

Let's save your bed!
Once you've taken your cat to the vet and also thoroughly checked the litter box, it's time to look for environmental factors that may be causing the problem. If this is a question of the texture of the linen or bedspread, then first try changing the type of filler in the tray. Then be sure to change the bedspread to a completely different one. Look for one that will be very different from the current one. For example, if the texture of the bedspread now resembles silk, then lay a scratchy blanket in its place, and vice versa. You can even keep the bedroom door closed during the day to limit your cat's access to the temptation to be on the bed. As a last resort - while selecting the right filler, you can cover the bed with plastic film. Since it does not absorb liquid, it can discourage the cat from the bed as a less convenient place to urinate than before.
As a general rule, I advise owners not to conduct play sessions on the bed because they may send a mixed message to the cat that the bed is a place for play and they may attempt to solicit play during the night. In the case of a cat urinating on the bed, it will be helpful to play with it in this area to make a small change in its brain so that it begins to look at this place, not as a toilet, but as a place of entertainment. You can also start feeding your cat treats on the bed.

In a multi-cat household or when adding a new cat or other pet, the cat may not feel safe enough to leave the master bedroom and visit the litter box on the other side of the apartment. Make sure you have a sufficient number of litter boxes placed throughout the house and work to improve the relationship between cats. This may include providing more resources, increasing the number of litter boxes (perhaps one litter box per bedroom), and in some cases may need to reintroduce cats that didn't get along the first time.

If a cat has problems communicating with a new family member, then this is the time to develop a program where the person with whom the conflict or communication breakdown occurred begins to feed the cat, give it treats, play with it, and generally perform all the duties of the owner. This will help change the cat's association with the new person.

If the problem is related to the owner's long absence, this is the time to enrich the cat's environment and come up with new activities for her so that she does not withdraw into herself. In this case, toys that the cat could play alone are more suitable, but they should be interactive and interesting, and not just plush mice. Place the cat station next to the window, and hang a bird feeder outside the window. This way the cat can spend time in the window, enjoying “cat television.” Use pheromones (Feliway), play a special cat video for the cat. Be creative to provide a more interesting environment. Also, try to increase the amount of time you spend with your cat when you are at home. Make sure you play with your cat twice as much as usual.

If your cat is still feeling lonely, this may be the best time to consider adopting a second cat so that your cat has a friend. If you decide to do this, make sure you have time to devote to properly and positively introducing the new cat into the family.

If you feel that you cannot determine the cause on your own (which can be difficult to do), it may be time to seek professional advice.

A kitten shits on the bed - what could be the reasons for this behavior? It is generally accepted that a pet arriving at a new place of residence necessarily marks its territory. And although the bed is a rather unusual place, he can also mark it.

The main reasons for marks on the bed

The reasons why a kitten shits on the bed can be different. It is worth noting that older children are doing this.

And the most common is protest. In this way the pet expresses its displeasure. The second option: protest against something by shitting in the owner’s shoes. For example, a cat was not allowed to use the wall of a sofa as a scratching post, and thus she “took revenge” on a person.

A kitten may shit in its owner's bed when it is stressed. And any situation that is unusual for him can become such. A pet that has been living in a family for quite some time may perceive the appearance of a second animal, for example, a puppy or another cat, as a competitor that takes away part of its owner’s love. This behavior will pass after the animal gets used to the new friend and does not perceive him as a competitor. This will take some time, but it is possible that the kitten will continue to shit out of habit.

Another reason why a kitten poops on a person’s bed is that he has a disease. In most situations, these are pathologies of the urinary system, accompanied by painful sensations when emptying the bladder. Then the animal stops going to the litter box and shits in soft places. At the same time, he shits not out of harm and a desire for revenge, but due to illness.

The third reason why the kitten began to shit on the bed lies in its age. Very often, people take little murziks to sleep with them.

And when he wakes up at night, he does not immediately understand where the tray is. And he shits in the nearest place - directly on the bed. But he goes away from the place where he sleeps. This can also happen if Murzilka gets too busy and forgets. The pet also “walks” on the bed because it is afraid to jump from a height.

How to stop a kitten from peeing on the owner's bed

How to stop a kitten from shitting on the bed? What can you do in such a situation? First of all, it is necessary to establish the true reason for this behavior. Beating and throwing an animal into the street is not a solution.

It is advisable to show your pet to a qualified specialist who will prescribe an examination and be able to make a diagnosis. And if the problem of using the master’s bed as a toilet is purely medical in nature, then it can resolve itself after treatment.

You should not postpone your visit to the veterinarian until a later date in the hope that the baby will start using the litter box. The disease can progress, but the condition – and with it the cat’s behavior – can only worsen. That is why a visit to the veterinarian is the first thing recommended to do in this case.

The second method is to place several trays in different places throughout the rooms. It is advisable to use different fillers for backfilling. It is quite possible that the cat does not like the smell or prefers to just walk on the net. If this method does not solve the problem, then it is necessary to eliminate the stress factor.

The kitten begins to shit on its owners' things when it is stressed. The reason may be the appearance of a second pet in the house.

In such a situation, you need to wait until they get used to each other and then, which is very likely, the fluffy will begin to relieve himself in the tray.

If stress is the cause, the kitten may be prescribed mild sedatives. But a veterinarian should select medications that will help calm the cat’s nervous system, and only after examining the pet.