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Pull-ups: how to learn to do pull-ups from scratch and tips for doing pull-ups. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch to good performance

The exercise develops a powerful back, shapes an athletic silhouette, and increases both strength and overall endurance of the body. The pull-up program on the horizontal bar will allow you to gain weight faster and increase your strength.

The benefits of pull-ups for gaining mass

Pull-up diagram on the horizontal bar

Each person has an individual level of physical fitness, some are just starting to learn how to do pull-ups, while others do it with great ease, but despite this, they cannot gain muscle mass. That's why there is no single and clear pull-up system for everyone. Everyone needs a certain time, number of pull-ups, and even additional weight. It is enough to complete the pull-up program once a week, the muscles must be completely in order to perform one more repetition than last week.

The essence of weight gain is the correct training regimen. People who do 30 or more pull-ups do not always have big muscles because they expend a lot of energy and their muscles look dry and bulky. The point is in the wrong mode, a large number of repetitions develops endurance, this can burn a large amount of fat, and even muscles.

To gain weight you need to pull yourself up no more than 12 times, if an athlete pulls himself up easily, he needs add special weights.

Let's consider options for schemes for all stages of preparation.

Entry level of training

For beginners who do 0-1 pull-ups, you need to start doing pull-ups with assistants, or with the help of simulators (gravitron). A little help pushing the weight is necessary for maximum muscle contraction. By working with a counterweight you can quickly adapt to your own weight. It is necessary to perform four approaches, first the maximum number of times, then increase the number of pull-ups (by 1 rep) every week. Train in this way until you can easily do 10-12 pull-ups. Next you need to move to the next level.

Advanced level of training

If pull-ups are easy, more than 12 reps with your own weight.

The horizontal bar training program for athletes who can do more than 12 pull-ups with ease involves working with additional weights. In this case, you will need special belts for pull-ups with a chain on which you can hang pancakes and weights of the required weight. You need to start with a minimal weight, first add 5 kg, after adapting to the weight and performing 10-12 pull-ups, add weight. And so on, increasing the load, but not exceeding 12 pull-ups.

Table of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

A week 1 (+5 kg) 2 (+5 kg) 3 (+5 kg) 4 (+5 kg) 5 (+5 kg) 6 (+5 kg) 7 (+10 kg) 8 (+10 kg)
1 approach 6 7 8 10 10 12 6 8-7
2nd approach 5 6 8 8 10 10 5 6
3 approach 4 5 6 6 8 8 5-4 5
4 approach 4-3 4 5 6 8-6 8 4-3 4


You can develop muscles and strength with pull-ups endlessly. Even for those who do 1-2 pull-ups to failure, damaging the muscle fibers with explosive force, the muscles will grow, as will the number of repetitions. When you reach a higher level of training, you can always add additional weight and continue to progress. It is important not to forget to recover; daily or frequent training will not lead to an increase in muscle mass, but only to overwork. Gain strength and patience, and then success will be guaranteed.

Pull-up program with additional weight in video format

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Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are one of the main exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back and the entire shoulder girdle. Only the strongest can do 30 or more pull-ups, and today we will tell you how to do this.

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Pull-ups on the bar are included in the compulsory school curriculum and this is no coincidence. Every young man must do pull-ups without jerking at least 12-15 times, only then can he be considered physically developed. But there are people who, for various reasons, cannot do even one pull-up; believe me, there is nothing wrong with that.

How to learn to do pull-ups on a horizontal bar from scratch in a week

For those who don’t know how to learn how to do pull-ups on a horizontal bar from scratch, let’s reveal the secret of two fairly productive techniques. All you need is desire. You should exercise every day until you achieve the desired result.

Before each lesson, do not forget to warm up. It will not take much time, but will significantly reduce the risk of sprained ligaments and joints, and will also warm up the muscles, preparing them for the upcoming loads.

Learning at home

The first method will help even a beginner and it implies that you will study at home, without having a partner or training assistant. Since we cannot pull ourselves up yet, here we will use the so-called negative phase of the exercise: lowering down.

Place a chair behind the bar so that you can easily lower and rise on the horizontal bar. Stand on it, grab the horizontal bar with a straight grip shoulder-width apart (palms facing away from you) and bend your elbows, holding your chin slightly above the bar, hang in this position for a couple of seconds. Then, as slowly as possible, resisting the weight, straighten your arms to the starting position, lowering your body down.

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Ever since I was a child, I was a rather plump girl; at school I was teased all the time, even the teachers called me a little fluffy... this was especially terrible. When I entered the university, they stopped paying attention to me completely, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat crammer. I tried everything to lose weight... Diets and all sorts of green coffee, liquid chestnuts, chocolate slimms. Now I don’t even remember, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage...

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Rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. Ideally, you should do 5 - 6 approaches with a straight grip and the same number with a reverse grip.

This training scheme implies that within a week you will learn how to do pull-ups from scratch. If before this you could not do a single pull-up, now you can do it at least two or three.

Don’t stop there, at the beginning of the workout, do as many pull-ups as you can in the usual way, 3 sets, and then move on to the negative phase of slowly lowering your own weight.

Learning with a partner

The second method involves using the services of a friend or training partner:

  1. Grab the horizontal bar with a straight or reverse grip, shoulder-width apart;
  2. Hang on it;
  3. Bend your knees and cross them at the level of your calf muscles.

While you are trying to pull yourself up, your partner, holding your legs, should help you rise up with a little effort. Thus, he takes part of your weight onto himself. Try to go down slowly, without jerking.

Read more:

Correct push-ups

After several training sessions, you will learn how to do pull-ups on your own, without outside help.

These are the two most effective ways that will teach you how to do pull-ups from scratch at home in a week.

How to do more than 30 pull-ups

In order to constantly and quickly develop, the end of each workout should be an endurance exercise. To do this, you will need a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand in front of your eyes.

These exercises after pull-ups are also divided into two types:

Stories from our readers

I lost 15 kg without dieting or training in a month. How nice it is to feel beautiful and desired again. I finally got rid of my sides and belly. Oh, I tried so many things - nothing helped. How many times have I tried to start working out in the gym, but it only lasted me for a month at most, and the weight remained the same. I tried different diets, but I always fell for something tasty and hated myself for it. But everything changed when I read this article. Anyone who has problems with excess weight should read it!

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  • hanging on the horizontal bar with straight arms for the maximum time;
  • hanging on the horizontal bar with your arms bent at the elbows.

The method helps not only to learn how to do pull-ups from scratch, but also to achieve 30 or more reps.

After each workout, you will hang on straight arms for as long as possible until your muscles get stronger. Once you start doing pull-ups more than 6 times, move on to the next stage.

Standing still with your arms bent is a completely different story. Even experienced athletes cannot always hang in this way for more than twenty seconds. Record your time and constantly try to improve it.

Table - pull-up chart

This table is an approximate graph and it should help you learn how to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar correctly. You can always change the number of repetitions, but try to stick to the sets and general schedule on a daily basis.

The second week is a transition to a new level. If you cannot do more than three pull-ups, repeat the first week.
The numbers (3 x 4) x 2 mean: (three pull-ups of 4 sets) with a forward and reverse grip.

A week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Lowering on the horizontal bar 3 x 3 Hanging on the horizontal bar Straight arm hang x 3 Lowering on the horizontal bar 3 x 3 Hanging on straight arms Lowering on the horizontal bar 4 x 3 Hanging on straight arms
2 Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Pull-ups (3 x 3) x 2 Hanging on the horizontal bar Pull-ups (4 x 3) x 2 Hanging on the horizontal bar Hanging on the horizontal bar
3 Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Pull-ups (5 x 3) x 2 Hanging on the horizontal bar Pull-ups (5 x 4) x 2 Hanging on the horizontal bar Hanging on the horizontal bar x 4
4 Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Pull-ups (7 x 5) x 1 Hanging on the horizontal bar Pull-ups (7 x 3) x 2 Hanging on the horizontal bar Hanging on the horizontal bar x 4
5 Pull-ups (10 x 3) x 2 Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Pull-ups (10 x 3) x 2 Hanging on the horizontal bar Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Pull-ups (10 x 4) x 2 Hanging on the horizontal bar
6 Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Maximum number of 3 approaches Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Maximum number of 3 approaches Hanging on the horizontal bar
  • Always warm up before doing pull-ups;
  • Do not make very fast and sharp uncontrolled movements, everything should be smooth;
  • Do not jump on the horizontal bar if it is too high for you, use a stand or chair;
  • Stay on schedule and remember to rest between days, otherwise you may overtrain.

What grip to use for pull-ups

The simplest pull-up is considered a reverse grip (palms facing the face). In this case, most of the load is taken on by the arms and biceps in particular. This is one of the most developed muscles in the upper body for most people. If you change the grip to a straight one, then the triceps, shoulders and back come into play. The wider we spread our arms, the more the load is transferred to the back. That is why the optimal option is considered to be a grip slightly wider than the shoulders, when the load is proportionally distributed to the main muscles involved.

How to breathe correctly when doing pull-ups

How quickly you learn to do pull-ups from scratch depends on proper breathing. Beginners tend to hold their breath for a long time, which leads to rapid fatigue and a lag behind possible results.

In many exercises, maximum effort is made while inhaling or holding your breath for a short time, be it deadlifts or pull-ups. The only exceptions are the chest press and a few other exercises. Breathing during pull-ups should be as follows:

  • Inhale deeply at the bottom of the movement;
  • Hold your breath and pull yourself up until your chin is higher than the bar;
  • Exhale quickly while returning to the starting position.

The big beard exercise, known from school, popular in the army and among bodybuilders, is a classic test of physical fitness - this is how pull-ups on the bar are briefly characterized.

In the “business” of strengthening and developing the muscles of the arms, upper shoulder girdle, abs and back, exercises on the horizontal bar are prescribed in all methodological recommendations. Paying tribute to the effectiveness of pull-ups on the bar, experts have developed various training schemes and programs for both beginners and trained amateurs.

Choosing a pull-up pattern

The effectiveness of the training process depends on careful preparation in its organization. The duration, intensity, and techniques used must be initially included in the program and adjusted, if necessary, as it progresses.

Factors that determine the optimal training program

  • physical condition - test numbers (number of pull-ups in a set) will determine starting capabilities;
  • the ultimate goal - someone wants to learn how to do 10 pull-ups, someone is aiming at setting records in competitions, etc.;
  • age and gender - not all loads are feasible and not harmful for “veterans” and the fair sex;
  • weight indicators - excess weight will have to be removed with cardio training (running, swimming, skiing);
  • place of training - a fitness center under the guidance of an instructor, or independent training at home;

Training program from scratch

Simple exercises that imitate pull-ups will help you master the horizontal bar - minimal tension without a full lift, concentration on the rhythm of breathing and body position as elements of the technique.

  • The first week is devoted to training “light” pull-ups. The point of these exercises is to not lift your full weight. Having placed a stool, on half-bent knees, you need to rest your toes on it and lift from this starting position. Mode 3 sets of 5-8 repetitions. Frequency – from 3 to 5 times a week.
  • In the second week, negative pull-ups are practiced. The main goal is to develop a smooth lowering technique. The number of approaches and repetitions is 3x6-8.
  • The third week is a combination of light and negative pull-ups. The number of repetitions increases to 20.
  • In the fourth week, the body must physiologically adapt to the loading style. Full pull-ups are performed. The result of 3x3 can be considered good. In further training, you should add 1 repetition per approach when the number of pull-ups in the 1st and 3rd approach is the same.

Forward and backward progression method for beginners

The pull-up scheme using this method involves alternation - the cycle begins with a reverse progression (duration 4 weeks with a change in direct grip), then a day of rest and a return to the reverse progression method. Training using this technique is accessible to beginners and effective for athletes.

Reverse progression training table

days approaches replays
1 6 5-4-3
2 6 6-5-4
3 6 7-6-5
4 6 7-6-5
5 6 8-7-6
6 6 8-7-6

Direct Progression Training Chart

days approaches replays
1 3 5
2 3 6
3 3 6
4 3 7
5 3 7
6 3 8

If the table standards are easily met, the load can be doubled.

Pull-up chart for 30 weeks

The program is not intended for beginners. The ultimate goal is more than 80 pull-ups in 25 minutes. Each lesson includes 5 approaches with 2-minute breaks. You can start from the week that corresponds to the preparation. If completing tasks does not cause difficulties, you can add weights during periods of best physical condition. The training schedule is daily, with one day off per week.

Training program table

A week Number of approaches/repetitions

in training

Total reps
1 1/6; 2/5; 3/5; 4/4; 5/3 23
2 1/7; 2/6; 3/; 4/4; 5/4 26
3 1/8; 2/6; 3/5; 4/5; 5/4 28
4 1/8; 2/7; 3/5; 3/5; 3/5 30
5 1/9; 2/7; 3/6; 4/5; 5/5 32
6 1/10; 2/7; 3/6; 4/5; 5/5 34
7 1/10; 2/8; 3/6; 4/6; 5/6 36
8 1/11; 2/8; 3/7; 4/6; 5/6 38
9 1/12; 2/8; 3/7; 4/7; 5/6 40
10 1/12; 2/9; 3/7; 4/7; 5/7 42
11 1/13; 2/9; 3/8; 4/7; 5/7 44
12 1/14; 2/9; 3/8; 4/8; 5/7 46
13 1/14; 2/10; 3/8; 4/8; 5/8 48
14 1/15; 2/10; 3/9; 4/8; 5/8 50
15 1/16; 2/10; 3/9; 4/9; 5/8 52
16 1/16; 2/11; 3/9; 4/9; 5/9 54
17 1/17; 2/11; 3/10; 4/9; 5/9 56
18 1/18; 2/11; 3/10; 4/10; 5/9 58
19 1/18; 2/12; 3/10; 4/10; 5/10 60
20 1/19; 2/12; 3/11; 4/10; 5/10 62
21 1/20; 2/12; 3/11; 4/11; 5/10 64
22 1/20; 2/13; 3/11; 4/11; 5/11 66
23 1/21; 2/13; 3/12; 4/11; 5/11 68
24 1/22; 2/13; 3/12; 4/12; 5/11 70
25 1/22; 2/14; 3/12; 4/12; 5/12 72
26 1/23; 2/14; 3/13; 4/12; 5/12 74
27 1/24; 2/14; 3/13; 4/13; 5/12 76
28 1/24; 2/15; 3/13; 4/13; 5/13 78
29 1/25; 2/15; 3/14; 4/13; 5/13 80
30 1/26; 2/15; 3/14; 4/14; 5/13 82

The asset can include: The program has its advantages, but is not without its disadvantages.

  • system of progressive superloads;
  • proper distribution of the number of approaches in one workout;
  • real end goal.
  • after 10-15 workouts in this mode, a period of overtraining may occur due to the inability of the muscles to recover during short periods of rest;
  • without serious basic training, the scheme is inaccessible;
  • there are no balancing types of load, which leads to an imbalance in the overall muscle “architecture” and does not contribute to the growth of achievements (it is recommended to “wedge in” running training).

Training programs on the horizontal bar for people with different levels of physical fitness

This section is dedicated to lovers of strength exercises, who in a test task can show results from 6 to 20 repetitions in one approach. The training system determines the level of difficulty for each group of students.

The initial indicator is from 6 to 8 pull-ups

Weekly training cycle table

Initial indicator from 9 to 11

Initial indicator from 12 to 15

Chart for increasing pull-ups in a weekly training cycle

Initial indicator from 16 to 20

Table of pull-ups on the horizontal bar in a two-week cycle

Days Number of approaches/repetitions Total
1 1/8; 2/11; 3/8; 4/8; 5/10 45
2 1/9; 2/12; 3/9; 4/9; 5/11 50
3 1/9; 2/13; 3/9; 4/9; 5/12 52
4 1/10; 2/14; 3/10; 4/10; 5/13 57
5 1/11; 2/15; 3/10; 4/10; 5/13 59
6 1/11; 2/15; 311; 4/11; 5/13 61
7 1/12; 2/16; 3/11; 4/11; 5/15 65
8 1/12; 2/16; 3/12; 4/12; 5/16 68
9 1/13; 2/17; 3/13; 4/13; 5/16 72

Bar training schemes for achieving high performance

The methods of this group of programs are characterized by a high degree of load and intensity. You can try some of them only with good general physical preparation. More used as additions to the main tasks of the training cycle.

1. “Maximum effort”

The basis of the program is 5 approaches with a maximum number of repetitions and short rest intervals (up to 3 minutes).

In the 1st set, you must do at least 80% of the repetitions of your maximum personal result. In each subsequent set, 5% is added so that in the last, 5th set, you work until “muscle failure”.

2. “100 pull-ups for time”

The number 100 is “floating”. No hundreds - no program, no sentence in this method. You need to focus on your capabilities, and the point of the scheme is to limit the time for performing pull-ups, without strict requirements for the number of approaches. For example, you can do 9 approaches, starting with 15 repetitions, and reduce the number in each subsequent approach, ultimately getting 100. The main thing is to do everything in the shortest possible period of time.

3. “Repeated loads”

This method is effective for developing muscle strength endurance. To give them the impulse of “strength work,” the exercise is performed at a low pace with short pauses for rest. The grip technique changes with each new approach.

Pull-up pattern

  • 1st set – pull up 3 times less than your best result;
  • do 2-3 pull-ups, a short rest (up to 30 seconds) and a new similar approach;
  • continue training in the given mode until the technique begins to “limp”.

4. "Pyramid"

The size of the “step” and the top of the “pyramid” are selected individually (and, accordingly, the total number of repetitions).

“Step” - increasing or decreasing the number of repetitions in the “pyramid line” by 1,2 or 3 times.

The top of the “pyramid” is the point where the maximum specified number of increasing repetitions is reached, after which the load decreases.

Example of constructing a load (step=2): 1-2-4-6-8-6-4-2-1 =34

Recovery periods are not strictly regulated - according to personal feelings.

5. “Personal record”

This is a pull-up increasing system aimed at achieving your best personal performance. A universal method, relevant for different types of strength exercises. Three sets – warm-up, preparation, record.

  • The task of the 1st set is to prepare the muscles for maximum load and consolidate technical skills. 40% of the best result is completed. The recovery phase before the 2nd approach is at least 2 minutes;
  • in the 2nd set, the intensity of the load increases - without much effort you need to pull yourself up to 80% of your capabilities. Rest before the decisive set - 3 minutes;
  • 3rd set – full mobilization of strength and an attempt to set a personal record in pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Popular techniques. Lewis Armstrong pull-up system.

The plan for pull-ups on the horizontal bar, proposed by US Army Major L. Armstrong, is aimed at achieving a mandatory result of 20 pull-ups in 2 months. Training schedule – 5 times a week. The peculiarity of the method is that the emphasis is shifted towards perfect execution of the exercise, from a technical point of view, to the detriment of the number of repetitions.

  • Day 1: 5 sets with as many repetitions as possible. Breaks are 1.5 minutes. Practice shows that in the last two approaches the results improve.
  • Day 2: “pyramid” with step 1.
  • Day 3: choose the optimal possible number of repetitions per set in order to complete 9 sets with exactly the same number of pull-ups in each of them. Every 3 sets you need to change your grip. Rest between sets 1 minute.
  • Day 4: Complete as many sets as possible. If you manage to do more than 9, then next week you need to add 1 repetition per set.
  • Day 5: select and repeat the hardest day in the weekly cycle.

Variety of pull-up techniques

An effective tool that provides additional opportunities for the training process are exercises with weights and special pull-up techniques:

  • mixed grip;
  • with a stop in the lower phase;
  • head pull-ups;
  • with the chest touching the bar of the horizontal bar;
  • pull-ups in different directions;

Correct technique is the key to effective training

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar do not belong to the category of complex gymnastic tricks, but they deserve their share of attention. What underlies the technically pure performance of this exercise:

  • the starting position in classic types of pull-ups is a free hang with a slightly arched back, legs slightly bent at the knees, feet crossed;
  • lifting and lowering is performed without jerking, smoothly;
  • the chin at the top point of the movement should be above the bar;
  • You should not allow your legs to sway, your body to twist, or your body to lift due to inertial forces. Only muscle strength is used;
  • breathing algorithm: exhale as you rise, inhale as you descend;
  • the body is located in a strictly vertical position.

A typical mistake for beginners is when lifting, an attempt to place the chin behind the bar is carried out with a sharp movement, throwing the head back. At the same time, you instinctively take a breath and contract your shoulders. This “technique” is fraught with serious injury to the cervical spine.

Preliminary consultation with a doctor, adherence to the basic rules of sports training, self-discipline and a balanced diet are the components of the successful implementation of any of the selected pull-up programs on the horizontal bar.

Many people think that achieving 20 or 30 pull-ups is easy if you work hard every day and gradually increase the number of times as possible. Pull-ups using the so-called “ladder” system inspire and arouse interest in this activity, but in reality they do not give the expected result.

Yes, at some stage you can improve your results by up to 15 or even 20 times, but you shouldn’t expect progress when working with this system.

Having reached the mark of 15 or 20 times in a few months, as a rule, many stop not because they lose interest, but because the program does not allow you to do more times under any circumstances. A certain barrier arises, the body rebels, and a state of 100% overtraining appears.

Imagine your disappointment when there is so little left to reach the goal of 20 or 30 times, but you cannot overcome the milestone. But not everything is as bad as it might seem. The fact is that all this means only one thing - the need to find a truly effective technique that will help you reach your goal without harm to health. Such a program should be suitable for everyone, both those who are naturally gifted and those who find even one pull-up difficult.

Does such a program exist in nature? Of course, and not alone! The main thing is to choose an option that will meet the following requirements:

  1. The technique should allow a person to increase the number of pull-ups, developing in him the ability to do them in the maximum number.
  2. The 30-week program should support the development of a range of bar training parameters. Anyone who works to increase their reps sooner or later comes to a point where they can no longer do more than their established number of pull-ups. In this case, the technique must provide alternative ways to mislead physiology without compromising human health.
  3. A quality 30-week program should emphasize the accessory muscles that play a critical role in pull-ups, rather than just focusing on training the lats and biceps.
  4. An effective technique should not provoke a decrease in strength in basic strength exercises, such as the deadlift or bench press, leading to body disharmony and injury. It is very important that in the process of working on increasing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, the strength results in the main exercises with a barbell are maintained, and the core muscles are also actively developed.

When choosing a system for increasing the number of pull-ups in 30 weeks, it is necessary to take into account the load planes, due to which it is possible to work all parts of the body as evenly as possible. If this is not done, the muscles will develop incorrectly, which sooner or later will lead to problems with digestion, coordination and curvature.

In addition, the training system on the horizontal bar during all weeks of training should provoke the active production of anabolic hormones, which will lead to an increase in muscle mass and an increase in strength indicators with a decrease in body fat!

30 week training system

Below is an example of an effective pull-up system designed for 30 weeks, increasing the number of repetitions from 20 to 82. By combining pull-ups with a number of exercises to develop auxiliary muscles and build strength, you can achieve your goal in a certain number of weeks.

Number of times
A week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Approach 1 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16
Approach 2 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10
Approach 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9
Approach 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9
Approach 5 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8
Total 23 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52
Number of times
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 26
2 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15
3 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14
4 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14
5 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13
Total 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82

Please note that the program is designed for people who already know how to do 5-6 pull-ups on the horizontal bar. If you are an absolute beginner in this matter and have never done pull-ups before, then first you will need to learn how to do it at least once. Start with so-called “negative” pull-ups and push-ups to strengthen your arms. “Negative” pull-ups involve pausing at the highest possible point on the horizontal bar. You will need to try to hang in this position for at least a minute.

Exercises on the horizontal bar are one of the accessible and inexpensive ways to maintain physical fitness. After all, horizontal bars can be found everywhere on sports grounds, near sports complexes and stadiums, and even in many courtyards of apartment buildings. And if you don’t want to play sports on the street, then you can buy a special crossbar and install it in your house or apartment so that you can train at any time. One of the most popular and effective exercises on the bar is pull-ups.

They perfectly strengthen the back and shoulder muscles and often cause difficulties for beginners. However, do not despair, the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations and practice, then everything will work out.

Pull-ups are a great exercise that can help assess fitness levels, but few people can do more than a few pull-ups, and many can't do them at all. But it's never too late to learn especially since this exercise carries it has a lot of benefits. Beautiful posture, a healthy spine, prevention of scoliosis - these are the benefits of exercises on the horizontal bar. And when you hang on the bar normally, the muscles stretch and relax, and the load on the spine is evenly distributed.

All of the above benefits from the exercise can only be obtained if you perform it correctly. Particular attention should be paid to this. First of all, before starting classes, you should become familiar with the correct technique implementation and some recommendations, including:

Pull-up techniques

There is also such a thing as wide and narrow grip pull-ups. In this case, the main emphasis is on the width of the arms. For close grip pull-ups The hands are placed as close to each other as possible, and with a wide grip - further apart, wider than shoulder width. It is important to note that the wider the grip used, the more the muscles that are responsible for extending the back will be used.

Breathing correctly

One more important point before how to start practicing - learning to breathe correctly. After all, thanks to proper breathing, the results will be better, and the body will get tired more slowly, since the muscles will receive the necessary amount of oxygen. The main thing to remember is that you should not hold your breath under any circumstances. As with many exercises, but not all, the inhalation is done during the relaxation phase of the exercise, and the exhalation is done during the effort.

The breathing pattern during the exercise will be as follows:

  1. Initial position. Grasp the bar with your hands and take a deep breath.
  2. At the same time, slowly exhale and pull yourself up so that your chin is above the bar.
  3. Inhale calmly and simultaneously return to the starting position at the lowest point of the movement.

As you gain experience and develop strength, the exercise will become much easier to perform and without the desire to hold your breath.

After familiarizing yourself with the basic theoretical material (how to do pull-ups correctly, how to breathe during exercises and general recommendations), you can begin to practice. Beginners should remember that proper technique, not the number of repetitions, is important for achieving the best results. It is important to take your time to complete one or two repetitions and do it correctly, rather than torturing yourself with too many sets. The number of repetitions should be increased gradually, while not forgetting about the regularity of training.

It’s also worth mentally preparing for the fact that not everything will work out right away. Especially if you are overweight, which will become an additional load when performing the exercise. Lack of previous sports experience means underdeveloped muscles and general physical weakness. In such cases, mastering this exercise will take a little more time and effort.

Negative repetitions

One of the best ways to master this exercise is the negative repetition method. It is called that because it is not a classic pull-up, which involves pulling up to the bar and lowering, but only part of the complete exercise, namely the negative phase, in which the body is lowered down.

For beginners who have never even done a pull-up in their life, this method will be very useful. The meaning of this technique is that the body position is assumed as if the pull-up has already been completed and remains just return to the starting position. Thanks to this, the muscles that are involved in performing the exercise will be strengthened, they will become stronger, which will allow you to begin performing the exercise completely in the future.

To perform this, you need to find a low horizontal bar or place a stool under your feet. Take the position of the body at the highest point of the exercise, that is, so that the chin is above the bar, and stay in this position for several seconds. Next, you need to lower yourself, slowly straightening your arms. Rest for 5-10 seconds and repeat. When performing the exercise, you should focus on your well-being. It is optimal to perform several approaches 5 times.

Using this method as the main program for doing pull-ups on a horizontal bar from scratch, within a week you will be able to see the results of your work. It is important to do the exercise regularly, do not forget about warming up before and resting after doing it. If progress is noticeable, then you can increase the number of approaches or try to introduce full pull-ups into your workout.

Help from a friend

Another great method that is just as good and will help you start doing pull-ups as quickly as possible. This method requires a buddy or training partner, who will help and insure while performing the exercise.

First you need to hang on the horizontal bar, being at the lowest point of the exercise. Tighten your back and abdominal muscles. Then slowly start moving upward, while a friend or partner, holding the partner’s legs from behind, should help a little and push up. Hold at the top point and slowly lower to the starting position. It is important to avoid sudden movements, as this can lead to injury. A few workouts and you will be able to do pull-ups on your own. If you are in good physical shape, have developed arm and back muscles, and you want to know how to learn how to do pull-ups in 1 day, then this method is best suited.

Monthly program

The proposed program lasts a month and is suitable for both boys and girls. The first thing you need to do before you start training is warm-up. Any exercise that involves the muscles of the arms and back will do. This can include swinging your arms, bending over, rotating your wrists, and bending your elbows. It is important to work well those muscles that will bear the main load, so as not to injure them later. After this, you can move on to the training itself.. The program itself is divided into four weeks.

During the entire first week of training, you will need the help of a partner or you can use a chair. Your partner should grab your legs and help a little, as if pushing you up. Or place a chair under the horizontal bar and, bending your knees, rest your toes on it. At this stage it is important to master the correct technique. You need to exercise every other day and do 3 sets of 6 repetitions.

This week should be devoted to negative pull-ups. The essence of this technique is described above. The main point is to learn how to correctly lower the body from a position as if the pull-up has already been completed, that is, from the highest point in the exercise. Carry out training every other day, doing 3 sets of 6 times each.

Throughout the week, pull-ups with a partner or a chair, as in the first week’s program, and negative pull-ups are combined. Perform 3 sets of 6-10 times. If after completing the exercises it seems that they were easy, then you can increase the number of times to 20.

It's time to move on to real pull-ups. Over the previous three weeks, the body should have gotten used to the loads, and the muscles should have strengthened. Don't worry about the number of pull-ups you can do. You need to start small and for a start it will be good if you can do 2-3 pull-ups. You need to do 3 approaches and practice every other day. The main thing is not to do yourself any favors and do pull-ups as many times as possible. You can gradually increase the number of repetitions and thus learn to do 10 or even 25 pull-ups in one approach. To increase the number of repetitions, you can use, for example, the training system given in the table below.

Even for those who have never done a pull-up in their life, there are several techniques and courses with exercises that will help answer the question: how to start doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch. By doing the above exercises at home or outside on the sports ground, you can learn how to do pull-ups and become a real turnstile athlete. If you do everything following the recommendations, the first results will not take long to appear.

Regularity is important in this matter. You need to follow the prepared program and not abandon your studies, otherwise you may unlearn what you have already learned. Don’t forget about warming up before each workout and resting, which is necessary for recovery.

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